mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
server: GHC 9.2 changes compatible with 8.10 (#3550)
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4841 Co-authored-by: awjchen <13142944+awjchen@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: ce47b1290fefb07f3f800c6c62120437c02086e5
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,6 +95,12 @@
- ignore: {name: Use <$>, within: [Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata, Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Instances]}
- ignore: {name: Functor law, within: Hasura.Server.AuthSpec}
- ignore: {name: Use underscore} # suggests to format port numbers
# These three need to be disabled under 'simplified subsumption' unfortunately.
# If we want to use -XDeepSubsumption these can be reenabled and lints fixed
# See: https://github.com/mpickering/ghc-proposals/blob/deep-subsumption/proposals/0000-deep-subsumption.rst
- ignore: {name: Avoid lambda}
- ignore: {name: Redundant lambda}
- ignore: {name: Avoid lambda using `infix`}
# Define some custom infix operators
# - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ source-repository-package
location: https://github.com/hasura/pool.git
tag: 427c8f47b5a0de858780b0a9522ad953197b1658
-- This is an unrelesaed version of "odbc"
type: git
location: https://github.com/fpco/odbc.git
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ package odbc
type: git
location: https://github.com/hasura/ekg-core.git
tag: ac51c3834e242833e9735394295cbcaa583233f8
tag: b0cdc337ca2a52e392d427916ba3e28246b396c0
type: git
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
-- You can temporarily override values here rather than modifying 'dev.sh'
-- during development (although that might break certain things).
with-compiler: ghc-8.10.7
package *
documentation: true
-- build with DWARF support. This may not be very useful yet, but we want
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
-- ...or, it can be copied if you would like to customize any settings:
-- $ cp cabal/cabal.project.dev cabal.project.local
with-compiler: ghc-8.10.7
package *
documentation: true
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ common common-all
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
@ -1065,10 +1065,10 @@ instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadConfigApiHandler (PGMetadata
runConfigApiHandler = configApiGetHandler
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadQueryLog (PGMetadataStorageAppT m) where
logQueryLog = unLogger
logQueryLog logger = unLogger logger
instance (MonadIO m) => WS.MonadWSLog (PGMetadataStorageAppT m) where
logWSLog = unLogger
logWSLog logger = unLogger logger
instance (Monad m) => MonadResolveSource (PGMetadataStorageAppT m) where
getPGSourceResolver = mkPgSourceResolver <$> asks snd
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- NOTE: This module previously used Template Haskell to generate its instances,
-- but additional restrictions on Template Haskell splices introduced in GHC 9.0 impose an ordering
-- on the generated instances that is difficult to satisfy (see ../MySQL/Types/Instances.hs).
-- To avoid these difficulties, we now use CPP.
-- | MSSQL Types Instances
@ -13,141 +18,102 @@ import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Internal
import Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Dependency
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
$( fmap concat $ for
\name ->
deriving instance Generic ($(conT name) a)
deriving instance Generic (Aliased a)
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Aliased a)
instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (Aliased a)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Aliased a)
instance NFData a => NFData (Aliased a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Aliased a)
deriving instance Functor Aliased
deriving instance Data a => Data (Aliased a)
instance Hashable a => Hashable ($(conT name) a)
instance Cacheable a => Cacheable ($(conT name) a)
#define INSTANCE_CLUMP_1(name) \
deriving instance Generic name ;\
instance Hashable name ;\
instance Cacheable name ;\
deriving instance Eq name ;\
deriving instance Show name ;\
deriving instance Data name ;\
instance NFData name ;\
instance FromJSON name ;\
deriving instance Ord name
deriving instance Eq a => Eq ($(conT name) a)
instance NFData a => NFData ($(conT name) a)
#define INSTANCE_CLUMP_2(name) \
deriving instance Generic name ;\
instance Hashable name ;\
instance Cacheable name ;\
deriving instance Eq name ;\
deriving instance Show name ;\
deriving instance Data name ;\
instance NFData name
deriving instance Show a => Show ($(conT name) a)
deriving instance Ord TableName
deriving instance Ord ScalarType
deriving instance Functor $(conT name)
deriving instance Data a => Data ($(conT name) a)
$( fmap concat $ for
[ ''UnifiedTableName,
\name ->
deriving instance Generic $(conT name)
instance Hashable $(conT name)
instance Cacheable $(conT name)
deriving instance Eq $(conT name)
deriving instance Show $(conT name)
deriving instance Data $(conT name)
instance NFData $(conT name)
instance FromJSON $(conT name)
deriving instance Ord $(conT name)
$( fmap concat $ for
[ ''Where,
\name ->
deriving instance Generic $(conT name)
instance Hashable $(conT name)
instance Cacheable $(conT name)
deriving instance Eq $(conT name)
deriving instance Show $(conT name)
deriving instance Data $(conT name)
instance NFData $(conT name)
$( fmap concat $ for
[''TableName, ''ScalarType]
\name -> [d|deriving instance Ord $(conT name)|]
$( fmap concat $ for
[''TableName, ''NullsOrder, ''Order]
\name -> [d|deriving instance Lift $(conT name)|]
deriving instance Lift TableName
deriving instance Lift NullsOrder
deriving instance Lift Order
-- Third-party types
@ -171,17 +137,15 @@ instance ToTxt TableName where
instance ToTxt ColumnName where
toTxt = columnNameText
$( fmap concat $ for
[''Order, ''NullsOrder, ''ScalarType, ''FieldName]
\name ->
instance ToJSON $(conT name) where
toJSON = genericToJSON hasuraJSON
instance FromJSON $(conT name) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
#define INSTANCE_CLUMP_3(name) \
instance ToJSON name where \
{ toJSON = genericToJSON hasuraJSON } ;\
instance FromJSON name where \
{ parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON }
deriving instance FromJSON ColumnName
@ -169,19 +169,16 @@ fromOffsetAndLimit (Top val) (Just offset) =
fromOrderBys ::
Maybe (NonEmpty OrderBy) -> Printer
fromOrderBys Nothing = ""
fromOrderBys morderBys =
fromOrderBys (Just orderBys) =
[ "ORDER BY ",
( SepByPrinter
[ case morderBys of
Nothing -> ""
Just orderBys ->
("," <+> NewlinePrinter)
(concatMap fromOrderBy (toList orderBys))
[ SepByPrinter
("," <+> NewlinePrinter)
(concatMap fromOrderBy (toList orderBys))
@ -21,7 +21,50 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
---- Countable instances
-- These instances must be defined before the TH-defined instances below.
deriving instance Generic (Countable n)
instance Hashable n => Hashable (Countable n)
instance Cacheable n => Cacheable (Countable n)
deriving instance Eq n => Eq (Countable n)
deriving instance Show n => Show (Countable n)
deriving instance Data n => Data (Countable n)
instance NFData n => NFData (Countable n)
instance ToJSON n => ToJSON (Countable n)
instance FromJSON n => FromJSON (Countable n)
---- TH-defined instances
$( concat <$> for
[ ''ScalarType
\name ->
deriving instance Generic $(conT name)
instance Hashable $(conT name)
instance Cacheable $(conT name)
deriving instance Data $(conT name)
instance NFData $(conT name)
$( fmap concat $ for
\name ->
@ -82,23 +125,6 @@ $( concat <$> for
$( concat <$> for
[ ''ScalarType
\name ->
deriving instance Generic $(conT name)
instance Hashable $(conT name)
instance Cacheable $(conT name)
deriving instance Data $(conT name)
instance NFData $(conT name)
$( concat <$> for
[''TableName, ''ScalarType]
\name -> [d|deriving instance Ord $(conT name)|]
@ -122,29 +148,11 @@ $( concat <$> for
---- Manual instances
---- Manually-defined instances
instance ToTxt TableName where
toTxt TableName {..} = name
deriving instance Generic (Countable n)
instance Hashable n => Hashable (Countable n)
instance Cacheable n => Cacheable (Countable n)
deriving instance Eq n => Eq (Countable n)
deriving instance Show n => Show (Countable n)
deriving instance Data n => Data (Countable n)
instance NFData n => NFData (Countable n)
instance ToJSON n => ToJSON (Countable n)
instance FromJSON n => FromJSON (Countable n)
instance FromJSON TableName where
parseJSON v@(String _) =
TableName <$> parseJSON v <*> pure Nothing
@ -398,4 +398,4 @@ type SubscriptionPostPollHook = PollDetails -> IO ()
-- the default SubscriptionPostPollHook
defaultSubscriptionPostPollHook :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> SubscriptionPostPollHook
defaultSubscriptionPostPollHook = L.unLogger
defaultSubscriptionPostPollHook = \x -> L.unLogger x
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ forceConnReconnect wsConn bs = liftIO $ closeConnWithCode wsConn 1012 bs
closeConnWithCode :: WSConn a -> Word16 -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeConnWithCode wsConn code bs = do
(L.unLogger . _wcLogger) wsConn $
((\x -> L.unLogger x) . _wcLogger) wsConn $
WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) (ECloseSent $ SB.fromLBS bs) Nothing
WS.sendCloseCode (_wcConnRaw wsConn) code bs
@ -94,14 +94,6 @@ instance NFData ActionMetadata
instance Cacheable ActionMetadata
instance J.FromJSON ActionMetadata where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ActionMetadata" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "name"
<*> o .:? "comment"
<*> o .: "definition"
<*> o .:? "permissions" .!= []
data ActionPermissionMetadata = ActionPermissionMetadata
{ _apmRole :: !RoleName,
_apmComment :: !(Maybe Text)
@ -158,45 +150,6 @@ instance (NFData a, NFData w) => NFData (ActionDefinition a w)
instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable w) => Cacheable (ActionDefinition a w)
instance (J.FromJSON a, J.FromJSON b) => J.FromJSON (ActionDefinition a b) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ActionDefinition" $ \o -> do
_adArguments <- o .:? "arguments" .!= []
_adOutputType <- o .: "output_type"
_adHeaders <- o .:? "headers" .!= []
_adForwardClientHeaders <- o .:? "forward_client_headers" .!= False
_adHandler <- o .: "handler"
_adTimeout <- o .:? "timeout" .!= defaultActionTimeoutSecs
actionType <- o .:? "type" .!= "mutation"
_adType <- case actionType of
"mutation" -> ActionMutation <$> o .:? "kind" .!= ActionSynchronous
"query" -> pure ActionQuery
t -> fail $ "expected mutation or query, but found " <> t
_adRequestTransform <- o .:? "request_transform"
_adResponseTransform <- o .:? "response_transform"
pure ActionDefinition {..}
instance (J.ToJSON a, J.ToJSON b) => J.ToJSON (ActionDefinition a b) where
toJSON (ActionDefinition {..}) =
let typeAndKind = case _adType of
ActionQuery -> ["type" .= ("query" :: String)]
ActionMutation kind ->
[ "type" .= ("mutation" :: String),
"kind" .= kind
in J.object $
[ "arguments" .= _adArguments,
"output_type" .= _adOutputType,
"headers" .= _adHeaders,
"forward_client_headers" .= _adForwardClientHeaders,
"handler" .= _adHandler,
"timeout" .= _adTimeout
<> catMaybes
[ ("request_transform" .=) <$> _adRequestTransform,
("response_transform" .=) <$> _adResponseTransform
<> typeAndKind
data ActionType
= ActionQuery
| ActionMutation !ActionMutationKind
@ -312,11 +265,61 @@ instance Q.ToPrepArg LockedActionIdArray where
-- Template haskell derivation
-- ...and other instances that need to live here in a particular order, due to
-- GHC 9.0 TH changes...
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON {J.omitNothingFields = True} ''ActionPermissionMetadata)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ArgumentDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON J.defaultOptions {J.constructorTagModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 6} ''ActionMutationKind)
instance (J.FromJSON a, J.FromJSON b) => J.FromJSON (ActionDefinition a b) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ActionDefinition" $ \o -> do
_adArguments <- o .:? "arguments" .!= []
_adOutputType <- o .: "output_type"
_adHeaders <- o .:? "headers" .!= []
_adForwardClientHeaders <- o .:? "forward_client_headers" .!= False
_adHandler <- o .: "handler"
_adTimeout <- o .:? "timeout" .!= defaultActionTimeoutSecs
actionType <- o .:? "type" .!= "mutation"
_adType <- case actionType of
"mutation" -> ActionMutation <$> o .:? "kind" .!= ActionSynchronous
"query" -> pure ActionQuery
t -> fail $ "expected mutation or query, but found " <> t
_adRequestTransform <- o .:? "request_transform"
_adResponseTransform <- o .:? "response_transform"
pure ActionDefinition {..}
instance J.FromJSON ActionMetadata where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ActionMetadata" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "name"
<*> o .:? "comment"
<*> o .: "definition"
<*> o .:? "permissions" .!= []
instance (J.ToJSON a, J.ToJSON b) => J.ToJSON (ActionDefinition a b) where
toJSON (ActionDefinition {..}) =
let typeAndKind = case _adType of
ActionQuery -> ["type" .= ("query" :: String)]
ActionMutation kind ->
[ "type" .= ("mutation" :: String),
"kind" .= kind
in J.object $
[ "arguments" .= _adArguments,
"output_type" .= _adOutputType,
"headers" .= _adHeaders,
"forward_client_headers" .= _adForwardClientHeaders,
"handler" .= _adHandler,
"timeout" .= _adTimeout
<> catMaybes
[ ("request_transform" .=) <$> _adRequestTransform,
("response_transform" .=) <$> _adResponseTransform
<> typeAndKind
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''ActionLogResponse)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''ActionMetadata)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''ActionInfo)
@ -117,14 +117,6 @@ instance NFData CustomTypes
instance Cacheable CustomTypes
instance J.FromJSON CustomTypes where
parseJSON = J.withObject "CustomTypes" \o ->
<$> (o .:? "input_objects" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "objects" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "scalars" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "enums" .!= [])
emptyCustomTypes :: CustomTypes
emptyCustomTypes = CustomTypes [] [] [] []
@ -175,14 +167,6 @@ instance NFData ObjectTypeDefinition
instance Cacheable ObjectTypeDefinition
instance J.FromJSON ObjectTypeDefinition where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" \o ->
<$> (o .: "name")
<*> (o .:? "description")
<*> (o .: "fields")
<*> (o .:? "relationships" .!= [])
newtype ObjectTypeName = ObjectTypeName {unObjectTypeName :: G.Name}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, ToTxt, Generic, NFData, Cacheable)
@ -315,15 +299,6 @@ data AnnotatedScalarType
| ASTReusedScalar G.Name (AnyBackend ScalarWrapper)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance J.ToJSON AnnotatedScalarType where
toJSON = \case
ASTCustom std ->
J.object ["tag" .= J.String "ASTCustom", "contents" .= J.toJSON std]
-- warning: can't be parsed back, as it does not include the
-- backend-specific scalar information.
ASTReusedScalar name _scalar ->
J.object ["tag" .= J.String "ASTReusedScalar", "contents" .= J.toJSON name]
newtype ScalarWrapper b = ScalarWrapper {unwrapScalar :: (ScalarType b)}
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (ScalarWrapper b)
@ -362,21 +337,51 @@ data AnnotatedTypeRelationship = AnnotatedTypeRelationship
-- Template haskell derivation
-- ...and other instances that need to live here in a particular order, due to
-- GHC 9.0 TH changes...
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''InputObjectFieldDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''InputObjectTypeDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ObjectFieldDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ScalarTypeDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''EnumTypeDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''EnumValueDefinition)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''CustomTypes)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''ObjectTypeDefinition)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''TypeRelationshipDefinition)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedInputType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedOutputType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedObjectType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedObjectFieldType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedTypeRelationship)
instance J.ToJSON AnnotatedScalarType where
toJSON = \case
ASTCustom std ->
J.object ["tag" .= J.String "ASTCustom", "contents" .= J.toJSON std]
-- warning: can't be parsed back, as it does not include the
-- backend-specific scalar information.
ASTReusedScalar name _scalar ->
J.object ["tag" .= J.String "ASTReusedScalar", "contents" .= J.toJSON name]
$(makeLenses ''TypeRelationshipDefinition)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''EnumTypeDefinition)
instance J.FromJSON CustomTypes where
parseJSON = J.withObject "CustomTypes" \o ->
<$> (o .:? "input_objects" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "objects" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "scalars" .!= [])
<*> (o .:? "enums" .!= [])
instance J.FromJSON ObjectTypeDefinition where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" \o ->
<$> (o .: "name")
<*> (o .:? "description")
<*> (o .: "fields")
<*> (o .:? "relationships" .!= [])
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''ObjectTypeDefinition)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''CustomTypes)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedInputType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedObjectFieldType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedTypeRelationship)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedObjectType)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''AnnotatedOutputType)
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as J
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Hasura.Prelude
-- Positions
data Position
= Position !Double !Double !(Maybe Double)
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -52,12 +54,16 @@ instance J.ToJSON Position where
toJSON (Position a b c) =
J.toJSON $ a : b : maybeToList c
-- Point, Multipoint
newtype Point = Point {unPoint :: Position}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
newtype MultiPoint = MultiPoint {unMultiPoint :: [Position]}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
-- LineString, MultiLineString
data LineString = LineString
{ _lsFirst :: !Position,
_lsSecond :: !Position,
@ -83,8 +89,7 @@ instance J.FromJSON LineString where
newtype MultiLineString = MultiLineString {unMultiLineString :: [LineString]}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
newtype GeometryCollection = GeometryCollection {unGeometryCollection :: [GeometryWithCRS]}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
-- Polygon, MultiPolygon
data LinearRing = LinearRing
{ _pFirst :: !Position,
@ -119,16 +124,34 @@ newtype Polygon = Polygon {unPolygon :: [LinearRing]}
newtype MultiPolygon = MultiPolygon {unMultiPolygon :: [Polygon]}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
data Geometry
= GPoint !Point
| GMultiPoint !MultiPoint
| GLineString !LineString
| GMultiLineString !MultiLineString
| GPolygon !Polygon
| GMultiPolygon !MultiPolygon
| GGeometryCollection !GeometryCollection
-- GeometryCollection
data CRSNameProps = CRSNameProps
{ _cnpName :: !Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
data CRSLinkProps = CRSLinkProps
{ _clpHref :: !Text,
_clpType :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data CRS
= CRSName !CRSNameProps
| CRSLink !CRSLinkProps
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase) ''CRSNameProps)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase) ''CRSLinkProps)
$( J.deriveJSON
{ J.constructorTagModifier = J.camelCase . drop 3,
J.sumEncoding = J.TaggedObject "type" "properties"
data GeometryWithCRS = GeometryWithCRS
{ _gwcGeom :: !Geometry,
_gwcCrs :: !(Maybe CRS)
@ -170,28 +193,17 @@ instance J.FromJSON GeometryWithCRS where
crsM <- o J..:? "crs"
return $ GeometryWithCRS geom crsM
data CRSNameProps = CRSNameProps
{ _cnpName :: !Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype GeometryCollection = GeometryCollection {unGeometryCollection :: [GeometryWithCRS]}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON)
data CRSLinkProps = CRSLinkProps
{ _clpHref :: !Text,
_clpType :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Geometry
data CRS
= CRSName !CRSNameProps
| CRSLink !CRSLinkProps
data Geometry
= GPoint !Point
| GMultiPoint !MultiPoint
| GLineString !LineString
| GMultiLineString !MultiLineString
| GPolygon !Polygon
| GMultiPolygon !MultiPolygon
| GGeometryCollection !GeometryCollection
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase) ''CRSNameProps)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase) ''CRSLinkProps)
$( J.deriveJSON
{ J.constructorTagModifier = J.camelCase . drop 3,
J.sumEncoding = J.TaggedObject "type" "properties"
@ -144,30 +144,34 @@ data RQLQuery
= RQV1 !RQLQueryV1
| RQV2 !RQLQueryV2
instance FromJSON RQLQuery where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o -> do
mVersion <- o .:? "version"
let version = fromMaybe VIVersion1 mVersion
val = Object o
case version of
VIVersion1 -> RQV1 <$> parseJSON val
VIVersion2 -> RQV2 <$> parseJSON val
$( deriveFromJSON
{ constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2,
sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args"
$( deriveFromJSON
{ constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 4,
sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args",
tagSingleConstructors = True
-- Since at least one of the following mutually recursive instances is defined
-- via TH, after 9.0 they must all be defined within the same TH splice.
$( concat
<$> sequence
[ [d|
instance FromJSON RQLQuery where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o -> do
mVersion <- o .:? "version"
let version = fromMaybe VIVersion1 mVersion
val = Object o
case version of
VIVersion1 -> RQV1 <$> parseJSON val
VIVersion2 -> RQV2 <$> parseJSON val
{ constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2,
sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args"
{ constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 4,
sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args",
tagSingleConstructors = True
runQuery ::
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ instance
instance Example (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) ()) where
type Arg (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) ()) = MetadataT (CacheRefT m) :~> IO
evaluateExample m params action = evaluateExample (action ($$ m)) params ($ ())
evaluateExample m params action = evaluateExample (action (\x -> x $$ m)) params ($ ())
type SpecWithCache m = SpecWith (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) :~> IO)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ import System.Metrics qualified as EKG
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
post :: HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> String -> Value -> IO Value
post testEnvironment path = withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeaders testEnvironment path mempty
post testEnvironment path v = withFrozenCallStack $ postWithHeaders testEnvironment path mempty v
-- | Same as 'post', but ignores the value.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ post testEnvironment path = withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeaders testEnvironmen
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
post_ :: HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> String -> Value -> IO ()
post_ testEnvironment path = void . withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeaders_ testEnvironment path mempty
post_ testEnvironment path v = void $ withFrozenCallStack $ postWithHeaders_ testEnvironment path mempty v
-- | Post some JSON to graphql-engine, getting back more JSON.
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ post_ testEnvironment path = void . withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeaders_ testE
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
postWithHeaders ::
HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> String -> Http.RequestHeaders -> Value -> IO Value
postWithHeaders = withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeadersStatus 200
postWithHeaders v = withFrozenCallStack $ postWithHeadersStatus 200 v
-- | Post some JSON to graphql-engine, getting back more JSON.
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ postWithHeaders = withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeadersStatus 200
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
postWithHeadersStatus ::
HasCallStack => Int -> TestEnvironment -> String -> Http.RequestHeaders -> Value -> IO Value
postWithHeadersStatus statusCode (getServer -> Server {urlPrefix, port}) path headers =
withFrozenCallStack . Http.postValueWithStatus statusCode (urlPrefix ++ ":" ++ show port ++ path) headers
postWithHeadersStatus statusCode (getServer -> Server {urlPrefix, port}) path headers v =
withFrozenCallStack $ Http.postValueWithStatus statusCode (urlPrefix ++ ":" ++ show port ++ path) headers v
-- | Post some JSON to graphql-engine, getting back more JSON.
@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ postWithHeadersStatus statusCode (getServer -> Server {urlPrefix, port}) path he
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
postWithHeaders_ ::
HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> String -> Http.RequestHeaders -> Value -> IO ()
postWithHeaders_ testEnvironment path headers =
void . withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeaders testEnvironment path headers
postWithHeaders_ testEnvironment path headers v =
void $ withFrozenCallStack $ postWithHeaders testEnvironment path headers v
-- | Same as 'post', but defaults to the graphql end-point.
-- Note: We add 'withFrozenCallStack' to reduce stack trace clutter.
postGraphqlYaml ::
HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> Value -> IO Value
postGraphqlYaml testEnvironment = withFrozenCallStack . postGraphqlYamlWithHeaders testEnvironment mempty
postGraphqlYaml testEnvironment v = withFrozenCallStack $ postGraphqlYamlWithHeaders testEnvironment mempty v
-- | Same as 'postWithHeaders', but defaults to the graphql end-point.
@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ postMetadata :: HasCallStack => TestEnvironment -> Value -> IO Value
postMetadata testEnvironment = withFrozenCallStack $ post testEnvironment "/v1/metadata"
postMetadataWithStatus :: HasCallStack => Int -> TestEnvironment -> Value -> IO Value
postMetadataWithStatus statusCode testEnvironment =
withFrozenCallStack . postWithHeadersStatus statusCode testEnvironment "/v1/metadata" mempty
postMetadataWithStatus statusCode testEnvironment v =
withFrozenCallStack $ postWithHeadersStatus statusCode testEnvironment "/v1/metadata" mempty v
-- | Resets metadata, removing all sources or remote schemas.
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