mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 09:22:43 +03:00
Feature/gdw 113
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4620 GitOrigin-RevId: f732fff4f3f2449ebc97f76522ee6ad11bcfbc68
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Query
( Query (..),
Field (..),
RelField (..),
RelType (..),
ForeignKey (..),
PrimaryKey (..),
QueryResponse (..),
@ -63,8 +64,17 @@ instance HasCodec Query where
data RelType = ObjectRelationship | ArrayRelationship
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
instance HasCodec RelType where
codec =
named "RelType" $
disjointStringConstCodec [(ObjectRelationship, "object"), (ArrayRelationship, "array")]
data RelField = RelField
{ columnMapping :: M.HashMap PrimaryKey ForeignKey,
relationType :: RelType,
query :: Query
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
@ -73,6 +83,7 @@ instance HasObjectCodec RelField where
objectCodec =
<$> requiredField "column_mapping" "Mapping from local fields to remote fields" .= columnMapping
<*> requiredField "relation_type" "Relation Type" .= relationType
<*> requiredField "query" "Relationship query" .= query
@ -124,9 +124,16 @@ projectRow fields performQuery r@(Row row) = forM fields $ \case
API.RelationshipField relField ->
let subquery = createSubqueryForRelationshipField r relField
in case subquery of
Just subQuery -> do
API.QueryResponse obj <- performQuery subQuery
pure $ J.Array $ fmap J.Object $ V.fromList obj
Just subQuery ->
case API.relationType relField of
API.ArrayRelationship -> do
API.QueryResponse obj <- performQuery subQuery
pure $ J.Array $ fmap J.Object $ V.fromList obj
API.ObjectRelationship -> do
API.QueryResponse obj <- performQuery subQuery
if null obj
then pure J.Null
else pure $ J.Object $ head obj
Nothing -> pure $ J.Array mempty
queryHandler :: StaticData -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> API.Query -> Handler API.QueryResponse
@ -31,29 +31,29 @@ import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
instance BackendExecute 'DataConnector where
type PreparedQuery 'DataConnector = DC.Plan
type PreparedQuery 'DataConnector = IR.Q.Query
type MultiplexedQuery 'DataConnector = Void
type ExecutionMonad 'DataConnector = Tracing.TraceT (ExceptT QErr IO)
mkDBQueryPlan UserInfo {..} sourceName sourceConfig ir = do
plan' <- DC.mkPlan _uiSession sourceConfig ir
query' <- DC.mkPlan _uiSession sourceConfig ir
{ dbsiSourceName = sourceName,
dbsiSourceConfig = sourceConfig,
dbsiPreparedQuery = Just plan',
dbsiAction = buildAction sourceName sourceConfig (DC.query plan')
dbsiPreparedQuery = Just query',
dbsiAction = buildAction sourceName sourceConfig query'
mkDBQueryExplain fieldName UserInfo {..} sourceName sourceConfig ir = do
plan' <- DC.mkPlan _uiSession sourceConfig ir
query' <- DC.mkPlan _uiSession sourceConfig ir
pure $
mkAnyBackend @'DataConnector
{ dbsiSourceName = sourceName,
dbsiSourceConfig = sourceConfig,
dbsiPreparedQuery = Just plan',
dbsiAction = pure . encJFromJValue . toExplainPlan fieldName $ plan'
dbsiPreparedQuery = Just query',
dbsiAction = pure . encJFromJValue . toExplainPlan fieldName $ query'
mkDBMutationPlan _ _ _ _ _ =
throw400 NotSupported "mkDBMutationPlan: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ instance BackendExecute 'DataConnector where
mkSubscriptionExplain _ =
throw400 NotSupported "mkSubscriptionExplain: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
toExplainPlan :: GQL.RootFieldAlias -> DC.Plan -> ExplainPlan
toExplainPlan fieldName plan_ =
ExplainPlan fieldName (Just "") (Just [TE.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict $ J.encode $ DC.query $ plan_])
toExplainPlan :: GQL.RootFieldAlias -> IR.Q.Query -> ExplainPlan
toExplainPlan fieldName query' =
ExplainPlan fieldName (Just "") (Just [TE.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict $ J.encode $ query'])
buildAction :: RQL.SourceName -> DC.SourceConfig -> IR.Q.Query -> Tracing.TraceT (ExceptT QErr IO) EncJSON
buildAction sourceName DC.SourceConfig {..} query = do
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Text.Extended ((<>>))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Execute ()
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types (SourceConfig)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Query qualified as IR.Q
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan qualified as DC
import Hasura.Base.Error (Code (NotSupported), QErr, throw400)
import Hasura.EncJSON (EncJSON)
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ runDBQuery' ::
Logger Hasura ->
SourceConfig ->
Tracing.TraceT (ExceptT QErr IO) a ->
Maybe DC.Plan ->
Maybe IR.Q.Query ->
m (DiffTime, a)
runDBQuery' requestId query fieldName _userInfo logger _sourceConfig action ir = do
void $ HGL.logQueryLog logger $ mkQueryLog query fieldName ir requestId
@ -61,13 +62,13 @@ runDBQuery' requestId query fieldName _userInfo logger _sourceConfig action ir =
mkQueryLog ::
GQLReqUnparsed ->
RootFieldAlias ->
Maybe DC.Plan ->
Maybe IR.Q.Query ->
RequestId ->
mkQueryLog gqlQuery fieldName maybePlan requestId =
mkQueryLog gqlQuery fieldName maybeQuery requestId =
((\plan -> (fieldName, HGL.GeneratedQuery (DC.renderPlan plan) J.Null)) <$> maybePlan)
((\query -> (fieldName, HGL.GeneratedQuery (DC.renderQuery query) J.Null)) <$> maybeQuery)
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ fromField = \case
IR.Q.Literal lit -> Left $ ExposedLiteral lit
rcToAPI :: IR.Q.RelationshipContents -> Either QueryError API.Field
rcToAPI (IR.Q.RelationshipContents joinCondition query) =
rcToAPI (IR.Q.RelationshipContents joinCondition relType query) =
let joinCondition' = M.mapKeys Witch.from $ fmap Witch.from joinCondition
in fmap (API.RelationshipField . API.RelField joinCondition') $ queryToAPI query
in fmap (API.RelationshipField . API.RelField joinCondition' (Witch.from relType)) $ queryToAPI query
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Query
Cardinality (..),
ColumnContents (..),
RelationshipContents (..),
RelType (..),
PrimaryKey (..),
ForeignKey (..),
@ -111,13 +112,26 @@ instance Witch.From ColumnContents API.Field where
-- NOTE: The 'ToJSON' instance is only intended for logging purposes.
data RelationshipContents = RelationshipContents
{ joinCondition :: HashMap PrimaryKey ForeignKey,
relationType :: RelType,
query :: Query
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
instance ToJSON RelationshipContents where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions
-- | Relationships can either be Object (One-To-One) or Array (One-To-Many) type.
data RelType = ObjectRelationship | ArrayRelationship
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
instance ToJSON RelType where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions
instance Witch.From RelType API.RelType where
from = \case
ObjectRelationship -> API.ObjectRelationship
ArrayRelationship -> API.ArrayRelationship
-- | TODO
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan
( SourceConfig (..),
Plan (..),
@ -12,7 +9,6 @@ where
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Align
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
@ -20,9 +16,6 @@ import Data.Semigroup (Any (..), Min (..))
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Text.Extended ((<>>))
import Data.These
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Column qualified as IR.C
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Export qualified as IR
@ -43,15 +36,6 @@ import Hasura.Session
-- | A 'Plan' consists of an 'IR.Q' describing the query to be
-- performed by the Agent and a continuation for post processing the
-- response. See the 'postProcessResponseRow' haddock for more
-- information on why we need a post-processor.
data Plan = Plan
{ query :: IR.Q.Query,
postProcessor :: (API.QueryResponse -> Either ResponseError API.QueryResponse)
-- | Error type for the postProcessor continuation. Failure can occur if the Agent
-- returns bad data.
data ResponseError
@ -65,9 +49,9 @@ data ResponseError
-- | Extract the 'IR.Q' from a 'Plan' and render it as 'Text'.
-- NOTE: This is for logging and debug purposes only.
renderPlan :: Plan -> Text
renderPlan =
TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . J.encode . IR.queryToAPI . query
renderQuery :: IR.Q.Query -> Text
renderQuery =
TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . J.encode . IR.queryToAPI
-- | Map a 'QueryDB 'DataConnector' term into a 'Plan'
mkPlan ::
@ -76,24 +60,16 @@ mkPlan ::
SessionVariables ->
SourceConfig ->
QueryDB 'DataConnector Void (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m Plan
mkPlan session (SourceConfig {..}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
m IR.Q.Query
mkPlan session (SourceConfig {}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
translateQueryDB ::
QueryDB 'DataConnector Void (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m Plan
m IR.Q.Query
translateQueryDB =
QDBMultipleRows s -> do
query <- translateAnnSelect IR.Q.Many s
pure $
Plan query $ \API.QueryResponse {getQueryResponse = response} ->
fmap API.QueryResponse $ traverse (postProcessResponseRow _scCapabilities query) response
QDBSingleRow s -> do
query <- translateAnnSelect IR.Q.OneOrZero s
pure $
Plan query $ \API.QueryResponse {getQueryResponse = response} ->
fmap API.QueryResponse $ traverse (postProcessResponseRow _scCapabilities query) response
QDBMultipleRows s -> translateAnnSelect IR.Q.Many s
QDBSingleRow s -> translateAnnSelect IR.Q.OneOrZero s
QDBAggregation {} -> throw400 NotSupported "QDBAggregation: not supported"
translateAnnSelect ::
@ -177,6 +153,7 @@ mkPlan session (SourceConfig {..}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
pure . Just . IR.Q.Relationship $
(HashMap.mapKeys IR.Q.PrimaryKey . fmap IR.Q.ForeignKey $ _aarColumnMapping objRel)
( IR.Q.Query
{ fields = fields,
from = _aosTableFrom (_aarAnnSelect objRel),
@ -192,6 +169,7 @@ mkPlan session (SourceConfig {..}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
pure . Just . IR.Q.Relationship $
(HashMap.mapKeys IR.Q.PrimaryKey $ fmap IR.Q.ForeignKey $ _aarColumnMapping arrRel)
AFArrayRelation (ASAggregate _) ->
throw400 NotSupported "translateField: AFArrayRelation ASAggregate not supported"
@ -301,62 +279,6 @@ mkPlan session (SourceConfig {..}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar operator value =
IR.E.ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator operator columnName (IR.E.ScalarValue value)
-- | We need to modify any JSON substructures which appear as a result
-- of fetching object relationships, to peel off the outer array sent
-- by the backend.
-- This function takes a response object, and the 'Plan' used to
-- fetch it, and modifies any such arrays accordingly.
postProcessResponseRow ::
API.Capabilities ->
IR.Q.Query ->
J.Object ->
Either ResponseError J.Object
postProcessResponseRow capabilities IR.Q.Query {fields} row =
sequenceA $ alignWith go fields row
go :: These IR.Q.Field J.Value -> Either ResponseError J.Value
go (This field) =
case field of
IR.Q.Literal literal ->
pure (J.String literal)
_ ->
Left RequiredFieldMissing
go That {} =
Left UnexpectedFields
go (These field value) =
case field of
IR.Q.Literal {} ->
Left UnexpectedFields
IR.Q.Column {} ->
pure value
IR.Q.Relationship (IR.Q.RelationshipContents _ subquery@IR.Q.Query {cardinality}) ->
case value of
J.Array rows -> do
processed <- traverse (postProcessResponseRow capabilities subquery <=< parseObject) (toList rows)
applyCardinalityToResponse cardinality processed
| API.dcRelationships capabilities ->
Left ExpectedArray
| otherwise ->
pure other
parseObject :: J.Value -> Either ResponseError J.Object
parseObject = \case
J.Object obj -> pure obj
_ -> Left ExpectedObject
-- | If a fk-to-pk lookup comes from an object relationship then we
-- expect 0 or 1 items in the response and we should return it as an object.
-- if it's an array, we have to send back all of the results
applyCardinalityToResponse :: IR.Q.Cardinality -> [J.Object] -> Either ResponseError J.Value
applyCardinalityToResponse IR.Q.OneOrZero = \case
[] -> pure J.Null
[x] -> pure $ J.Object x
_ -> Left UnexpectedResponseCardinality
applyCardinalityToResponse IR.Q.Many =
pure . J.Array . V.fromList . fmap J.Object
-- | Validate if a 'IR.Q' contains any relationships.
queryHasRelations :: IR.Q.Query -> Bool
queryHasRelations IR.Q.Query {fields} = getAny $ flip foldMap fields \case
@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ spec = do
let fieldMapping = Map.fromList [(PrimaryKey $ ColumnName "id", ForeignKey $ ColumnName "my_foreign_id")]
query = Query mempty (TableName "my_table_name") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
(RelationshipField $ RelField fieldMapping query)
(RelationshipField $ RelField fieldMapping ArrayRelationship query)
{ "type": "relationship",
"relation_type": "array",
"column_mapping": {"id": "my_foreign_id"},
"query": {"fields": {}, "from": "my_table_name"}
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =
[ ("id", columnField "id"),
("title", columnField "title"),
("artist", RelationshipField $ RelField joinFieldMapping artistsSubquery)
("artist", RelationshipField $ RelField joinFieldMapping ObjectRelationship artistsSubquery)
in albumsQuery {fields}
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
[ ("id", columnField "id"),
("name", columnField "name"),
("albums", RelationshipField $ RelField joinFieldMapping albumsSubquery)
("albums", RelationshipField $ RelField joinFieldMapping ArrayRelationship albumsSubquery)
in artistsQuery {fields}
@ -141,6 +141,34 @@ data:
- id: 5
describe "Array Relationships" $ do
it "joins on album id" $ \(testEnvironment, _) ->
( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql
query getArtist {
artists_by_pk(id: 1) {
albums {
- name: AC/DC
id: 1
- title: For Those About To Rck We Salute You
- title: Let There Be Rock
describe "Object Relationships" $ do
it "joins on artist id" $ \(testEnvironment, _) ->
@ -165,7 +193,7 @@ data:
- id: 1
title: "For Those About To Rck We Salute You"
- name: "AC/DC"
name: "AC/DC"
describe "Where Clause Tests" $ do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user