mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 08:02:15 +03:00
server/postgres: improve fetching tables' and functions' metadata (from database)
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3778 GitOrigin-RevId: 13bb97bdb7afad265db899f368c74d9f240b214a
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
### Bug fixes and improvements
- server: improve performance of fetching postgres catalog metadata for tables and functions
- server: Queries present in query collections, such as allow-list, and rest-endpoints are now validated (against the schema)
- server: Redesigns internal implementation of webhook transforms.
- server: improve SQL generation for BigQuery backend queries involving `Orderby`.
@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Prelude
duplicates :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => [a] -> Set.HashSet a
duplicates =
Set.fromList . Map.keys . Map.filter (> 1) . Map.fromListWith (+) . map (,1 :: Int)
uniques :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
uniques = map NE.head . NE.group
uniques :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
uniques = S.toList . S.fromList
getDifference :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => [a] -> [a] -> Set.HashSet a
getDifference = Set.difference `on` Set.fromList
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ instance BackendMetadata 'BigQuery where
buildComputedFieldInfo = BigQuery.buildComputedFieldInfo
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = BigQuery.fetchAndValidateEnumValues
resolveSourceConfig = BigQuery.resolveSourceConfig
resolveDatabaseMetadata = BigQuery.resolveSource
resolveDatabaseMetadata _ = BigQuery.resolveSource
parseBoolExpOperations = BigQuery.parseBoolExpOperations
buildFunctionInfo = BigQuery.buildFunctionInfo
updateColumnInEventTrigger = BigQuery.updateColumnInEventTrigger
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ instance BackendMetadata 'MSSQL where
buildComputedFieldInfo = MSSQL.buildComputedFieldInfo
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = MSSQL.fetchAndValidateEnumValues
resolveSourceConfig = MSSQL.resolveSourceConfig
resolveDatabaseMetadata = MSSQL.resolveDatabaseMetadata
resolveDatabaseMetadata _ = MSSQL.resolveDatabaseMetadata
parseBoolExpOperations = MSSQL.parseBoolExpOperations
buildFunctionInfo = MSSQL.buildFunctionInfo
updateColumnInEventTrigger = MSSQL.updateColumnInEventTrigger
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ instance BackendMetadata 'MySQL where
buildComputedFieldInfo = error "buildComputedFieldInfo: MySQL backend does not support this operation yet."
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = error "fetchAndValidateEnumValues: MySQL backend does not support this operation yet."
resolveSourceConfig = MySQL.resolveSourceConfig
resolveDatabaseMetadata = MySQL.resolveDatabaseMetadata
resolveDatabaseMetadata _ = MySQL.resolveDatabaseMetadata
parseBoolExpOperations = error "parseBoolExpOperations: MySQL backend does not support this operation yet."
buildFunctionInfo = error "buildFunctionInfo: MySQL backend does not support this operation yet."
updateColumnInEventTrigger = error "updateColumnInEventTrigger: MySQL backend does not support this operation yet."
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Validate qualified as MV
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (FunctionName)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Source
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (FunctionName, TableName)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
@ -120,35 +120,35 @@ of queries may not modify the schema at all. As a (fairly stupid) heuristic, we
check if the query contains any keywords for DDL operations, and if not, we skip
the metadata check as well. -}
fetchMeta ::
-- | Fetch metadata of tracked tables/functions and build @'TableMeta'/@'FunctionMeta'
-- to calculate diff later in @'withMetadataCheck'.
fetchTablesFunctionsMetadata ::
(ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind, BackendMetadata ('Postgres pgKind), MonadTx m) =>
TableCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
FunctionCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
[TableName ('Postgres pgKind)] ->
[FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)] ->
m ([TableMeta ('Postgres pgKind)], [FunctionMeta ('Postgres pgKind)])
fetchMeta tables functions = do
tableMetaInfos <- fetchTableMetadata
functionMetaInfos <- fetchFunctionMetadata
let getFunctionMetas function =
let mkFunctionMeta rawInfo =
FunctionMeta (rfiOid rawInfo) function (rfiFunctionType rawInfo)
in maybe [] (map mkFunctionMeta) $ M.lookup function functionMetaInfos
mkComputedFieldMeta computedField =
let function = _cffName $ _cfiFunction computedField
in map (ComputedFieldMeta (_cfiName computedField)) $ getFunctionMetas function
tableMetas = flip map (M.toList tableMetaInfos) $ \(table, tableMetaInfo) ->
fetchTablesFunctionsMetadata tableCache tables functions = do
tableMetaInfos <- fetchTableMetadata tables
functionMetaInfos <- fetchFunctionMetadata functions
pure (buildTableMeta tableMetaInfos functionMetaInfos, buildFunctionMeta functionMetaInfos)
buildTableMeta tableMetaInfos functionMetaInfos =
flip map (M.toList tableMetaInfos) $ \(table, tableMetaInfo) ->
TableMeta table tableMetaInfo $
fromMaybe [] $
M.lookup table tables <&> \tableInfo ->
let tableCoreInfo = _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
computedFields = getComputedFieldInfos $ _tciFieldInfoMap tableCoreInfo
in concatMap mkComputedFieldMeta computedFields
foldMap @Maybe (concatMap (mkComputedFieldMeta functionMetaInfos) . getComputedFields) (M.lookup table tableCache)
functionMetas = concatMap getFunctionMetas $ M.keys functions
buildFunctionMeta functionMetaInfos =
concatMap (getFunctionMetas functionMetaInfos) functions
pure (tableMetas, functionMetas)
mkComputedFieldMeta functionMetaInfos computedField =
let function = _cffName $ _cfiFunction computedField
in map (ComputedFieldMeta (_cfiName computedField)) $ getFunctionMetas functionMetaInfos function
getFunctionMetas functionMetaInfos function =
let mkFunctionMeta rawInfo =
FunctionMeta (rfiOid rawInfo) function (rfiFunctionType rawInfo)
in foldMap @Maybe (map mkFunctionMeta) $ M.lookup function functionMetaInfos
-- | Used as an escape hatch to run raw SQL against a database.
runRunSQL ::
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ runRunSQL q@RunSQL {..} = do
rawSqlErrHandler txe =
(err400 PostgresError "query execution failed") {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON txe}
-- | @'withMetadataCheck' cascade action@ runs @action@ and checks if the schema changed as a
-- | @'withMetadataCheck' source cascade txAccess runSQLQuery@ executes @runSQLQuery@ and checks if the schema changed as a
-- result. If it did, it checks to ensure the changes do not violate any integrity constraints, and
-- if not, incorporates them into the schema cache.
-- TODO(antoine): shouldn't this be generalized?
@ -208,86 +208,243 @@ withMetadataCheck ::
Q.TxAccess ->
Q.TxET QErr m a ->
m a
withMetadataCheck source cascade txAccess action = do
SourceInfo _ preActionTables preActionFunctions sourceConfig _ _ <- askSourceInfo @('Postgres pgKind) source
withMetadataCheck source cascade txAccess runSQLQuery = do
SourceInfo _ tableCache functionCache sourceConfig _ _ <- askSourceInfo @('Postgres pgKind) source
(actionResult, metadataUpdater) <-
liftEitherM $
runExceptT $
runTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) txAccess $ do
-- Drop event triggers so no interference is caused to the sql query
forM_ (M.elems preActionTables) $ \tableInfo -> do
let eventTriggers = _tiEventTriggerInfoMap tableInfo
forM_ (M.keys eventTriggers) (liftTx . dropTriggerQ)
let dropTriggersAndRunSQL = do
-- We need to drop existing event triggers so that no interference is caused to the sql query execution
dropExistingEventTriggers tableCache
-- Get the metadata before the sql query, everything, need to filter this
(preActionTableMeta, preActionFunctionMeta) <- fetchMeta preActionTables preActionFunctions
-- Run the action
actionResult <- action
-- Get the metadata after the sql query
(postActionTableMeta, postActionFunctionMeta) <- fetchMeta preActionTables preActionFunctions
let preActionTableMeta' = filter (flip M.member preActionTables . tmTable) preActionTableMeta
tablesDiff = getTablesDiff preActionTableMeta' postActionTableMeta
FunctionsDiff droppedFuncs alteredFuncs = getFunctionsDiff preActionFunctionMeta postActionFunctionMeta
overloadedFuncs = getOverloadedFunctions (M.keys preActionFunctions) postActionFunctionMeta
-- Do not allow overloading functions
unless (null overloadedFuncs) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"the following tracked function(s) cannot be overloaded: "
<> commaSeparated overloadedFuncs
-- Report back with an error if cascade is not set
indirectDeps <- getIndirectDependencies source tablesDiff
when (indirectDeps /= [] && not cascade) $ reportDependentObjectsExist indirectDeps
metadataUpdater <- execWriterT $ do
-- Purge all the indirect dependents from state
for_ indirectDeps \case
SOSourceObj sourceName objectID -> do
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendMetadata objectID $ purgeDependentObject sourceName >=> tell
_ ->
pure ()
-- Purge all dropped functions
let purgedFuncs = flip mapMaybe indirectDeps \case
SOSourceObj _ objectID
| Just (SOIFunction qf) <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @('Postgres pgKind) objectID ->
Just qf
_ -> Nothing
for_ (droppedFuncs \\ purgedFuncs) $
tell . dropFunctionInMetadata @('Postgres pgKind) source
-- Process altered functions
forM_ alteredFuncs $ \(qf, newTy) -> do
when (newTy == FTVOLATILE) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"type of function " <> qf <<> " is altered to \"VOLATILE\" which is not supported now"
-- update the metadata with the changes
processTablesDiff source preActionTables tablesDiff
pure (actionResult, metadataUpdater)
-- Run SQL query and metadata checker in a transaction
(queryResult, metadataUpdater) <- runTxWithMetadataCheck source sourceConfig txAccess tableCache functionCache cascade dropTriggersAndRunSQL
-- Build schema cache with updated metadata
withNewInconsistentObjsCheck $
buildSchemaCacheWithInvalidations mempty {ciSources = HS.singleton source} metadataUpdater
postActionSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
postRunSQLSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
-- Recreate event triggers in hdb_catalog
let postActionTables = fromMaybe mempty $ unsafeTableCache @('Postgres pgKind) source $ scSources postActionSchemaCache
serverConfigCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
-- Recreate event triggers in hdb_catalog. Event triggers are dropped before executing @'runSQLQuery'.
recreateEventTriggers sourceConfig postRunSQLSchemaCache
pure queryResult
dropExistingEventTriggers :: TableCache ('Postgres pgKind) -> Q.TxET QErr m ()
dropExistingEventTriggers tableCache =
forM_ (M.elems tableCache) $ \tableInfo -> do
let eventTriggers = _tiEventTriggerInfoMap tableInfo
forM_ (M.keys eventTriggers) (liftTx . dropTriggerQ)
recreateEventTriggers :: PGSourceConfig -> SchemaCache -> m ()
recreateEventTriggers sourceConfig schemaCache = do
let tables = fromMaybe mempty $ unsafeTableCache @('Postgres pgKind) source $ scSources schemaCache
serverConfigCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
liftEitherM $
runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $
forM_ (M.elems tables) $ \(TableInfo coreInfo _ eventTriggers _) -> do
let table = _tciName coreInfo
columns = getCols $ _tciFieldInfoMap coreInfo
forM_ (M.toList eventTriggers) $ \(triggerName, eti) -> do
let opsDefinition = etiOpsDef eti
flip runReaderT serverConfigCtx $ mkAllTriggersQ triggerName table columns opsDefinition
-- | @'runTxWithMetadataCheck source sourceConfig txAccess tableCache functionCache cascadeDependencies tx' checks for
-- changes in GraphQL Engine metadata when a @'tx' is executed on the database alters Postgres
-- schema of tables and functions. If any indirect dependencies (Eg. remote table dependence of a relationship) are
-- found and @'cascadeDependencies' is False, then an exception is raised.
runTxWithMetadataCheck ::
forall m a (pgKind :: PostgresKind).
( BackendMetadata ('Postgres pgKind),
ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind,
CacheRWM m,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
SourceName ->
SourceConfig ('Postgres pgKind) ->
Q.TxAccess ->
TableCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
FunctionCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
Bool ->
Q.TxET QErr m a ->
m (a, MetadataModifier)
runTxWithMetadataCheck source sourceConfig txAccess tableCache functionCache cascadeDependencies tx =
liftEitherM $
runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $
forM_ (M.elems postActionTables) $ \(TableInfo coreInfo _ eventTriggers _) -> do
let table = _tciName coreInfo
columns = getCols $ _tciFieldInfoMap coreInfo
forM_ (M.toList eventTriggers) $ \(triggerName, eti) -> do
let opsDefinition = etiOpsDef eti
flip runReaderT serverConfigCtx $ mkAllTriggersQ triggerName table columns opsDefinition
runExceptT $
runTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) txAccess $ do
-- Running in a transaction helps to rollback the @'tx' execution in case of any exceptions
pure actionResult
-- Before running the @'tx', fetch metadata of existing tables and functions from Postgres.
let tableNames = M.keys tableCache
computedFieldFunctions = concatMap getComputedFieldFunctions (M.elems tableCache)
functionNames = M.keys functionCache <> computedFieldFunctions
(preTxTablesMeta, preTxFunctionsMeta) <- fetchTablesFunctionsMetadata tableCache tableNames functionNames
-- Since the @'tx' may alter table/function names we use the OIDs of underlying tables
-- (sourced from 'pg_class' for tables and 'pg_proc' for functions), which remain unchanged in the
-- case if a table/function is renamed.
let tableOids = map (_ptmiOid . tmInfo) preTxTablesMeta
functionOids = map fmOid preTxFunctionsMeta
-- Run the transaction
txResult <- tx
(postTxTablesMeta, postTxFunctionMeta) <-
uncurry (fetchTablesFunctionsMetadata tableCache)
-- Fetch names of tables and functions using OIDs which also contains renamed items
=<< fetchTablesFunctionsFromOids tableOids functionOids
-- Calculate the tables diff (dropped & altered tables)
let tablesDiff = getTablesDiff preTxTablesMeta postTxTablesMeta
-- Calculate the functions diff. For calculating diff for functions, only consider
-- query/mutation functions and exclude functions underpinning computed fields.
-- Computed field functions are being processed under each table diff.
-- See @'getTablesDiff' and @'processTablesDiff'
excludeComputedFieldFunctions = filter ((`M.member` functionCache) . fmFunction)
functionsDiff =
(excludeComputedFieldFunctions preTxFunctionsMeta)
(excludeComputedFieldFunctions postTxFunctionMeta)
dontAllowFunctionOverloading $
(M.keys functionCache)
(excludeComputedFieldFunctions postTxFunctionMeta)
-- Update metadata with schema change caused by @'tx'
metadataUpdater <- execWriterT do
-- Collect indirect dependencies of altered tables
tableIndirectDeps <- getIndirectDependencies source tablesDiff
-- If table indirect dependencies exist and cascading is not enabled then report an exception
when (tableIndirectDeps /= [] && not cascadeDependencies) $ reportDependentObjectsExist tableIndirectDeps
-- Purge all the table dependents
purgeDependencies tableIndirectDeps
-- Collect function names from purged table dependencies
let purgedFunctions = collectFunctionsInDeps tableIndirectDeps
FunctionsDiff droppedFunctions alteredFunctions = functionsDiff
-- Drop functions in metadata. Exclude functions that were already dropped as part of table indirect dependencies
purgeFunctionsFromMetadata $ droppedFunctions \\ purgedFunctions
-- If any function type is altered to VOLATILE then raise an exception
dontAllowFunctionAlteredVolatile alteredFunctions
-- Propagate table changes to metadata
processTablesDiff source tableCache tablesDiff
pure (txResult, metadataUpdater)
dontAllowFunctionOverloading ::
MonadError QErr n =>
[FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)] ->
n ()
dontAllowFunctionOverloading overloadedFunctions =
unless (null overloadedFunctions) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"the following tracked function(s) cannot be overloaded: "
<> commaSeparated overloadedFunctions
dontAllowFunctionAlteredVolatile ::
MonadError QErr n =>
[(FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind), FunctionVolatility)] ->
n ()
dontAllowFunctionAlteredVolatile alteredFunctions =
forM_ alteredFunctions $ \(qf, newTy) -> do
when (newTy == FTVOLATILE) $
throw400 NotSupported $
"type of function " <> qf <<> " is altered to \"VOLATILE\" which is not supported now"
purgeDependencies ::
MonadError QErr n =>
[SchemaObjId] ->
WriterT MetadataModifier n ()
purgeDependencies deps =
for_ deps \case
SOSourceObj sourceName objectID -> do
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendMetadata objectID $ purgeDependentObject sourceName >=> tell
_ ->
-- Ignore non-source dependencies
pure ()
purgeFunctionsFromMetadata ::
Monad n =>
[FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)] ->
WriterT MetadataModifier n ()
purgeFunctionsFromMetadata functions =
for_ functions $ tell . dropFunctionInMetadata @('Postgres pgKind) source
collectFunctionsInDeps :: [SchemaObjId] -> [FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)]
collectFunctionsInDeps deps =
flip mapMaybe deps \case
SOSourceObj _ objectID
| Just (SOIFunction qf) <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @('Postgres pgKind) objectID ->
Just qf
_ -> Nothing
-- | Fetch list of tables and functions with provided oids
fetchTablesFunctionsFromOids ::
(MonadIO m) =>
[OID] ->
[OID] ->
Q.TxET QErr m ([TableName ('Postgres pgKind)], [FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)])
fetchTablesFunctionsFromOids tableOids functionOids =
((Q.getAltJ *** Q.getAltJ) . Q.getRow)
<$> Q.withQE
FROM ( SELECT "table".relname AS "name",
"schema".nspname AS "schema"
) AS e
) AS "item"
FROM jsonb_to_recordset($1::jsonb) AS oid_table("oid" int)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class "table" ON ("table".oid = "oid_table".oid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace "schema" ON ("schema".oid = "table".relnamespace)
) AS "tables",
FROM ( SELECT "function".proname AS "name",
"schema".nspname AS "schema"
) AS e
) AS "item"
FROM jsonb_to_recordset($2::jsonb) AS oid_table("oid" int)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc "function" ON ("function".oid = "oid_table".oid)
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace "schema" ON ("schema".oid = "function".pronamespace)
) AS "functions"
(Q.AltJ $ map mkOidObject tableOids, Q.AltJ $ map mkOidObject functionOids)
mkOidObject oid = object ["oid" .= oid]
------ helpers ------------
getComputedFields :: TableInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> [ComputedFieldInfo ('Postgres pgKind)]
getComputedFields = getComputedFieldInfos . _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo
getComputedFieldFunctions :: TableInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> [FunctionName ('Postgres pgKind)]
getComputedFieldFunctions = map (_cffName . _cfiFunction) . getComputedFields
@ -27,19 +27,23 @@ import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.List.Extended qualified as LE
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Source.Version
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (FunctionName)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (RecreateEventTriggers (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata (SourceMetadata (..), TableMetadata (..), _cfmDefinition)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
@ -134,16 +138,25 @@ logPGSourceCatalogMigrationLockedQueries logger sourceConfig = forever $ do
resolveDatabaseMetadata ::
forall pgKind m.
(Backend ('Postgres pgKind), ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
SourceMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) ->
SourceConfig ('Postgres pgKind) ->
SourceTypeCustomization ->
m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource ('Postgres pgKind)))
resolveDatabaseMetadata sourceConfig sourceCustomization = runExceptT do
resolveDatabaseMetadata sourceMetadata sourceConfig sourceCustomization = runExceptT do
(tablesMeta, functionsMeta, pgScalars) <- runTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) Q.ReadOnly $ do
tablesMeta <- fetchTableMetadata
functionsMeta <- fetchFunctionMetadata
tablesMeta <- fetchTableMetadata $ OMap.keys $ _smTables sourceMetadata
let allFunctions =
OMap.keys (_smFunctions sourceMetadata) -- Tracked functions
<> concatMap getComputedFieldFunctionsMetadata (OMap.elems $ _smTables sourceMetadata) -- Computed field functions
functionsMeta <- fetchFunctionMetadata allFunctions
pgScalars <- fetchPgScalars
pure (tablesMeta, functionsMeta, pgScalars)
pure $ ResolvedSource sourceConfig sourceCustomization tablesMeta functionsMeta pgScalars
-- A helper function to list all functions underpinning computed fields from a table metadata
getComputedFieldFunctionsMetadata :: TableMetadata b -> [FunctionName b]
getComputedFieldFunctionsMetadata =
map (_cfdFunction . _cfmDefinition) . OMap.elems . _tmComputedFields
-- | Initialise catalog tables for a source, including those required by the event delivery subsystem.
initCatalogForSource ::
@ -294,14 +307,15 @@ upMigrationsUntil43 =
fetchTableMetadata ::
forall pgKind m.
(Backend ('Postgres pgKind), ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind, MonadTx m) =>
[QualifiedTable] ->
m (DBTablesMetadata ('Postgres pgKind))
fetchTableMetadata = do
fetchTableMetadata tables = do
results <-
liftTx $
(tableMetadata @pgKind)
[Q.AltJ $ LE.uniques tables]
pure $
Map.fromList $
@ -309,14 +323,14 @@ fetchTableMetadata = do
\(schema, table, Q.AltJ info) -> (QualifiedObject schema table, info)
-- | Fetch Postgres metadata for all user functions
fetchFunctionMetadata :: (MonadTx m) => m (DBFunctionsMetadata ('Postgres pgKind))
fetchFunctionMetadata = do
fetchFunctionMetadata :: (MonadTx m) => [QualifiedFunction] -> m (DBFunctionsMetadata ('Postgres pgKind))
fetchFunctionMetadata functions = do
results <-
liftTx $
$(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/pg_function_metadata.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile)
[Q.AltJ $ LE.uniques functions]
pure $
Map.fromList $
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule logger env = proc (metadata, invalidationKeys) -> do
metadataObj = MetadataObject (MOSource sourceName) $ toJSON sourceName
logAndResolveDatabaseMetadata :: SourceConfig b -> SourceTypeCustomization -> m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource b))
logAndResolveDatabaseMetadata scConfig sType = do
resSource <- resolveDatabaseMetadata scConfig sType
resSource <- resolveDatabaseMetadata sourceMetadata scConfig sType
for_ resSource $ liftIO . unLogger logger
pure resSource
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Diff
( TableMeta (..),
FunctionMeta (..),
TablesDiff (..),
FunctionsDiff (..),
ComputedFieldMeta (..),
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ class
-- | Function that introspects a database for tables, columns, functions etc.
resolveDatabaseMetadata ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResolveSource m) =>
SourceMetadata b ->
SourceConfig b ->
SourceTypeCustomization ->
m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource b))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
schema.nspname AS table_schema,
"table".relname AS table_name,
-- This field corresponds to the `DBTableMetadata` Haskell type
@ -29,10 +29,26 @@ SELECT
)::json AS info
-- tracked tables
-- $1 parameter provides JSON array of tracked tables
( SELECT "tracked"."name" AS "table_name",
"tracked"."schema" AS "table_schema"
FROM jsonb_to_recordset($1::jsonb) AS "tracked"("schema" text, "name" text)
) "tracked_table"
-- table & schema
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "table"
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace schema
ON schema.oid = "table".relnamespace
( SELECT "table".oid,
"table".relname AS "table_name",
"schema".nspname AS "table_schema"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "table"
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace "schema"
ON schema.oid = "table".relnamespace
) "table"
ON "table"."table_name" = "tracked_table"."table_name"
AND "table"."table_schema" = "tracked_table"."table_schema"
-- description
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description description
@ -184,18 +200,18 @@ LEFT JOIN LATERAL
AND q.ref_table_id = afc.attrelid
GROUP BY q.table_schema, q.table_name, q.constraint_name
) foreign_key
WHERE foreign_key.table_schema = schema.nspname
AND foreign_key.table_name = "table".relname
WHERE foreign_key.table_schema = "table".table_schema
AND foreign_key.table_name = "table".table_name
) foreign_key_constraints ON true
( SELECT citus_table_type, distribution_column, table_name
FROM citus_tables extraMetadata
-- DO NOT SUBMIT: Should we compare columns of type 'name' by casting to 'text'?
WHERE extraMetadata.table_name::text = "table".relname::text ) extraMetadata ON true
WHERE extraMetadata.table_name::text = "table".table_name::text ) extraMetadata ON true
-- all these identify table-like things
WHERE "table".relkind IN ('r', 't', 'v', 'm', 'f', 'p')
-- and tables not from any system schemas
AND schema.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND schema.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog');
AND "table".table_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND "table".table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog');
@ -26,34 +26,34 @@ FROM (
-- Necessary metadata from Postgres
p.proname::text AS function_name,
pn.nspname::text AS function_schema,
WHEN (p.provariadic = (0) :: oid) THEN false
WHEN ("function".provariadic = (0) :: oid) THEN false
ELSE true
END AS has_variadic,
(p.provolatile) :: text = ('i' :: character(1)) :: text
("function".provolatile) :: text = ('i' :: character(1)) :: text
) THEN 'IMMUTABLE' :: text
(p.provolatile) :: text = ('s' :: character(1)) :: text
("function".provolatile) :: text = ('s' :: character(1)) :: text
) THEN 'STABLE' :: text
(p.provolatile) :: text = ('v' :: character(1)) :: text
("function".provolatile) :: text = ('v' :: character(1)) :: text
) THEN 'VOLATILE' :: text
ELSE NULL :: text
END AS function_type,
pg_get_functiondef(p.oid) AS function_definition,
pg_get_functiondef("function".function_oid) AS function_definition,
rtn.nspname::text as return_type_schema,
rt.typname::text as return_type_name,
rt.typtype::text as return_type_type,
p.proretset AS returns_set,
"function".proretset AS returns_set,
json_build_object('schema', q."schema",
@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ FROM (
COALESCE(p.proallargtypes, (p.proargtypes) :: oid [])
COALESCE("function".proallargtypes, ("function".proargtypes) :: oid [])
) WITH ORDINALITY pat(oid, ordinality)
LEFT JOIN pg_type pt ON ((pt.oid = pat.oid))
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace pns ON (pt.typnamespace = pns.oid)
ORDER BY pat.ordinality ASC
) q
) AS input_arg_types,
to_json(COALESCE(p.proargnames, ARRAY [] :: text [])) AS input_arg_names,
p.pronargdefaults AS default_args,
p.oid::integer AS function_oid,
to_json(COALESCE("function".proargnames, ARRAY [] :: text [])) AS input_arg_names,
"function".pronargdefaults AS default_args,
"function".function_oid::integer AS function_oid,
@ -100,15 +100,23 @@ FROM (
) AS returns_table
pg_proc p
JOIN pg_namespace pn ON (pn.oid = p.pronamespace)
JOIN pg_type rt ON (rt.oid = p.prorettype)
jsonb_to_recordset($1::jsonb) AS tracked("schema" text, "name" text)
( SELECT p.oid AS function_oid,
p.proname::text AS function_name,
pn.nspname::text AS function_schema
FROM pg_proc p
JOIN pg_namespace pn ON (pn.oid = p.pronamespace)
) "function" ON "function".function_name = tracked.name
AND "function".function_schema = tracked.schema
JOIN pg_type rt ON (rt.oid = "function".prorettype)
JOIN pg_namespace rtn ON (rtn.oid = rt.typnamespace)
LEFT JOIN pg_description pd ON p.oid = pd.objoid
LEFT JOIN pg_description pd ON "function".function_oid = pd.objoid
-- Do not fetch some default functions in public schema
p.proname :: text NOT LIKE 'pgp_%'
AND p.proname :: text NOT IN
"function".function_name NOT LIKE 'pgp_%'
AND "function".function_name NOT IN
( 'armor'
, 'crypt'
, 'dearmor'
@ -122,15 +130,15 @@ FROM (
, 'gen_salt'
, 'hmac'
AND pn.nspname :: text NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND pn.nspname :: text NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog')
AND "function".function_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND "function".function_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog')
((pg_aggregate.aggfnoid) :: oid = p.oid)
((pg_aggregate.aggfnoid) :: oid = "function".function_oid)
) AS "pg_function"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
schema.nspname AS table_schema,
"table".relname AS table_name,
-- This field corresponds to the `DBTableMetadata` Haskell type
@ -21,10 +21,26 @@ SELECT
'extra_table_metadata', '[]'::json
)::json AS info
-- tracked tables
-- $1 parameter provides JSON array of tracked tables
( SELECT "tracked"."name" AS "table_name",
"tracked"."schema" AS "table_schema"
FROM jsonb_to_recordset($1::jsonb) AS "tracked"("schema" text, "name" text)
) "tracked_table"
-- table & schema
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "table"
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace schema
ON schema.oid = "table".relnamespace
( SELECT "table".oid,
"table".relname AS "table_name",
"schema".nspname AS "table_schema"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "table"
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace "schema"
ON schema.oid = "table".relnamespace
) "table"
ON "table"."table_name" = "tracked_table"."table_name"
AND "table"."table_schema" = "tracked_table"."table_schema"
-- description
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description description
@ -181,11 +197,11 @@ LEFT JOIN
) foreign_key
GROUP BY foreign_key.table_schema, foreign_key.table_name
) foreign_key_constraints
ON "table".relname = foreign_key_constraints.table_name
AND schema.nspname = foreign_key_constraints.table_schema
ON "table".table_name = foreign_key_constraints.table_name
AND "table".table_schema = foreign_key_constraints.table_schema
-- all these identify table-like things
WHERE "table".relkind IN ('r', 't', 'v', 'm', 'f', 'p')
-- and tables not from any system schemas
AND schema.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND schema.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog', 'hdb_lib', '_timescaledb_internal');
AND "table".table_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND "table".table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog', 'hdb_lib', '_timescaledb_internal');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user