server: simplify interpretation of concrete monads into abstract arrows

During the preparation of [my talk on monad interpretation](, I realized that the interpretation technique is not lawful for monad transformers in general. This fixes that, while also simplifying the approach a little bit.

GitOrigin-RevId: 7296a44185e6a87a81ac7efcdd9c7bdd9665a4e3
This commit is contained in:
Auke Booij 2022-04-04 14:35:10 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent b4f7e96665
commit 3833aaaba9
3 changed files with 18 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
-- instantiations are exactly as powerful as their `Monad` equivalents. Otherwise
-- they wouldn't be very equivalent, would they?
-- Just like `liftEither` interprets the @`Either` e@ monad into an arbitrary monad
-- implementing @`MonadError` e@, we add `interpA` which interprets certain
-- concrete monads such as @`Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS.Writer` w@ into arrows
-- satisfying constraints, in this example the ones satisfying @`ArrowWriter` w@.
-- This means that the part of the code that only uses such interpretable arrow
-- Just like `liftEither` interprets the @`Either` e@ monad into an arbitrary
-- monad implementing @`MonadError` e@, we add interpret certain concrete monads
-- such as @`Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS.Writer` w@ into arrows satisfying
-- constraints, in this example the ones satisfying @`ArrowWriter` w@. This
-- means that the part of the code that only uses such interpretable arrow
-- effects can be written /monadically/, and then used in /arrow/ constructions
-- down the line.
@ -61,18 +61,15 @@
-- @`Hasura.Incremental.ArrowCache` m@ in the context cannot be rewritten
-- monadically using this technique.
module Control.Arrow.Interpret
( ArrowInterpret (..),
( interpretWriter,
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
-- | Translate the monadic effect stack of a computation into arrow-based
-- | Translate a monadic writer effect stack of a computation into arrow-based
-- effects.
-- NB: This is conceptually different from `ArrowKleisli`, which /inserts/ a
@ -81,26 +78,8 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
-- NB: This is conceptually different from `ArrowApply`, which expresses that a
-- given `Arrow` /is/ a Kleisli arrow. `ArrowInterpret` has no such condition
-- on @arr@.
class ArrowInterpret m arr where
interpA :: arr (m a) a
instance Arrow arr => ArrowInterpret Identity arr where
interpA = arr runIdentity
instance (ArrowInterpret m arr, ArrowWriter w arr) => ArrowInterpret (WriterT w m) arr where
interpA = proc m -> do
(a, w) <- interpA -< runWriterT m
tellA -< w
returnA -< a
instance (ArrowInterpret m arr, ArrowReader r arr) => ArrowInterpret (ReaderT r m) arr where
interpA = proc m -> do
r <- askA -< ()
interpA -< runReaderT m r
instance (ArrowInterpret m arr, ArrowError e arr, ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowInterpret (ExceptT e m) arr where
interpA = proc m -> do
o <- interpA -< runExceptT m
case o of
Left e -> throwA -< e
Right a -> returnA -< a
interpretWriter :: ArrowWriter w arr => Writer w a `arr` a
interpretWriter = proc m -> do
let (a, w) = runWriter m
tellA -< w
returnA -< a

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@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ buildInfoMap extractKey mkMetadataObject buildInfo = proc (e, infos) ->
>-> (|
( \_ duplicateInfos ->
(noDuplicates mkMetadataObject duplicateInfos >- interpA @(WriterT _ Identity))
(noDuplicates mkMetadataObject duplicateInfos >- interpretWriter)
>-> (| traverseA (\info -> (e, info) >- buildInfo) |)
>-> (\info -> join info >- returnA)

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ addNonColumnFields =
(_cfmName . (^. _4))
(\(s, _, t, c) -> mkComputedFieldMetadataObject (s, t, c))
( proc (a, (b, c, d, e)) -> do
o <- interpA @(WriterT _ Identity) -< buildComputedField a b c d e
o <- interpretWriter -< buildComputedField a b c d e
arrM liftEither -< o
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ addNonColumnFields =
(_rrName . (^. _3))
(mkRemoteRelationshipMetadataObject @b)
( proc ((a, b, c), d) -> do
o <- interpA @(WriterT _ Identity) -< buildRemoteRelationship a b c d
o <- interpretWriter -< buildRemoteRelationship a b c d
arrM liftEither -< o
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ buildObjectRelationship ::
`arr` Maybe (RelInfo b)
buildObjectRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, table, relDef)) -> do
let buildRelInfo def = objRelP2Setup source table fkeysMap def
interpA -< buildRelationship @(WriterT _ Identity) source table buildRelInfo ObjRel relDef
interpretWriter -< buildRelationship source table buildRelInfo ObjRel relDef
buildArrayRelationship ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ buildArrayRelationship ::
`arr` Maybe (RelInfo b)
buildArrayRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, table, relDef)) -> do
let buildRelInfo def = arrRelP2Setup fkeysMap source table def
interpA -< buildRelationship @(WriterT _ Identity) source table buildRelInfo ArrRel relDef
interpretWriter -< buildRelationship source table buildRelInfo ArrRel relDef
buildRelationship ::
forall m b a.