Add to tests-hspec and reorganize module namespace

GitOrigin-RevId: 8802d7e6a360edee62011ef371cc8930f36b25b1
This commit is contained in:
Gil Mizrahi 2022-01-21 09:48:27 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 00558666b1
commit b091c75372
25 changed files with 298 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ services:
SA_PASSWORD: "DockerComposePassword!"
MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD: "DockerComposePassword!"
image: citusdata/citus:10.1@sha256:7e497e5ca18d7f2ae2a66c1d5d676b548e9221b7e6294adfb03006adad85502c

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@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ COPY /
CMD /bin/bash ./
ENV PATH="/opt/mssql-tools/bin:${PATH}"

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@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
echo 'Attempting to run script (10 times max)'
sleep 5
sleep "${SLEEP}"
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
echo Will wait 5 seconds if this fails ...
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost,1433 -U SA -P "DockerComposePassword!" -i init.sql && break || sleep 5;
echo Attempt "#$i" - will wait "${SLEEP}" seconds if this fails ...
sqlcmd -S localhost,"${PORT}" -U SA -P "DockerComposePassword!" -i init.sql && break || sleep "${SLEEP}";
echo Finished attempts.

View File

@ -961,27 +961,36 @@ test-suite tests-hspec
main-is: Spec.hs
-- Harness
-- Harness.Backend
-- Harness.Test
-- Harness.Quoter
-- Test

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- | CitusQL helpers. Pretty much the same as postgres. Could refactor
-- if we add more things here.
module Harness.Citus
module Harness.Backend.Citus
( livenessCheck,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
-- | MySQL helpers.
module Harness.Mysql
module Harness.Backend.Mysql
( livenessCheck,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
-- | PostgreSQL helpers.
module Harness.Postgres
module Harness.Backend.Postgres
( livenessCheck,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
-- | SQLServer helpers.
module Harness.Sqlserver
module Harness.Backend.Sqlserver
( livenessCheck,

View File

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
-- * Postgres
postgresPassword :: String
postgresPassword = "hasura"
@ -74,6 +76,8 @@ postgresqlConnectionString =
++ "/"
++ postgresDb
-- * Citus
citusPassword :: String
citusPassword = "hasura"
@ -102,6 +106,8 @@ citusConnectionString =
++ "/"
++ citusDb
-- * Liveness
postgresLivenessCheckAttempts :: Int
postgresLivenessCheckAttempts = 5
@ -134,6 +140,8 @@ mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds = 1
mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int
mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds
-- * MySQL
mysqlPassword :: String
mysqlPassword = "hasura"
@ -159,6 +167,8 @@ mysqlConnectInfo =
Mysql.connectPort = mysqlPort
-- * HTTP health checks
httpHealthCheckAttempts :: Int
httpHealthCheckAttempts = 5
@ -168,6 +178,8 @@ httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 1
httpHealthCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int
httpHealthCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds
-- * Server configuration
serveOptions :: ServeOptions impl
serveOptions =

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- | GRAPHQL quasi quoter with built-in interpolation.
-- | GraphQL quasi quoter with built-in interpolation.
-- Interpolation works via the #{expression} syntax.
module Harness.Graphql (graphql) where
module Harness.Quoter.Graphql (graphql) where
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Extended (encode)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- | Simple SQL quasi quoter. Even if this doesn't do anything, it's
-- still useful. Some editors (Emacs) display [sql| ...|] with SQL
-- syntax highlighting.
module Harness.Sql (sql) where
module Harness.Quoter.Sql (sql) where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Templating yaml files.
module Harness.Yaml
module Harness.Quoter.Yaml
( yaml,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- | Helper functions for easily testing features.
module Harness.Feature
module Harness.Test.Feature
( feature,
Feature (..),
Backend (..),

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
# tests-hspec
Graphql-engine integration tests written in Haskell using the [hspec]( testing framework.
For motivation, rationale, and more, see the [test suite rfc](../../rfcs/
## Running the test suite
1. To run the Haskell integration test suite, we'll first need to start the backends:
docker-compose up
This will start up Postgres, SQL Server, Citus and MariaDB.
> __Note__: on ARM64 architecture we'll need additional steps in order to test mssql properly.
> ### Preparation
> 1. Switch the docker image in `docker-compose/sqlserver/Dockerfile` to `azure-sql-edge`:
> ```diff
> - FROM
> + FROM
> ```
> 2. Install `sqlcmd` locally. On MacOS, this can be done with brew: `brew install mssql-tools`.
> ### Start the backends
> 1. Run `docker-compose up`
> 2. Initialize the SQL Server database
> ```sh
> (cd docker-compose/sqlserver && bash 65003)
> ```
2. Once the containers are up, you can run the test suite via
cabal run tests-hspec
You can also further refine which tests to run using the `-m` flag:
cabal run tests-hspec -- -m "SQLServer"
For additional information, consult the help section:
cabal run tests-hspec -- --help
## Test suite structure
### Harness
Modules under the [Harness/](Harness/) namespace provide the infrastructure
and supporting code for writing and running the tests.
It includes quasiquoters, interacting with backends, interfacing with HTTP,
constants, and so on.
Supporting code should be added under the `Harness.*` namespace instead of
added ad-hoc in test specs, to improve readability and reuse.
### Test
Modules under the [Test/](Test/) namespace define integration test specifications for various
features and backends.
## Adding a new test
The module [Test.HelloWorldSpec](Test/HelloWorldSpec.hs) contains a starting point
which can be built upon.
To create a new test:
1. Create a new module based on `Test.HelloWorldSpec`
2. Specify the relevant backends on which the tests will run in `spec`
3. Specify the tests and expectations in `tests`
When creating a new test, make sure that:
1. The module name is suffixed by the word `Spec`
2. The module exports the entry point `spec :: SpecWith State`
3. The module is listed in the cabal file under `other-modules`
(1) and (2) are required for `hspec-discover` to find and run the test.
### Specifying backends
To specify a new backend, create a value of the type `Backend` which is defined in
[Harness.Test.Feature](Harness/Test/Feature.hs). A `Backend` requires a `name`,
a `setup action` and a `teardown action`.
#### Setup action
A setup action is a function of type `State -> IO ()` which is responsible with
creating the environment for the test. It needs to:
1. Clear and reconfigure the metadata
2. Setup tables and insert values
3. Track tables, add relationships, permissions
These actions can be created by running POST requests against graphql-engine
using `Harness.GraphqlEngine.post_`, or by running SQL requests against the
backend using `Backend.<backend>.run_`.
#### Teardown action
The teardown action is another function of type `State -> IO ()` which is responsible
for removing the environment created by the test or setup, so that other tests can have
a "clean slate" with no artifacts.
For example, this test should drop tables, delete custom functions and sequences, and so on.
These actions can be created by running POST requests against graphql-engine
using `Harness.GraphqlEngine.post_`, or by running SQL requests against the
backend using `Backend.<backend>.run_`.
### Writing tests
Test should be written (or reachable from) `tests :: SpecWith State`.
A typical test will look similar to this:
it "Where id=1" \state ->
( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql
query {
hasura_author(where: {id: {_eq: 1}}) {
- name: Author 1
id: 1
- `it` specifies the name of the test
- `shouldReturnYaml` creates an [`Expectation`](
which does the following:
- Runs a POST request against graphql-engine which can be specified using the `graphql` quasi-quoter.
- Compares the response to an expected result which can be specified using the `yaml` quasi-quoter.
__Note__: these quasi-quoter can also perform string interpolation. See the relevant modules
under the [Harness.Quoter](Harness/Quouter) namespace.
### Style guide
- Test suite should be very easy to read for a junior or intermediate Haskell developer.
Be mindful of advanced feature use and abstractions!
- Prefer self-contained specs, even if there's some query duplication.
- Avoid functions or types in tests, other than calls to the `Harness.*` API.
Any supporting code should be in the `Harness.*` hierarchy and apply broadly to the test suites
- Consider reorganising tests if modules get much longer than 1/2 pagescrolls (~200-300 LOC?).

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Testing array relationships.
module ArrayRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
module Test.ArrayRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Test querying an entity for a couple fields.
module BasicFieldsSpec (spec) where
module Test.BasicFieldsSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Citus as Citus
import Harness.Backend.Citus as Citus
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Backend.Postgres as Postgres
import Harness.Backend.Sqlserver as Sqlserver
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Postgres as Postgres
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Sqlserver as Sqlserver
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Test directives.
module DirectivesSpec (spec) where
module Test.DirectivesSpec (spec) where
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql (graphql)
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql (graphql)
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- | A starting point feature test.
module HelloWorldSpec (spec) where
module Test.HelloWorldSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Tests for limit/offset.
module LimitOffsetSpec (spec) where
module Test.LimitOffsetSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
-- | Testing nested relationships.
-- Original inspiration for this module is <>
module NestedRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
-- Original inspiration for this module <>
module Test.NestedRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Testing object relationships.
module ObjectRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
module Test.ObjectRelationshipsSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Test ordering by fields.
module OrderingSpec (spec) where
module Test.OrderingSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-- | Service liveness tests: Confirm that the harness is working
-- properly. If this passes, the rest of the tests will pass.
module ServiceLivenessSpec (spec) where
module Test.ServiceLivenessSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Citus qualified as Citus
import Harness.Backend.Citus qualified as Citus
import Harness.Backend.Mysql qualified as Mysql
import Harness.Backend.Postgres qualified as Postgres
import Harness.Backend.Sqlserver qualified as Sqlserver
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Harness.Mysql qualified as Mysql
import Harness.Postgres qualified as Postgres
import Harness.Sqlserver qualified as Sqlserver
import Harness.State (State, getServer)
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Test views.
module ViewsSpec (spec) where
module Test.ViewsSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Tests that `where' works.
module WhereSpec (spec) where
module Test.WhereSpec (spec) where
import Harness.Backend.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Constants
import Harness.Feature qualified as Feature
import Harness.Graphql
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Mysql as Mysql
import Harness.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Sql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.State (State)
import Harness.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Feature qualified as Feature
import Test.Hspec
import Prelude