mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 01:12:56 +03:00
feat(test-harness): Maintain pools of hge processes
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9158 GitOrigin-RevId: 243e2d771cd8c31852b8b1959b006f27440f079d
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,16 +14,15 @@ import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.IORef
import Data.List qualified as List
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options qualified as Options
import Harness.Constants qualified as Constants
import Harness.Exceptions
import Harness.GraphqlEngine (startServerThread)
import Harness.Logging
import Harness.Services.Composed (mkTestServicesConfig)
import Harness.Test.BackendType (BackendType (..))
import Harness.TestEnvironment (GlobalTestEnvironment (..), PassthroughEnvVars (..), Protocol (..), TestingMode (..), stopServer)
import Harness.TestEnvironment (GlobalTestEnvironment (..), Protocol (..), TestingMode (..), stopServer)
import Hasura.Prelude
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnvironment, lookupEnv)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Log.FastLogger qualified as FL
@ -76,8 +75,7 @@ parseBackendType backendType =
setupTestEnvironment :: TestingMode -> Logger -> IO GlobalTestEnvironment
setupTestEnvironment testingMode logger = do
server <- startServerThread
servicesConfig <- mkTestServicesConfig
passthroughEnvVars <- mkPassthroughEnv
servicesConfig <- mkTestServicesConfig logger
pure GlobalTestEnvironment {requestProtocol = HTTP, ..}
-- | tear down the shared server
@ -144,14 +142,3 @@ globalConfigRef = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing
setupGlobalConfig :: TestingMode -> (Logger, IO ()) -> IO ()
setupGlobalConfig testingMode loggerCleanup =
writeIORef globalConfigRef $ Just (testingMode, loggerCleanup)
envToPassthrough :: [String]
envToPassthrough = [Constants.bigqueryServiceKeyVar]
-- | grab items from env to pass through to new HGE instances
mkPassthroughEnv :: IO PassthroughEnvVars
mkPassthroughEnv =
let lookup' env = do
value <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv env
pure (env, value)
in PassthroughEnvVars <$> traverse lookup' envToPassthrough
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Harness.GlobalTestEnvironment
Protocol (..),
Server (..),
TestingMode (..),
PassthroughEnvVars (..),
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Word
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options (Options)
import Harness.Logging.Messages
import Harness.PassthroughEnvVars
import Harness.Services.Composed qualified as Services
import Harness.Test.BackendType
import Hasura.Prelude
@ -35,9 +33,6 @@ data GlobalTestEnvironment = GlobalTestEnvironment
server :: Server,
-- | The protocol with which we make server requests.
requestProtocol :: Protocol,
-- | Any environment variable names we wish to pass through to any new HGE
-- instance
passthroughEnvVars :: PassthroughEnvVars,
servicesConfig :: Services.TestServicesConfig
@ -57,9 +52,13 @@ instance Has Services.PostgresServerUrl GlobalTestEnvironment where
getter = getter . getter @Services.TestServicesConfig
modifier f = modifier (modifier @_ @Services.TestServicesConfig f)
instance Has PassthroughEnvVars GlobalTestEnvironment where
getter = passthroughEnvVars
modifier f x = x {passthroughEnvVars = f (passthroughEnvVars x)}
instance Has Services.PassthroughEnvVars GlobalTestEnvironment where
getter = getter . getter @Services.TestServicesConfig
modifier f = modifier (modifier @_ @Services.TestServicesConfig f)
instance Has Services.HgePool GlobalTestEnvironment where
getter = getter . getter @Services.TestServicesConfig
modifier f = modifier (modifier @_ @Services.TestServicesConfig f)
instance Has Services.HgeServerInstance GlobalTestEnvironment where
getter ge =
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-- | PassthroughEnvVars separated into own file for circular dep reasons
module Harness.PassthroughEnvVars
( PassthroughEnvVars (..),
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | When spawning new HGE instances from a binary, we may want to pass through
-- some environment variables (for database credentials, for instance).
newtype PassthroughEnvVars
= PassthroughEnvVars [(String, String)]
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
module Harness.Services.Composed
( module I,
TestServicesConfig (..),
@ -7,8 +9,12 @@ where
import Data.Has
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Harness.Constants qualified as Constants
import Harness.Logging
import Harness.Services.Database.Postgres as I
import Harness.Services.ExternalProcess.GraphqlEngine as I
import Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine as I
import Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine.API as I
import Harness.Services.Schema as I
import Harness.Services.Source.Postgres as I
import Hasura.Prelude
@ -18,11 +24,17 @@ import System.Environment
-- | Keys/addresses to all resources managed externally to the test harness.
data TestServicesConfig = TestServicesConfig
{ tscHgeBinPath :: HgeBinPath,
tscHgePool :: HgePool,
tscPassthroughEnvVars :: PassthroughEnvVars,
tscPostgresServerUrl :: PostgresServerUrl
-- Cockroach/Citus/...
-- Bigquery credentials?
instance Has HgePool TestServicesConfig where
getter = tscHgePool
modifier f x = x {tscHgePool = f (tscHgePool x)}
instance Has HgeBinPath TestServicesConfig where
getter = tscHgeBinPath
modifier f x = x {tscHgeBinPath = f (tscHgeBinPath x)}
@ -31,21 +43,45 @@ instance Has PostgresServerUrl TestServicesConfig where
getter = tscPostgresServerUrl
modifier f x = x {tscPostgresServerUrl = f (tscPostgresServerUrl x)}
mkTestServicesConfig :: IO TestServicesConfig
mkTestServicesConfig = do
instance Has PassthroughEnvVars TestServicesConfig where
getter = tscPassthroughEnvVars
modifier f x = x {tscPassthroughEnvVars = f (tscPassthroughEnvVars x)}
mkTestServicesConfig :: Logger -> IO TestServicesConfig
mkTestServicesConfig logger = do
let var = "GRAPHQL_ENGINE"
hgeBinPath <-
lookupEnv var
`onNothingM` error ("Environment variable '" ++ var ++ "' not specified.")
let tscHgeBinPath = HgeBinPath hgeBinPath
tscHgePool <- mkHgeInstancePool logger
exists <- doesFileExist hgeBinPath
unless exists $ error ("(" ++ var ++ ") The file '" ++ hgeBinPath ++ "' does not exist.")
permissions <- getPermissions hgeBinPath
unless (executable permissions) $ error ("(" ++ var ++ ") The file '" ++ hgeBinPath ++ "' is not executable.")
tscPassthroughEnvVars <- mkPassthroughEnv
let tscPostgresServerUrl = PostgresServerUrl $ T.pack postgresqlInitialConnectionString
pure TestServicesConfig {..}
postgresqlInitialConnectionString :: String
postgresqlInitialConnectionString = "postgres://hasura:hasura@"
-- | when running HGE via a binary, what should we pass through from the test's
-- environment into the fresh HGE?
envToPassthrough :: [String]
envToPassthrough =
[ Constants.bigqueryServiceKeyVar,
-- | grab items from env to pass through to new HGE instances
mkPassthroughEnv :: IO PassthroughEnvVars
mkPassthroughEnv =
let lookup' env = do
value <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv env
pure (env, value)
in PassthroughEnvVars <$> traverse lookup' envToPassthrough
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This module houses low-level functions and types to help access and work
@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ import Test.Hspec
newtype PostgresServerUrl = PostgresServerUrl {getPostgresServerUrl :: Text}
deriving newtype (ToJSON)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PostgresServerUrl
newtype FreshPostgresDb = FreshPostgresDb {freshDbName :: Text}
@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This module houses low-level functions and types to help access and work
-- with Graphql Engine.
module Harness.Services.ExternalProcess.GraphqlEngine
( -- * Types
HgeBinPath (..),
HgeConfig (..),
PassthroughEnvVars (..),
-- * Direct spawning
-- * Pooled access
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Atto
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.IORef
import Data.Pool
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Vector (fromList)
import Harness.Exceptions
import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Harness.Logging
import Harness.Services.Database.Postgres
import Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine.API
import Hasura.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http
import Network.Socket qualified as Socket
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import System.IO
import System.Process
-- | The path to the 'graphql-engine' executable.
newtype HgeBinPath = HgeBinPath FilePath
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HgeBinPath
data HgeConfig = HgeConfig
{ hgeConfigEnvironmentVars :: [(String, String)]
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HgeConfig
-- | When spawning new HGE instances from a binary, we may want to pass through
-- some environment variables (for database credentials, for instance).
newtype PassthroughEnvVars
= PassthroughEnvVars [(String, String)]
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PassthroughEnvVars
emptyHgeConfig :: HgeConfig
emptyHgeConfig = HgeConfig []
data HgePoolArguments = HgePoolArguments
{ _hpaConfig :: HgeConfig,
_hpaPostgresServerUrl :: PostgresServerUrl,
_hpaBinPath :: HgeBinPath,
_hpaPassthroughEnvVars :: PassthroughEnvVars
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HgePoolArguments
$(makeLenses ''HgePoolArguments)
instance Has HgeConfig HgePoolArguments where
hasLens = hpaConfig
instance Has PostgresServerUrl HgePoolArguments where
hasLens = hpaPostgresServerUrl
instance Has HgeBinPath HgePoolArguments where
hasLens = hpaBinPath
instance Has PassthroughEnvVars HgePoolArguments where
hasLens = hpaPassthroughEnvVars
data HgeServerHandle = HgeServerHandle
{ hshInstance :: HgeServerInstance,
hshDestroy :: IO ()
newtype HgePool = HgePool {getHgePool :: HgePoolArguments -> IO (Pool HgeServerHandle)}
mkHgeInstancePool :: Logger -> IO HgePool
mkHgeInstancePool logger = do
poolsMVar <- newMVar (mempty :: HashMap.HashMap HgePoolArguments (Pool HgeServerHandle))
return $ HgePool \args -> do
pools <- takeMVar poolsMVar
case HashMap.lookup args pools of
Nothing -> do
pool <- createPool (serverHandle args) hshDestroy 1 60.0 5
putMVar poolsMVar (HashMap.insert args pool pools)
return pool
Just pool -> do
putMVar poolsMVar pools
return pool
serverHandle :: HgePoolArguments -> IO HgeServerHandle
serverHandle args = do
(hge, cleanup) <- unmanage (spawnServer (logger, args) (_hpaConfig args))
return $ HgeServerHandle hge cleanup
unmanage :: Managed a -> IO (a, IO ())
unmanage act = do
resMVar <- newEmptyMVar
cleanupMVar <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ runManaged $ do
res <- act
liftIO $ do
putMVar resMVar res
takeMVar cleanupMVar
res <- takeMVar resMVar
return (res, putMVar cleanupMVar ())
withPool ::
Has Logger testEnvironment =>
testEnvironment ->
HgePool ->
HgePoolArguments ->
(HgeServerInstance -> IO a) ->
IO a
withPool env mkPool args k = do
pool <- getHgePool mkPool args
( \h -> do
metadata <- export_metadata (hshInstance h, env)
k (hshInstance h)
`finally` void (replace_metadata (hshInstance h, env) metadata)
drawFromPool ::
( Has PostgresServerUrl testEnvironment,
Has Logger testEnvironment,
Has HgeBinPath testEnvironment,
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment,
Has HgePool testEnvironment
) =>
testEnvironment ->
HgeConfig ->
Managed HgeServerInstance
drawFromPool env config =
( withPool
(getter env)
{ _hpaConfig = config,
_hpaPostgresServerUrl = getter env,
_hpaBinPath = getter env,
_hpaPassthroughEnvVars = getter env
-- | spin up a Manager HGE instance and check it is healthy
spawnServer ::
( Has PostgresServerUrl testEnvironment,
Has Logger testEnvironment,
Has HgeBinPath testEnvironment,
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment
) =>
testEnvironment ->
HgeConfig ->
Managed HgeServerInstance
spawnServer testEnv (HgeConfig {hgeConfigEnvironmentVars}) = do
let (HgeBinPath hgeBinPath) = getter testEnv
pgUrl = getter testEnv
(PassthroughEnvVars envVars) = getter testEnv
freshDb <- mkFreshPostgresDb testEnv
let allEnv = hgeConfigEnvironmentVars <> envVars
metadataDbUrl = mkFreshDbConnectionString pgUrl freshDb
((_, Just hgeStdOut, Just hgeStdErr, _), port) <-
( bracket
( do
port <- bracket (Warp.openFreePort) (Socket.close . snd) (pure . fst)
testLogMessage testEnv $ HgeInstanceStartMessage port
process <-
( proc
[ "serve",
show port,
T.unpack (getPostgresServerUrl metadataDbUrl)
{ env =
Just $
: ("HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET", T.unpack adminSecret)
: allEnv,
std_out = CreatePipe,
std_err = CreatePipe,
create_group = True
`catchAny` ( \exn ->
error $
[ "Failed to spawn Graphql-Engine process:",
show exn
return $ (process, port)
( \(process@(_, _, _, ph), port) -> forkIO $ do
startTime <- getCurrentTime
interruptProcessGroupOf ph
exitCode <- waitForProcess ph
cleanupProcess process
endTime <- getCurrentTime
testLogMessage testEnv $ HgeInstanceShutdownMessage port exitCode (diffUTCTime endTime startTime)
let logger = getter @Logger testEnv
hgeLogRelayThread logger hgeStdOut
hgeStdErrRelayThread logger hgeStdErr
liftIO do
let server = HgeServerInstance "" port adminSecret
result <- Http.healthCheck' (T.unpack $ getHgeServerInstanceUrl server <> "/healthz")
case result of
Http.Healthy -> pure server
Http.Unhealthy failures -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage failures
error "Graphql-Engine failed http healthcheck."
adminSecret :: Text
adminSecret = "top-secret"
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance has started.
data HgeInstanceStartMessage = HgeInstanceStartMessage {hiStartPort :: Int}
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceStartMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceStartMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceStartMessage"),
("port", J.Number (fromIntegral hiStartPort))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance failed the
-- healthcheck.
data HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage = HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage
{hisfFailures :: [Http.HttpException]}
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage"),
("failures", J.Array (fromList (map (J.String . tshow) hisfFailures)))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance has shutdown.
data HgeInstanceShutdownMessage = HgeInstanceShutdownMessage
{ hiShutdownPort :: Int,
hiShutdownExitCode :: ExitCode,
hiShutdownDuration :: NominalDiffTime
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceShutdownMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceShutdownMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceShutdownMessage"),
("port", J.Number (fromIntegral hiShutdownPort)),
("duration", J.Number (realToFrac hiShutdownDuration)),
("exit-code", J.String (tshow hiShutdownExitCode))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a single log-J.object output by a HGE
-- server instance (on StdOut).
data HgeLogMessage = HgeLogMessage {hgeLogMessage :: J.Value}
instance LoggableMessage HgeLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeLogMessage"),
("message", hgeLogMessage)
-- | Log message type used to indicate a chunk of log output text by a HGE
-- server instance which could not be parsed as a json J.object.
data HgeUnparsableLogMessage = HgeUnparsableLogMessage {hgeUnparsableLogMessage :: Text}
instance LoggableMessage HgeUnparsableLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeUnparsableLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeUnparsableLogMessage"),
("message", J.String hgeUnparsableLogMessage)
-- | Log message type used to indicate a single line output by a HGE server
-- instance on StdErr.
data HgeStdErrLogMessage = HgeStdErrLogMessage {hgeStdErrLogMessage :: Text}
instance LoggableMessage HgeStdErrLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeStdErrLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeStdErrLogMessage"),
("message", J.String hgeStdErrLogMessage)
-- | A thread that reads from the engine's StdErr handle and makes one test-log
-- message per line.
hgeStdErrRelayThread :: Logger -> Handle -> Managed ()
hgeStdErrRelayThread logger hgeOutput = do
_ <-
( bracket
( Async.async $ forever $ do
nextChunk <- BS.hGetLine hgeOutput
runLogger logger $ HgeStdErrLogMessage (decodeUtf8 nextChunk)
return ()
-- | A thread that reads from the engine's StdOut handle and makes one test-log
-- message per json-J.object, on a best-effort basis.
hgeLogRelayThread :: Logger -> Handle -> Managed ()
hgeLogRelayThread logger hgeOutput = do
resultRef <- liftIO $ newIORef (Atto.parse logParser "")
_ <-
( bracket
( Async.async $ forever $ do
nextChunk <- (<> "\n") <$> BS.hGetLine hgeOutput
processChunk resultRef nextChunk
( \threadHandle -> do
Async.cancel threadHandle
processChunk resultRef ""
processChunk resultRef ""
return ()
processChunk :: IORef (Atto.Result J.Value) -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
processChunk ref nextChunk = do
result <- readIORef ref
result' <- processDone result
case result' of
Atto.Fail {} -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeUnparsableLogMessage (tshow result)
writeIORef ref (Atto.parse logParser "")
processChunk ref nextChunk
Atto.Partial k -> do
result'' <- processDone (k nextChunk)
writeIORef ref result''
Atto.Done {} ->
runLogger logger $ HgeUnparsableLogMessage "Impossible: Done{}-case in 'processChunk'"
processDone :: Atto.Result J.Value -> IO (Atto.Result J.Value)
processDone result =
case result of
Atto.Done rest parsed -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeLogMessage parsed
if BS.empty == rest
then return $ Atto.parse logParser ""
else processDone $ Atto.parse logParser rest
_ -> return result
logParser :: Atto.Parser J.Value
logParser = J.json' <* (option () (void (string "\n")) <|> endOfInput)
@ -1,68 +1,26 @@
-- | This module houses low-level functions and types to help access and work
-- with Graphql Engine.
module Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine
( HgeBinPath (..),
HgeServerInstance (..),
HgeConfig (..),
PostGraphql (..),
( withHge,
module ExternalHge,
module HgeApi,
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Atto
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Has
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Vector (fromList)
import Harness.Exceptions
import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Harness.Logging
import Harness.PassthroughEnvVars
import Harness.Services.Database.Postgres
import Harness.Services.ExternalProcess.GraphqlEngine as ExternalHge
import Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine.API as HgeApi
import Harness.Test.CustomOptions
import Harness.Yaml
import Hasura.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http
import Network.Socket qualified as Socket
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Test.Hspec
-- | The path to the 'graphql-engine' executable.
newtype HgeBinPath = HgeBinPath FilePath
data HgeConfig = HgeConfig
{ hgeConfigEnvironmentVars :: [(String, String)]
data HgeServerInstance = HgeServerInstance
{ hgeServerHost :: Text,
hgeServerPort :: Int,
hgeAdminSecret :: Text
getHgeServerInstanceUrl :: HgeServerInstance -> Text
getHgeServerInstanceUrl (HgeServerInstance {hgeServerHost, hgeServerPort}) =
"http://" <> hgeServerHost <> ":" <> tshow hgeServerPort <> "/"
emptyHgeConfig :: HgeConfig
emptyHgeConfig = HgeConfig []
-- | Spawn a graphql-engine instance with specific environment variables set.
-- | Draw a graphql-engine instance with specific environment variables set from
-- a pool of instances.
-- The logs emitted by the engine process are embedded in the test logs.
@ -73,12 +31,35 @@ withHge ::
( Has HgeBinPath testEnvironment,
Has PostgresServerUrl testEnvironment,
Has Logger testEnvironment,
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment,
Has HgePool testEnvironment
) =>
HgeConfig ->
SpecWith (PostGraphql, (ShouldReturnYamlF, (HgeServerInstance, testEnvironment))) ->
SpecWith testEnvironment
withHge hgeConfig specs = do
flip aroundWith specs \action testEnvironment -> runManaged do
server <- drawFromPool testEnvironment hgeConfig
liftIO $
( PostGraphql (hgePostGraphql (server, testEnvironment)),
(ShouldReturnYamlF (shouldReturnYamlFInternal defaultOptions), (server, testEnvironment))
-- | Spawn a fresh graphql-engine instance with specific environment variables set.
-- For efficiency, prefer using 'withHge' instead of this function, unless the
-- pool somehow cannot work for your usecase.
withHgeSpawn ::
( Has HgeBinPath testEnvironment,
Has PostgresServerUrl testEnvironment,
Has Logger testEnvironment,
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment
) =>
HgeConfig ->
SpecWith (PostGraphql, (ShouldReturnYamlF, (HgeServerInstance, testEnvironment))) ->
SpecWith testEnvironment
withHgeSpawn hgeConfig specs = do
flip aroundWith specs \action testEnvironment -> runManaged do
server <- spawnServer testEnvironment hgeConfig
liftIO $
@ -86,250 +67,3 @@ withHge hgeConfig specs = do
( PostGraphql (hgePostGraphql (server, testEnvironment)),
(ShouldReturnYamlF (shouldReturnYamlFInternal defaultOptions), (server, testEnvironment))
-- | spin up a Manager HGE instance and check it is healthy
spawnServer ::
( Has PostgresServerUrl testEnvironment,
Has Logger testEnvironment,
Has HgeBinPath testEnvironment,
Has PassthroughEnvVars testEnvironment
) =>
testEnvironment ->
HgeConfig ->
Managed HgeServerInstance
spawnServer testEnv (HgeConfig {hgeConfigEnvironmentVars}) = do
let (HgeBinPath hgeBinPath) = getter testEnv
pgUrl = getter testEnv
(PassthroughEnvVars envVars) = getter testEnv
freshDb <- mkFreshPostgresDb testEnv
let allEnv = hgeConfigEnvironmentVars <> envVars
metadataDbUrl = mkFreshDbConnectionString pgUrl freshDb
((_, Just hgeStdOut, Just hgeStdErr, _), port) <-
( bracket
( do
port <- bracket (Warp.openFreePort) (Socket.close . snd) (pure . fst)
testLogMessage testEnv $ HgeInstanceStartMessage port
process <-
( proc
[ "serve",
show port,
T.unpack (getPostgresServerUrl metadataDbUrl)
{ env =
Just $
: ("HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET", T.unpack adminSecret)
: allEnv,
std_out = CreatePipe,
std_err = CreatePipe,
create_group = True
`catchAny` ( \exn ->
error $
[ "Failed to spawn Graphql-Engine process:",
show exn
return $ (process, port)
( \(process@(_, _, _, ph), port) -> forkIO $ do
startTime <- getCurrentTime
interruptProcessGroupOf ph
exitCode <- waitForProcess ph
cleanupProcess process
endTime <- getCurrentTime
testLogMessage testEnv $ HgeInstanceShutdownMessage port exitCode (diffUTCTime endTime startTime)
let logger = getter @Logger testEnv
hgeLogRelayThread logger hgeStdOut
hgeStdErrRelayThread logger hgeStdErr
liftIO do
let server = HgeServerInstance "" port adminSecret
result <- Http.healthCheck' (T.unpack $ getHgeServerInstanceUrl server <> "/healthz")
case result of
Http.Healthy -> pure server
Http.Unhealthy failures -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage failures
error "Graphql-Engine failed http healthcheck."
adminSecret :: Text
adminSecret = "top-secret"
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance has started.
data HgeInstanceStartMessage = HgeInstanceStartMessage {hiStartPort :: Int}
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceStartMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceStartMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceStartMessage"),
("port", J.Number (fromIntegral hiStartPort))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance failed the
-- healthcheck.
data HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage = HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage
{hisfFailures :: [Http.HttpException]}
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceFailedHealthcheckMessage"),
("failures", J.Array (fromList (map (J.String . tshow) hisfFailures)))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a HGE server instance has shutdown.
data HgeInstanceShutdownMessage = HgeInstanceShutdownMessage
{ hiShutdownPort :: Int,
hiShutdownExitCode :: ExitCode,
hiShutdownDuration :: NominalDiffTime
instance LoggableMessage HgeInstanceShutdownMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeInstanceShutdownMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeInstanceShutdownMessage"),
("port", J.Number (fromIntegral hiShutdownPort)),
("duration", J.Number (realToFrac hiShutdownDuration)),
("exit-code", J.String (tshow hiShutdownExitCode))
-- | Log message type used to indicate a single log-J.object output by a HGE
-- server instance (on StdOut).
data HgeLogMessage = HgeLogMessage {hgeLogMessage :: J.Value}
instance LoggableMessage HgeLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeLogMessage"),
("message", hgeLogMessage)
-- | Log message type used to indicate a chunk of log output text by a HGE
-- server instance which could not be parsed as a json J.object.
data HgeUnparsableLogMessage = HgeUnparsableLogMessage {hgeUnparsableLogMessage :: Text}
instance LoggableMessage HgeUnparsableLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeUnparsableLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeUnparsableLogMessage"),
("message", J.String hgeUnparsableLogMessage)
-- | Log message type used to indicate a single line output by a HGE server
-- instance on StdErr.
data HgeStdErrLogMessage = HgeStdErrLogMessage {hgeStdErrLogMessage :: Text}
instance LoggableMessage HgeStdErrLogMessage where
fromLoggableMessage HgeStdErrLogMessage {..} =
[ ("type", J.String "HgeStdErrLogMessage"),
("message", J.String hgeStdErrLogMessage)
-- | A thread that reads from the engine's StdErr handle and makes one test-log
-- message per line.
hgeStdErrRelayThread :: Logger -> Handle -> Managed ()
hgeStdErrRelayThread logger hgeOutput = do
_ <-
( bracket
( Async.async $ forever $ do
nextChunk <- BS.hGetLine hgeOutput
runLogger logger $ HgeStdErrLogMessage (decodeUtf8 nextChunk)
return ()
-- | A thread that reads from the engine's StdOut handle and makes one test-log
-- message per json-J.object, on a best-effort basis.
hgeLogRelayThread :: Logger -> Handle -> Managed ()
hgeLogRelayThread logger hgeOutput = do
resultRef <- liftIO $ newIORef (Atto.parse logParser "")
_ <-
( bracket
( Async.async $ forever $ do
nextChunk <- (<> "\n") <$> BS.hGetLine hgeOutput
processChunk resultRef nextChunk
( \threadHandle -> do
Async.cancel threadHandle
processChunk resultRef ""
processChunk resultRef ""
return ()
processChunk :: IORef (Atto.Result J.Value) -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
processChunk ref nextChunk = do
result <- readIORef ref
result' <- processDone result
case result' of
Atto.Fail {} -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeUnparsableLogMessage (tshow result)
writeIORef ref (Atto.parse logParser "")
processChunk ref nextChunk
Atto.Partial k -> do
result'' <- processDone (k nextChunk)
writeIORef ref result''
Atto.Done {} ->
runLogger logger $ HgeUnparsableLogMessage "Impossible: Done{}-case in 'processChunk'"
processDone :: Atto.Result J.Value -> IO (Atto.Result J.Value)
processDone result =
case result of
Atto.Done rest parsed -> do
runLogger logger $ HgeLogMessage parsed
if BS.empty == rest
then return $ Atto.parse logParser ""
else processDone $ Atto.parse logParser rest
_ -> return result
logParser :: Atto.Parser J.Value
logParser = J.json' <* (option () (void (string "\n")) <|> endOfInput)
hgePost ::
( Has HgeServerInstance env,
Has Logger env
) =>
env ->
Int ->
Text ->
Http.RequestHeaders ->
J.Value ->
IO J.Value
hgePost env statusCode path headers requestBody = do
let hgeInstance = getter @HgeServerInstance env
let hgeUrl = getHgeServerInstanceUrl hgeInstance
let adminSecret = hgeAdminSecret hgeInstance
let fullUrl = T.unpack $ hgeUrl <> path
testLogMessage env $ LogHGERequest path requestBody
let headersWithAdmin = ("x-hasura-admin-secret", encodeUtf8 adminSecret) : headers
responseBody <- withFrozenCallStack $ Http.postValueWithStatus statusCode fullUrl headersWithAdmin requestBody
testLogMessage env $ LogHGEResponse path responseBody
return responseBody
hgePostGraphql ::
( Has HgeServerInstance env,
Has Logger env
) =>
env ->
J.Value ->
IO J.Value
hgePostGraphql env query = do
hgePost env 200 "/v1/graphql" [] (J.object ["query" J..= query])
-- | Newtype-wrapper which enables late binding of 'postGraphql' on the test environment.
-- This makes 'TestEnvironment'-based specs more readily compatible with componontised fixtures.
newtype PostGraphql = PostGraphql {getPostGraphql :: J.Value -> IO J.Value}
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This module houses low-level functions and types to help access and work
-- with the hge api.
module Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine.API
( -- * Types
HgeServerInstance (..),
PostGraphql (..),
-- * Api actions
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Has
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Harness.Exceptions
import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Harness.Logging.Messages
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml (yaml)
import Hasura.Prelude
data HgeServerInstance = HgeServerInstance
{ hgeServerHost :: Text,
hgeServerPort :: Int,
hgeAdminSecret :: Text
getHgeServerInstanceUrl :: HgeServerInstance -> Text
getHgeServerInstanceUrl (HgeServerInstance {hgeServerHost, hgeServerPort}) =
"http://" <> hgeServerHost <> ":" <> tshow hgeServerPort <> "/"
-- | Newtype-wrapper which enables late binding of 'postGraphql' on the test environment.
-- This makes 'TestEnvironment'-based specs more readily compatible with componontised fixtures.
newtype PostGraphql = PostGraphql {getPostGraphql :: J.Value -> IO J.Value}
export_metadata :: (Has Logger env, Has HgeServerInstance env) => env -> IO Value
export_metadata env = do
type: export_metadata
args: null
replace_metadata :: (Has Logger env, Has HgeServerInstance env) => env -> Value -> IO Value
replace_metadata env newMetadata = do
type: replace_metadata
allow_inconsistent_metadata: true
metadata: *newMetadata
hgePost ::
( Has HgeServerInstance env,
Has Logger env
) =>
env ->
Int ->
Text ->
Http.RequestHeaders ->
J.Value ->
IO J.Value
hgePost env statusCode path headers requestBody = do
let hgeInstance = getter @HgeServerInstance env
let hgeUrl = getHgeServerInstanceUrl hgeInstance
let adminSecret = hgeAdminSecret hgeInstance
let fullUrl = T.unpack $ hgeUrl <> path
testLogMessage env $ LogHGERequest path requestBody
let headersWithAdmin = ("x-hasura-admin-secret", encodeUtf8 adminSecret) : headers
responseBody <- withFrozenCallStack $ Http.postValueWithStatus statusCode fullUrl headersWithAdmin requestBody
testLogMessage env $ LogHGEResponse path responseBody
return responseBody
hgePostGraphql ::
( Has HgeServerInstance env,
Has Logger env
) =>
env ->
J.Value ->
IO J.Value
hgePostGraphql env query = do
hgePost env 200 "/v1/graphql" [] (J.object ["query" J..= query])
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This module houses low-level functions and types to help access and work
-- with the hge metadata api.
module Harness.Services.Metadata (export_metadata, replace_metadata) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Has
import Harness.Logging
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml (yaml)
import Harness.Services.GraphqlEngine
import Hasura.Prelude
export_metadata :: (Has Logger env, Has HgeServerInstance env) => env -> IO Value
export_metadata env = do
type: export_metadata
args: null
replace_metadata :: (Has Logger env, Has HgeServerInstance env) => env -> Value -> IO Value
replace_metadata env newMetadata = do
type: replace_metadata
allow_inconsistent_metadata: true
metadata: *newMetadata
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
module Harness.TestEnvironment
( TestEnvironment (..),
GlobalTestEnvironment (..),
PassthroughEnvVars (..),
Protocol (..),
Server (..),
TestingMode (..),
@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ instance Has Services.PostgresServerUrl TestEnvironment where
getter = getter . getter @GlobalTestEnvironment
modifier f = modifier (modifier @_ @GlobalTestEnvironment f)
instance Has PassthroughEnvVars TestEnvironment where
instance Has Services.PassthroughEnvVars TestEnvironment where
getter = getter . getter @GlobalTestEnvironment
modifier f = modifier (modifier @_ @GlobalTestEnvironment f)
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library
, pretty-simple
, process
, refined
, resource-pool
, resourcet
, safe
, safe-exceptions
@ -139,7 +140,6 @@ library
@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ library
Reference in New Issue
Block a user