small cleanups of pro's init

### Description

(This PR is better reviewed commit by commit.)

This PR is an aggregation of small incremental changes to Pro's init:
- it deletes some dead code,
- it starts reorganizing the code of that file by sections, similar to OSS' init,
- it extracts and cleans up license key cache init (groups several blocks of code in one separate function)
- makes some changes to a service class to reduce the dependency on `_acAppStateRef`

This PR is a first step: our goal is to move the schema cache build _in_ the app monad, in order to achieve #8344. To do so, we will need to remove `_acAppStateRef` from Pro's `AppContext`. There are two different paths we can take from here, which is why i cut this PR here:
- the first would be to change the different instances we implement on `AppM` to take as an argument the parts of the schema cache they depend on, rather than reading them from `_acAppStateRef`; as of this PR, `MetricsConfig` is the only such field;
- the second would be to apply the same strategy we already used for the TLSAllowList, and use a `IORef` that can be updated after the schema cache is built; this change would have a smaller footprint, but introduces one new `IORef` per such field, which feels something we don't want to generalize

GitOrigin-RevId: 809697d460bdb5c83ef7d30a2e835f589bcd80a6
This commit is contained in:
Antoine Leblanc 2023-04-06 17:35:43 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent ed9f120241
commit 0476331136
5 changed files with 48 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ instance MonadQueryTags AppM where
createQueryTags _attributes _qtSourceConfig = return $ emptyQueryTagsComment
instance MonadEventLogCleanup AppM where
runLogCleaner _ = pure $ throw400 NotSupported "Event log cleanup feature is enterprise edition only"
runLogCleaner _ _ = pure $ throw400 NotSupported "Event log cleanup feature is enterprise edition only"
generateCleanupSchedules _ _ _ = pure $ Right ()
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules _ _ _ _ = pure $ Right ()

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
@ -182,11 +181,15 @@ instance Backend b => FromJSON (InvokeEventTriggerQuery b) where
<*> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
<*> o .: "payload"
-- | This typeclass have the implementation logic for the event trigger log cleanup
-- | This typeclass have the implementation logic for the event trigger log cleanup.
-- TODO: this doesn't belong here in the DDL folder, but should be part of
-- Hasura.Eventing. It could even be made a Service, since the whole point of it
-- is to implement features differently between OSS and Pro.
class Monad m => MonadEventLogCleanup m where
-- Deletes the logs of event triggers
runLogCleaner ::
TriggerLogCleanupConfig -> m (Either QErr EncJSON)
SourceCache -> TriggerLogCleanupConfig -> m (Either QErr EncJSON)
-- Generates the cleanup schedules for event triggers which have log cleaners installed
generateCleanupSchedules ::
@ -220,27 +223,27 @@ class Monad m => MonadEventLogCleanup m where
m (Either QErr ())
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (ReaderT r m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (ExceptT e m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (MetadataT m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (TraceT m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (StateT w m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache
@ -419,20 +422,20 @@ askTabInfoFromTrigger ::
m (TableInfo b)
askTabInfoFromTrigger sourceName triggerName = do
schemaCache <- askSchemaCache
tableInfoMaybe <- getTabInfoFromSchemaCache schemaCache sourceName triggerName
tableInfoMaybe `onNothing` throw400 NotExists errMsg
getTabInfoFromSchemaCache schemaCache sourceName triggerName
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists errMsg
errMsg = "event trigger " <> triggerName <<> " does not exist"
getTabInfoFromSchemaCache ::
(Backend b, QErrM m) =>
Backend b =>
SchemaCache ->
SourceName ->
TriggerName ->
m (Maybe (TableInfo b))
Maybe (TableInfo b)
getTabInfoFromSchemaCache schemaCache sourceName triggerName = do
let tabInfos = HM.elems $ fromMaybe mempty $ unsafeTableCache sourceName $ scSources schemaCache
pure $ find (isJust . HM.lookup triggerName . _tiEventTriggerInfoMap) tabInfos
tableCache <- unsafeTableCache sourceName $ scSources schemaCache
find (isJust . HM.lookup triggerName . _tiEventTriggerInfoMap) (HM.elems tableCache)
askEventTriggerInfo ::
forall b m.
@ -615,23 +618,23 @@ getTriggerNames ::
getTriggerNames = Set.fromList . OMap.keys . getTriggersMap
getTableNameFromTrigger ::
forall b m.
(Backend b, QErrM m) =>
forall b.
Backend b =>
SchemaCache ->
SourceName ->
TriggerName ->
m (Maybe (TableName b))
Maybe (TableName b)
getTableNameFromTrigger schemaCache sourceName triggerName = do
tableInfoMaybe <- getTabInfoFromSchemaCache @b schemaCache sourceName triggerName
case tableInfoMaybe of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just tableInfo -> pure $ Just $ (_tciName . _tiCoreInfo) $ tableInfo
tableInfo <- getTabInfoFromSchemaCache @b schemaCache sourceName triggerName
pure $ _tciName $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
runCleanupEventTriggerLog ::
(MonadEventLogCleanup m, MonadError QErr m) =>
(MonadEventLogCleanup m, MonadError QErr m, CacheRWM m) =>
TriggerLogCleanupConfig ->
runCleanupEventTriggerLog conf = runLogCleaner conf >>= (flip onLeft) throwError
runCleanupEventTriggerLog conf = do
sourceCache <- scSources <$> askSchemaCache
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf `onLeftM` throwError
-- | Updates the cleanup switch in metadata given the source, table and trigger name
-- The Bool value represents the status of the cleaner, whether to start or pause it
@ -691,16 +694,15 @@ toggleEventTriggerCleanupAction conf cleanupSwitch = do
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists ("source with name " <> sourceNameToText sourceName <> " does not exists")
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendEventTrigger backendSourceInfo \(SourceInfo {} :: SourceInfo b) -> do
forM_ triggerNames $ \triggerName -> do
for_ triggerNames $ \triggerName -> do
eventTriggerInfo <- askEventTriggerInfo @b sourceName triggerName
tableNameMaybe <- getTableNameFromTrigger @b schemaCache sourceName triggerName
case tableNameMaybe of
Nothing -> throw400 NotExists $ "event trigger " <> triggerName <<> " does not exist"
Just tableName -> do
cleanupConfig <-
(etiCleanupConfig eventTriggerInfo)
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists ("cleanup config does not exist for " <> triggerNameToTxt triggerName)
updateCleanupStatusInMetadata @b cleanupConfig cleanupSwitch sourceName tableName triggerName
tableName <-
getTableNameFromTrigger @b schemaCache sourceName triggerName
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists ("event trigger " <> triggerName <<> " does not exist")
cleanupConfig <-
etiCleanupConfig eventTriggerInfo
`onNothing` throw400 NotExists ("cleanup config does not exist for " <> triggerNameToTxt triggerName)
updateCleanupStatusInMetadata @b cleanupConfig cleanupSwitch sourceName tableName triggerName
pure successMsg
traverseTableHelper ::

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@ -488,18 +488,16 @@ runReplaceMetadataV2' ReplaceMetadataV2 {..} = do
warn $ MetadataWarning WCSourceCleanupFailed sourceObjID message
logger $ MetadataLog HL.LevelWarn message J.Null
Just sourceConfig -> do
for_ droppedEventTriggers $
\triggerName -> do
-- TODO: The `tableName` parameter could be computed while building
-- the triggers map and avoid the cache lookup.
tableNameMaybe <- getTableNameFromTrigger @b oldSchemaCache source triggerName
case tableNameMaybe of
Nothing -> do
let message = sqlTriggerError triggerName
warn $ MetadataWarning WCSourceCleanupFailed sourceObjID message
logger $ MetadataLog HL.LevelWarn message J.Null
Just tableName ->
dropTriggerAndArchiveEvents @b sourceConfig triggerName tableName
for_ droppedEventTriggers \triggerName -> do
-- TODO: The `tableName` parameter could be computed while building
-- the triggers map and avoid the cache lookup.
case getTableNameFromTrigger @b oldSchemaCache source triggerName of
Nothing -> do
let message = sqlTriggerError triggerName
warn $ MetadataWarning WCSourceCleanupFailed sourceObjID message
logger $ MetadataLog HL.LevelWarn message J.Null
Just tableName ->
dropTriggerAndArchiveEvents @b sourceConfig triggerName tableName
for_ (OMap.toList retainedNewTriggers) $ \(retainedNewTriggerName, retainedNewTriggerConf) ->
case OMap.lookup retainedNewTriggerName oldTriggersMap of
Nothing -> do
@ -515,8 +513,7 @@ runReplaceMetadataV2' ReplaceMetadataV2 {..} = do
(bool Nothing (Just UPDATE) (isDroppedOp (tdUpdate oldTriggerOps) (tdUpdate newTriggerOps))),
(bool Nothing (Just ET.DELETE) (isDroppedOp (tdDelete oldTriggerOps) (tdDelete newTriggerOps)))
tableNameMaybe <- getTableNameFromTrigger @b oldSchemaCache source retainedNewTriggerName
case tableNameMaybe of
case getTableNameFromTrigger @b oldSchemaCache source retainedNewTriggerName of
Nothing -> do
let message = sqlTriggerError retainedNewTriggerName
warn $ MetadataWarning WCSourceCleanupFailed sourceObjID message

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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (CacheRWT m) where
local f (CacheRWT m) = CacheRWT $ mapReaderT (local f) m
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (CacheRWT m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ instance (MonadBase IO m) => CacheRM (CacheRefT m) where
askSchemaCache = CacheRefT (fmap lastBuiltSchemaCache . readMVar . snd)
instance (MonadEventLogCleanup m) => MonadEventLogCleanup (CacheRefT m) where
runLogCleaner conf = lift $ runLogCleaner conf
runLogCleaner sourceCache conf = lift $ runLogCleaner sourceCache conf
generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig = lift $ generateCleanupSchedules sourceInfo triggerName cleanupConfig
updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache = lift $ updateTriggerCleanupSchedules logger oldSources newSources schemaCache