mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 17:31:56 +03:00
Properly check that custom field names do not conflict with other fields
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Data.Aeson
@ -32,8 +33,7 @@ addNonColumnFields
, [CatalogRelation]
, [CatalogComputedField]
) `arr` FieldInfoMap FieldInfo
addNonColumnFields =
proc (rawTableInfo, columns, relationships, computedFields) -> do
addNonColumnFields = proc (rawTableInfo, columns, relationships, computedFields) -> do
let foreignKeys = _tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo
relationshipInfos <-
(| Inc.keyed (\_ relationshipsByName -> do
@ -59,12 +59,18 @@ addNonColumnFields =
let mapKey f = M.fromList . map (first f) . M.toList
relationshipFields = mapKey fromRel $ M.catMaybes relationshipInfos
computedFieldFields = mapKey fromComputedField $ M.catMaybes computedFieldInfos
nonColumnFields <-
(| Inc.keyed (\fieldName fields -> noFieldConflicts -< (fieldName, fields))
|) (align relationshipFields computedFieldFields)
(| Inc.keyed (\_ fields -> noColumnConflicts -< fields)
|) (align columns (M.catMaybes nonColumnFields))
-- First, check for conflicts between non-column fields, since we can raise a better error
-- message in terms of the two metadata objects that define them.
(align relationshipFields computedFieldFields >- returnA)
>-> (| Inc.keyed (\fieldName fields -> (fieldName, fields) >- noFieldConflicts) |)
-- Next, check for conflicts with custom field names. This is easiest to do before merging with
-- the column info itself because we have access to the information separately, and custom field
-- names are not currently stored as a separate map (but maybe should be!).
>-> (\fields -> (columns, M.catMaybes fields) >- noCustomFieldConflicts)
-- Finally, check for conflicts with the columns themselves.
>-> (\fields -> align columns (M.catMaybes fields) >- returnA)
>-> (| Inc.keyed (\_ fields -> fields >- noColumnConflicts) |)
noFieldConflicts = proc (fieldName, fields) -> case fields of
This (relationship, metadata) -> returnA -< Just (FIRelationship relationship, metadata)
@ -75,6 +81,24 @@ addNonColumnFields =
[relationshipMetadata, computedFieldMetadata]
returnA -< Nothing
noCustomFieldConflicts = proc (columns, nonColumnFields) -> do
let columnsByGQLName = mapFromL pgiName $ M.elems columns
(| Inc.keyed (\_ (fieldInfo, metadata) ->
(| withRecordInconsistency (do
(| traverseA_ (\fieldGQLName -> case M.lookup fieldGQLName columnsByGQLName of
-- Only raise an error if the GQL name isn’t the same as the Postgres column name.
-- If they are the same, `noColumnConflicts` will catch it, and it will produce a
-- more useful error message.
Just columnInfo | getPGColTxt (pgiColumn columnInfo) /= G.unName fieldGQLName ->
throwA -< err400 AlreadyExists
$ "field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column "
<>> pgiColumn columnInfo
_ -> returnA -< ())
|) (fieldInfoGraphQLNames fieldInfo)
returnA -< (fieldInfo, metadata))
|) metadata)
|) nonColumnFields
noColumnConflicts = proc fields -> case fields of
This columnInfo -> returnA -< FIColumn columnInfo
That (fieldInfo, _) -> returnA -< fieldInfo
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Enum
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -327,15 +328,11 @@ buildTableCache = Inc.cache proc catalogTables -> do
let columns = _ctiColumns catalogInfo
columnMap = mapFromL (fromPGCol . prciName) columns
primaryKey = _ctiPrimaryKey catalogInfo
rawPrimaryKey <- liftEitherA -< traverse (resolvePrimaryKeyColumns columnMap) primaryKey
enumValues <- if isEnum
then bindErrorA -< Just <$> fetchAndValidateEnumValues name rawPrimaryKey columns
else returnA -< Nothing
-- validate tableConfig
-- withPathK "configuration" $ validateTableConfig info config
returnA -< TableCoreInfo
{ _tciName = name
, _tciSystemDefined = systemDefined
@ -349,22 +346,6 @@ buildTableCache = Inc.cache proc catalogTables -> do
, _tciDescription = _ctiDescription catalogInfo
-- validateTableConfig :: TableCoreInfo a -> TableConfig -> m ()
-- validateTableConfig tableInfo (TableConfig rootFlds colFlds) = do
-- withPathK "custom_root_fields" $ do
-- sc <- askSchemaCache
-- let defRemoteGCtx = scDefaultRemoteGCtx sc
-- validateCustomRootFlds defRemoteGCtx rootFlds
-- withPathK "custom_column_names" $
-- forM_ (M.toList colFlds) $ \(col, customName) -> do
-- void $ askPGColInfo (_tciFieldInfoMap tableInfo) col ""
-- withPathK (getPGColTxt col) $
-- _checkForFieldConflict tableInfo $ FieldName $ G.unName customName
-- when (not $ null duplicateNames) $ throw400 NotSupported $
-- "the following names are duplicated: " <> showNames duplicateNames
-- where
-- duplicateNames = duplicates $ M.elems colFlds
-- Step 2: Process the raw table cache to replace Postgres column types with logical column
-- types.
@ -373,14 +354,14 @@ buildTableCache = Inc.cache proc catalogTables -> do
, TableCoreInfoG PGRawColumnInfo PGCol
) TableRawInfo
processTableInfo = proc (enumTables, rawInfo) -> liftEitherA -< do
let tableName = _tciName rawInfo
let columns = _tciFieldInfoMap rawInfo
enumReferences = resolveEnumReferences enumTables (_tciForeignKeys rawInfo)
customFields = _tcCustomColumnNames $ _tciCustomConfig rawInfo
columnInfoMap <-
alignCustomColumnNames columns (_tcCustomColumnNames $ _tciCustomConfig rawInfo)
>>= traverse (processColumnInfo enumReferences (_tciName rawInfo))
assertNoDuplicateFieldNames (M.elems columnInfoMap)
columnInfoMap <- _tciFieldInfoMap rawInfo
& traverse (processColumnInfo enumReferences customFields tableName)
primaryKey <- traverse (resolvePrimaryKeyColumns columnInfoMap) (_tciPrimaryKey rawInfo)
pure rawInfo
{ _tciFieldInfoMap = columnInfoMap
, _tciPrimaryKey = primaryKey
@ -392,27 +373,38 @@ buildTableCache = Inc.cache proc catalogTables -> do
M.lookup (fromPGCol columnName) columnMap
`onNothing` throw500 "column in primary key not in table!"
:: (QErrM n)
=> FieldInfoMap PGRawColumnInfo
-> CustomColumnNames
-> n (FieldInfoMap (PGRawColumnInfo, G.Name))
alignCustomColumnNames columns customNames = do
let customNamesByFieldName = M.fromList $ map (first fromPGCol) $ M.toList customNames
flip M.traverseWithKey (align columns customNamesByFieldName) \columnName -> \case
This column -> pure (column, G.Name $ getFieldNameTxt columnName)
These column customName -> pure (column, customName)
That customName -> throw400 NotExists $ "the custom field name " <> customName
<<> " was given for the column " <> columnName <<> ", but no such column exists"
-- | “Processes” a 'PGRawColumnInfo' into a 'PGColumnInfo' by resolving its type using a map of
-- known enum tables.
:: (QErrM n)
=> M.HashMap PGCol (NonEmpty EnumReference)
-> CustomColumnNames -- ^ customised graphql names
-> QualifiedTable -- ^ the table this column belongs to
-> PGRawColumnInfo -- ^ the column’s raw information
-> (PGRawColumnInfo, G.Name)
-> n PGColumnInfo
processColumnInfo tableEnumReferences customFields tableName rawInfo = do
processColumnInfo tableEnumReferences tableName (rawInfo, name) = do
resolvedType <- resolveColumnType
pure PGColumnInfo
{ pgiColumn = pgCol
, pgiName = graphqlName
, pgiName = name
, pgiType = resolvedType
, pgiIsNullable = prciIsNullable rawInfo
, pgiDescription = prciDescription rawInfo
pgCol = prciName rawInfo
graphqlName = fromMaybe (G.Name $ getPGColTxt pgCol) $ M.lookup pgCol customFields
resolveColumnType =
case M.lookup pgCol tableEnumReferences of
-- no references? not an enum
@ -424,3 +416,11 @@ buildTableCache = Inc.cache proc catalogTables -> do
$ "column " <> prciName rawInfo <<> " in table " <> tableName
<<> " references multiple enum tables ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map (dquote . erTable) $ toList enumReferences) <> ")"
assertNoDuplicateFieldNames columns =
flip M.traverseWithKey (M.groupOn pgiName columns) \name columnsWithName ->
case columnsWithName of
one:two:more -> throw400 AlreadyExists $ "the definitions of columns "
<> englishList (dquoteTxt . pgiColumn <$> (one:|two:more))
<> " are in conflict: they are mapped to the same field name, " <>> name
_ -> pure ()
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
, _FIRelationship
, _FIComputedField
, fieldInfoName
, possibleNonColumnGraphQLFields
, fieldInfoGraphQLNames
, getCols
, getRels
, getComputedFieldInfos
@ -172,22 +172,22 @@ type FieldInfoMap = M.HashMap FieldName
fieldInfoName :: FieldInfo -> FieldName
fieldInfoName = \case
-- TODO: should this be pgiName?
FIColumn info -> fromPGCol $ pgiColumn info
FIRelationship info -> fromRel $ riName info
FIComputedField info -> fromComputedField $ _cfiName info
possibleNonColumnGraphQLFields :: FieldInfoMap FieldInfo -> [G.Name]
possibleNonColumnGraphQLFields fields =
flip concatMap (M.toList fields) $ \case
(_, FIColumn _) -> []
(_, FIRelationship relInfo) ->
let relationshipName = G.Name $ relNameToTxt $ riName relInfo
in case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> [relationshipName]
ArrRel -> [relationshipName, relationshipName <> "_aggregate"]
(_, FIComputedField info) ->
pure $ G.Name $ computedFieldNameToText $ _cfiName info
-- | Returns all the field names created for the given field. Columns, object relationships, and
-- computed fields only ever produce a single field, but array relationships also contain an
-- @_aggregate@ field.
fieldInfoGraphQLNames :: FieldInfo -> [G.Name]
fieldInfoGraphQLNames = \case
FIColumn info -> [pgiName info]
FIRelationship info ->
let name = G.Name . relNameToTxt $ riName info
in case riType info of
ObjRel -> [name]
ArrRel -> [name, name <> "_aggregate"]
FIComputedField info -> [G.Name . computedFieldNameToText $ _cfiName info]
getCols :: FieldInfoMap FieldInfo -> [PGColumnInfo]
getCols = mapMaybe (^? _FIColumn) . M.elems
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding as PD
import qualified Text.Builder as TB
@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ instance DQuote T.Text where
dquoteTxt = id
{-# INLINE dquoteTxt #-}
deriving instance DQuote G.Name
dquote :: (DQuote a) => a -> T.Text
dquote = T.dquote . dquoteTxt
{-# INLINE dquote #-}
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import System.Process
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
@ -208,6 +209,14 @@ instance FromJSON APIVersion where
2 -> return VIVersion2
i -> fail $ "expected 1 or 2, encountered " ++ show i
englishList :: NonEmpty Text -> Text
englishList = \case
one :| [] -> one
one :| [two] -> one <> " and " <> two
several ->
let final :| initials = NE.reverse several
in T.intercalate ", " (reverse initials) <> ", and " <> final
makeReasonMessage :: [a] -> (a -> Text) -> Text
makeReasonMessage errors showError =
case errors of
@ -2,10 +2,21 @@ description: Set custom column names conflicting with existing relationship
url: /v1/query
status: 400
path: "$.args.custom_column_names"
error: 'the following custom column names conflict with existing non-column fields:
articles_aggregate, articles'
code: not-supported
- definition:
column: author_id
table: article
name: articles
table: author
reason: field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column
type: array_relation
path: $.args
error: cannot continue due to new inconsistent metadata
code: unexpected
type: set_table_custom_fields
version: 2
@ -2,9 +2,21 @@ description: Try to define a relationship with custom column name
url: /v1/query
status: 400
path: "$.args"
error: custom column name "AuthorId" of table "author" already exists
code: already-exists
- definition:
column: author_id
table: article
name: AuthorId
table: author
reason: field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column
type: array_relation
path: $.args
error: field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column "id"
code: constraint-violation
type: create_array_relationship
Reference in New Issue
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