server: Improve test failure error message in Data Connector agent test suite

GitOrigin-RevId: 8238c1b59c378b7fe37ae0c9afecbf04f8841e2e
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Chambers 2022-08-04 11:00:48 +10:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 2494cfa949
commit b24b12b2e6
9 changed files with 190 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -143,13 +143,11 @@ constraints: any.Cabal ==,
any.hourglass ==0.2.12,
any.hpc ==,
any.hsc2hs ==0.68.8,
any.hscolour ==1.24.4,
any.hspec ==2.10.0,
any.hspec-core ==2.10.0,
any.hspec-discover ==2.10.0,
any.hspec-expectations ==0.8.2,
any.hspec-expectations-lifted ==0.10.0,
any.hspec-expectations-pretty-diff ==,
any.hspec-hedgehog ==,
any.http-api-data ==0.4.3,
any.http-client ==0.7.11,
@ -207,7 +205,6 @@ constraints: any.Cabal ==, ==0.2.1, ==, ==,
any.nicify-lib ==1.0.1,
any.nonempty-containers ==,
any.nonempty-vector ==,
any.odbc ==0.2.6,
@ -315,7 +312,6 @@ constraints: any.Cabal ==,
any.type-equality ==1,
any.type-hint ==0.1,
any.typed-process ==,
any.unicode-show ==,
any.unix ==,
any.unix-compat ==0.5.4,
any.unix-time ==0.4.7,

View File

@ -1316,7 +1316,9 @@ test-suite tests-dc-api
import: common-all, common-exe
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
, Diff
, aeson
, ansi-terminal
, autodocodec
, autodocodec-openapi3
, base
@ -1328,7 +1330,6 @@ test-suite tests-dc-api
, hashable
, hspec
, hspec-core
, hspec-expectations-pretty-diff
, http-client
, lens
, lens-aeson
@ -1346,6 +1347,7 @@ test-suite tests-dc-api
, vector
, xml-conduit
, xml-lens
, yaml
, zlib
hs-source-dirs: tests-dc-api
-- Turning off optimizations is intentional; tests aren't
@ -1357,6 +1359,7 @@ test-suite tests-dc-api
, Paths_graphql_engine
, Test.Data
, Test.CapabilitiesSpec
, Test.Expectations
, Test.HealthSpec
, Test.QuerySpec
, Test.QuerySpec.AggregatesSpec

View File

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ module Test.CapabilitiesSpec (spec) where
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (Capabilities, CapabilitiesResponse (..), Config, Routes (..), validateConfigAgainstConfigSchema)
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> Config -> Capabilities -> Spec
spec api config expectedCapabilities = describe "capabilities API" $ do
it "returns the expected capabilities" $ do
CapabilitiesResponse capabilities _ <- api // _capabilities
capabilities `shouldBe` expectedCapabilities
capabilities `jsonShouldBe` expectedCapabilities
it "returns a schema that can be used to validate the current config" $ do
CapabilitiesResponse _ configSchema <- api // _capabilities
validateConfigAgainstConfigSchema configSchema config `shouldBe` []
validateConfigAgainstConfigSchema configSchema config `jsonShouldBe` []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
module Test.Expectations
( jsonShouldBe,
import Control.Lens ((%~), (&))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), Value)
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (KeyMap)
import Data.Algorithm.Diff (Diff, PolyDiff (..), getDiff)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error qualified as TE
import Data.Yaml qualified as Yaml
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (FieldValue, deserializeAsRelationshipFieldValue, mkRelationshipFieldValue, qrRows)
import System.Console.ANSI (Color (..), ColorIntensity (..), ConsoleLayer (..), SGR (..), hSupportsANSIColor, setSGRCode)
import System.IO (stdout)
import Test.Hspec (Expectation, expectationFailure)
import Prelude
newtype YamlShow = YamlShow {unYamlShow :: Value}
deriving newtype (Eq)
instance Show YamlShow where
show = T.unpack . TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode . Yaml.encode . unYamlShow
-- | Compares two JSON values for equality, but prints their diff upon failure
-- as formatted YAML, which is a much nicer way to visualise the difference in
-- expected vs actual.
jsonShouldBe :: (HasCallStack, ToJSON value) => value -> value -> Expectation
jsonShouldBe actual expected =
shouldBeWithLineDiff (YamlShow $ toJSON actual) (YamlShow $ toJSON expected)
-- | Compares two lists of response rows, but normalizes them first to remove
-- immaterial differences that show up when diffing in JSON/YAML
rowsShouldBe :: HasCallStack => [KeyMap FieldValue] -> [KeyMap FieldValue] -> Expectation
rowsShouldBe actual expected =
(normalize <$> actual) `jsonShouldBe` (normalize <$> expected)
-- | Normalizes a response row so that immaterial differences are removed.
-- Immaterial differences can show up because 'FieldValue's are not actually decoded
-- into Haskell types and are instead decoded as appropriate while traversing the Query
-- IR (see 'FieldType' Haddocks for more info).
-- This causes any JSON-based diff to show up immaterial differences even though two
-- 'FieldValue's are equal, because the JSON contains differences that are ignored
-- for equality purposes (eg the difference between a missing rows property and a
-- null one).
-- Normalization simply removes these differences by fully deserializing and then
-- reserializing the JSON. It can do this by making the assumption that there are no
-- custom scalar types that look like relationship field values (true for the Chinook
-- data set used by the agent tests).
normalize :: KeyMap FieldValue -> KeyMap FieldValue
normalize =
( \fieldValue ->
case deserializeAsRelationshipFieldValue fieldValue of
Left _ -> fieldValue
Right queryResponse ->
mkRelationshipFieldValue $
queryResponse & qrRows . traverse . traverse %~ normalize
shouldBeWithLineDiff :: (HasCallStack, Show value, Eq value) => value -> value -> Expectation
shouldBeWithLineDiff actual expected =
unless (actual == expected) $
expectationFailure =<< renderDiffError actual expected
renderDiffError :: (Show value, MonadIO m) => value -> value -> m String
renderDiffError actual expected = do
useColor <- liftIO $ hSupportsANSIColor stdout
pure $ renderDiffString useColor (show actual) (show expected)
renderDiffString :: Bool -> String -> String -> String
renderDiffString useColor actual expected =
unlines $ resetHspecErrorColor <$> explanation <> diffLines
resetHspecErrorColor line = colorCode Reset ++ line
explanation =
[ "━━━",
colorSpan Green "--- expected, but not present",
colorSpan Red "+++ present, but not expected",
diffLines = annotateDiffLine <$> getDiff (lines actual) (lines expected)
annotateDiffLine :: Diff String -> String
annotateDiffLine = \case
Both _ s -> " " ++ s
First s -> colorSpan Green $ "--- " ++ s
Second s -> colorSpan Red $ "+++ " ++ s
colorSpan c s = colorCode (SetColor Foreground Dull c) ++ s ++ colorCode Reset
colorCode sgr = if useColor then setSGRCode [sgr] else ""

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module Test.HealthSpec (spec) where
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (Config, Routes (..), SourceName)
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes, NoContent (..))
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let invoiceCount = length Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "counts all rows, after applying filters" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "BillingCity") (ScalarValue (String "Oslo"))
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? ix "BillingCity" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (== Just "Oslo")) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "counts all rows, after applying pagination" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", StarCount)]
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let invoiceCount = length . take 20 $ drop 400 Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_all", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
describe "Column Count" $ do
it "counts all rows with non-null columns" $ do
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let invoiceCount = length $ filter ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString) >>> (/= Nothing)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can count all rows with non-null values in a column, after applying pagination and filtering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "InvoiceId") (ScalarValue (Number 380))
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral invoiceCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can count all rows with distinct non-null values in a column" $ do
let aggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", ColumnCount $ ColumnCountAggregate (ColumnName "BillingState") True)]
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let billingStateCount = length . HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "BillingState" . Data._ColumnFieldString)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can count all rows with distinct non-null values in a column, after applying pagination and filtering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "InvoiceId") (ScalarValue (Number 380))
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("count_cols", Number $ fromIntegral billingStateCount)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
describe "Single Column Function" $ do
it "can get the max total from all rows" $ do
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let maxTotal = maximum $ mapMaybe ((^? ix "Total" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.invoicesRows
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", Number maxTotal)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can get the max total from all rows, after applying pagination, filtering and ordering" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "BillingCountry") (ScalarValue (String "USA"))
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("max", Number maxTotal)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can get the min and max of a non-numeric comparable type such as a string" $ do
let aggregates =
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
("max", aggregate (String . maximum) names)
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "aggregates over empty row lists results in nulls" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "ArtistId") (ScalarValue (Number 0))
@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("min", Null)]
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
describe "Multiple Aggregates and Returning Rows" $ do
it "can get the max total from all rows, the count and the distinct count, simultaneously" $ do
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
("maxTotal", maxTotal)
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can reuse the same aggregate twice" $ do
let aggregates =
@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
("minTotal", maxTotal)
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` []
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` []
it "can also query for the rows involved in the aggregate" $ do
let fields =
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
let expectedAggregates = KeyMap.fromList [("min", maxTotal)]
let expectedRows = Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (_qrQuery queryRequest) <$> invoiceRows
Data.responseRows response `shouldBe` expectedRows
Data.responseAggregates response `shouldBe` expectedAggregates
Data.responseRows response `rowsShouldBe` expectedRows
Data.responseAggregates response `jsonShouldBe` expectedAggregates
describe "Aggregates via Relationships" $ do
it "can query aggregates via an array relationship" $ do
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` mempty
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` mempty
it "can query aggregates via an array relationship and include the rows in that relationship" $ do
let albumFields =
@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
& take 5
& fmap joinInAlbums
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` mempty
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` mempty
it "can query with many nested relationships, with aggregates at multiple levels, with filtering, pagination and ordering" $ do
receivedArtists <- (api // _query) sourceName config deeplyNestedArtistsQuery
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Aggregate Queries" $ do
& fmap joinInAlbums
& Data.filterColumns ["Name", "Albums_aggregate"]
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` mempty
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
Data.responseAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` mempty
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedArtists = Data.artistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can query for a list of albums with a subset of columns" $ do
let fields = KeyMap.fromList [("ArtistId", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", Data.columnField "Title")]
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
KeyMap.filterWithKey (\propName _value -> propName == "ArtistId" || propName == "Title")
let expectedAlbums = Data.sortBy "Title" $ filterToRequiredProperties <$> Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can project columns into fields with different names" $ do
let fields = KeyMap.fromList [("Artist_Id", Data.columnField "ArtistId"), ("Artist_Name", Data.columnField "Name")]
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedArtists = Data.sortBy "ArtistId" $ renameProperties <$> Data.artistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedArtists
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
describe "Limit & Offset" $ do
it "can use limit and offset to paginate results" $ do
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
page1Artists <- Data.responseRows <$> (api // _query) sourceName config page1Query
page2Artists <- Data.responseRows <$> (api // _query) sourceName config page2Query
page1Artists `shouldBe` take 10 allArtists
page2Artists `shouldBe` take 10 (drop 10 allArtists)
page1Artists `rowsShouldBe` take 10 allArtists
page2Artists `rowsShouldBe` take 10 (drop 10 allArtists)
describe "Order By" $ do
it "can use order by to order results in ascending order" $ do
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (^? ix "Title") Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can use order by to order results in descending order" $ do
let orderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "Title") Descending :| []
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
receivedAlbums <- (api // _query) sourceName config query
let expectedAlbums = sortOn (Down . (^? ix "Title")) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can use multiple order bys to order results" $ do
let orderBy = OrderBy (ColumnName "ArtistId") Ascending :| [OrderBy (ColumnName "Title") Descending]
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
sortOn (\album -> (album ^? ix "ArtistId", Down (album ^? ix "Title"))) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
describe "Where" $ do
it "can filter using an equality expression" $ do
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((== Just 2) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter using an inequality expression" $ do
let where' = Not (ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 2)))
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((/= Just 2) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter using an in expression" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator In (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") [Number 2, Number 3]
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can negate an in expression filter using a not expression" $ do
let where' = Not (ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator In (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") [Number 2, Number 3])
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip notElem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can combine filters using an and expression" $ do
let where1 = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "ArtistId") (ScalarValue (Number 58))
@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can combine filters using an or expression" $ do
let where1 = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator Equal (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 2))
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter (flip elem [Just 2, Just 3] . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter by applying the greater than operator" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 300))
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((> Just 300) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter by applying the greater than or equal operator" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 300))
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((>= Just 300) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter by applying the less than operator" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 100))
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((< Just 100) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter by applying the less than or equal operator" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator LessThanOrEqual (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (ScalarValue (Number 100))
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter ((<= Just 100) . (^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "can filter using a greater than operator with a column comparison" $ do
let where' = ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator GreaterThan (Data.localComparisonColumn "AlbumId") (AnotherColumn (Data.localComparisonColumn "ArtistId"))
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Basic Queries" $ do
let expectedAlbums =
filter (\album -> (album ^? ix "AlbumId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) > (album ^? ix "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)) Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
artistsQueryRequest :: QueryRequest
artistsQueryRequest =

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
let removeArtistId = KeyMap.delete "ArtistId"
let expectedAlbums = (removeArtistId . joinInArtist) <$> Data.albumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an array relationship query by joining albums to artists" $ do
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery id
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
in KeyMap.insert "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse albums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> Data.artistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an object relationship query by joining employee to customers and filter comparing columns across the object relationship" $ do
-- Join Employee to Customers via SupportRep, and only get those customers that have a rep
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
in maybe False (`elem` supportRepCountry) customerCountry
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> Data.customersRows
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `shouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `rowsShouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an array relationship query by joining customers to employees and filter comparing columns across the array relationship" $ do
-- Join Customers to Employees via SupportRepForCustomers, and only get those employees that are reps for
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ spec api sourceName config = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
in maybe False (`elem` customerCountries) employeeCountry
let expectedEmployees = filter filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInCustomers <$> Data.employeesRows
Data.responseRows receivedEmployees `shouldBe` expectedEmployees
_qrAggregates receivedEmployees `shouldBe` Nothing
Data.responseRows receivedEmployees `rowsShouldBe` expectedEmployees
_qrAggregates receivedEmployees `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
albumsWithArtistQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Column (ColumnInfo (..))
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
removeDescriptionFromColumn :: ColumnInfo -> ColumnInfo
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
spec api sourceName config = describe "schema API" $ do
it "returns Chinook schema" $ do
tables <- (map removeDescription . sortOn dtiName . srTables) <$> (api // _schema) sourceName config
tables `shouldBe` map removeDescription Data.schemaTables
tables `jsonShouldBe` map removeDescription Data.schemaTables