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-- |
-- Description: Create/delete SQL functions to/from Hasura metadata.
module Hasura.Function.API
( FunctionPermissionArgument (..),
SetFunctionCustomization (..),
TrackFunction (..),
TrackFunctionV2 (..),
UnTrackFunction (..),
import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Base.Error
2020-08-27 19:36:39 +03:00
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Function.Cache
import Hasura.Function.Metadata (FunctionMetadata (..), fmConfiguration, fmPermissions)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendTag
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Instances ()
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Roles (RoleName)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
newtype TrackFunction b = TrackFunction {tfName :: FunctionName b}
deriving instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (TrackFunction b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => ToJSON (TrackFunction b)
-- | Track function, Phase 1:
-- Validate function tracking operation. Fails if function is already being
-- tracked, or if a table with the same name is being tracked.
trackFunctionP1 ::
forall b m.
(CacheRM m, QErrM m, Backend b) =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName b ->
m ()
trackFunctionP1 sourceName qf = do
rawSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
unless (isJust $ AB.unpackAnyBackend @b =<< Map.lookup sourceName (scSources rawSchemaCache)) $
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
throw400 NotExists $
sourceName <<> " is not a known " <> reify (backendTag @b) <<> " source"
when (isJust $ unsafeFunctionInfo @b sourceName qf $ scSources rawSchemaCache) $
throw400 AlreadyTracked $
"function already tracked: " <>> qf
let qt = functionToTable @b qf
when (isJust $ unsafeTableInfo @b sourceName qt $ scSources rawSchemaCache) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"table with name " <> qf <<> " already exists"
trackFunctionP2 ::
forall b m.
(MonadError QErr m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName b ->
FunctionConfig ->
Maybe Text ->
trackFunctionP2 sourceName qf config comment = do
(MOSourceObjId sourceName $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOFunction @b qf)
$ MetadataModifier
$ metaSources . ix sourceName . toSourceMetadata . (smFunctions @b)
%~ OMap.insert qf (FunctionMetadata qf config mempty comment)
pure successMsg
getSingleUniqueFunctionOverload ::
forall b m.
(QErrM m, Backend b) =>
FunctionName b ->
FunctionOverloads b ->
m (RawFunctionInfo b)
getSingleUniqueFunctionOverload qf = \case
FunctionOverloads (fi :| []) -> return fi
_ -> throw400 NotSupported $ "function " <> qf <<> " is overloaded. Overloaded functions are not supported"
runTrackFunc ::
forall b m.
(MonadError QErr m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) =>
TrackFunction b ->
runTrackFunc (TrackFunction qf) = do
-- v1 track_function lacks a means to take extra arguments
trackFunctionP1 @b defaultSource qf
trackFunctionP2 @b defaultSource qf emptyFunctionConfig Nothing
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
-- | JSON API payload for v2 of 'track_function':
data TrackFunctionV2 (b :: BackendType) = TrackFunctionV2
{ _tfv2Source :: SourceName,
_tfv2Function :: FunctionName b,
_tfv2Configuration :: FunctionConfig,
_tfv2Comment :: Maybe Text
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
instance Backend b => FromJSON (TrackFunctionV2 b) where
parseJSON = withObject "TrackFunctionV2" $ \o ->
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
<$> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
<*> o .: "function"
<*> o .:? "configuration" .!= emptyFunctionConfig
<*> o .:? "comment"
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
runTrackFunctionV2 ::
forall b m.
(BackendMetadata b, QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) =>
TrackFunctionV2 b ->
runTrackFunctionV2 (TrackFunctionV2 source qf config comment) = do
trackFunctionP1 @b source qf
trackFunctionP2 @b source qf config comment
-- | JSON API payload for 'untrack_function':
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
data UnTrackFunction b = UnTrackFunction
{ _utfFunction :: FunctionName b,
_utfSource :: SourceName
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (UnTrackFunction b) where
-- Following was the previous implementation, which while seems to be correct,
-- has an unexpected behaviour. In the case when @source@ key is present but
-- @function@ key is absent, it would silently coerce it into a @default@
-- source. The culprint being the _alternative_ operator, which silently fails
-- the first parse. This note exists so that we don't try to simplify using
-- the _alternative_ pattern here.
-- Previous implementation :-
-- Consider the following JSON -
-- {
-- "source": "custom_source",
-- "schema": "public",
-- "name": "my_function"
-- }
-- it silently fails parsing the source here because @function@ key is not
-- present, and proceeds to parse using @withoutSource@ as default source. Now
-- this is surprising for the user, because they mention @source@ key
-- explicitly. A better behaviour is to explicitly look for @function@ key if
-- a @source@ key is present.
-- >>
-- parseJSON v = withSource <|> withoutSource
-- where
-- withoutSource = UnTrackFunction <$> parseJSON v <*> pure defaultSource
-- withSource = flip (withObject "UnTrackFunction") v \o -> do
-- UnTrackFunction <$> o .: "function"
-- <*> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
parseJSON v = flip (withObject "UnTrackFunction") v $ \o -> do
source <- o .:? "source"
case source of
Just src -> flip UnTrackFunction src <$> o .: "function"
Nothing -> UnTrackFunction <$> parseJSON v <*> pure defaultSource
runUntrackFunc ::
forall b m.
(CacheRWM m, MonadError QErr m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) =>
UnTrackFunction b ->
runUntrackFunc (UnTrackFunction functionName sourceName) = do
void $ askFunctionInfo @b sourceName functionName
withNewInconsistentObjsCheck $
buildSchemaCache $
dropFunctionInMetadata @b sourceName functionName
pure successMsg
{- Note [Function Permissions]
Before we started supporting tracking volatile functions, permissions
for a function was inferred from the target table of the function.
The rationale behind this is that a stable/immutable function does not
modify the database and the data returned by the function is filtered using
the permissions that are specified precisely for that data.
Now consider mutable/volatile functions, we can't automatically infer whether or
not these functions should be exposed for the sole reason that they can modify
the database. This necessitates a permission system for functions.
So, we introduce a new API `pg_create_function_permission` which will
explicitly grant permission to a function to a role. For creating a
function permission, the role must have select permissions configured
for the target table.
Since, this is a breaking change, we enable it only when the graphql-engine
is started with
`--infer-function-permissions`/HASURA_GRAPHQL_INFER_FUNCTION_PERMISSIONS set
to false (by default, it's set to true).
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
data FunctionPermissionArgument b = FunctionPermissionArgument
{ _afpFunction :: FunctionName b,
_afpSource :: SourceName,
_afpRole :: RoleName
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (FunctionPermissionArgument b) where
parseJSON v =
flip (withObject "FunctionPermissionArgument") v $ \o ->
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
<$> o .: "function"
<*> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
<*> o .: "role"
runCreateFunctionPermission ::
forall b m.
( CacheRWM m,
MonadError QErr m,
MetadataM m,
BackendMetadata b
) =>
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
FunctionPermissionArgument b ->
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
runCreateFunctionPermission (FunctionPermissionArgument functionName source role) = do
metadata <- getMetadata
sourceCache <- scSources <$> askSchemaCache
functionInfo <- askFunctionInfo @b source functionName
when (doesFunctionPermissionExist @b metadata source functionName role) $
throw400 AlreadyExists $
"permission of role "
<> role <<> " already exists for function "
<> functionName <<> " in source: " <>> source
functionTableInfo <-
unsafeTableInfo @b source (_fiReturnType functionInfo) sourceCache
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists ("function's return table " <> _fiReturnType functionInfo <<> " not found in the cache")
unless (role `Map.member` _tiRolePermInfoMap functionTableInfo) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"function permission can only be added when the function's return table "
<> _fiReturnType functionInfo <<> " has select permission configured for role: " <>> role
( MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend (SMOFunctionPermission @b functionName role)
$ MetadataModifier
$ metaSources
. ix
. toSourceMetadata
. (smFunctions @b)
. ix functionName
. fmPermissions
%~ (:) (FunctionPermissionInfo role)
pure successMsg
dropFunctionPermissionInMetadata ::
forall b.
(BackendMetadata b) =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName b ->
RoleName ->
dropFunctionPermissionInMetadata source function role =
MetadataModifier $
metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata . (smFunctions @b) . ix function . fmPermissions %~ filter ((/=) role . _fpmRole)
doesFunctionPermissionExist :: forall b. (BackendMetadata b) => Metadata -> SourceName -> FunctionName b -> RoleName -> Bool
doesFunctionPermissionExist metadata sourceName functionName roleName =
any ((== roleName) . _fpmRole) $ metadata ^. (metaSources . ix sourceName . toSourceMetadata . (smFunctions @b) . ix functionName . fmPermissions)
runDropFunctionPermission ::
forall m b.
( CacheRWM m,
MonadError QErr m,
MetadataM m,
BackendMetadata b
) =>
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
FunctionPermissionArgument b ->
Clean metadata arguments ## Description Thanks to #1664, the Metadata API types no longer require a `ToJSON` instance. This PR follows up with a cleanup of the types of the arguments to the metadata API: - whenever possible, it moves those argument types to where they're used (RQL.DDL.*) - it removes all unrequired instances (mostly `ToJSON`) This PR does not attempt to do it for _all_ such argument types. For some of the metadata operations, the type used to describe the argument to the API and used to represent the value in the metadata are one and the same (like for `CreateEndpoint`). Sometimes, the two types are intertwined in complex ways (`RemoteRelationship` and `RemoteRelationshipDef`). In the spirit of only doing uncontroversial cleaning work, this PR only moves types that are not used outside of RQL.DDL. Furthermore, this is a small step towards separating the different types all jumbled together in RQL.Types. ## Notes This PR also improves several `FromJSON` instances to make use of `withObject`, and to use a human readable string instead of a type name in error messages whenever possible. For instance: - before: `expected Object for Object, but encountered X` after: `expected Object for add computed field, but encountered X` - before: `Expecting an object for update query` after: `expected Object for update query, but encountered X` This PR also renames `CreateFunctionPermission` to `FunctionPermissionArgument`, to remove the quite surprising `type DropFunctionPermission = CreateFunctionPermission`. This PR also deletes some dead code, mostly in RQL.DML. This PR also moves a PG-specific source resolving function from DDL.Schema.Source to the only place where it is used: App.hs. GitOrigin-RevId: a594521194bb7fe6a111b02a9e099896f9fed59c
2021-07-27 13:41:42 +03:00
runDropFunctionPermission (FunctionPermissionArgument functionName source role) = do
metadata <- getMetadata
unless (doesFunctionPermissionExist @b metadata source functionName role) $
throw400 NotExists $
"permission of role "
<> role <<> " does not exist for function "
<> functionName <<> " in source: " <>> source
( MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOFunctionPermission @b functionName role
$ dropFunctionPermissionInMetadata @b source functionName role
pure successMsg
-- | Represents the payload of the API command 'pg_set_function_customization'.
-- See the Hasura API reference for a detailed description.
data SetFunctionCustomization b = SetFunctionCustomization
{ _sfcSource :: SourceName,
_sfcFunction :: FunctionName b,
_sfcConfiguration :: FunctionConfig
deriving instance Backend b => Show (SetFunctionCustomization b)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (SetFunctionCustomization b)
instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (SetFunctionCustomization b) where
parseJSON = withObject "set function customization" $ \o ->
<$> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
<*> o .: "function"
<*> o .: "configuration"
-- | Changes the custom names of a function. Used in the API command 'pg_set_function_customization'.
runSetFunctionCustomization ::
forall b m.
(QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, Backend b) =>
SetFunctionCustomization b ->
runSetFunctionCustomization (SetFunctionCustomization source function config) = do
void $ askFunctionInfo @b source function
(MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOFunction @b function)
$ MetadataModifier
$ ((functionMetadataSetter @b source function) . fmConfiguration) .~ config
return successMsg