mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 01:12:56 +03:00
Pass environment variables around as a data structure, via @sordina (#5374)
* Pass environment variables around as a data structure, via @sordina * Resolving build error * Adding Environment passing note to changelog * Removing references to ILTPollerLog as this seems to have been reintroduced from a bad merge * removing commented-out imports * Language pragmas already set by project * Linking async thread * Apply suggestions from code review Use `runQueryTx` instead of `runLazyTx` for queries. * remove the non-user facing entry in the changelog Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net> Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <phil@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ constraints: any.Cabal ==,
entropy -halvm,
any.errors ==2.3.0,
any.exceptions ==0.10.4,
exceptions +transformers-0-4,
any.fail ==,
any.fast-logger ==3.0.1,
any.file-embed ==,
any.filepath ==,
@ -63,36 +63,6 @@ Date: Wed Jul 15 03:40:48 2020 -0700
Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com>
commit 24592a516b2e920d3d41244b0aac4c060dc321ae
Author: Lyndon Maydwell <lyndon@sordina.net>
Date: Wed Jul 15 05:00:58 2020 +1000
Pass environment variables around as a data structure, via @sordina (#5374)
* Pass environment variables around as a data structure, via @sordina
* Resolving build error
* Adding Environment passing note to changelog
* Removing references to ILTPollerLog as this seems to have been reintroduced from a bad merge
* removing commented-out imports
* Language pragmas already set by project
* Linking async thread
* Apply suggestions from code review
Use `runQueryTx` instead of `runLazyTx` for queries.
* remove the non-user facing entry in the changelog
Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <phil@hasura.io>
Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com>
(Done, but we should re-visit this, if we do query plan caching)
commit 20cbe9cfd3e90b91d3f4faf370b081fc3859cbde
Author: Auke Booij <auke@hasura.io>
@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ library
, Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended
, Data.List.Extended
, Data.Tuple.Extended
, Data.Environment
, Hasura.SQL.DML
, Hasura.SQL.Error
, Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Text.Conversions (convertText)
import Hasura.App
@ -14,19 +15,31 @@ import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Migrate (downgradeCatalog, dropCatalog)
import Hasura.Server.Version
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified System.Exit as Sys
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signals
main :: IO ()
main = parseArgs >>= unAppM . runApp
main = do
tryExit $ do
args <- parseArgs
env <- Env.getEnvironment
unAppM (runApp env args)
tryExit io = try io >>= \case
Left (ExitException _code msg) -> BC.putStrLn msg >> Sys.exitFailure
Right r -> return r
runApp :: HGEOptions Hasura -> AppM ()
runApp (HGEOptionsG rci hgeCmd) =
withVersion $$(getVersionFromEnvironment) case hgeCmd of
runApp :: Env.Environment -> HGEOptions Hasura -> AppM ()
runApp env (HGEOptionsG rci hgeCmd) =
withVersion $$(getVersionFromEnvironment) $ case hgeCmd of
HCServe serveOptions -> do
(initCtx, initTime) <- initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci
(initCtx, initTime) <- initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci
let shutdownApp = return ()
-- Catches the SIGTERM signal and initiates a graceful shutdown.
-- Graceful shutdown for regular HTTP requests is already implemented in
-- Warp, and is triggered by invoking the 'closeSocket' callback.
@ -36,35 +49,36 @@ runApp (HGEOptionsG rci hgeCmd) =
(Signals.CatchOnce (shutdownGracefully initCtx))
runHGEServer serveOptions initCtx Nothing initTime
runHGEServer env serveOptions initCtx Nothing initTime shutdownApp
HCExport -> do
(initCtx, _) <- initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci
(initCtx, _) <- initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci
res <- runTx' initCtx fetchMetadata Q.ReadCommitted
either printErrJExit printJSON res
either (printErrJExit MetadataExportError) printJSON res
HCClean -> do
(initCtx, _) <- initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci
(initCtx, _) <- initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci
res <- runTx' initCtx dropCatalog Q.ReadCommitted
either printErrJExit (const cleanSuccess) res
either (printErrJExit MetadataCleanError) (const cleanSuccess) res
HCExecute -> do
(InitCtx{..}, _) <- initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci
(InitCtx{..}, _) <- initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci
queryBs <- liftIO BL.getContents
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx False
res <- runAsAdmin _icPgPool sqlGenCtx _icHttpManager do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache
execQuery queryBs
res <- runAsAdmin _icPgPool sqlGenCtx _icHttpManager $ do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache env
execQuery env queryBs
& runHasSystemDefinedT (SystemDefined False)
& runCacheRWT schemaCache
& fmap (\(res, _, _) -> res)
either printErrJExit (liftIO . BLC.putStrLn) res
either (printErrJExit ExecuteProcessError) (liftIO . BLC.putStrLn) res
HCDowngrade opts -> do
(InitCtx{..}, initTime) <- initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci
(InitCtx{..}, initTime) <- initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx False
res <- downgradeCatalog opts initTime
& runAsAdmin _icPgPool sqlGenCtx _icHttpManager
either printErrJExit (liftIO . print) res
either (printErrJExit DowngradeProcessError) (liftIO . print) res
HCVersion -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Hasura GraphQL Engine: " ++ convertText currentVersion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Data.Environment
( Environment()
, getEnvironment
, mkEnvironment
, emptyEnvironment
, maybeEnvironment
, lookupEnv)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Aeson
import qualified System.Environment
import qualified Data.Map as M
newtype Environment = Environment (M.Map String String) deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Environment
getEnvironment :: IO Environment
getEnvironment = mkEnvironment <$> System.Environment.getEnvironment
maybeEnvironment :: Maybe Environment -> Environment
maybeEnvironment = fromMaybe emptyEnvironment
mkEnvironment :: [(String, String)] -> Environment
mkEnvironment = Environment . M.fromList
emptyEnvironment :: Environment
emptyEnvironment = Environment M.empty
lookupEnv :: Environment -> String -> Maybe String
lookupEnv (Environment es) k = M.lookup k es
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (lookAhead)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype Variable = Variable {unVariable :: Text}
@ -63,20 +63,20 @@ parseURLTemplate t = parseOnly parseTemplate t
parseVariable =
string "{{" *> (Variable . T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (string "}}"))
renderURLTemplate :: MonadIO m => URLTemplate -> m (Either String Text)
renderURLTemplate template = do
eitherResults <- mapM renderTemplateItem $ unURLTemplate template
let errorVariables = lefts eitherResults
pure $ case errorVariables of
renderURLTemplate :: Env.Environment -> URLTemplate -> Either String Text
renderURLTemplate env template =
case errorVariables of
[] -> Right $ T.concat $ rights eitherResults
_ -> Left $ T.unpack $ "Value for environment variables not found: "
<> T.intercalate ", " errorVariables
eitherResults = map renderTemplateItem $ unURLTemplate template
errorVariables = lefts eitherResults
renderTemplateItem = \case
TIText t -> pure $ Right t
TIVariable (Variable var) -> do
maybeEnvValue <- liftIO $ lookupEnv $ T.unpack var
pure $ case maybeEnvValue of
TIText t -> Right t
TIVariable (Variable var) ->
let maybeEnvValue = Env.lookupEnv env $ T.unpack var
in case maybeEnvValue of
Nothing -> Left var
Just value -> Right $ T.pack value
@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
module Hasura.App where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, readTVarIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (readTVarIO, TVar)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Lens (view, _2)
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow, onException)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow, onException, Exception)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
@ -15,11 +16,9 @@ import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import GHC.AssertNF
import GHC.Stats
import Options.Applicative
import System.Environment (getEnvironment, lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Mem (performMajorGC)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL
import qualified Text.Mustache.Compile as M
import qualified Control.Immortal as Immortal
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.EncJSON
@ -71,11 +72,35 @@ import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server as WS
printErrExit :: (MonadIO m) => forall a . String -> m a
printErrExit = liftIO . (>> exitFailure) . putStrLn
data ExitCode
= InvalidEnvironmentVariableOptionsError
| InvalidDatabaseConnectionParamsError
| MetadataCatalogFetchingError
| AuthConfigurationError
| EventSubSystemError
| EventEnvironmentVariableError
| MetadataExportError
| MetadataCleanError
| DatabaseMigrationError
| ExecuteProcessError
| DowngradeProcessError
| UnexpectedHasuraError
| ExitFailureError Int
deriving Show
printErrJExit :: (A.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => forall b . a -> m b
printErrJExit = liftIO . (>> exitFailure) . printJSON
data ExitException
= ExitException
{ eeCode :: !ExitCode
, eeMessage :: !BC.ByteString
} deriving (Show)
instance Exception ExitException
printErrExit :: (MonadIO m) => forall a . ExitCode -> String -> m a
printErrExit reason = liftIO . throwIO . ExitException reason . BC.pack
printErrJExit :: (A.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => forall b . ExitCode -> a -> m b
printErrJExit reason = liftIO . throwIO . ExitException reason . BLC.toStrict . A.encode
parseHGECommand :: EnabledLogTypes impl => Parser (RawHGECommand impl)
parseHGECommand =
@ -101,7 +126,7 @@ parseArgs = do
rawHGEOpts <- execParser opts
env <- getEnvironment
let eitherOpts = runWithEnv env $ mkHGEOptions rawHGEOpts
either printErrExit return eitherOpts
either (printErrExit InvalidEnvironmentVariableOptionsError) return eitherOpts
opts = info (helper <*> hgeOpts)
( fullDesc <>
@ -143,8 +168,7 @@ data Loggers
newtype AppM a = AppM { unAppM :: IO a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadUnique, MonadBase IO
, MonadBaseControl IO, MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadBase IO, MonadBaseControl IO, MonadCatch, MonadThrow, MonadMask)
-- | this function initializes the catalog and returns an @InitCtx@, based on the command given
-- - for serve command it creates a proper PG connection pool
@ -153,10 +177,11 @@ newtype AppM a = AppM { unAppM :: IO a }
-- used by other functions as well
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
=> HGECommand Hasura
=> Env.Environment
-> HGECommand Hasura
-> RawConnInfo
-> m (InitCtx, UTCTime)
initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci = do
initialiseCtx env hgeCmd rci = do
initTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
-- global http manager
httpManager <- liftIO $ HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
@ -181,11 +206,11 @@ initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci = do
pure (l, pool, SQLGenCtx False)
res <- flip onException (flushLogger (_lsLoggerCtx loggers)) $
migrateCatalogSchema (_lsLogger loggers) pool httpManager sqlGenCtx
migrateCatalogSchema env (_lsLogger loggers) pool httpManager sqlGenCtx
pure (InitCtx httpManager instanceId loggers connInfo pool latch res, initTime)
procConnInfo =
either (printErrExit . ("Fatal Error : " <>)) return $ mkConnInfo rci
either (printErrExit InvalidDatabaseConnectionParamsError . ("Fatal Error : " <>)) return $ mkConnInfo rci
getMinimalPool pgLogger ci = do
let connParams = Q.defaultConnParams { Q.cpConns = 1 }
@ -200,14 +225,14 @@ initialiseCtx hgeCmd rci = do
-- | helper function to initialize or migrate the @hdb_catalog@ schema (used by pro as well)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> Logger Hasura -> Q.PGPool -> HTTP.Manager -> SQLGenCtx
=> Env.Environment -> Logger Hasura -> Q.PGPool -> HTTP.Manager -> SQLGenCtx
-> m (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, Maybe UTCTime)
migrateCatalogSchema logger pool httpManager sqlGenCtx = do
migrateCatalogSchema env logger pool httpManager sqlGenCtx = do
let pgExecCtx = mkPGExecCtx Q.Serializable pool
adminRunCtx = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager sqlGenCtx
currentTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
initialiseResult <- runExceptT $ peelRun adminRunCtx pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite $
(,) <$> migrateCatalog currentTime <*> liftTx fetchLastUpdate
(,) <$> migrateCatalog env currentTime <*> liftTx fetchLastUpdate
((migrationResult, schemaCache), lastUpdateEvent) <-
initialiseResult `onLeft` \err -> do
@ -216,7 +241,7 @@ migrateCatalogSchema logger pool httpManager sqlGenCtx = do
, slKind = "db_migrate"
, slInfo = A.toJSON err
liftIO exitFailure
liftIO (printErrExit DatabaseMigrationError (BLC.unpack $ A.encode err))
unLogger logger migrationResult
return (schemaCache, view _2 <$> lastUpdateEvent)
@ -224,7 +249,7 @@ migrateCatalogSchema logger pool httpManager sqlGenCtx = do
runTxIO :: Q.PGPool -> Q.TxMode -> Q.TxE QErr a -> IO a
runTxIO pool isoLevel tx = do
eVal <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool isoLevel tx
either printErrJExit return eVal
either (printErrJExit DatabaseMigrationError) return eVal
-- | A latch for the graceful shutdown of a server process.
newtype ShutdownLatch = ShutdownLatch { unShutdownLatch :: C.MVar () }
@ -239,40 +264,45 @@ waitForShutdown = C.takeMVar . unShutdownLatch
-- | Initiate a graceful shutdown of the server associated with the provided
-- latch.
shutdownGracefully :: InitCtx -> IO ()
shutdownGracefully = flip C.putMVar () . unShutdownLatch . _icShutdownLatch
shutdownGracefully = shutdownGracefully' . _icShutdownLatch
shutdownGracefully' :: ShutdownLatch -> IO ()
shutdownGracefully' = flip C.putMVar () . unShutdownLatch
-- | If an exception is encountered , flush the log buffer and
-- rethrow If we do not flush the log buffer on exception, then log lines
-- may be missed
-- See: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/4772
flushLogger :: (MonadIO m) => LoggerCtx impl -> m ()
flushLogger loggerCtx = liftIO $ FL.flushLogStr $ _lcLoggerSet loggerCtx
flushLogger :: MonadIO m => LoggerCtx impl -> m ()
flushLogger = liftIO . FL.flushLogStr . _lcLoggerSet
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnique m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadMask m
, MonadStateless IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, UserAuthentication m
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, HttpLog m
, MonadQueryLog m
, ConsoleRenderer m
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadConfigApiHandler m
, MonadQueryLog m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
=> ServeOptions impl
=> Env.Environment
-> ServeOptions impl
-> InitCtx
-> Maybe PGExecCtx
-- ^ An optional specialized pg exection context for executing queries
-- and mutations
-> UTCTime
-- ^ start time
-> IO ()
-- ^ shutdown function
-> m ()
runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
runHGEServer env ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime shutdownApp = do
-- Comment this to enable expensive assertions from "GHC.AssertNF". These
-- will log lines to STDOUT containing "not in normal form". In the future we
-- could try to integrate this into our tests. For now this is a development
@ -287,13 +317,14 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
authModeRes <- runExceptT $ setupAuthMode soAdminSecret soAuthHook soJwtSecret soUnAuthRole
_icHttpManager logger
authMode <- either (printErrExit . T.unpack) return authModeRes
authMode <- either (printErrExit AuthConfigurationError . T.unpack) return authModeRes
_idleGCThread <- C.forkImmortal "ourIdleGC" logger $ liftIO $
ourIdleGC logger (seconds 0.3) (seconds 10) (seconds 60)
HasuraApp app cacheRef cacheInitTime shutdownApp <- flip onException (flushLogger loggerCtx) $
mkWaiApp soTxIso
HasuraApp app cacheRef cacheInitTime stopWsServer <- flip onException (flushLogger loggerCtx) $
mkWaiApp env
@ -318,14 +349,14 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
liftIO $ logInconsObjs logger inconsObjs
-- start background threads for schema sync
(_schemaSyncListenerThread, _schemaSyncProcessorThread) <-
(schemaSyncListenerThread, schemaSyncProcessorThread) <-
startSchemaSyncThreads sqlGenCtx _icPgPool logger _icHttpManager
cacheRef _icInstanceId cacheInitTime
maxEvThrds <- liftIO $ getFromEnv defaultMaxEventThreads "HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE"
fetchI <- fmap milliseconds $ liftIO $
getFromEnv (Milliseconds defaultFetchInterval) "HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_FETCH_INTERVAL"
logEnvHeaders <- liftIO $ getFromEnv False "LOG_HEADERS_FROM_ENV"
maxEvThrds = fromMaybe defaultMaxEventThreads soEventsHttpPoolSize
fetchI = milliseconds $ fromMaybe (Milliseconds defaultFetchInterval) soEventsFetchInterval
logEnvHeaders = soLogHeadersFromEnv
lockedEventsCtx <- liftIO $ atomically $ initLockedEventsCtx
@ -333,13 +364,14 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
prepareEvents _icPgPool logger
eventEngineCtx <- liftIO $ atomically $ initEventEngineCtx maxEvThrds fetchI
unLogger logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "event_triggers" "starting workers"
_eventQueueThread <- C.forkImmortal "processEventQueue" logger $ liftIO $
_eventQueueThread <- C.forkImmortal "processEventQueue" logger $
processEventQueue logger logEnvHeaders
_icHttpManager _icPgPool (getSCFromRef cacheRef) eventEngineCtx lockedEventsCtx
-- start a backgroud thread to handle async actions
_asyncActionsThread <- C.forkImmortal "asyncActionsProcessor" logger $ liftIO $
asyncActionsProcessor (_scrCache cacheRef) _icPgPool _icHttpManager
asyncActionsThread <- C.forkImmortal "asyncActionsProcessor" logger $
asyncActionsProcessor env (_scrCache cacheRef) _icPgPool _icHttpManager
-- start a background thread to create new cron events
void $ liftIO $ C.forkImmortal "runCronEventsGenerator" logger $
@ -349,20 +381,29 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
prepareScheduledEvents _icPgPool logger
-- start a background thread to deliver the scheduled events
void $ liftIO $ C.forkImmortal "processScheduledTriggers" logger $ processScheduledTriggers logger logEnvHeaders _icHttpManager _icPgPool (getSCFromRef cacheRef) lockedEventsCtx
void $ C.forkImmortal "processScheduledTriggers" logger $
processScheduledTriggers env logger logEnvHeaders _icHttpManager _icPgPool (getSCFromRef cacheRef) lockedEventsCtx
-- start a background thread to check for updates
_updateThread <- C.forkImmortal "checkForUpdates" logger $ liftIO $
updateThread <- C.forkImmortal "checkForUpdates" logger $ liftIO $
checkForUpdates loggerCtx _icHttpManager
-- startTelemetry logger serveOpts cacheRef initCtx
-- start a background thread for telemetry
when soEnableTelemetry $ do
unLogger logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "telemetry" telemetryNotice
(dbId, pgVersion) <- liftIO $ runTxIO _icPgPool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) $
(,) <$> getDbId <*> getPgVersion
void $ C.forkImmortal "runTelemetry" logger $ liftIO $
runTelemetry logger _icHttpManager (getSCFromRef cacheRef) dbId _icInstanceId pgVersion
-- events has its own shutdown mechanism, used in 'shutdownHandler'
let immortalThreads = [schemaSyncListenerThread, schemaSyncProcessorThread, updateThread, asyncActionsThread]
finishTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
let apiInitTime = realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime finishTime initTime
unLogger logger $
@ -370,7 +411,7 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
let warpSettings = Warp.setPort soPort
. Warp.setHost soHost
. Warp.setGracefulShutdownTimeout (Just 30) -- 30s graceful shutdown
. Warp.setInstallShutdownHandler (shutdownHandler _icLoggers shutdownApp lockedEventsCtx _icPgPool)
. Warp.setInstallShutdownHandler (shutdownHandler _icLoggers immortalThreads stopWsServer lockedEventsCtx _icPgPool)
$ Warp.defaultSettings
liftIO $ Warp.runSettings warpSettings app
@ -389,13 +430,13 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
prepareEvents pool (Logger logger) = do
liftIO $ logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "event_triggers" "preparing data"
res <- liftIO $ runTx pool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) unlockAllEvents
either printErrJExit return res
either (printErrJExit EventSubSystemError) return res
-- | prepareScheduledEvents is like prepareEvents, but for scheduled triggers
prepareScheduledEvents pool (Logger logger) = do
liftIO $ logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "scheduled_triggers" "preparing data"
res <- liftIO $ runTx pool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
either printErrJExit return res
either (printErrJExit EventSubSystemError) return res
-- | shutdownEvents will be triggered when a graceful shutdown has been inititiated, it will
-- get the locked events from the event engine context and the scheduled event engine context
@ -433,15 +474,6 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
Right count -> logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo triggerType $
show count ++ " " ++ T.unpack eventType ++ " events successfully unlocked"
getFromEnv :: (Read a) => a -> String -> IO a
getFromEnv defaults env = do
mEnv <- lookupEnv env
let mRes = case mEnv of
Nothing -> Just defaults
Just val -> readMaybe val
eRes = maybe (Left $ "Wrong expected type for environment variable: " <> env) Right mRes
either printErrExit return eRes
runTx :: Q.PGPool -> Q.TxMode -> Q.TxE QErr a -> IO (Either QErr a)
runTx pool txLevel tx =
liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool txLevel tx
@ -452,17 +484,26 @@ runHGEServer ServeOptions{..} InitCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime = do
-- we want to control shutdown.
:: Loggers
-> [Immortal.Thread]
-> IO ()
-- ^ the stop websocket server function
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> Q.PGPool
-> IO ()
-- ^ the closeSocket callback
-> IO ()
shutdownHandler (Loggers loggerCtx (Logger logger) _) shutdownApp leCtx pool closeSocket =
void . Async.async $ do
shutdownHandler (Loggers loggerCtx (Logger logger) _) immortalThreads stopWsServer leCtx pool closeSocket =
LA.link =<< LA.async do
waitForShutdown _icShutdownLatch
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" "gracefully shutting down server"
shutdownEvents pool (Logger logger) leCtx
-- kill all the background immortal threads
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" "killing all background immortal threads"
forM_ immortalThreads $ \thread -> do
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" $ "killing thread: " <> show (Immortal.threadId thread)
Immortal.stop thread
cleanLoggerCtx loggerCtx
@ -543,15 +584,15 @@ execQuery
, UserInfoM m
, HasSystemDefined m
=> BLC.ByteString
=> Env.Environment
-> BLC.ByteString
-> m BLC.ByteString
execQuery queryBs = do
execQuery env queryBs = do
query <- case A.decode queryBs of
Just jVal -> decodeValue jVal
Nothing -> throw400 InvalidJSON "invalid json"
encJToLBS <$> runQueryM query
encJToLBS <$> runQueryM env query
instance HttpLog AppM where
logHttpError logger userInfoM reqId httpReq req qErr headers =
@ -614,7 +655,6 @@ mkConsoleHTML path authMode enableTelemetry consoleAssetsDir =
consoleTmplt = $(M.embedSingleTemplate "src-rsr/console.html")
telemetryNotice :: String
telemetryNotice =
"Help us improve Hasura! The graphql-engine server collects anonymized "
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Hasura.Db
, LazyRespTx
, defaultTxErrorHandler
, mkTxErrorHandler
, lazyTxToQTx
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ type RespTx = Q.TxE QErr EncJSON
type LazyRespTx = LazyTx QErr EncJSON
setHeadersTx :: SessionVariables -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setHeadersTx session =
setHeadersTx session = do
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler setSess () False
setSess = Q.fromText $
@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ withUserInfo :: UserInfo -> LazyTx QErr a -> LazyTx QErr a
withUserInfo uInfo = \case
LTErr e -> LTErr e
LTNoTx a -> LTNoTx a
LTTx tx -> LTTx $ setHeadersTx (_uiSession uInfo) >> tx
LTTx tx ->
let vars = _uiSession uInfo
in LTTx $ setHeadersTx vars >> tx
instance Functor (LazyTx e) where
fmap f = \case
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module Hasura.Eventing.Common where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad.STM
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (EventId)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ScheduledTrigger (CronEventId,StandAloneScheduledEventId)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ScheduledTrigger (CronEventId, StandAloneScheduledEventId)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ initLockedEventsCtx = do
-- | After the events are fetched from the DB, we store the locked events
-- in a hash set(order doesn't matter and look ups are faster) in the
-- event engine context
saveLockedEvents :: [Text] -> TVar (Set.Set Text) -> IO ()
saveLockedEvents :: (MonadIO m) => [Text] -> TVar (Set.Set Text) -> m ()
saveLockedEvents eventIds lockedEvents =
atomically $ do
liftIO $ atomically $ do
lockedEventsVals <- readTVar lockedEvents
writeTVar lockedEvents $!
Set.union lockedEventsVals $ Set.fromList eventIds
-- | Remove an event from the 'LockedEventsCtx' after it has been processed
removeEventFromLockedEvents :: Text -> TVar (Set.Set Text) -> IO ()
removeEventFromLockedEvents :: MonadIO m => Text -> TVar (Set.Set Text) -> m ()
removeEventFromLockedEvents eventId lockedEvents =
atomically $ do
liftIO $ atomically $ do
lockedEventsVals <- readTVar lockedEvents
writeTVar lockedEvents $! Set.delete eventId lockedEventsVals
@ -40,12 +40,11 @@ module Hasura.Eventing.EventTrigger
, EventEngineCtx(..)
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, link, wait, withAsync)
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (sleep)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask, bracket_)
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
@ -54,9 +53,8 @@ import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.String
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Word
import Hasura.Eventing.HTTP
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import Hasura.Eventing.HTTP
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers
@ -64,14 +62,15 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE
data TriggerMetadata
@ -159,19 +158,31 @@ initEventEngineCtx maxT _eeCtxFetchInterval = do
-- - try not to cause webhook workers to stall waiting on DB fetch
-- - limit webhook HTTP concurrency per HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE
:: (HasVersion) => L.Logger L.Hasura -> LogEnvHeaders -> HTTP.Manager-> Q.PGPool
-> IO SchemaCache -> EventEngineCtx -> LockedEventsCtx
-> IO void
processEventQueue logger logenv httpMgr pool getSchemaCache eeCtx@EventEngineCtx{..} LockedEventsCtx {leEvents}= do
:: forall m void
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, MonadMask m
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LogEnvHeaders
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Q.PGPool
-> IO SchemaCache
-> EventEngineCtx
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> m void
processEventQueue logger logenv httpMgr pool getSchemaCache eeCtx@EventEngineCtx{..} LockedEventsCtx{leEvents} = do
events0 <- popEventsBatch
go events0 0 False
fetchBatchSize = 100
popEventsBatch = do
let run = runExceptT . Q.runTx pool (Q.RepeatableRead, Just Q.ReadWrite)
let run = liftIO . runExceptT . Q.runTx pool (Q.RepeatableRead, Just Q.ReadWrite)
run (fetchEvents fetchBatchSize) >>= \case
Left err -> do
L.unLogger logger $ EventInternalErr err
liftIO $ L.unLogger logger $ EventInternalErr err
return []
Right events -> do
saveLockedEvents (map eId events) leEvents
@ -179,25 +190,26 @@ processEventQueue logger logenv httpMgr pool getSchemaCache eeCtx@EventEngineCtx
-- work on this batch of events while prefetching the next. Recurse after we've forked workers
-- for each in the batch, minding the requested pool size.
go :: [Event] -> Int -> Bool -> IO void
go :: [Event] -> Int -> Bool -> m void
go events !fullFetchCount !alreadyWarned = do
-- process events ASAP until we've caught up; only then can we sleep
when (null events) $ sleep _eeCtxFetchInterval
when (null events) . liftIO $ sleep _eeCtxFetchInterval
-- Prefetch next events payload while concurrently working through our current batch.
-- NOTE: we probably don't need to prefetch so early, but probably not
-- worth the effort for something more fine-tuned
eventsNext <- withAsync popEventsBatch $ \eventsNextA -> do
eventsNext <- LA.withAsync popEventsBatch $ \eventsNextA -> do
-- process approximately in order, minding HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE:
forM_ events $ \event -> do
t <- async $ runReaderT (withEventEngineCtx eeCtx $ (processEvent event)) (logger, httpMgr)
t <- processEvent event
& withEventEngineCtx eeCtx
& flip runReaderT (logger, httpMgr)
& LA.async
-- removing an event from the _eeCtxLockedEvents after the event has
-- been processed
removeEventFromLockedEvents (eId event) leEvents
link t
-- return when next batch ready; some 'processEvent' threads may be running.
wait eventsNextA
LA.link t
LA.wait eventsNextA
let lenEvents = length events
if | lenEvents == fetchBatchSize -> do
@ -220,13 +232,14 @@ processEventQueue logger logenv httpMgr pool getSchemaCache eeCtx@EventEngineCtx
go eventsNext 0 False
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadReader r m
:: forall io r
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO io
, MonadReader r io
, Has HTTP.Manager r
, Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r
, MonadIO m
=> Event -> m ()
=> Event -> io ()
processEvent e = do
cache <- liftIO getSchemaCache
let meti = getEventTriggerInfoFromEvent cache e
@ -80,33 +80,33 @@ import Data.Has
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import Hasura.Eventing.HTTP
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger (getHeaderInfosFromConf)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger (getHeaderInfosFromConf)
import Hasura.SQL.DML
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import System.Cron
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Text.Builder as TB (run)
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding as PD
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE
import qualified Text.Builder as TB (run)
newtype ScheduledTriggerInternalErr
@ -338,18 +338,18 @@ generateScheduleTimes from n cron = take n $ go from
go = unfoldr (fmap dup . nextMatch cron)
:: HasVersion
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LogEnvHeaders
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Q.PGPool
-> IO SchemaCache
-> TVar (Set.Set CronEventId)
-> IO ()
-> m ()
processCronEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool getSC lockedCronEvents = do
cronTriggersInfo <- scCronTriggers <$> getSC
cronTriggersInfo <- scCronTriggers <$> liftIO getSC
cronScheduledEvents <-
runExceptT $
liftIO . runExceptT $
Q.runTx pgpool (Q.ReadCommitted, Just Q.ReadWrite) getPartialCronEvents
case cronScheduledEvents of
Right partialEvents -> do
@ -380,19 +380,20 @@ processCronEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool getSC lockedCronEvents = do
either logInternalError pure finally
Left err -> logInternalError err
logInternalError err = L.unLogger logger $ ScheduledTriggerInternalErr err
logInternalError err = liftIO . L.unLogger logger $ ScheduledTriggerInternalErr err
:: HasVersion
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> Env.Environment
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LogEnvHeaders
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Q.PGPool
-> TVar (Set.Set StandAloneScheduledEventId)
-> IO ()
processStandAloneEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool lockedStandAloneEvents = do
-> m ()
processStandAloneEvents env logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool lockedStandAloneEvents = do
standAloneScheduledEvents <-
runExceptT $
liftIO . runExceptT $
Q.runTx pgpool (Q.ReadCommitted, Just Q.ReadWrite) getOneOffScheduledEvents
case standAloneScheduledEvents of
Right standAloneScheduledEvents' -> do
@ -410,8 +411,8 @@ processStandAloneEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool lockedStandAloneEvents = do
comment )
-> do
webhookInfo <- runExceptT $ resolveWebhook webhookConf
headerInfo <- runExceptT $ getHeaderInfosFromConf headerConf
webhookInfo <- liftIO . runExceptT $ resolveWebhook env webhookConf
headerInfo <- liftIO . runExceptT $ getHeaderInfosFromConf env headerConf
case webhookInfo of
Right webhookInfo' -> do
@ -440,22 +441,23 @@ processStandAloneEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool lockedStandAloneEvents = do
Left standAloneScheduledEventsErr -> logInternalError standAloneScheduledEventsErr
logInternalError err = L.unLogger logger $ ScheduledTriggerInternalErr err
logInternalError err = liftIO . L.unLogger logger $ ScheduledTriggerInternalErr err
:: HasVersion
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> Env.Environment
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LogEnvHeaders
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Q.PGPool
-> IO SchemaCache
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> IO void
processScheduledTriggers logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool getSC LockedEventsCtx {..} =
-> m void
processScheduledTriggers env logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool getSC LockedEventsCtx {..} =
forever $ do
processCronEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool getSC leCronEvents
processStandAloneEvents logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool leStandAloneEvents
sleep (minutes 1)
processStandAloneEvents env logger logEnv httpMgr pgpool leStandAloneEvents
liftIO $ sleep (minutes 1)
processScheduledEvent ::
( MonadReader r m
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute
, EP.initPlanCache
, EP.clearPlanCache
, EP.dumpPlanCache
, EQ.PreparedSql(..)
, ExecutionCtx(..)
, MonadGQLExecutionCheck(..)
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Data.Text.Conversions
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -120,13 +121,6 @@ getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType req = do
roleName = _uiRole userInfo
-- checkQueryInAllowlist =
-- -- only for non-admin roles
-- when (roleName /= adminRoleName) $ do
-- let notInAllowlist =
-- not $ _isQueryInAllowlist (_grQuery req) (scAllowlist sc)
-- when notInAllowlist $ modifyQErr modErr $ throw400 ValidationFailed "query is not allowed"
contextMap =
case queryType of
ET.QueryHasura -> scGQLContext sc
@ -172,10 +166,10 @@ getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType req = do
"in the document when operationName is not specified"
-- The graphql query is resolved into a sequence of execution operations
data ResolvedExecutionPlan
= QueryExecutionPlan (EPr.ExecutionPlan (LazyRespTx, EQ.GeneratedSqlMap) EPr.RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
data ResolvedExecutionPlan m
= QueryExecutionPlan (EPr.ExecutionPlan (m EncJSON, EQ.GeneratedSqlMap) EPr.RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
-- ^ query execution; remote schemas and introspection possible
| MutationExecutionPlan (EPr.ExecutionPlan (LazyRespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders) EPr.RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
| MutationExecutionPlan (EPr.ExecutionPlan (m EncJSON, HTTP.ResponseHeaders) EPr.RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
-- ^ mutation execution; only __typename introspection supported
| SubscriptionExecutionPlan (EPr.ExecutionPlan EL.LiveQueryPlan Void Void)
-- ^ live query execution; remote schemas and introspection not supported
@ -212,8 +206,15 @@ checkQueryInAllowlist enableAL userInfo req sc =
unGQLExecDoc q
:: forall m . (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> PGExecCtx
:: forall m tx
. ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO tx
, MonadTx tx
=> Env.Environment
-> PGExecCtx
-> EP.PlanCache
-> UserInfo
-> SQLGenCtx
@ -223,8 +224,8 @@ getResolvedExecPlan
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> (GQLReqUnparsed, GQLReqParsed)
-> m (Telem.CacheHit, ResolvedExecutionPlan)
getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
-> m (Telem.CacheHit,ResolvedExecutionPlan tx)
getResolvedExecPlan env pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
sc scVer queryType httpManager reqHeaders (reqUnparsed, reqParsed) = do
planM <- liftIO $ EP.getPlan scVer (_uiRole userInfo) opNameM queryStr
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
-- plans are only for queries and subscriptions
Just plan -> (Telem.Hit,) <$> case plan of
EP.RPQuery queryPlan -> do
(tx, genSql) <- EQ.queryOpFromPlan httpManager reqHeaders userInfo queryVars queryPlan
-- (tx, genSql) <- EQ.queryOpFromPlan env httpManager reqHeaders userInfo queryVars queryPlan
return $ QueryExecutionPlan _ -- tx (Just genSql)
EP.RPSubs subsPlan ->
return $ SubscriptionExecutionPlan _ -- <$> EL.reuseLiveQueryPlan pgExecCtx usrVars queryVars subsPlan
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
-- addPlanToCache plan =
-- liftIO $ EP.addPlan scVer (userRole userInfo)
-- opNameM queryStr plan planCache
noExistingPlan :: m ResolvedExecutionPlan
noExistingPlan :: m (ResolvedExecutionPlan tx)
noExistingPlan = do
-- GraphQL requests may incorporate fragments which insert a pre-defined
-- part of a GraphQL query. Here we make sure to remember those
@ -260,13 +261,13 @@ getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
-- (Here the above fragment inlining is actually executed.)
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments selSet
(execPlan, plan, _unprepared) <-
EQ.convertQuerySelSet gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
EQ.convertQuerySelSet env gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
-- traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPQuery) plan
return $ QueryExecutionPlan $ execPlan
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeMutation _ varDefs _ selSet -> do
-- (Here the above fragment inlining is actually executed.)
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments selSet
queryTx <- EM.convertMutationSelectionSet gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders
queryTx <- EM.convertMutationSelectionSet env gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders
inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
-- traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPQuery) plan
return $ MutationExecutionPlan $ queryTx
@ -315,6 +316,10 @@ getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
-- ]
-- }
-- }
-- Parse as query to check correctness
(_execPlan :: EPr.ExecutionPlan (tx EncJSON, EQ.GeneratedSqlMap) EPr.RemoteCall (G.Name,J.Value)
, _plan, unpreparedAST) <-
EQ.convertQuerySelSet env gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
case NE.nonEmpty inlinedSelSet of
Nothing -> throw500 "empty selset for subscription"
Just (_ :| rst) ->
@ -322,9 +327,6 @@ getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
unless (multipleAllowed || null rst) $
throw400 ValidationFailed $ "subscriptions must select one top level field"
-- Parse as query to check correctness
(_execPlan, _plan, unpreparedAST) <-
EQ.convertQuerySelSet gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
validSubscriptionAST <- for unpreparedAST validateSubscriptionRootField
(lqOp, plan) <- EL.buildLiveQueryPlan pgExecCtx userInfo validSubscriptionAST
-- getSubsOpM pgExecCtx userInfo inlinedSelSet
@ -351,7 +353,8 @@ execRemoteGQ
, MonadReader ExecutionCtx m
, MonadQueryLog m
=> RequestId
=> Env.Environment
-> RequestId
-> UserInfo
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> GQLReqUnparsed
@ -359,12 +362,12 @@ execRemoteGQ
-> G.TypedOperationDefinition G.NoFragments G.Name
-> m (DiffTime, HttpResponse EncJSON)
-- ^ Also returns time spent in http request, for telemetry.
execRemoteGQ reqId userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opDef = do
execRemoteGQ env reqId userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opDef = do
execCtx <- ask
let logger = _ecxLogger execCtx
manager = _ecxHttpManager execCtx
opType = G._todType opDef
logQueryLog logger q Nothing reqId
(time, respHdrs, resp) <- execRemoteGQ' manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType
(time, respHdrs, resp) <- execRemoteGQ' env manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType
let !httpResp = HttpResponse (encJFromLBS resp) respHdrs
return (time, httpResp)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Environment as E
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Poll (
, LiveQueryMetadata(..)
) where
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import GHC.AssertNF
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
@ -54,8 +56,6 @@ import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified ListT
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STMMap
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import GHC.AssertNF
import Control.Lens
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.TMap as TMap
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ data Subscriber
data LiveQueryMetadata
= LiveQueryMetadata
{ _lqmExecutionTime :: !Clock.DiffTime
-- ^ Time spent waiting on the generated query to execute on postgres or the remote.
data LiveQueryResponse
@ -440,7 +439,6 @@ pollQuery logger pollerId lqOpts pgExecCtx pgQuery cohortMap = do
, _pdTotalTime = totalTime
LiveQueriesOptions batchSize _ = lqOpts
getCohortSnapshot (cohortVars, handlerC) = do
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ data LiveQueryId
, _lqiSubscriber :: !SubscriberId
} deriving Show
:: L.Logger L.Hasura
-> SubscriberMetadata
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ addLiveQuery logger subscriberMetadata lqState plan onResultAction = do
newPoller = Poller <$> TMap.new <*> STM.newEmptyTMVar
:: L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LiveQueriesState
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Mutation where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
@ -34,37 +35,40 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> SessionVariables
=> Env.Environment
-> SessionVariables
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> RQL.AnnDelG UnpreparedValue
-> Bool
-> m RespTx
convertDelete usrVars rjCtx deleteOperation stringifyNum = do
pure $ RQL.execDeleteQuery stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (preparedDelete, planVariablesSequence usrVars planningState)
convertDelete env usrVars rjCtx deleteOperation stringifyNum = do
pure $ RQL.execDeleteQuery env stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (preparedDelete, planVariablesSequence usrVars planningState)
where (preparedDelete, planningState) = runIdentity $ runPlan $ RQL.traverseAnnDel prepareWithPlan deleteOperation
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> SessionVariables
=> Env.Environment
-> SessionVariables
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> RQL.AnnUpdG UnpreparedValue
-> Bool
-> m RespTx
convertUpdate usrVars rjCtx updateOperation stringifyNum = do
convertUpdate env usrVars rjCtx updateOperation stringifyNum = do
pure $ if null $ RQL.uqp1OpExps updateOperation
then pure $ buildEmptyMutResp $ RQL.uqp1Output preparedUpdate
else RQL.execUpdateQuery stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (preparedUpdate, Seq.empty)
else RQL.execUpdateQuery env stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (preparedUpdate, Seq.empty)
where preparedUpdate = runIdentity $ RQL.traverseAnnUpd (pure . unpreparedToTextSQL) updateOperation
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> SessionVariables
=> Env.Environment
-> SessionVariables
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> AnnMultiInsert UnpreparedValue
-> Bool
-> m RespTx
convertInsert usrVars rjCtx insertOperation stringifyNum = do
pure $ convertToSQLTransaction preparedInsert rjCtx Seq.empty stringifyNum
convertInsert env usrVars rjCtx insertOperation stringifyNum = do
pure $ convertToSQLTransaction env preparedInsert rjCtx Seq.empty stringifyNum
where preparedInsert = fmapAnnInsert unpreparedToTextSQL insertOperation
planVariablesSequence :: SessionVariables -> PlanningSt -> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
@ -75,18 +79,19 @@ convertMutationRootField
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
=> UserInfo
=> Env.Environment
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> Bool
-> MutationRootField UnpreparedValue
-> m (Either (LazyRespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders) RemoteField)
convertMutationRootField userInfo manager reqHeaders stringifyNum = \case
RFDB (MDBInsert s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertInsert userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
RFDB (MDBUpdate s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertUpdate userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
RFDB (MDBDelete s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertDelete userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
convertMutationRootField env userInfo manager reqHeaders stringifyNum = \case
RFDB (MDBInsert s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertInsert env userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
RFDB (MDBUpdate s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertUpdate env userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
RFDB (MDBDelete s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< convertDelete env userSession rjCtx s stringifyNum
RFRemote remote -> pure $ Right remote
RFAction (AMSync s) -> Left <$> first liftTx <$> resolveActionExecution userInfo s actionExecContext
RFAction (AMSync s) -> Left <$> first liftTx <$> resolveActionExecution env userInfo s actionExecContext
RFAction (AMAsync s) -> noResponseHeaders =<< resolveActionMutationAsync s reqHeaders userSession
RFRaw s -> noResponseHeaders $ pure $ encJFromJValue s
@ -99,8 +104,13 @@ convertMutationRootField userInfo manager reqHeaders stringifyNum = \case
rjCtx = (manager, reqHeaders, userInfo)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> GQLContext
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadTx tx
=> Env.Environment
-> GQLContext
-> SQLGenCtx
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
@ -108,8 +118,8 @@ convertMutationSelectionSet
-> G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name
-> [G.VariableDefinition]
-> Maybe GH.VariableValues
-> m (ExecutionPlan (LazyRespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders) RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
convertMutationSelectionSet gqlContext sqlGenCtx userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varValsM = do
-> m (ExecutionPlan (tx EncJSON, HTTP.ResponseHeaders) RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value))
convertMutationSelectionSet env gqlContext sqlGenCtx userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varValsM = do
mutationParser <- onNothing (gqlMutationParser gqlContext) $
throw400 ValidationFailed "no mutations exist"
-- Parse the GraphQL query into the RQL AST
@ -119,13 +129,13 @@ convertMutationSelectionSet gqlContext sqlGenCtx userInfo manager reqHeaders fie
>>= (mutationParser >>> (`onLeft` reportParseErrors))
-- Transform the RQL AST into a prepared SQL query
txs <- for unpreparedQueries $ convertMutationRootField userInfo manager reqHeaders (stringifyNum sqlGenCtx)
txs <- for unpreparedQueries $ convertMutationRootField env userInfo manager reqHeaders (stringifyNum sqlGenCtx)
let txList = OMap.toList txs
case (mapMaybe takeTx txList, mapMaybe takeRemote txList) of
(dbPlans, []) -> do
let allHeaders = concatMap (snd . snd) dbPlans
combinedTx = toSingleTx $ map (G.unName *** fst) dbPlans
pure $ ExecStepDB (combinedTx, allHeaders)
pure $ ExecStepDB (liftTx $ lazyTxToQTx combinedTx, allHeaders)
([], remotes@(firstRemote:_)) -> do
let (remoteOperation, varValsM') =
@ -16,13 +16,15 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.Cache as Cache
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as LQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types as ET
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
data PlanId
= PlanId
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ newtype PlanCache
= PlanCache {_unPlanCache :: Cache.Cache PlanId ReusablePlan}
data ReusablePlan
= RPQuery !EQ.ReusableQueryPlan
= RPQuery !EQ.ReusableQueryPlan -- TODO (if we do query plan caching) [QueryRootFldUnresolved]
| RPSubs !LQ.ReusableLiveQueryPlan
instance J.ToJSON ReusablePlan where
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Prepare
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Resolve
@ -114,13 +116,18 @@ withPlan usrVars (PGPlan q reqVars prepMap remoteJoins) annVars = do
-- turn the current plan into a transaction
:: (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m)
=> HTTP.Manager
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO tx
, MonadTx tx
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> FieldPlans
-> m (LazyRespTx, GeneratedSqlMap)
mkCurPlanTx manager reqHdrs userInfo fldPlans = do
-> m (tx EncJSON, GeneratedSqlMap)
mkCurPlanTx env manager reqHdrs userInfo fldPlans = do
-- generate the SQL and prepared vars or the bytestring
resolved <- forM fldPlans $ \(alias, fldPlan) -> do
fldResp <- case fldPlan of
@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ mkCurPlanTx manager reqHdrs userInfo fldPlans = do
RFPActionQuery tx -> pure $ RRActionQuery tx
return (alias, fldResp)
return (mkLazyRespTx manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved, mkGeneratedSqlMap resolved)
pure (mkLazyRespTx env manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved, mkGeneratedSqlMap resolved)
getVarArgNum :: (MonadState PlanningSt m) => G.Name -> m Int
getVarArgNum var = do
@ -211,19 +218,20 @@ parseGraphQLQuery gqlContext varDefs varValsM fields =
throwError (err400 ValidationFailed peMessage){ qePath = pePath }
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> GQLContext
:: forall m tx . (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadIO tx, MonadTx tx)
=> Env.Environment
-> GQLContext
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name
-> [G.VariableDefinition]
-> Maybe GH.VariableValues
-> m ( ExecutionPlan (LazyRespTx, GeneratedSqlMap) RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value)
-> m ( ExecutionPlan (tx EncJSON, GeneratedSqlMap) RemoteCall (G.Name, J.Value)
, Maybe ReusableQueryPlan
, InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)
convertQuerySelSet gqlContext userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varValsM = do
convertQuerySelSet env gqlContext userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varValsM = do
-- Parse the GraphQL query into the RQL AST
(unpreparedQueries, _reusability) <- parseGraphQLQuery gqlContext varDefs varValsM fields
@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ convertQuerySelSet gqlContext userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varVals
executionPlan <- case (dbPlans, remoteFields) of
(dbs, Seq.Empty) -> ExecStepDB <$> mkCurPlanTx manager reqHeaders userInfo (toList dbs)
(dbs, Seq.Empty) -> ExecStepDB <$> mkCurPlanTx env manager reqHeaders userInfo (toList dbs)
(Seq.Empty, remotes@(firstRemote Seq.:<| _)) -> do
let (remoteOperation, varValsM) =
@ -281,20 +289,25 @@ convertQuerySelSet gqlContext userInfo manager reqHeaders fields varDefs varVals
:: ActionQuery UnpreparedValue -> StateT PlanningSt m ActionQueryPlan
convertActionQuery = \case
AQQuery s -> (AQPQuery . fst) <$>
lift (resolveActionExecution userInfo s $ ActionExecContext manager reqHeaders usrVars)
lift (resolveActionExecution env userInfo s $ ActionExecContext manager reqHeaders usrVars)
AQAsync s -> AQPAsyncQuery <$>
DS.traverseAnnSimpleSelect prepareWithPlan (resolveAsyncActionQuery userInfo s)
-- use the existing plan and new variables to create a pg query
:: (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m)
=> HTTP.Manager
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO tx
, MonadTx tx
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> Maybe GH.VariableValues
-> ReusableQueryPlan
-> m (LazyRespTx, GeneratedSqlMap)
queryOpFromPlan manager reqHdrs userInfo varValsM (ReusableQueryPlan varTypes fldPlans) = do
-> m (tx EncJSON, GeneratedSqlMap)
queryOpFromPlan env manager reqHdrs userInfo varValsM (ReusableQueryPlan varTypes fldPlans) = do
validatedVars <- _validateVariablesForReuse varTypes varValsM
-- generate the SQL and prepared vars or the bytestring
resolved <- forM fldPlans $ \(alias, fldPlan) ->
@ -302,7 +315,7 @@ queryOpFromPlan manager reqHdrs userInfo varValsM (ReusableQueryPlan varTypes fl
RFPRaw resp -> return $ RRRaw resp
RFPPostgres pgPlan -> RRSql <$> withPlan (_uiSession userInfo) pgPlan validatedVars
return (mkLazyRespTx manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved, mkGeneratedSqlMap resolved)
pure (mkLazyRespTx env manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved, mkGeneratedSqlMap resolved)
data PreparedSql
= PreparedSql
@ -334,10 +347,19 @@ data ResolvedQuery
-- prepared statement
type GeneratedSqlMap = [(G.Name, Maybe PreparedSql)]
mkLazyRespTx :: HasVersion
=> HTTP.Manager -> [HTTP.Header] -> UserInfo -> [(G.Name, ResolvedQuery)] -> LazyRespTx
mkLazyRespTx manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved =
fmap encJFromAssocList $ forM resolved $ \(alias, node) -> do
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO tx
, MonadTx tx
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> [(G.Name, ResolvedQuery)]
-> tx EncJSON
mkLazyRespTx env manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved =
encJFromAssocList <$> forM resolved \(alias, node) -> do
resp <- case node of
RRRaw bs -> return $ encJFromBS bs
RRSql (PreparedSql q args maybeRemoteJoins) -> do
@ -345,8 +367,8 @@ mkLazyRespTx manager reqHdrs userInfo resolved =
case maybeRemoteJoins of
Nothing -> liftTx $ asSingleRowJsonResp q (map fst args)
Just remoteJoins ->
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins manager reqHdrs userInfo q prepArgs remoteJoins
RRActionQuery tx -> tx
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins env manager reqHdrs userInfo q prepArgs remoteJoins
RRActionQuery tx' -> liftTx $ lazyTxToQTx tx'
return (G.unName alias, resp)
mkGeneratedSqlMap :: [(G.Name, ResolvedQuery)] -> GeneratedSqlMap
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Explain
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
@ -37,12 +38,13 @@ introspectionQuery = $(embedStringFile "src-rsr/introspection.json")
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadError QErr m)
=> HTTP.Manager
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> RemoteSchemaName
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> m RemoteSchemaCtx
fetchRemoteSchema manager schemaName schemaInfo@(RemoteSchemaInfo url headerConf _ timeout) = do
headers <- makeHeadersFromConf headerConf
fetchRemoteSchema env manager schemaName schemaInfo@(RemoteSchemaInfo url headerConf _ timeout) = do
headers <- makeHeadersFromConf env headerConf
let hdrsWithDefaults = addDefaultHeaders headers
initReqE <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.parseRequest (show url)
@ -379,17 +381,18 @@ execRemoteGQ'
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
=> HTTP.Manager
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> UserInfo
-> [N.Header]
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> G.OperationType
-> m (DiffTime, [N.Header], BL.ByteString)
execRemoteGQ' manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType = do
execRemoteGQ' env manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType = do
when (opType == G.OperationTypeSubscription) $
throw400 NotSupported "subscription to remote server is not supported"
confHdrs <- makeHeadersFromConf hdrConf
confHdrs <- makeHeadersFromConf env hdrConf
let clientHdrs = bool [] (mkClientHeadersForward reqHdrs) fwdClientHdrs
-- filter out duplicate headers
-- priority: conf headers > resolved userinfo vars > client headers
@ -407,7 +410,6 @@ execRemoteGQ' manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType = do
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS (J.encode q)
, HTTP.responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000)
(time, res) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ try $ HTTP.httpLbs req manager
resp <- either httpThrow return res
pure (time, mkSetCookieHeaders resp, resp ^. Wreq.responseBody)
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve
import Data.Has
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
@ -105,10 +107,11 @@ queryFldToPGAST
, HasVersion
, MonadIO m
=> V.Field
=> Env.Environment
-> V.Field
-> RA.QueryActionExecuter
-> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
queryFldToPGAST fld actionExecuter = do
queryFldToPGAST env fld actionExecuter = do
opCtx <- getOpCtx $ V._fName fld
userInfo <- asks getter
case opCtx of
@ -147,8 +150,9 @@ queryFldToPGAST fld actionExecuter = do
f = case jsonAggType of
DS.JASMultipleRows -> QRFActionExecuteList
DS.JASSingleObject -> QRFActionExecuteObject
f <$> actionExecuter (RA.resolveActionQuery fld ctx (_uiSession userInfo))
QCSelectConnection pk ctx ->
f <$> actionExecuter (RA.resolveActionQuery env fld ctx (_uiSession userInfo))
QCSelectConnection pk ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_socHeaders ctx)
QRFConnection <$> RS.convertConnectionSelect pk ctx fld
QCFuncConnection pk ctx ->
QRFConnection <$> RS.convertConnectionFuncQuery pk ctx fld
@ -167,34 +171,37 @@ mutFldToTx
, Has HTTP.Manager r
, Has [HTTP.Header] r
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO tx
, MonadTx tx
=> V.Field
-> m (RespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
mutFldToTx fld = do
=> Env.Environment
-> V.Field
-> m (tx EncJSON, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
mutFldToTx env fld = do
userInfo <- asks getter
opCtx <- getOpCtx $ V._fName fld
let noRespHeaders = fmap (,[])
case opCtx of
MCInsert ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_iocHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RI.convertInsert (userRole userInfo) (_iocTable ctx) fld
noRespHeaders $ RI.convertInsert env rjCtx roleName (_iocTable ctx) fld
MCInsertOne ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_iocHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RI.convertInsertOne (userRole userInfo) (_iocTable ctx) fld
noRespHeaders $ RI.convertInsertOne env rjCtx roleName (_iocTable ctx) fld
MCUpdate ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_uocHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertUpdate ctx fld
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertUpdate env ctx rjCtx fld
MCUpdateByPk ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_uocHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertUpdateByPk ctx fld
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertUpdateByPk env ctx rjCtx fld
MCDelete ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_docHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertDelete ctx fld
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertDelete env ctx rjCtx fld
MCDeleteByPk ctx -> do
validateHdrs userInfo (_docHeaders ctx)
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertDeleteByPk ctx fld
noRespHeaders $ RM.convertDeleteByPk env ctx rjCtx fld
MCAction ctx ->
RA.resolveActionMutation fld ctx (userVars userInfo)
RA.resolveActionMutation env fld ctx userInfo
:: ( MonadReusability m
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Action
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ import Data.IORef
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.RemoteJoin as RJ
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Select as RS
-- import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Select as GRS
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Prepare
@ -125,14 +129,15 @@ $(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.snakeCase) ''ActionInternalError)
-- , Has HTTP.Manager r
-- , Has [HTTP.Header] r
-- )
-- => Env.Environment
-- => Field
-- -> ActionMutationExecutionContext
-- -> UserVars
-- -> m (RespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
-- resolveActionMutation field executionContext sessionVariables =
-- resolveActionMutation env field executionContext sessionVariables =
-- case executionContext of
-- ActionMutationSyncWebhook executionContextSync ->
-- resolveActionMutationSync field executionContextSync sessionVariables
-- resolveActionMutationSync env field executionContextSync sessionVariables
-- ActionMutationAsync ->
-- (,[]) <$> resolveActionMutationAsync field sessionVariables
@ -142,14 +147,15 @@ resolveActionExecution
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
=> UserInfo
=> Env.Environment
-> UserInfo
-> AnnActionExecution UnpreparedValue
-> ActionExecContext
-> m (RespTx, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
resolveActionExecution userInfo annAction execContext = do
resolveActionExecution env userInfo annAction execContext = do
let actionContext = ActionContext actionName
handlerPayload = ActionWebhookPayload actionContext sessionVariables inputPayload
(webhookRes, respHeaders) <- callWebhook manager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
(webhookRes, respHeaders) <- callWebhook env manager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
forwardClientHeaders resolvedWebhook handlerPayload
let webhookResponseExpression = RS.AEInput $ UVLiteral $
toTxtValue $ WithScalarType PGJSONB $ PGValJSONB $ Q.JSONB $ J.toJSON webhookRes
@ -163,7 +169,7 @@ resolveActionExecution userInfo annAction execContext = do
Just remoteJoins ->
let query = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $
RS.mkSQLSelect jsonAggType astResolvedWithoutRemoteJoins
in RJ.executeQueryWithRemoteJoins manager reqHeaders userInfo query [] remoteJoins
in RJ.executeQueryWithRemoteJoins env manager reqHeaders userInfo query [] remoteJoins
Nothing ->
asSingleRowJsonResp (Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $ RS.mkSQLSelect jsonAggType astResolved) []
@ -200,17 +206,18 @@ restrictActionExecuter errMsg _ =
-- , Has OrdByCtx r
-- , Has SQLGenCtx r
-- )
-- => Field
-- => Env.Environment
-- -> Field
-- -> ActionExecutionContext
-- -> SessionVariables
-- -> HTTP.Manager
-- -> [HTTP.Header]
-- -> m (RS.AnnSimpleSelG UnresolvedVal)
-- resolveActionQuery field executionContext sessionVariables httpManager reqHeaders = do
-- resolveActionQuery env field executionContext sessionVariables httpManager reqHeaders = do
-- let inputArgs = J.toJSON $ fmap annInpValueToJson $ _fArguments field
-- actionContext = ActionContext actionName
-- handlerPayload = ActionWebhookPayload actionContext sessionVariables inputArgs
-- (webhookRes, _) <- callWebhook httpManager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
-- (webhookRes, _) <- callWebhook env httpManager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
-- forwardClientHeaders resolvedWebhook handlerPayload
-- let webhookResponseExpression = RS.AEInput $ UVSQL $
-- toTxtValue $ WithScalarType PGJSONB $ PGValJSONB $ Q.JSONB $ J.toJSON webhookRes
@ -238,13 +245,14 @@ table provides the action response. See Note [Resolving async action query/subsc
-- | Resolve asynchronous action mutation which returns only the action uuid
:: (MonadError QErr m)
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadTx tx)
=> AnnActionMutationAsync
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> SessionVariables
-> m RespTx
-> m (tx EncJSON)
resolveActionMutationAsync annAction reqHeaders sessionVariables = do
pure $ do
pure $ liftTx do
actionId <- runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
@ -302,9 +310,9 @@ resolveAsyncActionQuery userInfo annAction =
actionLogTable = QualifiedObject (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_action_log")
-- TODO (from master):- Avoid using PGColumnInfo
mkAnnFldFromPGCol column columnType =
mkAnnFldFromPGCol column' columnType =
flip RS.mkAnnColumnField Nothing $
PGColumnInfo (unsafePGCol column) (G.unsafeMkName column) 0 (PGColumnScalar columnType) True Nothing
PGColumnInfo (unsafePGCol column') (G.unsafeMkName column') 0 (PGColumnScalar columnType) True Nothing
tableBoolExpression =
let actionIdColumnInfo = PGColumnInfo (unsafePGCol "id") $$(G.litName "id")
@ -334,23 +342,29 @@ data ActionLogItem
-- | Process async actions from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log table. This functions is executed in a background thread.
-- See Note [Async action architecture] above
:: HasVersion
=> IORef (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, SchemaCacheVer)
:: forall m void
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
=> Env.Environment
-> IORef (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, SchemaCacheVer)
-> Q.PGPool
-> HTTP.Manager
-> IO void
asyncActionsProcessor cacheRef pgPool httpManager = forever $ do
asyncInvocations <- getUndeliveredEvents
actionCache <- scActions . lastBuiltSchemaCache . fst <$> readIORef cacheRef
A.mapConcurrently_ (callHandler actionCache) asyncInvocations
threadDelay (1 * 1000 * 1000)
-> m void
asyncActionsProcessor env cacheRef pgPool httpManager = forever $ do
asyncInvocations <- liftIO getUndeliveredEvents
actionCache <- scActions . lastBuiltSchemaCache . fst <$> liftIO (readIORef cacheRef)
LA.mapConcurrently_ (callHandler actionCache) asyncInvocations
liftIO $ threadDelay (1 * 1000 * 1000)
runTx :: (Monoid a) => Q.TxE QErr a -> IO a
runTx q = do
res <- runExceptT $ Q.runTx' pgPool q
either mempty return res
callHandler :: ActionCache -> ActionLogItem -> IO ()
callHandler :: ActionCache -> ActionLogItem -> m ()
callHandler actionCache actionLogItem = do
let ActionLogItem actionId actionName reqHeaders
sessionVariables inputPayload = actionLogItem
@ -365,10 +379,10 @@ asyncActionsProcessor cacheRef pgPool httpManager = forever $ do
outputType = _adOutputType definition
actionContext = ActionContext actionName
eitherRes <- runExceptT $
callWebhook httpManager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
callWebhook env httpManager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
forwardClientHeaders webhookUrl $
ActionWebhookPayload actionContext sessionVariables inputPayload
case eitherRes of
liftIO $ case eitherRes of
Left e -> setError actionId e
Right (responsePayload, _) -> setCompleted actionId $ J.toJSON responsePayload
@ -423,7 +437,8 @@ asyncActionsProcessor cacheRef pgPool httpManager = forever $ do
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> HTTP.Manager
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> GraphQLType
-> ActionOutputFields
-> [HTTP.Header]
@ -432,18 +447,23 @@ callWebhook
-> ResolvedWebhook
-> ActionWebhookPayload
-> m (ActionWebhookResponse, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
callWebhook manager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
callWebhook env manager outputType outputFields reqHeaders confHeaders
forwardClientHeaders resolvedWebhook actionWebhookPayload = do
resolvedConfHeaders <- makeHeadersFromConf confHeaders
resolvedConfHeaders <- makeHeadersFromConf env confHeaders
let clientHeaders = if forwardClientHeaders then mkClientHeadersForward reqHeaders else []
contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json")
options = wreqOptions manager $
-- Using HashMap to avoid duplicate headers between configuration headers
-- and client headers where configuration headers are preferred
contentType : (Map.toList . Map.fromList) (resolvedConfHeaders <> clientHeaders)
hdrs = contentType : (Map.toList . Map.fromList) (resolvedConfHeaders <> clientHeaders)
postPayload = J.toJSON actionWebhookPayload
url = unResolvedWebhook resolvedWebhook
httpResponse <- liftIO $ try $ Wreq.postWith options (T.unpack url) postPayload
httpResponse <- do
initReq <- liftIO $ HTTP.parseRequest (T.unpack url)
let req = initReq { HTTP.method = "POST"
, HTTP.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders hdrs
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS (J.encode postPayload)
liftIO . try $ HTTP.httpLbs req manager
let requestInfo = ActionRequestInfo url postPayload $
confHeaders <> toHeadersConf clientHeaders
case httpResponse of
@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Text.Builder as TB
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser as P
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Delete.Types as RQL
@ -591,26 +592,28 @@ fmapAnnInsert f (annIns, mutationOutput) =
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> AnnMultiInsert S.SQLExp
=> Env.Environment
-> AnnMultiInsert S.SQLExp
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m EncJSON
convertToSQLTransaction (annIns, mutationOutput) rjCtx planVars stringifyNum =
convertToSQLTransaction env (annIns, mutationOutput) rjCtx planVars stringifyNum =
if null $ _aiInsObj annIns
then pure $ buildEmptyMutResp mutationOutput
else insertMultipleObjects annIns [] rjCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum
else insertMultipleObjects env annIns [] rjCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> MultiObjIns S.SQLExp
=> Env.Environment
-> MultiObjIns S.SQLExp
-> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> RQL.MutationOutput
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m EncJSON
insertMultipleObjects multiObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum =
insertMultipleObjects env multiObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum =
bool withoutRelsInsert withRelsInsert anyRelsToInsert
AnnIns insObjs table conflictClause checkCondition columnInfos defVals = multiObjIns
@ -631,33 +634,34 @@ insertMultipleObjects multiObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx mutationOutput planVar
RQL.execInsertQuery stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (insertQuery, planVars)
RQL.execInsertQuery env stringifyNum (Just rjCtx) (insertQuery, planVars)
withRelsInsert = do
insertRequests <- for insObjs \obj -> do
let singleObj = AnnIns obj table conflictClause checkCondition columnInfos defVals
insertObject singleObj additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
insertObject env singleObj additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
let affectedRows = sum $ map fst insertRequests
columnValues = catMaybes $ map snd insertRequests
selectExpr <- RQL.mkSelCTEFromColVals table columnInfos columnValues
let (mutOutputRJ, remoteJoins) = RQL.getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput mutationOutput
sqlQuery = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $
RQL.mkMutationOutputExp table columnInfos (Just affectedRows) selectExpr mutOutputRJ stringifyNum
RQL.executeMutationOutputQuery sqlQuery [] $ (,rjCtx) <$> remoteJoins
RQL.executeMutationOutputQuery env sqlQuery [] $ (,rjCtx) <$> remoteJoins
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> SingleObjIns S.SQLExp
=> Env.Environment
-> SingleObjIns S.SQLExp
-> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m (Int, Maybe (ColumnValues TxtEncodedPGVal))
insertObject singleObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum = do
insertObject env singleObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum = do
validateInsert (map fst columns) (map _riRelInfo objectRels) (map fst additionalColumns)
-- insert all object relations and fetch this insert dependent column values
objInsRes <- forM objectRels $ insertObjRel planVars rjCtx stringifyNum
objInsRes <- forM objectRels $ insertObjRel env planVars rjCtx stringifyNum
-- prepare final insert columns
let objRelAffRows = sum $ map fst objInsRes
@ -683,7 +687,7 @@ insertObject singleObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum = do
withArrRels colValM = do
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported cannotInsArrRelErr
arrDepColsWithVal <- fetchFromColVals colVal arrRelDepCols
arrInsARows <- forM arrayRels $ insertArrRel arrDepColsWithVal rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
arrInsARows <- forM arrayRels $ insertArrRel env arrDepColsWithVal rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
return $ sum arrInsARows
asSingleObject = \case
@ -697,13 +701,14 @@ insertObject singleObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx planVars stringifyNum = do
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
=> Env.Environment
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Bool
-> ObjRelIns S.SQLExp
-> m (Int, [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)])
insertObjRel planVars rjCtx stringifyNum objRelIns = do
(affRows, colValM) <- insertObject singleObjIns [] rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
insertObjRel env planVars rjCtx stringifyNum objRelIns = do
(affRows, colValM) <- insertObject env singleObjIns [] rjCtx planVars stringifyNum
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported errMsg
retColsWithVals <- fetchFromColVals colVal rColInfos
let columns = flip mapMaybe (Map.toList mapCols) \(column, target) -> do
@ -724,17 +729,18 @@ insertObjRel planVars rjCtx stringifyNum objRelIns = do
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
=> Env.Environment
-> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
-> RQL.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> ArrRelIns S.SQLExp
-> m Int
insertArrRel resCols rjCtx planVars stringifyNum arrRelIns = do
insertArrRel env resCols rjCtx planVars stringifyNum arrRelIns = do
let additionalColumns = flip mapMaybe resCols \(column, value) -> do
target <- Map.lookup column mapping
Just (target, value)
resBS <- insertMultipleObjects multiObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx mutOutput planVars stringifyNum
resBS <- insertMultipleObjects env multiObjIns additionalColumns rjCtx mutOutput planVars stringifyNum
resObj <- decodeEncJSON resBS
onNothing (Map.lookup ("affected_rows" :: T.Text) resObj) $
throw500 "affected_rows not returned in array rel insert"
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Hasura.Session
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as E
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
@ -42,14 +43,15 @@ runGQ
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
=> RequestId
=> Env.Environment
-> RequestId
-> UserInfo
-> Wai.IpAddress
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> E.GraphQLQueryType
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-> m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
runGQ env reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
-- The response and misc telemetry data:
let telemTransport = Telem.HTTP
(telemTimeTot_DT, (telemCacheHit, telemLocality, (telemTimeIO_DT, telemQueryType, !resp))) <- withElapsedTime $ do
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
reqParsed <- E.checkGQLExecution userInfo (reqHeaders, ipAddress) enableAL sc reqUnparsed
>>= flip onLeft throwError
(telemCacheHit, execPlan) <- E.getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache
(telemCacheHit, execPlan) <- E.getResolvedExecPlan env pgExecCtx planCache
userInfo sqlGenCtx sc scVer queryType
httpManager reqHeaders (reqUnparsed, reqParsed)
case execPlan of
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
throw400 UnexpectedPayload "subscriptions are not supported over HTTP, use websockets instead"
E.GExPHasura resolvedOp -> do
(telemTimeIO, telemQueryType, respHdrs, resp) <- runHasuraGQ reqId reqUnparsed userInfo resolvedOp
(telemTimeIO, telemQueryType, respHdrs, resp) <- runHasuraGQ reqId (reqUnparsed, reqParsed) userInfo resolvedOp
return (telemCacheHit, Telem.Local, (telemTimeIO, telemQueryType, HttpResponse resp respHdrs))
E.GExPRemote rsi opDef -> do
let telemQueryType | G._todType opDef == G.OperationTypeMutation = Telem.Mutation
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType reqUnparsed = do
runRemoteGQ telemCacheHit rsi opDef = do
let telemQueryType | G._todType opDef == G.OperationTypeMutation = Telem.Mutation
| otherwise = Telem.Query
(telemTimeIO, resp) <- E.execRemoteGQ reqId userInfo reqHeaders reqUnparsed rsi opDef
(telemTimeIO, resp) <- E.execRemoteGQ env reqId userInfo reqHeaders reqUnparsed rsi opDef
return (telemCacheHit, Telem.Remote, (telemTimeIO, telemQueryType, resp))
-- | Run (execute) a batched GraphQL query (see 'GQLBatchedReqs')
@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ runGQBatched
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
=> RequestId
=> Env.Environment
-> RequestId
-> ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
-> UserInfo
-> Wai.IpAddress
@ -126,10 +129,10 @@ runGQBatched
-> GQLBatchedReqs GQLQueryText
-- ^ the batched request with unparsed GraphQL query
-> m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
runGQBatched reqId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType query = do
runGQBatched env reqId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType query = do
case query of
GQLSingleRequest req ->
runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType req
runGQ env reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType req
GQLBatchedReqs reqs -> do
-- It's unclear what we should do if we receive multiple
-- responses with distinct headers, so just do the simplest thing
@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ runGQBatched reqId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType que
. encJFromList
. map (either (encJFromJValue . encodeGQErr includeInternal) _hrBody)
removeHeaders <$> traverse (try . runGQ reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType) reqs
removeHeaders <$> traverse (try . runGQ env reqId userInfo ipAddress reqHdrs queryType) reqs
try = flip catchError (pure . Left) . fmap Right
@ -201,21 +204,21 @@ runHasuraGQ
, MonadQueryLog m
=> RequestId
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-> (GQLReqUnparsed, GQLReqParsed)
-> UserInfo
-> E.ExecOp
-> E.ExecOp (LazyTx QErr)
-> m (DiffTime, Telem.QueryType, HTTP.ResponseHeaders, EncJSON)
-- ^ Also return 'Mutation' when the operation was a mutation, and the time
-- spent in the PG query; for telemetry.
runHasuraGQ reqId query userInfo resolvedOp = do
runHasuraGQ reqId (query, _queryParsed) userInfo resolvedOp = do
(E.ExecutionCtx logger _ pgExecCtx _ _ _ _ _) <- ask
logQuery' logger
(telemTimeIO, respE) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ runExceptT $ case resolvedOp of
E.ExOpQuery tx _genSql -> do
(telemTimeIO, respE) <- withElapsedTime $ runExceptT $ case resolvedOp of
E.ExOpQuery tx genSql _asts -> do
-- log the generated SQL and the graphql query
-- L.unLogger logger $ QueryLog query genSql reqId
logQueryLog logger query genSql reqId
([],) <$> runQueryTx pgExecCtx tx
E.ExOpMutation respHeaders tx -> do
logQueryLog logger query Nothing reqId
(respHeaders,) <$> runLazyTx pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite (withUserInfo userInfo tx)
E.ExOpSubs _ ->
throw400 UnexpectedPayload
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ newtype GQLExecDoc
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Hashable)
instance J.FromJSON GQLExecDoc where
parseJSON v = (GQLExecDoc . G.getExecutableDefinitions) <$> J.parseJSON v
parseJSON v = GQLExecDoc . G.getExecutableDefinitions <$> J.parseJSON v
instance J.ToJSON GQLExecDoc where
toJSON = J.toJSON . G.ExecutableDocument . unGQLExecDoc
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket
, createWSServerEnv
, stopWSServerApp
, WSServerEnv
, WSLog(..)
) where
-- NOTE!:
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai.Extended as Wai
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STMMap
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (sleep)
import Control.Exception.Lifted
@ -49,13 +51,15 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Auth (AuthMode, UserAuthentication,
import Hasura.Server.Cors
import Hasura.Server.Utils (RequestId, getRequestId)
import Hasura.Server.Utils (RequestId,
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as E
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as LQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Poll as LQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server as WS
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters as Telem
@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ data WSServerEnv
onConn :: (MonadIO m)
=> L.Logger L.Hasura -> CorsPolicy -> WS.OnConnH m WSConnData
onConn (L.Logger logger) corsPolicy wsId requestHead ipAdress = do
onConn (L.Logger logger) corsPolicy wsId requestHead ipAddress = do
res <- runExceptT $ do
(errType, queryType) <- checkPath
let reqHdrs = WS.requestHeaders requestHead
@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ onConn (L.Logger logger) corsPolicy wsId requestHead ipAdress = do
accept (hdrs, errType, queryType) = do
logger $ mkWsInfoLog Nothing (WsConnInfo wsId Nothing Nothing) EAccepted
connData <- liftIO $ WSConnData
<$> STM.newTVarIO (CSNotInitialised hdrs ipAdress)
<$> STM.newTVarIO (CSNotInitialised hdrs ipAddress)
<*> STMMap.newIO
<*> pure errType
<*> pure queryType
@ -302,8 +306,8 @@ onConn (L.Logger logger) corsPolicy wsId requestHead ipAdress = do
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, MonadQueryLog m)
=> WSServerEnv -> WSConn -> StartMsg -> m ()
onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
=> Env.Environment -> WSServerEnv -> WSConn -> StartMsg -> m ()
onStart env serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
timerTot <- startTimer
opM <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STMMap.lookup opId opMap
@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
reqParsedE <- lift $ E.checkGQLExecution userInfo (reqHdrs, ipAddress) enableAL sc q
reqParsed <- either (withComplete . preExecErr requestId) return reqParsedE
execPlanE <- runExceptT $ E.getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx
execPlanE <- runExceptT $ E.getResolvedExecPlan env pgExecCtx
planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx sc scVer queryType httpMgr reqHdrs (q, reqParsed)
(telemCacheHit, execPlan) <- either (withComplete . preExecErr requestId) return execPlanE
@ -401,15 +405,14 @@ onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
-> Telem.CacheHit -> RequestId -> GQLReqUnparsed -> UserInfo -> E.ExecOp
-> ExceptT () m ()
runHasuraGQ timerTot telemCacheHit reqId query userInfo = \case
E.ExOpQuery opTx genSql ->
E.ExOpQuery opTx genSql _asts ->
execQueryOrMut Telem.Query genSql $ runQueryTx pgExecCtx opTx
-- Response headers discarded over websockets
E.ExOpMutation _ opTx ->
E.ExOpMutation _ opTx -> do
execQueryOrMut Telem.Mutation Nothing $
runLazyTx pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite $ withUserInfo userInfo opTx
E.ExOpSubs lqOp -> do
-- log the graphql query
-- L.unLogger logger $ QueryLog query Nothing reqId
logQueryLog logger query Nothing reqId
let subscriberMetadata = LQ.mkSubscriberMetadata $ J.object
[ "websocket_id" J..= WS.getWSId wsConn
@ -428,6 +431,11 @@ onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
telemLocality = Telem.Local
:: Telem.QueryType
-> Maybe EQ.GeneratedSqlMap
-> ExceptT QErr (ExceptT () m) EncJSON
-> ExceptT () m ()
execQueryOrMut telemQueryType genSql action = do
logOpEv ODStarted (Just reqId)
-- log the generated SQL and the graphql query
@ -459,7 +467,7 @@ onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
-- if it's not a subscription, use HTTP to execute the query on the remote
(runExceptT $ flip runReaderT execCtx $
E.execRemoteGQ reqId userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opDef) >>= \case
E.execRemoteGQ env reqId userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opDef) >>= \case
Left err -> postExecErr reqId err
Right (telemTimeIO_DT, !val) -> do
-- Telemetry. NOTE: don't time network IO:
@ -546,11 +554,17 @@ onStart serverEnv wsConn (StartMsg opId q) = catchAndIgnore $ do
catchAndIgnore m = void $ runExceptT m
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, UserAuthentication m, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, MonadQueryLog m)
=> AuthMode
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, UserAuthentication m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
=> Env.Environment
-> AuthMode
-> WSServerEnv
-> WSConn -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
onMessage authMode serverEnv wsConn msgRaw =
onMessage env authMode serverEnv wsConn msgRaw = do
case J.eitherDecode msgRaw of
Left e -> do
let err = ConnErrMsg $ "parsing ClientMessage failed: " <> T.pack e
@ -561,7 +575,7 @@ onMessage authMode serverEnv wsConn msgRaw =
CMConnInit params -> onConnInit (_wseLogger serverEnv)
(_wseHManager serverEnv)
wsConn authMode params
CMStart startMsg -> onStart serverEnv wsConn startMsg
CMStart startMsg -> onStart env serverEnv wsConn startMsg
CMStop stopMsg -> liftIO $ onStop serverEnv wsConn stopMsg
-- The idea is cleanup will be handled by 'onClose', but...
-- NOTE: we need to close the websocket connection when we receive the
@ -571,6 +585,7 @@ onMessage authMode serverEnv wsConn msgRaw =
logger = _wseLogger serverEnv
onStop :: WSServerEnv -> WSConn -> StopMsg -> IO ()
onStop serverEnv wsConn (StopMsg opId) = do
-- When a stop message is received for an operation, it may not be present in OpMap
@ -651,6 +666,7 @@ onConnInit logger manager wsConn authMode connParamsM = do
let connErr = ConnErrMsg $ qeError e
logWSEvent logger wsConn $ EConnErr connErr
sendMsg wsConn $ SMConnErr connErr
Right (userInfo, expTimeM) -> do
let !csInit = CSInitialised $ WsClientState userInfo expTimeM paramHeaders ipAddress
liftIO $ do
@ -710,11 +726,11 @@ createWSServerEnv
-> Bool
-> E.PlanCache
-> m WSServerEnv
createWSServerEnv logger pgExecCtx lqState getSchemaCache httpManager
createWSServerEnv logger isPgCtx lqState getSchemaCache httpManager
corsPolicy sqlGenCtx enableAL planCache = do
wsServer <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ WS.createWSServer logger
return $
WSServerEnv logger pgExecCtx lqState getSchemaCache httpManager corsPolicy
WSServerEnv logger isPgCtx lqState getSchemaCache httpManager corsPolicy
sqlGenCtx planCache wsServer enableAL
@ -723,22 +739,23 @@ createWSServerApp
, MC.MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, UserAuthentication m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
, MonadQueryLog m
=> AuthMode
=> Env.Environment
-> AuthMode
-> WSServerEnv
-> WS.HasuraServerApp m
-- ^ aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp'
createWSServerApp authMode serverEnv = \ !ipAddress !pendingConn ->
-- -- ^ aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp'
createWSServerApp env authMode serverEnv = \ !ipAddress !pendingConn ->
WS.createServerApp (_wseServer serverEnv) handlers ipAddress pendingConn
handlers =
-- Mask async exceptions during event processing to help maintain integrity of mutable vars:
(\rid rh ip -> mask_ $ onConn (_wseLogger serverEnv) (_wseCorsPolicy serverEnv) rid rh ip)
(\conn bs -> mask_ $ onMessage authMode serverEnv conn bs)
(\conn bs -> mask_ $ onMessage env authMode serverEnv conn bs)
(\conn -> mask_ $ onClose (_wseLogger serverEnv) (_wseLiveQMap serverEnv) conn)
stopWSServerApp :: WSServerEnv -> IO ()
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Protocol
, ServerMsg(..)
, ServerMsgType(..)
, encodeServerMsg
, serverMsgType
, DataMsg(..)
, ErrorMsg(..)
, ConnErrMsg(..)
@ -115,6 +116,14 @@ instance Show ServerMsgType where
instance J.ToJSON ServerMsgType where
toJSON = J.toJSON . show
serverMsgType :: ServerMsg -> ServerMsgType
serverMsgType (SMConnErr _) = SMT_GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR
serverMsgType (SMData _) = SMT_GQL_DATA
serverMsgType (SMErr _) = SMT_GQL_ERROR
serverMsgType (SMComplete _) = SMT_GQL_COMPLETE
encodeServerMsg :: ServerMsg -> BL.ByteString
encodeServerMsg msg =
encJToLBS $ encJFromAssocList $ case msg of
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server
( WSId(..)
, WSLog(..)
, WSEvent(..)
, WSConn
, getData
, getWSId
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server
, WSHandlers(..)
, WSServer
, HasuraServerApp
, WSEventInfo(..)
, WSQueueResponse(..)
, ServerMsgType(..)
@ -26,9 +28,6 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server
, shutdown
, MonadWSLog (..)
, HasuraServerApp
, WSEvent(..)
, WSLog(..)
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
@ -225,6 +224,9 @@ type OnConnH m a = WSId -> WS.RequestHead -> IpAddress -> m (Either WS.Reject
type OnCloseH m a = WSConn a -> m ()
type OnMessageH m a = WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
-- | aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp' over @m@, which takes an IPAddress
type HasuraServerApp m = IpAddress -> WS.PendingConnection -> m ()
data WSHandlers m a
= WSHandlers
{ _hOnConn :: OnConnH m a
@ -232,16 +234,13 @@ data WSHandlers m a
, _hOnClose :: OnCloseH m a
-- | aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp' over @m@, which takes an IPAddress
type HasuraServerApp m = IpAddress -> WS.PendingConnection -> m ()
:: (MonadIO m, MC.MonadBaseControl IO m, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m), MonadWSLog m)
=> WSServer a
-- user provided handlers
-> WSHandlers m a
-- aka WS.ServerApp
-- ^ user provided handlers
-> HasuraServerApp m
-- ^ aka WS.ServerApp
{-# INLINE createServerApp #-}
createServerApp (WSServer logger@(L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) wsHandlers !ipAddress !pendingConn = do
wsId <- WSId <$> liftIO UUID.nextRandom
@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ createServerApp (WSServer logger@(L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) wsHandlers !i
-- least log properly and re-raise:
logUnexpectedExceptions = handle $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
writeLog $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelError $ fromString $
"Unexpected exception raised in websocket. Please report this as a bug: "<>show e
"Unexpected exception raised in websocket. Please report this as a bug: " <> show e
throwIO e
shuttingDownReject =
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ instance (MonadReusability m) => MonadReusability (StateT s m) where
markNotReusable = lift markNotReusable
newtype ReusabilityT m a = ReusabilityT { unReusabilityT :: StateT QueryReusability m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError e, MonadReader r, MonadIO)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError e, MonadReader r, MonadIO, MonadTrans)
instance (Monad m) => MonadReusability (ReusabilityT m) where
recordVariableUse varName varType = ReusabilityT $
@ -27,15 +27,14 @@ import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Data.URL.Template
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ persistCreateAction (CreateAction actionName actionDefinition comment) = do
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
|] (actionName, Q.AltJ actionDefinition, comment) True
{- Note [Postgres scalars in action input arguments]
{-| Note [Postgres scalars in action input arguments]
It's very comfortable to be able to reference Postgres scalars in actions
input arguments. For example, see the following action mutation:
@ -95,14 +94,15 @@ referred scalars.
:: (QErrM m, MonadIO m)
=> AnnotatedCustomTypes
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> AnnotatedCustomTypes
-> ActionDefinitionInput
-> HashSet PGScalarType -- See Note [Postgres scalars in custom types]
-> m ( ResolvedActionDefinition
, AnnotatedObjectType
resolveAction AnnotatedCustomTypes{..} ActionDefinition{..} allPGScalars = do
resolveAction env AnnotatedCustomTypes{..} ActionDefinition{..} allPGScalars = do
resolvedArguments <- forM _adArguments $ \argumentDefinition -> do
forM argumentDefinition $ \argumentType -> do
let gType = unGraphQLType argumentType
@ -123,16 +123,12 @@ resolveAction AnnotatedCustomTypes{..} ActionDefinition{..} allPGScalars = do
outputObject <- onNothing (Map.lookup outputBaseType _actObjects) $
throw400 NotExists $ "the type: " <> showName outputBaseType
<> " is not an object type defined in custom types"
resolvedWebhook <- resolveWebhook _adHandler
resolvedWebhook <- resolveWebhook env _adHandler
pure ( ActionDefinition resolvedArguments _adOutputType _adType
_adHeaders _adForwardClientHeaders resolvedWebhook
, outputObject
resolveWebhook (InputWebhook urlTemplate) = do
eitherRenderedTemplate <- renderURLTemplate urlTemplate
either (throw400 Unexpected . T.pack) (pure . ResolvedWebhook) eitherRenderedTemplate
lookupPGScalar baseType = -- see Note [Postgres scalars in custom types]
fmap (flip ScalarTypeDefinition Nothing) $
find ((==) baseType) $ mapMaybe (G.mkName . toSQLTxt) $
@ -225,8 +221,9 @@ resolveAction
-> m ( ResolvedActionDefinition
, AnnotatedObjectType
, HashSet PGScalarType
) -- ^ see Note [Postgres scalars in action input arguments].
resolveAction customTypes allPGScalars actionDefinition = do
-- ^ see Note [Postgres scalars in action input arguments].
resolveAction env customTypes allPGScalars actionDefinition = do
let responseType = unGraphQLType $ _adOutputType actionDefinition
responseBaseType = G.getBaseType responseType
@ -253,7 +250,7 @@ resolveAction customTypes allPGScalars actionDefinition = do
-- Check if the response type is an object
outputObject <- getObjectTypeInfo responseBaseType
resolvedDef <- traverse resolveWebhook actionDefinition
resolvedDef <- traverse (resolveWebhook env) actionDefinition
pure (resolvedDef, outputObject, reusedPGScalars)
getNonObjectTypeInfo typeName =
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
) where
import Data.Aeson
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
@ -32,6 +31,7 @@ import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Text.Shakespeare.Text as ST
@ -208,16 +208,19 @@ subTableP1 (CreateEventTriggerQuery name qt insert update delete enableManual re
SubCArray pgcols -> forM_ pgcols (assertPGCol (_tciFieldInfoMap ti) "")
:: (QErrM m, MonadIO m)
=> QualifiedTable -> EventTriggerConf -> m (EventTriggerInfo, [SchemaDependency])
subTableP2Setup qt (EventTriggerConf name def webhook webhookFromEnv rconf mheaders) = do
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> QualifiedTable
-> EventTriggerConf
-> m (EventTriggerInfo, [SchemaDependency])
subTableP2Setup env qt (EventTriggerConf name def webhook webhookFromEnv rconf mheaders) = do
webhookConf <- case (webhook, webhookFromEnv) of
(Just w, Nothing) -> return $ WCValue w
(Nothing, Just wEnv) -> return $ WCEnv wEnv
_ -> throw500 "expected webhook or webhook_from_env"
let headerConfs = fromMaybe [] mheaders
webhookInfo <- getWebhookInfoFromConf webhookConf
headerInfos <- getHeaderInfosFromConf headerConfs
webhookInfo <- getWebhookInfoFromConf env webhookConf
headerInfos <- getHeaderInfosFromConf env headerConfs
let eTrigInfo = EventTriggerInfo name def rconf webhookInfo headerInfos
tabDep = SchemaDependency (SOTable qt) DRParent
pure (eTrigInfo, tabDep:getTrigDefDeps qt def)
@ -310,30 +313,35 @@ runInvokeEventTrigger (InvokeEventTriggerQuery name payload) = do
_ -> throw400 NotSupported "manual mode is not enabled for event trigger"
:: (QErrM m, MonadIO m)
=> [HeaderConf] -> m [EventHeaderInfo]
getHeaderInfosFromConf = mapM getHeader
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> [HeaderConf]
-> m [EventHeaderInfo]
getHeaderInfosFromConf env = mapM getHeader
getHeader :: (QErrM m, MonadIO m) => HeaderConf -> m EventHeaderInfo
getHeader :: QErrM m => HeaderConf -> m EventHeaderInfo
getHeader hconf = case hconf of
(HeaderConf _ (HVValue val)) -> return $ EventHeaderInfo hconf val
(HeaderConf _ (HVEnv val)) -> do
envVal <- getEnv val
envVal <- getEnv env val
return $ EventHeaderInfo hconf envVal
:: (QErrM m, MonadIO m) => WebhookConf -> m WebhookConfInfo
getWebhookInfoFromConf wc = case wc of
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> WebhookConf
-> m WebhookConfInfo
getWebhookInfoFromConf env wc = case wc of
WCValue w -> return $ WebhookConfInfo wc w
WCEnv we -> do
envVal <- getEnv we
envVal <- getEnv env we
return $ WebhookConfInfo wc envVal
getEnv :: (QErrM m, MonadIO m) => T.Text -> m T.Text
getEnv env = do
mEnv <- liftIO $ lookupEnv (T.unpack env)
getEnv :: QErrM m => Env.Environment -> T.Text -> m T.Text
getEnv env k = do
let mEnv = Env.lookupEnv env (T.unpack k)
case mEnv of
Nothing -> throw400 NotFound $ "environment variable '" <> env <> "' not set"
Nothing -> throw400 NotFound $ "environment variable '" <> k <> "' not set"
Just envVal -> return (T.pack envVal)
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Instances ()
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ instance ToJSON HeaderConf where
-- | Resolve configuration headers
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m) => [HeaderConf] -> m [HTTP.Header]
makeHeadersFromConf = mapM getHeader
:: MonadError QErr m => Env.Environment -> [HeaderConf] -> m [HTTP.Header]
makeHeadersFromConf env = mapM getHeader
getHeader hconf =
((CI.mk . txtToBs) *** txtToBs) <$>
case hconf of
(HeaderConf name (HVValue val)) -> return (name, val)
(HeaderConf name (HVEnv val)) -> do
mEnv <- liftIO $ lookupEnv (T.unpack val)
let mEnv = Env.lookupEnv env (T.unpack val)
case mEnv of
Nothing -> throw400 NotFound $ "environment variable '" <> val <> "' not set"
Just envval -> pure (name, T.pack envval)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
@ -15,6 +14,8 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import qualified Network.URI as N
import qualified System.Cron.Parser as Cr
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Scientific
import System.Cron.Types
import Test.QuickCheck
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
:: ( HasVersion
, QErrM m
@ -37,10 +39,12 @@ runAddRemoteSchema
, MonadUnique m
, HasHttpManager m
=> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m EncJSON
runAddRemoteSchema q = do
=> Env.Environment
-> AddRemoteSchemaQuery
-> m EncJSON
runAddRemoteSchema env q = do
addRemoteSchemaP1 name
addRemoteSchemaP2 q
addRemoteSchemaP2 env q
buildSchemaCacheFor $ MORemoteSchema name
pure successMsg
@ -57,16 +61,17 @@ addRemoteSchemaP1 name = do
:: (HasVersion, QErrM m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, HasHttpManager m)
=> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m RemoteSchemaCtx
addRemoteSchemaP2Setup (AddRemoteSchemaQuery name def _) = do
=> Env.Environment
-> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m RemoteSchemaCtx
addRemoteSchemaP2Setup env (AddRemoteSchemaQuery name def _) = do
httpMgr <- askHttpManager
rsi <- validateRemoteSchemaDef def
fetchRemoteSchema httpMgr name rsi
rsi <- validateRemoteSchemaDef env def
fetchRemoteSchema env httpMgr name rsi
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, HasHttpManager m) => AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m ()
addRemoteSchemaP2 q = do
void $ addRemoteSchemaP2Setup q
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, HasHttpManager m) => Env.Environment -> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m ()
addRemoteSchemaP2 env q = do
void $ addRemoteSchemaP2Setup env q
liftTx $ addRemoteSchemaToCatalog q
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as C
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
-- | runCreateCronTrigger will update a existing cron trigger when the 'replace'
-- value is set to @true@ and when replace is @false@ a new cron trigger will
@ -61,11 +62,13 @@ addCronTriggerToCatalog CronTriggerMetadata {..} = liftTx $ do
insertCronEvents $ map (CronEventSeed ctName) scheduleTimes
:: (QErrM m, MonadIO m)
=> CatalogCronTrigger -> m CronTriggerInfo
resolveCronTrigger CatalogCronTrigger {..} = do
webhookInfo <- resolveWebhook _cctWebhookConf
headerInfo <- getHeaderInfosFromConf headers
:: (QErrM m)
=> Env.Environment
-> CatalogCronTrigger
-> m CronTriggerInfo
resolveCronTrigger env CatalogCronTrigger {..} = do
webhookInfo <- resolveWebhook env _cctWebhookConf
headerInfo <- getHeaderInfosFromConf env headers
pure $
CronTriggerInfo _cctName
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Control.Arrow.Extended
@ -59,11 +60,12 @@ import Hasura.SQL.Types
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadTx m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> m (RebuildableSchemaCache m)
buildRebuildableSchemaCache = do
=> Env.Environment
-> m (RebuildableSchemaCache m)
buildRebuildableSchemaCache env = do
catalogMetadata <- liftTx fetchCatalogData
result <- flip runReaderT CatalogSync $
Inc.build buildSchemaCacheRule (catalogMetadata, initialInvalidationKeys)
Inc.build (buildSchemaCacheRule env) (catalogMetadata, initialInvalidationKeys)
pure $ RebuildableSchemaCache (Inc.result result) initialInvalidationKeys (Inc.rebuildRule result)
newtype CacheRWT m a
@ -113,8 +115,9 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule
:: ( HasVersion, ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr
, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadTx m
, MonadReader BuildReason m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m )
=> (CatalogMetadata, InvalidationKeys) `arr` SchemaCache
buildSchemaCacheRule = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
=> Env.Environment
-> (CatalogMetadata, InvalidationKeys) `arr` SchemaCache
buildSchemaCacheRule env = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
invalidationKeysDep <- Inc.newDependency -< invalidationKeys
-- Step 1: Process metadata and collect dependency information.
@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Inc.ArrowCache m arr, MonadIO m, MonadTx m, MonadReader BuildReason m, HasSQLGenCtx m )
, Inc.ArrowCache m arr, MonadTx m, MonadReader BuildReason m, HasSQLGenCtx m )
=> (TableCoreInfo, [CatalogEventTrigger]) `arr` EventTriggerInfoMap
buildTableEventTriggers = buildInfoMap _cetName mkEventTriggerMetadataObject buildEventTrigger
@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (do
etc <- bindErrorA -< decodeValue configuration
(info, dependencies) <- bindErrorA -< subTableP2Setup qt etc
(info, dependencies) <- bindErrorA -< subTableP2Setup env qt etc
let tableColumns = M.mapMaybe (^? _FIColumn) (_tciFieldInfoMap tableInfo)
recreateViewIfNeeded -< (qt, tableColumns, trn, etcDefinition etc)
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObjectId, dependencies)
@ -345,6 +348,45 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
liftTx $ delTriggerQ triggerName -- executes DROP IF EXISTS.. sql
mkAllTriggersQ triggerName tableName (M.elems tableColumns) triggerDefinition
:: ( ArrowChoice arr
, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr
, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Inc.ArrowCache m arr
, MonadTx m)
=> ((),[CatalogCronTrigger])
`arr` HashMap TriggerName CronTriggerInfo
buildCronTriggers = buildInfoMap _cctName mkCronTriggerMetadataObject buildCronTrigger
buildCronTrigger = proc (_,cronTrigger) -> do
let triggerName = triggerNameToTxt $ _cctName cronTrigger
addCronTriggerContext e = "in cron trigger " <> triggerName <> ": " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (bindErrorA -< resolveCronTrigger env cronTrigger)
|) addCronTriggerContext)
|) (mkCronTriggerMetadataObject cronTrigger)
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr
, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr)
=> ( (AnnotatedCustomTypes, HashSet PGScalarType)
, [ActionMetadata]
) `arr` HashMap ActionName ActionInfo
buildActions = buildInfoMap _amName mkActionMetadataObject buildAction
buildAction = proc ((resolvedCustomTypes, pgScalars), action) -> do
let ActionMetadata name comment def actionPermissions = action
addActionContext e = "in action " <> name <<> "; " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (do
(resolvedDef, outObject) <- liftEitherA <<< bindA -<
runExceptT $ resolveAction env resolvedCustomTypes def pgScalars
let permissionInfos = map (ActionPermissionInfo . _apmRole) actionPermissions
permissionMap = mapFromL _apiRole permissionInfos
returnA -< ActionInfo name outObject resolvedDef permissionMap comment)
|) addActionContext)
|) (mkActionMetadataObject action)
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Inc.ArrowCache m arr , MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, HasHttpManager m )
@ -359,48 +401,9 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule = proc (catalogMetadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
buildRemoteSchema = Inc.cache proc (invalidationKeys, remoteSchema) -> do
Inc.dependOn -< Inc.selectKeyD (_arsqName remoteSchema) invalidationKeys
(| withRecordInconsistency (liftEitherA <<< bindA -<
runExceptT $ addRemoteSchemaP2Setup remoteSchema)
runExceptT $ addRemoteSchemaP2Setup env remoteSchema)
|) (mkRemoteSchemaMetadataObject remoteSchema)
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr
, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, MonadIO m )
=> ( (AnnotatedCustomTypes, HashSet PGScalarType)
, [ActionMetadata]
) `arr` HashMap ActionName ActionInfo
buildActions = buildInfoMap _amName mkActionMetadataObject buildAction
buildAction = proc ((resolvedCustomTypes, pgScalars), action) -> do
let ActionMetadata name comment def actionPermissions = action
addActionContext e = "in action " <> name <<> "; " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (do
(resolvedDef, outObject) <- liftEitherA <<< bindA -<
runExceptT $ resolveAction resolvedCustomTypes def pgScalars
let permissionInfos = map (ActionPermissionInfo . _apmRole) actionPermissions
permissionMap = mapFromL _apiRole permissionInfos
returnA -< ActionInfo name outObject resolvedDef permissionMap comment)
|) addActionContext)
|) (mkActionMetadataObject action)
:: ( ArrowChoice arr
, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr
, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Inc.ArrowCache m arr
, MonadIO m
, MonadTx m)
=> ((),[CatalogCronTrigger])
`arr` HashMap TriggerName CronTriggerInfo
buildCronTriggers = buildInfoMap _cctName mkCronTriggerMetadataObject buildCronTrigger
buildCronTrigger = proc (_,cronTrigger) -> do
let triggerName = triggerNameToTxt $ _cctName cronTrigger
addCronTriggerContext e = "in cron trigger " <> triggerName <> ": " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (bindErrorA -< resolveCronTrigger cronTrigger)
|) addCronTriggerContext)
|) (mkCronTriggerMetadataObject cronTrigger)
-- | @'withMetadataCheck' cascade action@ runs @action@ and checks if the schema changed as a
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
@ -105,13 +107,18 @@ validateDeleteQ =
runDMLP1T . validateDeleteQWith sessVarFromCurrentSetting binRHSBuilder
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Bool
-> Maybe MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> (AnnDel, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
-> m EncJSON
execDeleteQuery strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
runMutation $ mkMutation remoteJoinCtx (dqp1Table u) (deleteCTE, p)
execDeleteQuery env strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
runMutation env $ mkMutation remoteJoinCtx (dqp1Table u) (deleteCTE, p)
(dqp1Output u) (dqp1AllCols u) strfyNum
deleteCTE = mkDeleteCTE u
@ -120,7 +127,9 @@ runDelete
:: ( HasVersion, QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m
, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m, MonadIO m
=> DeleteQuery -> m EncJSON
runDelete q = do
=> Env.Environment
-> DeleteQuery
-> m EncJSON
runDelete env q = do
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx
validateDeleteQ q >>= execDeleteQuery strfyNum Nothing
validateDeleteQ q >>= execDeleteQuery env strfyNum Nothing
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
mkInsertCTE :: InsertQueryP1 -> S.CTE
mkInsertCTE (InsertQueryP1 tn cols vals conflict (insCheck, updCheck) _ _) =
@ -240,13 +241,17 @@ convInsQ =
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Bool
-> Maybe MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
-> m EncJSON
execInsertQuery strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
execInsertQuery env strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
runMutation env
$ mkMutation remoteJoinCtx (iqp1Table u) (insertCTE, p)
(iqp1Output u) (iqp1AllCols u) strfyNum
@ -329,8 +334,8 @@ runInsert
:: ( HasVersion, QErrM m, UserInfoM m
, CacheRM m, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m, MonadIO m
=> InsertQuery -> m EncJSON
runInsert q = do
=> Env.Environment -> InsertQuery -> m EncJSON
runInsert env q = do
res <- convInsQ q
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx
execInsertQuery strfyNum Nothing res
execInsertQuery env strfyNum Nothing res
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -58,17 +59,29 @@ mkMutation ctx table query output' allCols strfyNum =
in Mutation table query output allCols remoteJoinsCtx strfyNum
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Mutation -> m EncJSON
runMutation mut =
bool (mutateAndReturn mut) (mutateAndSel mut) $
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Mutation
-> m EncJSON
runMutation env mut =
bool (mutateAndReturn env mut) (mutateAndSel env mut) $
hasNestedFld $ _mOutput mut
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Mutation -> m EncJSON
mutateAndReturn (Mutation qt (cte, p) mutationOutput allCols remoteJoins strfyNum) =
executeMutationOutputQuery sqlQuery (toList p) remoteJoins
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Mutation
-> m EncJSON
mutateAndReturn env (Mutation qt (cte, p) mutationOutput allCols remoteJoins strfyNum) =
executeMutationOutputQuery env sqlQuery (toList p) remoteJoins
sqlQuery = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $
mkMutationOutputExp qt allCols Nothing cte mutationOutput strfyNum
@ -88,29 +101,40 @@ conditions **might** see some degradation.
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Mutation -> m EncJSON
mutateAndSel (Mutation qt q mutationOutput allCols remoteJoins strfyNum) = do
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Mutation
-> m EncJSON
mutateAndSel env (Mutation qt q mutationOutput allCols remoteJoins strfyNum) = do
-- Perform mutation and fetch unique columns
MutateResp _ columnVals <- liftTx $ mutateAndFetchCols qt allCols q strfyNum
selCTE <- mkSelCTEFromColVals qt allCols columnVals
let selWith = mkMutationOutputExp qt allCols Nothing selCTE mutationOutput strfyNum
-- Perform select query and fetch returning fields
executeMutationOutputQuery (Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL selWith) [] remoteJoins
executeMutationOutputQuery env (Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL selWith) [] remoteJoins
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Q.Query -- ^ SQL query
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Q.Query -- ^ SQL query
-> [Q.PrepArg] -- ^ Prepared params
-> Maybe (RemoteJoins, MutationRemoteJoinCtx) -- ^ Remote joins context
-> m EncJSON
executeMutationOutputQuery query prepArgs = \case
executeMutationOutputQuery env query prepArgs = \case
Nothing ->
runIdentity . Q.getRow
-- See Note [Prepared statements in Mutations]
<$> liftTx (Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler query prepArgs False)
Just (remoteJoins, (httpManager, reqHeaders, userInfo)) ->
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins httpManager reqHeaders userInfo query prepArgs remoteJoins
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins env httpManager reqHeaders userInfo query prepArgs remoteJoins
:: QualifiedTable
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as AO
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
@ -44,15 +45,19 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
-- | Executes given query and fetch response JSON from Postgres. Substitutes remote relationship fields.
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> HTTP.Manager
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> Q.Query
-> [Q.PrepArg]
-> RemoteJoins
-> m EncJSON
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins manager reqHdrs userInfo q prepArgs rjs = do
executeQueryWithRemoteJoins env manager reqHdrs userInfo q prepArgs rjs = do
-- Step 1: Perform the query on database and fetch the response
pgRes <- runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> liftTx (Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler q prepArgs True)
jsonRes <- either (throw500 . T.pack) pure $ AO.eitherDecode pgRes
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ executeQueryWithRemoteJoins manager reqHdrs userInfo q prepArgs rjs = do
compositeJson <- traverseQueryResponseJSON rjMap jsonRes
let remoteJoins = collectRemoteFields compositeJson
-- Step 3: Make queries to remote server and fetch graphql response
remoteServerResp <- fetchRemoteJoinFields manager reqHdrs userInfo remoteJoins
remoteServerResp <- fetchRemoteJoinFields env manager reqHdrs userInfo remoteJoins
-- Step 4: Replace remote fields in composite json with remote join values
AO.toEncJSON <$> replaceRemoteFields compositeJson remoteServerResp
@ -406,19 +411,20 @@ fetchRemoteJoinFields
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
=> HTTP.Manager
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> [RemoteJoinField]
-> m AO.Object
fetchRemoteJoinFields manager reqHdrs userInfo remoteJoins = do
fetchRemoteJoinFields env manager reqHdrs userInfo remoteJoins = do
results <- forM (Map.toList remoteSchemaBatch) $ \(rsi, batch) -> do
let batchList = toList batch
gqlReq = fieldsToRequest G.OperationTypeQuery
(map _rjfField batchList)
gqlReqUnparsed = (GQLQueryText . G.renderExecutableDoc . G.ExecutableDocument . unGQLExecDoc) <$> gqlReq
-- NOTE: discard remote headers (for now):
(_, _, respBody) <- execRemoteGQ' manager userInfo reqHdrs gqlReqUnparsed rsi G.OperationTypeQuery
(_, _, respBody) <- execRemoteGQ' env manager userInfo reqHdrs gqlReqUnparsed rsi G.OperationTypeQuery
case AO.eitherDecode respBody of
Left e -> throw500 $ "Remote server response is not valid JSON: " <> T.pack e
Right r -> do
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hasura.RQL.DML.Select.Internal
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Control.Lens hiding (op)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
-- NOTE: This function can be improved, because we use
@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ mkUpdateCTE (AnnUpd tn opExps (permFltr, wc) chk _ columnsInfo) =
tableFltrExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) $ andAnnBoolExps permFltr wc
checkExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) chk
expandOperator :: [PGColumnInfo] -> (PGCol, UpdOpExpG S.SQLExp) -> S.SetExpItem
expandOperator infos (column, op) = S.SetExpItem $ (column,) $ case op of
UpdSet e -> e
@ -97,18 +97,6 @@ expandOperator infos (column, op) = S.SetExpItem $ (column,) $ case op of
Just (PGColumnScalar s) -> S.mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeScalar s
_ -> S.numericTypeAnn
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool
-> Maybe MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> (AnnUpd, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
-> m EncJSON
execUpdateQuery strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
runMutation $ mkMutation remoteJoinCtx (uqp1Table u) (updateCTE, p)
(uqp1Output u) (uqp1AllCols u) strfyNum
updateCTE = mkUpdateCTE u
:: (QErrM m)
=> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
@ -259,11 +247,28 @@ validateUpdateQuery
validateUpdateQuery =
runDMLP1T . validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarFromCurrentSetting binRHSBuilder
( HasVersion
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
=> Env.Environment
-> Bool
-> Maybe MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> (AnnUpd, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
-> m EncJSON
execUpdateQuery env strfyNum remoteJoinCtx (u, p) =
runMutation env $ mkMutation remoteJoinCtx (uqp1Table u) (updateCTE, p)
(uqp1Output u) (uqp1AllCols u) strfyNum
updateCTE = mkUpdateCTE u
:: ( HasVersion, QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m
, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m, MonadIO m
=> UpdateQuery -> m EncJSON
runUpdate q = do
=> Env.Environment -> UpdateQuery -> m EncJSON
runUpdate env q = do
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx
validateUpdateQuery q >>= execUpdateQuery strfyNum Nothing
validateUpdateQuery q >>= execUpdateQuery env strfyNum Nothing
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Db as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp as R
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift, Q, TExp)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
@ -304,8 +305,8 @@ instance FromJSON InputWebhook where
Left e -> fail $ "Parsing URL template failed: " ++ e
Right v -> pure $ InputWebhook v
resolveWebhook :: (QErrM m,MonadIO m) => InputWebhook -> m ResolvedWebhook
resolveWebhook (InputWebhook urlTemplate) = do
eitherRenderedTemplate <- renderURLTemplate urlTemplate
resolveWebhook :: QErrM m => Env.Environment -> InputWebhook -> m ResolvedWebhook
resolveWebhook env (InputWebhook urlTemplate) = do
let eitherRenderedTemplate = renderURLTemplate env urlTemplate
either (throw400 Unexpected . T.pack)
(pure . ResolvedWebhook) eitherRenderedTemplate
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (NonEmptyText)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.URI.Extended as N
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (HeaderConf (..))
@ -77,27 +77,26 @@ newtype RemoteSchemaNameQuery
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 5 J.snakeCase) ''RemoteSchemaNameQuery)
getUrlFromEnv :: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => Text -> m N.URI
getUrlFromEnv urlFromEnv = do
mEnv <- liftIO . lookupEnv $ T.unpack urlFromEnv
env <- maybe (throw400 InvalidParams $ envNotFoundMsg urlFromEnv) return
maybe (throw400 InvalidParams $ invalidUri env) return $ N.parseURI env
getUrlFromEnv :: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => Env.Environment -> Text -> m N.URI
getUrlFromEnv env urlFromEnv = do
let mEnv = Env.lookupEnv env $ T.unpack urlFromEnv
uri <- maybe (throw400 InvalidParams $ envNotFoundMsg urlFromEnv) return mEnv
maybe (throw400 InvalidParams $ invalidUri uri) return $ N.parseURI uri
invalidUri uri = "not a valid URI: " <> T.pack uri
envNotFoundMsg e =
"environment variable '" <> e <> "' not set"
invalidUri x = "not a valid URI: " <> T.pack x
envNotFoundMsg e = "environment variable '" <> e <> "' not set"
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> RemoteSchemaDef
=> Env.Environment
-> RemoteSchemaDef
-> m RemoteSchemaInfo
validateRemoteSchemaDef (RemoteSchemaDef mUrl mUrlEnv hdrC fwdHdrs mTimeout) =
validateRemoteSchemaDef env (RemoteSchemaDef mUrl mUrlEnv hdrC fwdHdrs mTimeout) =
case (mUrl, mUrlEnv) of
(Just url, Nothing) ->
return $ RemoteSchemaInfo url hdrs fwdHdrs timeout
(Nothing, Just urlEnv) -> do
url <- getUrlFromEnv urlEnv
url <- getUrlFromEnv env urlEnv
return $ RemoteSchemaInfo url hdrs fwdHdrs timeout
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
throw400 InvalidParams "both `url` and `url_from_env` can't be empty"
@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -41,7 +42,6 @@ import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
data RQLQueryV1
= RQAddExistingTableOrView !TrackTable
| RQTrackTable !TrackTable
@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ recordSchemaUpdate instanceId invalidations =
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> PGExecCtx -> InstanceId
=> Env.Environment -> PGExecCtx -> InstanceId
-> UserInfo -> RebuildableSchemaCache Run -> HTTP.Manager
-> SQLGenCtx -> SystemDefined -> RQLQuery -> m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache Run)
runQuery pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo sc hMgr sqlGenCtx systemDefined query = do
runQuery env pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo sc hMgr sqlGenCtx systemDefined query = do
accessMode <- getQueryAccessMode query
resE <- runQueryM query
resE <- runQueryM env query
& runHasSystemDefinedT systemDefined
& runCacheRWT sc
& peelRun runCtx pgExecCtx accessMode
@ -346,9 +346,10 @@ runQueryM
, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m
, HasSystemDefined m
=> RQLQuery
=> Env.Environment
-> RQLQuery
-> m EncJSON
runQueryM rq = withPathK "args" $ case rq of
runQueryM env rq = withPathK "args" $ case rq of
RQV1 q -> runQueryV1M q
RQV2 q -> runQueryV2M q
@ -384,13 +385,13 @@ runQueryM rq = withPathK "args" $ case rq of
RQGetInconsistentMetadata q -> runGetInconsistentMetadata q
RQDropInconsistentMetadata q -> runDropInconsistentMetadata q
RQInsert q -> runInsert q
RQInsert q -> runInsert env q
RQSelect q -> runSelect q
RQUpdate q -> runUpdate q
RQDelete q -> runDelete q
RQUpdate q -> runUpdate env q
RQDelete q -> runDelete env q
RQCount q -> runCount q
RQAddRemoteSchema q -> runAddRemoteSchema q
RQAddRemoteSchema q -> runAddRemoteSchema env q
RQRemoveRemoteSchema q -> runRemoveRemoteSchema q
RQReloadRemoteSchema q -> runReloadRemoteSchema q
RQIntrospectRemoteSchema q -> runIntrospectRemoteSchema q
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ runQueryM rq = withPathK "args" $ case rq of
RQSetCustomTypes q -> runSetCustomTypes q
RQBulk qs -> encJFromList <$> indexedMapM runQueryM qs
RQBulk qs -> encJFromList <$> indexedMapM (runQueryM env) qs
runQueryV2M = \case
RQV2TrackTable q -> runTrackTableV2Q q
@ -3,10 +3,24 @@
module Hasura.Server.App where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup)
import System.FilePath (joinPath, takeFileName)
import Web.Spock.Core ((<//>))
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -20,21 +34,6 @@ import qualified System.Metrics.Json as EKG
import qualified Text.Mustache as M
import qualified Web.Spock.Core as Spock
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath (joinPath, takeFileName)
import Web.Spock.Core ((<//>))
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as E
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Explain as GE
@ -104,6 +103,7 @@ data ServerCtx
, scEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, scEkgStore :: !EKG.Store
, scResponseInternalErrorsConfig :: !ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
, scEnvironment :: !Env.Environment
data HandlerCtx
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ withSCUpdate
:: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> SchemaCacheRef -> L.Logger L.Hasura -> m (a, RebuildableSchemaCache Run) -> m a
withSCUpdate scr logger action = do
withMVarMasked lk $ \()-> do
withMVarMasked lk $ \() -> do
(!res, !newSC) <- action
liftIO $ do
-- update schemacache in IO reference
@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ onlyAdmin = do
buildQCtx :: (MonadIO m) => Handler m QCtx
buildQCtx = do
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
userInfo <- asks hcUser
cache <- getSCFromRef scRef
sqlGenCtx <- scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx <$> ask
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
return $ QCtx userInfo cache sqlGenCtx
setHeader :: MonadIO m => HTTP.Header -> Spock.ActionT m ()
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ setHeader (headerName, headerValue) =
Spock.setHeader (bsToTxt $ CI.original headerName) (bsToTxt headerValue)
-- | Typeclass representing the metadata API authorization effect
class MetadataApiAuthorization m where
class Monad m => MetadataApiAuthorization m where
authorizeMetadataApi :: HasVersion => RQLQuery -> UserInfo -> Handler m ()
-- | The config API (/v1alpha1/config) handler
@ -304,28 +304,30 @@ mkSpockAction serverCtx qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = do
mapM_ setHeader allRespHeaders
Spock.lazyBytes compressedResp
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m)
=> RQLQuery -> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m)
=> RQLQuery
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1QueryHandler query = do
userInfo <- asks hcUser
authorizeMetadataApi query userInfo
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
logger <- scLogger . hcServerCtx <$> ask
res <- bool (fst <$> dbAction) (withSCUpdate scRef logger dbAction) $
queryModifiesSchemaCache query
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
logger <- asks (scLogger . hcServerCtx)
res <- bool (fst <$> dbAction) (withSCUpdate scRef logger dbAction) $ queryModifiesSchemaCache query
return $ HttpResponse res []
-- Hit postgres
dbAction = do
userInfo <- asks hcUser
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
schemaCache <- fmap fst $ liftIO $ readIORef $ _scrCache scRef
httpMgr <- scManager . hcServerCtx <$> ask
sqlGenCtx <- scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx <$> ask
pgExecCtx <- scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx <$> ask
instanceId <- scInstanceId . hcServerCtx <$> ask
runQuery pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo schemaCache httpMgr sqlGenCtx (SystemDefined False) query
httpMgr <- asks (scManager . hcServerCtx)
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
pgExecCtx <- asks (scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx)
instanceId <- asks (scInstanceId . hcServerCtx)
env <- asks (scEnvironment . hcServerCtx)
runQuery env pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo schemaCache httpMgr sqlGenCtx (SystemDefined False) query
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, MonadQueryLog m)
@ -335,19 +337,22 @@ v1Alpha1GQHandler queryType query = do
reqHeaders <- asks hcReqHeaders
ipAddress <- asks hcSourceIpAddress
requestId <- asks hcRequestId
manager <- scManager . hcServerCtx <$> ask
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
manager <- asks (scManager . hcServerCtx)
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
(sc, scVer) <- liftIO $ readIORef $ _scrCache scRef
pgExecCtx <- scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx <$> ask
sqlGenCtx <- scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx <$> ask
planCache <- scPlanCache . hcServerCtx <$> ask
enableAL <- scEnableAllowlist . hcServerCtx <$> ask
logger <- scLogger . hcServerCtx <$> ask
pgExecCtx <- asks (scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx)
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
planCache <- asks (scPlanCache . hcServerCtx)
enableAL <- asks (scEnableAllowlist . hcServerCtx)
logger <- asks (scLogger . hcServerCtx)
responseErrorsConfig <- asks (scResponseInternalErrorsConfig . hcServerCtx)
env <- asks (scEnvironment . hcServerCtx)
let execCtx = E.ExecutionCtx logger sqlGenCtx pgExecCtx planCache
(lastBuiltSchemaCache sc) scVer manager enableAL
flip runReaderT execCtx $
GH.runGQBatched requestId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType query
GH.runGQBatched env requestId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType query
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, MonadQueryLog m)
@ -357,12 +362,17 @@ v1GQHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryHasura
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, MonadQueryLog m)
=> GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText -> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
=> GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1GQRelayHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryRelay
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> GE.GQLExplain -> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
:: forall m
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
=> GE.GQLExplain
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
gqlExplainHandler query = do
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
@ -375,7 +385,7 @@ gqlExplainHandler query = do
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler :: (MonadIO m) => PGD.PGDumpReqBody -> Handler m APIResp
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler b = do
ci <- scConnInfo . hcServerCtx <$> ask
ci <- asks (scConnInfo . hcServerCtx)
output <- PGD.execPGDump b ci
return $ RawResp $ HttpResponse output [sqlHeader]
@ -438,7 +448,7 @@ queryParsers =
return $ f q
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m)
=> TableName -> T.Text -> Object
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
legacyQueryHandler tn queryType req =
@ -460,58 +470,67 @@ configApiGetHandler serverCtx@ServerCtx{..} consoleAssetsDir =
(EL._lqsOptions $ scLQState) consoleAssetsDir
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue res) []
initErrExit :: QErr -> IO a
initErrExit e = do
putStrLn $
"failed to build schema-cache because of inconsistent metadata: "
<> (show e)
data HasuraApp
= HasuraApp
{ _hapApplication :: !Wai.Application
, _hapSchemaRef :: !SchemaCacheRef
, _hapCacheBuildTime :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
, _hapShutdown :: !(IO ())
, _hapShutdownWsServer :: !(IO ())
-- TODO: Put Env into ServerCtx?
:: forall m.
( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnique m
-- , MonadUnique m
, MonadStateless IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, ConsoleRenderer m
, HttpLog m
, MonadQueryLog m
, UserAuthentication m
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadConfigApiHandler m
, MonadQueryLog m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
=> Q.TxIsolation
=> Env.Environment
-- ^ Set of environment variables for reference in UIs
-> Q.TxIsolation
-- ^ postgres transaction isolation to be used in the entire app
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-- ^ a 'L.Hasura' specific logger
-> SQLGenCtx
-> Bool
-- ^ is AllowList enabled - TODO: change this boolean to sumtype
-> Q.PGPool
-> Maybe PGExecCtx
-> Q.ConnInfo
-- ^ postgres connection parameters
-> HTTP.Manager
-- ^ HTTP manager so that we can re-use sessions
-> AuthMode
-- ^ 'AuthMode' in which the application should operate in
-> CorsConfig
-> Bool
-- ^ is console enabled - TODO: better type
-> Maybe Text
-- ^ filepath to the console static assets directory - TODO: better type
-> Bool
-- ^ is telemetry enabled
-> InstanceId
-- ^ each application, when run, gets an 'InstanceId'. this is used at various places including
-- schema syncing and telemetry
-> S.HashSet API
-- ^ set of the enabled 'API's
-> EL.LiveQueriesOptions
-> E.PlanCacheOptions
-> ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
-> (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, Maybe UTCTime)
-> m HasuraApp
mkWaiApp isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager mode corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
mkWaiApp env isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager mode corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
enableTelemetry instanceId apis lqOpts planCacheOptions responseErrorsConfig (schemaCache, cacheBuiltTime) = do
(planCache, schemaCacheRef) <- initialiseCache
@ -540,6 +559,7 @@ mkWaiApp isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager
, scLQState = lqState
, scEnableAllowlist = enableAL
, scEkgStore = ekgStore
, scEnvironment = env
, scResponseInternalErrorsConfig = responseErrorsConfig
@ -551,7 +571,7 @@ mkWaiApp isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager
Spock.spockAsApp $ Spock.spockT lowerIO $
httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry
let wsServerApp = WS.createWSServerApp mode wsServerEnv
let wsServerApp = WS.createWSServerApp env mode wsServerEnv -- TODO: Lyndon: Can we pass environment through wsServerEnv?
stopWSServer = WS.stopWSServerApp wsServerEnv
waiApp <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
@ -570,10 +590,11 @@ mkWaiApp isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager
let cacheRef = SchemaCacheRef cacheLock cacheCell (E.clearPlanCache planCache)
pure (planCache, cacheRef)
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnique m
-- , MonadUnique m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, ConsoleRenderer m
, HttpLog m
@ -626,7 +647,6 @@ httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry = do
mkAPIRespHandler $ legacyQueryHandler (TableName tableName) queryType
when enablePGDump $
Spock.post "v1alpha1/pg_dump" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkPostHandler v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler
@ -640,7 +660,7 @@ httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry = do
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler v1GQHandler
Spock.post "v1beta1/relay" $ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr allMod200 $
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler v1GQRelayHandler
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler $ v1GQRelayHandler
when (isDeveloperAPIEnabled serverCtx) $ do
Spock.get "dev/ekg" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
@ -679,14 +699,9 @@ httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry = do
-> (QErr -> QErr) -> APIHandler m a -> Spock.ActionT m ()
spockAction = mkSpockAction serverCtx
-- all graphql errors should be of type 200
allMod200 qe = qe { qeStatus = HTTP.status200 }
gqlExplainAction =
spockAction encodeQErr id $ mkPostHandler $
mkAPIRespHandler gqlExplainHandler
gqlExplainAction = spockAction encodeQErr id $ mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler gqlExplainHandler
enableGraphQL = isGraphQLEnabled serverCtx
enableMetadata = isMetadataEnabled serverCtx
enablePGDump = isPGDumpEnabled serverCtx
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
module Hasura.Server.Auth
( getUserInfo
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ module Hasura.Server.Auth
, getUserInfoWithExpTime_
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (forkImmortal)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.IORef (newIORef)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
@ -63,10 +65,10 @@ class (Monad m) => UserAuthentication m where
-- Although this exists only in memory we store only a hash of the admin secret
-- primarily in order to:
-- --
-- -- - prevent theoretical timing attacks from a naive `==` check
-- -- - prevent misuse or inadvertent leaking of the secret
-- --
-- - prevent theoretical timing attacks from a naive `==` check
-- - prevent misuse or inadvertent leaking of the secret
newtype AdminSecretHash = AdminSecretHash (Crypto.Digest Crypto.SHA512)
deriving (Ord, Eq)
@ -99,7 +101,8 @@ data AuthMode
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadError T.Text m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
=> Maybe AdminSecretHash
-> Maybe AuthHook
@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ setupAuthMode
-> Maybe RoleName
-> H.Manager
-> Logger Hasura
-> m AuthMode
-> ExceptT Text m AuthMode
setupAuthMode mAdminSecretHash mWebHook mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole httpManager logger =
case (mAdminSecretHash, mWebHook, mJwtSecret) of
(Just hash, Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ AMAdminSecret hash mUnAuthRole
@ -139,7 +142,15 @@ setupAuthMode mAdminSecretHash mWebHook mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole httpManager logge
-- | Given the 'JWTConfig' (the user input of JWT configuration), create
-- the 'JWTCtx' (the runtime JWT config used)
mkJwtCtx :: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError T.Text m) => JWTConfig -> m JWTCtx
-- mkJwtCtx :: HasVersion => JWTConfig -> m JWTCtx
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
=> JWTConfig
-> ExceptT T.Text m JWTCtx
mkJwtCtx JWTConfig{..} = do
jwkRef <- case jcKeyOrUrl of
Left jwk -> liftIO $ newIORef (JWKSet [jwk])
@ -155,7 +166,7 @@ setupAuthMode mAdminSecretHash mWebHook mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole httpManager logge
case maybeExpiry of
Nothing -> return ref
Just time -> do
void $ liftIO $ forkImmortal "jwkRefreshCtrl" logger $
void . lift $ forkImmortal "jwkRefreshCtrl" logger $
jwkRefreshCtrl logger httpManager url ref (convertDuration time)
return ref
@ -171,7 +182,7 @@ setupAuthMode mAdminSecretHash mWebHook mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole httpManager logge
JFEExpiryParseError _ _ -> return Nothing
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> [N.Header]
@ -181,7 +192,7 @@ getUserInfo l m r a = fst <$> getUserInfoWithExpTime l m r a
-- | Authenticate the request using the headers and the configured 'AuthMode'.
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> [N.Header]
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ module Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT
, defaultRoleClaim
) where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
@ -126,21 +127,22 @@ defaultClaimNs = "https://hasura.io/jwt/claims"
-- | An action that refreshes the JWK at intervals in an infinite loop.
:: HasVersion
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> HTTP.Manager
-> URI
-> IORef Jose.JWKSet
-> DiffTime
-> IO void
jwkRefreshCtrl logger manager url ref time = liftIO $ do
C.sleep time
forever $ do
-> m void
jwkRefreshCtrl logger manager url ref time = do
liftIO $ C.sleep time
forever do
res <- runExceptT $ updateJwkRef logger manager url ref
mTime <- either (const $ logNotice >> return Nothing) return res
-- if can't parse time from header, defaults to 1 min
-- let delay = maybe (minutes 1) fromUnits mTime
let delay = maybe (minutes 1) (convertDuration) mTime
C.sleep delay
liftIO $ C.sleep delay
logNotice = do
let err = JwkRefreshLog LevelInfo (Just "retrying again in 60 secs") Nothing
@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ jwkRefreshCtrl logger manager url ref time = liftIO $ do
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, MonadError JwkFetchError m
=> Logger Hasura
@ -158,11 +161,13 @@ updateJwkRef
-> IORef Jose.JWKSet
-> m (Maybe NominalDiffTime)
updateJwkRef (Logger logger) manager url jwkRef = do
let options = wreqOptions manager []
urlT = T.pack $ show url
let urlT = T.pack $ show url
infoMsg = "refreshing JWK from endpoint: " <> urlT
liftIO $ logger $ JwkRefreshLog LevelInfo (Just infoMsg) Nothing
res <- liftIO $ try $ Wreq.getWith options $ show url
res <- try do
initReq <- liftIO $ HTTP.parseRequest $ show url
let req = initReq { HTTP.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders (HTTP.requestHeaders initReq) }
liftIO $ HTTP.httpLbs req manager
resp <- either logAndThrowHttp return res
let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus
respBody = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
@ -311,9 +316,9 @@ processAuthZHeader jwtCtx@JWTCtx{jcxClaimNs, jcxClaimsFormat} authzHeader = do
ClaimNsPath path -> parseIValueJsonValue $ executeJSONPath path (J.toJSON $ claims ^. Jose.unregisteredClaims)
hasuraClaimsV <- maybe claimsNotFound return mHasuraClaims
-- return hasura claims value as an object. parse from string possibly
(, expTimeM) <$> parseObjectFromString hasuraClaimsV
parseAuthzHeader = do
let tokenParts = BLC.words authzHeader
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ module Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT.Logging
import Data.Aeson
import Network.URI (URI)
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging (EngineLogType (..), Hasura, InternalLogTypes (..),
LogLevel (..), ToEngineLog (..))
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Logging ()
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ module Hasura.Server.Auth.WebHook
, userInfoFromAuthHook
) where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
@ -58,31 +59,38 @@ hookMethod authHook = case ahType authHook of
-- UserInfo parsed from the response, plus an expiration time if one
-- was returned.
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> AuthHook
-> [N.Header]
-> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime)
userInfoFromAuthHook logger manager hook reqHeaders = do
resp <- (`onLeft` logAndThrow) =<< liftIO (try performHTTPRequest)
resp <- (`onLeft` logAndThrow) =<< try performHTTPRequest
let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus
respBody = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
mkUserInfoFromResp logger (ahUrl hook) (hookMethod hook) status respBody
performHTTPRequest :: m (Wreq.Response BL.ByteString)
performHTTPRequest = do
let url = T.unpack $ ahUrl hook
mkOptions = wreqOptions manager
req <- liftIO $ H.parseRequest url
liftIO do
case ahType hook of
AHTGet -> do
let isCommonHeader = (`elem` commonClientHeadersIgnored)
filteredHeaders = filter (not . isCommonHeader . fst) reqHeaders
Wreq.getWith (mkOptions filteredHeaders) url
H.httpLbs (req { H.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders filteredHeaders }) manager
AHTPost -> do
let contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json")
headersPayload = J.toJSON $ Map.fromList $ hdrsToText reqHeaders
Wreq.postWith (mkOptions [contentType]) url $ object ["headers" J..= headersPayload]
H.httpLbs (req { H.method = "POST"
, H.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders [contentType]
, H.requestBody = H.RequestBodyLBS . J.encode $ object ["headers" J..= headersPayload]
}) manager
logAndThrow :: H.HttpException -> m a
logAndThrow err = do
unLogger logger $
WebHookLog LevelError Nothing (ahUrl hook) (hookMethod hook)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils (fmapL)
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ data DomainParts =
, wdPort :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Hashable)
$(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''DomainParts)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''DomainParts)
data Domains
= Domains
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ data Domains
, dmWildcards :: !(Set.HashSet DomainParts)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''Domains)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''Domains)
data CorsConfig
= CCAllowAll
@ -62,6 +63,16 @@ instance J.ToJSON CorsConfig where
, "allowed_origins" J..= origs
instance J.FromJSON CorsConfig where
parseJSON = J.withObject "cors config" \o -> do
let parseAllowAll "*" = pure CCAllowAll
parseAllowAll _ = fail "unexpected string"
o .: "disabled" >>= \case
True -> CCDisabled <$> o .: "ws_read_cookie"
False -> o .: "allowed_origins" >>= \v ->
J.withText "origins" parseAllowAll v
<|> CCAllowedOrigins <$> J.parseJSON v
isCorsDisabled :: CorsConfig -> Bool
isCorsDisabled = \case
CCDisabled _ -> True
@ -165,11 +165,16 @@ mkServeOptions rso = do
| adminInternalErrors -> InternalErrorsAdminOnly
| otherwise -> InternalErrorsDisabled
eventsHttpPoolSize <- withEnv (rsoEventsHttpPoolSize rso) (fst eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv)
eventsFetchInterval <- withEnv (rsoEventsFetchInterval rso) (fst eventsFetchIntervalEnv)
logHeadersFromEnv <- withEnvBool (rsoLogHeadersFromEnv rso) (fst logHeadersFromEnvEnv)
return $ ServeOptions port host connParams txIso adminScrt authHook jwtSecret
unAuthRole corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
enableTelemetry strfyNum enabledAPIs lqOpts enableAL
enabledLogs serverLogLevel planCacheOptions
internalErrorsConfig eventsHttpPoolSize eventsFetchInterval
#ifdef DeveloperAPIs
@ -218,7 +223,6 @@ mkServeOptions rso = do
mxBatchSizeM <- withEnv (rsoMxBatchSize rso) $ fst mxBatchSizeEnv
return $ LQ.mkLiveQueriesOptions mxBatchSizeM mxRefetchIntM
mkExamplesDoc :: [[String]] -> PP.Doc
mkExamplesDoc exampleLines =
PP.text "Examples: " PP.<$> PP.indent 2 (PP.vsep examples)
@ -312,15 +316,25 @@ serveCmdFooter =
, adminInternalErrorsEnv
eventEnvs =
eventEnvs = [ eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv, eventsFetchIntervalEnv ]
eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv :: (String, String)
eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv =
, "Max event threads"
, "Interval in milliseconds to sleep before trying to fetch events again after a "
<> "fetch returned no events from postgres."
eventsFetchIntervalEnv :: (String, String)
eventsFetchIntervalEnv =
, "Interval in milliseconds to sleep before trying to fetch events again after a fetch returned no events from postgres."
logHeadersFromEnvEnv :: (String, String)
logHeadersFromEnvEnv =
, "Log headers sent instead of logging referenced environment variables."
retriesNumEnv :: (String, String)
retriesNumEnv =
@ -785,6 +799,28 @@ parseGraphqlAdminInternalErrors = optional $
help (snd adminInternalErrorsEnv)
parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize = optional $
option (eitherReader fromEnv)
( long "events-http-pool-size" <>
metavar (fst eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv) <>
help (snd eventsHttpPoolSizeEnv)
parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval :: Parser (Maybe Milliseconds)
parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval = optional $
option (eitherReader readEither)
( long "events-fetch-interval" <>
metavar (fst eventsFetchIntervalEnv) <>
help (snd eventsFetchIntervalEnv)
parseLogHeadersFromEnv :: Parser Bool
parseLogHeadersFromEnv =
switch ( long "log-headers-from-env" <>
help (snd devModeEnv)
mxRefetchDelayEnv :: (String, String)
mxRefetchDelayEnv =
@ -929,6 +965,9 @@ serveOptionsParser =
<*> parsePlanCacheSize
<*> parseGraphqlDevMode
<*> parseGraphqlAdminInternalErrors
<*> parseGraphqlEventsHttpPoolSize
<*> parseGraphqlEventsFetchInterval
<*> parseLogHeadersFromEnv
-- | This implements the mapping between application versions
-- and catalog schema versions.
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Hasura.Server.Init.Config where
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.String as DataString
@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ data RawServeOptions impl
, rsoPlanCacheSize :: !(Maybe Cache.CacheSize)
, rsoDevMode :: !Bool
, rsoAdminInternalErrors :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rsoEventsHttpPoolSize :: !(Maybe Int)
, rsoEventsFetchInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, rsoLogHeadersFromEnv :: !Bool
-- | @'ResponseInternalErrorsConfig' represents the encoding of the internal
@ -99,6 +103,9 @@ data ServeOptions impl
, soLogLevel :: !L.LogLevel
, soPlanCacheOptions :: !E.PlanCacheOptions
, soResponseInternalErrorsConfig :: !ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
, soEventsHttpPoolSize :: !(Maybe Int)
, soEventsFetchInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, soLogHeadersFromEnv :: !Bool
data DowngradeOptions
@ -135,11 +142,14 @@ data API
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.defaultOptions { J.constructorTagModifier = map toLower })
instance Hashable API
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''RawConnInfo)
type HGECommand impl = HGECommandG (ServeOptions impl)
type RawHGECommand impl = HGECommandG (RawServeOptions impl)
@ -252,6 +262,9 @@ instance FromEnv LQ.BatchSize where
instance FromEnv LQ.RefetchInterval where
fromEnv = fmap (LQ.RefetchInterval . milliseconds . fromInteger) . readEither
instance FromEnv Milliseconds where
fromEnv = fmap fromInteger . readEither
instance FromEnv JWTConfig where
fromEnv = readJson
@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ class (Monad m) => HttpLog m where
-- ^ list of request headers
-> m ()
-- | Log information about the HTTP request
data HttpInfoLog
= HttpInfoLog
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.Connection as Q
@ -92,9 +93,10 @@ migrateCatalog
, HasHttpManager m
, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> UTCTime
=> Env.Environment
-> UTCTime
-> m (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache m)
migrateCatalog migrationTime = do
migrateCatalog env migrationTime = do
doesSchemaExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") >>= \case
False -> initialize True
True -> doesTableExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_version") >>= \case
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ migrateCatalog migrationTime = do
migrateFrom :: T.Text -> m (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache m)
migrateFrom previousVersion
| previousVersion == latestCatalogVersionString = do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache env
pure (MRNothingToDo, schemaCache)
| [] <- neededMigrations =
throw400 NotSupported $
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ migrateCatalog migrationTime = do
buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata :: m (RebuildableSchemaCache m)
buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata = do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache env
view _2 <$> runCacheRWT schemaCache recreateSystemMetadata
doesSchemaExist schemaName =
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
newtype RoleName
= RoleName {getRoleTxt :: NonEmptyText}
= RoleName { getRoleTxt :: NonEmptyText }
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, FromJSON
, ToJSON, Q.FromCol, Q.ToPrepArg, Lift, Generic, Arbitrary, NFData, Cacheable )
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata (ClearMetadata (..), runClearMetadata)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
@ -24,11 +25,6 @@ import Hasura.Server.Migrate
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
-- -- NOTE: downgrade test disabled for now (see #5273)
-- import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
-- import Data.List (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
-- import System.Process (readProcess)
-- import qualified Safe
-- import Hasura.Server.Init (downgradeShortcuts)
newtype CacheRefT m a
= CacheRefT { runCacheRefT :: MVar (RebuildableSchemaCache m) -> m a }
@ -69,33 +65,37 @@ spec
=> Q.ConnInfo -> SpecWithCache m
spec pgConnInfo = do
let dropAndInit time = CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
dropCatalog *> (swap <$> migrateCatalog time)
let dropAndInit env time = CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
dropCatalog *> (swap <$> migrateCatalog env time)
describe "migrateCatalog" $ do
it "initializes the catalog" $ singleTransaction do
(dropAndInit =<< liftIO getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
env <- liftIO Env.getEnvironment
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
it "is idempotent" \(NT transact) -> do
let dumpSchema = execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody ["--schema-only"] (Just False)) pgConnInfo
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
firstDump <- transact dumpSchema
transact (dropAndInit time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
secondDump <- transact dumpSchema
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
it "supports upgrades after downgrade to version 12" \(NT transact) -> do
let downgradeTo v = downgradeCatalog DowngradeOptions{ dgoDryRun = False, dgoTargetVersion = v }
upgradeToLatest time = CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
swap <$> migrateCatalog time
upgradeToLatest env time = CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
swap <$> migrateCatalog env time
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
downgradeResult <- (transact . lift) (downgradeTo "12" time)
downgradeResult `shouldSatisfy` \case
MRMigrated{} -> True
_ -> False
transact (upgradeToLatest time) `shouldReturn` MRMigrated "12"
transact (upgradeToLatest env time) `shouldReturn` MRMigrated "12"
-- -- NOTE: this has been problematic in CI and we're not quite sure how to
-- -- make this work reliably given the way we do releases and create
@ -114,14 +114,18 @@ spec pgConnInfo = do
let dumpMetadata = execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody ["--schema=hdb_catalog"] (Just False)) pgConnInfo
it "is idempotent" \(NT transact) -> do
(transact . dropAndInit =<< getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
(transact $ dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
firstDump <- transact dumpMetadata
transact recreateSystemMetadata
secondDump <- transact dumpMetadata
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
it "does not create any objects affected by ClearMetadata" \(NT transact) -> do
(transact . dropAndInit =<< getCurrentTime) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
(transact $ dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
firstDump <- transact dumpMetadata
transact (runClearMetadata ClearMetadata) `shouldReturn` successMsg
secondDump <- transact dumpMetadata
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Test.Hspec
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HTTP
@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ import qualified Hasura.IncrementalSpec as IncrementalSpec
-- import qualified Hasura.RQL.MetadataSpec as MetadataSpec
import qualified Hasura.Server.MigrateSpec as MigrateSpec
import qualified Hasura.Server.TelemetrySpec as TelemetrySpec
import qualified Hasura.Server.AuthSpec as AuthSpec
data TestSuites
= AllSuites !RawConnInfo
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ unitSpecs = do
-- describe "Hasura.RQL.Metadata" MetadataSpec.spec -- Commenting until optimizing the test in CI
describe "Data.Time" TimeSpec.spec
describe "Hasura.Server.Telemetry" TelemetrySpec.spec
describe "Hasura.Server.Auth" AuthSpec.spec
buildPostgresSpecs :: (HasVersion) => RawConnInfo -> IO Spec
buildPostgresSpecs pgConnOptions = do
@ -76,10 +75,9 @@ buildPostgresSpecs pgConnOptions = do
let setupCacheRef = do
pgPool <- Q.initPGPool pgConnInfo Q.defaultConnParams { Q.cpConns = 1 } print
let pgContext = mkPGExecCtx Q.Serializable pgPool
httpManager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
let runContext = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager (SQLGenCtx False)
pgContext = mkPGExecCtx Q.Serializable pgPool
runAsAdmin :: Run a -> IO a
runAsAdmin =
@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ buildPostgresSpecs pgConnOptions = do
>>> runExceptT
>=> flip onLeft printErrJExit
schemaCache <- snd <$> runAsAdmin (migrateCatalog =<< liftIO getCurrentTime)
schemaCache <- snd <$> runAsAdmin (migrateCatalog (Env.mkEnvironment env) =<< liftIO getCurrentTime)
cacheRef <- newMVar schemaCache
pure $ NT (runAsAdmin . flip MigrateSpec.runCacheRefT cacheRef)
Reference in New Issue
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