[gardening] remove ToJSON constraint in spockAction (fix #1581)

### Description

The spock handler requires the request type to have a `ToJSON` instance AND a `FromJSON` instance. That's because we parse it from the received bytestring into its proper type.... and call `toJSON` on it to log it. This PR simplifies this, by keeping the intermediate `Value` obtained during parsing, and using it for logging. This has two consequences:

1. it removes the `ToJSON` constraint, which will remove some code down the line (esp. in Metadata)
2. it means we log the actual JSON object query we received, not the result of parsing it, meaning the logged object will contain fields that would have been ignored when parsing the actual value; this is both an upside (more accurate log) and a downside (could be more verbose / more confusing)

### Further work

Should this PR also remove all obsolete ToJSON instances while at it?
How do we test this?


GitOrigin-RevId: ae099eea9a671eabadcdf507f993a5ad9433be87
This commit is contained in:
Antoine Leblanc 2021-07-05 19:47:09 +01:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 2c2ce3972e
commit c64f66774b

View File

@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ isDeveloperAPIEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isDeveloperAPIEnabled sc = S.member DEVELOPER $ scEnabledAPIs sc
-- {-# SCC parseBody #-}
parseBody :: (FromJSON a, MonadError QErr m) => BL.ByteString -> m a
parseBody :: (FromJSON a, MonadError QErr m) => BL.ByteString -> m (Value, a)
parseBody reqBody =
case eitherDecode' reqBody of
Left e -> throw400 InvalidJSON (T.pack e)
Right jVal -> decodeValue jVal
Right jVal -> (jVal, ) <$> decodeValue jVal
onlyAdmin :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader HandlerCtx m) => m ()
onlyAdmin = do
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ instance HasResourceLimits m => HasResourceLimits (ExceptT e m)
instance HasResourceLimits m => HasResourceLimits (Tracing.TraceT m)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, FromJSON a, ToJSON a, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m), HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m, HasResourceLimits m)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, FromJSON a, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m), HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m, HasResourceLimits m)
=> ServerCtx
-> (Bool -> QErr -> Value)
-- ^ `QErr` JSON encoder function
@ -310,116 +310,108 @@ mkSpockAction
-- ^ `QErr` modifier
-> APIHandler (Tracing.TraceT m) a
-> Spock.ActionT m ()
mkSpockAction serverCtx qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = do
req <- Spock.request
-- Bytes are actually read from the socket here. Time this.
(ioWaitTime, reqBody) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
let origHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders req
authMode = scAuthMode serverCtx
manager = scManager serverCtx
ipAddress = Wai.getSourceFromFallback req
pathInfo = Wai.rawPathInfo req
mkSpockAction serverCtx@ServerCtx{..} qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = do
req <- Spock.request
let origHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders req
ipAddress = Wai.getSourceFromFallback req
pathInfo = Wai.rawPathInfo req
(requestId, headers) <- getRequestId origHeaders
-- Bytes are actually read from the socket here. Time this.
(ioWaitTime, reqBody) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
tracingCtx <- liftIO $ Tracing.extractHttpContext headers
(requestId, headers) <- getRequestId origHeaders
tracingCtx <- liftIO $ Tracing.extractHttpContext headers
limits <- lift askResourceLimits
let runTraceT
:: forall m a
. (MonadIO m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> Tracing.TraceT m a
-> m a
runTraceT = maybe
(fromString (B8.unpack pathInfo))
let runTraceT
:: forall m a
. (MonadIO m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> Tracing.TraceT m a
-> m a
runTraceT = maybe
(fromString (B8.unpack pathInfo))
mapActionT runTraceT $ do
-- Add the request ID to the tracing metadata so that we
-- can correlate requests and traces
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("request_id", unRequestId requestId)]
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> HandlerCtx
-> ReaderT HandlerCtx (MetadataStorageT m) a
-> m (Either QErr a)
runHandler st = runMetadataStorageT . flip runReaderT st . runResourceLimits limits
let getInfo parsedRequest = do
userInfoE <- fmap fst <$> lift (resolveUserInfo logger manager headers authMode parsedRequest)
userInfo <- onLeft userInfoE (logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders . qErrModifier)
let handlerState = HandlerCtx serverCtx userInfo headers requestId ipAddress
includeInternal = shouldIncludeInternal (_uiRole userInfo) $
scResponseInternalErrorsConfig serverCtx
pure (userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal)
limits <- lift askResourceLimits
let runHandler
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> HandlerCtx
-> ReaderT HandlerCtx (MetadataStorageT m) a
-> m (Either QErr a)
runHandler st = runMetadataStorageT . flip runReaderT st . runResourceLimits limits
getInfo parsedRequest = do
userInfoE <- fmap fst <$> lift (resolveUserInfo scLogger scManager headers scAuthMode parsedRequest)
userInfo <- onLeft userInfoE (logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders . qErrModifier)
pure ( userInfo
, HandlerCtx serverCtx userInfo headers requestId ipAddress
, shouldIncludeInternal (_uiRole userInfo) scResponseInternalErrorsConfig
(serviceTime, (result, userInfo, includeInternal, query)) <- withElapsedTime $ case apiHandler of
-- in the case of a simple get/post we don't have to send the webhook anything
AHGet handler -> do
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo Nothing
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState handler
return (res, userInfo, includeInternal, Nothing)
AHPost handler -> do
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo Nothing
parsedReqE <- runExceptT $ parseBody reqBody
parsedReq <- onLeft parsedReqE (logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) includeInternal origHeaders . qErrModifier)
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState $ handler parsedReq
return (res, userInfo, includeInternal, Just parsedReq)
-- in this case we parse the request _first_ and then send the request to the webhook for auth
AHGraphQLRequest handler -> do
parsedReqE <- runExceptT $ parseBody reqBody
parsedReq <- onLeft parsedReqE (logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders . qErrModifier)
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo (Just parsedReq)
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState $ handler parsedReq
return (res, userInfo, includeInternal, Just parsedReq)
mapActionT runTraceT $ do
-- Add the request ID to the tracing metadata so that we
-- can correlate requests and traces
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("request_id", unRequestId requestId)]
-- apply the error modifier
let modResult = fmapL qErrModifier result
(serviceTime, (result, userInfo, includeInternal, queryJSON)) <- withElapsedTime $ case apiHandler of
-- in the case of a simple get/post we don't have to send the webhook anything
AHGet handler -> do
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo Nothing
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState handler
pure (res , userInfo, includeInternal, Nothing)
AHPost handler -> do
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo Nothing
(queryJSON, parsedReq) <- runExcept (parseBody reqBody) `onLeft` \e ->
logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) includeInternal origHeaders $ qErrModifier e
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState $ handler parsedReq
pure (res, userInfo, includeInternal, Just queryJSON)
-- in this case we parse the request _first_ and then send the request to the webhook for auth
AHGraphQLRequest handler -> do
(queryJSON, parsedReq) <- runExcept (parseBody reqBody) `onLeft` \e ->
logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders $ qErrModifier e
(userInfo, handlerState, includeInternal) <- getInfo (Just parsedReq)
res <- lift $ runHandler handlerState $ handler parsedReq
pure (res, userInfo, includeInternal, Just queryJSON)
-- log and return result
case modResult of
Left err -> logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, toJSON <$> query) includeInternal headers err
Right (httpLoggingMetadata, res) ->
logSuccessAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, toJSON <$> query) res (Just (ioWaitTime, serviceTime)) origHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
-- apply the error modifier
let modResult = fmapL qErrModifier result
logger = scLogger serverCtx
-- log and return result
case modResult of
Left err ->
logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, queryJSON) includeInternal headers err
Right (httpLoggingMetadata, res) ->
logSuccessAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, queryJSON) res (Just (ioWaitTime, serviceTime)) origHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
:: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m)
=> Maybe UserInfo
-> RequestId
-> Wai.Request
-> (BL.ByteString, Maybe Value)
-> Bool
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> QErr
-> Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m a
logErrorAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req includeInternal headers qErr = do
lift $ logHttpError logger userInfo reqId waiReq req qErr headers
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.json $ qErrEncoder includeInternal qErr
:: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m)
=> Maybe UserInfo
-> RequestId
-> Wai.Request
-> (BL.ByteString, Maybe Value)
-> Bool
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> QErr
-> Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m a
logErrorAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req includeInternal headers qErr = do
lift $ logHttpError scLogger userInfo reqId waiReq req qErr headers
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.json $ qErrEncoder includeInternal qErr
logSuccessAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody result qTime reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata =
case result of
JSONResp (HttpResponse encJson h) ->
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody qTime (encJToLBS encJson)
(pure jsonHeader <> h) reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
RawResp (HttpResponse rawBytes h) ->
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody qTime rawBytes h reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
logSuccessAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req result qTime reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata = do
let (respBytes, respHeaders) = case result of
JSONResp (HttpResponse encJson h) -> (encJToLBS encJson, pure jsonHeader <> h)
RawResp (HttpResponse rawBytes h) -> (rawBytes, h)
(compressedResp, mEncodingHeader, mCompressionType) = compressResponse (Wai.requestHeaders waiReq) respBytes
encodingHeader = onNothing mEncodingHeader []
reqIdHeader = (requestIdHeader, txtToBs $ unRequestId reqId)
allRespHeaders = pure reqIdHeader <> encodingHeader <> respHeaders
lift $ logHttpSuccess scLogger userInfo reqId waiReq req respBytes compressedResp qTime mCompressionType reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
mapM_ setHeader allRespHeaders
Spock.lazyBytes compressedResp
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq req qTime respBytes respHeaders reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata = do
let (compressedResp, mEncodingHeader, mCompressionType) =
compressResponse (Wai.requestHeaders waiReq) respBytes
encodingHeader = onNothing mEncodingHeader []
reqIdHeader = (requestIdHeader, txtToBs $ unRequestId reqId)
allRespHeaders = pure reqIdHeader <> encodingHeader <> respHeaders
lift $ logHttpSuccess logger userInfo reqId waiReq
req respBytes compressedResp qTime mCompressionType reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
traverse_ setHeader allRespHeaders
Spock.lazyBytes compressedResp
:: ( HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m, Tracing.MonadTrace m
@ -1066,8 +1058,7 @@ httpApp setupHook corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemet
:: forall a n
. (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, MonadIO n, MonadBaseControl IO n, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT n), HttpLog n,
Tracing.HasReporter n, HasResourceLimits n)
. (FromJSON a, MonadIO n, MonadBaseControl IO n, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT n), HttpLog n, Tracing.HasReporter n, HasResourceLimits n)
=> (Bool -> QErr -> Value)
-> (QErr -> QErr) -> APIHandler (Tracing.TraceT n) a -> Spock.ActionT n ()
spockAction = mkSpockAction serverCtx