server/upgrade-tests: Avoid Docker host networking.

Instead, we update the metadata to point to the correct database URL each time we start HGE.

This means we can run the tests on macOS (and any other environment where Docker runs inside a VM).

I was hoping this would solve the issues we're seeing on CI too, but no such luck.

GitOrigin-RevId: 32cbf65430462b4b0e59f5d644260f7c26c7135c
This commit is contained in:
Samir Talwar 2023-06-14 00:28:44 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 86b602edb5
commit e16e70760a
5 changed files with 113 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
-- | Helper functions for HTTP requests.
module Harness.Http
( get_,
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
import GHC.Stack
import Hasura.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit qualified as Http.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as Http
@ -59,9 +62,11 @@ postValue = postValueWithStatus 200
post :: String -> Http.RequestHeaders -> Value -> IO (Http.Response L8.ByteString)
post url headers value = do
let request =
Http.setRequestHeaders headers
$ Http.setRequestMethod Http.methodPost
$ Http.setRequestBodyJSON value (fromString url)
fromString url
& Http.setRequestHeaders headers
& Http.setRequestMethod Http.methodPost
& Http.setRequestBodyJSON value
& Http.setRequestResponseTimeout (Http.Conduit.responseTimeoutMicro 60_000_000)
response <- Http.httpLbs request
unless ("Content-Type" `elem` (fst <$> Http.getResponseHeaders response)) $ error "Missing Content-Type header in response"
pure response

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- | Starts a database in a Docker container.
module Hasura.UpgradeTests.Database
( Database,
DatabaseSchema (..),
DatabaseSchema (databaseSchemaUrlForContainer, databaseSchemaUrlForHost),
@ -22,25 +22,34 @@ type Url = String
type Sql = Text
-- | Represents a running database.
newtype Database = Database Url
deriving newtype (Show)
data Database = Database
{ -- | The connection URL for the database, inside the Docker network.
databaseUrlForContainer :: Url,
-- | The connection URL for the database, from the host network.
databaseUrlForHost :: Url
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Represents an initialized schema on a running database.
newtype DatabaseSchema = DatabaseSchema
{ -- | The connection URL for the schema.
databaseSchemaUrl :: Url
data DatabaseSchema = DatabaseSchema
{ -- | The connection URL for the schema, inside the Docker network.
databaseSchemaUrlForContainer :: Url,
-- | The connection URL for the schema, from the host network.
databaseSchemaUrlForHost :: Url
deriving newtype (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | This starts a database in a test Docker container.
-- The database will be cleaned up when leaving the 'TC.TestContainer' monad.
dbContainer :: TC.TestContainer Database
dbContainer = do
dbContainer :: TC.Network -> TC.TestContainer Database
dbContainer network = do
container <-
$ TC.containerRequest (TC.fromTag ("postgis/postgis:15-3.3-alpine"))
& TC.setSuffixedName "hge-test-upgrade-db"
& TC.withNetwork network
& TC.withNetworkAlias "db"
& TC.setCmd ["-F"]
& TC.setEnv [("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "password")]
& TC.setExpose [5432]
@ -49,16 +58,24 @@ dbContainer = do
-- shuts it down, then starts it again, so waiting for the port is not enough.
liftIO $ sleep 5
-- We provide a URL that can be used from the host.
pure . Database $ "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:" <> show (TC.containerPort container 5432)
$ Database
{ databaseUrlForContainer = "postgresql://postgres:password@db",
databaseUrlForHost = "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:" <> show (TC.containerPort container 5432)
-- | This creates a new, randomly-named schema on the given database.
-- It is assumed that the schema will be cleaned up when the database is.
newSchema :: Database -> IO DatabaseSchema
newSchema (Database url) = do
newSchema database = do
schemaName <- replicateM 16 $ randomRIO ('a', 'z')
runSql url $ "CREATE DATABASE \"" <> Text.pack schemaName <> "\""
pure . DatabaseSchema $ url <> "/" <> schemaName
runSql (databaseUrlForHost database) $ "CREATE DATABASE \"" <> Text.pack schemaName <> "\""
$ DatabaseSchema
{ databaseSchemaUrlForContainer = databaseUrlForContainer database <> "/" <> schemaName,
databaseSchemaUrlForHost = databaseUrlForHost database <> "/" <> schemaName
-- | Run arbitrary SQL on a given connection URL.

View File

@ -10,10 +10,16 @@ where
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap ((!?))
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as J
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector
import Harness.Constants qualified as Constants
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Hasura.Base.Error (runAesonParser, showQErr)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Init (ServeOptions (..), unsafePort)
import Hasura.UpgradeTests.Database
@ -21,7 +27,6 @@ import Network.Socket qualified as Socket
import TestContainers qualified as TC
import TestContainers.Config qualified as TC
import TestContainers.Monad qualified as TC
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
type Url = String
@ -41,64 +46,94 @@ serverMetadataUrl (Server url) = url <> "/v1/metadata"
serverQueryUrl :: Server -> Url
serverQueryUrl (Server url) = url <> "/v2/query"
-- | Starts HGE with the given version number, and runs an action.
-- | Uses Docker to start HGE with the given version number, and runs an action.
-- It uses the images from Docker Hub, so the version must be released. "latest"
-- corresponds to the latest released version.
-- The database will be used as both the metadata and source database.
-- The server is run using host networking (and therefore expects a database URL
-- that is host-facing), because 'withCurrentHge' is run as a process directly
-- on the host. These two processes are expected to share a metadata database,
-- and therefore must agree on the source database connection URL.
withBaseHge :: TC.ImageTag -> DatabaseSchema -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
withBaseHge version (DatabaseSchema schemaUrl) f =
withBaseHge :: TC.Network -> TC.ImageTag -> DatabaseSchema -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
withBaseHge network version databaseSchema f = do
let databaseSchemaUrl = databaseSchemaUrlForContainer databaseSchema
TC.runTestContainer TC.defaultConfig do
port <- liftIO getFreePort
_container <-
container <-
$ TC.containerRequest (TC.fromTag ("hasura/graphql-engine:" <> version))
& TC.setSuffixedName "hge-test-upgrade-base-server"
& TC.setCmd
[ "graphql-engine",
Text.pack schemaUrl,
tshow port
Text.pack databaseSchemaUrl,
& TC.withNetwork hostNetwork
let url = "http://localhost:" <> show port
& TC.withNetwork network
& TC.setExpose [8080]
let url = "http://localhost:" <> show (TC.containerPort container 8080)
liftIO do
Http.healthCheck $ url <> "/healthz"
configureServer url databaseSchemaUrl
f $ Server url
-- | Starts HGE from code, and runs an action.
-- | Starts HGE in a new thread, and runs an action.
-- This uses HGE as a library, so the version of HGE is the one that this is
-- compiled against.
-- The database will be used as the metadata database. Because this is designed
-- to be run after 'withBaseHge', it is expected that the metadata is already
-- configured with a source and some tracked relations.
withCurrentHge :: DatabaseSchema -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
withCurrentHge (DatabaseSchema schemaUrl) f = do
withCurrentHge databaseSchema f = do
port <- getFreePort
let databaseSchemaUrl = databaseSchemaUrlForHost databaseSchema
let serverApp =
Constants.serveOptions {soPort = unsafePort port}
Async.withAsync serverApp \_ -> do
let url = "http://localhost:" <> show port
Http.healthCheck $ url <> "/healthz"
configureServer url databaseSchemaUrl
f $ Server url
-- | This represents the "host" Docker network.
hostNetwork :: TC.Network
-- Unfortunately, the 'TC.Network' constructor is not exposed, and so we need
-- to cheat to get one. It's a newtype, so it's not too hard.
-- | Sets the default source's database URL to the given value.
-- A better solution would be to patch the upstream library to expose a
-- 'hostNetwork' function.
hostNetwork = unsafeCoerce ("host" :: Text)
-- This leaves the rest of the metadata intact.
-- This code is incredibly unpleasant. Perhaps it could be improved with Aeson lenses or Autodocodec.
configureServer :: String -> String -> IO ()
configureServer serverUrl databaseSchemaUrl = do
metadata <- Http.postValue (serverUrl <> "/v1/metadata") mempty $ J.object [("type", "export_metadata"), ("args", J.object mempty)]
newMetadata <-
either (fail . Text.unpack . showQErr) pure
. runExcept
$ runAesonParser modifyMetadata metadata
void $ Http.postValue (serverUrl <> "/v1/metadata") mempty $ J.object [("type", "replace_metadata"), ("args", J.toJSON newMetadata)]
modifyMetadata :: J.Value -> J.Parser J.Value
modifyMetadata metadata = flip (J.withObject "metadata") metadata \metadataObject -> do
let sources = fromMaybe (J.Array mempty) (metadataObject !? "sources")
-- updating this is unpleasant because it's an array, keyed by a property, not an object
newSources <- flip (J.withArray "sources") sources \sourcesArray ->
case Vector.findIndex (\case J.Object source -> source !? "name" == Just "default"; _ -> False) sourcesArray of
-- if there is a source, update it
Just index -> (\newSource -> J.Array $ sourcesArray Vector.// [(index, newSource)]) <$> modifySource (sourcesArray Vector.! index)
-- if not, add a new one
Nothing -> pure . J.Array $ Vector.snoc sourcesArray defaultSourceValue
pure . J.Object $ KeyMap.insert "sources" newSources metadataObject
modifySource :: J.Value -> J.Parser J.Value
modifySource source = flip (J.withObject "source") source \sourceObject ->
pure . J.Object $ KeyMap.insert "configuration" configurationValue sourceObject
configurationValue = J.object [("connection_info", J.object [("database_url", J.String (Text.pack databaseSchemaUrl))])]
defaultSourceValue =
[ ("name", "default"),
("kind", "postgres"),
("configuration", configurationValue),
("tables", J.Array mempty)
-- | Looks for a free port and returns it.

View File

@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ main = do
withArgs (optionsHspecArgs options)
. hspec
-- we just run a single database container for all tests
. aroundAll (TC.withContainers dbContainer)
. aroundAll
( TC.withContainers do
network <- TC.createNetwork TC.networkRequest
database <- dbContainer network
pure (network, database)
$ spec options
-- | The various tests.
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ main = do
-- This takes a little while, but doesn't require running hordes of queries or
-- actually loading data, so should be quite reliable.
spec :: Options -> SpecWith Database
spec :: Options -> SpecWith (TC.Network, Database)
spec options = describe "upgrading HGE" do
let repositoryRoot = optionsRepositoryRoot options
datasets =
@ -73,10 +78,10 @@ spec options = describe "upgrading HGE" do
mkDataset repositoryRoot "huge_schema" 8000
it "works with an empty schema" \database -> do
it "works with an empty schema" \(network, database) -> do
databaseSchema <- newSchema database
baseSchema <- withBaseHge baseVersion databaseSchema \server -> do
baseSchema <- withBaseHge network baseVersion databaseSchema \server -> do
Http.postValue (serverGraphqlUrl server) mempty introspectionQuery
baseSchemaTypeLength <- typeLength baseSchema
@ -88,14 +93,14 @@ spec options = describe "upgrading HGE" do
currentSchema `shouldBeYaml` baseSchema
forM_ datasets \dataset -> do
it ("works with the " <> show (datasetName dataset) <> " dataset") \database -> do
it ("works with the " <> show (datasetName dataset) <> " dataset") \(network, database) -> do
migrationSql <- datasetMigrationSql dataset
replaceMetadataCommand <- datasetReplaceMetadataCommand dataset
databaseSchema <- newSchema database
runSql (databaseSchemaUrl databaseSchema) migrationSql
runSql (databaseSchemaUrlForHost databaseSchema) migrationSql
baseSchema <- withBaseHge baseVersion databaseSchema \server -> do
baseSchema <- withBaseHge network baseVersion databaseSchema \server -> do
void $ Http.postValue (serverMetadataUrl server) mempty replaceMetadataCommand
Http.postValue (serverGraphqlUrl server) mempty introspectionQuery

View File

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ test-suite upgrade-tests
, async
, bytestring
, file-embed
, hasura-base
, hasura-prelude
, hspec
, network