server: Permit strings for numerical input fields

GitOrigin-RevId: 2ed36898aa0286618f3dafe3513ef4e01c58aaba
This commit is contained in:
Philip Lykke Carlsen 2022-09-30 15:24:32 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent d1434e4932
commit 7739f8e4a0
13 changed files with 281 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ library
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Metadata
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Meta
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Name
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Parser.Scalars
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Plan
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Source
, Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.ToQuery

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@ -366,7 +366,11 @@ initialiseServeCtx env GlobalCtx {..} so@ServeOptions {..} serverMetrics = do
| EFOptimizePermissionFilters `elem` soExperimentalFeatures = Options.OptimizePermissionFilters
| otherwise = Options.Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters
sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum soDangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters
| EFBigQueryStringNumericInput `elem` soExperimentalFeatures = Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput
| otherwise = Options.DisableBigQueryStringNumericInput
sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum soDangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters bigqueryStringNumericInput
let serverConfigCtx =
@ -679,7 +683,12 @@ mkHGEServer setupHook env ServeOptions {..} ServeCtx {..} initTime postPollHook
let optimizePermissionFilters
| EFOptimizePermissionFilters `elem` soExperimentalFeatures = Options.OptimizePermissionFilters
| otherwise = Options.Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters
sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum soDangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters
| EFBigQueryStringNumericInput `elem` soExperimentalFeatures = Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput
| otherwise = Options.DisableBigQueryStringNumericInput
sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum soDangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters bigqueryStringNumericInput
Loggers loggerCtx logger _ = _scLoggers
authModeRes <-

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Casing qualified as C
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Name
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Parser.Scalars qualified as BQP
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types qualified as BigQuery
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage (toErrorMessage)
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ instance BackendSchema 'BigQuery where
-- individual components
columnParser = bqColumnParser
enumParser = bqEnumParser
possiblyNullable = bqPossiblyNullable
possiblyNullable = const bqPossiblyNullable
scalarSelectionArgumentsParser _ = pure Nothing
orderByOperators _sourceInfo = bqOrderByOperators
comparisonExps = const bqComparisonExps
@ -92,33 +93,54 @@ bqColumnParser ::
ColumnType 'BigQuery ->
G.Nullability ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (IR.ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue 'BigQuery)))
bqColumnParser columnType nullability =
bqColumnParser columnType nullability = do
Options.SchemaOptions {soBigQueryStringNumericInput} <- asks getter
let numericInputParser :: forall a. a -> a -> a
numericInputParser builtin custom =
case soBigQueryStringNumericInput of
Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput -> custom
Options.DisableBigQueryStringNumericInput -> builtin
peelWithOrigin . fmap (ColumnValue columnType) <$> case columnType of
ColumnScalar scalarType -> case scalarType of
-- bytestrings
-- we only accept string literals
BigQuery.BytesScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> stringBased _Bytes
-- text
BigQuery.StringScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> P.string
-- floating point values
-- TODO: we do not perform size checks here, meaning we would accept an
-- out-of-bounds value as long as it can be represented by a GraphQL float; this
-- will in all likelihood error on the BigQuery side. Do we want to handle those
-- properly here?
BigQuery.FloatScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.FloatValue . BigQuery.doubleToFloat64 <$> P.float
BigQuery.IntegerScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.IntegerValue . BigQuery.intToInt64 . fromIntegral <$>
BigQuery.DecimalScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.DecimalValue . BigQuery.Decimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific
BigQuery.BigDecimalScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.BigDecimalValue . BigQuery.BigDecimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific
-- boolean type
BigQuery.BoolScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.BoolValue <$> P.boolean
BigQuery.DateScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.DateValue . BigQuery.Date <$> stringBased _Date
BigQuery.TimeScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.TimeValue . BigQuery.Time <$> stringBased _Time
BigQuery.DatetimeScalarType -> pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.DatetimeValue . BigQuery.Datetime <$> stringBased _Datetime
BigQuery.GeographyScalarType ->
pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.GeographyValue . BigQuery.Geography <$> throughJSON _Geography
BigQuery.TimestampScalarType ->
pure $ bqPossiblyNullable scalarType nullability $ BigQuery.TimestampValue . BigQuery.Timestamp <$> stringBased _Timestamp
ty -> throwError $ internalError $ T.pack $ "Type currently unsupported for BigQuery: " ++ show ty
ColumnScalar scalarType -> do
p <- case scalarType of
-- bytestrings
-- we only accept string literals
BigQuery.BytesScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> stringBased _Bytes
-- text
BigQuery.StringScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.StringValue <$> P.string
-- floating point values
BigQuery.FloatScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser (BigQuery.doubleToFloat64 <$> P.float) BQP.bqFloat64
BigQuery.IntegerScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser (BigQuery.intToInt64 . fromIntegral <$> BQP.bqInt64
BigQuery.DecimalScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser
(BigQuery.Decimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific)
BigQuery.BigDecimalScalarType ->
pure $
<$> numericInputParser
(BigQuery.BigDecimal . BigQuery.scientificToText <$> P.scientific)
-- boolean type
BigQuery.BoolScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.BoolValue <$> P.boolean
BigQuery.DateScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.DateValue . BigQuery.Date <$> stringBased _Date
BigQuery.TimeScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.TimeValue . BigQuery.Time <$> stringBased _Time
BigQuery.DatetimeScalarType -> pure $ BigQuery.DatetimeValue . BigQuery.Datetime <$> stringBased _Datetime
BigQuery.GeographyScalarType ->
pure $ BigQuery.GeographyValue . BigQuery.Geography <$> throughJSON _Geography
BigQuery.TimestampScalarType ->
pure $ BigQuery.TimestampValue . BigQuery.Timestamp <$> stringBased _Timestamp
ty -> throwError $ internalError $ T.pack $ "Type currently unsupported for BigQuery: " ++ show ty
return $ bqPossiblyNullable nullability p
ColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName enumValues customTableName) ->
case nonEmpty (Map.toList enumValues) of
Just enumValuesList -> bqEnumParser tableName enumValuesList customTableName nullability
@ -145,7 +167,7 @@ bqEnumParser ::
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ScalarValue 'BigQuery))
bqEnumParser tableName enumValues customTableName nullability = do
enumName <- mkEnumTypeName @'BigQuery tableName customTableName
pure $ bqPossiblyNullable BigQuery.StringScalarType nullability $ P.enum enumName Nothing (mkEnumValue <$> enumValues)
pure $ bqPossiblyNullable nullability $ P.enum enumName Nothing (mkEnumValue <$> enumValues)
mkEnumValue :: (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> (P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo, ScalarValue 'BigQuery)
mkEnumValue (EnumValue value, EnumValueInfo description) =
@ -155,11 +177,10 @@ bqEnumParser tableName enumValues customTableName nullability = do
bqPossiblyNullable ::
MonadParse m =>
ScalarType 'BigQuery ->
G.Nullability ->
Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue 'BigQuery) ->
Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue 'BigQuery)
bqPossiblyNullable _scalarType (G.Nullability isNullable)
bqPossiblyNullable (G.Nullability isNullable)
| isNullable = fmap (fromMaybe BigQuery.NullValue) . P.nullable
| otherwise = id

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This module defines the scalars we use specific to the BigQuery
-- schema.
-- An idiosyncracy of BigQuery is that numbers serialized via JSON uses string
-- literals instead of number literals, because BigQuery handles wider-bit
-- numbers than JSON/JavaScript does.
-- Therefore, the BigQuery Backend uses bespoke parsers for numeric scalar
-- input, which accept string literals as well as number literals, such that we
-- preserve symmetry with with output formats.
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Parser.Scalars
( bqInt64,
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Scientific qualified as S
import Data.Scientific qualified as Scientific
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types qualified as BigQuery
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage (toErrorMessage)
import Hasura.Base.ErrorValue (dquote)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.ErrorCode
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.TypeChecking
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax hiding (Definition)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.QQ qualified as G
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
bqInt64 :: forall origin m. MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m BigQuery.Int64
bqInt64 = mkScalar name "64-bit integers. Accepts both string and number literals." \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i)
| checkIntegerBounds i -> return $ BigQuery.Int64 (tshow i)
| otherwise -> boundsFailure (tshow i)
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> integralText s
JSONValue (A.String s) -> integralText s
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> integralSci (tshow n) n
v -> typeMismatch name "a 64-bit integer" v
name = [|bigquery_int|]
checkIntegerBounds :: Integer -> Bool
checkIntegerBounds i = toInteger (minBound @Int64) <= i && i <= toInteger (maxBound @Int64)
integralText :: Text -> m BigQuery.Int64
integralText inputText
| [(sci, "")] <- readP_to_S Scientific.scientificP (Text.unpack inputText) = integralSci inputText sci
| otherwise = stringNotationError name inputText
integralSci :: Text -> Scientific -> m BigQuery.Int64
integralSci inputText sci
| Scientific.isInteger sci =
case Scientific.toBoundedInteger @Int64 sci of
Just v -> return $ BigQuery.intToInt64 v
Nothing -> boundsFailure inputText
| otherwise = integralFailure inputText
boundsFailure, integralFailure :: forall a. Text -> m a
boundsFailure inputText = parseErrorWith ParseFailed $ "The value " <> toErrorMessage inputText <> " lies outside the accepted numerical integral bounds."
integralFailure inputText = parseErrorWith ParseFailed $ "The value " <> toErrorMessage inputText <> " has a non-zero fractional part."
bqFloat64 :: forall origin m. MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m BigQuery.Float64
bqFloat64 = mkScalar name "64-bit floats. Accepts both string and number literals." \case
GraphQLValue (VFloat f) -> floatSci (tshow f) f
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> floatSci (tshow i) (fromInteger i)
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> floatText s
JSONValue (A.String s) -> floatText s
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> floatSci (tshow n) n
v -> typeMismatch name "a 64-bit float" v
name = [|bigquery_float|]
floatText :: Text -> m BigQuery.Float64
floatText inputText
| [(sci, "")] <- readP_to_S Scientific.scientificP (Text.unpack inputText) = floatSci inputText sci
| otherwise = stringNotationError name inputText
floatSci :: Text -> Scientific -> m BigQuery.Float64
floatSci inputText sci =
case Scientific.toBoundedRealFloat @Double sci of
Right v -> return $ BigQuery.doubleToFloat64 v
Left _ -> boundsFailure inputText
boundsFailure :: forall a. Text -> m a
boundsFailure inputText = parseErrorWith ParseFailed $ "The value " <> toErrorMessage inputText <> " lies outside the accepted numerical integral bounds."
bqBigDecimal :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m BigQuery.BigDecimal
bqBigDecimal = mkScalar name "BigDecimals. Accepts both string and number literals." $ fmap (BigQuery.BigDecimal . BigQuery.scientificToText) . decimal name
name = [|bigquery_bigdecimal|]
bqDecimal :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m BigQuery.Decimal
bqDecimal = mkScalar name "Decimals. Accepts both string and number literals." $ fmap (BigQuery.Decimal . BigQuery.scientificToText) . decimal name
name = [|bigquery_decimal|]
decimal :: MonadParse f => Name -> InputValue Variable -> f Scientific
decimal name = \case
GraphQLValue (VFloat f) -> pure f
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> pure $ S.scientific i 0
GraphQLValue (VString s)
| Just sci <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) -> pure $ sci
| otherwise -> stringNotationError name s
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> pure n
JSONValue (A.String s)
| Just sci <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) -> pure $ sci
| otherwise -> stringNotationError name s
v -> typeMismatch name "decimal" v
-- Local helpers
mkScalar ::
MonadParse m =>
Name ->
Description ->
(InputValue Variable -> m a) ->
Parser origin 'Both m a
mkScalar name desc parser =
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser = peelVariable (toGraphQLType schemaType) >=> parser
schemaType = typeNamed name (Just desc)
typeNamed :: Name -> Maybe Description -> Type origin 'Both
typeNamed name description = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition name description Nothing [] TIScalar
stringNotationError :: MonadParse m => G.Name -> Text -> m a
stringNotationError typeName actualString =
parseError $
"expected " <> toErrorMessage (tshow typeName) <> " represented as a string, but got " <> dquote actualString
<> ", which is not a recognizable "
<> toErrorMessage (tshow typeName)
<> "."

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ buildRoleContext ::
buildRoleContext options sources remotes actions customTypes role remoteSchemaPermsCtx expFeatures = do
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters,
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters bigqueryStringNumericInput,
) = options
schemaOptions =
@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ buildRoleContext options sources remotes actions customTypes role remoteSchemaPe
soIncludeUpdateManyFields =
if EFHideUpdateManyFields `Set.member` expFeatures
then Options.DontIncludeUpdateManyFields
else Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields
else Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields,
soBigQueryStringNumericInput = bigqueryStringNumericInput
schemaContext =
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ buildRelayRoleContext ::
Set.HashSet ExperimentalFeature ->
m (RoleContext GQLContext)
buildRelayRoleContext options sources actions customTypes role expFeatures = do
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters,
let ( SQLGenCtx stringifyNum dangerousBooleanCollapse optimizePermissionFilters bigqueryStringNumericInput,
) = options
schemaOptions =
@ -366,7 +367,8 @@ buildRelayRoleContext options sources actions customTypes role expFeatures = do
soIncludeUpdateManyFields =
if EFHideUpdateManyFields `Set.member` expFeatures
then Options.DontIncludeUpdateManyFields
else Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields
else Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields,
soBigQueryStringNumericInput = bigqueryStringNumericInput
-- TODO: At the time of writing this, remote schema queries are not supported in relay.
-- When they are supported, we should get do what `buildRoleContext` does. Since, they

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options
RemoteSchemaPermissions (..),
OptimizePermissionFilters (..),
IncludeUpdateManyFields (..),
BigQueryStringNumericInput (..),
@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ data SchemaOptions = SchemaOptions
soDangerousBooleanCollapse :: DangerouslyCollapseBooleans,
soInferFunctionPermissions :: InferFunctionPermissions,
soOptimizePermissionFilters :: OptimizePermissionFilters,
soIncludeUpdateManyFields :: IncludeUpdateManyFields
soIncludeUpdateManyFields :: IncludeUpdateManyFields,
soBigQueryStringNumericInput :: BigQueryStringNumericInput
-- | Should we represent numbers in our responses as numbers, or strings?
@ -106,3 +108,9 @@ data OptimizePermissionFilters
= OptimizePermissionFilters
| Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Should we enable string-accepting scalar parsers for BigQuery sources
data BigQueryStringNumericInput
= EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput
| DisableBigQueryStringNumericInput
deriving (Eq, Show)

View File

@ -260,7 +260,8 @@ isSystemDefined = unSystemDefined
data SQLGenCtx = SQLGenCtx
{ stringifyNum :: Options.StringifyNumbers,
dangerousBooleanCollapse :: Options.DangerouslyCollapseBooleans,
optimizePermissionFilters :: Options.OptimizePermissionFilters
optimizePermissionFilters :: Options.OptimizePermissionFilters,
bigqueryStringNumericInput :: Options.BigQueryStringNumericInput
deriving (Show, Eq)

View File

@ -250,10 +250,11 @@ instance FromEnv (HashSet Server.Types.ExperimentalFeature) where
"naming_convention" -> Right Server.Types.EFNamingConventions
"apollo_federation" -> Right Server.Types.EFApolloFederation
"hide_update_many_fields" -> Right Server.Types.EFHideUpdateManyFields
"bigquery_string_numeric_input" -> Right Server.Types.EFBigQueryStringNumericInput
_ ->
Left $
"Only expecting list of comma separated experimental features, options are:"
++ "inherited_roles, streaming_subscriptions, hide_update_many_fields, optimize_permission_filters, naming_convention, apollo_federation"
++ "inherited_roles, streaming_subscriptions, hide_update_many_fields, optimize_permission_filters, naming_convention, apollo_federation, bigquery_string_numeric_input"
instance FromEnv Subscription.Options.BatchSize where
fromEnv s = do

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ data ExperimentalFeature
| EFStreamingSubscriptions
| EFApolloFederation
| EFHideUpdateManyFields
| EFBigQueryStringNumericInput
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable ExperimentalFeature
@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ instance FromJSON ExperimentalFeature where
"streaming_subscriptions" -> pure EFStreamingSubscriptions
"hide_update_many_fields" -> pure EFHideUpdateManyFields
"apollo_federation" -> pure EFApolloFederation
_ -> fail "ExperimentalFeature can only be one of these value: inherited_roles, optimize_permission_filters, hide_update_many_fields, naming_convention, streaming_subscriptions or apollo_federation"
"bigquery_string_numeric_input" -> pure EFBigQueryStringNumericInput
_ -> fail "ExperimentalFeature can only be one of these value: inherited_roles, optimize_permission_filters, hide_update_many_fields, naming_convention, streaming_subscriptions apollo_federation, or bigquery_string_numeric_input"
instance ToJSON ExperimentalFeature where
toJSON = \case
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ instance ToJSON ExperimentalFeature where
EFStreamingSubscriptions -> "streaming_subscriptions"
EFApolloFederation -> "apollo_federation"
EFHideUpdateManyFields -> "hide_update_many_fields"
EFBigQueryStringNumericInput -> "bigquery_string_numeric_input"
data MaintenanceMode a = MaintenanceModeEnabled a | MaintenanceModeDisabled
deriving (Show, Eq)

View File

@ -119,7 +119,12 @@ buildPostgresSpecs = do
setupCacheRef = do
httpManager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx Options.Don'tStringifyNumbers Options.Don'tDangerouslyCollapseBooleans Options.Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters
let sqlGenCtx =
maintenanceMode = MaintenanceModeDisabled
readOnlyMode = ReadOnlyModeDisabled
serverConfigCtx =

View File

@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ instance Has SchemaOptions SchemaEnvironment where
soDangerousBooleanCollapse = Options.Don'tDangerouslyCollapseBooleans,
soInferFunctionPermissions = Options.InferFunctionPermissions,
soOptimizePermissionFilters = Options.Don'tOptimizePermissionFilters,
soIncludeUpdateManyFields = Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields
soIncludeUpdateManyFields = Options.IncludeUpdateManyFields,
soBigQueryStringNumericInput = Options.EnableBigQueryStringNumericInput
modifier :: (SchemaOptions -> SchemaOptions) -> SchemaEnvironment -> SchemaEnvironment

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import Hasura.Server.Init qualified as Init
import Hasura.Server.Logging (MetadataQueryLoggingMode (MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled))
import Hasura.Server.Types
( EventingMode (EventingEnabled),
ExperimentalFeature (EFStreamingSubscriptions),
ExperimentalFeature (..),
MaintenanceMode (MaintenanceModeDisabled),
ReadOnlyMode (ReadOnlyModeDisabled),
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ serveOptions =
soEnableMaintenanceMode = MaintenanceModeDisabled,
-- MUST be disabled to be able to modify schema.
soSchemaPollInterval = Interval $$(refineTH 10),
soExperimentalFeatures = Set.singleton EFStreamingSubscriptions,
soExperimentalFeatures = Set.fromList [EFStreamingSubscriptions, EFBigQueryStringNumericInput],
soEventsFetchBatchSize = $$(refineTH 1),
soDevMode = True,
soGracefulShutdownTimeout = $$(refineTH 0), -- Don't wait to shutdown.

View File

@ -183,6 +183,43 @@ tests opts = do
actual `shouldBe` expected
it "Accepts strings for numbers in input fields (experimental feature 'bigquery_string_numeric_input')" \testEnvironment -> do
let schemaName = Schema.getSchemaName testEnvironment
let expected :: Value
expected =
- float: "0.5"
numeric: "1234"
bignumeric: "23456789098765432"
actual :: IO Value
actual =
query {
{_and: [
{ float: { _eq: "0.5" }}
{ integer: { _eq: "3" }}
{ numeric: { _eq: "1234" }}
{ bignumeric: { _eq: "23456789098765432" }}
) {
actual `shouldBe` expected
it "Aggregates all comparable types" \testEnvironment -> do
let schemaName = Schema.getSchemaName testEnvironment