mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 08:02:15 +03:00
Add support for GraphQL enum types via enum table references
These changes also add a new type, PGColumnType, between PGColInfo and PGScalarType, and they process PGRawColumnType values into PGColumnType values during schema cache generation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ jobs:
# build the server binary, and package into docker image
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190507-1
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190811
working_directory: ~/graphql-engine
- attach_workspace:
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ jobs:
PG_VERSION: "11_1"
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190507-1
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190811
# TODO: change this to circleci postgis when they have one for pg 11
- image: mdillon/postgis:11-alpine
<<: *test_pg_env
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ jobs:
PG_VERSION: "10_6"
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190507-1
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190811
- image: circleci/postgres:10.6-alpine-postgis
<<: *test_pg_env
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ jobs:
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190507-1
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190811
- image: circleci/postgres:9.6-alpine-postgis
<<: *test_pg_env
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ jobs:
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190507-1
- image: hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:20190811
- image: circleci/postgres:9.5-alpine-postgis
<<: *test_pg_env
@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ RUN apt-get -y update \
&& rm -rf /usr/share/doc/ \
&& rm -rf /usr/share/man/ \
&& rm -rf /usr/share/locale/
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ var testMetadataPrev = map[string][]byte{
"metadata": []byte(`allowlist: []
functions: []
query_collections: []
query_templates: []
remote_schemas: []
- array_relationships: []
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ tables:
"empty-metadata": []byte(`allowlist: []
functions: []
query_collections: []
query_templates: []
remote_schemas: []
tables: []
@ -65,6 +63,7 @@ tables:
delete_permissions: []
event_triggers: []
insert_permissions: []
is_enum: false
object_relationships: []
select_permissions: []
table: test
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ func mustWriteFile(t testing.TB, dir, file string, body string) {
func compareMetadata(t testing.TB, metadataFile string, actualType string, serverVersion *semver.Version) {
var actualData []byte
c, err := semver.NewConstraint("<= v1.0.0-beta.3")
c, err := semver.NewConstraint("<= v1.0.0-beta.5")
if err != nil {
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ library
, containers
, monad-control
, monad-time
, monad-validate
, fast-logger
, wai
, postgresql-binary
@ -171,16 +172,17 @@ library
, Hasura.RQL.Instances
, Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
, Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCacheTypes
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
, Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
, Hasura.RQL.Types.DML
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
, Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
, Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
, Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
, Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
, Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Deps
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Triggers
@ -188,10 +190,11 @@ library
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Rename
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Types
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Enum
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Diff
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.Utils
, Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
@ -258,6 +261,7 @@ library
, Hasura.HTTP
, Control.Lens.Extended
, Data.Text.Extended
, Data.Aeson.Extended
, Data.Sequence.NonEmpty
@ -266,11 +270,12 @@ library
, Data.Parser.JSONPath
, Hasura.SQL.DML
, Hasura.SQL.Error
, Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON
, Hasura.SQL.Rewrite
, Hasura.SQL.Time
, Hasura.SQL.Types
, Hasura.SQL.Value
, Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON
, Hasura.SQL.Time
, Hasura.SQL.Rewrite
, Network.URI.Extended
, Ops
, Migrate
@ -278,28 +283,29 @@ library
other-modules: Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT.Internal
, Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT.Logging
default-extensions: EmptyCase
default-extensions: ApplicativeDo
if flag(profile)
@ -308,6 +314,8 @@ library
cpp-options: -DDeveloperAPIs
ghc-options: -O2
@ -315,27 +323,29 @@ library
executable graphql-engine
default-extensions: EmptyCase
default-extensions: ApplicativeDo
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -368,6 +378,8 @@ executable graphql-engine
ghc-prof-options: -rtsopts -fprof-auto -fno-prof-count-entries
ghc-options: -O2
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Yaml.TH as Y
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
curCatalogVer :: T.Text
curCatalogVer = "19"
curCatalogVer = "20"
:: ( MonadTx m
@ -344,6 +344,12 @@ from18To19 = do
$(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/migrate_from_18_to_19.sql")
return ()
from19To20 :: (MonadTx m) => m ()
from19To20 = do
Q.Discard () <- liftTx $ Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler
$(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/migrate_from_19_to_20.sql")
pure ()
:: ( MonadTx m
, CacheRWM m
@ -353,70 +359,39 @@ migrateCatalog
, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> UTCTime -> m String
migrateCatalog migrationTime = do
preVer <- getCatalogVersion
if | preVer == curCatalogVer ->
return $ "already at the latest version. current version: "
<> show curCatalogVer
| preVer == "0.8" -> from08ToCurrent
| preVer == "1" -> from1ToCurrent
| preVer == "2" -> from2ToCurrent
| preVer == "3" -> from3ToCurrent
| preVer == "4" -> from4ToCurrent
| preVer == "5" -> from5ToCurrent
| preVer == "6" -> from6ToCurrent
| preVer == "7" -> from7ToCurrent
| preVer == "8" -> from8ToCurrent
| preVer == "9" -> from9ToCurrent
| preVer == "10" -> from10ToCurrent
| preVer == "11" -> from11ToCurrent
| preVer == "12" -> from12ToCurrent
| preVer == "13" -> from13ToCurrent
| preVer == "14" -> from14ToCurrent
| preVer == "15" -> from15ToCurrent
| preVer == "16" -> from16ToCurrent
| preVer == "17" -> from17ToCurrent
| preVer == "18" -> from18ToCurrent
| otherwise -> throw400 NotSupported $
"unsupported version : " <> preVer
migrateCatalog migrationTime = migrateFrom =<< getCatalogVersion
from18ToCurrent = from18To19 >> postMigrate
from17ToCurrent = from17To18 >> from18ToCurrent
from16ToCurrent = from16To17 >> from17ToCurrent
from15ToCurrent = from15To16 >> from16ToCurrent
from14ToCurrent = from14To15 >> from15ToCurrent
from13ToCurrent = from13To14 >> from14ToCurrent
from12ToCurrent = from12To13 >> from13ToCurrent
from11ToCurrent = from11To12 >> from12ToCurrent
from10ToCurrent = from10To11 >> from11ToCurrent
from9ToCurrent = from9To10 >> from10ToCurrent
from8ToCurrent = from8To9 >> from9ToCurrent
from7ToCurrent = from7To8 >> from8ToCurrent
from6ToCurrent = from6To7 >> from7ToCurrent
from5ToCurrent = from5To6 >> from6ToCurrent
from4ToCurrent = from4To5 >> from5ToCurrent
from3ToCurrent = from3To4 >> from4ToCurrent
from2ToCurrent = from2To3 >> from3ToCurrent
from1ToCurrent = from1To2 >> from2ToCurrent
from08ToCurrent = from08To1 >> from1ToCurrent
migrateFrom previousVersion
| previousVersion == curCatalogVer =
return $ "already at the latest version. current version: " <> show curCatalogVer
| [] <- neededMigrations =
throw400 NotSupported $ "unsupported version : " <> previousVersion
| otherwise =
traverse_ snd neededMigrations >> postMigrate
neededMigrations = dropWhile ((/= previousVersion) . fst) migrations
migrations =
[ ("0.8", from08To1)
, ("1", from1To2)
, ("2", from2To3)
, ("3", from3To4)
, ("4", from4To5)
, ("5", from5To6)
, ("6", from6To7)
, ("7", from7To8)
, ("8", from8To9)
, ("9", from9To10)
, ("10", from10To11)
, ("11", from11To12)
, ("12", from12To13)
, ("13", from13To14)
, ("14", from14To15)
, ("15", from15To16)
, ("16", from16To17)
, ("17", from17To18)
, ("18", from18To19)
, ("19", from19To20)
postMigrate = do
-- update the catalog version
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module Control.Lens.Extended
( module Control.Lens
, (^..)
, (^@..)
) where
import Control.Lens hiding ((^..), (^@..))
import Data.Monoid (Endo)
import GHC.Exts (IsList, Item, fromList)
infixl 8 ^..
(^..) :: (IsList l, Item l ~ a) => s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> l
v ^.. l = fromList (toListOf l v)
{-# INLINE (^..) #-}
infixl 8 ^@..
(^@..) :: (IsList l, Item l ~ (i, a)) => s -> IndexedGetting i (Endo [(i, a)]) s a -> l
v ^@.. l = fromList (itoListOf l v)
{-# INLINE (^@..) #-}
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module Hasura.Db
, defaultTxErrorHandler
) where
import Control.Monad.Validate
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -34,9 +36,10 @@ class (MonadError QErr m) => MonadTx m where
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (StateT s m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ReaderT s m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ValidateT e m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
data LazyTx e a
= LTErr !e
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ tryWebhook headers responseTimeout ep webhook = do
getEventTriggerInfoFromEvent :: SchemaCache -> Event -> Maybe EventTriggerInfo
getEventTriggerInfoFromEvent sc e = let table = eTable e
tableInfo = M.lookup table $ scTables sc
in M.lookup ( tmName $ eTrigger e) =<< (tiEventTriggerInfoMap <$> tableInfo)
in M.lookup ( tmName $ eTrigger e) =<< (_tiEventTriggerInfoMap <$> tableInfo)
fetchEvents :: Q.TxE QErr [Event]
fetchEvents =
@ -166,18 +166,18 @@ toMultiplexedQueryVar
=> GR.UnresolvedVal -> m S.SQLExp
toMultiplexedQueryVar = \case
GR.UVPG annPGVal ->
let GR.AnnPGVal varM isNullable colTy colVal = annPGVal
let GR.AnnPGVal varM isNullable _ colVal = annPGVal
in case (varM, isNullable) of
-- we don't check for nullability as
-- this is only used for reusable plans
-- the check has to be made before this
(Just var, _) -> do
modify $ Map.insert var (colTy, colVal)
return $ fromResVars (PgTypeSimple colTy)
modify $ Map.insert var colVal
return $ fromResVars (PGTypeSimple $ pstType colVal)
[ "variables"
, G.unName $ G.unVariable var
_ -> return $ toTxtValue colTy colVal
_ -> return $ toTxtValue colVal
GR.UVSessVar ty sessVar ->
return $ fromResVars ty [ "user", T.toLower sessVar]
GR.UVSQL sqlExp -> return sqlExp
@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ subsOpFromPGAST
, MonadIO m
-- | to validate arguments
=> PGExecCtx
-- ^ to validate arguments
-- | used as part of an identifier in the underlying live query systems
-- to avoid unnecessary load on Postgres where possible
-> GH.GQLReqUnparsed
-- ^ used as part of an identifier in the underlying live query systems
-- to avoid unnecessary load on Postgres where possible
-- | variable definitions as seen in the subscription, needed in
-- checking whether the subscription can be multiplexed or not
-> [G.VariableDefinition]
-- ^ variable definitions as seen in the subscription, needed in
-- checking whether the subscription can be multiplexed or not
-- | The alias and the partially processed live query field
-> (G.Alias, GR.QueryRootFldUnresolved)
-- ^ The alias and the partially processed live query field
-> m (LiveQueryOp, Maybe SubsPlan)
subsOpFromPGAST pgExecCtx reqUnparsed varDefs (fldAls, astUnresolved) = do
@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ validateAnnVarValsOnPg pgExecCtx annVarVals = do
Q.Discard _ <- runTx' $ liftTx $
Q.rawQE valPgErrHandler (Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL valSel) [] False
return $ fmap (txtEncodedPGVal . snd) annVarVals
return $ fmap (txtEncodedPGVal . pstValue) annVarVals
mkExtrs = map (flip S.Extractor Nothing . uncurry toTxtValue)
mkExtrs = map (flip S.Extractor Nothing . toTxtValue)
mkValidationSel vars =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = mkExtrs vars }
runTx' tx = do
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
type PlanVariables = Map.HashMap G.Variable (Int, PGScalarType)
type PlanVariables = Map.HashMap G.Variable (Int, PGColumnType)
type PrepArgMap = IntMap.IntMap Q.PrepArg
data PGPlan
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ instance J.ToJSON RootFieldPlan where
RFPRaw encJson -> J.toJSON $ TBS.fromBS encJson
RFPPostgres pgPlan -> J.toJSON pgPlan
type VariableTypes = Map.HashMap G.Variable PGScalarType
type VariableTypes = Map.HashMap G.Variable PGColumnType
data QueryPlan
= QueryPlan
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ withPlan usrVars (PGPlan q reqVars prepMap) annVars = do
getVar accum (var, (prepNo, _)) = do
let varName = G.unName $ G.unVariable var
(_, colVal) <- onNothing (Map.lookup var annVars) $
colVal <- onNothing (Map.lookup var annVars) $
throw500 $ "missing variable in annVars : " <> varName
let prepVal = binEncoder colVal
let prepVal = toBinaryValue colVal
return $ IntMap.insert prepNo prepVal accum
-- turn the current plan into a transaction
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ initPlanningSt =
:: (MonadState PlanningSt m)
=> G.Variable -> PGScalarType -> m Int
=> G.Variable -> PGColumnType -> m Int
getVarArgNum var colTy = do
PlanningSt curArgNum vars prepped <- get
case Map.lookup var vars of
@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ prepareWithPlan = \case
argNum <- case (varM, isNullable) of
(Just var, False) -> getVarArgNum var colTy
_ -> getNextArgNum
addPrepArg argNum $ binEncoder colVal
return $ toPrepParam argNum colTy
addPrepArg argNum $ toBinaryValue colVal
return $ toPrepParam argNum (pstType colVal)
R.UVSessVar ty sessVar -> do
let sessVarVal =
S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->>")
[S.SEPrep 1, S.SELit $ T.toLower sessVar]
return $ flip S.SETyAnn (S.mkTypeAnn ty) $ case ty of
PgTypeSimple colTy -> withGeoVal colTy sessVarVal
PgTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
PGTypeSimple colTy -> withGeoVal colTy sessVarVal
PGTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
R.UVSQL sqlExp -> return sqlExp
queryRootName :: Text
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ resolveVal userInfo = \case
RS.UVSessVar ty sessVar -> do
sessVarVal <- S.SELit <$> getSessVarVal userInfo sessVar
return $ flip S.SETyAnn (S.mkTypeAnn ty) $ case ty of
PgTypeSimple colTy -> withGeoVal colTy sessVarVal
PgTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
PGTypeSimple colTy -> withGeoVal colTy sessVarVal
PGTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
RS.UVSQL sqlExp -> return sqlExp
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type OpExp = OpExpG UnresolvedVal
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PGScalarType -> AnnInpVal -> m [OpExp]
=> PGColumnType -> AnnInpVal -> m [OpExp]
parseOpExps colTy annVal = do
opExpsM <- flip withObjectM annVal $ \nt objM -> forM objM $ \obj ->
forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ parseOpExps colTy annVal = do
"_contained_in" -> fmap AContainedIn <$> asOpRhs v
"_has_key" -> fmap AHasKey <$> asOpRhs v
"_has_keys_any" -> fmap AHasKeysAny <$> asPGArray PGText v
"_has_keys_all" -> fmap AHasKeysAll <$> asPGArray PGText v
"_has_keys_any" -> fmap AHasKeysAny <$> asPGArray (PGColumnScalar PGText) v
"_has_keys_all" -> fmap AHasKeysAll <$> asPGArray (PGColumnScalar PGText) v
-- geometry/geography type related operators
"_st_contains" -> fmap ASTContains <$> asOpRhs v
@ -77,13 +77,18 @@ parseOpExps colTy annVal = do
<> showName k
return $ catMaybes $ fromMaybe [] opExpsM
asOpRhs = fmap (fmap UVPG) . asPGColValM
asOpRhs = fmap (fmap UVPG) . asPGColumnValueM
asPGArray rhsTy v = do
valsM <- parseMany asPGColVal v
valsM <- parseMany asPGColumnValue v
forM valsM $ \vals -> do
let arrayExp = S.SEArray $ map (txtEncoder . _apvValue) vals
return $ UVSQL $ S.SETyAnn arrayExp $ S.mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeArray rhsTy
let arrayExp = S.SEArray $ map (txtEncoder . pstValue . _apvValue) vals
return $ UVSQL $ S.SETyAnn arrayExp $ S.mkTypeAnn $
-- Safe here because asPGColumnValue ensured all the values are of the right type, but if the
-- list is empty, we don’t actually have a scalar type to use, so we need to use
-- unsafePGColumnToRepresentation to create it. (It would be nice to refactor things to
-- somehow get rid of this.)
PGTypeArray (unsafePGColumnToRepresentation rhsTy)
resolveIsNull v = case _aivValue v of
AGScalar _ Nothing -> return Nothing
@ -95,18 +100,18 @@ parseOpExps colTy annVal = do
parseAsSTDWithinObj obj = do
distanceVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "distance" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"distance\" input field in st_d_within"
dist <- UVPG <$> asPGColVal distanceVal
dist <- UVPG <$> asPGColumnValue distanceVal
fromVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "from" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"from\" input field in st_d_within"
from <- UVPG <$> asPGColVal fromVal
from <- UVPG <$> asPGColumnValue fromVal
case colTy of
PGGeography -> do
PGColumnScalar PGGeography -> do
useSpheroidVal <-
onNothing (OMap.lookup "use_spheroid" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"use_spheroid\" input field in st_d_within"
useSpheroid <- UVPG <$> asPGColVal useSpheroidVal
useSpheroid <- UVPG <$> asPGColumnValue useSpheroidVal
return $ ASTDWithinGeog $ DWithinGeogOp dist from useSpheroid
PGGeometry ->
PGColumnScalar PGGeometry ->
return $ ASTDWithinGeom $ DWithinGeomOp dist from
_ -> throw500 "expected PGGeometry/PGGeography column for st_d_within"
@ -117,7 +122,7 @@ parseCastExpression =
withObjectM $ \_ objM -> forM objM $ \obj -> do
targetExps <- forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(targetTypeName, castedComparisonExpressionInput) -> do
let targetType = txtToPgColTy $ G.unName targetTypeName
castedComparisonExpressions <- parseOpExps targetType castedComparisonExpressionInput
castedComparisonExpressions <- parseOpExps (PGColumnScalar targetType) castedComparisonExpressionInput
return (targetType, castedComparisonExpressions)
return $ Map.fromList targetExps
@ -112,10 +112,8 @@ withArgM args arg f = prependArgsInPath $ nameAsPath arg $
type PrepArgs = Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
:: (MonadState PrepArgs m) => AnnPGVal -> m S.SQLExp
prepare (AnnPGVal _ _ colTy colVal) =
prepareColVal colTy colVal
prepare :: (MonadState PrepArgs m) => AnnPGVal -> m S.SQLExp
prepare (AnnPGVal _ _ _ scalarValue) = prepareColVal scalarValue
:: (MonadState PrepArgs m)
@ -136,15 +134,14 @@ withPrepArgs m = runStateT m Seq.empty
:: (MonadState PrepArgs m)
=> PGScalarType -> PGColValue -> m S.SQLExp
prepareColVal colTy colVal = do
=> PGScalarTyped PGColValue -> m S.SQLExp
prepareColVal (PGScalarTyped scalarType colVal) = do
preparedArgs <- get
put (preparedArgs Seq.|> binEncoder colVal)
return $ toPrepParam (Seq.length preparedArgs + 1) colTy
return $ toPrepParam (Seq.length preparedArgs + 1) scalarType
txtConverter :: Applicative f => AnnPGVal -> f S.SQLExp
txtConverter (AnnPGVal _ _ a b) =
pure $ toTxtValue a b
txtConverter (AnnPGVal _ _ _ scalarValue) = pure $ toTxtValue scalarValue
withSelSet :: (Monad m) => SelSet -> (Field -> m a) -> m [(Text, a)]
withSelSet selSet f =
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
( withNotNull
, tyMismatch
, asPGColValM
, asPGColVal
, asPGColumnTypeAndValueM
, asPGColumnValueM
, asPGColumnValue
, asEnumVal
, asEnumValM
, withObject
@ -21,10 +22,12 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types ((<>>))
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
@ -41,41 +44,43 @@ tyMismatch expectedTy v =
getAnnInpValKind (_aivValue v) <> " for value of type " <>
G.showGT (_aivType v)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe AnnPGVal)
asPGColValM annInpVal = case val of
AGScalar colTy valM ->
return $ fmap (AnnPGVal varM (G.isNullable ty) colTy) valM
_ ->
tyMismatch "pgvalue" annInpVal
AnnInpVal ty varM val = annInpVal
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m AnnPGVal
asPGColVal v = case _aivValue v of
AGScalar colTy (Just val) ->
return $ AnnPGVal (_aivVariable v) (G.isNullable (_aivType v)) colTy val
AGScalar colTy Nothing -> throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty " <>> colTy
=> AnnInpVal
-> m (PGColumnType, PGScalarTyped (Maybe PGColValue))
asPGColumnTypeAndValueM v = case _aivValue v of
AGScalar colTy val -> pure (PGColumnScalar colTy, PGScalarTyped colTy val)
AGEnum _ (AGEReference reference maybeValue) -> do
let maybeScalarValue = PGValText . RQL.getEnumValue <$> maybeValue
pure (PGColumnEnumReference reference, PGScalarTyped PGText maybeScalarValue)
_ -> tyMismatch "pgvalue" v
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, G.EnumValue)
asEnumVal v = case _aivValue v of
AGEnum ty (Just val) -> return (ty, val)
AGEnum ty Nothing ->
throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty " <> showNamedTy ty
_ -> tyMismatch "enum" v
asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM :: (MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (PGColumnType, Maybe AnnPGVal)
asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM v = do
(columnType, scalarValueM) <- asPGColumnTypeAndValueM v
let mkAnnPGColVal = AnnPGVal (_aivVariable v) (G.isNullable (_aivType v)) columnType
pure (columnType, mkAnnPGColVal <$> sequence scalarValueM)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, Maybe G.EnumValue)
asPGColumnValueM :: (MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe AnnPGVal)
asPGColumnValueM = fmap snd . asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM
asPGColumnValue :: (MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m AnnPGVal
asPGColumnValue v = do
(columnType, annPGValM) <- asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM v
onNothing annPGValM $ throw500 ("unexpected null for type " <>> columnType)
-- | Note: only handles “synthetic” enums (see 'EnumValuesInfo'). Enum table references are handled
-- by 'asPGColumnTypeAndValueM' and its variants.
asEnumVal :: (MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, G.EnumValue)
asEnumVal = asEnumValM >=> \case
(ty, Just val) -> pure (ty, val)
(ty, Nothing) -> throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty " <> showNamedTy ty
-- | Like 'asEnumVal', only handles “synthetic” enums.
asEnumValM :: (MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, Maybe G.EnumValue)
asEnumValM v = case _aivValue v of
AGEnum ty valM -> return (ty, valM)
_ -> tyMismatch "enum" v
AGEnum ty (AGESynthetic valM) -> return (ty, valM)
_ -> tyMismatch "enum" v
:: (MonadError QErr m)
@ -144,12 +149,12 @@ asPGColText
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m Text
asPGColText val = do
pgColVal <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal val
pgColVal <- pstValue . _apvValue <$> asPGColumnValue val
onlyText pgColVal
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe Text)
asPGColTextM val = do
pgColValM <- fmap _apvValue <$> asPGColValM val
pgColValM <- fmap (pstValue . _apvValue) <$> asPGColumnValueM val
mapM onlyText pgColValM
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ where
import Data.Has
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert as RI
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning as RR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp as RB
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ data RelIns a
type ObjRelIns = RelIns SingleObjIns
type ArrRelIns = RelIns MultiObjIns
type PGColWithValue = (PGCol, PGColValue)
type PGColWithValue = (PGCol, PGScalarTyped PGColValue)
data CTEExp
= CTEExp
@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ data CTEExp
data AnnInsObj
= AnnInsObj
{ _aioColumns :: ![(PGCol, PGScalarType, PGColValue)]
{ _aioColumns :: ![PGColWithValue]
, _aioObjRels :: ![ObjRelIns]
, _aioArrRels :: ![ArrRelIns]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -104,12 +102,17 @@ traverseInsObj
-> m AnnInsObj
traverseInsObj rim (gName, annVal) defVal@(AnnInsObj cols objRels arrRels) =
case _aivValue annVal of
AGScalar colty mColVal -> do
let col = PGCol $ G.unName gName
colVal = fromMaybe (PGNull colty) mColVal
return (AnnInsObj ((col, colty, colVal):cols) objRels arrRels)
AGScalar{} -> parseValue
AGEnum{} -> parseValue
_ -> parseObject
parseValue = do
(_, PGScalarTyped scalarType maybeScalarValue) <- asPGColumnTypeAndValueM annVal
let columnName = PGCol $ G.unName gName
scalarValue = fromMaybe (PGNull scalarType) maybeScalarValue
pure $ AnnInsObj ((columnName, PGScalarTyped scalarType scalarValue):cols) objRels arrRels
_ -> do
parseObject = do
objM <- asObjectM annVal
-- if relational insert input is 'null' then ignore
-- return default value
@ -124,8 +127,7 @@ traverseInsObj rim (gName, annVal) defVal@(AnnInsObj cols objRels arrRels) =
let rTable = riRTable relInfo
InsCtx rtView rtCols rtDefVals rtRelInfoMap rtUpdPerm <- getInsCtx rTable
rtDefValsRes <- mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarFromCurrentSetting)
rtDefValsRes <- mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarFromCurrentSetting) rtDefVals
withPathK (G.unName gName) $ case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> do
@ -185,11 +187,11 @@ parseOnConflict tn updFiltrM val = withPathK "on_conflict" $
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadState PrepArgs m)
=> [(PGCol, PGScalarType, PGColValue)]
=> [PGColWithValue]
-> m [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
toSQLExps cols =
forM cols $ \(c, ty, v) -> do
prepExp <- prepareColVal ty v
forM cols $ \(c, v) -> do
prepExp <- prepareColVal v
return (c, prepExp)
mkSQLRow :: Map.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp -> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)] -> [S.SQLExp]
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ mkInsertQ
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe RI.ConflictClauseP1
-> [(PGCol, PGScalarType, PGColValue)]
-> [PGColWithValue]
-> [PGCol]
-> Map.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
-> RoleName
@ -232,13 +234,13 @@ fetchFromColVals
=> ColVals
-> [PGColInfo]
-> (PGColInfo -> a)
-> m [(a, PGColValue)]
-> m [(a, PGScalarTyped PGColValue)]
fetchFromColVals colVal reqCols f =
forM reqCols $ \ci -> do
let valM = Map.lookup (pgiName ci) colVal
val <- onNothing valM $ throw500 $ "column "
<> pgiName ci <<> " not found in given colVal"
pgColVal <- RB.pgValParser (pgiType ci) val
pgColVal <- parsePGScalarValue (pgiType ci) val
return (f ci, pgColVal)
@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ insertObj
-> Q.TxE QErr (Int, CTEExp)
insertObj strfyNum role tn singleObjIns addCols = do
-- validate insert
validateInsert (map _1 cols) (map _riRelInfo objRels) $ map fst addCols
validateInsert (map fst cols) (map _riRelInfo objRels) $ map fst addCols
-- insert all object relations and fetch this insert dependent column values
objInsRes <- forM objRels $ insertObjRel strfyNum role
@ -373,9 +375,7 @@ insertObj strfyNum role tn singleObjIns addCols = do
-- prepare final insert columns
let objRelAffRows = sum $ map fst objInsRes
objRelDeterminedCols = concatMap snd objInsRes
objRelInsCols = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal allCols objRelDeterminedCols
addInsCols = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal allCols addCols
finalInsCols = cols <> objRelInsCols <> addInsCols
finalInsCols = cols <> objRelDeterminedCols <> addCols
-- prepare insert query as with expression
(CTEExp cte insPArgs, ccM) <-
@ -435,10 +435,9 @@ insertMultipleObjects strfyNum role tn multiObjIns addCols mutFlds errP =
-- insert all column rows at one go
withoutRelsInsert = withErrPath $ do
indexedForM_ insCols $ \insCol ->
validateInsert (map _1 insCol) [] $ map fst addCols
validateInsert (map fst insCol) [] $ map fst addCols
let addColsWithType = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal tableColInfos addCols
withAddCols = flip map insCols $ union addColsWithType
let withAddCols = flip map insCols $ union addCols
tableCols = map pgiName tableColInfos
(sqlRows, prepArgs) <- flip runStateT Seq.Empty $ do
@ -533,10 +532,3 @@ mergeListsWith [] _ _ _ = []
mergeListsWith (x:xs) l b f = case find (b x) l of
Nothing -> mergeListsWith xs l b f
Just y -> f x y : mergeListsWith xs l b f
mkPGColWithTypeAndVal :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColWithValue]
-> [(PGCol, PGScalarType, PGColValue)]
mkPGColWithTypeAndVal pgColInfos pgColWithVal =
mergeListsWith pgColInfos pgColWithVal
(\ci (c, _) -> pgiName ci == c)
(\ci (c, v) -> (c, pgiType ci, v))
@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Introspect
import Data.Has
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
data TypeKind
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ enumTypeR (EnumTyInfo descM n vals _) fld =
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"enumValues" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (enumValueR subFld) $
sortOn _eviVal $ Map.elems vals
sortOn _eviVal $ Map.elems (normalizeEnumValues vals)
_ -> return J.Null
@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ typeR
=> Field -> m J.Value
typeR fld = do
name <- withArg args "name" $ \arg -> do
pgColVal <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal arg
pgColVal <- pstValue . _apvValue <$> asPGColumnValue arg
case pgColVal of
PGValText t -> return t
_ -> throw500 "expecting string for name arg of __type"
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Delete as RD
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning as RR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Update as RU
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Select as RS
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.BoolExp
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ convertRowObj
convertRowObj val =
flip withObject val $ \_ obj ->
forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> do
prepExpM <- fmap UVPG <$> asPGColValM v
prepExpM <- fmap UVPG <$> asPGColumnValueM v
let prepExp = fromMaybe (UVSQL $ S.SEUnsafe "NULL") prepExpM
return (PGCol $ G.unName k, prepExp)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ convObjWithOp
=> ApplySQLOp -> AnnInpVal -> m [(PGCol, UnresolvedVal)]
convObjWithOp opFn val =
flip withObject val $ \_ obj -> forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> do
colVal <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal v
colVal <- pstValue . _apvValue <$> asPGColumnValue v
let pgCol = PGCol $ G.unName k
-- TODO: why are we using txtEncoder here?
encVal = txtEncoder colVal
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ convDeleteAtPathObj
=> AnnInpVal -> m [(PGCol, UnresolvedVal)]
convDeleteAtPathObj val =
flip withObject val $ \_ obj -> forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> do
vals <- flip withArray v $ \_ annVals -> mapM asPGColVal annVals
let valExps = map (txtEncoder . _apvValue) vals
vals <- flip withArray v $ \_ annVals -> mapM asPGColumnValue annVals
let valExps = map (txtEncoder . pstValue . _apvValue) vals
pgCol = PGCol $ G.unName k
annEncVal = S.SETyAnn (S.SEArray valExps) S.textArrTypeAnn
sqlExp = S.SEOpApp S.jsonbDeleteAtPathOp
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ parseTableArgs args = do
ordByExpML <- withArgM args "order_by" parseOrderBy
let ordByExpM = NE.nonEmpty =<< ordByExpML
limitExpM <- withArgM args "limit" parseLimit
offsetExpM <- withArgM args "offset" $ asPGColVal >=> txtConverter
offsetExpM <- withArgM args "offset" $ asPGColumnValue >=> txtConverter
distOnColsML <- withArgM args "distinct_on" parseColumns
let distOnColsM = NE.nonEmpty =<< distOnColsML
mapM_ (validateDistOn ordByExpM) distOnColsM
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ parseOrderByEnum = \case
parseLimit :: ( MonadError QErr m ) => AnnInpVal -> m Int
parseLimit v = do
pgColVal <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal v
pgColVal <- pstValue . _apvValue <$> asPGColumnValue v
limit <- maybe noIntErr return $ pgColValueToInt pgColVal
-- validate int value
onlyPositiveInt limit
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ pgColValToBoolExp
pgColValToBoolExp colArgMap colValMap = do
colExps <- forM colVals $ \(name, val) ->
BoolFld <$> do
opExp <- AEQ True . UVPG <$> asPGColVal val
opExp <- AEQ True . UVPG <$> asPGColumnValue val
colInfo <- onNothing (Map.lookup name colArgMap) $
throw500 $ "column name " <> showName name
<> " not found in column arguments map"
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ convertCount args = do
maybe (return S.CTStar) (mkCType isDistinct) columnsM
parseDistinct v = do
val <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal v
val <- pstValue . _apvValue <$> asPGColumnValue v
case val of
PGValBoolean b -> return b
_ ->
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ parseFunctionArgs
parseFunctionArgs argSeq val = fmap catMaybes $
flip withObject val $ \_ obj ->
fmap toList $ forM argSeq $ \(FuncArgItem argName) ->
forM (OMap.lookup argName obj) $ fmap (maybe nullSQL UVPG) . asPGColValM
forM (OMap.lookup argName obj) $ fmap (maybe nullSQL UVPG) . asPGColumnValueM
nullSQL = UVSQL $ S.SEUnsafe "NULL"
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
import Hasura.SQL.Types
@ -141,8 +142,12 @@ data AnnPGVal
= AnnPGVal
{ _apvVariable :: !(Maybe G.Variable)
, _apvIsNullable :: !Bool
, _apvType :: !PGScalarType
, _apvValue :: !PGColValue
, _apvType :: !PGColumnType
-- ^ Note: '_apvValue' is a @'PGScalarTyped' 'PGColValue'@, so it includes its type as a
-- 'PGScalarType'. However, we /also/ need to keep the original 'PGColumnType' information around
-- in case we need to re-parse a new value with its type because we’re reusing a cached query
-- plan.
, _apvValue :: !(PGScalarTyped PGColValue)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type PrepFn m = AnnPGVal -> m S.SQLExp
@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal = \case
-- A value that will be converted to an sql expression eventually
data UnresolvedVal
-- From a session variable
= UVSessVar !PgType !SessVar
= UVSessVar !(PGType PGScalarType) !SessVar
-- This is postgres
| UVPG !AnnPGVal
-- This is a full resolved sql expression
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
, checkSchemaConflicts
) where
import Control.Lens.Extended hiding (op)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
@ -44,16 +45,16 @@ import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Merge
getInsPerm :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe InsPermInfo
getInsPerm :: TableInfo PGColInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe InsPermInfo
getInsPerm tabInfo role
| role == adminRole = _permIns $ mkAdminRolePermInfo tabInfo
| otherwise = Map.lookup role rolePermInfoMap >>= _permIns
rolePermInfoMap = tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
rolePermInfoMap = _tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
:: MonadError QErr m
=> TableCache -> QualifiedTable -> m TableInfo
=> TableCache PGColInfo -> QualifiedTable -> m (TableInfo PGColInfo)
getTabInfo tc t =
onNothing (Map.lookup t tc) $
throw500 $ "table not found: " <>> t
@ -67,32 +68,32 @@ isValidCol = isValidName . G.Name . getPGColTxt
isValidRel :: ToTxt a => RelName -> QualifiedObject a -> Bool
isValidRel rn rt = isValidName (mkRelName rn) && isValidObjectName rt
isValidField :: FieldInfo -> Bool
isValidField :: FieldInfo PGColInfo -> Bool
isValidField = \case
FIColumn (PGColInfo col _ _) -> isValidCol col
FIRelationship (RelInfo rn _ _ remTab _) -> isValidRel rn remTab
upsertable :: [ConstraintName] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
upsertable uniqueOrPrimaryCons isUpsertAllowed view =
not (null uniqueOrPrimaryCons) && isUpsertAllowed && not view
upsertable uniqueOrPrimaryCons isUpsertAllowed isAView =
not (null uniqueOrPrimaryCons) && isUpsertAllowed && not isAView
toValidFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap -> [FieldInfo]
toValidFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> [FieldInfo PGColInfo]
toValidFieldInfos = filter isValidField . Map.elems
validPartitionFieldInfoMap :: FieldInfoMap -> ([PGColInfo], [RelInfo])
validPartitionFieldInfoMap :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> ([PGColInfo], [RelInfo])
validPartitionFieldInfoMap = partitionFieldInfos . toValidFieldInfos
getValidCols :: FieldInfoMap -> [PGColInfo]
getValidCols :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> [PGColInfo]
getValidCols = fst . validPartitionFieldInfoMap
getValidRels :: FieldInfoMap -> [RelInfo]
getValidRels :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> [RelInfo]
getValidRels = snd . validPartitionFieldInfoMap
mkValidConstraints :: [ConstraintName] -> [ConstraintName]
mkValidConstraints =
filter (isValidName . G.Name . getConstraintTxt)
isRelNullable :: FieldInfoMap -> RelInfo -> Bool
isRelNullable :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> RelInfo -> Bool
isRelNullable fim ri = isNullable
lCols = map fst $ riMapping ri
@ -113,24 +114,26 @@ isAggFld = flip elem (numAggOps <> compAggOps)
:: QualifiedTable
-- insert permission
-> Maybe ([PGColInfo], RelationInfoMap)
-- select permission
-- ^ insert permission
-> Maybe (Bool, [SelField])
-- update cols
-- ^ select permission
-> Maybe [PGColInfo]
-- delete cols
-- ^ update cols
-> Maybe ()
-- primary key columns
-- ^ delete cols
-> [PGColInfo]
-- constraints
-- ^ primary key columns
-> [ConstraintName]
-- ^ constraints
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-- all functions
-> [FunctionInfo]
-- ^ all functions
-> Maybe EnumValues
-- ^ present iff this table is an enum table (see "Hasura.RQL.Schema.Enum")
-> TyAgg
mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM funcs =
delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM funcs enumValuesM =
TyAgg (mkTyInfoMap allTypes) fieldMap scalars ordByCtx
@ -163,6 +166,7 @@ mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
, TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updIncInpObjM
, TIObj <$> mutRespObjM
, TIEnum <$> selColInpTyM
, TIEnum <$> tableEnumTypeM
mutHelper :: (ViewInfo -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
@ -172,7 +176,7 @@ mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
[ insInpObjFldsM, updSetInpObjFldsM
, boolExpInpObjFldsM , selObjFldsM
scalars = Set.unions [selByPkScalarSet, funcArgScalarSet]
scalars = selByPkScalarSet <> funcArgScalarSet
-- helper
mkColFldMap ty cols = Map.fromList $ flip map cols $
@ -210,8 +214,7 @@ mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
-- funcargs input type
funcArgInpObjs = mapMaybe mkFuncArgsInp funcs
-- funcArgCtx = Map.unions funcArgCtxs
funcArgScalarSet = Set.fromList $
concatMap (map faType . toList . fiInputArgs) funcs
funcArgScalarSet = funcs ^.. folded.to fiInputArgs.folded.to faType
-- helper
mkFldMap ty = Map.fromList . concatMap (mkFld ty)
@ -260,32 +263,36 @@ mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
getCompCols = onlyComparableCols . lefts
onlyFloat = const $ mkScalarTy PGFloat
mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkScalarTy
mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkColumnType
mkTypeMaker _ = onlyFloat
mkColAggFldsObjs flds =
let numCols = getNumCols flds
compCols = getCompCols flds
mkNumObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n (mkTypeMaker n) numCols
mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n mkScalarTy compCols
mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n mkColumnType compCols
numFldsObjs = bool (map mkNumObjFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols
compFldsObjs = bool (map mkCompObjFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols
in numFldsObjs <> compFldsObjs
-- the fields used in table object
selObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkTableTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- the scalar set for table_by_pk arguments
selByPkScalarSet = Set.fromList $ map pgiType pkeyCols
selByPkScalarSet = pkeyCols ^.. folded.to pgiType._PGColumnScalar
ordByInpCtxM = mkOrdByInpObj tn <$> selFldsM
(ordByInpObjM, ordByCtxM) = case ordByInpCtxM of
Just (a, b) -> (Just a, Just b)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
tableEnumTypeM = enumValuesM <&> \enumValues ->
mkHsraEnumTyInfo Nothing (mkTableEnumType tn) $
EnumValuesReference (EnumReference tn enumValues)
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGCol]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ([T.Text], Bool) -- insert perm
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text], Bool) -- select filter
@ -372,15 +379,15 @@ getRootFldsRole' tn primCols constraints fields funcs insM selM updM delM viM =
procFuncArgs (fiInputArgs fi) $ \_ t -> FuncArgItem $ G.Name t
getSelPermission :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe SelPermInfo
getSelPermission :: TableInfo PGColInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe SelPermInfo
getSelPermission tabInfo role =
Map.lookup role (tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo) >>= _permSel
Map.lookup role (_tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo) >>= _permSel
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
=> TableCache PGColInfo
-- all the fields of a table
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-- role and its permission
-> RoleName -> SelPermInfo
-> m (Bool, [SelField])
@ -406,8 +413,8 @@ getSelPerm tableCache fields role selPermInfo = do
:: MonadError QErr m
=> RoleName
-> TableCache
-> FieldInfoMap
-> TableCache PGColInfo
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> InsPermInfo
-> Maybe UpdPermInfo
-> m InsCtx
@ -417,7 +424,7 @@ mkInsCtx role tableCache fields insPermInfo updPermM = do
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache remoteTable
let insPermM = getInsPerm remoteTableInfo role
viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
viewInfoM = _tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isInsertable insPermM viewInfoM && isValidRel relName remoteTable
@ -438,15 +445,15 @@ mkInsCtx role tableCache fields insPermInfo updPermM = do
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> TableCache
-> FieldInfoMap
-> TableCache PGColInfo
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> m InsCtx
mkAdminInsCtx tn tc fields = do
relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tc remoteTable
let viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
let viewInfoM = _tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM && isValidRel relName remoteTable
@ -461,17 +468,18 @@ mkAdminInsCtx tn tc fields = do
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
=> TableCache PGColInfo
-> QualifiedTable
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> [PGCol]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> Maybe EnumValues
-> RoleName
-> RolePermInfo
-> m (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap)
mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pCols constraints funcs viM role permInfo = do
mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pCols constraints funcs viM enumValuesM role permInfo = do
selPermM <- mapM (getSelPerm tableCache fields role) $ _permSel permInfo
tabInsInfoM <- forM (_permIns permInfo) $ \ipi -> do
ctx <- mkInsCtx role tableCache fields ipi $ _permUpd permInfo
@ -482,7 +490,7 @@ mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pCols constraints funcs viM role permInfo = do
insCtxM = fst <$> tabInsInfoM
updColsM = filterColInfos . upiCols <$> _permUpd permInfo
tyAgg = mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM
(void $ _permDel permInfo) pColInfos constraints viM funcs
(void $ _permDel permInfo) pColInfos constraints viM funcs enumValuesM
rootFlds = getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields funcs viM permInfo
insCtxMap = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton tn) insCtxM
return (tyAgg, rootFlds, insCtxMap)
@ -497,7 +505,7 @@ getRootFldsRole
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGCol]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> RolePermInfo
@ -521,21 +529,22 @@ getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields funcs viM (RolePermInfo insM selM up
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
=> TableCache PGColInfo
-> FunctionCache
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap))
mkGCtxMapTable tableCache funcCache tabInfo = do
m <- Map.traverseWithKey
(mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pkeyCols validConstraints tabFuncs viewInfo) rolePerms
(mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pkeyCols validConstraints tabFuncs viewInfo enumValues)
adminInsCtx <- mkAdminInsCtx tn tableCache fields
let adminCtx = mkGCtxRole' tn (Just (colInfos, icRelations adminInsCtx))
(Just (True, selFlds)) (Just colInfos) (Just ())
pkeyColInfos validConstraints viewInfo tabFuncs
pkeyColInfos validConstraints viewInfo tabFuncs enumValues
adminInsCtxMap = Map.singleton tn adminInsCtx
return $ Map.insert adminRole (adminCtx, adminRootFlds, adminInsCtxMap) m
TableInfo tn _ fields rolePerms constraints pkeyCols viewInfo _ = tabInfo
TableInfo tn _ fields rolePerms constraints pkeyCols viewInfo _ enumValues = tabInfo
validConstraints = mkValidConstraints constraints
colInfos = getValidCols fields
validColNames = map pgiName colInfos
@ -556,7 +565,7 @@ noFilter = annBoolExpTrue
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache -> FunctionCache -> m GCtxMap
=> TableCache PGColInfo -> FunctionCache -> m GCtxMap
mkGCtxMap tableCache functionCache = do
typesMapL <- mapM (mkGCtxMapTable tableCache functionCache) $
filter tableFltr $ Map.elems tableCache
@ -564,8 +573,8 @@ mkGCtxMap tableCache functionCache = do
return $ flip Map.map typesMap $ \(ty, flds, insCtxMap) ->
mkGCtx ty flds insCtxMap
tableFltr ti = not (tiSystemDefined ti)
&& isValidObjectName (tiName ti)
tableFltr ti = not (_tiSystemDefined ti)
&& isValidObjectName (_tiName ti)
-- | build GraphQL schema from postgres tables and functions
@ -671,13 +680,13 @@ mkGCtx tyAgg (RootFields queryFields mutationFields) insCtxMap =
mFlds = rootFieldInfos mutationFields
rootFieldInfos = map snd . Map.elems
anyGeoTypes = any isGeoType colTys
anyGeoTypes = any (isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType) colTys
allComparableTypes =
if anyGeoTypes
-- due to casting, we need to generate both geometry and geography
-- operations even if just one of the two appears in the schema
then Set.union (Set.fromList [PGGeometry, PGGeography]) colTys
then Set.union (Set.fromList [PGColumnScalar PGGeometry, PGColumnScalar PGGeography]) colTys
else colTys
allScalarTypes = allComparableTypes <> scalars
allScalarTypes = (allComparableTypes ^.. folded._PGColumnScalar) <> scalars
wiredInGeoInputTypes = guard anyGeoTypes *> map TIInpObj geoInputTypes
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
, mkBoolExpInp
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
@ -16,17 +15,14 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
addTypeSuffix :: T.Text -> G.NamedType -> G.NamedType
addTypeSuffix suffix baseType = G.NamedType $ G.unNamedType baseType <> G.Name suffix
typeToDescription :: G.NamedType -> G.Description
typeToDescription = G.Description . G.unName . G.unNamedType
mkCompExpTy :: PGScalarType -> G.NamedType
mkCompExpTy = addTypeSuffix "_comparison_exp" . mkScalarTy
mkCompExpTy :: PGColumnType -> G.NamedType
mkCompExpTy = addTypeSuffix "_comparison_exp" . mkColumnType
mkCastExpTy :: PGScalarType -> G.NamedType
mkCastExpTy = addTypeSuffix "_cast_exp" . mkScalarTy
mkCastExpTy :: PGColumnType -> G.NamedType
mkCastExpTy = addTypeSuffix "_cast_exp" . mkColumnType
-- TODO(shahidhk) this should ideally be st_d_within_geometry
@ -51,48 +47,46 @@ stDWithinGeographyInpTy = G.NamedType "st_d_within_geography_input"
-- | Makes an input type declaration for the @_cast@ field of a comparison expression.
-- (Currently only used for casting between geometry and geography types.)
mkCastExpressionInputType :: PGScalarType -> [PGScalarType] -> InpObjTyInfo
mkCastExpressionInputType :: PGColumnType -> [PGColumnType] -> InpObjTyInfo
mkCastExpressionInputType sourceType targetTypes =
mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just description) (mkCastExpTy sourceType) (fromInpValL targetFields)
description = mconcat
[ "Expression to compare the result of casting a column of type "
, typeToDescription $ mkScalarTy sourceType
, typeToDescription $ mkColumnType sourceType
, ". Multiple cast targets are combined with logical 'AND'."
targetFields = map targetField targetTypes
targetField targetType = InpValInfo
(G.unNamedType $ mkScalarTy targetType)
(G.unNamedType $ mkColumnType targetType)
(G.toGT $ mkCompExpTy targetType)
--- | make compare expression input type
mkCompExpInp :: PGScalarType -> InpObjTyInfo
mkCompExpInp :: PGColumnType -> InpObjTyInfo
mkCompExpInp colTy =
InpObjTyInfo (Just tyDesc) (mkCompExpTy colTy) (fromInpValL $ concat
[ map (mk colScalarTy) typedOps
, map (mk $ G.toLT $ G.toNT colScalarTy) listOps
, bool [] (map (mk $ mkScalarTy PGText) stringOps) isStringTy
, bool [] (map jsonbOpToInpVal jsonbOps) isJsonbTy
, bool [] (stDWithinGeoOpInpVal stDWithinGeometryInpTy :
map geoOpToInpVal (geoOps ++ geomOps)) isGeometryType
, bool [] (stDWithinGeoOpInpVal stDWithinGeographyInpTy :
map geoOpToInpVal geoOps) isGeographyType
[ map (mk colGqlType) typedOps
, map (mk $ G.toLT $ G.toNT colGqlType) listOps
, guard (isScalarWhere isStringType) *> map (mk $ mkScalarTy PGText) stringOps
, guard (isScalarWhere (== PGJSONB)) *> map jsonbOpToInpVal jsonbOps
, guard (isScalarWhere (== PGGeometry)) *>
(stDWithinGeoOpInpVal stDWithinGeometryInpTy : map geoOpToInpVal (geoOps ++ geomOps))
, guard (isScalarWhere (== PGGeography)) *>
(stDWithinGeoOpInpVal stDWithinGeographyInpTy : map geoOpToInpVal geoOps)
, [InpValInfo Nothing "_is_null" Nothing $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $ G.NamedType "Boolean"]
, maybeToList castOpInputValue
, castOpInputValues
]) TLHasuraType
colGqlType = mkColumnType colTy
colTyDesc = typeToDescription colGqlType
tyDesc =
"expression to compare columns of type " <> colTyDesc
<> ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
isStringTy = case colTy of
PGVarchar -> True
PGText -> True
_ -> False
isScalarWhere = flip isScalarColumnWhere colTy
mk t n = InpValInfo Nothing n Nothing $ G.toGT t
colScalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy
-- colScalarListTy = GA.GTList colGTy
typedOps =
["_eq", "_neq", "_gt", "_lt", "_gte", "_lte"]
listOps =
@ -105,10 +99,7 @@ mkCompExpInp colTy =
, "_similar", "_nsimilar"
isJsonbTy = case colTy of
_ -> False
jsonbOpToInpVal (op, ty, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) op Nothing ty
jsonbOpToInpVal (opName, ty, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) opName Nothing ty
jsonbOps =
[ ( "_contains"
, G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB
@ -132,9 +123,9 @@ mkCompExpInp colTy =
castOpInputValue =
castOpInputValues =
-- currently, only geometry/geography types support casting
guard (isGeoType colTy) $>
guard (isScalarWhere isGeoType) $>
InpValInfo Nothing "_cast" Nothing (G.toGT $ mkCastExpTy colTy)
stDWithinGeoOpInpVal ty =
@ -142,19 +133,8 @@ mkCompExpInp colTy =
stDWithinGeoDesc =
"is the column within a distance from a " <> colTyDesc <> " value"
-- Geometry related ops
isGeometryType = case colTy of
PGGeometry -> True
_ -> False
-- Geography related ops
isGeographyType = case colTy of
PGGeography -> True
_ -> False
geoOpToInpVal (op, desc) =
InpValInfo (Just desc) op Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy colTy
colTyDesc = typeToDescription $ mkScalarTy colTy
geoOpToInpVal (opName, desc) =
InpValInfo (Just desc) opName Nothing $ G.toGT colGqlType
-- operators applicable only to geometry types
geomOps :: [(G.Name, G.Description)]
@ -192,12 +172,10 @@ geoInputTypes :: [InpObjTyInfo]
geoInputTypes =
[ stDWithinGeometryInputType
, stDWithinGeographyInputType
, castGeometryInputType
, castGeographyInputType
, mkCastExpressionInputType (PGColumnScalar PGGeometry) [PGColumnScalar PGGeography]
, mkCastExpressionInputType (PGColumnScalar PGGeography) [PGColumnScalar PGGeometry]
stDWithinGeometryInputType =
mkHsraInpTyInfo Nothing stDWithinGeometryInpTy $ fromInpValL
[ InpValInfo Nothing "from" Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGGeometry
@ -211,9 +189,6 @@ geoInputTypes =
Nothing "use_spheroid" (Just $ G.VCBoolean True) $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGBoolean
castGeometryInputType = mkCastExpressionInputType PGGeometry [PGGeography]
castGeographyInputType = mkCastExpressionInputType PGGeography [PGGeometry]
mkBoolExpName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name
mkBoolExpName tn =
qualObjectToName tn <> "_bool_exp"
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
( qualObjectToName
, addTypeSuffix
, fromInpValL
, mkColName
, mkColumnType
, mkRelName
, mkAggRelName
, SelField
, mkTableTy
, mkTableEnumType
, mkTableAggTy
, mkColumnEnumVal
@ -22,12 +25,14 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
type SelField =
Either PGColInfo (RelInfo, Bool, AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, Bool)
type SelField = Either PGColInfo (RelInfo, Bool, AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, Bool)
qualObjectToName :: (ToTxt a) => QualifiedObject a -> G.Name
qualObjectToName = G.Name . snakeCaseQualObject
addTypeSuffix :: Text -> G.NamedType -> G.NamedType
addTypeSuffix suffix baseType = G.NamedType $ G.unNamedType baseType <> G.Name suffix
fromInpValL :: [InpValInfo] -> Map.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo
fromInpValL = mapFromL _iviName
@ -40,13 +45,19 @@ mkAggRelName rn = G.Name $ relNameToTxt rn <> "_aggregate"
mkColName :: PGCol -> G.Name
mkColName (PGCol n) = G.Name n
mkColumnType :: PGColumnType -> G.NamedType
mkColumnType = \case
PGColumnScalar scalarType -> mkScalarTy scalarType
PGColumnEnumReference (EnumReference enumTable _) -> mkTableEnumType enumTable
mkTableTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableTy =
G.NamedType . qualObjectToName
mkTableTy = G.NamedType . qualObjectToName
mkTableEnumType :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableEnumType = addTypeSuffix "_enum" . mkTableTy
mkTableAggTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableAggTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_aggregate"
mkTableAggTy = addTypeSuffix "_aggregate" . mkTableTy
-- used for 'distinct_on' in select and upsert's 'update columns'
mkColumnEnumVal :: PGCol -> EnumValInfo
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Hasura.SQL.Types
mkPGColInp :: PGColInfo -> InpValInfo
mkPGColInp (PGColInfo colName colTy _) =
InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName) Nothing $
G.toGT $ mkScalarTy colTy
G.toGT $ mkColumnType colTy
-- table_mutation_response
mkMutRespTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ mkInsMutFld tn isUpsertable =
onConflictArg =
InpValInfo (Just onConflictDesc) "on_conflict" Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn
mkConstriantTy :: QualifiedTable -> [ConstraintName] -> EnumTyInfo
mkConstriantTy tn cons = enumTyInfo
mkConstraintTy :: QualifiedTable -> [ConstraintName] -> EnumTyInfo
mkConstraintTy tn cons = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkConstraintInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkConstraintEnumVal cons
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkConstraintEnumVal cons
desc = G.Description $
"unique or primary key constraints on table " <>> tn
@ -194,15 +194,15 @@ mkUpdColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo
mkUpdColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdColumnInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
desc = G.Description $
"update columns of table " <>> tn
mkConflictActionTy :: Bool -> EnumTyInfo
mkConflictActionTy updAllowed =
mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) conflictActionTy $ mapFromL _eviVal $
[enumValIgnore] <> bool [] [enumValUpdate] updAllowed
mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) conflictActionTy $
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ [enumValIgnore] <> bool [] [enumValUpdate] updAllowed
desc = G.Description "conflict action"
enumValIgnore = EnumValInfo (Just "ignore the insert on this row")
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ mkOnConflictTypes tn uniqueOrPrimaryCons cols =
bool [] tyInfos
tyInfos = [ TIEnum $ mkConflictActionTy isUpdAllowed
, TIEnum $ mkConstriantTy tn uniqueOrPrimaryCons
, TIEnum $ mkConstraintTy tn uniqueOrPrimaryCons
, TIEnum $ mkUpdColumnTy tn cols
, TIInpObj $ mkOnConflictInp tn
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ ordByTy = G.NamedType "order_by"
ordByEnumTy :: EnumTyInfo
ordByEnumTy =
mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) ordByTy $ mapFromL _eviVal $
map mkEnumVal enumVals
mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) ordByTy $
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkEnumVal enumVals
desc = G.Description "column ordering options"
mkEnumVal (n, d) =
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ mkSelColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo
mkSelColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkSelColumnInpTy tn) $
mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
desc = G.Description $
"select columns of table " <>> tn
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ mkSelColumnInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_select_column"
mkTableAggFldsTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableAggFldsTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_aggregate_fields"
mkTableAggFldsTy = addTypeSuffix "_aggregate_fields" . mkTableTy
mkTableColAggFldsTy :: G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn =
@ -50,17 +49,13 @@ mkTableByPkName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name
mkTableByPkName tn = qualObjectToName tn <> "_by_pk"
-- Support argument params for PG columns
mkPGColParams :: PGScalarType -> ParamMap
mkPGColParams = \case
PGJSONB -> jsonParams
PGJSON -> jsonParams
_ -> Map.empty
pathDesc = "JSON select path"
jsonParams = Map.fromList
[ (G.Name "path", InpValInfo (Just pathDesc) "path" Nothing $
G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText)
mkPGColParams :: PGColumnType -> ParamMap
mkPGColParams colType
| isScalarColumnWhere isJSONType colType =
let pathDesc = "JSON select path"
in Map.fromList
[ (G.Name "path", InpValInfo (Just pathDesc) "path" Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText) ]
| otherwise = Map.empty
mkPGColFld :: PGColInfo -> ObjFldInfo
mkPGColFld (PGColInfo colName colTy isNullable) =
@ -68,9 +63,9 @@ mkPGColFld (PGColInfo colName colTy isNullable) =
n = G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName
ty = bool notNullTy nullTy isNullable
scalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy
notNullTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT scalarTy
nullTy = G.toGT scalarTy
columnType = mkColumnType colTy
notNullTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT columnType
nullTy = G.toGT columnType
-- where: table_bool_exp
-- limit: Int
@ -222,7 +217,7 @@ type table_<agg-op>_fields{
:: QualifiedTable
-> G.Name
-> (PGScalarType -> G.NamedType)
-> (PGColumnType -> G.NamedType)
-> [PGColInfo]
-> ObjTyInfo
mkTableColAggFldsObj tn op f cols =
@ -274,7 +269,7 @@ mkSelFldPKey tn cols =
args = fromInpValL $ map colInpVal cols
ty = G.toGT $ mkTableTy tn
colInpVal (PGColInfo n typ _) =
InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName n) Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy typ
InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName n) Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkColumnType typ
@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
import Hasura.SQL.Types (PGScalarType)
import Hasura.SQL.Value (PGColValue,
import Hasura.SQL.Types (PGScalarTyped)
import Hasura.SQL.Value (PGColValue)
data QueryParts
= QueryParts
@ -118,8 +117,8 @@ getAnnVarVals varDefsL inpVals = withPathK "variableValues" $ do
showVars :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f G.Variable -> Text
showVars = showNames . fmap G.unVariable
type VarPGTypes = Map.HashMap G.Variable PGScalarType
type AnnPGVarVals = Map.HashMap G.Variable (PGScalarType, PGColValue)
type VarPGTypes = Map.HashMap G.Variable PGColumnType
type AnnPGVarVals = Map.HashMap G.Variable (PGScalarTyped PGColValue)
-- this is in similar spirit to getAnnVarVals, however
-- here it is much simpler and can get rid of typemap requirement
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ getAnnPGVarVals varTypes varValsM =
-- TODO: we don't have the graphql type
-- " of type: " <> T.pack (show varType) <>
" in variableValues"
(varType,) <$> runAesonParser (parsePGValue varType) varVal
parsePGScalarValue varType varVal
varVals = fromMaybe Map.empty varValsM
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
@ -249,21 +251,27 @@ validateNamedTypeVal inpValParser (nullability, nt) val = do
fmap (AGObject nt) . mapM (validateObject inpValParser ioti)
TIEnum eti ->
withParsed gType (getEnum inpValParser) val $
fmap (AGEnum nt) . mapM (validateEnum eti)
fmap (AGEnum nt) . validateEnum eti
TIScalar (ScalarTyInfo _ pgColTy _) ->
withParsed gType (getScalar inpValParser) val $
fmap (AGScalar pgColTy) . mapM (validateScalar pgColTy)
throwUnexpTypeErr ty = throw500 $ "unexpected " <> ty <> " type info for: "
<> showNamedTy nt
validateEnum enumTyInfo enumVal =
if Map.member enumVal (_etiValues enumTyInfo)
then return enumVal
else throwVE $ "unexpected value " <>
showName (G.unEnumValue enumVal) <>
" for enum: " <> showNamedTy nt
validateScalar pgColTy =
runAesonParser (parsePGValue pgColTy)
validateEnum enumTyInfo maybeEnumValue = case (_etiValues enumTyInfo, maybeEnumValue) of
(EnumValuesSynthetic _, Nothing) -> pure $ AGESynthetic Nothing
(EnumValuesReference reference, Nothing) -> pure $ AGEReference reference Nothing
(EnumValuesSynthetic values, Just enumValue)
| Map.member enumValue values -> pure $ AGESynthetic (Just enumValue)
(EnumValuesReference reference@(EnumReference _ values), Just enumValue)
| rqlEnumValue <- RQL.EnumValue . G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumValue
, Map.member rqlEnumValue values
-> pure $ AGEReference reference (Just rqlEnumValue)
(_, Just enumValue) -> throwVE $
"unexpected value " <> showName (G.unEnumValue enumValue) <> " for enum: " <> showNamedTy nt
validateScalar pgColTy = runAesonParser (parsePGValue pgColTy)
gType = G.TypeNamed nullability nt
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
, EnumTyInfo(..)
, mkHsraEnumTyInfo
, EnumValuesInfo(..)
, normalizeEnumValues
, EnumValInfo(..)
, InpObjFldMap
, InpObjTyInfo(..)
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
, TypeLoc (..)
, typeEq
, AnnGValue(..)
, AnnGEnumValue(..)
, AnnGObject
, hasNullVal
, getAnnInpValKind
@ -60,7 +63,6 @@ module Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
@ -73,14 +75,15 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.TH as G
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Column as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.RQL.Instances ()
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
-- | Typeclass for equating relevant properties of various GraphQL types
-- | defined below
-- | Typeclass for equating relevant properties of various GraphQL types defined below
class EquatableGType a where
type EqProps a
getEqProps :: a -> EqProps a
@ -99,21 +102,39 @@ fromEnumValDef :: G.EnumValueDefinition -> EnumValInfo
fromEnumValDef (G.EnumValueDefinition descM val _) =
EnumValInfo descM val False
data EnumValuesInfo
= EnumValuesSynthetic !(Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo)
-- ^ Values for an enum that exists only in the GraphQL schema and does not have any external
-- source of truth.
| EnumValuesReference !RQL.EnumReference
-- ^ Values for an enum that is backed by an enum table reference (see "Hasura.RQL.Schema.Enum").
deriving (Show, Eq, TH.Lift)
normalizeEnumValues :: EnumValuesInfo -> Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo
normalizeEnumValues = \case
EnumValuesSynthetic values -> values
EnumValuesReference (RQL.EnumReference _ values) ->
mapFromL _eviVal . flip map (Map.toList values) $
\(RQL.EnumValue name, RQL.EnumValueInfo maybeDescription) -> EnumValInfo
{ _eviVal = G.EnumValue $ G.Name name
, _eviDesc = G.Description <$> maybeDescription
, _eviIsDeprecated = False }
data EnumTyInfo
= EnumTyInfo
{ _etiDesc :: !(Maybe G.Description)
, _etiName :: !G.NamedType
, _etiValues :: !(Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo)
, _etiValues :: !EnumValuesInfo
, _etiLoc :: !TypeLoc
} deriving (Show, Eq, TH.Lift)
instance EquatableGType EnumTyInfo where
type EqProps EnumTyInfo = (G.NamedType, Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo)
getEqProps ety = (,) (_etiName ety) (_etiValues ety)
getEqProps ety = (,) (_etiName ety) (normalizeEnumValues $ _etiValues ety)
fromEnumTyDef :: G.EnumTypeDefinition -> TypeLoc -> EnumTyInfo
fromEnumTyDef (G.EnumTypeDefinition descM n _ valDefs) loc =
EnumTyInfo descM (G.NamedType n) enumVals loc
EnumTyInfo descM (G.NamedType n) (EnumValuesSynthetic enumVals) loc
enumVals = Map.fromList
[(G._evdName valDef, fromEnumValDef valDef) | valDef <- valDefs]
@ -121,7 +142,7 @@ fromEnumTyDef (G.EnumTypeDefinition descM n _ valDefs) loc =
:: Maybe G.Description
-> G.NamedType
-> Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo
-> EnumValuesInfo
-> EnumTyInfo
mkHsraEnumTyInfo descM ty enumVals =
EnumTyInfo descM ty enumVals TLHasuraType
@ -659,9 +680,15 @@ data AnnInpVal
type AnnGObject = OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name AnnInpVal
-- | See 'EnumValuesInfo' for information about what these cases mean.
data AnnGEnumValue
= AGESynthetic !(Maybe G.EnumValue)
| AGEReference !RQL.EnumReference !(Maybe RQL.EnumValue)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnGValue
= AGScalar !PGScalarType !(Maybe PGColValue)
| AGEnum !G.NamedType !(Maybe G.EnumValue)
| AGEnum !G.NamedType !AnnGEnumValue
| AGObject !G.NamedType !(Maybe AnnGObject)
| AGArray !G.ListType !(Maybe [AnnInpVal])
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -678,11 +705,12 @@ instance J.ToJSON AnnGValue where
hasNullVal :: AnnGValue -> Bool
hasNullVal = \case
AGScalar _ Nothing -> True
AGEnum _ Nothing -> True
AGObject _ Nothing -> True
AGArray _ Nothing -> True
_ -> False
AGScalar _ Nothing -> True
AGEnum _ (AGESynthetic Nothing) -> True
AGEnum _ (AGEReference _ Nothing) -> True
AGObject _ Nothing -> True
AGArray _ Nothing -> True
_ -> False
getAnnInpValKind :: AnnGValue -> Text
getAnnInpValKind = \case
@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ module Hasura.Prelude
, onNothing
, onJust
, onLeft
, choice
, bsToTxt
, txtToBs
) where
import Control.Applicative as M ((<|>))
import Control.Applicative as M (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad as M (void, when)
import Control.Monad.Base as M
import Control.Monad.Except as M
@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ import Data.Bool as M (bool)
import Data.Data as M (Data (..))
import Data.Either as M (lefts, partitionEithers,
import Data.Foldable as M (foldrM, toList)
import Data.Foldable as M (foldrM, for_, toList,
import Data.Function as M (on, (&))
import Data.Functor as M (($>), (<&>))
import Data.Hashable as M (Hashable)
import Data.List as M (find, foldl', group,
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ import Data.Ord as M (comparing)
import Data.Semigroup as M (Semigroup (..))
import Data.String as M (IsString)
import Data.Text as M (Text)
import Data.Traversable as M (for)
import Data.Word as M (Word64)
import GHC.Generics as M (Generic)
import Prelude as M hiding (fail, init, lookup)
@ -51,6 +55,9 @@ onJust m action = maybe (return ()) action m
onLeft :: (Monad m) => Either e a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
onLeft e f = either f return e
choice :: (Alternative f) => [f a] -> f a
choice = foldr (<|>) empty
bsToTxt :: B.ByteString -> Text
bsToTxt = TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ subTableP1 (CreateEventTriggerQuery name qt insert update delete enableManual re
-- can only replace for same table
when replace $ do
ti' <- askTabInfoFromTrigger name
when (tiName ti' /= tiName ti) $ throw400 NotSupported "cannot replace table or schema for trigger"
when (_tiName ti' /= _tiName ti) $ throw400 NotSupported "cannot replace table or schema for trigger"
assertCols ti insert
assertCols ti update
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ subTableP1 (CreateEventTriggerQuery name qt insert update delete enableManual re
let cols = sosColumns sos
case cols of
SubCStar -> return ()
SubCArray pgcols -> forM_ pgcols (assertPGCol (tiFieldInfoMap ti) "")
SubCArray pgcols -> forM_ pgcols (assertPGCol (_tiFieldInfoMap ti) "")
--(QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, MonadIO m)
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ subTableP2
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> QualifiedTable -> Bool -> EventTriggerConf -> m ()
subTableP2 qt replace etc = do
allCols <- getCols . tiFieldInfoMap <$> askTabInfo qt
allCols <- getCols . _tiFieldInfoMap <$> askTabInfo qt
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx
if replace
then do
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ unsubTableP1
unsubTableP1 (DeleteEventTriggerQuery name) = do
ti <- askTabInfoFromTrigger name
return $ tiName ti
return $ _tiName ti
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ runInvokeEventTrigger (InvokeEventTriggerQuery name payload) = do
trigInfo <- askEventTriggerInfo name
assertManual $ etiOpsDef trigInfo
ti <- askTabInfoFromTrigger name
eid <-liftTx $ insertManualEvent (tiName ti) name payload
eid <-liftTx $ insertManualEvent (_tiName ti) name payload
return $ encJFromJValue $ object ["event_id" .= eid]
assertManual (TriggerOpsDef _ _ _ man) = case man of
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema as TRS
data TableMeta
= TableMeta
{ _tmTable :: !QualifiedTable
, _tmIsEnum :: !Bool
, _tmObjectRelationships :: ![DR.ObjRelDef]
, _tmArrayRelationships :: ![DR.ArrRelDef]
, _tmInsertPermissions :: ![DP.InsPermDef]
@ -64,9 +65,9 @@ data TableMeta
, _tmEventTriggers :: ![DTS.EventTriggerConf]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
mkTableMeta :: QualifiedTable -> TableMeta
mkTableMeta qt =
TableMeta qt [] [] [] [] [] [] []
mkTableMeta :: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> TableMeta
mkTableMeta qt isEnum =
TableMeta qt isEnum [] [] [] [] [] [] []
makeLenses ''TableMeta
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ instance FromJSON TableMeta where
<$> o .: tableKey
<*> o .:? isEnumKey .!= False
<*> o .:? orKey .!= []
<*> o .:? arKey .!= []
<*> o .:? ipKey .!= []
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ instance FromJSON TableMeta where
tableKey = "table"
isEnumKey = "is_enum"
orKey = "object_relationships"
arKey = "array_relationships"
ipKey = "insert_permissions"
@ -100,8 +103,8 @@ instance FromJSON TableMeta where
HS.fromList (M.keys o) `HS.difference` expectedKeySet
expectedKeySet =
HS.fromList [ tableKey, orKey, arKey, ipKey
, spKey, upKey, dpKey, etKey
HS.fromList [ tableKey, isEnumKey, orKey, arKey
, ipKey, spKey, upKey, dpKey, etKey
parseJSON _ =
@ -225,8 +228,11 @@ applyQP2 (ReplaceMetadata tables mFunctions mSchemas mCollections mAllowlist) =
withPathK "tables" $ do
-- tables and views
indexedForM_ (map _tmTable tables) $ \tableName ->
void $ DT.trackExistingTableOrViewP2 tableName False
indexedForM_ tables $ \tableMeta -> do
let trackQuery = DT.TrackTable
{ DT.tName = tableMeta ^. tmTable
, DT.tIsEnum = tableMeta ^. tmIsEnum }
void $ DT.trackExistingTableOrViewP2 trackQuery
-- Relationships
indexedForM_ tables $ \table -> do
@ -288,7 +294,7 @@ applyQP2 (ReplaceMetadata tables mFunctions mSchemas mCollections mAllowlist) =
processPerms tabInfo perms =
indexedForM_ perms $ \permDef -> do
permInfo <- DP.addPermP1 tabInfo permDef
DP.addPermP2 (tiName tabInfo) permDef permInfo
DP.addPermP2 (_tiName tabInfo) permDef permInfo
:: ( QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m
@ -311,8 +317,9 @@ $(deriveToJSON defaultOptions ''ExportMetadata)
fetchMetadata :: Q.TxE QErr ReplaceMetadata
fetchMetadata = do
tables <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchTables
let qts = map (uncurry QualifiedObject) tables
tableMetaMap = M.fromList $ zip qts $ map mkTableMeta qts
let tableMetaMap = M.fromList . flip map tables $ \(schema, name, isEnum) ->
let qualifiedName = QualifiedObject schema name
in (qualifiedName, mkTableMeta qualifiedName isEnum)
-- Fetch all the relationships
relationships <- Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler fetchRelationships
@ -384,7 +391,7 @@ fetchMetadata = do
fetchTables =
Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT table_schema, table_name from hdb_catalog.hdb_table
SELECT table_schema, table_name, is_enum from hdb_catalog.hdb_table
WHERE is_system_defined = 'false'
|] () False
@ -108,20 +108,20 @@ dropView vn =
:: (QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> Maybe ColVals
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> Maybe ColVals
-> m (PreSetColsPartial, [Text], [SchemaDependency])
procSetObj ti mObj = do
(setColTups, deps) <- withPathK "set" $
fmap unzip $ forM (HM.toList setObj) $ \(pgCol, val) -> do
ty <- askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol $
"column " <> pgCol <<> " not found in table " <>> tn
sqlExp <- valueParser (PgTypeSimple ty) val
sqlExp <- valueParser (PGTypeSimple ty) val
let dep = mkColDep (getDepReason sqlExp) tn pgCol
return ((pgCol, sqlExp), dep)
return (HM.fromList setColTups, depHeaders, deps)
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap ti
tn = tiName ti
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap ti
tn = _tiName ti
setObj = fromMaybe mempty mObj
depHeaders = getDepHeadersFromVal $ Object $
HM.fromList $ map (first getPGColTxt) $ HM.toList setObj
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ procSetObj ti mObj = do
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> PermDef InsPerm
-> m (WithDeps InsPermInfo)
buildInsPermInfo tabInfo (PermDef rn (InsPerm chk set mCols) _) =
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ buildInsPermInfo tabInfo (PermDef rn (InsPerm chk set mCols) _) =
insColsWithoutPresets = insCols \\ HM.keys setColsSQL
return (InsPermInfo (HS.fromList insColsWithoutPresets) vn be setColsSQL reqHdrs, deps)
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
tn = tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
tn = _tiName tabInfo
vn = buildViewName tn rn PTInsert
allCols = map pgiName $ getCols fieldInfoMap
insCols = fromMaybe allCols $ convColSpec fieldInfoMap <$> mCols
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ $(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''SelPerm)
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> SelPerm
-> m (WithDeps SelPermInfo)
buildSelPermInfo tabInfo sp = do
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ buildSelPermInfo tabInfo sp = do
return (SelPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) tn be mLimit allowAgg depHeaders, deps)
tn = tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
tn = _tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
allowAgg = or $ spAllowAggregations sp
autoInferredErr = "permissions for relationships are automatically inferred"
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ type CreateUpdPerm = CreatePerm UpdPerm
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> UpdPerm
-> m (WithDeps UpdPermInfo)
buildUpdPermInfo tabInfo (UpdPerm colSpec set fltr) = do
@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ buildUpdPermInfo tabInfo (UpdPerm colSpec set fltr) = do
return (UpdPermInfo (HS.fromList updColsWithoutPreSets) tn be setColsSQL reqHeaders, deps)
tn = tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
tn = _tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
updCols = convColSpec fieldInfoMap colSpec
relInUpdErr = "relationships can't be used in update"
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ type CreateDelPerm = CreatePerm DelPerm
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> DelPerm
-> m (WithDeps DelPermInfo)
buildDelPermInfo tabInfo (DelPerm fltr) = do
@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ buildDelPermInfo tabInfo (DelPerm fltr) = do
depHeaders = getDependentHeaders fltr
return (DelPermInfo tn be depHeaders, deps)
tn = tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
tn = _tiName tabInfo
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
type DropDelPerm = DropPerm DelPerm
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ instance ToJSON PermColSpec where
toJSON (PCCols cols) = toJSON cols
toJSON PCStar = "*"
convColSpec :: FieldInfoMap -> PermColSpec -> [PGCol]
convColSpec :: FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> PermColSpec -> [PGCol]
convColSpec _ (PCCols cols) = cols
convColSpec cim PCStar = map pgiName $ getCols cim
@ -47,18 +48,18 @@ assertPermNotDefined
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> RoleName
-> PermAccessor a
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> m ()
assertPermNotDefined roleName pa tableInfo =
when (permissionIsDefined rpi pa || roleName == adminRole)
$ throw400 AlreadyExists $ mconcat
[ "'" <> T.pack (show $ permAccToType pa) <> "'"
, " permission on " <>> tiName tableInfo
, " permission on " <>> _tiName tableInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " already exists"
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ _tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
:: Maybe RolePermInfo -> PermAccessor a -> Bool
@ -69,21 +70,21 @@ assertPermDefined
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> RoleName
-> PermAccessor a
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> m ()
assertPermDefined roleName pa tableInfo =
unless (permissionIsDefined rpi pa) $ throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ "'" <> T.pack (show $ permAccToType pa) <> "'"
, " permission on " <>> tiName tableInfo
, " permission on " <>> _tiName tableInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " does not exist"
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
rpi = M.lookup roleName $ _tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> RoleName
-> PermAccessor c
-> m c
@ -91,14 +92,14 @@ askPermInfo tabInfo roleName pa =
case M.lookup roleName rpim >>= (^. paL) of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ pt <> " permisison on " <>> tiName tabInfo
[ pt <> " permisison on " <>> _tiName tabInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " does not exist"
paL = permAccToLens pa
pt = permTypeToCode $ permAccToType pa
rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
:: (ToJSON a)
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ data CreatePermP1Res a
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable -> FieldInfoMap -> BoolExp
=> QualifiedTable -> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -> BoolExp
-> m (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, [SchemaDependency])
procBoolExp tn fieldInfoMap be = do
abe <- annBoolExp valueParser fieldInfoMap be
@ -204,22 +205,21 @@ getDependentHeaders (BoolExp boolExp) =
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PgType -> Value -> m PartialSQLExp
=> PGType PGColumnType -> Value -> m PartialSQLExp
valueParser pgType = \case
-- When it is a special variable
String t
| isUserVar t -> return $ PSESessVar pgType t
| isReqUserId t -> return $ PSESessVar pgType userIdHeader
| otherwise -> return $ PSESQLExp $
S.SETyAnn (S.SELit t) $ S.mkTypeAnn pgType
| isUserVar t -> return $ mkScalarSessionVar pgType t
| isReqUserId t -> return $ mkScalarSessionVar pgType userIdHeader
-- Typical value as Aeson's value
val -> case pgType of
PgTypeSimple columnType -> PSESQLExp <$> txtRHSBuilder columnType val
PgTypeArray ofType -> do
PGTypeSimple columnType -> PSESQLExp . toTxtValue <$> parsePGScalarValue columnType val
PGTypeArray ofType -> do
vals <- runAesonParser parseJSON val
arrayExp <- S.SEArray <$> indexedForM vals (txtRHSBuilder ofType)
return $ PSESQLExp $ S.SETyAnn arrayExp $ S.mkTypeAnn pgType
PGScalarTyped scalarType scalarValues <- parsePGScalarValues ofType vals
return . PSESQLExp $ S.SETyAnn
(S.SEArray $ map (toTxtValue . PGScalarTyped scalarType) scalarValues)
(S.mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeArray scalarType)
injectDefaults :: QualifiedTable -> QualifiedTable -> Q.Query
injectDefaults qv qt =
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class (ToJSON a) => IsPerm a where
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> PermDef a
-> m (WithDeps (PermInfo a))
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class (ToJSON a) => IsPerm a where
getPermAcc2 _ = permAccessor
:: (IsPerm a, QErrM m) => PermDef a -> TableInfo -> m ()
:: (IsPerm a, QErrM m) => PermDef a -> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m ()
validateViewPerm permDef tableInfo =
case permAcc of
PASelect -> return ()
@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ validateViewPerm permDef tableInfo =
PAUpdate -> mutableView tn viIsUpdatable viewInfo "updatable"
PADelete -> mutableView tn viIsDeletable viewInfo "deletable"
tn = tiName tableInfo
viewInfo = tiViewInfo tableInfo
tn = _tiName tableInfo
viewInfo = _tiViewInfo tableInfo
permAcc = getPermAcc1 permDef
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m, IsPerm a)
=> TableInfo -> PermDef a -> m (WithDeps (PermInfo a))
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> PermDef a -> m (WithDeps (PermInfo a))
addPermP1 tabInfo pd = do
assertPermNotDefined (pdRole pd) (getPermAcc1 pd) tabInfo
buildPermInfo tabInfo pd
@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ import Instances.TH.Lift ()
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> RelManualConfig
-> m ()
validateManualConfig fim rm = do
let colMapping = M.toList $ rmColumns rm
remoteQt = rmTable rm
remoteTabInfo <- askTabInfo remoteQt
let remoteFim = tiFieldInfoMap remoteTabInfo
let remoteFim = _tiFieldInfoMap remoteTabInfo
forM_ colMapping $ \(lCol, rCol) -> do
assertPGCol fim "" lCol
assertPGCol remoteFim "" rCol
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ persistRel (QualifiedObject sn tn) rn relType relDef comment =
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> FieldName
-> m ()
checkForFldConfilct tabInfo f =
case HM.lookup f (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) of
case HM.lookup f (_tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) of
Just _ -> throw400 AlreadyExists $ mconcat
[ "column/relationship " <>> f
, " of table " <>> tiName tabInfo
, " of table " <>> _tiName tabInfo
, " already exists"
Nothing -> return ()
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ validateObjRel
validateObjRel qt (RelDef rn ru _) = do
tabInfo <- askTabInfo qt
checkForFldConfilct tabInfo (fromRel rn)
let fim = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
let fim = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
case ru of
RUFKeyOn cn -> assertPGCol fim "" cn
RUManual (ObjRelManualConfig rm) -> validateManualConfig fim rm
@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ validateArrRel
validateArrRel qt (RelDef rn ru _) = do
tabInfo <- askTabInfo qt
checkForFldConfilct tabInfo (fromRel rn)
let fim = tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
let fim = _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo
case ru of
RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn remoteQt rcn) -> do
remoteTabInfo <- askTabInfo remoteQt
let rfim = tiFieldInfoMap remoteTabInfo
let rfim = _tiFieldInfoMap remoteTabInfo
-- Check if 'using' column exists
assertPGCol rfim "" rcn
RUManual (ArrRelManualConfig rm) ->
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ dropRelP1 :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m) => DropRel -> m [SchemaObjId]
dropRelP1 (DropRel qt rn cascade) = do
tabInfo <- askTabInfo qt
_ <- askRelType (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) rn ""
_ <- askRelType (_tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) rn ""
sc <- askSchemaCache
let depObjs = getDependentObjs sc relObjId
when (depObjs /= [] && not (or cascade)) $ reportDeps depObjs
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ validateRelP1
validateRelP1 qt rn = do
tabInfo <- askTabInfo qt
askRelType (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) rn ""
askRelType (_tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) rn ""
:: (QErrM m, MonadTx m)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ renameRelP2 qt newRN relInfo = do
oldSC <- askSchemaCache
tabInfo <- askTabInfo qt
-- check for conflicts in fieldInfoMap
case HM.lookup (fromRel newRN) $ tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo of
case HM.lookup (fromRel newRN) $ _tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ ->
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "cannot rename relationship " <> oldRN
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ data PGColMeta
, pcmOrdinalPosition :: !Int
, pcmDataType :: !PGScalarType
, pcmIsNullable :: !Bool
, pcmReferences :: ![QualifiedTable]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''PGColMeta)
@ -87,8 +88,8 @@ data TableDiff
= TableDiff
{ _tdNewName :: !(Maybe QualifiedTable)
, _tdDroppedCols :: ![PGCol]
, _tdAddedCols :: ![PGColInfo]
, _tdAlteredCols :: ![(PGColInfo, PGColInfo)]
, _tdAddedCols :: ![PGRawColInfo]
, _tdAlteredCols :: ![(PGRawColInfo, PGRawColInfo)]
, _tdDroppedFKeyCons :: ![ConstraintName]
-- The final list of uniq/primary constraint names
-- used for generating types on_conflict clauses
@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ getTableDiff oldtm newtm =
existingCols = getOverlap pcmOrdinalPosition oldCols newCols
pcmToPci (PGColMeta colName _ colType isNullable)
= PGColInfo colName colType isNullable
pcmToPci (PGColMeta colName _ colType isNullable references)
= PGRawColInfo colName colType isNullable references
alteredCols =
flip map (filter (uncurry (/=)) existingCols) $ pcmToPci *** pcmToPci
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ getTableDiff oldtm newtm =
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> TableInfo -> TableDiff -> m [SchemaObjId]
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> TableDiff -> m [SchemaObjId]
getTableChangeDeps ti tableDiff = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
-- for all the dropped columns
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ getTableChangeDeps ti tableDiff = do
return $ getDependentObjs sc objId
return $ droppedConsDeps <> droppedColDeps
tn = tiName ti
tn = _tiName ti
TableDiff _ droppedCols _ _ droppedFKeyConstraints _ = tableDiff
data SchemaDiff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
-- | Types and functions for interacting with and manipulating SQL enums represented by
-- /single-column tables/, __not__ native Postgres enum types. Native enum types in Postgres are
-- difficult to change, so we discourage their use, but we might add support for native enum types
-- in the future.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Enum (
-- * Re-exports from "Hasura.RQL.Types.Column"
, EnumValues
, EnumValueInfo(..)
, EnumValue(..)
-- * Loading enum values
, fetchAndValidateEnumValues
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Validate
import Data.List (delete)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
data EnumTableIntegrityError
= EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey
| EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey ![PGCol]
| EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey !PGRawColInfo
| EnumTableNoEnumValues
| EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames !(NE.NonEmpty T.Text)
| EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn !PGRawColInfo
| EnumTableTooManyColumns ![PGCol]
deriving (Show, Eq)
:: (MonadTx m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> [PGRawColInfo]
-> [PGRawColInfo]
-> m EnumValues
fetchAndValidateEnumValues tableName primaryKeyColumns columnInfos =
either (throw400 ConstraintViolation . showErrors) pure =<< runValidateT fetchAndValidate
fetchAndValidate :: (MonadTx m, MonadValidate [EnumTableIntegrityError] m) => m EnumValues
fetchAndValidate = do
maybePrimaryKey <- tolerate validatePrimaryKey
maybeCommentColumn <- validateColumns maybePrimaryKey
enumValues <- maybe (refute mempty) (fetchEnumValues maybeCommentColumn) maybePrimaryKey
validateEnumValues enumValues
pure enumValues
validatePrimaryKey = case primaryKeyColumns of
[] -> refute [EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey]
[column] -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure column
_ -> refute [EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey column]
_ -> refute [EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey $ map prciName primaryKeyColumns]
validateColumns primaryKeyColumn = do
let nonPrimaryKeyColumns = maybe columnInfos (`delete` columnInfos) primaryKeyColumn
case nonPrimaryKeyColumns of
[] -> pure Nothing
[column] -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure $ Just column
_ -> dispute [EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn column] $> Nothing
columns -> dispute [EnumTableTooManyColumns $ map prciName columns] $> Nothing
fetchEnumValues maybeCommentColumn primaryKeyColumn = do
let nullExtr = S.Extractor S.SENull Nothing
commentExtr = maybe nullExtr (S.mkExtr . prciName) maybeCommentColumn
query = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL S.mkSelect
{ S.selFrom = Just $ S.mkSimpleFromExp tableName
, S.selExtr = [S.mkExtr (prciName primaryKeyColumn), commentExtr] }
fmap mkEnumValues . liftTx $ Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler query () True
mkEnumValues rows = M.fromList . flip map rows $ \(key, comment) ->
(EnumValue key, EnumValueInfo comment)
validateEnumValues enumValues = do
let enumValueNames = map (G.Name . getEnumValue) (M.keys enumValues)
when (null enumValueNames) $
refute [EnumTableNoEnumValues]
let badNames = map G.unName $ filter (not . isValidEnumName) enumValueNames
for_ (NE.nonEmpty badNames) $ \someBadNames ->
refute [EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames someBadNames]
-- https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#EnumValue
isValidEnumName name =
isValidName name && name `notElem` ["true", "false", "null"]
showErrors :: [EnumTableIntegrityError] -> T.Text
showErrors allErrors =
"the table " <> tableName <<> " cannot be used as an enum " <> reasonsMessage
reasonsMessage = case allErrors of
[singleError] -> "because " <> showOne singleError
_ -> "for the following reasons:\n" <> T.unlines
(map ((" • " <>) . showOne) allErrors)
showOne :: EnumTableIntegrityError -> T.Text
showOne = \case
EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey -> "the table must have a primary key"
EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey cols ->
"the table’s primary key must not span multiple columns ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ sort cols) <> ")"
EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey colInfo -> typeMismatch "primary key" colInfo PGText
EnumTableNoEnumValues -> "the table must have at least one row"
EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames values ->
let pluralString = " are not valid GraphQL enum value names"
valuesString = case NE.reverse (NE.sort values) of
value NE.:| [] -> "value " <> value <<> " is not a valid GraphQL enum value name"
value2 NE.:| [value1] -> "values " <> value1 <<> " and " <> value2 <<> pluralString
lastValue NE.:| otherValues ->
"values " <> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ reverse otherValues) <> ", and "
<> lastValue <<> pluralString
in "the " <> valuesString
EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn colInfo -> typeMismatch "comment column" colInfo PGText
EnumTableTooManyColumns cols ->
"the table must have exactly one primary key and optionally one comment column, not "
<> T.pack (show $ length cols) <> " columns ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map dquoteTxt $ sort cols) <> ")"
typeMismatch description colInfo expected =
"the table’s " <> description <> " (" <> prciName colInfo <<> ") must have type "
<> expected <<> ", not type " <>> prciType colInfo
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-- | Functions for mutating the catalog (with integrity checking) to incorporate schema changes
-- discovered after applying a user-supplied SQL query. None of these functions modify the schema
-- cache, so it must be reloaded after the catalog is updated.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
( renameTableInCatalog
, renameColInCatalog
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ renameTableInCatalog newQT oldQT = do
:: (MonadTx m, CacheRM m)
=> PGCol -> PGCol -> QualifiedTable -> TableInfo -> m ()
=> PGCol -> PGCol -> QualifiedTable -> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m ()
renameColInCatalog oCol nCol qt ti = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
-- Check if any relation exists with new column name
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ renameColInCatalog oCol nCol qt ti = do
errMsg = "cannot rename column " <> oCol <<> " to " <>> nCol
assertFldNotExists =
case M.lookup (fromPGCol oCol) $ tiFieldInfoMap ti of
case M.lookup (fromPGCol oCol) $ _tiFieldInfoMap ti of
Just (FIRelationship _) ->
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "cannot rename column " <> oCol
<<> " to " <> nCol <<> " in table " <> qt <<>
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Diff
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Enum
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Utils
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema as GS
import Control.Lens.Extended hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
@ -48,23 +50,52 @@ delTableFromCatalog (QualifiedObject sn tn) =
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
saveTableToCatalog :: QualifiedTable -> Q.Tx ()
saveTableToCatalog (QualifiedObject sn tn) =
saveTableToCatalog :: TrackTable -> Q.Tx ()
saveTableToCatalog (TrackTable (QualifiedObject sn tn) isEnum) =
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" VALUES ($1, $2)
|] (sn, tn) False
INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_enum)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
|] (sn, tn, isEnum) False
newtype TrackTable
data TrackTable
= TrackTable
{ tName :: QualifiedTable }
deriving (Show, Eq, FromJSON, ToJSON, Lift)
{ tName :: !QualifiedTable
, tIsEnum :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance FromJSON TrackTable where
parseJSON v = withOptions <|> withoutOptions
withOptions = flip (withObject "TrackTable") v $ \o -> TrackTable
<$> o .: "table"
<*> o .:? "is_enum" .!= False
withoutOptions = TrackTable <$> parseJSON v <*> pure False
instance ToJSON TrackTable where
toJSON (TrackTable name isEnum)
| isEnum = object [ "table" .= name, "is_enum" .= isEnum ]
| otherwise = toJSON name
data SetTableIsEnum
= SetTableIsEnum
{ stieTable :: !QualifiedTable
, stieIsEnum :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 4 snakeCase) ''SetTableIsEnum)
data UntrackTable =
{ utTable :: !QualifiedTable
, utCascade :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''UntrackTable)
-- | Track table/view, Phase 1:
-- Validate table tracking operation. Fails if table is already being tracked,
-- or if a function with the same name is being tracked.
:: (CacheRM m, UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => TrackTable -> m ()
trackExistingTableOrViewP1 (TrackTable vn) = do
trackExistingTableOrViewP1 TrackTable { tName = vn } = do
rawSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
when (M.member vn $ scTables rawSchemaCache) $
@ -74,42 +105,39 @@ trackExistingTableOrViewP1 (TrackTable vn) = do
throw400 NotSupported $ "function with name " <> vn <<> " already exists"
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
=> QualifiedTable -> Bool -> m EncJSON
trackExistingTableOrViewP2 vn isSystemDefined = do
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> TrackTable -> m EncJSON
trackExistingTableOrViewP2 query@TrackTable { tName = tableName } = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
let defGCtx = scDefaultRemoteGCtx sc
GS.checkConflictingNode defGCtx $ GS.qualObjectToName vn
GS.checkConflictingNode defGCtx $ GS.qualObjectToName tableName
tables <- liftTx fetchTableCatalog
case tables of
[] -> throw400 NotExists $ "no such table/view exists in postgres : " <>> vn
[ti] -> addTableToCache ti
_ -> throw500 $ "more than one row found for: " <>> vn
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ saveTableToCatalog vn
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ saveTableToCatalog query
buildSchemaCacheFor (MOTable tableName)
return successMsg
QualifiedObject sn tn = vn
mkTableInfo (cols, pCols, constraints, viewInfoM) =
let colMap = M.fromList $ flip map (Q.getAltJ cols) $
\c -> (fromPGCol $ pgiName c, FIColumn c)
in TableInfo vn isSystemDefined colMap mempty (Q.getAltJ constraints)
(Q.getAltJ pCols) (Q.getAltJ viewInfoM) mempty
fetchTableCatalog = map mkTableInfo <$>
Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
SELECT columns, primary_key_columns,
constraints, view_info
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) True
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, UserInfoM m)
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, UserInfoM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> TrackTable -> m EncJSON
runTrackTableQ q = do
trackExistingTableOrViewP1 q
trackExistingTableOrViewP2 (tName q) False
trackExistingTableOrViewP2 q
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, UserInfoM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> SetTableIsEnum -> m EncJSON
runSetExistingTableIsEnumQ (SetTableIsEnum tableName isEnum) = do
void $ askTabInfo tableName -- assert that table is tracked
liftTx $ Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" SET is_enum = $3
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (qSchema tableName, qName tableName, isEnum) False
buildSchemaCacheFor (MOTable tableName)
return successMsg
purgeDep :: (CacheRWM m, MonadTx m)
=> SchemaObjId -> m ()
@ -133,134 +161,6 @@ purgeDep schemaObjId = case schemaObjId of
_ -> throw500 $
"unexpected dependent object : " <> reportSchemaObj schemaObjId
processTableChanges :: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m)
=> TableInfo -> TableDiff -> m Bool
processTableChanges ti tableDiff = do
-- If table rename occurs then don't replace constraints and
-- process dropped/added columns, because schema reload happens eventually
sc <- askSchemaCache
let tn = tiName ti
withOldTabName = do
-- replace constraints
replaceConstraints tn
-- for all the dropped columns
procDroppedCols tn
-- for all added columns
procAddedCols tn
-- for all altered columns
procAlteredCols sc tn
withNewTabName newTN = do
let tnGQL = GS.qualObjectToName newTN
defGCtx = scDefaultRemoteGCtx sc
-- check for GraphQL schema conflicts on new name
GS.checkConflictingNode defGCtx tnGQL
void $ procAlteredCols sc tn
-- update new table in catalog
renameTableInCatalog newTN tn
return True
maybe withOldTabName withNewTabName mNewName
TableDiff mNewName droppedCols addedCols alteredCols _ constraints = tableDiff
replaceConstraints tn = flip modTableInCache tn $ \tInfo ->
return $ tInfo {tiUniqOrPrimConstraints = constraints}
procDroppedCols tn =
forM_ droppedCols $ \droppedCol ->
-- Drop the column from the cache
delColFromCache droppedCol tn
procAddedCols tn =
-- In the newly added columns check that there is no conflict with relationships
forM_ addedCols $ \pci@(PGColInfo colName _ _) ->
case M.lookup (fromPGCol colName) $ tiFieldInfoMap ti of
Just (FIRelationship _) ->
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "cannot add column " <> colName
<<> " in table " <> tn <<>
" as a relationship with the name already exists"
_ -> addColToCache colName pci tn
procAlteredCols sc tn = fmap or $ forM alteredCols $
\( PGColInfo oColName oColTy oNullable
, npci@(PGColInfo nColName nColTy nNullable)
) ->
if | oColName /= nColName -> do
renameColInCatalog oColName nColName tn ti
return True
| oColTy /= nColTy -> do
let colId = SOTableObj tn $ TOCol oColName
typeDepObjs = getDependentObjsWith (== DROnType) sc colId
-- Raise exception if any objects found which are dependant on column type
unless (null typeDepObjs) $ throw400 DependencyError $
"cannot change type of column " <> oColName <<> " in table "
<> tn <<> " because of the following dependencies : " <>
reportSchemaObjs typeDepObjs
-- Update column type in cache
updColInCache nColName npci tn
-- If any dependant permissions found with the column whose type
-- being altered is provided with a session variable,
-- then rebuild permission info and update the cache
let sessVarDepObjs =
getDependentObjsWith (== DRSessionVariable) sc colId
forM_ sessVarDepObjs $ \objId ->
case objId of
SOTableObj qt (TOPerm rn pt) -> rebuildPermInfo qt rn pt
_ -> throw500
"unexpected schema dependency found for altering column type"
return False
| oNullable /= nNullable -> do
updColInCache nColName npci tn
return False
| otherwise -> return False
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m) => QualifiedTable -> m ()
delTableAndDirectDeps qtn@(QualifiedObject sn tn) = do
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."hdb_relationship"
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."hdb_permission"
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."event_triggers"
WHERE schema_name = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
delTableFromCatalog qtn
delTableFromCache qtn
processSchemaChanges :: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m) => SchemaDiff -> m Bool
processSchemaChanges schemaDiff = do
-- Purge the dropped tables
mapM_ delTableAndDirectDeps droppedTables
sc <- askSchemaCache
fmap or $ forM alteredTables $ \(oldQtn, tableDiff) -> do
ti <- case M.lookup oldQtn $ scTables sc of
Just ti -> return ti
Nothing -> throw500 $ "old table metadata not found in cache : " <>> oldQtn
processTableChanges ti tableDiff
SchemaDiff droppedTables alteredTables = schemaDiff
data UntrackTable =
{ utTable :: !QualifiedTable
, utCascade :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase){omitNothingFields=True} ''UntrackTable)
:: (CacheRM m, UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => UntrackTable -> m ()
unTrackExistingTableOrViewP1 (UntrackTable vn _) = do
@ -269,7 +169,7 @@ unTrackExistingTableOrViewP1 (UntrackTable vn _) = do
case M.lookup vn (scTables rawSchemaCache) of
Just ti ->
-- Check if table/view is system defined
when (tiSystemDefined ti) $ throw400 NotSupported $
when (_tiSystemDefined ti) $ throw400 NotSupported $
vn <<> " is system defined, cannot untrack"
Nothing -> throw400 AlreadyUntracked $
"view/table already untracked : " <>> vn
@ -306,17 +206,220 @@ runUntrackTableQ q = do
unTrackExistingTableOrViewP1 q
unTrackExistingTableOrViewP2 q
processTableChanges :: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m)
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> TableDiff -> m Bool
processTableChanges ti tableDiff = do
-- If table rename occurs then don't replace constraints and
-- process dropped/added columns, because schema reload happens eventually
sc <- askSchemaCache
let tn = _tiName ti
withOldTabName = do
replaceConstraints tn
procDroppedCols tn
procAddedCols tn
procAlteredCols sc tn
withNewTabName newTN = do
let tnGQL = GS.qualObjectToName newTN
defGCtx = scDefaultRemoteGCtx sc
-- check for GraphQL schema conflicts on new name
GS.checkConflictingNode defGCtx tnGQL
void $ procAlteredCols sc tn
-- update new table in catalog
renameTableInCatalog newTN tn
return True
maybe withOldTabName withNewTabName mNewName
TableDiff mNewName droppedCols addedCols alteredCols _ constraints = tableDiff
replaceConstraints tn = flip modTableInCache tn $ \tInfo ->
return $ tInfo {_tiUniqOrPrimConstraints = constraints}
procDroppedCols tn =
forM_ droppedCols $ \droppedCol ->
-- Drop the column from the cache
delColFromCache droppedCol tn
procAddedCols tn =
-- In the newly added columns check that there is no conflict with relationships
forM_ addedCols $ \rawInfo@(PGRawColInfo colName _ _ _) ->
case M.lookup (fromPGCol colName) $ _tiFieldInfoMap ti of
Just (FIRelationship _) ->
throw400 AlreadyExists $ "cannot add column " <> colName
<<> " in table " <> tn <<>
" as a relationship with the name already exists"
_ -> do
info <- processColumnInfoUsingCache tn rawInfo
addColToCache colName info tn
procAlteredCols sc tn = fmap or $ forM alteredCols $
\( PGRawColInfo oldName oldType _ _
, newRawInfo@(PGRawColInfo newName newType _ _) ) -> do
let performColumnUpdate = do
newInfo <- processColumnInfoUsingCache tn newRawInfo
updColInCache newName newInfo tn
if | oldName /= newName -> renameColInCatalog oldName newName tn ti $> True
| oldType /= newType -> do
let colId = SOTableObj tn $ TOCol oldName
typeDepObjs = getDependentObjsWith (== DROnType) sc colId
unless (null typeDepObjs) $ throw400 DependencyError $
"cannot change type of column " <> oldName <<> " in table "
<> tn <<> " because of the following dependencies : " <>
reportSchemaObjs typeDepObjs
-- If any dependent permissions found with the column whose type being altered is
-- provided with a session variable, then rebuild permission info and update the cache
let sessVarDepObjs = getDependentObjsWith (== DRSessionVariable) sc colId
forM_ sessVarDepObjs $ \case
SOTableObj qt (TOPerm rn pt) -> rebuildPermInfo qt rn pt
_ -> throw500 "unexpected schema dependency found for altering column type"
pure False
| otherwise -> performColumnUpdate $> False
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m) => QualifiedTable -> m ()
delTableAndDirectDeps qtn@(QualifiedObject sn tn) = do
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."hdb_relationship"
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."hdb_permission"
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
DELETE FROM "hdb_catalog"."event_triggers"
WHERE schema_name = $1 AND table_name = $2
|] (sn, tn) False
delTableFromCatalog qtn
delTableFromCache qtn
processSchemaChanges :: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m) => SchemaDiff -> m Bool
processSchemaChanges schemaDiff = do
-- Purge the dropped tables
mapM_ delTableAndDirectDeps droppedTables
sc <- askSchemaCache
fmap or $ forM alteredTables $ \(oldQtn, tableDiff) -> do
ti <- case M.lookup oldQtn $ scTables sc of
Just ti -> return ti
Nothing -> throw500 $ "old table metadata not found in cache : " <>> oldQtn
processTableChanges ti tableDiff
SchemaDiff droppedTables alteredTables = schemaDiff
-- | Builds an initial @'TableCache' 'PGColInfo'@ from catalog information. Does not fill in
-- '_tiRolePermInfoMap' or '_tiEventTriggerInfoMap' at all, and '_tiFieldInfoMap' only contains
-- columns, not relationships; those pieces of information are filled in by later stages.
:: forall m. (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m)
=> [CatalogTable] -> m (TableCache PGColInfo)
buildTableCache = processTableCache <=< buildRawTableCache
withTable name = withSchemaObject $
InconsistentMetadataObj (MOTable name) MOTTable (toJSON name)
-- Step 1: Build the raw table cache from metadata information.
buildRawTableCache :: [CatalogTable] -> m (TableCache PGRawColInfo)
buildRawTableCache catalogTables = fmap (M.fromList . catMaybes) . for catalogTables $
\(CatalogTable name isSystemDefined isEnum maybeInfo) -> withTable name $ do
catalogInfo <- onNothing maybeInfo $
throw400 NotExists $ "no such table/view exists in postgres: " <>> name
let CatalogTableInfo columns constraints primaryKeyColumnNames viewInfo = catalogInfo
columnFields = M.fromList . flip map columns $ \column ->
(fromPGCol $ prciName column, FIColumn column)
primaryKeyColumns = flip filter columns $ \column ->
prciName column `elem` primaryKeyColumnNames
fetchEnumValues = fetchAndValidateEnumValues name primaryKeyColumns columns
maybeEnumValues <- if isEnum then Just <$> fetchEnumValues else pure Nothing
let info = TableInfo
{ _tiName = name
, _tiSystemDefined = isSystemDefined
, _tiFieldInfoMap = columnFields
, _tiRolePermInfoMap = mempty
, _tiUniqOrPrimConstraints = constraints
, _tiPrimaryKeyCols = primaryKeyColumnNames
, _tiViewInfo = viewInfo
, _tiEventTriggerInfoMap = mempty
, _tiEnumValues = maybeEnumValues }
pure (name, info)
-- Step 2: Process the raw table cache to replace Postgres column types with logical column
-- types.
processTableCache :: TableCache PGRawColInfo -> m (TableCache PGColInfo)
processTableCache rawTables = fmap (M.mapMaybe id) . for rawTables $ \rawInfo -> do
let tableName = _tiName rawInfo
withTable tableName $ rawInfo
& tiFieldInfoMap.traverse._FIColumn %%~ processColumnInfo enumTables tableName
enumTables = M.mapMaybe _tiEnumValues rawTables
-- | “Processes” a 'PGRawColInfo' into a 'PGColInfo' by resolving its type using a map of known
-- enum tables.
:: (QErrM m)
=> M.HashMap QualifiedTable EnumValues -- ^ known enum tables
-> QualifiedTable -- ^ the table this column belongs to
-> PGRawColInfo -- ^ the column’s raw information
-> m PGColInfo
processColumnInfo enumTables tableName rawInfo = do
resolvedType <- resolveColumnType
pure PGColInfo
{ pgiName = prciName rawInfo
, pgiType = resolvedType
, pgiIsNullable = prciIsNullable rawInfo }
resolveColumnType =
case prciReferences rawInfo of
-- no referenced tables? definitely not an enum
[] -> pure $ PGColumnScalar (prciType rawInfo)
-- one referenced table? might be an enum, so check if the referenced table is an enum
[referencedTableName] -> pure $ M.lookup referencedTableName enumTables & maybe
(PGColumnScalar $ prciType rawInfo)
(PGColumnEnumReference . EnumReference referencedTableName)
-- multiple referenced tables? we could check if any of them are enums, but the schema is
-- strange, so let’s just reject it
referencedTables -> throw400 ConstraintViolation
$ "cannot handle exotic schema: column " <> prciName rawInfo <<> " in table "
<> tableName <<> " references multiple foreign tables ("
<> T.intercalate ", " (map dquote referencedTables) <> ")?"
-- | Like 'processColumnInfo', but uses the information in the current schema cache to resolve a
-- column’s type.
processColumnInfoUsingCache :: (CacheRM m, QErrM m) => QualifiedTable -> PGRawColInfo -> m PGColInfo
processColumnInfoUsingCache tableName rawInfo = do
tables <- scTables <$> askSchemaCache
processColumnInfo (M.mapMaybe _tiEnumValues tables) tableName rawInfo
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> (T.Text -> InconsistentMetadataObj)
-> m ()
-> m ()
handleInconsistentObj f action =
action `catchError` \err -> do
-> m a
-> m (Maybe a)
withSchemaObject f action =
(Just <$> action) `catchError` \err -> do
sc <- askSchemaCache
let inconsObj = f $ qeError err
allInconsObjs = inconsObj:scInconsistentObjs sc
writeSchemaCache $ sc{scInconsistentObjs = allInconsObjs}
writeSchemaCache sc { scInconsistentObjs = allInconsObjs }
pure Nothing
withSchemaObject_ :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m) => (T.Text -> InconsistentMetadataObj) -> m () -> m ()
withSchemaObject_ f = void . withSchemaObject f
:: (QErrM m)
@ -344,6 +447,26 @@ buildSchemaCacheStrict = do
let err = err400 Unexpected "cannot continue due to inconsistent metadata"
throwError err{qeInternal = Just $ toJSON inconsObjs}
-- | Rebuilds the schema cache. If an object with the given object id became newly inconsistent,
-- raises an error about it specifically. Otherwise, raises a generic metadata inconsistency error.
:: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> MetadataObjId -> m ()
buildSchemaCacheFor objectId = do
oldSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
newSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
let diffInconsistentObjects = getDifference _moId `on` scInconsistentObjs
newInconsistentObjects = newSchemaCache `diffInconsistentObjects` oldSchemaCache
for_ (find ((== objectId) . _moId) newInconsistentObjects) $ \matchingObject ->
throw400 ConstraintViolation (_moReason matchingObject)
unless (null newInconsistentObjects) $
throwError (err400 Unexpected "cannot continue due to new inconsistent metadata")
{ qeInternal = Just $ toJSON newInconsistentObjects }
:: (MonadTx m, CacheRWM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> m ()
@ -372,17 +495,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
let fkeys = HS.fromList fkeys'
-- tables
forM_ tables $ \ct -> do
let qt = _ctTable ct
isSysDef = _ctSystemDefined ct
tableInfoM = _ctInfo ct
mkInconsObj = InconsistentMetadataObj (MOTable qt)
MOTTable $ toJSON $ TrackTable qt
modifyErr (\e -> "table " <> qt <<> "; " <> e) $
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $ do
ti <- onNothing tableInfoM $ throw400 NotExists $
"no such table/view exists in postgres : " <>> qt
addTableToCache $ ti{tiSystemDefined = isSysDef}
modTableCache =<< buildTableCache tables
-- relationships
forM_ relationships $ \(CatalogRelation qt rn rt rDef cmnt) -> do
@ -390,7 +503,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
def = toJSON $ WithTable qt $ RelDef rn rDef cmnt
mkInconsObj = InconsistentMetadataObj objId (MOTRel rt) def
modifyErr (\e -> "table " <> qt <<> "; rel " <> rn <<> "; " <> e) $
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $
withSchemaObject_ mkInconsObj $
case rt of
ObjRel -> do
using <- decodeValue rDef
@ -409,7 +522,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
def = toJSON $ WithTable qt $ PermDef rn pDef cmnt
mkInconsObj = InconsistentMetadataObj objId (MOTPerm pt) def
modifyErr (\e -> "table " <> qt <<> "; role " <> rn <<> "; " <> e) $
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $
withSchemaObject_ mkInconsObj $
case pt of
PTInsert -> permHelper withSetup sqlGenCtx qt rn pDef PAInsert
PTSelect -> permHelper withSetup sqlGenCtx qt rn pDef PASelect
@ -421,10 +534,10 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
let objId = MOTableObj qt $ MTOTrigger trn
def = object ["table" .= qt, "configuration" .= configuration]
mkInconsObj = InconsistentMetadataObj objId MOTEventTrigger def
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $ do
withSchemaObject_ mkInconsObj $ do
etc <- decodeValue configuration
subTableP2Setup qt etc
allCols <- getCols . tiFieldInfoMap <$> askTabInfo qt
allCols <- getCols . _tiFieldInfoMap <$> askTabInfo qt
when withSetup $ liftTx $
mkAllTriggersQ trn qt allCols (stringifyNum sqlGenCtx) (etcDefinition etc)
@ -434,7 +547,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
mkInconsObj =
InconsistentMetadataObj (MOFunction qf) MOTFunction def
modifyErr (\e -> "function " <> qf <<> "; " <> e) $
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $ do
withSchemaObject_ mkInconsObj $ do
rawfi <- onNothing rawfiM $
throw400 NotExists $ "no such function exists in postgres : " <>> qf
trackFunctionP2Setup qf rawfi
@ -463,7 +576,7 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
let AddRemoteSchemaQuery name _ _ = rs
mkInconsObj = InconsistentMetadataObj (MORemoteSchema name)
MOTRemoteSchema (toJSON rs)
handleInconsistentObj mkInconsObj $ do
withSchemaObject_ mkInconsObj $ do
rsCtx <- addRemoteSchemaP2Setup rs
sc <- askSchemaCache
let gCtxMap = scGCtxMap sc
@ -475,11 +588,6 @@ buildSchemaCacheG withSetup = do
, scDefaultRemoteGCtx = mergedDefGCtx
fetchCatalogData :: Q.TxE QErr CatalogMetadata
fetchCatalogData =
(Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler
$(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/catalog_metadata.sql") () True
data RunSQL
= RunSQL
{ rSql :: T.Text
@ -517,7 +625,6 @@ execWithMDCheck
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> RunSQL -> m EncJSON
execWithMDCheck (RunSQL t cascade _) = do
-- Drop hdb_views so no interference is caused to the sql query
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler clearHdbViews
@ -582,16 +689,16 @@ execWithMDCheck (RunSQL t cascade _) = do
postSc <- askSchemaCache
-- recreate the insert permission infra
forM_ (M.elems $ scTables postSc) $ \ti -> do
let tn = tiName ti
forM_ (M.elems $ tiRolePermInfoMap ti) $ \rpi ->
let tn = _tiName ti
forM_ (M.elems $ _tiRolePermInfoMap ti) $ \rpi ->
maybe (return ()) (liftTx . buildInsInfra tn) $ _permIns rpi
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx
--recreate triggers
forM_ (M.elems $ scTables postSc) $ \ti -> do
let tn = tiName ti
cols = getCols $ tiFieldInfoMap ti
forM_ (M.toList $ tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti) $ \(trn, eti) -> do
let tn = _tiName ti
cols = getCols $ _tiFieldInfoMap ti
forM_ (M.toList $ _tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti) $ \(trn, eti) -> do
let fullspec = etiOpsDef eti
liftTx $ mkAllTriggersQ trn tn cols strfyNum fullspec
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ mkSQLCount (CountQueryP1 tn (permFltr, mWc) mDistCols) =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> CountQuery
-> m CountQueryP1
validateCountQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr (CountQuery qt mDistCols mWhere) = do
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ validateCountQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr (CountQuery qt mDistCols mWhere) = do
selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $
askSelPermInfo tableInfo
let colInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
let colInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
forM_ mDistCols $ \distCols -> do
let distColAsrns = [ checkSelOnCol selPerm
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ mkDeleteCTE (AnnDel tn (fltr, wc) _ _) =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> DeleteQuery
-> m AnnDel
validateDeleteQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ validateDeleteQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr
-- If table is view then check if it deletable
mutableView tableName viIsDeletable
(tiViewInfo tableInfo) "deletable"
(_tiViewInfo tableInfo) "deletable"
-- Check if the role has delete permissions
delPerm <- askDelPermInfo tableInfo
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ validateDeleteQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr
selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $
askSelPermInfo tableInfo
let fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
let fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
allCols = getCols fieldInfoMap
-- convert the returning cols into sql returing exp
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ toSQLConflict conflict = case conflict of
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
=> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
-> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> InsObj
-> m ([PGCol], [S.SQLExp])
convObj prepFn defInsVals setInsVals fieldInfoMap insObj = do
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ validateInpCols inpCols updColsPerm = forM_ inpCols $ \inpCol ->
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> [PGCol]
-> OnConflict
-> m ConflictClauseP1
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ buildConflictClause sessVarBldr tableInfo inpCols (OnConflict mTCol mTCons act)
(Just _, Just _, _) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload
"'constraint' and 'constraint_on' cannot be set at a time"
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
toSQLBool = toSQLBoolExp (S.mkQual $ tiName tableInfo)
fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
toSQLBool = toSQLBoolExp (S.mkQual $ _tiName tableInfo)
validateCols c = do
let targetcols = getPGCols c
@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ buildConflictClause sessVarBldr tableInfo inpCols (OnConflict mTCol mTCons act)
\pgCol -> askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol ""
validateConstraint c = do
let tableConsNames = tiUniqOrPrimConstraints tableInfo
let tableConsNames = _tiUniqOrPrimConstraints tableInfo
withPathK "constraint" $
unless (c `elem` tableConsNames) $
throw400 Unexpected $ "constraint " <> getConstraintTxt c
<<> " for table " <> tiName tableInfo
<<> " for table " <> _tiName tableInfo
<<> " does not exist"
getUpdPerm = do
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ convInsertQuery
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> (Value -> m [InsObj])
-> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> InsertQuery
-> m InsertQueryP1
convInsertQuery objsParser sessVarBldr prepFn (InsertQuery tableName val oC mRetCols) = do
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ convInsertQuery objsParser sessVarBldr prepFn (InsertQuery tableName val oC mRet
-- If table is view then check if it is insertable
mutableView tableName viIsInsertable
(tiViewInfo tableInfo) "insertable"
(_tiViewInfo tableInfo) "insertable"
-- Check if the role has insert permissions
insPerm <- askInsPermInfo tableInfo
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ convInsertQuery objsParser sessVarBldr prepFn (InsertQuery tableName val oC mRet
-- Check if all dependent headers are present
validateHeaders $ ipiRequiredHeaders insPerm
let fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
let fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
setInsVals = ipiSet insPerm
-- convert the returning cols into sql returing exp
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ instance UserInfoM DMLP1 where
instance HasSQLGenCtx DMLP1 where
askSQLGenCtx = DMLP1 $ lift askSQLGenCtx
mkAdminRolePermInfo :: TableInfo -> RolePermInfo
mkAdminRolePermInfo :: TableInfo PGColInfo -> RolePermInfo
mkAdminRolePermInfo ti =
RolePermInfo (Just i) (Just s) (Just u) (Just d)
pgCols = map pgiName $ getCols $ tiFieldInfoMap ti
pgCols = map pgiName $ getCols $ _tiFieldInfoMap ti
tn = tiName ti
tn = _tiName ti
i = InsPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) tn annBoolExpTrue M.empty []
s = SelPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) tn annBoolExpTrue
Nothing True []
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ mkAdminRolePermInfo ti =
:: (UserInfoM m)
=> PermAccessor c
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> m (Maybe c)
askPermInfo' pa tableInfo = do
roleName <- askCurRole
let mrpi = getRolePermInfo roleName
return $ mrpi >>= (^. permAccToLens pa)
rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
getRolePermInfo roleName
| roleName == adminRole = Just $ mkAdminRolePermInfo tableInfo
| otherwise = M.lookup roleName rpim
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ askPermInfo' pa tableInfo = do
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> PermAccessor c
-> TableInfo
-> TableInfo PGColInfo
-> m c
askPermInfo pa tableInfo = do
roleName <- askCurRole
@ -80,38 +80,38 @@ askPermInfo pa tableInfo = do
case mPermInfo of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ pt <> " on " <>> tiName tableInfo
[ pt <> " on " <>> _tiName tableInfo
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " is not allowed. "
pt = permTypeToCode $ permAccToType pa
isTabUpdatable :: RoleName -> TableInfo -> Bool
isTabUpdatable :: RoleName -> TableInfo PGColInfo -> Bool
isTabUpdatable role ti
| role == adminRole = True
| otherwise = isJust $ M.lookup role rpim >>= _permUpd
rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap ti
rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap ti
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m InsPermInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m InsPermInfo
askInsPermInfo = askPermInfo PAInsert
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m SelPermInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m SelPermInfo
askSelPermInfo = askPermInfo PASelect
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m UpdPermInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m UpdPermInfo
askUpdPermInfo = askPermInfo PAUpdate
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m DelPermInfo
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m DelPermInfo
askDelPermInfo = askPermInfo PADelete
verifyAsrns :: (MonadError QErr m) => [a -> m ()] -> [a] -> m ()
@ -142,27 +142,27 @@ checkPermOnCol pt allowedCols pgCol = do
:: PGScalarType -> Value -> DMLP1 S.SQLExp
:: PGColumnType -> Value -> DMLP1 S.SQLExp
binRHSBuilder colType val = do
preparedArgs <- get
binVal <- runAesonParser (convToBin colType) val
put (preparedArgs DS.|> binVal)
return $ toPrepParam (DS.length preparedArgs + 1) colType
scalarValue <- parsePGScalarValue colType val
put (preparedArgs DS.|> toBinaryValue scalarValue)
return $ toPrepParam (DS.length preparedArgs + 1) (pstType scalarValue)
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> m TableInfo
-> m (TableInfo PGColInfo)
fetchRelTabInfo refTabName =
-- Internal error
modifyErrAndSet500 ("foreign " <> ) $ askTabInfo refTabName
type SessVarBldr m = PgType -> SessVar -> m S.SQLExp
type SessVarBldr m = PGType PGScalarType -> SessVar -> m S.SQLExp
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> RelName -> QualifiedTable
-> m (FieldInfoMap, SelPermInfo)
-> m (FieldInfoMap PGColInfo, SelPermInfo)
fetchRelDet relName refTabName = do
roleName <- askCurRole
-- Internal error
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ fetchRelDet relName refTabName = do
refSelPerm <- modifyErr (relPermErr refTabName roleName) $
askSelPermInfo refTabInfo
return (tiFieldInfoMap refTabInfo, refSelPerm)
return (_tiFieldInfoMap refTabInfo, refSelPerm)
relPermErr rTable roleName _ =
@ -215,16 +215,16 @@ convPartialSQLExp f = \case
PSESessVar colTy sessVar -> f colTy sessVar
:: (Applicative f) => PgType -> SessVar -> f S.SQLExp
:: (Applicative f) => PGType PGScalarType -> SessVar -> f S.SQLExp
sessVarFromCurrentSetting pgType sessVar =
pure $ sessVarFromCurrentSetting' pgType sessVar
sessVarFromCurrentSetting' :: PgType -> SessVar -> S.SQLExp
sessVarFromCurrentSetting' :: PGType PGScalarType -> SessVar -> S.SQLExp
sessVarFromCurrentSetting' ty sessVar =
flip S.SETyAnn (S.mkTypeAnn ty) $
case ty of
PgTypeSimple baseTy -> withGeoVal baseTy sessVarVal
PgTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
PGTypeSimple baseTy -> withGeoVal baseTy sessVarVal
PGTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
curSess = S.SEUnsafe "current_setting('hasura.user')::json"
sessVarVal = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->>")
@ -241,23 +241,25 @@ checkSelPerm spi sessVarBldr =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> BoolExp
-> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> m AnnBoolExpSQL
convBoolExp cim spi be sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
abe <- annBoolExp rhsParser cim be
checkSelPerm spi sessVarBldr abe
rhsParser pgType val = case pgType of
PgTypeSimple ty -> prepValBldr ty val
PgTypeArray ofTy -> do
-- for arrays we don't use the prepared builder
PGTypeSimple ty -> prepValBldr ty val
PGTypeArray ofTy -> do
-- for arrays, we don't use the prepared builder
vals <- runAesonParser parseJSON val
arrayExp <- S.SEArray <$> indexedForM vals (txtRHSBuilder ofTy)
return $ S.SETyAnn arrayExp $ S.mkTypeAnn pgType
PGScalarTyped scalarType scalarValues <- parsePGScalarValues ofTy vals
return $ S.SETyAnn
(S.SEArray $ map (toTxtValue . PGScalarTyped scalarType) scalarValues)
(S.mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeArray scalarType)
dmlTxErrorHandler :: Q.PGTxErr -> QErr
dmlTxErrorHandler p2Res =
@ -266,16 +268,16 @@ dmlTxErrorHandler p2Res =
Just (code, msg) -> err400 code msg
where err = simplifyError p2Res
toJSONableExp :: Bool -> PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
toJSONableExp :: Bool -> PGColumnType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
toJSONableExp strfyNum colTy expn
| colTy == PGGeometry || colTy == PGGeography =
| isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType colTy =
[ expn
, S.SEUnsafe "15" -- max decimal digits
, S.SEUnsafe "4" -- to print out crs
] Nothing
`S.SETyAnn` S.jsonTypeAnn
| isBigNum colTy && strfyNum =
| isScalarColumnWhere isBigNum colTy && strfyNum =
expn `S.SETyAnn` S.textTypeAnn
| otherwise = expn
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ mkSelCTEFromColVals qt allCols colVals =
let pgCol = pgiName ci
val <- onNothing (Map.lookup pgCol colVal) $
throw500 $ "column " <> pgCol <<> " not found in returning values"
runAesonParser (convToTxt (pgiType ci)) val
toTxtValue <$> parsePGScalarValue (pgiType ci) val
selNoRows =
S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.selectStar]
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ hasNestedFld = any isNestedMutFld
FArr _ -> True
_ -> False
pgColsFromMutFld :: MutFld -> [(PGCol, PGScalarType)]
pgColsFromMutFld :: MutFld -> [(PGCol, PGColumnType)]
pgColsFromMutFld = \case
MCount -> []
MExp _ -> []
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ pgColsFromMutFld = \case
FCol (PGColInfo col colTy _) _ -> Just (col, colTy)
_ -> Nothing
pgColsFromMutFlds :: MutFlds -> [(PGCol, PGScalarType)]
pgColsFromMutFlds :: MutFlds -> [(PGCol, PGColumnType)]
pgColsFromMutFlds = concatMap (pgColsFromMutFld . snd)
pgColsToSelFlds :: [PGColInfo] -> [(FieldName, AnnFld)]
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ mkSelWith qt cte mutFlds singleObj strfyNum =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> [PGCol]
-> m [PGColInfo]
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
convSelCol :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> SelCol
-> m [ExtCol]
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ convSelCol fieldInfoMap spi (SCStar wildcard) =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> Wildcard
-> m [ExtCol]
@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ convWildcard fieldInfoMap (SelPermInfo cols _ _ _ _ _) wildcard =
mRelSelPerm <- askPermInfo' PASelect relTabInfo
forM mRelSelPerm $ \rspi -> do
rExtCols <- convWildcard (tiFieldInfoMap relTabInfo) rspi wc
rExtCols <- convWildcard (_tiFieldInfoMap relTabInfo) rspi wc
return $ ECRel relName Nothing $
SelectG rExtCols Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
relExtCols wc = mapM (mkRelCol wc) relColInfos
resolveStar :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> SelectQ
-> m SelectQExt
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ resolveStar fim spi (SelectG selCols mWh mOb mLt mOf) = do
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (FieldInfoMap, SelPermInfo)
-> (FieldInfoMap PGColInfo, SelPermInfo)
-> OrderByCol
-> m AnnObCol
convOrderByElem sessVarBldr (flds, spi) = \case
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ convOrderByElem sessVarBldr (flds, spi) = \case
FIColumn colInfo -> do
checkSelOnCol spi (pgiName colInfo)
let ty = pgiType colInfo
if ty == PGGeography || ty == PGGeometry
if isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType ty
then throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat
[ fldName <<> " has type 'geometry'"
, " and cannot be used in order_by"
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ convOrderByElem sessVarBldr (flds, spi) = \case
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> FieldInfoMap -- Table information of current table
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo -- Table information of current table
-> SelPermInfo -- Additional select permission info
-> SelectQExt -- Given Select Query
-> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> m AnnSimpleSel
convSelectQ fieldInfoMap selPermInfo selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ convSelectQ fieldInfoMap selPermInfo selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> PGCol
-> m PGColInfo
@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo pgCol = do
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> RelName
-> Maybe RelName
-> SelectQExt
-> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> m (Either ObjSel ArrSel)
convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
-- Point to the name key
@ -250,15 +250,15 @@ convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> SelectQuery
-> m AnnSimpleSel
convSelectQuery sessVarBldr prepArgBuilder (DMLQuery qt selQ) = do
tabInfo <- withPathK "table" $ askTabInfo qt
selPermInfo <- askSelPermInfo tabInfo
extSelQ <- resolveStar (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo selQ
extSelQ <- resolveStar (_tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo selQ
validateHeaders $ spiRequiredHeaders selPermInfo
convSelectQ (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo
convSelectQ (_tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo
extSelQ sessVarBldr prepArgBuilder
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ mkUpdateCTE (AnnUpd tn setExps (permFltr, wc) _ _) =
:: (QErrM m)
=> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
=> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> PGCol
-> PGScalarType
-> PGColumnType
-> Value
-> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)
convInc f col colType val = do
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ convInc f col colType val = do
:: (QErrM m)
=> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
=> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> PGCol
-> PGScalarType
-> PGColumnType
-> Value
-> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)
convMul f col colType val = do
@ -89,25 +89,25 @@ convMul f col colType val = do
:: (QErrM m)
=> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
=> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> PGCol
-> PGScalarType
-> PGColumnType
-> Value
-> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)
convSet f col colType val = do
prepExp <- f colType val
return (col, prepExp)
convDefault :: (Monad m) => PGCol -> PGScalarType -> () -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)
convDefault :: (Monad m) => PGCol -> PGColumnType -> () -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)
convDefault col _ _ = return (col, S.SEUnsafe "DEFAULT")
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> [PGCol]
-> UpdPermInfo
-> [(PGCol, a)]
-> (PGCol -> PGScalarType -> a -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp))
-> (PGCol -> PGColumnType -> a -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp))
-> m [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm objs conv =
forM objs $ \(pgCol, a) -> do
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm objs conv =
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> UpdateQuery
-> m AnnUpd
validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr uq = do
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr uq = do
-- If it is view then check if it is updatable
mutableView tableName viIsUpdatable
(tiViewInfo tableInfo) "updatable"
(_tiViewInfo tableInfo) "updatable"
-- Check if the role has update permissions
updPerm <- askUpdPermInfo tableInfo
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr uq = do
selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $
askSelPermInfo tableInfo
let fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
let fieldInfoMap = _tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
allCols = getCols fieldInfoMap
preSetObj = upiSet updPerm
preSetCols = M.keys preSetObj
@ -2,14 +2,11 @@ module Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
( toSQLBoolExp
, getBoolExpDeps
, annBoolExp
, txtRHSBuilder
, pgValParser
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
@ -21,16 +18,16 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
type OpRhsParser m v =
PgType -> Value -> m v
PGType PGColumnType -> Value -> m v
-- | Represents a reference to a Postgres column, possibly casted an arbitrary
-- number of times. Used within 'parseOperationsExpression' for bookkeeping.
data ColumnReference
= ColumnReferenceColumn !PGColInfo
| ColumnReferenceCast !ColumnReference !PGScalarType
| ColumnReferenceCast !ColumnReference !PGColumnType
deriving (Show, Eq)
columnReferenceType :: ColumnReference -> PGScalarType
columnReferenceType :: ColumnReference -> PGColumnType
columnReferenceType = \case
ColumnReferenceColumn column -> pgiType column
ColumnReferenceCast _ targetType -> targetType
@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ parseOperationsExpression
:: forall m v
. (MonadError QErr m)
=> OpRhsParser m v
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> PGColInfo
-> Value
-> m [OpExpG v]
@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
Object o -> mapM (parseOperation column) (M.toList o)
val -> pure . AEQ False <$> rhsParser columnType val
columnType = PgTypeSimple $ columnReferenceType column
columnType = PGTypeSimple $ columnReferenceType column
parseOperation :: ColumnReference -> (T.Text, Value) -> m (OpExpG v)
parseOperation column (opStr, val) = withPathK opStr $
@ -114,17 +111,17 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
"_is_null" -> parseIsNull
-- jsonb type
"_contains" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AContains <$> parseOne
"$contains" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AContains <$> parseOne
"_contained_in" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AContainedIn <$> parseOne
"$contained_in" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AContainedIn <$> parseOne
"_has_key" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKey <$> parseWithTy PGText
"$has_key" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKey <$> parseWithTy PGText
"_contains" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AContains <$> parseOne
"$contains" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AContains <$> parseOne
"_contained_in" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AContainedIn <$> parseOne
"$contained_in" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AContainedIn <$> parseOne
"_has_key" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKey <$> parseWithTy (PGColumnScalar PGText)
"$has_key" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKey <$> parseWithTy (PGColumnScalar PGText)
"_has_keys_any" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKeysAny <$> parseManyWithType PGText
"$has_keys_any" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKeysAny <$> parseManyWithType PGText
"_has_keys_all" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKeysAll <$> parseManyWithType PGText
"$has_keys_all" -> jsonbOnlyOp $ AHasKeysAll <$> parseManyWithType PGText
"_has_keys_any" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKeysAny <$> parseManyWithType (PGColumnScalar PGText)
"$has_keys_any" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKeysAny <$> parseManyWithType (PGColumnScalar PGText)
"_has_keys_all" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKeysAll <$> parseManyWithType (PGColumnScalar PGText)
"$has_keys_all" -> guardType [PGJSONB] >> AHasKeysAll <$> parseManyWithType (PGColumnScalar PGText)
-- geometry types
"_st_contains" -> parseGeometryOp ASTContains
@ -177,12 +174,12 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
parseLt = ALT <$> parseOne -- <
parseGte = AGTE <$> parseOne -- >=
parseLte = ALTE <$> parseOne -- <=
parseLike = textOnlyOp colTy >> ALIKE <$> parseOne
parseNlike = textOnlyOp colTy >> ANLIKE <$> parseOne
parseIlike = textOnlyOp colTy >> AILIKE <$> parseOne
parseNilike = textOnlyOp colTy >> ANILIKE <$> parseOne
parseSimilar = textOnlyOp colTy >> ASIMILAR <$> parseOne
parseNsimilar = textOnlyOp colTy >> ANSIMILAR <$> parseOne
parseLike = guardType stringTypes >> ALIKE <$> parseOne
parseNlike = guardType stringTypes >> ANLIKE <$> parseOne
parseIlike = guardType stringTypes >> AILIKE <$> parseOne
parseNilike = guardType stringTypes >> ANILIKE <$> parseOne
parseSimilar = guardType stringTypes >> ASIMILAR <$> parseOne
parseNsimilar = guardType stringTypes >> ANSIMILAR <$> parseOne
parseIsNull = bool ANISNOTNULL ANISNULL -- is null
<$> parseVal
@ -199,7 +196,7 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
parsedCastOperations <-
forM (M.toList castOperations) $ \(targetTypeName, castedComparisons) -> do
let targetType = txtToPgColTy targetTypeName
castedColumn = ColumnReferenceCast column targetType
castedColumn = ColumnReferenceCast column (PGColumnScalar targetType)
checkValidCast targetType
parsedCastedComparisons <- withPathK targetTypeName $
parseOperations castedColumn castedComparisons
@ -207,31 +204,27 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
return . ACast $ M.fromList parsedCastOperations
checkValidCast targetType = case (colTy, targetType) of
(PGGeometry, PGGeography) -> return ()
(PGGeography, PGGeometry) -> return ()
(PGColumnScalar PGGeometry, PGGeography) -> return ()
(PGColumnScalar PGGeography, PGGeometry) -> return ()
_ -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $
"cannot cast column of type " <> colTy <<> " to type " <>> targetType
jsonbOnlyOp m = case colTy of
ty -> throwError $ buildMsg ty [PGJSONB]
parseGeometryOp f =
geometryOp colTy >> f <$> parseOneNoSess colTy val
guardType [PGGeometry] >> f <$> parseOneNoSess colTy val
parseGeometryOrGeographyOp f =
geometryOrGeographyOp colTy >> f <$> parseOneNoSess colTy val
guardType geoTypes >> f <$> parseOneNoSess colTy val
parseSTDWithinObj = case colTy of
PGGeometry -> do
PGColumnScalar PGGeometry -> do
DWithinGeomOp distVal fromVal <- parseVal
dist <- withPathK "distance" $ parseOneNoSess PGFloat distVal
dist <- withPathK "distance" $ parseOneNoSess (PGColumnScalar PGFloat) distVal
from <- withPathK "from" $ parseOneNoSess colTy fromVal
return $ ASTDWithinGeom $ DWithinGeomOp dist from
PGGeography -> do
PGColumnScalar PGGeography -> do
DWithinGeogOp distVal fromVal sphVal <- parseVal
dist <- withPathK "distance" $ parseOneNoSess PGFloat distVal
dist <- withPathK "distance" $ parseOneNoSess (PGColumnScalar PGFloat) distVal
from <- withPathK "from" $ parseOneNoSess colTy fromVal
useSpheroid <- withPathK "use_spheroid" $ parseOneNoSess PGBoolean sphVal
useSpheroid <- withPathK "use_spheroid" $ parseOneNoSess (PGColumnScalar PGBoolean) sphVal
return $ ASTDWithinGeog $ DWithinGeogOp dist from useSpheroid
_ -> throwError $ buildMsg colTy [PGGeometry, PGGeography]
@ -246,36 +239,23 @@ parseOperationsExpression rhsParser fim columnInfo =
"incompatible column types : " <> column <<> ", " <>> rhsCol
else return rhsCol
geometryOp PGGeometry = return ()
geometryOp ty =
throwError $ buildMsg ty [PGGeometry]
geometryOrGeographyOp PGGeometry = return ()
geometryOrGeographyOp PGGeography = return ()
geometryOrGeographyOp ty =
throwError $ buildMsg ty [PGGeometry, PGGeography]
parseWithTy ty = rhsParser (PgTypeSimple ty) val
parseWithTy ty = rhsParser (PGTypeSimple ty) val
-- parse one with the column's type
parseOne = parseWithTy colTy
parseOneNoSess ty = rhsParser (PgTypeSimple ty)
parseOneNoSess ty = rhsParser (PGTypeSimple ty)
parseManyWithType ty = rhsParser (PgTypeArray ty) val
parseManyWithType ty = rhsParser (PGTypeArray ty) val
guardType validTys = unless (isScalarColumnWhere (`elem` validTys) colTy) $
throwError $ buildMsg colTy validTys
buildMsg ty expTys = err400 UnexpectedPayload
$ " is of type " <> ty <<> "; this operator works only on columns of type "
<> T.intercalate "/" (map dquote expTys)
parseVal :: (FromJSON a) => m a
parseVal = decodeValue val
buildMsg :: PGScalarType -> [PGScalarType] -> QErr
buildMsg ty expTys = err400 UnexpectedPayload
$ " is of type " <> ty <<> "; this operator works only on columns of type "
<> T.intercalate "/" (map dquote expTys)
textOnlyOp :: (MonadError QErr m) => PGScalarType -> m ()
textOnlyOp PGText = return ()
textOnlyOp PGVarchar = return ()
textOnlyOp ty =
throwError $ buildMsg ty [PGVarchar, PGText]
-- This convoluted expression instead of col = val
-- to handle the case of col : null
equalsBoolExpBuilder :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp -> S.BoolExp
@ -295,7 +275,7 @@ notEqualsBoolExpBuilder qualColExp rhsExp =
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> OpRhsParser m v
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> BoolExp
-> m (AnnBoolExp v)
annBoolExp rhsParser fim (BoolExp boolExp) =
@ -304,13 +284,13 @@ annBoolExp rhsParser fim (BoolExp boolExp) =
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> OpRhsParser m v
-> FieldInfoMap
-> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> ColExp
-> m (AnnBoolExpFld v)
annColExp rhsParser colInfoMap (ColExp fieldName colVal) = do
colInfo <- askFieldInfo colInfoMap fieldName
case colInfo of
FIColumn (PGColInfo _ PGJSON _) ->
FIColumn (PGColInfo _ (PGColumnScalar PGJSON) _) ->
throwError (err400 UnexpectedPayload "JSON column can not be part of where clause")
FIColumn pgi ->
AVCol pgi <$> parseOperationsExpression rhsParser colInfoMap pgi colVal
@ -355,18 +335,6 @@ convColRhs tableQual = \case
mkQCol q = S.SEQIden . S.QIden q . toIden
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PGScalarType -> Value -> m PGColValue
pgValParser ty =
runAesonParser (parsePGValue ty)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp
txtRHSBuilder ty val =
toTxtValue ty <$> pgValParser ty val
:: S.Qual -> PGCol -> OpExpG S.SQLExp -> S.BoolExp
mkColCompExp qual lhsCol = mkCompExp (mkQCol lhsCol)
@ -428,7 +396,7 @@ mkColCompExp qual lhsCol = mkCompExp (mkQCol lhsCol)
mkCastsExp casts =
sqlAll . flip map (M.toList casts) $ \(targetType, operations) ->
let targetAnn = S.mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple targetType
let targetAnn = S.mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple targetType
in sqlAll $ map (mkCompExp (S.SETyAnn lhs targetAnn)) operations
sqlAll = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True)
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Hasura.Db as R
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.DML as R
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error as R
@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
:: QualifiedTable
-> SchemaCache -> Maybe FieldInfoMap
-> SchemaCache -> Maybe (FieldInfoMap PGColInfo)
getFieldInfoMap tn =
fmap tiFieldInfoMap . M.lookup tn . scTables
fmap _tiFieldInfoMap . M.lookup tn . scTables
data QCtx
= QCtx
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class (Monad m) => UserInfoM m where
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable -> m TableInfo
=> QualifiedTable -> m (TableInfo PGColInfo)
askTabInfo tabName = do
rawSchemaCache <- askSchemaCache
liftMaybe (err400 NotExists errMsg) $ M.lookup tabName $ scTables rawSchemaCache
@ -94,11 +95,11 @@ askTabInfo tabName = do
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> TriggerName -> m TableInfo
=> TriggerName -> m (TableInfo PGColInfo)
askTabInfoFromTrigger trn = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
let tabInfos = M.elems $ scTables sc
liftMaybe (err400 NotExists errMsg) $ find (isJust.M.lookup trn.tiEventTriggerInfoMap) tabInfos
liftMaybe (err400 NotExists errMsg) $ find (isJust.M.lookup trn._tiEventTriggerInfoMap) tabInfos
errMsg = "event trigger " <> triggerNameToTxt trn <<> " does not exist"
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ askEventTriggerInfo
=> TriggerName -> m EventTriggerInfo
askEventTriggerInfo trn = do
ti <- askTabInfoFromTrigger trn
let etim = tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
let etim = _tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
liftMaybe (err400 NotExists errMsg) $ M.lookup trn etim
errMsg = "event trigger " <> triggerNameToTxt trn <<> " does not exist"
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ liftP1WithQCtx r m =
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable -> m FieldInfoMap
=> QualifiedTable -> m (FieldInfoMap PGColInfo)
askFieldInfoMap tabName = do
mFieldInfoMap <- getFieldInfoMap tabName <$> askSchemaCache
maybe (throw400 NotExists errMsg) return mFieldInfoMap
@ -173,19 +174,19 @@ askFieldInfoMap tabName = do
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap PGColInfo
-> PGCol
-> T.Text
-> m PGScalarType
-> m PGColumnType
askPGType m c msg =
pgiType <$> askPGColInfo m c msg
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap columnInfo
-> PGCol
-> T.Text
-> m PGColInfo
-> m columnInfo
askPGColInfo m c msg = do
colInfo <- modifyErr ("column " <>) $
askFieldInfo m (fromPGCol c)
@ -200,16 +201,16 @@ askPGColInfo m c msg = do
assertPGCol :: (MonadError QErr m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap columnInfo
-> T.Text
-> PGCol
-> m ()
assertPGCol m msg c = do
_ <- askPGType m c msg
_ <- askPGColInfo m c msg
return ()
askRelType :: (MonadError QErr m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap columnInfo
-> RelName
-> T.Text
-> m RelInfo
@ -226,9 +227,9 @@ askRelType m r msg = do
askFieldInfo :: (MonadError QErr m)
=> FieldInfoMap
=> FieldInfoMap columnInfo
-> FieldName
-> m FieldInfo
-> m (FieldInfo columnInfo)
askFieldInfo m f =
case M.lookup f m of
Just colInfo -> return colInfo
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp
, AnnBoolExpFldSQL
, AnnBoolExpSQL
, PartialSQLExp(..)
, mkScalarSessionVar
, isStaticValue
, AnnBoolExpFldPartialSQL
, AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
@ -280,10 +282,14 @@ type PreSetCols = M.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
-- doesn't resolve the session variable
data PartialSQLExp
= PSESessVar !PgType !SessVar
= PSESessVar !(PGType PGScalarType) !SessVar
deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
mkScalarSessionVar :: PGType PGColumnType -> SessVar -> PartialSQLExp
mkScalarSessionVar columnType =
PSESessVar (unsafePGColumnToRepresentation <$> columnType)
instance ToJSON PartialSQLExp where
toJSON = \case
PSESessVar colTy sessVar -> toJSON (colTy, sessVar)
@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
module Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog where
-- | This module provides 'fetchCatalogData', which loads the entire catalog in one go from the
-- database, consulting tables such as @hdb_catalog.hdb_table@. It is used by
-- 'Hasura.RQL.Schema.Table.buildSchemaCache' to seed or reload the schema cache.
module Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
( fetchCatalogData
, CatalogMetadata(..)
, CatalogTable(..)
, CatalogTableInfo(..)
, CatalogRelation(..)
, CatalogPermission(..)
, CatalogEventTrigger(..)
, CatalogFunction(..)
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
@ -11,15 +33,21 @@ import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
data CatalogTableInfo
= CatalogTableInfo
{ _ctiColumns :: ![PGRawColInfo]
, _ctiConstraints :: ![ConstraintName]
, _ctiPrimaryKeyColumns :: ![PGCol]
, _ctiViewInfo :: !(Maybe ViewInfo)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 4 snakeCase) ''CatalogTableInfo)
data CatalogTable
= CatalogTable
{ _ctTable :: !QualifiedTable
, _ctSystemDefined :: !Bool
, _ctInfo :: !(Maybe TableInfo)
{ _ctName :: !QualifiedTable
, _ctIsSystemDefined :: !Bool
, _ctIsEnum :: !Bool
, _ctInfo :: !(Maybe CatalogTableInfo)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''CatalogTable)
@ -70,3 +98,9 @@ data CatalogMetadata
, _cmAllowlistCollections :: ![CollectionDef]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''CatalogMetadata)
-- | See "Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog".
fetchCatalogData :: (MonadTx m) => m CatalogMetadata
fetchCatalogData =
liftTx $ Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler
$(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/catalog_metadata.sql") () True
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
module Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
( PGColumnType(..)
, _PGColumnScalar
, _PGColumnEnumReference
, isScalarColumnWhere
, parsePGScalarValue
, parsePGScalarValues
, unsafePGColumnToRepresentation
, PGColInfo(..)
, PGRawColInfo(..)
, onlyIntCols
, onlyNumCols
, onlyJSONBCols
, onlyComparableCols
, getColInfos
, EnumReference(..)
, EnumValues
, EnumValue(..)
, EnumValueInfo(..)
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Lens.TH
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Hasura.RQL.Instances ()
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
newtype EnumValue
= EnumValue { getEnumValue :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift, Hashable, ToJSON, ToJSONKey, FromJSON, FromJSONKey)
newtype EnumValueInfo
= EnumValueInfo
{ evComment :: Maybe T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Lift, Hashable)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase) ''EnumValueInfo)
type EnumValues = M.HashMap EnumValue EnumValueInfo
-- | Represents a reference to an “enum table,” a single-column Postgres table that is referenced
-- via foreign key.
data EnumReference
= EnumReference
{ erTable :: !QualifiedTable
, erValues :: !EnumValues
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Lift)
instance Hashable EnumReference
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase) ''EnumReference)
-- | The type we use for columns, which are currently always “scalars” (though see the note about
-- 'PGType'). Unlike 'PGScalarType', which represents a type that /Postgres/ knows about, this type
-- characterizes distinctions we make but Postgres doesn’t.
data PGColumnType
-- | Ordinary Postgres columns.
= PGColumnScalar !PGScalarType
-- | Columns that reference enum tables (see "Hasura.RQL.Schema.Enum"). This is not actually a
-- distinct type from the perspective of Postgres (at the time of this writing, we ensure they
-- always have type @text@), but we really want to distinguish this case, since we treat it
-- /completely/ differently in the GraphQL schema.
| PGColumnEnumReference !EnumReference
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PGColumnType
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions{constructorTagModifier = drop 8} ''PGColumnType)
$(makePrisms ''PGColumnType)
instance DQuote PGColumnType where
dquoteTxt = \case
PGColumnScalar scalar -> dquoteTxt scalar
PGColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName _) -> dquoteTxt tableName
isScalarColumnWhere :: (PGScalarType -> Bool) -> PGColumnType -> Bool
isScalarColumnWhere f = \case
PGColumnScalar scalar -> f scalar
PGColumnEnumReference _ -> False
-- | Gets the representation type associated with a 'PGColumnType'. Avoid using this if possible.
-- Prefer 'parsePGScalarValue', 'parsePGScalarValues', or
-- 'Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp.mkScalarSessionVar'.
unsafePGColumnToRepresentation :: PGColumnType -> PGScalarType
unsafePGColumnToRepresentation = \case
PGColumnScalar scalarType -> scalarType
PGColumnEnumReference _ -> PGText
parsePGScalarValue :: (MonadError QErr m) => PGColumnType -> Value -> m (PGScalarTyped PGColValue)
parsePGScalarValue columnType value = case columnType of
PGColumnScalar scalarType ->
PGScalarTyped scalarType <$> runAesonParser (parsePGValue scalarType) value
PGColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName enumValues) -> do
let typeName = snakeCaseQualObject tableName
flip runAesonParser value . withText (T.unpack typeName) $ \textValue -> do
let enumTextValues = map getEnumValue $ M.keys enumValues
unless (textValue `elem` enumTextValues) $
fail . T.unpack
$ "expected one of the values " <> T.intercalate ", " (map dquote enumTextValues)
<> " for type " <> typeName <<> ", given " <>> textValue
pure $ PGScalarTyped PGText (PGValText textValue)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PGColumnType -> [Value] -> m (PGScalarTyped [PGColValue])
parsePGScalarValues columnType values = do
scalarValues <- indexedMapM (fmap pstValue . parsePGScalarValue columnType) values
pure $ PGScalarTyped (unsafePGColumnToRepresentation columnType) scalarValues
-- | “Raw” column info, as stored in the catalog (but not in the schema cache). Instead of
-- containing a 'PGColumnType', it only contains a 'PGScalarType', which is combined with the
-- 'pcirReferences' field and other table data to eventually resolve the type to a 'PGColumnType'.
data PGRawColInfo
= PGRawColInfo
{ prciName :: !PGCol
, prciType :: !PGScalarType
, prciIsNullable :: !Bool
, prciReferences :: ![QualifiedTable]
-- ^ only stores single-column references to primary key of foreign tables (used for detecting
-- references to enum tables)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 4 snakeCase) ''PGRawColInfo)
-- | “Resolved” column info, produced from a 'PGRawColInfo' value that has been combined with other
-- schema information to produce a 'PGColumnType'.
data PGColInfo
= PGColInfo
{ pgiName :: !PGCol
, pgiType :: !PGColumnType
, pgiIsNullable :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''PGColInfo)
onlyIntCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyIntCols = filter (isScalarColumnWhere isIntegerType . pgiType)
onlyNumCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyNumCols = filter (isScalarColumnWhere isNumType . pgiType)
onlyJSONBCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyJSONBCols = filter (isScalarColumnWhere (== PGJSONB) . pgiType)
onlyComparableCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyComparableCols = filter (isScalarColumnWhere isComparableType . pgiType)
getColInfos :: [PGCol] -> [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
getColInfos cols allColInfos =
flip filter allColInfos $ \ci -> pgiName ci `elem` cols
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
( PGColInfo(..)
, RelName(..)
( RelName(..)
, relNameToTxt
, RelType(..)
, rootRelName
@ -38,15 +37,6 @@ import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding as PD
data PGColInfo
= PGColInfo
{ pgiName :: !PGCol
, pgiType :: !PGScalarType
, pgiIsNullable :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''PGColInfo)
newtype NonEmptyText = NonEmptyText {unNonEmptyText :: T.Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, ToJSON, ToJSONKey, Lift, Q.ToPrepArg, DQuote)
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ data MetadataObjType
| MOTEventTrigger
| MOTFunction
| MOTRemoteSchema
deriving (Eq)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable MetadataObjType
instance Show MetadataObjType where
show MOTTable = "table"
@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ data TableMetadataObjId
| MTOPerm !RoleName !PermType
| MTOTrigger !TriggerName
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable TableMetadataObjId
data MetadataObjId
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ data MetadataObjId
| MORemoteSchema !RemoteSchemaName
| MOTableObj !QualifiedTable !TableMetadataObjId
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable MetadataObjId
data InconsistentMetadataObj
@ -54,7 +53,8 @@ data InconsistentMetadataObj
, _moType :: !MetadataObjType
, _moDef :: !Value
, _moReason :: !T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable InconsistentMetadataObj
instance ToJSON InconsistentMetadataObj where
toJSON (InconsistentMetadataObj _ ty info rsn) =
@ -2,27 +2,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
( TableCache
, SchemaCache(..)
( SchemaCache(..)
, SchemaCacheVer
, initSchemaCacheVer
, incSchemaCacheVer
, emptySchemaCache
, TableCache
, modTableCache
, addTableToCache
, modTableInCache
, delTableFromCache
, TableInfo(..)
, tiName
, tiSystemDefined
, tiFieldInfoMap
, tiRolePermInfoMap
, tiUniqOrPrimConstraints
, tiPrimaryKeyCols
, tiViewInfo
, tiEventTriggerInfoMap
, tiEnumValues
, TableConstraint(..)
, ConstraintType(..)
, ViewInfo(..)
, isMutable
, mutableView
, onlyIntCols
, onlyNumCols
, onlyJSONBCols
, onlyComparableCols
, isUniqueOrPrimary
, isForeignKey
, addTableToCache
, modTableInCache
, delTableFromCache
, RemoteSchemaCtx(..)
, RemoteSchemaMap
@ -36,17 +45,16 @@ module Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
, FieldInfoMap
, FieldInfo(..)
, _FIColumn
, _FIRelationship
, fieldInfoToEither
, partitionFieldInfos
, partitionFieldInfosWith
, getCols
, getRels
, PGColInfo(..)
, isPGColInfo
, getColInfos
, RelInfo(..)
-- , addFldToCache
, addColToCache
, addRelToCache
@ -107,6 +115,7 @@ import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Context as GC
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
@ -137,58 +146,42 @@ mkColDep :: DependencyReason -> QualifiedTable -> PGCol -> SchemaDependency
mkColDep reason tn col =
flip SchemaDependency reason . SOTableObj tn $ TOCol col
onlyIntCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyIntCols = filter (isIntegerType . pgiType)
onlyNumCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyNumCols = filter (isNumType . pgiType)
onlyJSONBCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyJSONBCols = filter (isJSONBType . pgiType)
onlyComparableCols :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
onlyComparableCols = filter (isComparableType . pgiType)
getColInfos :: [PGCol] -> [PGColInfo] -> [PGColInfo]
getColInfos cols allColInfos =
flip filter allColInfos $ \ci -> pgiName ci `elem` cols
type WithDeps a = (a, [SchemaDependency])
data FieldInfo
= FIColumn !PGColInfo
data FieldInfo columnInfo
= FIColumn !columnInfo
| FIRelationship !RelInfo
deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2
, sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "detail"
$(makePrisms ''FieldInfo)
fieldInfoToEither :: FieldInfo -> Either PGColInfo RelInfo
fieldInfoToEither :: FieldInfo columnInfo -> Either columnInfo RelInfo
fieldInfoToEither (FIColumn l) = Left l
fieldInfoToEither (FIRelationship r) = Right r
partitionFieldInfos :: [FieldInfo] -> ([PGColInfo], [RelInfo])
partitionFieldInfos :: [FieldInfo columnInfo] -> ([columnInfo], [RelInfo])
partitionFieldInfos = partitionFieldInfosWith (id, id)
partitionFieldInfosWith :: (PGColInfo -> a, RelInfo -> b)
-> [FieldInfo] -> ([a], [b])
partitionFieldInfosWith :: (columnInfo -> a, RelInfo -> b)
-> [FieldInfo columnInfo] -> ([a], [b])
partitionFieldInfosWith fns =
partitionEithers . map (biMapEither fns . fieldInfoToEither)
biMapEither (f1, f2) = either (Left . f1) (Right . f2)
type FieldInfoMap = M.HashMap FieldName FieldInfo
type FieldInfoMap columnInfo = M.HashMap FieldName (FieldInfo columnInfo)
getCols :: FieldInfoMap -> [PGColInfo]
getCols :: FieldInfoMap columnInfo -> [columnInfo]
getCols fim = lefts $ map fieldInfoToEither $ M.elems fim
getRels :: FieldInfoMap -> [RelInfo]
getRels :: FieldInfoMap columnInfo -> [RelInfo]
getRels fim = rights $ map fieldInfoToEither $ M.elems fim
isPGColInfo :: FieldInfo -> Bool
isPGColInfo :: FieldInfo columnInfo -> Bool
isPGColInfo (FIColumn _) = True
isPGColInfo _ = False
@ -331,32 +324,20 @@ mutableView qt f mVI operation =
unless (isMutable f mVI) $ throw400 NotSupported $
"view " <> qt <<> " is not " <> operation
data TableInfo
data TableInfo columnInfo
= TableInfo
{ tiName :: !QualifiedTable
, tiSystemDefined :: !Bool
, tiFieldInfoMap :: !FieldInfoMap
, tiRolePermInfoMap :: !RolePermInfoMap
, tiUniqOrPrimConstraints :: ![ConstraintName]
, tiPrimaryKeyCols :: ![PGCol]
, tiViewInfo :: !(Maybe ViewInfo)
, tiEventTriggerInfoMap :: !EventTriggerInfoMap
{ _tiName :: !QualifiedTable
, _tiSystemDefined :: !Bool
, _tiFieldInfoMap :: !(FieldInfoMap columnInfo)
, _tiRolePermInfoMap :: !RolePermInfoMap
, _tiUniqOrPrimConstraints :: ![ConstraintName]
, _tiPrimaryKeyCols :: ![PGCol]
, _tiViewInfo :: !(Maybe ViewInfo)
, _tiEventTriggerInfoMap :: !EventTriggerInfoMap
, _tiEnumValues :: !(Maybe EnumValues)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase) ''TableInfo)
instance FromJSON TableInfo where
parseJSON = withObject "TableInfo" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
columns <- o .: "columns"
pkeyCols <- o .: "primary_key_columns"
constraints <- o .: "constraints"
viewInfoM <- o .:? "view_info"
isSystemDefined <- o .:? "is_system_defined" .!= False
let colMap = M.fromList $ flip map columns $
\c -> (fromPGCol $ pgiName c, FIColumn c)
return $ TableInfo name isSystemDefined colMap mempty
constraints pkeyCols viewInfoM mempty
$(makeLenses ''TableInfo)
data FunctionType
@ -398,7 +379,7 @@ data FunctionInfo
$(deriveToJSON (aesonDrop 2 snakeCase) ''FunctionInfo)
type TableCache = M.HashMap QualifiedTable TableInfo -- info of all tables
type TableCache columnInfo = M.HashMap QualifiedTable (TableInfo columnInfo) -- info of all tables
type FunctionCache = M.HashMap QualifiedFunction FunctionInfo -- info of all functions
data RemoteSchemaCtx
@ -443,7 +424,7 @@ incSchemaCacheVer (SchemaCacheVer prev) =
data SchemaCache
= SchemaCache
{ scTables :: !TableCache
{ scTables :: !(TableCache PGColInfo)
, scFunctions :: !FunctionCache
, scRemoteSchemas :: !RemoteSchemaMap
, scAllowlist :: !(HS.HashSet GQLQuery)
@ -486,19 +467,19 @@ emptySchemaCache =
SchemaCache M.empty M.empty M.empty
HS.empty M.empty GC.emptyGCtx mempty []
modTableCache :: (CacheRWM m) => TableCache -> m ()
modTableCache :: (CacheRWM m) => TableCache PGColInfo -> m ()
modTableCache tc = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
writeSchemaCache $ sc { scTables = tc }
addTableToCache :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> TableInfo -> m ()
=> TableInfo PGColInfo -> m ()
addTableToCache ti = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
assertTableNotExists tn sc
modTableCache $ M.insert tn ti $ scTables sc
tn = tiName ti
tn = _tiName ti
delTableFromCache :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> QualifiedTable -> m ()
@ -514,7 +495,7 @@ delTableFromCache tn = do
getTableInfoFromCache :: (QErrM m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> SchemaCache
-> m TableInfo
-> m (TableInfo PGColInfo)
getTableInfoFromCache tn sc =
case M.lookup tn (scTables sc) of
Nothing -> throw500 $ "table not found in cache : " <>> tn
@ -530,7 +511,7 @@ assertTableNotExists tn sc =
Just _ -> throw500 $ "table exists in cache : " <>> tn
modTableInCache :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> (TableInfo -> m TableInfo)
=> (TableInfo PGColInfo -> m (TableInfo PGColInfo))
-> QualifiedTable
-> m ()
modTableInCache f tn = do
@ -558,17 +539,17 @@ addRelToCache rn ri deps tn = do
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> FieldName -> FieldInfo
=> FieldName -> FieldInfo PGColInfo
-> QualifiedTable -> m ()
addFldToCache fn fi =
modTableInCache modFieldInfoMap
modFieldInfoMap ti = do
let fim = tiFieldInfoMap ti
let fim = _tiFieldInfoMap ti
case M.lookup fn fim of
Just _ -> throw500 "field already exists "
Nothing -> return $
ti { tiFieldInfoMap = M.insert fn fi fim }
ti { _tiFieldInfoMap = M.insert fn fi fim }
delFldFromCache :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> FieldName -> QualifiedTable -> m ()
@ -576,10 +557,10 @@ delFldFromCache fn =
modTableInCache modFieldInfoMap
modFieldInfoMap ti = do
let fim = tiFieldInfoMap ti
let fim = _tiFieldInfoMap ti
case M.lookup fn fim of
Just _ -> return $
ti { tiFieldInfoMap = M.delete fn fim }
ti { _tiFieldInfoMap = M.delete fn fim }
Nothing -> throw500 "field does not exist"
delColFromCache :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
@ -639,8 +620,8 @@ addEventTriggerToCache qt eti deps = do
trn = etiName eti
modEventTriggerInfo ti = do
let etim = tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
return $ ti { tiEventTriggerInfoMap = M.insert trn eti etim}
let etim = _tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
return $ ti { _tiEventTriggerInfoMap = M.insert trn eti etim}
schObjId = SOTableObj qt $ TOTrigger trn
@ -653,8 +634,8 @@ delEventTriggerFromCache qt trn = do
modDepMapInCache (removeFromDepMap schObjId)
modEventTriggerInfo ti = do
let etim = tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
return $ ti { tiEventTriggerInfoMap = M.delete trn etim }
let etim = _tiEventTriggerInfoMap ti
return $ ti { _tiEventTriggerInfoMap = M.delete trn etim }
schObjId = SOTableObj qt $ TOTrigger trn
@ -713,11 +694,11 @@ addPermToCache tn rn pa i deps = do
paL = permAccToLens pa
modRolePermInfo ti = do
let rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap ti
let rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap ti
rpi = fromMaybe mkRolePermInfo $ M.lookup rn rpim
newRPI = rpi & paL ?~ i
assertPermNotExists pa rpi
return $ ti { tiRolePermInfoMap = M.insert rn newRPI rpim }
return $ ti { _tiRolePermInfoMap = M.insert rn newRPI rpim }
schObjId = SOTableObj tn $ TOPerm rn $ permAccToType pa
@ -746,11 +727,11 @@ delPermFromCache pa rn tn = do
paL = permAccToLens pa
modRolePermInfo ti = do
let rpim = tiRolePermInfoMap ti
let rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap ti
rpi = fromMaybe mkRolePermInfo $ M.lookup rn rpim
assertPermExists pa rpi
let newRPI = rpi & paL .~ Nothing
return $ ti { tiRolePermInfoMap = M.insert rn newRPI rpim }
return $ ti { _tiRolePermInfoMap = M.insert rn newRPI rpim }
schObjId = SOTableObj tn $ TOPerm rn $ permAccToType pa
@ -225,23 +225,23 @@ newtype TypeAnn
= TypeAnn {unTypeAnn :: T.Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
mkTypeAnn :: PgType -> TypeAnn
mkTypeAnn :: PGType PGScalarType -> TypeAnn
mkTypeAnn = TypeAnn . toSQLTxt
intTypeAnn :: TypeAnn
intTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple PGInteger
intTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGInteger
textTypeAnn :: TypeAnn
textTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple PGText
textTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGText
textArrTypeAnn :: TypeAnn
textArrTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeArray PGText
textArrTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeArray PGText
jsonTypeAnn :: TypeAnn
jsonTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple PGJSON
jsonTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGJSON
jsonbTypeAnn :: TypeAnn
jsonbTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple PGJSONB
jsonbTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGJSONB
data CountType
= CTStar
@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ instance ToSQL TupleExp where
data SQLExp
= SEPrep !Int
| SENull
| SELit !T.Text
| SEUnsafe !T.Text
| SESelect !Select
@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ data SQLExp
deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
withTyAnn :: PGScalarType -> SQLExp -> SQLExp
withTyAnn colTy v = SETyAnn v . mkTypeAnn $ PgTypeSimple colTy
withTyAnn colTy v = SETyAnn v . mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple colTy
instance J.ToJSON SQLExp where
toJSON = J.toJSON . toSQLTxt
@ -310,6 +311,8 @@ countStar = SECount CTStar
instance ToSQL SQLExp where
toSQL (SEPrep argNumber) =
TB.char '$' <> fromString (show argNumber)
toSQL SENull =
TB.text "null"
toSQL (SELit tv) =
TB.text $ pgFmtLit tv
toSQL (SEUnsafe t) =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
-- | Functions and datatypes for interpreting Postgres errors.
module Hasura.SQL.Error where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Control.Lens.TH (makePrisms)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query.Connection as Q
-- | The top-level error code type. Errors in Postgres are divided into different /classes/, which
-- are further subdivided into individual error codes. Even if a particular status code is not known
-- to the application, it’s possible to determine its class and handle it appropriately.
data PgErrorType
= PgDataException !(Maybe (PgErrorCode PgDataException))
| PgIntegrityConstraintViolation !(Maybe (PgErrorCode PgIntegrityConstraintViolation))
| PgSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation !(Maybe (PgErrorCode PgSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation))
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PgErrorCode a
= PgErrorGeneric
-- ^ represents errors that have the non-specific @000@ status code
| PgErrorSpecific !a
-- ^ represents errors with a known, more specific status code
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
data PgDataException
= PgInvalidDatetimeFormat
| PgInvalidParameterValue
| PgInvalidTextRepresentation
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PgIntegrityConstraintViolation
= PgRestrictViolation
| PgNotNullViolation
| PgForeignKeyViolation
| PgUniqueViolation
| PgCheckViolation
| PgExclusionViolation
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PgSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation
= PgUndefinedObject
| PgInvalidColumnReference
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(makePrisms ''PgErrorType)
$(makePrisms ''PgErrorCode)
pgErrorType :: Q.PGStmtErrDetail -> Maybe PgErrorType
pgErrorType errorDetails = parseTypes =<< Q.edStatusCode errorDetails
parseTypes fullCodeText = choice
[ withClass "22" PgDataException
[ code "007" PgInvalidDatetimeFormat
, code "023" PgInvalidParameterValue
, code "P02" PgInvalidTextRepresentation
, withClass "23" PgIntegrityConstraintViolation
[ code "001" PgRestrictViolation
, code "502" PgNotNullViolation
, code "503" PgForeignKeyViolation
, code "505" PgUniqueViolation
, code "514" PgCheckViolation
, code "P01" PgExclusionViolation
, withClass "42" PgSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation
[ code "704" PgUndefinedObject
, code "P10" PgInvalidColumnReference
(classText, codeText) = T.splitAt 2 fullCodeText
withClass :: T.Text -> (Maybe a -> b) -> [Maybe a] -> Maybe b
withClass expectedClassText mkClass codes =
guard (classText == expectedClassText) $> mkClass (choice codes)
code :: T.Text -> a -> Maybe (PgErrorCode a)
code expectedCodeText codeValue =
guard (codeText == expectedCodeText) $> PgErrorSpecific codeValue
pgErrorToText :: Q.PGStmtErrDetail -> T.Text
pgErrorToText errorDetail =
fromMaybe "postgres error" (Q.edMessage errorDetail)
<> maybe "" formatDescription (Q.edDescription errorDetail)
<> maybe "" formatHint (Q.edHint errorDetail)
formatDescription description = ";\n" <> prefixLines " " description
formatHint hint = "\n hint: " <> prefixLinesExceptFirst " " hint
prefixLinesExceptFirst prefix content =
T.intercalate ("\n" <> prefix) (T.lines content)
prefixLines prefix content =
prefix <> prefixLinesExceptFirst prefix content
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ uOrderBy (S.OrderByExp ordByItems) =
uSqlExp :: S.SQLExp -> Uniq S.SQLExp
uSqlExp = restoringIdens . \case
S.SEPrep i -> return $ S.SEPrep i
S.SENull -> return S.SENull
S.SELit t -> return $ S.SELit t
S.SEUnsafe t -> return $ S.SEUnsafe t
S.SESelect s -> S.SESelect <$> uSelect s
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding (text)
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Aeson.Types (toJSONKeyText)
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
@ -392,9 +393,15 @@ isNumType PGDouble = True
isNumType PGNumeric = True
isNumType ty = isIntegerType ty
isJSONBType :: PGScalarType -> Bool
isJSONBType _ = False
stringTypes :: [PGScalarType]
stringTypes = [PGVarchar, PGText]
isStringType :: PGScalarType -> Bool
isStringType = (`elem` stringTypes)
jsonTypes :: [PGScalarType]
jsonTypes = [PGJSON, PGJSONB]
isJSONType :: PGScalarType -> Bool
isJSONType = (`elem` jsonTypes)
isComparableType :: PGScalarType -> Bool
isComparableType PGJSON = False
@ -413,26 +420,33 @@ isBigNum = \case
PGDouble -> True
_ -> False
geoTypes :: [PGScalarType]
geoTypes = [PGGeometry, PGGeography]
isGeoType :: PGScalarType -> Bool
isGeoType = \case
PGGeometry -> True
PGGeography -> True
_ -> False
isGeoType = (`elem` geoTypes)
-- | The type of all Postgres types (i.e. scalars and arrays).
data PGScalarTyped a
= PGScalarTyped
{ pstType :: !PGScalarType
, pstValue :: !a
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | The type of all Postgres types (i.e. scalars and arrays). This type is parameterized so that
-- we can have both @'PGType' 'PGScalarType'@ and @'PGType' 'Hasura.RQL.Types.PGColumnType'@, for
-- when we care about the distinction made by 'Hasura.RQL.Types.PGColumnType'. If we ever change
-- 'Hasura.RQL.Types.PGColumnType' to handle arrays, not just scalars, then the parameterization can
-- go away.
-- TODO: This is incorrect modeling, as 'PGScalarType' will capture anything (under 'PGUnknown').
-- This should be fixed when support for all types is merged.
data PgType
= PgTypeSimple !PGScalarType
| PgTypeArray !PGScalarType
deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
data PGType a
= PGTypeSimple !a
| PGTypeArray !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Functor)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions{constructorTagModifier = drop 6} ''PGType)
instance ToSQL PgType where
instance (ToSQL a) => ToSQL (PGType a) where
toSQL = \case
PgTypeSimple ty -> toSQL ty
PGTypeSimple ty -> toSQL ty
-- typename array is an sql standard way of declaring types
PgTypeArray ty -> toSQL ty <> " array"
instance ToJSON PgType where
toJSON = toJSON . toSQLTxt
PGTypeArray ty -> toSQL ty <> " array"
@ -136,50 +136,29 @@ textToPrepVal t =
parsePGValue' :: PGScalarType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser PGColValue
parsePGValue' ty Null =
return $ PGNull ty
parsePGValue' PGSmallInt val =
PGValSmallInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGInteger val =
PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBigInt val =
PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGSerial val =
PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBigSerial val =
PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGFloat val =
PGValFloat <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGDouble val =
PGValDouble <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGNumeric val =
PGValNumeric <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBoolean val =
PGValBoolean <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGChar val =
PGValChar <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGVarchar val =
PGValVarchar <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGText val =
PGValText <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGDate val =
PGValDate <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGTimeStampTZ val =
PGValTimeStampTZ <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGTimeTZ val =
PGValTimeTZ <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGJSON val =
PGValJSON . Q.JSON <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGJSONB val =
PGValJSONB . Q.JSONB <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGGeometry val =
PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGGeography val =
PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' (PGUnknown _) (String t) =
return $ PGValUnknown t
parsePGValue' (PGUnknown tyName) _ =
fail $ "A string is expected for type : " ++ T.unpack tyName
parsePGValue' ty v = case (ty, v) of
(_, Null) -> return $ PGNull ty
(PGSmallInt, val) -> PGValSmallInt <$> parseJSON val
(PGInteger, val) -> PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
(PGBigInt, val) -> PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
(PGSerial, val) -> PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
(PGBigSerial, val) -> PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
(PGFloat, val) -> PGValFloat <$> parseJSON val
(PGDouble, val) -> PGValDouble <$> parseJSON val
(PGNumeric, val) -> PGValNumeric <$> parseJSON val
(PGBoolean, val) -> PGValBoolean <$> parseJSON val
(PGChar, val) -> PGValChar <$> parseJSON val
(PGVarchar, val) -> PGValVarchar <$> parseJSON val
(PGText, val) -> PGValText <$> parseJSON val
(PGDate, val) -> PGValDate <$> parseJSON val
(PGTimeStampTZ, val) -> PGValTimeStampTZ <$> parseJSON val
(PGTimeTZ, val) -> PGValTimeTZ <$> parseJSON val
(PGJSON, val) -> PGValJSON . Q.JSON <$> parseJSON val
(PGJSONB, val) -> PGValJSONB . Q.JSONB <$> parseJSON val
(PGGeometry, val) -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
(PGGeography, val) -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
(PGUnknown _, String t) -> return $ PGValUnknown t
(PGUnknown tyName, _) -> fail $ "A string is expected for type : " ++ T.unpack tyName
parsePGValue :: PGScalarType -> Value -> AT.Parser PGColValue
parsePGValue pct val =
@ -187,18 +166,6 @@ parsePGValue pct val =
String t -> parsePGValue' pct val <|> return (PGValUnknown t)
_ -> parsePGValue' pct val
convToBin :: PGScalarType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser Q.PrepArg
convToBin ty val =
binEncoder <$> parsePGValue ty val
convToTxt :: PGScalarType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser S.SQLExp
convToTxt ty val =
toTxtValue ty <$> parsePGValue ty val
readEitherTxt :: (Read a) => T.Text -> Either String a
readEitherTxt = readEither . T.unpack
@ -210,26 +177,19 @@ pgValFromJVal :: (FromJSON a) => Value -> Either String a
pgValFromJVal = iresToEither . ifromJSON
withGeoVal :: PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
withGeoVal ty v =
bool v applyGeomFromGeoJson isGeoTy
applyGeomFromGeoJson =
S.SEFnApp "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON" [v] Nothing
isGeoTy = case ty of
PGGeometry -> True
PGGeography -> True
_ -> False
withGeoVal ty v
| isGeoType ty = S.SEFnApp "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON" [v] Nothing
| otherwise = v
toPrepParam :: Int -> PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp
toPrepParam i ty =
withGeoVal ty $ S.SEPrep i
toTxtValue :: PGScalarType -> PGColValue -> S.SQLExp
toTxtValue ty val =
S.withTyAnn ty txtVal
txtVal = withGeoVal ty $ txtEncoder val
toBinaryValue :: PGScalarTyped PGColValue -> Q.PrepArg
toBinaryValue = binEncoder . pstValue
toTxtValue :: PGScalarTyped PGColValue -> S.SQLExp
toTxtValue (PGScalarTyped ty val) = S.withTyAnn ty . withGeoVal ty $ txtEncoder val
pgColValueToInt :: PGColValue -> Maybe Int
pgColValueToInt (PGValInteger i) = Just $ fromIntegral i
@ -656,11 +656,11 @@ connInfoErrModifier :: String -> String
connInfoErrModifier s = "Fatal Error : " ++ s
mkConnInfo ::RawConnInfo -> Either String Q.ConnInfo
mkConnInfo (RawConnInfo mHost mPort mUser pass mURL mDB opts mRetries) =
mkConnInfo (RawConnInfo mHost mPort mUser password mURL mDB opts mRetries) =
case (mHost, mPort, mUser, mDB, mURL) of
(Just host, Just port, Just user, Just db, Nothing) ->
return $ Q.ConnInfo host port user pass db opts retries
return $ Q.ConnInfo host port user password db opts retries
(_, _, _, _, Just dbURL) -> maybe (throwError invalidUrlMsg)
withRetries $ parseDatabaseUrl dbURL opts
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ data RQLQuery
= RQAddExistingTableOrView !TrackTable
| RQTrackTable !TrackTable
| RQUntrackTable !UntrackTable
| RQSetTableIsEnum !SetTableIsEnum
| RQTrackFunction !TrackFunction
| RQUntrackFunction !UnTrackFunction
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ queryNeedsReload qi = case qi of
RQUntrackTable _ -> True
RQTrackFunction _ -> True
RQUntrackFunction _ -> True
RQSetTableIsEnum _ -> True
RQCreateObjectRelationship _ -> True
RQCreateArrayRelationship _ -> True
@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ runQueryM rq =
RQAddExistingTableOrView q -> runTrackTableQ q
RQTrackTable q -> runTrackTableQ q
RQUntrackTable q -> runUntrackTableQ q
RQSetTableIsEnum q -> runSetExistingTableIsEnumQ q
RQTrackFunction q -> runTrackFunc q
RQUntrackFunction q -> runUntrackFunc q
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ runTelemetry (Logger logger) manager cacheRef dbId instanceId = do
computeMetrics :: SchemaCache -> Metrics
computeMetrics sc =
let nTables = Map.size $ Map.filter (isNothing . tiViewInfo) usrTbls
nViews = Map.size $ Map.filter (isJust . tiViewInfo) usrTbls
let nTables = Map.size $ Map.filter (isNothing . _tiViewInfo) usrTbls
nViews = Map.size $ Map.filter (isJust . _tiViewInfo) usrTbls
allRels = join $ Map.elems $ Map.map relsOfTbl usrTbls
(manualRels, autoRels) = partition riIsManual allRels
relMetrics = RelationshipMetric (length manualRels) (length autoRels)
@ -143,23 +143,23 @@ computeMetrics sc =
permMetrics =
PermissionMetric selPerms insPerms updPerms delPerms nRoles
evtTriggers = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . Map.null)
$ Map.map tiEventTriggerInfoMap usrTbls
$ Map.map _tiEventTriggerInfoMap usrTbls
rmSchemas = Map.size $ scRemoteSchemas sc
funcs = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . fiSystemDefined) $ scFunctions sc
in Metrics nTables nViews relMetrics permMetrics evtTriggers rmSchemas funcs
usrTbls = Map.filter (not . tiSystemDefined) $ scTables sc
usrTbls = Map.filter (not . _tiSystemDefined) $ scTables sc
calcPerms :: (RolePermInfo -> Maybe a) -> [RolePermInfo] -> Int
calcPerms fn perms = length $ catMaybes $ map fn perms
relsOfTbl :: TableInfo -> [RelInfo]
relsOfTbl = rights . Map.elems . Map.map fieldInfoToEither . tiFieldInfoMap
relsOfTbl :: TableInfo PGColInfo -> [RelInfo]
relsOfTbl = rights . Map.elems . Map.map fieldInfoToEither . _tiFieldInfoMap
permsOfTbl :: TableInfo -> [(RoleName, RolePermInfo)]
permsOfTbl = Map.toList . tiRolePermInfoMap
permsOfTbl :: TableInfo PGColInfo -> [(RoleName, RolePermInfo)]
permsOfTbl = Map.toList . _tiRolePermInfoMap
getDbId :: Q.TxE QErr Text
@ -14,38 +14,28 @@ from
'name', json_build_object(
'name', ht.table_name,
'schema', ht.table_schema
'system_defined', ht.is_system_defined,
'info', tables.info
'is_enum', ht.is_enum,
'is_system_defined', ht.is_system_defined,
'info', t.info
), '[]') as items
hdb_catalog.hdb_table as ht
left outer join (
'schema', table_schema,
'name', table_name
'columns', columns,
'primary_key_columns', primary_key_columns,
'constraints', constraints,
'view_info', view_info
) as info
) as tables on (
tables.table_schema = ht.table_schema
and tables.table_name = ht.table_name
from hdb_catalog.hdb_table as ht
left outer join (
'columns', columns,
'primary_key_columns', primary_key_columns,
'constraints', constraints,
'view_info', view_info
) as info
from hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg
) as t using (table_schema, table_name)
) as tables,
@ -14,26 +14,11 @@ CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_table
table_schema TEXT,
table_name TEXT,
is_system_defined boolean default false,
is_enum boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name)
CREATE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.hdb_table_oid_check() RETURNS trigger AS
IF (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables st WHERE st.table_schema = NEW.table_schema AND st.table_name = NEW.table_name)) THEN
return NEW;
RAISE foreign_key_violation using message = 'table_schema, table_name not in information_schema.tables';
return NULL;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER hdb_table_oid_check BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON hdb_catalog.hdb_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE hdb_catalog.hdb_table_oid_check();
CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship
table_schema TEXT,
@ -83,7 +68,9 @@ SELECT
min(q.ref_table) :: text as ref_table,
json_object_agg(ac.attname, afc.attname) as column_mapping,
min(q.confupdtype) :: text as on_update,
min(q.confdeltype) :: text as on_delete
min(q.confdeltype) :: text as on_delete,
json_agg(ac.attname) as columns,
json_agg(afc.attname) as ref_columns
ctn.nspname AS table_schema,
@ -431,6 +418,37 @@ CREATE TRIGGER hdb_schema_update_event_notifier AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON
hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE
CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_column AS
WITH primary_key_references AS (
SELECT fkey.table_schema AS src_table_schema
, fkey.table_name AS src_table_name
, fkey.columns->>0 AS src_column_name
, json_agg(json_build_object(
'schema', fkey.ref_table_table_schema,
'name', fkey.ref_table
)) AS ref_tables
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint AS fkey
JOIN hdb_catalog.hdb_primary_key AS pkey
ON pkey.table_schema = fkey.ref_table_table_schema
AND pkey.table_name = fkey.ref_table
AND pkey.columns::jsonb = fkey.ref_columns::jsonb
WHERE json_array_length(fkey.columns) = 1
GROUP BY fkey.table_schema
, fkey.table_name
, fkey.columns->>0)
SELECT columns.table_schema
, columns.table_name
, columns.column_name AS name
, columns.udt_name AS type
, columns.is_nullable
, columns.ordinal_position
, coalesce(pkey_refs.ref_tables, '[]') AS primary_key_references
FROM information_schema.columns
LEFT JOIN primary_key_references AS pkey_refs
ON columns.table_schema = pkey_refs.src_table_schema
AND columns.table_name = pkey_refs.src_table_name
AND columns.column_name = pkey_refs.src_column_name;
CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg AS (
tables.table_name as table_name,
@ -447,16 +465,14 @@ from
is_nullable :: boolean
'name', name,
'type', type,
'is_nullable', is_nullable :: boolean,
'references', primary_key_references
) as columns
information_schema.columns c
hdb_catalog.hdb_column c
group by
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_table
ADD COLUMN is_enum boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false;
DROP TRIGGER hdb_table_oid_check ON hdb_catalog.hdb_table;
DROP FUNCTION hdb_catalog.hdb_table_oid_check();
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint AS
q.table_schema :: text,
q.table_name :: text,
q.constraint_name :: text,
min(q.constraint_oid) :: integer as constraint_oid,
min(q.ref_table_table_schema) :: text as ref_table_table_schema,
min(q.ref_table) :: text as ref_table,
json_object_agg(ac.attname, afc.attname) as column_mapping,
min(q.confupdtype) :: text as on_update,
min(q.confdeltype) :: text as on_delete,
json_agg(ac.attname) as columns,
json_agg(afc.attname) as ref_columns
ctn.nspname AS table_schema,
ct.relname AS table_name,
r.conrelid AS table_id,
r.conname as constraint_name,
r.oid as constraint_oid,
cftn.nspname AS ref_table_table_schema,
cft.relname as ref_table,
r.confrelid as ref_table_id,
UNNEST (r.conkey) AS column_id,
UNNEST (r.confkey) AS ref_column_id
pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct
ON r.conrelid = ct.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ctn
ON ct.relnamespace = ctn.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cft
ON r.confrelid = cft.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace cftn
ON cft.relnamespace = cftn.oid
r.contype = 'f'
) q
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ac
ON q.column_id = ac.attnum
AND q.table_id = ac.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute afc
ON q.ref_column_id = afc.attnum
AND q.ref_table_id = afc.attrelid
GROUP BY q.table_schema, q.table_name, q.constraint_name;
CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_column AS
WITH primary_key_references AS (
SELECT fkey.table_schema AS src_table_schema
, fkey.table_name AS src_table_name
, fkey.columns->>0 AS src_column_name
, json_agg(json_build_object(
'schema', fkey.ref_table_table_schema,
'name', fkey.ref_table
)) AS ref_tables
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint AS fkey
JOIN hdb_catalog.hdb_primary_key AS pkey
ON pkey.table_schema = fkey.ref_table_table_schema
AND pkey.table_name = fkey.ref_table
AND pkey.columns::jsonb = fkey.ref_columns::jsonb
WHERE json_array_length(fkey.columns) = 1
GROUP BY fkey.table_schema
, fkey.table_name
, fkey.columns->>0)
SELECT columns.table_schema
, columns.table_name
, columns.column_name AS name
, columns.udt_name AS type
, columns.is_nullable
, columns.ordinal_position
, coalesce(pkey_refs.ref_tables, '[]') AS primary_key_references
FROM information_schema.columns
LEFT JOIN primary_key_references AS pkey_refs
ON columns.table_schema = pkey_refs.src_table_schema
AND columns.table_name = pkey_refs.src_table_name
AND columns.column_name = pkey_refs.src_column_name;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg AS (
tables.table_name as table_name,
tables.table_schema as table_schema,
coalesce(columns.columns, '[]') as columns,
coalesce(pk.columns, '[]') as primary_key_columns,
coalesce(constraints.constraints, '[]') as constraints,
coalesce(views.view_info, 'null') as view_info
information_schema.tables as tables
left outer join (
'name', name,
'type', type,
'is_nullable', is_nullable :: boolean,
'references', primary_key_references
) as columns
hdb_catalog.hdb_column c
group by
) columns on (
tables.table_schema = columns.table_schema
AND tables.table_name = columns.table_name
left outer join (
select * from hdb_catalog.hdb_primary_key
) pk on (
tables.table_schema = pk.table_schema
AND tables.table_name = pk.table_name
left outer join (
json_agg(constraint_name) as constraints
information_schema.table_constraints c
c.constraint_type = 'UNIQUE'
or c.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
group by
) constraints on (
tables.table_schema = constraints.table_schema
AND tables.table_name = constraints.table_name
left outer join (
(is_updatable::boolean OR is_trigger_updatable::boolean),
(is_updatable::boolean OR is_trigger_deletable::boolean),
(is_insertable_into::boolean OR is_trigger_insertable_into::boolean)
) as view_info
information_schema.views v
) views on (
tables.table_schema = views.table_schema
AND tables.table_name = views.table_name
@ -20,21 +20,16 @@ FROM
udt_name AS data_type,
is_nullable :: boolean
) r
'column_name', name,
'data_type', type,
'is_nullable', is_nullable :: boolean,
'ordinal_position', ordinal_position,
'references', primary_key_references
) as columns
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ extra-deps:
- reroute-
- Spock-core-
- monad-validate-
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}
@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ packages:
sha256: 86140298020f68bb09d07b26a6a6f1666fc3a02715d7986b09150727247a1a84
hackage: Spock-core-
- completed:
hackage: monad-validate-,3505
size: 713
sha256: 8e049bd12ce2bd470909578f2ee8eb80b89d5ff88860afa30e29dd4eafecfa3e
hackage: monad-validate-
- completed:
size: 498167
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description: Test deleting records filtered by an enum reference
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
affected_rows: 1
- name: Alyssa
favorite_color: red
query: |
mutation {
delete_users(where: {favorite_color: {_eq: red}}) {
returning {
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
description: Test inserting a record that references an enum table
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- name: Matthew
favorite_color: yellow
- name: Robby
favorite_color: purple
query: |
mutation {
insert_users(objects: [
{ name: "Matthew", favorite_color: yellow },
{ name: "Robby", favorite_color: purple }
]) {
returning {
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
description: Test inserting a record with an invalid enum value
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- message: 'unexpected value "not_a_real_color" for enum: ''colors_enum'''
code: validation-failed
path: $.selectionSet.insert_users.args.objects[0].favorite_color
query: |
mutation {
insert_users(objects: [{ name: "Matthew", favorite_color: not_a_real_color }]) {
returning {
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
( value text PRIMARY KEY
, comment text );
INSERT INTO colors (value, comment) VALUES
('red', '#FF0000'),
('green', '#00FF00'),
('blue', '#0000FF'),
('orange', '#FFFF00'),
('yellow', '#00FFFF'),
('purple', '#FF00FF');
( id serial PRIMARY KEY
, name text NOT NULL
, favorite_color text NOT NULL REFERENCES colors );
- type: track_table
table: colors
is_enum: true
- type: track_table
args: users
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
DROP TABLE colors;
cascade: true
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description: Test updating a record that references an enum table
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
affected_rows: 1
- name: Alyssa
favorite_color: blue
query: |
mutation {
update_users(where: {id: {_eq: 1}}, _set: {favorite_color: blue}) {
returning {
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description: Test updating records filtered by an enum reference
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
affected_rows: 1
- name: Alyssa
favorite_color: blue
query: |
mutation {
update_users(where: {favorite_color: {_eq: red}}, _set: {favorite_color: blue}) {
returning {
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
type: bulk
- type: insert
table: users
- name: Alyssa
favorite_color: red
- name: Ben
favorite_color: blue
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
SELECT setval('users_id_seq', 1, FALSE);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ response:
code: validation-failed
path: $.selectionSet.author.args.where.name._ne
message: |-
field "_ne" not found in type: 'text_comparison_exp'
field "_ne" not found in type: 'String_comparison_exp'
query: |
query {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ response:
code: validation-failed
path: $.selectionSet.author.args.where.id._unexpected
message: |-
field "_unexpected" not found in type: 'integer_comparison_exp'
field "_unexpected" not found in type: 'Int_comparison_exp'
query: |
query {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
description: Test introspecting enum types
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
name: colors_enum
kind: ENUM
- name: blue
description: '#0000FF'
- name: green
description: '#00FF00'
- name: orange
description: '#FFFF00'
- name: purple
description: '#FF00FF'
- name: red
description: '#FF0000'
- name: yellow
description: '#00FFFF'
- name: favorite_color
name: colors_enum
- name: id
name: Int
- name: name
name: String
query: |
colors: __type(name: "colors_enum") {
enumValues {
users: __type(name: "users") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
description: Test querying a table that references an enum table
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- name: Alyssa
favorite_color: red
- name: Ben
favorite_color: blue
query: |
users {
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
description: Test querying a table that references an enum table and filtering on enum equality
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- name: Alyssa
- name: Ben
like_green: []
query: |
like_red: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: red }}) { name }
like_blue: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: blue }}) { name }
like_green: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: green }}) { name }
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
description: Test validation of enum input values
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- message: 'unexpected value "not_a_real_color" for enum: ''colors_enum'''
code: validation-failed
path: $.selectionSet.users.args.where.favorite_color._eq
query: |
users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: not_a_real_color }}) { name }
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
description: Test enum input values cannot be string literals
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- message: expecting an enum
code: validation-failed
path: $.selectionSet.users.args.where.favorite_color._eq
query: |
users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: "not_a_real_color" }}) { name }
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
description: Test querying a table that references an enum table and filtering on enum equality via a variable
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- name: Alyssa
- name: Ben
like_3: []
query: |
query ($color_1: colors_enum, $color_2: colors_enum, $color_3: colors_enum) {
like_1: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: $color_1 }}) { name }
like_2: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: $color_2 }}) { name }
like_3: users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: $color_3 }}) { name }
color_1: red
color_2: blue
color_3: green
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
description: Test validation of enum values in variables
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
- message: 'unexpected value "not_a_real_color" for enum: ''colors_enum'''
code: validation-failed
path: $.variableValues.color
query: |
query ($color: colors_enum) {
users(where: { favorite_color: { _eq: $color }}) { name }
color: not_a_real_color
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
( value text PRIMARY KEY
, comment text );
INSERT INTO colors (value, comment) VALUES
('red', '#FF0000'),
('green', '#00FF00'),
('blue', '#0000FF'),
('orange', '#FFFF00'),
('yellow', '#00FFFF'),
('purple', '#FF00FF');
( id serial PRIMARY KEY
, name text NOT NULL
, favorite_color text NOT NULL REFERENCES colors );
INSERT INTO users (name, favorite_color) VALUES
('Alyssa', 'red'),
('Ben', 'blue');
- type: track_table
table: colors
is_enum: true
- type: track_table
args: users
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
DROP TABLE colors;
cascade: true
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ setup:
sql: |
create table author(
id serial primary key,
id serial primary key,
name text unique
create table article(
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ setup:
schema: public
name: article
#Object relationship
- type: create_object_relationship
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ setup:
name: author
foreign_key_constraint_on: author_id
#Array relationship
- type: create_array_relationship
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ inconsistent_objects:
column: author_id
table: article
name: articles
table: author
reason: table "article" does not exist
type: array_relation
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ inconsistent_objects:
foreign_key_constraint_on: author_id
name: author
table: article
reason: table "article" does not exist
type: object_relation
- definition: article
reason: 'no such table/view exists in postgres : "article"'
reason: 'no such table/view exists in postgres: "article"'
type: table
# Teardown
# Teardown
type: bulk
@ -77,4 +77,3 @@ teardown:
sql: |
drop table author
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ response:
remote_schemas: []
- table: author
is_enum: false
object_relationships: []
- using:
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ response:
delete_permissions: []
event_triggers: []
- table: article
is_enum: false
- using:
foreign_key_constraint_on: author_id
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
- description: Mark a valid enum table as an enum
url: /v1/query
status: 200
message: success
type: set_table_is_enum
table: weekdays
is_enum: true
- description: Check that marking a table as an enum changed the schema
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
name: weekdays_enum
kind: ENUM
- name: friday
description: null
- name: monday
description: null
- name: saturday
description: null
- name: sunday
description: null
- name: thursday
description: null
- name: tuesday
description: null
- name: wednesday
description: null
- name: favorite_color
name: colors_enum
- name: gets_paid_on
name: weekdays_enum
- name: id
name: Int
- name: name
name: String
query: |
weekdays: __type(name: "weekdays_enum") {
enumValues {
employees: __type(name: "employees") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
- description: Mark an existing enum table as not an enum
url: /v1/query
status: 200
message: success
type: set_table_is_enum
table: colors
is_enum: false
- description: Check that marking a table as not an enum changed the schema
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
colors: null
- name: favorite_color
name: String
- name: gets_paid_on
name: weekdays_enum
- name: id
name: Int
- name: name
name: String
query: |
colors: __type(name: "colors_enum") {
employees: __type(name: "employees") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
description: Attempts to mark a non-enum table as an enum are rejected
url: /v1/query
status: 400
code: constraint-violation
error: |
the table "employees" cannot be used as an enum for the following reasons:
• the table’s primary key ("id") must have type "text", not type "integer"
• the table must have exactly one primary key and optionally one comment column, not 4 columns (favorite_color, gets_paid_on, id, name)
path: $.args
type: set_table_is_enum
table: employees
is_enum: true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
( value text PRIMARY KEY
, comment text );
INSERT INTO colors (value, comment) VALUES
('red', '#FF0000'),
('green', '#00FF00'),
('blue', '#0000FF'),
('orange', '#FFFF00'),
('yellow', '#00FFFF'),
('purple', '#FF00FF');
( value text PRIMARY KEY );
INSERT INTO weekdays (value) VALUES
CREATE TABLE employees
( id serial PRIMARY KEY
, name text NOT NULL
, favorite_color text NOT NULL REFERENCES colors
, gets_paid_on text NOT NULL REFERENCES weekdays );
INSERT INTO employees (name, favorite_color, gets_paid_on) VALUES
('Alyssa', 'red', 'monday'),
('Ben', 'blue', 'friday');
- type: track_table
table: colors
is_enum: true
- type: track_table
args: weekdays
- type: track_table
args: employees
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
type: bulk
- type: run_sql
sql: |
DROP TABLE employees;
DROP TABLE weekdays;
DROP TABLE colors;
cascade: true
@ -385,3 +385,24 @@ class TestGraphqlDeletePermissions(DefaultTestMutations):
def dir(cls):
return "queries/graphql_mutation/delete/permissions"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('transport', ['http', 'websocket'])
class TestGraphQLMutateEnums(DefaultTestMutations):
def dir(cls):
return 'queries/graphql_mutation/enums'
def test_insert_enum_field(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/insert_enum_field.yaml', transport)
def test_insert_enum_field_bad_value(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/insert_enum_field_bad_value.yaml', transport)
def test_update_enum_field(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/update_enum_field.yaml', transport)
def test_update_where_enum_field(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/update_where_enum_field.yaml', transport)
def test_delete_where_enum_field(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/delete_where_enum_field.yaml', transport)
@ -417,3 +417,30 @@ class TestGraphQLQueryFunctions(DefaultTestSelectQueries):
def dir(cls):
return 'queries/graphql_query/functions'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('transport', ['http', 'websocket'])
class TestGraphQLQueryEnums(DefaultTestSelectQueries):
def dir(cls):
return 'queries/graphql_query/enums'
def test_introspect(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/introspect.yaml', transport)
def test_select_enum_field(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_enum_field.yaml', transport)
def test_select_where_enum_eq(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_where_enum_eq.yaml', transport)
def test_select_where_enum_eq_bad_value(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_where_enum_eq_bad_value.yaml', transport)
def test_select_where_enum_eq_string(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_where_enum_eq_string.yaml', transport)
def test_select_where_enum_eq_variable(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_where_enum_eq_variable.yaml', transport)
def test_select_where_enum_eq_variable_bad_value(self, hge_ctx, transport):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/select_where_enum_eq_variable_bad_value.yaml', transport)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import pytest
import yaml
import json
import jsondiff
from validate import json_ordered
@ -624,3 +624,14 @@ class TestNonEmptyText:
def dir(cls):
return "queries/v1/non_empty_text"
class TestSetTableIsEnum(DefaultTestQueries):
def dir(cls):
return 'queries/v1/set_table_is_enum'
def test_add_and_remove(self, hge_ctx):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/add_and_remove.yaml')
def test_add_invalid(self, hge_ctx):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + '/add_invalid.yaml')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user