catch and log http exceptions from auth webhook, closes #28

This commit is contained in:
Rakesh Emmadi 2018-07-09 11:34:41 +05:30 committed by Vamshi Surabhi
parent b9ff99329a
commit 38c91e2b9e

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Hasura.Server.App where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
@ -150,11 +151,20 @@ buildQCtx = do
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
return $ QCtx userInfo $ fst cache
httpToQErr :: H.HttpException -> QErr
httpToQErr e = case e of
H.InvalidUrlException _ _ -> err500 Unexpected "Invalid Webhook Url"
H.HttpExceptionRequest _ H.ConnectionTimeout -> err500 Unexpected
"Webhook : Connection timeout"
H.HttpExceptionRequest _ H.ResponseTimeout -> err500 Unexpected
"Webhook : Response timeout"
_ -> err500 Unexpected "HTTP Exception from Webhook"
:: (MonadIO m)
=> T.Text
-> [N.Header]
-> ActionT m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
-> ExceptT QErr m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
fromWebHook urlT reqHeaders = do
manager <- liftIO $
H.newManager $ HT.mkManagerSettings tlsSimple Nothing
@ -163,11 +173,13 @@ fromWebHook urlT reqHeaders = do
, WqT.checkResponse = Just (\_ _ -> return ())
, WqT.manager = Right manager
resp <- liftIO $ Wq.getWith options $ T.unpack urlT
respWithExcept <- liftIO $ try $ Wq.getWith options $ T.unpack urlT
resp <- either (throwError . httpToQErr) return respWithExcept
let status = resp ^. Wq.responseStatus
validateStatus status
webHookResp <- decodeBS $ resp ^. Wq.responseBody
return $ M.toList webHookResp
filteredHeaders = flip filter reqHeaders $ \(n, _) ->
n /= "Content-Length" && n /= "User-Agent" && n /= "Host"
@ -176,39 +188,31 @@ fromWebHook urlT reqHeaders = do
validateStatus statusCode
| statusCode == N.status200 = return ()
| statusCode == N.status401 = raiseAPIException N.status401 $
err401 AccessDenied
| statusCode == N.status401 = throw401
"Authentication hook unauthorized this request"
| otherwise = raiseAPIException N.status500 $
err500 Unexpected
| otherwise = throw500
"Invalid response from authorization hook"
decodeBS bs = case eitherDecode bs of
Left e -> raiseAPIException N.status500 $ err500 Unexpected $
Left e -> throw500 $
"Invalid response from authorization hook; " <> T.pack e
Right a -> return a
raiseAPIException st qErr = do
setStatus st
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes $ encode qErr
:: (MonadIO m)
=> WI.Request
-> Maybe T.Text
-> AuthMode
-> ActionT m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
fetchHeaders req authMode =
-> ExceptT QErr m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
fetchHeaders req mReqAccessKey authMode =
case authMode of
AMNoAuth -> return headers
AMAccessKey accKey -> do
mReqAccessKey <- header accessKeyHeader
reqAccessKey <- maybe accessKeyAuthErr return mReqAccessKey
validateKeyAndReturnHeaders accKey reqAccessKey
AMAccessKeyAndHook accKey hook -> do
mReqAccessKey <- header accessKeyHeader
AMAccessKeyAndHook accKey hook ->
maybe (fromWebHook hook rawHeaders)
(validateKeyAndReturnHeaders accKey)
@ -220,16 +224,8 @@ fetchHeaders req authMode =
when (reqKey /= key) accessKeyAuthErr
return headers
accessKeyAuthErr = do
setStatus N.status401
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes $ encode accessKeyErrMsg
accessKeyErrMsg :: M.HashMap T.Text T.Text
accessKeyErrMsg = M.fromList
[ ("message", "access keys don't match or not found")
, ("code", "access-key-error")
accessKeyAuthErr = throw400 AccessDenied $
"access keys don't match or not found"
headersTxt hdrsRaw =
flip map hdrsRaw $ \(hdrName, hdrVal) ->
@ -248,6 +244,9 @@ logResult sc res qTime = do
logger = scLogger sc
logError :: MonadIO m => ServerCtx -> QErr -> ActionT m ()
logError sc qErr = logResult sc (Left qErr) Nothing
:: (MonadIO m)
=> (T.Text -> QErr -> Value)
@ -257,10 +256,13 @@ mkSpockAction
mkSpockAction qErrEncoder serverCtx handler = do
req <- request
reqBody <- liftIO $ strictRequestBody req
headers <- fetchHeaders req $ scServerMode serverCtx
role <- fromMaybe "admin" <$> header userRoleHeader
accKeyHeader <- header accessKeyHeader
headersRes <- runExceptT $
fetchHeaders req accKeyHeader $ scServerMode serverCtx
headers <- either (logAndThrow role) return headersRes
let handlerState = HandlerCtx serverCtx reqBody headers
t1 <- liftIO getCurrentTime -- for measuring response time purposes
@ -272,9 +274,13 @@ mkSpockAction qErrEncoder serverCtx handler = do
either (qErrToResp role) resToResp result
-- encode error response
qErrToResp mRole qErr = do
qErrToResp role qErr = do
setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
json $ qErrEncoder mRole qErr
json $ qErrEncoder role qErr
logAndThrow role qErr = do
logError serverCtx qErr
qErrToResp role qErr
resToResp resp = do
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
@ -436,7 +442,7 @@ app isoLevel mRootDir logger pool mode corsCfg enableConsole = do
hookAny GET $ \_ -> do
let qErr = err404 NotFound "resource does not exist"
logResult serverCtx (Left qErr) Nothing
logError serverCtx qErr
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes $ encode qErr