An insert permission is used to enforce constraints on the data that is being
Let's look at an example, a permission for the ``user`` role to insert into the
``article`` table. What is the constraint that we would like to enforce here? *A
user can only insert articles for themselves* .
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_create_insert_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user",
"permission" : {
"check" : {
"author_id" : "X-HASURA-USER-ID"
This reads as follows - for the ``user`` role:
* For every row that is being inserted into the *article* table, allow insert only if the ``check`` passes i.e. that the ``author_id`` column value is the same as the value in the request header ``X-HASURA-USER-ID``".
* If the above ``check`` passes, then access for insert will be limited to columns ``name`` and ``author_id`` only.
* When this insert happens, the value of the column ``id`` will be automatically ``set`` to the value of the resolved session variable ``X-HASURA-USER-ID``.
The argument for ``check`` is a boolean expression which has the same syntax as the ``where`` clause in the ``select`` query, making it extremely expressive.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_create_insert_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user",
"permission" : {
"check" : {
"author_id" : "X-HASURA-USER-ID",
"$or" : [
"category" : "editorial",
"is_reviewed" : false
"category" : { "$neq" : "editorial"}
In the above definition, the row is allowed to be inserted if the ``author_id``
is the same as the request's user id and ``is_reviewed`` is ``false`` when the
``category`` is "editorial".
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - permission
- true
- The permission definition
* - comment
- false
- text
- Comment
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
The ``pg_drop_insert_permission`` API is used to drop an existing insert permission for a role on a table.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_drop_insert_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user"
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
A select permission is used to restrict access to only the specified columns and rows.
Let's look at an example, a permission for the ``user`` role to select from the
``article`` table: all columns can be read, as well as the rows that have been published or
authored by the user themselves.
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_create_select_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"role" : "user",
"source": "default",
"permission" : {
"columns" : "*",
"filter" : {
"$or" : [
{ "author_id" : "X-HASURA-USER-ID" },
{ "is_published" : true }
"limit": 10,
"allow_aggregations": true
This reads as follows - For the ``user`` role:
* Allow selecting rows where the ``check`` passes i.e. ``is_published`` is ``true`` or the ``author_id`` matches the value of the session variable ``X-HASURA-USER-ID``.
* Allow selecting all columns (because the ``columns`` key is set to ``*``).
*``limit`` the numbers of rows returned by a query to the ``article`` table by the ``user`` role to a maximum of 10.
* Allow aggregate queries.
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - permission
- true
- The permission definition
* - comment
- false
- text
- Comment
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
The ``pg_drop_select_permission`` is used to drop an existing select permission for a role on a table.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_drop_select_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"role" : "user",
"source": "default"
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
An update permission is used to restrict the columns and rows that can be
updated. Its structure is quite similar to the select permission.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_create_update_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user",
"permission" : {
"columns" : ["title", "content", "category"],
"filter" : {
"author_id" : "X-HASURA-USER-ID"
"check" : {
"content" : {
"_ne": ""
"updated_at" : "NOW()"
This reads as follows - for the ``user`` role:
* Allow updating only those rows where the ``filter`` passes i.e. the value of the ``author_id`` column of a row matches the value of the session variable ``X-HASURA-USER-ID``.
* If the above ``filter`` passes for a given row, allow updating only the ``title``, ``content`` and ``category`` columns (*as specified in the*``columns``*key*).
* After the update happens, verify that the ``check`` condition holds for the updated row i.e. that the value in the ``content`` column is not empty.
* When this update happens, the value of the column ``updated_at`` will be automatically ``set`` to the current timestamp.
It is important to deny updates to columns that will determine the row
ownership. In the above example, the ``author_id`` column determines the
ownership of a row in the ``article`` table. Columns such as this should
never be allowed to be updated.
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - permission
- true
- The permission definition
* - comment
- false
- text
- Comment
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
The ``pg_drop_update_permission`` API is used to drop an existing update permission for a role on a table.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_drop_update_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user"
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
A delete permission is used to restrict the rows that can be deleted.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_create_delete_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"source": "default",
"role" : "user",
"permission" : {
"filter" : {
"author_id" : "X-HASURA-USER-ID"
This reads as follows:
"``delete`` for the ``user`` role on the ``article`` table is allowed on rows where
``author_id`` is the same as the request header ``X-HASURA-USER-ID`` value."
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - permission
- true
- The permission definition
* - comment
- false
- text
- Comment
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
The ``pg_drop_delete_permission`` API is used to drop an existing delete permission for a role on a table.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type" : "pg_drop_delete_permission",
"args" : {
"table" : "article",
"role" : "user",
"source": "default"
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- Role
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)
``pg_set_permission_comment`` is used to set/update the comment on a permission.
Setting the comment to ``null`` removes it.
An example:
..code-block:: http
POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: admin
"type": "pg_set_permission_comment",
"args": {
"table": "article",
"source": "default",
"role": "user",
"type" : "update",
"comment" : "can only modify his/her own rows"
Args syntax
* - Key
- Required
- Schema
- Description
* - table
- true
- Name of the table
* - role
- true
- The role in the permission
* - type
- true
- permission type (one of select/update/delete/insert)
- The type of the permission
* - comment
- false
- Text
- Comment
* - source
- false
-:ref:`SourceName <SourceName>`
- Name of the source database of the table (default: ``default``)