server/gardening: refactor scMetadataResourceVersion in SchemaCache

GitOrigin-RevId: 999a5112f8940b267c2765f4bed39bf6151f18f0
This commit is contained in:
Rakesh Emmadi 2023-03-28 18:56:08 +05:30 committed by hasura-bot
parent bc7225fd1a
commit bfca9fd986
14 changed files with 103 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ resolvePostgresConnInfo env dbUrlConf (fromMaybe 1 -> retries) = do
-- but that aren't needed in the rest of the application.
data AppInit = AppInit
{ aiTLSAllowListRef :: TLSAllowListRef Hasura,
aiMetadata :: Metadata
aiMetadataWithResourceVersion :: MetadataWithResourceVersion
-- | Initializes or migrates the catalog and creates the 'AppEnv' required to
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ initialiseAppEnv env BasicConnectionInfo {..} serveOptions@ServeOptions {..} liv
(liftIO . PG.destroyPGPool)
-- Migrate the catalog and fetch the metdata.
metadata <-
metadataWithVersion <-
lift $
flip onException (flushLogger loggerCtx) $
@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ initialiseAppEnv env BasicConnectionInfo {..} serveOptions@ServeOptions {..} liv
-- Create the TLSAllowListRef and the HTTP Manager.
let metadata = _mwrvMetadata metadataWithVersion
tlsAllowListRef <- liftIO $ createTLSAllowListRef $ networkTlsAllowlist $ _metaNetwork metadata
httpManager <- liftIO $ mkHttpManager (readTLSAllowList tlsAllowListRef) mempty
@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ initialiseAppEnv env BasicConnectionInfo {..} serveOptions@ServeOptions {..} liv
( AppInit
{ aiTLSAllowListRef = tlsAllowListRef,
aiMetadata = metadata
aiMetadataWithResourceVersion = metadataWithVersion
{ appEnvPort = soPort,
@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ initialiseAppContext env serveOptions@ServeOptions {..} AppInit {..} = do
(mkPgSourceResolver pgLogger)
-- Build the RebuildableAppContext.
@ -546,7 +547,7 @@ migrateCatalogAndFetchMetadata ::
Maybe (SourceConnConfiguration ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ->
MaintenanceMode () ->
ExtensionsSchema ->
m Metadata
m MetadataWithResourceVersion
@ -575,9 +576,9 @@ migrateCatalogAndFetchMetadata
slInfo = A.toJSON err
liftIO (throwErrJExit DatabaseMigrationError err)
Right (migrationResult, metadata) -> do
Right (migrationResult, metadataWithVersion) -> do
unLogger logger migrationResult
pure metadata
pure metadataWithVersion
-- | Build the original 'RebuildableSchemaCache'.
@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ buildFirstSchemaCache ::
ServerConfigCtx ->
SourceResolver ('Postgres 'Vanilla) ->
SourceResolver ('MSSQL) ->
Metadata ->
MetadataWithResourceVersion ->
HTTP.Manager ->
m RebuildableSchemaCache
@ -600,14 +601,14 @@ buildFirstSchemaCache
httpManager = do
let cacheBuildParams = CacheBuildParams httpManager pgSourceResolver mssqlSourceResolver
buildReason = CatalogSync
result <-
runExceptT $
runCacheBuild cacheBuildParams $
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason buildReason logger env metadata serverConfigCtx
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason buildReason logger env metadataWithVersion serverConfigCtx
result `onLeft` \err -> do
-- TODO: we used to bundle the first schema cache build with the catalog
-- migration, using the same error handler for both, meaning that an

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ TODO: Reference to open issue or rfc?
class Monad m => MonadMetadataStorage m where
-- Metadata
fetchMetadataResourceVersion :: m (Either QErr MetadataResourceVersion)
fetchMetadata :: m (Either QErr (Metadata, MetadataResourceVersion))
fetchMetadata :: m (Either QErr MetadataWithResourceVersion)
fetchMetadataNotifications :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> m (Either QErr [(MetadataResourceVersion, CacheInvalidations)])
setMetadata :: MetadataResourceVersion -> Metadata -> m (Either QErr MetadataResourceVersion)
notifySchemaCacheSync :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> CacheInvalidations -> m (Either QErr ())

View File

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ action/function.
buildRebuildableSchemaCache ::
Logger Hasura ->
Env.Environment ->
Metadata ->
MetadataWithResourceVersion ->
ServerConfigCtx ->
CacheBuild RebuildableSchemaCache
buildRebuildableSchemaCache =
@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason ::
BuildReason ->
Logger Hasura ->
Env.Environment ->
Metadata ->
MetadataWithResourceVersion ->
ServerConfigCtx ->
CacheBuild RebuildableSchemaCache
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason reason logger env metadata serverConfigCtx = do
buildRebuildableSchemaCacheWithReason reason logger env metadataWithVersion serverConfigCtx = do
result <-
flip runReaderT reason $ (buildSchemaCacheRule logger env) (metadata, serverConfigCtx, initialInvalidationKeys, Nothing) (buildSchemaCacheRule logger env) (metadataWithVersion, serverConfigCtx, initialInvalidationKeys, Nothing)
pure $ RebuildableSchemaCache (Inc.result result) initialInvalidationKeys (Inc.rebuildRule result)
@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ instance
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions buildReason invalidations metadata = CacheRWT do
serverConfigCtx <- ask
(RebuildableSchemaCache lastBuiltSC invalidationKeys rule, oldInvalidations) <- get
let metadataVersion = scMetadataResourceVersion lastBuiltSC
let metadataWithVersion = MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata $ scMetadataResourceVersion lastBuiltSC
newInvalidationKeys = invalidateKeys invalidations invalidationKeys
result <-
runCacheBuildM $
flip runReaderT buildReason $ rule (metadata, serverConfigCtx, newInvalidationKeys, Nothing)
let schemaCache = (Inc.result result) {scMetadataResourceVersion = metadataVersion} rule (metadataWithVersion, serverConfigCtx, newInvalidationKeys, Nothing)
let schemaCache = Inc.result result
prunedInvalidationKeys = pruneInvalidationKeys schemaCache newInvalidationKeys
!newCache = RebuildableSchemaCache schemaCache prunedInvalidationKeys (Inc.rebuildRule result)
!newInvalidations = oldInvalidations <> invalidations
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ instance
( rebuildableSchemaCache
{ lastBuiltSchemaCache =
(lastBuiltSchemaCache rebuildableSchemaCache)
{ scMetadataResourceVersion = Just resourceVersion
{ scMetadataResourceVersion = resourceVersion
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule ::
) =>
Logger Hasura ->
Env.Environment ->
(Metadata, ServerConfigCtx, InvalidationKeys, Maybe StoredIntrospection) `arr` SchemaCache
buildSchemaCacheRule logger env = proc (metadataNoDefaults, serverConfigCtx, invalidationKeys, storedIntrospection) -> do
(MetadataWithResourceVersion, ServerConfigCtx, InvalidationKeys, Maybe StoredIntrospection) `arr` SchemaCache
buildSchemaCacheRule logger env = proc (MetadataWithResourceVersion metadataNoDefaults resourceVersion, serverConfigCtx, invalidationKeys, storedIntrospection) -> do
invalidationKeysDep <- Inc.newDependency -< invalidationKeys
let metadataDefaults = _sccMetadataDefaults serverConfigCtx
metadata@Metadata {..} = overrideMetadataDefaults metadataNoDefaults metadataDefaults
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheRule logger env = proc (metadataNoDefaults, serverConfigCtx, inv
<> inconsistentQueryCollections,
scApiLimits = _metaApiLimits,
scMetricsConfig = _metaMetricsConfig,
scMetadataResourceVersion = Nothing,
scMetadataResourceVersion = resourceVersion,
scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions = _metaSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions,
scTlsAllowlist = networkTlsAllowlist _metaNetwork,
scQueryCollections = _metaQueryCollections,

View File

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ runCacheBuildM m = do
data RebuildableSchemaCache = RebuildableSchemaCache
{ lastBuiltSchemaCache :: SchemaCache,
_rscInvalidationMap :: InvalidationKeys,
_rscRebuild :: Inc.Rule (ReaderT BuildReason CacheBuild) (Metadata, ServerConfigCtx, InvalidationKeys, Maybe StoredIntrospection) SchemaCache
_rscRebuild :: Inc.Rule (ReaderT BuildReason CacheBuild) (MetadataWithResourceVersion, ServerConfigCtx, InvalidationKeys, Maybe StoredIntrospection) SchemaCache
bindErrorA ::

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
( MetadataResourceVersion (..),
MetadataWithResourceVersion (..),
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build (CacheInvalidations)
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ fetchMetadataFromCatalog = do
[Identity (PG.ViaJSON metadata)] -> pure metadata
_ -> throw500 "multiple rows in hdb_metadata table"
fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog :: PG.TxE QErr (Metadata, MetadataResourceVersion)
fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog :: PG.TxE QErr MetadataWithResourceVersion
fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog = do
rows <-
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog = do
case rows of
uncurry MetadataWithResourceVersion <$> case rows of
[] -> pure (emptyMetadata, initialResourceVersion)
[(PG.ViaJSON metadata, resourceVersion)] -> pure (metadata, MetadataResourceVersion resourceVersion)
_ -> throw500 "multiple rows in hdb_metadata table"

View File

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
MetadataResourceVersion (..),
MetadataWithResourceVersion (..),
@ -177,6 +178,12 @@ initialResourceVersion = MetadataResourceVersion 0
showMetadataResourceVersion :: MetadataResourceVersion -> Text
showMetadataResourceVersion (MetadataResourceVersion version) = tshow version
data MetadataWithResourceVersion = MetadataWithResourceVersion
{ _mwrvMetadata :: Metadata,
_mwrvResourceVersion :: MetadataResourceVersion
deriving (Eq)
mkParentDep ::
forall b.
Backend b =>
@ -553,7 +560,7 @@ data SchemaCache = SchemaCache
scEndpoints :: EndpointTrie GQLQueryWithText,
scApiLimits :: ApiLimit,
scMetricsConfig :: MetricsConfig,
scMetadataResourceVersion :: Maybe MetadataResourceVersion,
scMetadataResourceVersion :: MetadataResourceVersion,
scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions :: SetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions,
scTlsAllowlist :: [TlsAllow],
scQueryCollections :: QueryCollections,

View File

@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ runMetadataQuery ::
runMetadataQuery appContext schemaCache RQLMetadata {..} = do
appEnv@AppEnv {..} <- askAppEnv
let logger = _lsLogger appEnvLoggers
(metadata, currentResourceVersion) <- Tracing.newSpan "fetchMetadata" $ liftEitherM fetchMetadata
MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata currentResourceVersion <- Tracing.newSpan "fetchMetadata" $ liftEitherM fetchMetadata
let exportsMetadata = \case
RMV1 (RMExportMetadata _) -> True
RMV2 (RMV2ExportMetadata _) -> True

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.MetadataAPI
@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ runQuery appContext sc query = do
else acMetadataDefaults appContext
serverConfigCtx = buildServerConfigCtx appEnv appContext
(metadata, currentResourceVersion) <- liftEitherM fetchMetadata
MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata currentResourceVersion <- liftEitherM fetchMetadata
((result, updatedMetadata), updatedCache, invalidations) <-
runQueryM (acEnvironment appContext) query
-- TODO: remove this straight runReaderT that provides no actual new info

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.DML.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Update
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache (MetadataWithResourceVersion (MetadataWithResourceVersion))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ runQuery appContext schemaCache rqlQuery = do
throw400 NotSupported "Cannot run write queries when read-only mode is enabled"
let serverConfigCtx = buildServerConfigCtx appEnv appContext
(metadata, currentResourceVersion) <- Tracing.newSpan "fetchMetadata" $ liftEitherM fetchMetadata
MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata currentResourceVersion <- Tracing.newSpan "fetchMetadata" $ liftEitherM fetchMetadata
((result, updatedMetadata), updatedCache, invalidations) <-
runQueryM (acEnvironment appContext) rqlQuery
-- We can use defaults here unconditionally, since there is no MD export function in V2Query

View File

@ -203,4 +203,4 @@ logInconsistentMetadata logger objs =
updateMetadataVersionGauge :: MonadIO m => Gauge -> RebuildableSchemaCache -> m ()
updateMetadataVersionGauge metadataVersionGauge schemaCache = do
let metadataVersion = scMetadataResourceVersion . lastBuiltSchemaCache $ schemaCache
liftIO $ traverse_ (Gauge.set metadataVersionGauge . getMetadataResourceVersion) metadataVersion
liftIO $ Gauge.set metadataVersionGauge $ getMetadataResourceVersion metadataVersion

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types.CustomTypes
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Network
import Hasura.RQL.Types.OpenTelemetry (emptyOpenTelemetryConfig)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ migrateCatalog ::
ExtensionsSchema ->
MaintenanceMode () ->
UTCTime ->
m (MigrationResult, Metadata)
m (MigrationResult, MetadataWithResourceVersion)
migrateCatalog maybeDefaultSourceConfig extensionsSchema maintenanceMode migrationTime = do
catalogSchemaExists <- doesSchemaExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog")
versionTableExists <- doesTableExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_version")
@ -135,8 +136,8 @@ migrateCatalog maybeDefaultSourceConfig extensionsSchema maintenanceMode migrati
True -> case versionTableExists of
False -> initialize False
True -> migrateFrom =<< liftTx getCatalogVersion
metadata <- liftTx fetchMetadataFromCatalog
pure (migrationResult, metadata)
metadataWithVersion <- liftTx fetchMetadataAndResourceVersionFromCatalog
pure (migrationResult, metadataWithVersion)
-- initializes the catalog, creating the schema if necessary
initialize :: Bool -> m MigrationResult

View File

@ -287,78 +287,65 @@ refreshSchemaCache
(msg, cache, _) <-
runCacheRWT serverConfigCtx rebuildableCache $ do
schemaCache <- askSchemaCache
case scMetadataResourceVersion schemaCache of
-- While starting up, the metadata resource version is set to nothing, so we want to set the version
-- without fetching the database metadata (as we have already fetched it during the startup, so, we
-- skip fetching it twice)
Nothing -> do
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache resourceVersion
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Received metadata resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion resourceVersion,
"as an initial version. Not updating the schema cache."
Just engineResourceVersion ->
unless (engineResourceVersion == resourceVersion) $ do
let engineResourceVersion = scMetadataResourceVersion schemaCache
unless (engineResourceVersion == resourceVersion) $ do
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Received metadata resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion resourceVersion <> ",",
"different from the current engine resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion engineResourceVersion <> ".",
"Trying to update the schema cache."
MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata latestResourceVersion <- liftEitherM fetchMetadata
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Fetched metadata with resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion
notifications <- liftEitherM $ fetchMetadataNotifications engineResourceVersion appEnvInstanceId
case notifications of
[] -> do
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Received metadata resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion resourceVersion <> ",",
"different from the current engine resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion engineResourceVersion <> ".",
"Trying to update the schema cache."
[ "Fetched metadata notifications and received no notifications. Not updating the schema cache.",
"Only setting resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion,
"in schema cache"
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache latestResourceVersion
_ -> do
logInfo logger threadType $
String "Fetched metadata notifications and received some notifications. Updating the schema cache."
let cacheInvalidations =
if any ((== (engineResourceVersion + 1)) . fst) notifications
then -- If (engineResourceVersion + 1) is in the list of notifications then
-- we know that we haven't missed any.
mconcat $ snd <$> notifications
else -- Otherwise we may have missed some notifications so we need to invalidate the
-- whole cache.
(metadata, latestResourceVersion) <- liftEitherM fetchMetadata
{ ciMetadata = True,
ciRemoteSchemas = HS.fromList $ getAllRemoteSchemas schemaCache,
ciSources = HS.fromList $ HM.keys $ scSources schemaCache,
ciDataConnectors =
maybe mempty (HS.fromList . HM.keys . unBackendInfoWrapper) $
BackendMap.lookup @'DataConnector $
scBackendCache schemaCache
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions CatalogSync cacheInvalidations metadata
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache latestResourceVersion
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Fetched metadata with resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion
notifications <- liftEitherM $ fetchMetadataNotifications engineResourceVersion appEnvInstanceId
case notifications of
[] -> do
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
[ "Fetched metadata notifications and received no notifications. Not updating the schema cache.",
"Only setting resource version:",
showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion,
"in schema cache"
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache latestResourceVersion
_ -> do
logInfo logger threadType $
String "Fetched metadata notifications and received some notifications. Updating the schema cache."
let cacheInvalidations =
if any ((== (engineResourceVersion + 1)) . fst) notifications
then -- If (engineResourceVersion + 1) is in the list of notifications then
-- we know that we haven't missed any.
mconcat $ snd <$> notifications
else -- Otherwise we may have missed some notifications so we need to invalidate the
-- whole cache.
{ ciMetadata = True,
ciRemoteSchemas = HS.fromList $ getAllRemoteSchemas schemaCache,
ciSources = HS.fromList $ HM.keys $ scSources schemaCache,
ciDataConnectors =
maybe mempty (HS.fromList . HM.keys . unBackendInfoWrapper) $
BackendMap.lookup @'DataConnector $
scBackendCache schemaCache
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions CatalogSync cacheInvalidations metadata
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache latestResourceVersion
logInfo logger threadType $
String $
"Schema cache updated with resource version: " <> showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion
"Schema cache updated with resource version: " <> showMetadataResourceVersion latestResourceVersion
pure (msg, cache)
onLeft respErr (logError logger threadType . TEQueryError)

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata (emptyMetadataDefaults)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResizePool
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Init.FeatureFlag as FF
@ -140,12 +141,12 @@ main = do
-- why are we building the schema cache here? it's already built in initialiseContext
(metadata, schemaCache) <- run do
metadata <-
metadataWithVersion <-
<$> (liftEitherM . runExceptT . _pecRunTx pgContext (PGExecCtxInfo (Tx PG.ReadWrite Nothing) InternalRawQuery))
(migrateCatalog (Just sourceConfig) defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema maintenanceMode =<< liftIO getCurrentTime)
schemaCache <- runCacheBuild cacheBuildParams $ buildRebuildableSchemaCache logger envMap metadata serverConfigCtx
pure (metadata, schemaCache)
schemaCache <- runCacheBuild cacheBuildParams $ buildRebuildableSchemaCache logger envMap metadataWithVersion serverConfigCtx
pure (_mwrvMetadata metadataWithVersion, schemaCache)
cacheRef <- newMVar schemaCache
pure $ NT (run . flip MigrateSuite.runCacheRefT (serverConfigCtx, cacheRef) . fmap fst . runMetadataT metadata emptyMetadataDefaults)

View File

@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ suite srcConfig pgExecCtx pgConnInfo = do
migrateCatalogAndBuildCache env time = do
serverConfigCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
(migrationResult, metadata) <- runTx' pgExecCtx $ migrateCatalog (Just srcConfig) (ExtensionsSchema "public") MaintenanceModeDisabled time
(,migrationResult) <$> runCacheBuildM (buildRebuildableSchemaCache logger env metadata serverConfigCtx)
(migrationResult, metadataWithVersion) <- runTx' pgExecCtx $ migrateCatalog (Just srcConfig) (ExtensionsSchema "public") MaintenanceModeDisabled time
(,migrationResult) <$> runCacheBuildM (buildRebuildableSchemaCache logger env metadataWithVersion serverConfigCtx)
dropAndInit env time = lift do
scVar <- asks snd