mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 09:22:43 +03:00
Add the ability to test against tables in configurable schemas in Data Connector Agent test suite
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6083 GitOrigin-RevId: 5a7ee37ed3a62224a062dbaac7d322dfd95b83c4
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Table
( TableInfo (..),
TableName (..),
ForeignKeys (..),
ConstraintName (..),
@ -15,6 +21,7 @@ where
import Autodocodec
import Autodocodec.OpenAPI ()
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
@ -95,3 +102,5 @@ instance HasCodec Constraint where
<$> requiredField "foreign_table" "The table referenced by the foreign key in the child table." .= _cForeignTable
<*> requiredField "column_mapping" "The columns on which you want want to define the foreign key." .= _cColumnMapping
$(makeLenses ''TableInfo)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Command
( Command (..),
TestConfig (..),
TestOptions (..),
AgentCapabilities (..),
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import Control.Lens (contains, modifying, use, (^.), _2)
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState)
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict')
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), eitherDecodeStrict')
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -30,10 +31,14 @@ data Command
= Test TestOptions
| ExportOpenAPISpec
data TestConfig = TestConfig
{_tcTableNamePrefix :: [Text]}
data TestOptions = TestOptions
{ _toAgentBaseUrl :: BaseUrl,
_toAgentConfig :: API.Config,
_toAgentCapabilities :: AgentCapabilities,
_toTestConfig :: TestConfig,
_toParallelDegree :: Maybe Int,
_toMatch :: Maybe String,
_toSkip :: [String],
@ -93,6 +98,18 @@ commandParser =
(progDesc "Exports the OpenAPI specification of the Data Connector API that agents must implement")
testConfigParser :: Parser TestConfig
testConfigParser =
<$> option
( long "table-name-prefix"
<> short 't'
<> metavar "PREFIX"
<> help "The prefix to use for all table names, as a JSON array of strings"
<> value []
testOptionsParser :: Parser TestOptions
testOptionsParser =
@ -111,6 +128,7 @@ testOptionsParser =
<> help "The configuration JSON to be sent to the agent via the X-Hasura-DataConnector-Config header"
<*> agentCapabilitiesParser
<*> testConfigParser
<*> optional
( option
@ -157,7 +175,10 @@ positiveNonZeroInt =
if int <= 0 then readerError "Must be a positive, non-zero integer" else pure int
configValue :: ReadM API.Config
configValue = eitherReader $ (fmap API.Config . eitherDecodeStrict' . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack)
configValue = fmap API.Config jsonValue
jsonValue :: FromJSON v => ReadM v
jsonValue = eitherReader (eitherDecodeStrict' . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack)
agentCapabilitiesParser :: Parser AgentCapabilities
agentCapabilitiesParser =
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, ClientError, hoistClient, mkClientEnv, runClientM, (//))
import Test.CapabilitiesSpec qualified
import Test.Data (TestData, mkTestData)
import Test.ExplainSpec qualified
import Test.HealthSpec qualified
import Test.Hspec (Spec)
@ -34,14 +35,14 @@ import Prelude
testSourceName :: API.SourceName
testSourceName = "dc-api-tests"
tests :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> API.Capabilities -> Spec
tests api sourceName agentConfig capabilities = do
tests :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> API.Capabilities -> Spec
tests testData api sourceName agentConfig capabilities = do
Test.HealthSpec.spec api sourceName agentConfig
Test.CapabilitiesSpec.spec api agentConfig capabilities
Test.SchemaSpec.spec api sourceName agentConfig
Test.QuerySpec.spec api sourceName agentConfig capabilities
Test.SchemaSpec.spec testData api sourceName agentConfig
Test.QuerySpec.spec testData api sourceName agentConfig capabilities
for_ (API._cMetrics capabilities) \m -> Test.MetricsSpec.spec api m
for_ (API._cExplain capabilities) \_ -> Test.ExplainSpec.spec api sourceName agentConfig capabilities
for_ (API._cExplain capabilities) \_ -> Test.ExplainSpec.spec testData api sourceName agentConfig capabilities
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ main = do
Test testOptions@TestOptions {..} -> do
api <- mkIOApiClient testOptions
agentCapabilities <- getAgentCapabilities api _toAgentCapabilities
let spec = tests api testSourceName _toAgentConfig agentCapabilities
let testData = mkTestData _toTestConfig
let spec = tests testData api testSourceName _toAgentConfig agentCapabilities
case _toExportMatchStrings of
False -> runSpec spec (applyTestConfig defaultConfig testOptions) >>= evaluateSummary
True -> do
@ -2,53 +2,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Test.Data
( -- = Schema
-- = Artists table
-- = Albums table
-- = Customers table
-- = Employees table
-- = Invoices table
-- = InvoiceLines table
-- = MediaTypes table
-- = Tracks table
-- = Genres table
( -- = Test Data
TestData (..),
-- = Utilities
@ -75,6 +31,7 @@ module Test.Data
import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZip
import Command (TestConfig (..))
import Control.Arrow (first, (>>>))
import Control.Lens (Index, IxValue, Ixed, Traversal', ix, (%~), (&), (^.), (^..), (^?))
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict)
@ -310,6 +267,109 @@ genresTableRelationships =
data TestData = TestData
{ -- = Schema
_tdSchemaTables :: [API.TableInfo],
-- = Artists table
_tdArtistsTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdArtistsRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdArtistsRowsById :: HashMap Scientific (HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue),
_tdArtistsTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships,
_tdAlbumsRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
-- = Albums table
_tdAlbumsTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdAlbumsRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdAlbumsRowsById :: HashMap Scientific (HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue),
_tdAlbumsTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships,
_tdArtistRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
_tdTracksRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
-- = Customers table
_tdCustomersTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdCustomersRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdCustomersTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships,
_tdSupportRepRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
-- = Employees table
_tdEmployeesTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdEmployeesRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdEmployeesRowsById :: HashMap Scientific (HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue),
_tdEmployeesTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships,
_tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
-- = Invoices table
_tdInvoicesTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdInvoicesRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
-- = InvoiceLines table
_tdInvoiceLinesTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdInvoiceLinesRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
-- = MediaTypes table
_tdMediaTypesTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdMediaTypesRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
-- = Tracks table
_tdTracksTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdTracksRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdTracksTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships,
_tdInvoiceLinesRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
_tdMediaTypeRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
_tdAlbumRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
_tdGenreRelationshipName :: API.RelationshipName,
-- = Genres table
_tdGenresTableName :: API.TableName,
_tdGenresRows :: [HashMap API.FieldName API.FieldValue],
_tdGenresTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships
mkTestData :: TestConfig -> TestData
mkTestData TestConfig {..} =
{ _tdSchemaTables = (API.tiName %~ applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix) <$> schemaTables,
_tdArtistsTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix artistsTableName,
_tdArtistsRows = artistsRows,
_tdArtistsRowsById = artistsRowsById,
_tdArtistsTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships artistsTableRelationships,
_tdAlbumsRelationshipName = albumsRelationshipName,
_tdAlbumsTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix albumsTableName,
_tdAlbumsRows = albumsRows,
_tdAlbumsRowsById = albumsRowsById,
_tdAlbumsTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships albumsTableRelationships,
_tdArtistRelationshipName = artistRelationshipName,
_tdTracksRelationshipName = tracksRelationshipName,
_tdCustomersTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix customersTableName,
_tdCustomersRows = customersRows,
_tdCustomersTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships customersTableRelationships,
_tdSupportRepRelationshipName = supportRepRelationshipName,
_tdEmployeesTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix employeesTableName,
_tdEmployeesRows = employeesRows,
_tdEmployeesRowsById = employeesRowsById,
_tdEmployeesTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships employeesTableRelationships,
_tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName = supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName,
_tdInvoicesTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix invoicesTableName,
_tdInvoicesRows = invoicesRows,
_tdInvoiceLinesTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix invoiceLinesTableName,
_tdInvoiceLinesRows = invoiceLinesRows,
_tdMediaTypesTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix mediaTypesTableName,
_tdMediaTypesRows = mediaTypesRows,
_tdTracksTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix tracksTableName,
_tdTracksRows = tracksRows,
_tdTracksTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships tracksTableRelationships,
_tdInvoiceLinesRelationshipName = invoiceLinesRelationshipName,
_tdMediaTypeRelationshipName = mediaTypeRelationshipName,
_tdAlbumRelationshipName = albumRelationshipName,
_tdGenreRelationshipName = genreRelationshipName,
_tdGenresTableName = applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix genresTableName,
_tdGenresRows = genresRows,
_tdGenresTableRelationships = prefixTableRelationships genresTableRelationships
prefixTableRelationships :: API.TableRelationships -> API.TableRelationships
prefixTableRelationships =
API.trSourceTable %~ applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix
>>> API.trRelationships . traverse . API.rTargetTable %~ applyTableNamePrefix _tcTableNamePrefix
applyTableNamePrefix :: [Text] -> API.TableName -> API.TableName
applyTableNamePrefix prefix tableName@(API.TableName rawTableName) =
case NonEmpty.nonEmpty prefix of
Just prefix' -> API.TableName (prefix' <> rawTableName)
Nothing -> tableName
emptyQuery :: API.Query
emptyQuery = API.Query Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((&), (?~))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (Capabilities (..), Config, ExplainResponse (..), QueryRequest (..), Routes (..), SourceName, qFields)
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldNotBe)
import Prelude
@ -12,17 +13,17 @@ import Prelude
-- We currently simply check that for a basic query the explain plan is not empty.
-- There may be additional tests for explain-plans in HGE that we can leverage.
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config _ = do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config _ = do
describe "Explain API" do
it "can generate an explain plan a query for a list of artists" $ do
let query = artistsQueryRequest
ExplainResponse {..} <- (api // _explain) sourceName config query
_erQuery `shouldNotBe` ""
_erLines `shouldNotBe` []
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [] query
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (Capabilities (..), ComparisonCapabilities (..), Config, Routes (..), SourceName)
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client)
import Test.Data (TestData)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuerySpec.AggregatesSpec qualified
import Test.QuerySpec.BasicSpec qualified
@ -13,12 +14,12 @@ import Test.QuerySpec.OrderBySpec qualified
import Test.QuerySpec.RelationshipsSpec qualified
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config capabilities@Capabilities {..} = do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec testData api sourceName config capabilities@Capabilities {..} = do
describe "query API" do
Test.QuerySpec.BasicSpec.spec api sourceName config
Test.QuerySpec.FilteringSpec.spec api sourceName config _cComparisons
Test.QuerySpec.OrderBySpec.spec api sourceName config capabilities
Test.QuerySpec.BasicSpec.spec testData api sourceName config
Test.QuerySpec.FilteringSpec.spec testData api sourceName config _cComparisons
Test.QuerySpec.OrderBySpec.spec testData api sourceName config capabilities
when (isJust _cRelationships) $
Test.QuerySpec.RelationshipsSpec.spec api sourceName config (_cComparisons >>= _ccSubqueryComparisonCapabilities)
Test.QuerySpec.AggregatesSpec.spec api sourceName config _cRelationships
Test.QuerySpec.RelationshipsSpec.spec testData api sourceName config (_cComparisons >>= _ccSubqueryComparisonCapabilities)
Test.QuerySpec.AggregatesSpec.spec testData api sourceName config _cRelationships
@ -14,20 +14,21 @@ import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe RelationshipCapabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe RelationshipCapabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
describe "Star Count" $ do
it "counts all rows" $ do
let aggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_all", StarCount)]
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length Data.invoicesRows
let invoiceCount = length _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? Data.field "BillingCity" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Oslo")) Data.invoicesRows
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? Data.field "BillingCity" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Oslo")) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates & qrQuery %~ (qLimit ?~ 20 >>> qOffset ?~ 400)
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length . take 20 $ drop 400 Data.invoicesRows
let invoiceCount = length . take 20 $ drop 400 _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (/= Nothing)) Data.invoicesRows
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (/= Nothing)) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount =
& filter ((^? Data.field "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (>= Just 380))
& take 20
& mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString))
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.invoicesRows
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let billingStateCount =
& filter ((^? Data.field "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (>= Just 380))
& take 20
& mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString))
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxTotal = maximum $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxTotal = maximum $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("max", Number maxTotal)]
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxTotal =
& filter ((^? Data.field "BillingCountry" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "USA"))
& sortOn (Down . (^? Data.field "BillingPostalCode"))
& take 20
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = artistsQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let names = mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.artistsRows
let names = mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) _tdArtistsRows
let expectedAggregates =
[ ("min", aggregate (String . minimum) names),
@ -189,9 +190,9 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceCount = length Data.invoicesRows
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxTotal = aggregate (Number . maximum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let invoiceCount = length _tdInvoicesRows
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) _tdInvoicesRows
let maxTotal = aggregate (Number . maximum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates =
@ -212,8 +213,8 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let queryRequest = invoicesQueryRequest aggregates
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let maxInvoiceId = aggregate (Number . minimum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxTotal = aggregate (Number . minimum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let maxInvoiceId = aggregate (Number . minimum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "InvoiceId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdInvoicesRows
let maxTotal = aggregate (Number . minimum) $ mapMaybe ((^? Data.field "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdInvoicesRows
let expectedAggregates =
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
response <- (api // _query) sourceName config queryRequest
let invoiceRows =
& filter ((^? Data.field "BillingCountry" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Canada"))
& sortOn (^? Data.field "BillingAddress")
& take 30
@ -262,13 +263,13 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
let aggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count", Number . fromIntegral $ length albums)]
pure $ Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse Nothing (Just aggregates)) artist
let expectedArtists =
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
@ -287,14 +288,14 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
& Data.filterColumns ["AlbumId", "Title"]
let aggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count", Number . fromIntegral $ length albums)]
pure $ Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just albums) (Just aggregates)) artist
let expectedArtists =
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInMediaType (track :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe track $ do
mediaTypeId <- track ^? Data.field "MediaTypeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let mediaTypes =
& filter ((^? Data.field "MediaTypeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just mediaTypeId))
& Data.filterColumns ["Name"]
pure $ Data.insertField "nodes_MediaType" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just mediaTypes) Nothing) track
@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInInvoiceLines (track :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe track $ do
trackId <- track ^? Data.field "TrackId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let invoiceLines =
& filter ((^? Data.field "TrackId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just trackId))
let getQuantity invoiceLine = invoiceLine ^? Data.field "Quantity" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let invoiceLinesAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("aggregate_sum_Quantity", aggregate (Number . sum) $ mapMaybe getQuantity invoiceLines)]
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInTracks (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe album $ do
albumId <- album ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let tracks =
& filter
( \track ->
track ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just albumId
@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = fromMaybe artist $ do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums =
& filter ((^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>> (== Just artistId))
& fmap joinInTracks
& Data.renameColumns [("Title", "nodes_Title")]
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
pure $ Data.insertField "Albums_aggregate" (mkSubqueryResponse (Just albums) Nothing) artist
let expectedArtists =
& sortOn (Down . (^? Data.field "Name"))
& filter ((^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (\name -> name > Just "A" && name < Just "B"))
& drop 1
@ -358,109 +359,109 @@ spec api sourceName config relationshipCapabilities = describe "Aggregate Querie
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` mempty
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count", StarCount)]
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ albumAggregates & modifySubquery
artistFields =
[ ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdAlbumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "ArtistId" Ascending :| []
artistQuery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ artistFields & qOrderBy ?~ artistOrderBy
artistsTableRelationships = Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [artistsTableRelationships] artistQuery
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("count", StarCount)]
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ albumAggregates & modifySubquery
artistFields =
[ ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "ArtistId" Ascending :| []
artistQuery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ artistFields & qOrderBy ?~ artistOrderBy
artistsTableRelationships = Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [artistsTableRelationships] artistQuery
-- This query is basically what would be generated by this complex HGE GraphQL query
-- @
-- query {
-- Artist(where: {_and: [{Name: {_gt: "A"}}, {Name: {_lt: "B"}}]}, limit: 3, offset: 1, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- Name
-- Albums_aggregate {
-- nodes {
-- Title
-- Tracks_aggregate(where: {Milliseconds: {_lt: 300000}}, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- aggregate {
-- count
-- }
-- nodes {
-- Name
-- MediaType {
-- Name
-- }
-- InvoiceLines_aggregate {
-- aggregate {
-- sum {
-- Quantity
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- @
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery :: QueryRequest
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery =
let invoiceLinesAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("aggregate_sum_Quantity", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Sum (ColumnName "Quantity"))]
invoiceLinesSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ invoiceLinesAggregates
mediaTypeFields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
mediaTypeSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ mediaTypeFields
tracksFields =
[ ("nodes_Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("nodes_MediaType", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdMediaTypeRelationshipName mediaTypeSubquery),
("nodes_InvoiceLines_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdInvoiceLinesRelationshipName invoiceLinesSubquery)
tracksAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("aggregate_count", StarCount)]
tracksWhere = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Milliseconds") (ScalarValue $ Number 300000)
tracksOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Descending :| []
tracksSubquery = Query (Just tracksFields) (Just tracksAggregates) Nothing Nothing (Just tracksWhere) (Just tracksOrderBy)
albumsFields =
[ ("nodes_Title", Data.columnField "Title"),
("nodes_Tracks_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdTracksRelationshipName tracksSubquery)
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ albumsFields
artistFields =
[ ("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdAlbumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistWhere =
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "A"),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "B")
artistOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Descending :| []
artistQuery = Query (Just artistFields) Nothing (Just 3) (Just 1) (Just artistWhere) (Just artistOrderBy)
in QueryRequest
[ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdTracksRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdInvoiceLinesRelationshipName, _tdMediaTypeRelationshipName] _tdTracksTableRelationships
-- | This query is basically what would be generated by this complex HGE GraphQL query
-- @
-- query {
-- Artist(where: {_and: [{Name: {_gt: "A"}}, {Name: {_lt: "B"}}]}, limit: 3, offset: 1, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- Name
-- Albums_aggregate {
-- nodes {
-- Title
-- Tracks_aggregate(where: {Milliseconds: {_lt: 300000}}, order_by: {Name: desc}) {
-- aggregate {
-- count
-- }
-- nodes {
-- Name
-- MediaType {
-- Name
-- }
-- InvoiceLines_aggregate {
-- aggregate {
-- sum {
-- Quantity
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- @
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery :: QueryRequest
deeplyNestedArtistsQuery =
let invoiceLinesAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("aggregate_sum_Quantity", SingleColumn $ SingleColumnAggregate Sum (ColumnName "Quantity"))]
invoiceLinesSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ invoiceLinesAggregates
mediaTypeFields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
mediaTypeSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ mediaTypeFields
tracksFields =
[ ("nodes_Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("nodes_MediaType", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.mediaTypeRelationshipName mediaTypeSubquery),
("nodes_InvoiceLines_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.invoiceLinesRelationshipName invoiceLinesSubquery)
tracksAggregates = Data.mkFieldsMap [("aggregate_count", StarCount)]
tracksWhere = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Milliseconds") (ScalarValue $ Number 300000)
tracksOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Descending :| []
tracksSubquery = Query (Just tracksFields) (Just tracksAggregates) Nothing Nothing (Just tracksWhere) (Just tracksOrderBy)
albumsFields =
[ ("nodes_Title", Data.columnField "Title"),
("nodes_Tracks_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.tracksRelationshipName tracksSubquery)
albumsSubquery = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ albumsFields
artistFields =
[ ("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums_aggregate", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
artistWhere =
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "A"),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "B")
artistOrderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Descending :| []
artistQuery = Query (Just artistFields) Nothing (Just 3) (Just 1) (Just artistWhere) (Just artistOrderBy)
in QueryRequest
[ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.tracksRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.invoiceLinesRelationshipName, Data.mediaTypeRelationshipName] Data.tracksTableRelationships
artistsQueryRequest :: HashMap FieldName Aggregate -> QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest aggregates =
let query = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ aggregates
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: HashMap FieldName Aggregate -> QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest aggregates =
let query = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ aggregates
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [] query
invoicesQueryRequest :: HashMap FieldName Aggregate -> QueryRequest
invoicesQueryRequest aggregates =
let query = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ aggregates
in QueryRequest _tdInvoicesTableName [] query
invoicesQueryRequest :: HashMap FieldName Aggregate -> QueryRequest
invoicesQueryRequest aggregates =
let query = Data.emptyQuery & qAggregates ?~ aggregates
in QueryRequest Data.invoicesTableName [] query
mkSubqueryResponse :: Maybe [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> Maybe (HashMap FieldName Value) -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows aggregates =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse rows aggregates
mkSubqueryResponse :: Maybe [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> Maybe (HashMap FieldName Value) -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows aggregates =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse rows aggregates
aggregate :: (NonEmpty a -> Value) -> [a] -> Value
aggregate aggFn values =
maybe Null aggFn $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty values
aggregate :: (NonEmpty a -> Value) -> [a] -> Value
aggregate aggFn values =
maybe Null aggFn $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty values
@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
describe "Column Fields" $ do
it "can query for a list of artists" $ do
let query = artistsQueryRequest
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedArtists = Data.artistsRows
let expectedArtists = _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let filterToRequiredProperties =
HashMap.filterWithKey (\(FieldName propName) _value -> propName == "ArtistId" || propName == "Title")
let expectedAlbums = Data.sortBy (FieldName "Title") $ filterToRequiredProperties <$> Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = Data.sortBy (FieldName "Title") $ filterToRequiredProperties <$> _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
other -> other
let expectedArtists = Data.sortBy (FieldName "ArtistId") $ renameProperties <$> Data.artistsRows
let expectedArtists = Data.sortBy (FieldName "ArtistId") $ renameProperties <$> _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -63,15 +64,15 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
page1Artists `rowsShouldBe` take 10 allArtists
page2Artists `rowsShouldBe` take 10 (drop 10 allArtists)
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [] query
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.albumsTableName [] query
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdAlbumsTableName [] query
@ -11,20 +11,21 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe ComparisonCapabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queries" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe ComparisonCapabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queries" $ do
it "can filter using an equality expression" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 2))
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((== Just 2) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((== Just 2) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((/= Just 2) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((/= Just 2) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip notElem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter (flip notElem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
( \album ->
(album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just 58) && (album ^? Data.field "Title" . Data._ColumnFieldString == Just "Stormbringer")
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` _tdAlbumsRows
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can combine filters using an or expression" $ do
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((> Just 300) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((> Just 300) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((>= Just 300) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((>= Just 300) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((< Just 100) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((< Just 100) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((<= Just 100) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter ((<= Just 100) . (^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
filter (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) > (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
filter (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) > (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -169,19 +170,19 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
describe "compare against a single column" $ do
it "returns all rows if matching rows exist" $ do
let where' =
Exists (UnrelatedTable Data.employeesTableName) $
Exists (UnrelatedTable _tdEmployeesTableName) $
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "EmployeeId") (ScalarValue (Number 1))
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "returns no rows if matching rows do not exist" $ do
let where' =
Exists (UnrelatedTable Data.employeesTableName) $
Exists (UnrelatedTable _tdEmployeesTableName) $
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "EmployeeId") (ScalarValue (Number 0))
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
describe "compare against multiple columns" $ do
it "returns all rows if matching rows exist" $ do
let where' =
Exists (UnrelatedTable Data.employeesTableName) $
Exists (UnrelatedTable _tdEmployeesTableName) $
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "EmployeeId") (ScalarValue (Number 1)),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "City") (ScalarValue (String "Edmonton"))
@ -200,14 +201,14 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "returns no rows if matching rows do not exist" $ do
let where' =
Exists (UnrelatedTable Data.employeesTableName) $
Exists (UnrelatedTable _tdEmployeesTableName) $
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "EmployeeId") (ScalarValue (Number 1)),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "City") (ScalarValue (String "Calgary"))
@ -222,21 +223,21 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
describe "Comparisons in related tables" $ do
it "can filter by comparing against rows in a related table" $ do
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.artistRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdArtistRelationshipName) $
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue (String "AC/DC"))
let query =
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships]
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships]
& qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let artistId =
& find (\artist -> (artist ^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString) == Just "AC/DC")
>>= (^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)
let albums =
& filter (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) == artistId)
& sortOn (^? Data.field "AlbumId")
@ -245,36 +246,36 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
it "can filter by comparing against rows in a deeply related table" $ do
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.albumsRelationshipName) . Exists (RelatedTable Data.tracksRelationshipName) . Exists (RelatedTable Data.genreRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdAlbumsRelationshipName) . Exists (RelatedTable _tdTracksRelationshipName) . Exists (RelatedTable _tdGenreRelationshipName) $
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue (String "Metal"))
let query =
& qrTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.tracksRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.genreRelationshipName] Data.tracksTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdTracksRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdGenreRelationshipName] _tdTracksTableRelationships
& qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let genreId =
& find (\genre -> (genre ^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString) == Just "Metal")
>>= (^? Data.field "GenreId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)
let albumIds =
& filter (\track -> (track ^? Data.field "GenreId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) == genreId)
& map (\track -> (track ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber))
& HashSet.fromList
let artists =
& filter (\album -> HashSet.member (album ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) albumIds)
& mapMaybe (\album -> album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)
& HashSet.fromList
& HashSet.toList
& mapMaybe (\artistId -> HashMap.lookup artistId Data.artistsRowsById)
& mapMaybe (\artistId -> HashMap.lookup artistId _tdArtistsRowsById)
& sortOn (^? Data.field "ArtistId")
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` artists
@ -282,37 +283,37 @@ spec api sourceName config comparisonCapabilities = describe "Filtering in Queri
it "can filter by comparing against multiple columns in a related table" $ do
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.albumsRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdAlbumsRelationshipName) $
[ ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 1)),
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Title") (ScalarValue (String "Let There Be Rock"))
let query =
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships]
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships]
& qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let albums =
& filter (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) == Just 1 && (album ^? Data.field "Title" . Data._ColumnFieldString) == Just "Let There Be Rock")
let artists =
& filter (\artist -> isJust $ find (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) == (artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) albums)
& sortOn (^? Data.field "ArtistId")
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` artists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [] query
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.albumsTableName [] query
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdAlbumsTableName [] query
@ -14,19 +14,20 @@ import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config Capabilities {..} = describe "Order By in Queries" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config Capabilities {..} = describe "Order By in Queries" $ do
it "can order results in ascending order" $ do
let orderBy = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "Title" Ascending :| []
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (^? Data.field "Title") Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (^? Data.field "Title") _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ spec api sourceName config Capabilities {..} = describe "Order By in Queries" $
let query = albumsQueryRequest & qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (Down . (^? Data.field "Title")) Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (Down . (^? Data.field "Title")) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -45,216 +46,213 @@ spec api sourceName config Capabilities {..} = describe "Order By in Queries" $
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums =
sortOn (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId", Down (album ^? Data.field "Title"))) Data.albumsRows
sortOn (\album -> (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId", Down (album ^? Data.field "Title"))) _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
when (isJust _cRelationships) $ orderByWithRelationshipsSpec api sourceName config
when (isJust _cRelationships) . describe "involving relationships" $ do
it "can order results by a column in a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(_tdArtistRelationshipName, OrderByRelation Nothing mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ Data.orderByColumn [_tdArtistRelationshipName] "Name" Ascending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships]
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
orderByWithRelationshipsSpec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
orderByWithRelationshipsSpec api sourceName config = describe "involving relationships" $ do
it "can order results by a column in a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(Data.artistRelationshipName, OrderByRelation Nothing mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ Data.orderByColumn [Data.artistRelationshipName] "Name" Ascending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships]
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getRelatedArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
(album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> _tdArtistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
let getRelatedArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
(album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> Data.artistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
let expectedAlbums =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getRelatedArtist album))
& sortOn ((^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name"))
& fmap fst
let expectedAlbums =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getRelatedArtist album))
& sortOn ((^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name"))
& fmap fst
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can order results by a column in a related table where the related table is filtered" $ do
let artistTableFilter = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "N")
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(_tdArtistRelationshipName, OrderByRelation (Just artistTableFilter) mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ Data.orderByColumn [_tdArtistRelationshipName] "Name" Ascending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships]
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
it "can order results by a column in a related table where the related table is filtered" $ do
let artistTableFilter = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Name") (ScalarValue $ String "N")
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(Data.artistRelationshipName, OrderByRelation (Just artistTableFilter) mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ Data.orderByColumn [Data.artistRelationshipName] "Name" Ascending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships]
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getRelatedArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artist <- (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> _tdArtistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
if artist ^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString > Just "N"
then pure artist
else Nothing
let getRelatedArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artist <- (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> Data.artistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
if artist ^? Data.field "Name" . Data._ColumnFieldString > Just "N"
then pure artist
else Nothing
let expectedAlbums =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getRelatedArtist album))
& sortOn ((^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name") >>> toNullsLastOrdering)
& fmap fst
let expectedAlbums =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getRelatedArtist album))
& sortOn ((^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name") >>> toNullsLastOrdering)
& fmap fst
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can order results by a column in a related table of a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations =
[ ( Data.albumRelationshipName,
( HashMap.fromList
[ ( Data.artistRelationshipName,
let orderBy =
OrderBy orderByRelations $
[ Data.orderByColumn [Data.albumRelationshipName, Data.artistRelationshipName] "Name" Descending,
Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Ascending
it "can order results by a column in a related table of a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations =
[ ( _tdAlbumRelationshipName,
( HashMap.fromList
[ ( _tdArtistRelationshipName,
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumRelationshipName] Data.tracksTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships
receivedTracks <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let orderBy =
OrderBy orderByRelations $
[ Data.orderByColumn [_tdAlbumRelationshipName, _tdArtistRelationshipName] "Name" Descending,
Data.orderByColumn [] "Name" Ascending
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumRelationshipName] _tdTracksTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships
receivedTracks <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getRelatedArtist (track :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
albumId <- track ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
album <- Data.albumsRowsById ^? ix albumId
artistId <- album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
Data.artistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
let getRelatedArtist (track :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
albumId <- track ^? Data.field "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
album <- _tdAlbumsRowsById ^? ix albumId
artistId <- album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
_tdArtistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
let expectedTracks =
& fmap (\track -> (Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (_qrQuery tracksQueryRequest) track, getRelatedArtist track, track ^? Data.field "Name"))
& sortOn (\row -> (Down (row ^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name"), row ^. _3))
& fmap (^. _1)
let expectedTracks =
& fmap (\track -> (Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (_qrQuery tracksQueryRequest) track, getRelatedArtist track, track ^? Data.field "Name"))
& sortOn (\row -> (Down (row ^? _2 . _Just . Data.field "Name"), row ^. _3))
& fmap (^. _1)
Data.responseRows receivedTracks `rowsShouldBe` expectedTracks
_qrAggregates receivedTracks `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedTracks `rowsShouldBe` expectedTracks
_qrAggregates receivedTracks `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(Data.albumsRelationshipName, OrderByRelation Nothing mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ OrderByElement [Data.albumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships]
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table" $ do
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(_tdAlbumsRelationshipName, OrderByRelation Nothing mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ OrderByElement [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships]
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getAlbumsCount (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album -> album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId) Data.albumsRows
pure $ length albums
let getAlbumsCount (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album -> album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId) _tdAlbumsRows
pure $ length albums
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\artist -> (artist, getAlbumsCount artist))
& sortOn (Down . (^. _2))
& fmap fst
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\artist -> (artist, getAlbumsCount artist))
& sortOn (Down . (^. _2))
& fmap fst
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table where the related table is filtered" $ do
let albumTableFilter = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Title") (ScalarValue $ String "N")
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(Data.albumsRelationshipName, OrderByRelation (Just albumTableFilter) mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ OrderByElement [Data.albumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships]
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table where the related table is filtered" $ do
let albumTableFilter = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.currentComparisonColumn "Title") (ScalarValue $ String "N")
let orderByRelations = HashMap.fromList [(_tdAlbumsRelationshipName, OrderByRelation (Just albumTableFilter) mempty)]
let orderBy = OrderBy orderByRelations $ OrderByElement [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending :| []
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships .~ [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships]
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getAlbumsCount (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album -> album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId && album ^? Data.field "Title" . Data._ColumnFieldString > Just "N") Data.albumsRows
pure $ length albums
let getAlbumsCount (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album -> album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId && album ^? Data.field "Title" . Data._ColumnFieldString > Just "N") _tdAlbumsRows
pure $ length albums
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\artist -> (artist, getAlbumsCount artist))
& sortOn (Down . (^. _2))
& fmap fst
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\artist -> (artist, getAlbumsCount artist))
& sortOn (Down . (^. _2))
& fmap fst
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table's related table" $ do
let orderByRelations =
[ ( Data.artistRelationshipName,
( HashMap.fromList
[ ( Data.albumsRelationshipName,
let orderBy =
OrderBy orderByRelations $
[ OrderByElement [Data.artistRelationshipName, Data.albumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending,
OrderByElement [] (OrderByColumn $ ColumnName "Title") Ascending
it "can order results by an aggregate of a related table's related table" $ do
let orderByRelations =
[ ( _tdArtistRelationshipName,
( HashMap.fromList
[ ( _tdAlbumsRelationshipName,
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let orderBy =
OrderBy orderByRelations $
[ OrderByElement [_tdArtistRelationshipName, _tdAlbumsRelationshipName] OrderByStarCountAggregate Descending,
OrderByElement [] (OrderByColumn $ ColumnName "Title") Ascending
let query =
& qrQuery . qOrderBy ?~ orderBy
& qrTableRelationships
.~ [ Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships,
Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let getTotalArtistAlbumsCount (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album' -> album' ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId) Data.albumsRows
pure $ length albums
let getTotalArtistAlbumsCount (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
artistId <- album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
let albums = filter (\album' -> album' ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId) _tdAlbumsRows
pure $ length albums
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getTotalArtistAlbumsCount album, album ^? Data.field "Title"))
& sortOn (\row -> (Down (row ^. _2), (row ^. _3)))
& fmap (^. _1)
let expectedArtists =
& fmap (\album -> (album, getTotalArtistAlbumsCount album, album ^? Data.field "Title"))
& sortOn (\row -> (Down (row ^. _2), (row ^. _3)))
& fmap (^. _1)
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdAlbumsTableName [] query
albumsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
albumsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.albumsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [] query
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [] query
tracksQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
tracksQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("TrackId", Data.columnField "TrackId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.tracksTableName [] query
tracksQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
tracksQueryRequest =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("TrackId", Data.columnField "TrackId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
query = Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdTracksTableName [] query
data NullableOrdered a
= NullFirst
@ -11,24 +11,25 @@ import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe SubqueryComparisonCapabilities -> Spec
spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe SubqueryComparisonCapabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
it "perform an object relationship query by joining artist to albums" $ do
let query = albumsWithArtistQuery id
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let artist = (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> Data.artistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
let artist = (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> _tdArtistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
artistPropVal = maybeToList artist
in Data.insertField "Artist" (mkSubqueryResponse artistPropVal) album
let removeArtistId = Data.deleteField "ArtistId"
let expectedAlbums = (removeArtistId . joinInArtist) <$> Data.albumsRows
let expectedAlbums = (removeArtistId . joinInArtist) <$> _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let artistId = artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
albumFilter artistId' album = album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId'
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') Data.albumsRows) artistId
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') _tdAlbumsRows) artistId
albums' = Data.deleteField "ArtistId" <$> albums
in Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse albums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> Data.artistsRows
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
let artistId = artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
albumFilter artistId' album = album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId'
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') Data.albumsRows) artistId
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') _tdAlbumsRows) artistId
paginatedAlbums = albums & sortOn (^? Data.field "ArtistId") & drop 1 & take 2
paginatedAlbums' = Data.deleteField "ArtistId" <$> paginatedAlbums
in Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse paginatedAlbums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> Data.artistsRows
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Customer that looks like:
-- { SupportRep: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.supportRepRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepRelationshipName) $
(Data.currentComparisonColumn "Country")
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
receivedCustomers <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "CustomerId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInSupportRep (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let supportRep = (customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \employeeId -> Data.employeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
let supportRep = (customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \employeeId -> _tdEmployeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
supportRepPropVal = maybeToList $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields employeesQuery <$> supportRep
in Data.insertField "SupportRep" (mkSubqueryResponse supportRepPropVal) customer
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
supportRepCountry = customer ^.. Data.field "SupportRep" . subqueryRows . Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
in maybe False (`elem` supportRepCountry) customerCountry
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> Data.customersRows
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> _tdCustomersRows
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `rowsShouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Employees that looks like:
-- { SupportRepForCustomers: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName) $
(Data.currentComparisonColumn "Country")
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
let joinInCustomers (employee :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let employeeId = employee ^? Data.field "EmployeeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
customerFilter employeeId' customer = customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just employeeId'
customers = maybe [] (\employeeId' -> filter (customerFilter employeeId') Data.customersRows) employeeId
customers = maybe [] (\employeeId' -> filter (customerFilter employeeId') _tdCustomersRows) employeeId
customers' = Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields customersQuery <$> customers
in Data.insertField "SupportRepForCustomers" (mkSubqueryResponse customers') employee
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
customerCountries = employee ^.. Data.field "SupportRepForCustomers" . subqueryRows . Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
in maybe False (`elem` customerCountries) employeeCountry
let expectedEmployees = filter filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInCustomers <$> Data.employeesRows
let expectedEmployees = filter filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInCustomers <$> _tdEmployeesRows
Data.responseRows receivedEmployees `rowsShouldBe` expectedEmployees
_qrAggregates receivedEmployees `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
-- This Employee table permissions filter would look like:
-- { FirstName: { _cgt: ["LastName"] } }
let customersWhere =
Exists (RelatedTable Data.supportRepRelationshipName) $
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepRelationshipName) $
[ ( ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
let joinInSupportRep (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let supportRep = do
employeeId <- (customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)
employee <- Data.employeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
employee <- _tdEmployeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
firstName <- employee ^? Data.field "FirstName"
lastName <- employee ^? Data.field "LastName"
if firstName > lastName then pure employee else Nothing
@ -163,95 +164,95 @@ spec api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationsh
let supportRep = customer ^.. Data.field "SupportRep" . subqueryRows
in not (null supportRep)
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepExistence $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> Data.customersRows
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepExistence $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> _tdCustomersRows
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `rowsShouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
albumsWithArtistQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =
let artistsSubquery = modifySubquery artistsQuery
fields =
[ ("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"),
("Title", Data.columnField "Title"),
("Artist", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdArtistRelationshipName artistsSubquery)
query = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdAlbumsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships] query
albumsWithArtistQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =
let artistsSubquery = modifySubquery artistsQuery
fields =
[ ("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"),
("Title", Data.columnField "Title"),
("Artist", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.artistRelationshipName artistsSubquery)
query = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.albumsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.artistRelationshipName] Data.albumsTableRelationships] query
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumFields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
albumsSort = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "AlbumId" Ascending :| []
albumsSubquery = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ albumFields & qOrderBy ?~ albumsSort & modifySubquery
fields =
[ ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdAlbumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
query = artistsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships] query
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumFields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
albumsSort = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "AlbumId" Ascending :| []
albumsSubquery = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ albumFields & qOrderBy ?~ albumsSort & modifySubquery
fields =
[ ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", Data.columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
query = artistsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.artistsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.albumsRelationshipName] Data.artistsTableRelationships] query
employeesWithCustomersQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
employeesWithCustomersQuery modifySubquery =
let customersSort = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "CustomerId" Ascending :| []
customersSubquery = customersQuery & qOrderBy ?~ customersSort & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields employeesQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRepForCustomers", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName customersSubquery)
query = employeesQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdEmployeesTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName] _tdEmployeesTableRelationships] query
employeesWithCustomersQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
employeesWithCustomersQuery modifySubquery =
let customersSort = OrderBy mempty $ Data.orderByColumn [] "CustomerId" Ascending :| []
customersSubquery = customersQuery & qOrderBy ?~ customersSort & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields employeesQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRepForCustomers", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName customersSubquery)
query = employeesQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.employeesTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName] Data.employeesTableRelationships] query
customersWithSupportRepQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
customersWithSupportRepQuery modifySubquery =
let supportRepSubquery = employeesQuery & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields customersQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRep", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdSupportRepRelationshipName supportRepSubquery)
query = customersQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdCustomersTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdSupportRepRelationshipName] _tdCustomersTableRelationships] query
customersWithSupportRepQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
customersWithSupportRepQuery modifySubquery =
let supportRepSubquery = employeesQuery & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields customersQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRep", RelField $ RelationshipField Data.supportRepRelationshipName supportRepSubquery)
query = customersQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest Data.customersTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [Data.supportRepRelationshipName] Data.customersTableRelationships] query
artistsQuery :: Query
artistsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
artistsQuery :: Query
artistsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
albumsQuery :: Query
albumsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
albumsQuery :: Query
albumsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", Data.columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
customersQuery :: Query
customersQuery =
let fields =
[ ("CustomerId", Data.columnField "CustomerId"),
("FirstName", Data.columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", Data.columnField "LastName"),
("Country", Data.columnField "Country"),
("SupportRepId", Data.columnField "SupportRepId")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
customersQuery :: Query
customersQuery =
let fields =
[ ("CustomerId", Data.columnField "CustomerId"),
("FirstName", Data.columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", Data.columnField "LastName"),
("Country", Data.columnField "Country"),
("SupportRepId", Data.columnField "SupportRepId")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
employeesQuery :: Query
employeesQuery =
let fields =
[ ("EmployeeId", Data.columnField "EmployeeId"),
("FirstName", Data.columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", Data.columnField "LastName"),
("Country", Data.columnField "Country")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
employeesQuery :: Query
employeesQuery =
let fields =
[ ("EmployeeId", Data.columnField "EmployeeId"),
("FirstName", Data.columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", Data.columnField "LastName"),
("Country", Data.columnField "Country")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
mkSubqueryResponse :: [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse (Just rows) Nothing
mkSubqueryResponse :: [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse (Just rows) Nothing
subqueryRows :: Traversal' FieldValue (HashMap FieldName FieldValue)
subqueryRows = _RelationshipFieldValue . qrRows . _Just . traverse
subqueryRows :: Traversal' FieldValue (HashMap FieldName FieldValue)
subqueryRows = _RelationshipFieldValue . qrRows . _Just . traverse
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.List (sort, sortOn)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ removeForeignKeys t = t {API._tiForeignKeys = Nothing}
extractForeignKeys :: API.TableInfo -> [API.Constraint]
extractForeignKeys = foldMap (HashMap.elems . API.unConstraints) . API._tiForeignKeys
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes API.Routes) -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> Spec
spec api sourceName config = describe "schema API" $ do
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes API.Routes) -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config = describe "schema API" $ do
it "returns Chinook schema" $ do
tables <- (map removeDescription . sortOn API._tiName . API._srTables) <$> (api // API._schema) sourceName config
-- NOTE: Constraint names arent guaranteed to be the same across
-- Chinook backends so we compare Constraints without their names
-- independently from the rest of the schema.
(map removeForeignKeys tables) `jsonShouldBe` map (removeForeignKeys . removeDescription) Data.schemaTables
(map (sort . extractForeignKeys) tables) `jsonShouldBe` map (sort . extractForeignKeys) Data.schemaTables
(map removeForeignKeys tables) `jsonShouldBe` map (removeForeignKeys . removeDescription) _tdSchemaTables
(map (sort . extractForeignKeys) tables) `jsonShouldBe` map (sort . extractForeignKeys) _tdSchemaTables
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