schema-parsers: Duplicate scientificToFoo to break a dependency.

For some reason these functions exist in `Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value`.
We don't want to depend on that module here.

GitOrigin-RevId: a09bd3cdb0caf08938bce0728a8d281344c1d4ce
This commit is contained in:
Samir Talwar 2022-08-03 14:03:41 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent e22642f315
commit b77005c320
5 changed files with 90 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ scientificToInteger num =
toBoundedInteger num
`onNothing` fail
( "The value " ++ show num ++ " lies outside the "
++ "bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a "
++ "bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a "
++ "float, or is there integer overflow?"
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ scientificToFloat num =
`onLeft` \_ ->
( "The value " ++ show num ++ " lies outside the "
++ "bounds. Is it overflowing the float bounds?"
++ "bounds. Is it overflowing the float bounds?"
parsePGValue :: PGScalarType -> Value -> AT.Parser PGScalarValue

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Parser

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Scalars
-- internal
@ -25,15 +24,14 @@ where
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.Aeson.Internal qualified as A.Internal
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as A
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Scientific qualified as S
import Data.Scientific qualified as Scientific
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
import Data.UUID qualified as UUID
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage (toErrorMessage)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class.Parse
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.ErrorCode
@ -49,32 +47,34 @@ import Prelude
-- Disable custom prelude warnings in preparation for extracting this module into a separate package.
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use onLeft" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use onNothing" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use tshow" :: String) #-}
-- Built-in scalars
boolean :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Bool
boolean = mkScalar GName._Boolean Nothing \case
boolean = mkScalar GName._Boolean \case
GraphQLValue (VBoolean b) -> pure b
JSONValue (A.Bool b) -> pure b
v -> typeMismatch GName._Boolean "a boolean" v
int :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Int32
int = mkScalar GName._Int Nothing \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> convertWith scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> convertWith scientificToInteger n
int = mkScalar GName._Int \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> scientificToInteger n
v -> typeMismatch GName._Int "a 32-bit integer" v
float :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Double
float = mkScalar GName._Float Nothing \case
GraphQLValue (VFloat f) -> convertWith scientificToFloat f
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> convertWith scientificToFloat $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> convertWith scientificToFloat n
float = mkScalar GName._Float \case
GraphQLValue (VFloat f) -> scientificToFloat f
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> scientificToFloat $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> scientificToFloat n
v -> typeMismatch GName._Float "a float" v
string :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Text
string = mkScalar GName._String Nothing \case
string = mkScalar GName._String \case
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> pure s
JSONValue (A.String s) -> pure s
v -> typeMismatch GName._String "a string" v
@ -82,22 +82,22 @@ string = mkScalar GName._String Nothing \case
-- | As an input type, any string or integer input value should be coerced to ID as Text
identifier :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Text
identifier = mkScalar GName._ID Nothing \case
identifier = mkScalar GName._ID \case
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> pure s
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> pure . Text.pack $ show i
JSONValue (A.String s) -> pure s
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> parseScientific n
v -> typeMismatch GName._ID "a String or a 32-bit integer" v
parseScientific = convertWith $ fmap (Text.pack . show @Int) . scientificToInteger
parseScientific = fmap (Text.pack . show @Int) . scientificToInteger
-- Custom scalars
uuid :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m UUID.UUID
uuid = mkScalar name Nothing \case
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> convertWith A.parseJSON $ A.String s
JSONValue v -> convertWith A.parseJSON v
uuid = mkScalar name \case
GraphQLValue (VString s) -> parseJSON $ A.String s
JSONValue v -> parseJSON v
v -> typeMismatch name "a UUID" v
name = $$(litName "uuid")
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ jsonb = jsonScalar $$(litName "jsonb") Nothing
-- compatibility.
-- TODO: when we can do a breaking change, we can rename the type to "NonNegativeInt".
nonNegativeInt :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Int32
nonNegativeInt = mkScalar GName._Int Nothing \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) | i >= 0 -> convertWith scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) | n >= 0 -> convertWith scientificToInteger n
nonNegativeInt = mkScalar GName._Int \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) | i >= 0 -> scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) | n >= 0 -> scientificToInteger n
v -> typeMismatch GName._Int "a non-negative 32-bit integer" v
-- | GraphQL ints are 32-bit integers; but in some places we want to accept bigger ints. To do so,
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ nonNegativeInt = mkScalar GName._Int Nothing \case
-- string literals. We do keep the same type name in the schema for backwards compatibility.
-- TODO: when we can do a breaking change, we can rename the type to "BigInt".
bigInt :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Int64
bigInt = mkScalar GName._Int Nothing \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> convertWith scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> convertWith scientificToInteger n
bigInt = mkScalar GName._Int \case
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> scientificToInteger $ fromInteger i
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> scientificToInteger n
GraphQLValue (VString s)
| Right (i, "") <- decimal s ->
pure i
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ bigInt = mkScalar GName._Int Nothing \case
-- | Parser for 'Scientific'. Certain backends like BigQuery support
-- Decimal/BigDecimal and need an arbitrary precision number.
scientific :: MonadParse m => Parser origin 'Both m Scientific
scientific = mkScalar name Nothing \case
scientific = mkScalar name \case
GraphQLValue (VFloat f) -> pure f
GraphQLValue (VInt i) -> pure $ S.scientific i 0
JSONValue (A.Number n) -> pure n
@ -145,27 +145,6 @@ scientific = mkScalar name Nothing \case
-- Internal tools
-- | Explicitly define any desired scalar type.
-- This was considered unsafe because, unlike all other scalar definitions, it
-- doesn't enforce that we properly peel variables, and let the caller decide
-- how they want to deal with potential variables. This allows the caller to
-- bypass type-checking and (deprecated) non-reusability semantics (see comment
-- about re-usability in TypeChecking).
-- In practice, this function isn't very dangerous, and preferable to an
-- explicit use of the Parser constructor.
unsafeRawScalar ::
MonadParse n =>
Name ->
Maybe Description ->
Parser origin 'Both n (InputValue Variable)
unsafeRawScalar name description =
{ pType = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition name description Nothing [] TIScalar,
pParser = pure
-- | Creates a parser that transforms its input into a JSON value. 'valueToJSON'
-- does properly unpack variables.
jsonScalar :: MonadParse m => Name -> Maybe Description -> Parser origin 'Both m A.Value
@ -175,7 +154,7 @@ jsonScalar name description =
pParser = valueToJSON $ toGraphQLType schemaType
schemaType = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition name description Nothing [] TIScalar
schemaType = typeNamed name description
-- Local helpers
@ -183,18 +162,33 @@ jsonScalar name description =
mkScalar ::
MonadParse m =>
Name ->
Maybe Description ->
(InputValue Variable -> m a) ->
Parser origin 'Both m a
mkScalar name description parser =
mkScalar name parser =
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser = peelVariable (toGraphQLType schemaType) >=> parser
schemaType = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition name description Nothing [] TIScalar
schemaType = typeNamed name Nothing
convertWith :: MonadParse m => (a -> A.Parser b) -> a -> m b
convertWith f x = case A.Internal.iparse f x of
A.Internal.IError path message -> withPath path $ parseErrorWith ParseFailed (toErrorMessage (Text.pack message))
A.Internal.ISuccess result -> pure result
typeNamed :: Name -> Maybe Description -> Type origin 'Both
typeNamed name description = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition name description Nothing [] TIScalar
scientificToInteger :: (MonadParse m, Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> m i
scientificToInteger num =
maybe (parseErrorWith ParseFailed failure) pure $ Scientific.toBoundedInteger num
failure = "The value " <> toErrorMessage (Text.pack (show num)) <> " lies outside the bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a float, or is there integer overflow?"
scientificToFloat :: (MonadParse m, RealFloat f) => Scientific -> m f
scientificToFloat num =
either (const (parseErrorWith ParseFailed failure)) pure $ Scientific.toBoundedRealFloat num
failure = "The value " <> toErrorMessage (Text.pack (show num)) <> " lies outside the bounds. Is it overflowing the float bounds?"
parseJSON :: (MonadParse m, A.FromJSON b) => A.Value -> m b
parseJSON x =
case A.Internal.iparse A.parseJSON x of
A.Internal.IError path message -> withPath path $ parseErrorWith ParseFailed (toErrorMessage (Text.pack message))
A.Internal.ISuccess result -> pure result

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
- description: Inserting a bigint into an int should cause an error, see #576.
url: /v1/graphql
description: Inserting a bigint into an int should cause an error, see #576.
url: /v1/graphql
- extensions:
path: $.selectionSet.insert_test_types.args.objects[0].c2_integer
code: parse-failed
message: The value 2.147483648e9 lies outside the bounds or is not an
integer. Maybe it is a float, or is there integer overflow?
status: 200
query: |
mutation {
objects: [
c2_integer : 2147483648
) {
returning {
message: >-
The value 2.147483648e9 lies outside the bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a float, or is there integer overflow?
status: 200
query: |
mutation {
objects: [
c2_integer : 2147483648
) {
returning {

View File

@ -2,24 +2,24 @@ description: Inserting a bigint into an int should cause an error
url: /v1/graphql
- extensions:
path: $.selectionSet.insert_test_types.args.objects[0].c2_integer
code: parse-failed
message: The value 2.147483648e9 lies outside the bounds or is not an
integer. Maybe it is a float, or is there integer overflow?
- extensions:
path: $.selectionSet.insert_test_types.args.objects[0].c2_integer
code: parse-failed
message: >-
The value 2.147483648e9 lies outside the bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a float, or is there integer overflow?
status: 200
query: |
mutation {
objects: [
c2_integer : 2147483648
) {
returning {
query: |
mutation {
objects: [
c2_integer : 2147483648
) {
returning {