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synced 2024-12-14 17:02:49 +03:00
server: fix major issue with JSON instances of AnyBackend
### Description This PR fixes a major issue in the JSON instances of `AnyBackend`: they were not symmetrical! `FromJSON` always made the assumption that the value was an object, and that it contained a "kind" field if it happened to not be a Postgres value. `ToJSON` did NOT insert said field in the output, and did not enforce that the output was an object. ....however, it worked, because nowhere in the code did we yet rely on those being symmetrical. They are both used only once: - `parseJSON` was used to decode a `Metadata` object, but the matching `toJSON` instance, which is heavily customized, does insert the "kind" field properly - `toJSON` was only used on the `SchemaCache`, which has no corresponding `FromJSON` instance, since we only serialize it in debug endpoints This PR makes no attempt at making the instances symmetrical. Instead, it implements simpler functions, and pushes the problem of identifying the proper backend (if any) to the call sites. ### Notes Additionally, it cleans up some instances that were manually written where they could be auto-generated. In the process, this PR changes the semantics of `Show`, since the stock derived instance will include the constructor name, where before it was skipped. I think it is preferable. https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1672 GitOrigin-RevId: 0a1580a0e0f01c25b8c9fee7612dba6e7de055d5
This commit is contained in:
@ -337,13 +337,20 @@ instance FromJSON Metadata where
version <- o .:? "version" .!= MVVersion1
when (version /= MVVersion3) $ fail $
"unexpected metadata version from storage: " <> show version
sources <- oMapFromL getSourceName <$> o .: "sources"
unprocessedSources <- o .: "sources"
sources <- oMapFromL getSourceName <$> traverse parseSourceMetadata unprocessedSources
endpoints <- oMapFromL _ceName <$> o .:? "rest_endpoints" .!= []
(remoteSchemas, queryCollections, allowlist, customTypes,
actions, cronTriggers, apiLimits, metricsConfig, inheritedRoles,
disabledSchemaIntrospectionRoles) <- parseNonSourcesMetadata o
pure $ Metadata sources remoteSchemas queryCollections allowlist
customTypes actions cronTriggers endpoints apiLimits metricsConfig inheritedRoles disabledSchemaIntrospectionRoles
parseSourceMetadata :: Value -> Parser (AB.AnyBackend SourceMetadata)
parseSourceMetadata = withObject "SourceMetadata" \o -> do
backendKind <- o .:? "kind" .!= Postgres Vanilla
AB.parseAnyBackendFromJSON backendKind (Object o)
emptyMetadata :: Metadata
emptyMetadata =
@ -325,7 +325,28 @@ data SchemaCache
, scMetadataResourceVersion :: !(Maybe MetadataResourceVersion)
, scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions :: !SetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''SchemaCache)
-- WARNING: this can only be used for debug purposes, as it loses all
-- backend-specific information in the process!
instance ToJSON SchemaCache where
toJSON SchemaCache{..} = object
[ "sources" .= toJSON (AB.debugAnyBackendToJSON <$> scSources)
, "actions" .= toJSON scActions
, "remote_schemas" .= toJSON scRemoteSchemas
, "allowlist" .= toJSON scAllowlist
, "g_q_l_context" .= toJSON scGQLContext
, "unauthenticated_g_q_l_context" .= toJSON scUnauthenticatedGQLContext
, "relay_context" .= toJSON scRelayContext
, "unauthenticated_relay_context" .= toJSON scUnauthenticatedRelayContext
, "dep_map" .= toJSON scDepMap
, "inconsistent_objs" .= toJSON scInconsistentObjs
, "cron_triggers" .= toJSON scCronTriggers
, "endpoints" .= toJSON scEndpoints
, "api_limits" .= toJSON scApiLimits
, "metrics_config" .= toJSON scMetricsConfig
, "metadata_resource_version" .= toJSON scMetadataResourceVersion
, "set_graphql_introspection_options" .= toJSON scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions
getAllRemoteSchemas :: SchemaCache -> [RemoteSchemaName]
getAllRemoteSchemas sc =
@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ module Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend
, unpackAnyBackend
, composeAnyBackend
, runBackend
, parseAnyBackendFromJSON
, debugAnyBackendToJSON
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Arrow.Extended (ArrowChoice, arr, (|||))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value (..), withObject, (.:?))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (hashWithSalt))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value)
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type)
import Test.QuickCheck (oneof)
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.SQL.TH
@ -67,6 +68,8 @@ $(do
-- (we Apply a type Variable to a Promoted name)
[normalType $ AppT (VarT typeVarName) (getBackendTypeValue b)]
-- classes in the deriving clause
[ ''Generic ]
@ -514,59 +517,54 @@ dispatchAnyBackendArrow arrow =
-- JSON functions
-- | Attempts to parse an 'AnyBackend' from a JSON value, using the provided
-- backend information.
:: i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` FromJSON
=> BackendType
-> Value
-> Parser (AnyBackend i)
parseAnyBackendFromJSON backendKind value = do
-- generates the following case for all backends:
-- Foo -> FooValue <$> parseJSON value
-- Bar -> BarValue <$> parseJSON value
-- ...
$(backendCase [| backendKind |]
-- the pattern for a given backend
( \b -> do
(con:args) <- pure b
pure $ ConP con [ConP arg [] | arg <- args]
-- the body for each backend
( \b -> do
let valueCon = pure $ ConE $ getBackendValueName b
[| $valueCon <$> parseJSON value |]
-- no default case
-- | Outputs a debug JSON value from an 'AnyBackend'. This function must only be
-- used for debug purposes, as it has no way of inserting the backend kind in
-- the output, since there's no guarantee that the output will be an object.
:: i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` ToJSON
=> AnyBackend i
-> Value
debugAnyBackendToJSON e = dispatchAnyBackend' @ToJSON e toJSON
-- Instances for 'AnyBackend'
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Show => Show (AnyBackend i) where
show e = dispatchAnyBackend' @Show e show
deriving instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Show => Show (AnyBackend i)
deriving instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Eq => Eq (AnyBackend i)
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Eq => Eq (AnyBackend i) where
e1 == e2 =
-- generates the following case expression for all backends:
-- (FooValue a, FooValue b) -> a == b
-- ...
-- _ -> False
$(backendCase [| (e1, e2) |]
-- the pattern for a given backend
( \b -> do
let valueCon n = pure $ ConP (getBackendValueName b) [VarP $ mkName n]
[p| ($(valueCon "a"), $(valueCon "b")) |]
-- the body for each backend
( const [| a == b |] )
-- the default case
( Just [| False |] )
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` ToJSON => ToJSON (AnyBackend i) where
toJSON e = dispatchAnyBackend' @ToJSON e toJSON
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` FromJSON => FromJSON (AnyBackend i) where
parseJSON = withObject "AnyBackend" $ \o -> do
backendKind <- fromMaybe (Postgres Vanilla) <$> o .:? "kind"
-- generates the following case for all backends:
-- Foo -> FooValue <$> parseJSON (Object o)
-- Bar -> BarValue <$> parseJSON (Object o)
-- ...
$(backendCase [| backendKind |]
-- the pattern for a given backend
( \b -> do
(con:args) <- pure b
pure $ ConP con [ConP arg [] | arg <- args]
-- the body for each backend
( \b -> do
let valueCon = pure $ ConE $ getBackendValueName b
[| $valueCon <$> parseJSON (Object o) |]
-- no default case
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Hashable => Hashable (AnyBackend i) where
hashWithSalt salt e = dispatchAnyBackend' @Hashable e (hashWithSalt salt)
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Hashable => Hashable (AnyBackend i)
instance i `SatisfiesForAllBackends` Arbitrary => Arbitrary (AnyBackend i) where
arbitrary = oneof
-- generates @FooValue <$> arbitrary@ for each backend
$(backendList \b -> [| $(pure $ ConE $ getBackendValueName b) <$> arbitrary |])
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
@ -97,17 +97,18 @@ backendCase caseExp toPat toBody defaultCase = do
pure $ matches ++ [Match WildP defaultBody []]
pure $ CaseE cexp allMatches
-- | Creates a data type in which there's one constructor per backend. While
-- | Creates a data type in which there's one constructor per backend. While
-- this only returns one declaration, it nonetheless returns a @[Dec]@ as it's
-- what the $() splice interpolation syntax expects.
:: Name -- ^ the name of the type
-> [TyVarBndr] -- ^ type variables of the type if any
-> (BackendConstructor -> Q Con) -- ^ the constructor for a given backend
-> [Name] -- ^ classes to derive using the stock strategy
-> Q [Dec]
backendData name tVars mkCon = do
backendData name tVars mkCon derivs = do
constructors <- forEachBackend mkCon
pure [DataD [] name tVars Nothing constructors []]
pure [DataD [] name tVars Nothing constructors [DerivClause (Just StockStrategy) $ map ConT derivs]]
-- | Generates a case expression that applies a function @f@ to each possible value
-- of an 'AnyBackend' @e@:
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ $(let name = mkName "BackendTag" in
-- the resulting type (BackendTag 'Foo)
(AppT (ConT name) (getBackendTypeValue b))
-- deriving clauses
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