allow specifying an upper limit on the query plan cache size (#3012)

This commit is contained in:
Vamshi Surabhi 2019-11-25 22:42:23 +05:30 committed by Alexis King
parent a81318e1ca
commit 6abe8d7927
12 changed files with 420 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -174,11 +174,16 @@ library
-- HTTP compression
, zlib
-- caching
, psqueues >= 0.2
exposed-modules: Hasura.Prelude
, Hasura.Logging
, Hasura.EncJSON
, Hasura.Db
, Hasura.Cache
, Hasura.Cache.Bounded
, Hasura.Cache.Unbounded
, Hasura.Server.App
, Hasura.Server.Auth

View File

@ -65,29 +65,6 @@ parseHGECommand =
<> command "version" (info (pure HCVersion)
(progDesc "Prints the version of GraphQL Engine"))
serveOpts = RawServeOptions
<$> parseServerPort
<*> parseServerHost
<*> parseConnParams
<*> parseTxIsolation
<*> (parseAdminSecret <|> parseAccessKey)
<*> parseWebHook
<*> parseJwtSecret
<*> parseUnAuthRole
<*> parseCorsConfig
<*> parseEnableConsole
<*> parseConsoleAssetsDir
<*> parseEnableTelemetry
<*> parseWsReadCookie
<*> parseStringifyNum
<*> parseEnabledAPIs
<*> parseMxRefetchInt
<*> parseMxBatchSize
<*> parseEnableAllowlist
<*> parseEnabledLogs
<*> parseLogLevel
parseArgs :: IO HGEOptions
parseArgs = do
@ -123,7 +100,7 @@ main = do
HCServe so@(ServeOptions port host cp isoL mAdminSecret mAuthHook
mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
enableTelemetry strfyNum enabledAPIs lqOpts enableAL
enabledLogs serverLogLevel) -> do
enabledLogs serverLogLevel planCacheOptions) -> do
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx strfyNum
@ -152,7 +129,7 @@ main = do
HasuraApp app cacheRef cacheInitTime shutdownApp <-
mkWaiApp isoL loggerCtx sqlGenCtx enableAL pool ci httpManager am
corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry
instanceId enabledAPIs lqOpts
instanceId enabledAPIs lqOpts planCacheOptions
-- log inconsistent schema objects
inconsObjs <- scInconsistentObjs <$> getSCFromRef cacheRef

View File

@ -1,91 +1,54 @@
{-| An in-memory, unbounded, capability-local cache implementation. By making the cache
capability-local, data may be recomputed up to once per capability (which usually means up to once
per OS thread), but write contention from multiple threads is unlikely. -}
module Hasura.Cache
( UnboundedCache
, initCache
, clearCache
, mapCache
, insert
( Cache
, CacheOptions
, mkCacheOptions
, B.CacheSize
, B.mkCacheSize
, initialise
, lookup
, insert
, clear
, getEntries
) where
import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities, myThreadId,
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Hasura.Cache.Bounded as B
import qualified Hasura.Cache.Unbounded as U
newtype LocalCacheRef k v = LocalCacheRef (IORef.IORef (Map.HashMap k v))
data Cache k v
= CacheBounded !(B.BoundedCache k v)
| CacheUnbounded !(U.UnboundedCache k v)
:: ((k, v) -> a) -> LocalCacheRef k v -> IO [a]
mapLocalCacheRef f (LocalCacheRef ioRef) =
map f . Map.toList <$> IORef.readIORef ioRef
newtype CacheOptions
= CacheOptions (Maybe B.CacheSize)
-- | Create a new LC cache of the given size.
initLocalCache :: IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
initLocalCache = LocalCacheRef <$> IORef.newIORef Map.empty
mkCacheOptions :: Maybe B.CacheSize -> CacheOptions
mkCacheOptions = CacheOptions
clearIO :: LocalCacheRef k v -> IO ()
clearIO (LocalCacheRef ref)=
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ const (Map.empty, ())
initialise :: CacheOptions -> IO (Cache k v)
initialise (CacheOptions cacheSizeM) =
case cacheSizeM of
Nothing -> CacheUnbounded <$> U.initialise
Just cacheSize -> CacheBounded <$> B.initialise cacheSize
-- | Return the cached result of the action or, in the case of a cache
-- miss, execute the action and insertLocal it in the cache.
lookupIO :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> IO (Maybe v)
lookupIO (LocalCacheRef ref) k =
Map.lookup k <$> IORef.readIORef ref
lookup :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> Cache k v -> IO (Maybe v)
lookup k = \case
CacheBounded cache -> B.lookup k cache
CacheUnbounded cache -> U.lookup k cache
insertIO :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> v -> IO ()
insertIO (LocalCacheRef ref) k v =
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (Map.insert k v c, ())
insert :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> v -> Cache k v -> IO ()
insert k v = \case
CacheBounded cache -> B.insert k v cache
CacheUnbounded cache -> U.insert k v cache
-- | Using a stripe of multiple handles can improve the performance in
-- the case of concurrent accesses since several handles can be
-- accessed in parallel.
newtype UnboundedCache k v = UnboundedCache (V.Vector (LocalCacheRef k v))
clear :: Cache k v -> IO ()
clear = \case
CacheBounded cache -> B.clear cache
CacheUnbounded cache -> U.clear cache
:: ((k, v) -> a) -> UnboundedCache k v -> IO [[a]]
mapCache f (UnboundedCache localCaches) =
mapM (mapLocalCacheRef f) $ V.toList localCaches
-- | Create a new 'StripedHandle' with the given number of stripes and
-- the given capacity for each stripe.
initCache :: IO (UnboundedCache k v)
initCache = do
capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
UnboundedCache <$> V.replicateM capabilities initLocalCache
clearCache :: UnboundedCache k v -> IO ()
clearCache (UnboundedCache caches) =
V.mapM_ clearIO caches
{-# INLINE getLocal #-}
getLocal :: UnboundedCache k v -> IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
getLocal (UnboundedCache handles) = do
(i, _) <- myThreadId >>= threadCapability
-- The number of capability could be dynamically changed.
-- So, let's check the upper boundary of the vector
let lim = V.length handles
j | i < lim = i
| otherwise = i `mod` lim
return $ handles V.! j
-- | Striped version of 'cached'.
:: (Hashable k, Eq k) => UnboundedCache k v -> k -> v -> IO ()
insert striped k v = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
insertIO localHandle k v
lookup :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => UnboundedCache k v -> k -> IO (Maybe v)
lookup striped k = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
lookupIO localHandle k
getEntries :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => Cache k v -> IO [[(k, v)]]
getEntries = \case
CacheBounded cache -> B.getEntries cache
CacheUnbounded cache -> U.getEntries cache

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
{-| An in-memory, Bounded by LRU strategy, capability-local cache implementation.
By making the cache capability-local, data may be recomputed up to once per
capability (which usually means up to once per OS thread), but write contention
from multiple threads is unlikely.
module Hasura.Cache.Bounded
( BoundedCache
, CacheSize
, mkCacheSize
, initialise
, clear
, insert
, lookup
, getEntries
) where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities, myThreadId,
import Data.Word (Word16)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashPSQ as HashPSQ
import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
import qualified Data.Vector as V
newtype CacheSize
= CacheSize { unCacheSize :: Word16 }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Num, Enum, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
mkCacheSize :: String -> Either String CacheSize
mkCacheSize v =
case readMaybe v of
Just w16 -> return (CacheSize w16)
Nothing -> fail "cache size should be between 1 - 65,535"
newtype Tick
= Tick { unTick :: Word64 }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, Bounded, Num, Enum)
-- | LRU cache based on hashing
-- Based on
data LruCache k v = LruCache
{ _lcCapacity :: !CacheSize
-- ^ The maximum number of elements in the cache
, _lcSize :: !CacheSize
-- ^ The current number of elements in the cache
, _lcTick :: !Tick
-- ^ The priority is drawn from this tick, it is incremented
-- after every access
, _lcQueue :: !(HashPSQ.HashPSQ k Tick v)
-- ^ Underlying priority queue
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | Create an empty 'LruCache' of the given size.
emptyCache :: CacheSize -> LruCache k v
emptyCache capacity =
{ _lcCapacity = capacity
, _lcSize = 0
, _lcTick = Tick 0
, _lcQueue = HashPSQ.empty
-- | Restore 'LruCache' invariants
trim :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LruCache k v -> LruCache k v
trim c
| _lcTick c == maxBound = emptyCache (_lcCapacity c)
| _lcSize c > _lcCapacity c =
c { _lcSize = _lcSize c - 1
, _lcQueue = HashPSQ.deleteMin (_lcQueue c)
| otherwise = c
-- | Insert an element into the 'LruCache'.
insertPure :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> v -> LruCache k v -> LruCache k v
insertPure key val c =
trim $!
let (mbOldVal,queue) = HashPSQ.insertView key (_lcTick c) val (_lcQueue c)
in c { _lcSize = if isNothing mbOldVal
then _lcSize c + 1
else _lcSize c
, _lcTick = _lcTick c + 1
, _lcQueue = queue
-- | Lookup an element in an 'LruCache' and mark it as the least
-- recently accessed.
lookupPure :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> LruCache k v -> Maybe (v, LruCache k v)
lookupPure k c =
case HashPSQ.alter lookupAndBump k (_lcQueue c) of
(Nothing, _) -> Nothing
(Just x, q) ->
let !c' = trim $ c {_lcTick = _lcTick c + 1, _lcQueue = q}
in Just (x, c')
lookupAndBump Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
lookupAndBump (Just (_, x)) = (Just x, Just (_lcTick c, x))
newtype LocalCacheRef k v = LocalCacheRef (IORef.IORef (LruCache k v))
:: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> IO [(k, v)]
getLocalEntries (LocalCacheRef ioRef) =
map (\(k, _, v) -> (k, v)) . HashPSQ.toList . _lcQueue
<$> IORef.readIORef ioRef
-- | Create a new Local cache of the given size.
initLocalCache :: CacheSize -> IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
initLocalCache capacity = LocalCacheRef <$> IORef.newIORef (emptyCache capacity)
-- | clear a local cache
clearLocal :: LocalCacheRef k v -> IO ()
clearLocal (LocalCacheRef ref)=
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $
\currentCache -> (emptyCache (_lcCapacity currentCache), ())
-- | lookup for a key in the local cache
lookupLocal :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> IO (Maybe v)
lookupLocal (LocalCacheRef ref) k =
-- | Return the result and replace the cache if needed
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \currentCache ->
case lookupPure k currentCache of
Just (v, newCache) -> (newCache, Just v)
Nothing -> (currentCache, Nothing)
-- | insert into a local cache
insertLocal :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> v -> IO ()
insertLocal (LocalCacheRef ref) k v =
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (insertPure k v c, ())
-- | Using a stripe of multiple handles can improve the performance in
-- the case of concurrent accesses since several handles can be
-- accessed in parallel.
newtype BoundedCache k v = BoundedCache (V.Vector (LocalCacheRef k v))
:: (Hashable k, Ord k)
=> BoundedCache k v -> IO [[(k, v)]]
getEntries (BoundedCache localCaches) =
mapM getLocalEntries $ V.toList localCaches
-- | Creates a new BoundedCache of the specified size,
-- with one stripe per capability
initialise :: CacheSize -> IO (BoundedCache k v)
initialise capacity = do
capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
BoundedCache <$> V.replicateM capabilities (initLocalCache capacity)
clear :: BoundedCache k v -> IO ()
clear (BoundedCache caches) =
V.mapM_ clearLocal caches
{-# INLINE getLocal #-}
getLocal :: BoundedCache k v -> IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
getLocal (BoundedCache handles) = do
(i, _) <- myThreadId >>= threadCapability
-- The number of capability could be dynamically changed.
-- So, let's check the upper boundary of the vector
let lim = V.length handles
j | i < lim = i
| otherwise = i `mod` lim
return $ handles V.! j
:: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> v -> BoundedCache k v -> IO ()
insert k v striped = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
insertLocal localHandle k v
lookup :: (Hashable k, Ord k) => k -> BoundedCache k v -> IO (Maybe v)
lookup k striped = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
lookupLocal localHandle k

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
{-| An in-memory, unbounded, capability-local cache implementation. By making the cache
capability-local, data may be recomputed up to once per capability (which usually means up to once
per OS thread), but write contention from multiple threads is unlikely. -}
module Hasura.Cache.Unbounded
( UnboundedCache
, initialise
, clear
, insert
, lookup
, getEntries
) where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities, myThreadId,
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
import qualified Data.Vector as V
newtype LocalCacheRef k v = LocalCacheRef (IORef.IORef (Map.HashMap k v))
:: LocalCacheRef k v -> IO [(k, v)]
getEntriesLocal (LocalCacheRef ioRef) =
Map.toList <$> IORef.readIORef ioRef
-- | Create a new LC cache of the given size.
initialiseLocal :: IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
initialiseLocal = LocalCacheRef <$> IORef.newIORef Map.empty
clearLocal :: LocalCacheRef k v -> IO ()
clearLocal (LocalCacheRef ref)=
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ const (Map.empty, ())
lookupLocal :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> IO (Maybe v)
lookupLocal (LocalCacheRef ref) k =
Map.lookup k <$> IORef.readIORef ref
insertLocal :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => LocalCacheRef k v -> k -> v -> IO ()
insertLocal (LocalCacheRef ref) k v =
IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (Map.insert k v c, ())
-- | Using a stripe of multiple handles can improve the performance in
-- the case of concurrent accesses since several handles can be
-- accessed in parallel.
newtype UnboundedCache k v = UnboundedCache (V.Vector (LocalCacheRef k v))
:: UnboundedCache k v -> IO [[(k, v)]]
getEntries (UnboundedCache localCaches) =
mapM getEntriesLocal $ V.toList localCaches
-- | Create a new 'StripedHandle' with the given number of stripes and
-- the given capacity for each stripe.
initialise :: IO (UnboundedCache k v)
initialise = do
capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
UnboundedCache <$> V.replicateM capabilities initialiseLocal
clear :: UnboundedCache k v -> IO ()
clear (UnboundedCache caches) =
V.mapM_ clearLocal caches
{-# INLINE getLocal #-}
getLocal :: UnboundedCache k v -> IO (LocalCacheRef k v)
getLocal (UnboundedCache handles) = do
(i, _) <- myThreadId >>= threadCapability
-- The number of capability could be dynamically changed.
-- So, let's check the upper boundary of the vector
let lim = V.length handles
j | i < lim = i
| otherwise = i `mod` lim
return $ handles V.! j
-- | Striped version of 'cached'.
:: (Hashable k, Eq k) => k -> v -> UnboundedCache k v ->IO ()
insert k v striped = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
insertLocal localHandle k v
lookup :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => k -> UnboundedCache k v ->IO (Maybe v)
lookup k striped = do
localHandle <- getLocal striped
lookupLocal localHandle k

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute
, getSubsOp
, EP.PlanCache
, EP.mkPlanCacheOptions
, EP.PlanCacheOptions
, EP.initPlanCache
, EP.clearPlanCache
, EP.dumpPlanCache

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Plan
( ReusablePlan(..)
, PlanCache
, PlanCacheOptions
, mkPlanCacheOptions
, getPlan
, addPlan
, initPlanCache
@ -8,11 +10,13 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Plan
, dumpPlanCache
) where
import qualified Hasura.Cache as Cache
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Hasura.Cache as Cache
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as LQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
@ -24,7 +28,7 @@ data PlanId
, _piRole :: !RoleName
, _piOperationName :: !(Maybe GH.OperationName)
, _piQuery :: !GH.GQLQueryText
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable PlanId
@ -38,9 +42,7 @@ instance J.ToJSON PlanId where
newtype PlanCache
= PlanCache
{ _unPlanCache :: Cache.UnboundedCache PlanId ReusablePlan
= PlanCache {_unPlanCache :: Cache.Cache PlanId ReusablePlan}
data ReusablePlan
= RPQuery !EQ.ReusableQueryPlan
@ -51,14 +53,24 @@ instance J.ToJSON ReusablePlan where
RPQuery queryPlan -> J.toJSON queryPlan
RPSubs subsPlan -> J.toJSON subsPlan
initPlanCache :: IO PlanCache
initPlanCache = PlanCache <$> Cache.initCache
newtype PlanCacheOptions
= PlanCacheOptions { unPlanCacheSize :: Maybe Cache.CacheSize }
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''PlanCacheOptions)
mkPlanCacheOptions :: Maybe Cache.CacheSize -> PlanCacheOptions
mkPlanCacheOptions = PlanCacheOptions
initPlanCache :: PlanCacheOptions -> IO PlanCache
initPlanCache options =
PlanCache <$>
Cache.initialise (Cache.mkCacheOptions $ unPlanCacheSize options)
:: SchemaCacheVer -> RoleName -> Maybe GH.OperationName -> GH.GQLQueryText
-> PlanCache -> IO (Maybe ReusablePlan)
getPlan schemaVer rn opNameM q (PlanCache planCache) =
Cache.lookup planCache planId
Cache.lookup planId planCache
planId = PlanId schemaVer rn opNameM q
@ -66,17 +78,17 @@ addPlan
:: SchemaCacheVer -> RoleName -> Maybe GH.OperationName -> GH.GQLQueryText
-> ReusablePlan -> PlanCache -> IO ()
addPlan schemaVer rn opNameM q queryPlan (PlanCache planCache) =
Cache.insert planCache planId queryPlan
Cache.insert planId queryPlan planCache
planId = PlanId schemaVer rn opNameM q
clearPlanCache :: PlanCache -> IO ()
clearPlanCache (PlanCache planCache) =
Cache.clearCache planCache
Cache.clear planCache
dumpPlanCache :: PlanCache -> IO J.Value
dumpPlanCache (PlanCache cache) =
J.toJSON <$> Cache.mapCache dumpEntry cache
J.toJSON . map (map dumpEntry) <$> Cache.getEntries cache
dumpEntry (planId, plan) =

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (GQLReq a)
newtype GQLQueryText
= GQLQueryText
{ _unGQLQueryText :: Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, Hashable)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, Hashable)
type GQLReqUnparsed = GQLReq GQLQueryText
type GQLReqParsed = GQLReq GQLExecDoc

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding as PD
newtype RoleName
= RoleName {getRoleTxt :: NonEmptyText}
deriving ( Show, Eq, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, FromJSON
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, FromJSON
, ToJSON, Q.FromCol, Q.ToPrepArg, Lift)
instance DQuote RoleName where

View File

@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ removeFromDepMap =
newtype SchemaCacheVer
= SchemaCacheVer { unSchemaCacheVer :: Word64 }
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
initSchemaCacheVer :: SchemaCacheVer
initSchemaCacheVer = SchemaCacheVer 0

View File

@ -455,10 +455,11 @@ mkWaiApp
-> InstanceId
-> S.HashSet API
-> EL.LiveQueriesOptions
-> E.PlanCacheOptions
-> IO HasuraApp
mkWaiApp isoLevel loggerCtx sqlGenCtx enableAL pool ci httpManager mode
corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry
instanceId apis lqOpts = do
instanceId apis lqOpts planCacheOptions = do
let pgExecCtx = PGExecCtx pool isoLevel
pgExecCtxSer = PGExecCtx pool Q.Serializable
@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ mkWaiApp isoLevel loggerCtx sqlGenCtx enableAL pool ci httpManager mode
return (scRef, snd <$> time)
cacheLock <- newMVar ()
planCache <- E.initPlanCache
planCache <- E.initPlanCache planCacheOptions
let corsPolicy = mkDefaultCorsPolicy corsCfg
logger = L.mkLogger loggerCtx

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.Units (milliseconds)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (HostPreference)
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Hasura.Cache as Cache
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as E
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as LQ
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ data RawServeOptions
, rsoEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, rsoEnabledLogTypes :: !(Maybe [L.EngineLogType])
, rsoLogLevel :: !(Maybe L.LogLevel)
, rsoPlanCacheSize :: !(Maybe Cache.CacheSize)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ServeOptions
@ -99,6 +102,7 @@ data ServeOptions
, soEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, soEnabledLogTypes :: !(Set.HashSet L.EngineLogType)
, soLogLevel :: !L.LogLevel
, soPlanCacheOptions :: !E.PlanCacheOptions
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data RawConnInfo =
@ -200,6 +204,9 @@ instance FromEnv [L.EngineLogType] where
instance FromEnv L.LogLevel where
fromEnv = readLogLevel
instance FromEnv Cache.CacheSize where
fromEnv = Cache.mkCacheSize
parseStrAsBool :: String -> Either String Bool
parseStrAsBool t
| map toLower t `elem` truthVals = Right True
@ -312,10 +319,11 @@ mkServeOptions rso = do
enabledLogs <- Set.fromList . fromMaybe (Set.toList L.defaultEnabledLogTypes) <$>
withEnv (rsoEnabledLogTypes rso) (fst enabledLogsEnv)
serverLogLevel <- fromMaybe L.LevelInfo <$> withEnv (rsoLogLevel rso) (fst logLevelEnv)
planCacheOptions <- E.mkPlanCacheOptions <$> withEnv (rsoPlanCacheSize rso) (fst planCacheSizeEnv)
return $ ServeOptions port host connParams txIso adminScrt authHook jwtSecret
unAuthRole corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
enableTelemetry strfyNum enabledAPIs lqOpts enableAL
enabledLogs serverLogLevel
enabledLogs serverLogLevel planCacheOptions
#ifdef DeveloperAPIs
@ -926,13 +934,23 @@ enableAllowlistEnv =
, "Only accept allowed GraphQL queries"
fallbackRefetchDelayEnv :: (String, String)
fallbackRefetchDelayEnv =
, "results will only be sent once in this interval (in milliseconds) for "
<> "live queries which cannot be multiplexed. Default: 1000 (1sec)"
planCacheSizeEnv :: (String, String)
planCacheSizeEnv =
, "The maximum number of query plans that can be cached, allowed values: 0-65535, " <>
"0 disables the cache. If this value is not set, there is no limit on the number " <>
"of plans that are cached"
parsePlanCacheSize :: Parser (Maybe Cache.CacheSize)
parsePlanCacheSize =
optional $
option (eitherReader Cache.mkCacheSize)
( long "query-plan-cache-size" <>
help (snd planCacheSizeEnv)
parseEnabledLogs :: Parser (Maybe [L.EngineLogType])
parseEnabledLogs = optional $
option (eitherReader readLogTypes)
@ -976,26 +994,29 @@ serveOptsToLog :: ServeOptions -> StartupLog
serveOptsToLog so =
StartupLog L.LevelInfo "server_configuration" infoVal
infoVal = J.object [ "port" J..= soPort so
, "server_host" J..= show (soHost so)
, "transaction_isolation" J..= show (soTxIso so)
, "admin_secret_set" J..= isJust (soAdminSecret so)
, "auth_hook" J..= (ahUrl <$> soAuthHook so)
, "auth_hook_mode" J..= (show . ahType <$> soAuthHook so)
, "jwt_secret" J..= (J.toJSON <$> soJwtSecret so)
, "unauth_role" J..= soUnAuthRole so
, "cors_config" J..= soCorsConfig so
, "enable_console" J..= soEnableConsole so
, "console_assets_dir" J..= soConsoleAssetsDir so
, "enable_telemetry" J..= soEnableTelemetry so
, "use_prepared_statements" J..= (Q.cpAllowPrepare . soConnParams) so
, "stringify_numeric_types" J..= soStringifyNum so
, "enabled_apis" J..= soEnabledAPIs so
, "live_query_options" J..= soLiveQueryOpts so
, "enable_allowlist" J..= soEnableAllowlist so
, "enabled_log_types" J..= soEnabledLogTypes so
, "log_level" J..= soLogLevel so
infoVal =
[ "port" J..= soPort so
, "server_host" J..= show (soHost so)
, "transaction_isolation" J..= show (soTxIso so)
, "admin_secret_set" J..= isJust (soAdminSecret so)
, "auth_hook" J..= (ahUrl <$> soAuthHook so)
, "auth_hook_mode" J..= (show . ahType <$> soAuthHook so)
, "jwt_secret" J..= (J.toJSON <$> soJwtSecret so)
, "unauth_role" J..= soUnAuthRole so
, "cors_config" J..= soCorsConfig so
, "enable_console" J..= soEnableConsole so
, "console_assets_dir" J..= soConsoleAssetsDir so
, "enable_telemetry" J..= soEnableTelemetry so
, "use_prepared_statements" J..= (Q.cpAllowPrepare . soConnParams) so
, "stringify_numeric_types" J..= soStringifyNum so
, "enabled_apis" J..= soEnabledAPIs so
, "live_query_options" J..= soLiveQueryOpts so
, "enable_allowlist" J..= soEnableAllowlist so
, "enabled_log_types" J..= soEnabledLogTypes so
, "log_level" J..= soLogLevel so
, "plan_cache_options" J..= soPlanCacheOptions so
mkGenericStrLog :: L.LogLevel -> T.Text -> String -> StartupLog
mkGenericStrLog logLevel k msg =
@ -1010,3 +1031,28 @@ inconsistentMetadataLog sc =
StartupLog L.LevelWarn "inconsistent_metadata" infoVal
infoVal = J.object ["objects" J..= scInconsistentObjs sc]
serveOpts :: Parser RawServeOptions
serveOpts =
<$> parseServerPort
<*> parseServerHost
<*> parseConnParams
<*> parseTxIsolation
<*> (parseAdminSecret <|> parseAccessKey)
<*> parseWebHook
<*> parseJwtSecret
<*> parseUnAuthRole
<*> parseCorsConfig
<*> parseEnableConsole
<*> parseConsoleAssetsDir
<*> parseEnableTelemetry
<*> parseWsReadCookie
<*> parseStringifyNum
<*> parseEnabledAPIs
<*> parseMxRefetchInt
<*> parseMxBatchSize
<*> parseEnableAllowlist
<*> parseEnabledLogs
<*> parseLogLevel
<*> parsePlanCacheSize