2022-05-25 13:24:41 +03:00
-- | BigQuery DDL ComputedField
-- Implementation to build 'ComputedFieldInfo' for a BigQuery table from metadata
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.DDL.ComputedField
( buildComputedFieldInfo,
import Control.Monad.Validate qualified as MV
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import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
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import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.DDL.Source
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Meta
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
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import Hasura.Function.Cache
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import Hasura.Prelude
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import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
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import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Errors that occur when validating and building computed fields.
data ComputedFieldError
= CFENoArgumentType FunctionArgName
| CFENotTableValuedFunction
| CFENoInputArguments
| CFENoArgumentName
| CFEInvalidArgumentName FunctionArgName
| CFEInvalidColumnName TableName ColumnName
| CFEReturnTableNotTracked TableName
| CFENeedReturnTableName
| CFENotRelevantReturnTable TableName
| CFEReturnTableSchemaError ReturnTableSchemaError
-- | Errors that occur when validating returning table schema fields
data ReturnTableSchemaError
= RTSENoFieldName
| RTSENoType Text
| RTSENotValidGraphQLName Text
-- | Generate read-able error message
showError :: FunctionName -> ComputedFieldError -> Text
showError functionName = \case
CFENoArgumentType argName ->
"argument " <> argName <<> " has no data type defined in the function " <>> functionName
CFENotTableValuedFunction ->
prefixFunction <> " is not a TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION"
CFENoInputArguments ->
prefixFunction <> " has no input arguments defined"
CFENoArgumentName ->
prefixFunction <> " has at least one argument without name"
CFEInvalidArgumentName argName ->
"the argument " <> argName <<> " is not one of function " <> functionName <<> " input arguments"
CFEInvalidColumnName tableName columnName ->
"the column " <> columnName <<> " does not exist in table " <>> tableName
CFEReturnTableNotTracked tableName ->
prefixFunction <> " returning set of table " <> tableName <<> " is not tracked"
CFENeedReturnTableName ->
prefixFunction <> " is not defined with 'RETURNS TABLE'. Expecting return table name."
CFENotRelevantReturnTable tableName ->
"return table " <> tableName <<> " is not required as the function " <> functionName <<> " returns arbitrary column fields"
CFEReturnTableSchemaError returnFieldsError -> showReturnFieldsError returnFieldsError
showReturnFieldsError :: ReturnTableSchemaError -> Text
showReturnFieldsError = \case
RTSENoFieldName -> "at least one field name is absent"
RTSENoType fieldName -> "fieldName " <> fieldName <<> " has not type information"
RTSENotValidGraphQLName fieldName -> "fieldName " <> fieldName <<> " is not a valid GraphQL name"
prefixFunction :: Text
prefixFunction = "function " <>> functionName
-- | Validate computed field metadata and build field information
buildComputedFieldInfo ::
forall m.
(MonadError QErr m) =>
HashSet TableName ->
TableName ->
HashSet ColumnName ->
ComputedFieldName ->
ComputedFieldDefinition ->
RestRoutine ->
Comment ->
m (ComputedFieldInfo 'BigQuery)
buildComputedFieldInfo trackedTables table tableColumns computedField ComputedFieldDefinition {..} restRoutine comment = do
either (throw400 NotSupported . showErrors) pure =<< MV.runValidateT mkComputedFieldInfo
mkComputedFieldInfo ::
forall n.
MV.MonadValidate [ComputedFieldError] n =>
n (ComputedFieldInfo 'BigQuery)
mkComputedFieldInfo = do
-- Currently, we only support functions returning set of rows in computed field.
-- Support for scalar computed fields is being tracked at https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/8521.
unless (routineType restRoutine == TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION) $ MV.dispute $ pure CFENotTableValuedFunction
restArguments <- onNothing (arguments restRoutine) $ MV.refute (pure CFENoInputArguments)
inputArguments <- Seq.fromList <$> for restArguments resolveInputArgument
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for_ (HashMap.toList _bqcfdArgumentMapping) (validateArgumentMapping inputArguments)
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let fieldFunction = ComputedFieldFunction _bqcfdFunction inputArguments _bqcfdArgumentMapping Nothing
fieldReturn <- resolveFunctionReturning (returnTableType restRoutine) _bqcfdReturnTable
pure $ ComputedFieldInfo @'BigQuery () computedField fieldFunction fieldReturn $ commentToMaybeText comment
resolveInputArgument :: RestArgument -> n FunctionArgument
resolveInputArgument RestArgument {..} = do
case _raName of
Nothing -> MV.refute $ pure CFENoArgumentName
Just name -> do
let argName = FunctionArgName name
restType <- onNothing _raDataType $ MV.refute $ pure $ CFENoArgumentType argName
pure $ FunctionArgument argName (restTypeToScalarType restType)
validateArgumentMapping :: Seq FunctionArgument -> (FunctionArgName, ColumnName) -> n ()
validateArgumentMapping args (functionArgName, columnName) = do
-- Check if argument is one of function input arguments
unless (functionArgName `elem` (_faName <$> args)) $ MV.dispute $ pure $ CFEInvalidArgumentName functionArgName
-- Check if column name exist in list of table columns
unless (columnName `HS.member` tableColumns) $ MV.dispute $ pure $ CFEInvalidColumnName table columnName
resolveReturnSqlFields :: [RestStandardSqlField] -> n [(ColumnName, G.Name, ScalarType)]
resolveReturnSqlFields fields =
forM fields $ \RestStandardSqlField {..} -> do
fieldName <- onNothing _rssfName $ MV.refute $ pure $ CFEReturnTableSchemaError RTSENoFieldName
fieldGraphQLName <- onNothing (G.mkName fieldName) $ MV.refute $ pure $ CFEReturnTableSchemaError $ RTSENotValidGraphQLName fieldName
type' <- onNothing _rssType $ MV.refute $ pure $ CFEReturnTableSchemaError $ RTSENoType fieldName
pure (ColumnName fieldName, fieldGraphQLName, restTypeToScalarType type')
resolveFunctionReturning ::
Maybe RestStandardSqlTableType ->
Maybe TableName ->
n ComputedFieldReturn
resolveFunctionReturning Nothing Nothing =
MV.refute $ pure CFENeedReturnTableName
resolveFunctionReturning Nothing (Just returnTable) =
-- Function does not return schema of a table. The return table type should be inferred
-- from function definition. The user provides returning table name through metadata.
-- Check if returning table is tracked.
if returnTable `HS.member` trackedTables
then pure (ReturnExistingTable returnTable)
else MV.refute $ pure $ CFEReturnTableNotTracked returnTable
resolveFunctionReturning (Just returnFields) Nothing =
-- Return table is not specified and the function returns a schema of a table,
-- specified as a list of column names and their type.
ReturnTableSchema <$> resolveReturnSqlFields (_rrttColumns returnFields)
resolveFunctionReturning (Just _) (Just returnTable) =
MV.refute $ pure $ CFENotRelevantReturnTable returnTable
showErrors :: [ComputedFieldError] -> Text
showErrors allErrors =
"the computed field "
<> computedField <<> " cannot be added to table "
<> table <<> " "
<> reasonMessage
reasonMessage = makeReasonMessage allErrors (showError _bqcfdFunction)