server: adding a few code comments

GitOrigin-RevId: 7f0cb241d3eb2d91bd6feb2b2eb6bf830f1757f9
This commit is contained in:
Gil Mizrahi 2022-07-12 12:25:22 +03:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 84366c9281
commit 555e0d0afe
19 changed files with 126 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ fromGBoolExp =
fmap OrExpression (traverse fromGBoolExp expressions)
Ir.BoolNot expression -> fmap NotExpression (fromGBoolExp expression)
Ir.BoolExists gExists -> fmap ExistsExpression (fromGExists gExists)
Ir.BoolFld expression -> pure expression
Ir.BoolField expression -> pure expression
-- Misc combinators

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@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ mkPlan session (SourceConfig {}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
mkIfZeroOrMany IR.E.Or <$> traverse (translateBoolExp columnRelationshipReversePath sourceTableName) xs
BoolNot x ->
IR.E.Not <$> (translateBoolExp columnRelationshipReversePath sourceTableName) x
BoolFld (AVColumn c xs) ->
BoolField (AVColumn c xs) ->
lift $ mkIfZeroOrMany IR.E.And <$> traverse (translateOp columnRelationshipReversePath (ciColumn c)) xs
BoolFld (AVRelationship relationshipInfo boolExp) -> do
BoolField (AVRelationship relationshipInfo boolExp) -> do
let relationshipName = IR.R.mkRelationshipName $ riName relationshipInfo
let targetTable = riRTable relationshipInfo
let relationshipType = case riType relationshipInfo of

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ fromGBoolExp =
fmap NotExpression (fromGBoolExp expression)
IR.BoolExists gExists ->
fromGExists gExists
IR.BoolFld expression ->
IR.BoolField expression ->
fromAnnBoolExpFld expression
fromGExists :: IR.GExists 'MSSQL (IR.AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression

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@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ fromGBoolExp =
fmap NotExpression (fromGBoolExp expression)
IR.BoolExists gExists ->
fromGExists gExists
IR.BoolFld expression ->
IR.BoolField expression ->
fromAnnBoolExpFld expression
fromGExists :: IR.GExists 'MSSQL (IR.AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression

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@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ fromGBoolExp = do
fmap NotExpression (fromGBoolExp expression)
IR.BoolExists gExists ->
fmap ExistsExpression (fromGExists gExists)
IR.BoolFld expression ->
IR.BoolField expression ->
pure expression
fromAnnBoolExp ::

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable fim boolExp =
refFields <- withPathK "_table" $ askFieldInfoMapSource refqt
annWhereExp <- withPathK "_where" $ annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable refFields whereExp
return $ BoolExists $ GExists refqt annWhereExp
BoolFld fld -> BoolFld <$> annColExp rhsParser rootTable fim fld
BoolField fld -> BoolField <$> annColExp rhsParser rootTable fim fld
procExps = mapM (annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable fim)
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ translateBoolExp = \case
BoolExists (GExists currTableReference wh) -> do
whereExp <- recCurrentTable (S.QualTable currTableReference) wh
return $ S.mkExists (S.FISimple currTableReference Nothing) whereExp
BoolFld boolExp -> case boolExp of
BoolField boolExp -> case boolExp of
AVColumn colInfo opExps -> do
BoolExpCtx {rootReference, currTableReference} <- ask
let colFld = fromCol @('Postgres pgKind) $ ciColumn colInfo

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.Column (unsafePGColumnToBackend)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
( AnnBoolExpFld (AVColumn),
GBoolExp (BoolFld),
GBoolExp (BoolField),
OpExpG (AGT, ALT),
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ mkStreamSQLSelect (AnnSelectStreamG () fields from perm args strfyNum) =
(CollectableTypeScalar $ unsafePGColumnToBackend $ cvType (_sciInitialValue cursorArg))
["cursor", getPGColTxt $ ciColumn cursorColInfo]
in BoolFld $ AVColumn cursorColInfo [(orderByOpExp sqlExp)]
in BoolField $ AVColumn cursorColInfo [(orderByOpExp sqlExp)]
selectArgs =

View File

@ -356,13 +356,13 @@ resolveAsyncActionQuery userInfo annAction =
ciDescription = Nothing,
ciMutability = ColumnMutability False False
actionIdColumnEq = BoolFld $ AVColumn actionIdColumnInfo [AEQ True $ IR.UVLiteral $ S.SELit $ actionIdToText actionId]
actionIdColumnEq = BoolField $ AVColumn actionIdColumnInfo [AEQ True $ IR.UVLiteral $ S.SELit $ actionIdToText actionId]
sessionVarsColumnInfo = mkPGColumnInfo sessionVarsColumn
sessionVarValue =
IR.UVParameter Nothing $
ColumnValue (ColumnScalar PGJSONB) $
PGValJSONB $ Q.JSONB $ J.toJSON $ _uiSession userInfo
sessionVarsColumnEq = BoolFld $ AVColumn sessionVarsColumnInfo [AEQ True sessionVarValue]
sessionVarsColumnEq = BoolField $ AVColumn sessionVarsColumnInfo [AEQ True sessionVarValue]
in -- For non-admin roles, accessing an async action's response should be allowed only for the user
-- who initiated the action through mutation. The action's response is accessible for a query/subscription
-- only when it's session variables are equal to that of action's.

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ boolExp sourceInfo tableInfo = memoizeOn 'boolExp (_siName sourceInfo, tableName
pure $
BoolAnd <$> P.object name (Just description) do
tableFields <- map BoolFld . catMaybes <$> sequenceA tableFieldParsers
tableFields <- map BoolField . catMaybes <$> sequenceA tableFieldParsers
specialFields <- catMaybes <$> sequenceA specialFieldParsers
pure (tableFields ++ specialFields)

View File

@ -472,5 +472,5 @@ primaryKeysArguments tableInfo = runMaybeT $ do
fmap (BoolAnd . toList) . sequenceA <$> for columns \columnInfo -> do
field <- columnParser (ciType columnInfo) (G.Nullability False)
pure $
BoolFld . AVColumn columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . IR.mkParameter
BoolField . AVColumn columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . IR.mkParameter
<$> P.field (ciName columnInfo) (ciDescription columnInfo) field

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@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ nodeField sourceCache = do
parseScalarValueColumnType columnType columnValue `onLeft` \e ->
P.parseErrorWith ParseFailed $ "value of column " <> ciColumn columnInfo <<> " in node id: " <> qeError e
pure $
IR.BoolFld $
IR.BoolField $
[IR.AEQ True $ IR.UVParameter Nothing $ ColumnValue columnType parsedValue]

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ selectTableByPk sourceInfo tableInfo fieldName description = runMaybeT do
sequenceA <$> for primaryKeys \columnInfo -> do
field <- columnParser (ciType columnInfo) (G.Nullability $ ciIsNullable columnInfo)
pure $
BoolFld . AVColumn columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . IR.mkParameter
BoolField . AVColumn columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . IR.mkParameter
<$> P.field (ciName columnInfo) (ciDescription columnInfo) field
pure $
P.setFieldParserOrigin (MOSource (_siName sourceInfo)) $
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ relationshipField sourceInfo table ri = runMaybeT do
let deduplicatePermissions :: AnnBoolExp b (IR.UnpreparedValue b) -> AnnBoolExp b (IR.UnpreparedValue b)
deduplicatePermissions x =
case (optimizePermissionFilters, x) of
(True, BoolAnd [BoolFld (AVRelationship remoteRI remoteTablePerm)]) ->
(True, BoolAnd [BoolField (AVRelationship remoteRI remoteTablePerm)]) ->
-- Here we try to figure out if the "forwards" joining condition
-- from `table` to the related table `riRTable ri` is equal to the
-- "backwards" joining condition from the related table back to

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@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ updateFieldInBoolExp qt rf be =
BoolExists (GExists refqt wh) ->
BoolExists . GExists refqt . unBoolExp
<$> updateFieldInBoolExp refqt rf (BoolExp wh)
BoolFld fld -> BoolFld <$> updateColExp qt rf fld
BoolField fld -> BoolField <$> updateColExp qt rf fld
procExps = mapM updateBoolExp'
updateBoolExp' =

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@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Boolean Expressions
-- This module defines the IR representation of boolean expressions
-- used in @_where@ clauses in GraphQL queries, permissions, and so on.
-- The types in this module define a /generic/ structure with "holes" to be filled
-- by each backend. Specifically, holes will include things like types for table names,
-- and backend field types.
module Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
( BoolExp (..),
ColExp (..),
@ -63,15 +71,23 @@ import Hasura.Session
-- Boolean structure
-- | This type represents a hierarchical boolean expression. It is parametric over the actual
-- | This type represents a boolean expression tree. It is parametric over the actual
-- implementation of the actual boolean term values. It nonetheless leaks some information:
-- "exists" is only used in permissions, to add conditions based on another table.
data GBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a
= BoolAnd [GBoolExp b a]
| BoolOr [GBoolExp b a]
| BoolNot (GBoolExp b a)
| BoolExists (GExists b a)
| BoolFld a
-- * The @backend@ parameter is used to find the backend-specific type for table names
-- in the @BoolExists@ constructor.
-- * The @field@ type represent the type of database-specific field types.
data GBoolExp (backend :: BackendType) field
= BoolAnd [GBoolExp backend field]
| BoolOr [GBoolExp backend field]
| BoolNot (GBoolExp backend field)
| -- | Represents a condition on an aribtrary table.
-- since the @backend@ and @field@ are the same,
-- the table must be of the same database type.
BoolExists (GExists backend field)
| -- | A column field
BoolField field
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic)
instance (Backend b, NFData a) => NFData (GBoolExp b a)
@ -94,36 +110,41 @@ instance (Backend b, FromJSONKeyValue a) => FromJSON (GBoolExp b a) where
| k == "_not" -> BoolNot <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "$exists" -> BoolExists <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "_exists" -> BoolExists <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| otherwise -> BoolFld <$> parseJSONKeyValue (k, v)
| otherwise -> BoolField <$> parseJSONKeyValue (k, v)
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue a) => ToJSON (GBoolExp b a) where
instance (Backend backend, ToJSONKeyValue field) => ToJSON (GBoolExp backend field) where
-- A representation for boolean values as JSON.
toJSON be = case be of
-- special encoding for _and
-- @and@ expressions can be represented differently than the rest
-- if the keys are unique
BoolAnd bExps ->
let m = M.fromList $ map getKV bExps
in -- if the keys aren't repeated, then object encoding can be used
in -- if the keys aren't repeated, then the special notation of object encoding can be used
if length m == length bExps
then toJSON m
else object $ pure kv
_ -> object $ pure kv
kv :: (Key, Value)
kv = getKV be
getKV :: GBoolExp backend field -> (Key, Value)
getKV = \case
BoolAnd bExps -> "_and" .= map toJSON bExps
BoolOr bExps -> "_or" .= map toJSON bExps
BoolNot bExp -> "_not" .= toJSON bExp
BoolExists bExists -> "_exists" .= toJSON bExists
BoolFld a -> toJSONKeyValue a
BoolField a -> toJSONKeyValue a
gBoolExpTrue :: GBoolExp b a
-- | A default representation for a @true@ boolean value.
gBoolExpTrue :: GBoolExp backend field
gBoolExpTrue = BoolAnd []
-- | Represents a condition on an aribtrary table. Used as part of our permissions boolean
-- expressions. See our documentation for more information:
data GExists (b :: BackendType) a = GExists
{ _geTable :: TableName b,
_geWhere :: GBoolExp b a
-- <>
data GExists (backend :: BackendType) field = GExists
{ _geTable :: TableName backend,
_geWhere :: GBoolExp backend field
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
@ -189,10 +210,10 @@ makePrisms ''GBoolExp
-- | Permissions get translated into boolean expressions that are threaded throuhgout the
-- parsers. For the leaf values of those permissions, we use this type, which references but doesn't
-- inline the session variables.
data PartialSQLExp (b :: BackendType)
= PSESessVar (SessionVarType b) SessionVariable
data PartialSQLExp (backend :: BackendType)
= PSESessVar (SessionVarType backend) SessionVariable
| PSESession
| PSESQLExp (SQLExpression b)
| PSESQLExp (SQLExpression backend)
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (PartialSQLExp b)
@ -224,32 +245,32 @@ hasStaticExp = getAny . foldMap (Any . isStaticValue)
-- Boolean expressions in the schema
-- | Operand for cast operator
type CastExp b a = M.HashMap (ScalarType b) [OpExpG b a]
type CastExp backend field = M.HashMap (ScalarType backend) [OpExpG backend field]
-- | This type represents the boolean operators that can be applied on values of a column. This type
-- only contains the common core, that we expect to be ultimately entirely supported in most if not
-- all backends. Backends can extend this with the @BooleanOperators@ type in @Backend@.
data OpExpG (b :: BackendType) a
= ACast (CastExp b a)
| AEQ Bool a
| ANE Bool a
| AIN a
| ANIN a
| AGT a
| ALT a
| AGTE a
| ALTE a
| CEQ (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CNE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CGT (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CLT (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CGTE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CLTE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
data OpExpG (backend :: BackendType) field
= ACast (CastExp backend field)
| AEQ Bool field
| ANE Bool field
| AIN field
| ANIN field
| AGT field
| ALT field
| AGTE field
| ALTE field
| ALIKE field -- LIKE
| ANLIKE field -- NOT LIKE
| CEQ (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| CNE (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| CGT (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| CLT (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| CGTE (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| CLTE (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
| ABackendSpecific (BooleanOperators b a)
| ABackendSpecific (BooleanOperators backend field)
deriving (Generic)
data RootOrCurrentColumn b = RootOrCurrentColumn RootOrCurrent (Column b)
@ -319,7 +340,7 @@ instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (BooleanOperators b a), ToJSON a) => ToJSONK
ANISNOTNULL -> ("_is_null", toJSON False)
ABackendSpecific b -> toJSONKeyValue b
opExpDepCol :: OpExpG backend a -> Maybe (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
opExpDepCol :: OpExpG backend field -> Maybe (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
opExpDepCol = \case
CEQ c -> Just c
CNE c -> Just c
@ -330,10 +351,12 @@ opExpDepCol = \case
_ -> Nothing
-- | This type is used to represent the kinds of boolean expression used for compouted fields
-- based on the return type of the SQL function
data ComputedFieldBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a
= CFBEScalar [OpExpG b a] -- SQL function returning a scalar
| CFBETable (TableName b) (AnnBoolExp b a) -- SQL function returning SET OF table
-- based on the return type of the SQL function.
data ComputedFieldBoolExp (backend :: BackendType) scalar
= -- | SQL function returning a scalar
CFBEScalar [OpExpG backend scalar]
| -- | SQL function returning SET OF table
CFBETable (TableName backend) (AnnBoolExp backend scalar)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq (FunctionArgumentExp b a), Eq a) => Eq (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
@ -357,15 +380,15 @@ instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable (FunctionArgument
-- full_name
-- }
-- }
-- Limitation: Computed field whose function with no input arguments are allowed in boolean
-- expression. It is complex to generate schema for `where` clause with functions having
-- input arguments.
data AnnComputedFieldBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a = AnnComputedFieldBoolExp
{ _acfbXFieldInfo :: XComputedField b,
-- Limitation: We only support computed fields in boolean expressions when they
-- are functions with no input arguments, because it is complex to generate schema
-- for @where@ clauses for functions that have input arguments.
data AnnComputedFieldBoolExp (backend :: BackendType) scalar = AnnComputedFieldBoolExp
{ _acfbXFieldInfo :: XComputedField backend,
_acfbName :: ComputedFieldName,
_acfbFunction :: FunctionName b,
_acfbFunctionArgsExp :: FunctionArgsExp b a,
_acfbBoolExp :: ComputedFieldBoolExp b a
_acfbFunction :: FunctionName backend,
_acfbFunctionArgsExp :: FunctionArgsExp backend scalar,
_acfbBoolExp :: ComputedFieldBoolExp backend scalar
deriving (Generic)
@ -389,12 +412,13 @@ instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable (FunctionArgument
-- terms:
-- - operators on a column of the current table, using the 'OpExpG' kind of operators
-- - arbitrary expressions on columns of tables in relationships (in the same source)
-- - A computed field of the current table
-- This type is parametric over the type of leaf values, the values on which we operate.
data AnnBoolExpFld (b :: BackendType) a
= AVColumn (ColumnInfo b) [OpExpG b a]
| AVRelationship (RelInfo b) (AnnBoolExp b a)
| AVComputedField (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
-- This type is parameterized over the type of leaf values, the values on which we operate.
data AnnBoolExpFld (backend :: BackendType) leaf
= AVColumn (ColumnInfo backend) [OpExpG backend leaf]
| AVRelationship (RelInfo backend) (AnnBoolExp backend leaf)
| AVComputedField (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp backend leaf)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq (FunctionArgumentExp b a), Eq a) => Eq (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
@ -427,19 +451,19 @@ instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (BooleanOperators b a), ToJSON a) => ToJSONK
-- | A simple alias for the kind of boolean expressions used in the schema, that ties together
-- 'GBoolExp', 'OpExpG', and 'AnnBoolExpFld'.
type AnnBoolExp b a = GBoolExp b (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
type AnnBoolExp backend scalar = GBoolExp backend (AnnBoolExpFld backend scalar)
-- Type aliases for common use cases:
type AnnBoolExpFldSQL b = AnnBoolExpFld b (SQLExpression b)
type AnnBoolExpFldSQL backend = AnnBoolExpFld backend (SQLExpression backend)
type AnnBoolExpSQL b = AnnBoolExp b (SQLExpression b)
type AnnBoolExpSQL backend = AnnBoolExp backend (SQLExpression backend)
type AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b = AnnBoolExp b (PartialSQLExp b)
type AnnBoolExpPartialSQL backend = AnnBoolExp backend (PartialSQLExp backend)
annBoolExpTrue :: AnnBoolExp backend a
annBoolExpTrue :: AnnBoolExp backend scalar
annBoolExpTrue = gBoolExpTrue
andAnnBoolExps :: AnnBoolExp backend a -> AnnBoolExp backend a -> AnnBoolExp backend a
andAnnBoolExps :: AnnBoolExp backend scalar -> AnnBoolExp backend scalar -> AnnBoolExp backend scalar
andAnnBoolExps l r = BoolAnd [l, r]
@ -449,9 +473,9 @@ andAnnBoolExps l r = BoolAnd [l, r]
-- are part of the common core of operators.
-- | Operand for STDWithin opoerator
data DWithinGeomOp a = DWithinGeomOp
{ dwgeomDistance :: a,
dwgeomFrom :: a
data DWithinGeomOp field = DWithinGeomOp
{ dwgeomDistance :: field,
dwgeomFrom :: field
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
@ -464,10 +488,10 @@ instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (DWithinGeomOp a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''DWithinGeomOp)
-- | Operand for STDWithin opoerator
data DWithinGeogOp a = DWithinGeogOp
{ dwgeogDistance :: a,
dwgeogFrom :: a,
dwgeogUseSpheroid :: a
data DWithinGeogOp field = DWithinGeogOp
{ dwgeogDistance :: field,
dwgeogFrom :: field,
dwgeogUseSpheroid :: field
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
@ -480,9 +504,9 @@ instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (DWithinGeogOp a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''DWithinGeogOp)
-- | Operand for STIntersect
data STIntersectsNbandGeommin a = STIntersectsNbandGeommin
{ singNband :: a,
singGeommin :: a
data STIntersectsNbandGeommin field = STIntersectsNbandGeommin
{ singNband :: field,
singGeommin :: field
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
@ -495,9 +519,9 @@ instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (STIntersectsNbandGeommin a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''STIntersectsNbandGeommin)
-- | Operand for STIntersect
data STIntersectsGeomminNband a = STIntersectsGeomminNband
{ signGeommin :: a,
signNband :: Maybe a
data STIntersectsGeomminNband field = STIntersectsGeomminNband
{ signGeommin :: field,
signNband :: Maybe field
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
@ -515,7 +539,7 @@ $(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''STIntersectsGeomminNband)
-- | This is a simple newtype over AnnBoolExpFld. At time of writing, I do not know why we want
-- this, and why it exists. It might be a relic of a needed differentiation, now lost?
-- TODO: can this be removed?
newtype AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField (b :: BackendType) a = AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField {_accColCaseBoolExpField :: AnnBoolExpFld b a}
newtype AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField (backend :: BackendType) field = AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField {_accColCaseBoolExpField :: AnnBoolExpFld backend field}
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq (FunctionArgumentExp b a), Eq a) => Eq (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ instance (Backend b, Eq a, Hashable a) => OnlyRelevantEq (GBoolExp b a) where
BoolOr boolExpL `relevantEq` BoolOr boolExpR = Set.fromList boolExpL == Set.fromList boolExpR
BoolNot boolExpL `relevantEq` BoolNot boolExpR = boolExpL == boolExpR
BoolExists boolExpL `relevantEq` BoolExists boolExpR = boolExpL == boolExpR
BoolFld boolExpL `relevantEq` BoolFld boolExpR = boolExpL == boolExpR
BoolField boolExpL `relevantEq` BoolField boolExpR = boolExpL == boolExpR
_ `relevantEq` _ = False
instance (Backend b, Eq a, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq (FunctionArgumentExp b a)) => OnlyRelevantEq (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a) where

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@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ getBoolExpDeps' = \case
BoolAnd exps -> procExps exps
BoolOr exps -> procExps exps
BoolNot e -> getBoolExpDeps' e
BoolFld fld -> getColExpDeps fld
BoolField fld -> getColExpDeps fld
BoolExists (GExists refqt whereExp) -> do
BoolExpCtx {source} <- ask
let tableDep =

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ genAnnBoolExp
boolOr = BoolOr <$> list defaultRange (genAnnBoolExp aGen tableGen)
boolNot = BoolNot <$> genAnnBoolExp aGen tableGen
boolExists = BoolExists <$> genGExists aGen tableGen
boolFld = BoolFld <$> aGen
boolFld = BoolField <$> aGen
genAnnBoolExpFld ::
MonadGen m =>

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@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ mkAnnotatedUpdate AnnotatedUpdateBuilder {..} = AnnotatedUpdateG {..}
_auWhere :: (BoolExp, BoolExp)
_auWhere =
( column [],
BoolAnd $ fmap (\(c, ops) -> BoolFld $ AVColumn c ops) aubWhere
BoolAnd $ fmap (\(c, ops) -> BoolField $ AVColumn c ops) aubWhere
_auCheck :: BoolExp
@ -163,5 +163,5 @@ mkAnnotatedUpdate AnnotatedUpdateBuilder {..} = AnnotatedUpdateG {..}
column :: [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)] -> BoolExp
column stuff =
. fmap (\c -> BoolFld . AVColumn c $ stuff)
. fmap (\c -> BoolField . AVColumn c $ stuff)
$ aubColumns

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ mkParser table cib =
columnInfos = mkColumnInfo <$> cib
upiFilter :: GBoolExp PG (AnnBoolExpFld PG (PartialSQLExp PG))
upiFilter = BoolAnd $ fmap (\ci -> BoolFld $ AVColumn ci []) columnInfos
upiFilter = BoolAnd $ fmap (\ci -> BoolField $ AVColumn ci []) columnInfos
sourceInfo :: SourceInfo PG