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module Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version
( MetadataCatalogVersion (..),
SourceCatalogVersion (..),
SourceCatalogMigrationState (..),
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, LogLevel (..), ToEngineLog (..))
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (SourceName)
import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendType)
import Hasura.Server.Logging (StartupLog (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift (Lift)
-- | Represents the catalog version. This is stored in the database and then
-- compared with the latest version on startup.
data MetadataCatalogVersion
= -- | A typical catalog version.
MetadataCatalogVersion Int
| -- | Maintained for compatibility with catalog version 0.8.
deriving stock (Eq, Lift)
instance Ord MetadataCatalogVersion where
compare = compare `on` toFloat
toFloat :: MetadataCatalogVersion -> Float
toFloat (MetadataCatalogVersion v) = fromIntegral v
toFloat MetadataCatalogVersion08 = 0.8
instance Enum MetadataCatalogVersion where
toEnum = MetadataCatalogVersion
fromEnum (MetadataCatalogVersion v) = v
fromEnum MetadataCatalogVersion08 = error "Cannot enumerate unstable catalog versions."
instance Show MetadataCatalogVersion where
show (MetadataCatalogVersion v) = show v
show MetadataCatalogVersion08 = "0.8"
instance Read MetadataCatalogVersion where
readsPrec prec s
| "0.8" `isPrefixOf` s =
[(MetadataCatalogVersion08, drop 3 s)]
| otherwise =
map (first MetadataCatalogVersion) $ filter ((>= 0) . fst) $ readsPrec @Int prec s
-- | This is the source catalog version, used when deciding whether to (re-)create event triggers.
newtype SourceCatalogVersion (backend :: BackendType) = SourceCatalogVersion {unSourceCatalogVersion :: Int}
deriving newtype (Eq, Enum, Show, Read)
deriving stock (Lift)
data SourceCatalogMigrationState
= -- | Source has not been initialized yet.
| -- | Source catalog is already at the latest catalog version.
SCMSNothingToDo Int
| -- | Initialization of the source catalog along with the catalog version.
SCMSInitialized Int
| -- | Source catalog migration <old catalog version> to <new catalog version>.
SCMSMigratedTo Int Int
| -- | Source catalog migration on hold with reason (Maintenance mode, read only mode etc).
SCMSMigrationOnHold Text
| SCMSNotSupported
instance ToEngineLog (SourceName, SourceCatalogMigrationState) Hasura where
toEngineLog (sourceName, migrationStatus) =
let migrationStatusMessage =
case migrationStatus of
SCMSUninitializedSource -> "source " <> sourceName <<> " has not been initialized yet."
SCMSNothingToDo catalogVersion ->
"source "
<> sourceName
<<> " is already at the latest catalog version ("
<> tshow catalogVersion
<> ")."
SCMSInitialized catalogVersion ->
"source "
<> sourceName
<<> " has the source catalog version successfully initialized (at version "
<> tshow catalogVersion
<> ")."
SCMSMigratedTo oldCatalogVersion newCatalogVersion ->
"source "
<> sourceName <<> " has been migrated successfully from catalog version "
<> tshow oldCatalogVersion
<> " to "
<> tshow newCatalogVersion
<> "."
SCMSMigrationOnHold reason ->
"Source catalog migration for source: " <> sourceName <<> " is on hold due to " <> reason <> "."
SCMSNotSupported ->
"Source catalog migration is not supported for source " <>> sourceName
in toEngineLog $
{ slLogLevel = LevelInfo,
slKind = "source_catalog_migrate",
slInfo =
A.toJSON $
[ "source" A..= sourceName,
"message" A..= migrationStatusMessage