server: metadata separation: cleanup schema generation (#6116)
This commit is contained in:
Auke Booij 2020-11-03 17:04:40 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent f7fcbd50fc
commit fd8d51a37a
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -64,59 +64,30 @@ buildGQLContext
buildGQLContext =
proc (queryType, allTables, allFunctions, allRemoteSchemas, allActions, nonObjectCustomTypes) -> do
-- Scroll down a few pages for the actual body...
SQLGenCtx{ stringifyNum } <- bindA -< askSQLGenCtx
let allRoles = Set.insert adminRoleName $
(allTables ^.. Map.keys.folded)
<> (allActionInfos ^.. Map.keys.folded)
tableFilter = not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined
functionFilter = not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined
graphQLTableFilter tableName tableInfo =
-- either the table name should be GraphQL compliant
-- or it should have a GraphQL custom name set with it
isGraphQLCompliantTableName tableName
|| (isJust . _tcCustomName . _tciCustomConfig . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo)
validTables = Map.filter (tableFilter . _tiCoreInfo) allTables
-- Only tables that have GraphQL compliant names will be added to the schema.
-- We allow tables which don't have GraphQL compliant names, so that RQL CRUD
-- operations can be performed on them
graphQLTables = Map.filterWithKey graphQLTableFilter validTables
validFunctions = Map.elems $ Map.filter functionFilter allFunctions
allActionInfos = Map.elems allActions
queryRemotesMap =
fmap (map fDefinition . piQuery . rscParsed . fst) allRemoteSchemas
:: m ( Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))
, Maybe (Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)))
buildFullestDBSchema = do
SQLGenCtx{ stringifyNum } <- askSQLGenCtx
let gqlContext =
<$> queryWithIntrospection (Set.fromMap $ graphQLTables $> ())
validFunctions mempty mempty
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
<*> mutation (Set.fromMap $ graphQLTables $> ()) mempty
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
flip runReaderT (adminRoleName, graphQLTables, Frontend, QueryContext stringifyNum queryType queryRemotesMap) $
P.runSchemaT gqlContext
queryContext = QueryContext stringifyNum queryType queryRemotesMap
-- build the admin context so that we can check against name clashes with remotes
adminHasuraContext <- bindA -< buildFullestDBSchema
-- build the admin DB-only context so that we can check against name clashes with remotes
-- TODO: Is there a better way to check for conflicts without actually building the admin schema?
adminHasuraDBContext <- bindA -<
buildFullestDBSchema queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
queryFieldNames :: [G.Name] <- bindA -<
case P.discardNullability $ P.parserType $ fst adminHasuraContext of
case P.discardNullability $ P.parserType $ fst adminHasuraDBContext of
-- It really ought to be this case; anything else is a programming error.
P.TNamed (P.Definition _ _ _ (P.TIObject (P.ObjectInfo rootFields _interfaces))) ->
pure $ fmap P.dName rootFields
_ -> throw500 "We encountered an root query of unexpected GraphQL type. It should be an object type."
let mutationFieldNames :: [G.Name]
mutationFieldNames =
case P.discardNullability . P.parserType <$> snd adminHasuraContext of
case P.discardNullability . P.parserType <$> snd adminHasuraDBContext of
Just (P.TNamed def) ->
case P.dInfo def of
-- It really ought to be this case; anything else is a programming error.
@ -125,90 +96,219 @@ buildGQLContext =
_ -> []
-- This block of code checks that there are no conflicting root field names between remotes.
remotes ::
[ ( RemoteSchemaName
, ParsedIntrospection
] <- (| foldlA' (\okSchemas (newSchemaName, (newSchemaContext, newMetadataObject)) -> do
checkedDuplicates <- (| withRecordInconsistency (do
let (queryOld, mutationOld) =
unzip $ fmap ((\case ParsedIntrospection q m _ -> (q,m)) . snd) okSchemas
let ParsedIntrospection queryNew mutationNew _subscriptionNew
= rscParsed newSchemaContext
-- Check for conflicts between remotes
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) (queryNew ++ concat queryOld))) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- Check for conflicts between this remote and the tables
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) queryNew ++ queryFieldNames)) $
\name -> throw400 RemoteSchemaConflicts $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- Ditto, but for mutations
case mutationNew of
Nothing -> returnA -< ()
Just ms -> do
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) (ms ++ concat (catMaybes mutationOld)))) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- Ditto, but for mutations
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) ms ++ mutationFieldNames)) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- No need to check subscriptions as these are not supported
returnA -< ())
|) newMetadataObject
case checkedDuplicates of
Nothing -> returnA -< okSchemas
Just _ -> returnA -< (newSchemaName, rscParsed newSchemaContext):okSchemas
) |) [] (Map.toList allRemoteSchemas)
remotes <- remoteSchemaFields -< (queryFieldNames, mutationFieldNames, allRemoteSchemas)
let unauthenticatedContext :: m GQLContext
unauthenticatedContext = P.runSchemaT do
ucQueries <- finalizeParser <$> unauthenticatedQueryWithIntrospection queryRemotes mutationRemotes
ucMutations <- fmap finalizeParser <$> unauthenticatedMutation mutationRemotes
pure $ GQLContext ucQueries ucMutations
-- | The 'query' type of the remotes. TODO: also expose mutation
-- remotes. NOT TODO: subscriptions, as we do not yet aim to support
-- these.
queryRemotes = concatMap (piQuery . snd) remotes
let queryRemotes = concatMap (piQuery . snd) remotes
mutationRemotes = concatMap (concat . piMutation . snd) remotes
queryHasuraOrRelay = case queryType of
QueryHasura -> queryWithIntrospection (Set.fromMap $ graphQLTables $> ())
validFunctions queryRemotes mutationRemotes
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
QueryRelay -> relayWithIntrospection (Set.fromMap $ graphQLTables $> ()) validFunctions
buildContextForRoleAndScenario :: RoleName -> Scenario -> m GQLContext
buildContextForRoleAndScenario roleName scenario = do
SQLGenCtx{ stringifyNum } <- askSQLGenCtx
let gqlContext = GQLContext
<$> (finalizeParser <$> queryHasuraOrRelay)
<*> (fmap finalizeParser <$> mutation (Set.fromList $ Map.keys graphQLTables) mutationRemotes
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes)
flip runReaderT (roleName, graphQLTables, scenario, QueryContext stringifyNum queryType queryRemotesMap) $
P.runSchemaT gqlContext
buildContextForRole :: RoleName -> m (RoleContext GQLContext)
buildContextForRole roleName = do
frontend <- buildContextForRoleAndScenario roleName Frontend
backend <- buildContextForRoleAndScenario roleName Backend
return $ RoleContext frontend $ Just backend
finalizeParser :: Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) a -> ParserFn a
finalizeParser parser = runIdentity . P.runParseT . P.runParser parser
-- Here, finally the body starts.
roleContexts <- bindA -< (Set.toMap allRoles & Map.traverseWithKey \roleName () ->
buildContextForRole roleName)
unauthenticated <- bindA -< unauthenticatedContext
roleContexts <- bindA -<
( Set.toMap allRoles & Map.traverseWithKey \roleName () ->
case queryType of
QueryHasura ->
buildRoleContext queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos
nonObjectCustomTypes queryRemotes mutationRemotes roleName
QueryRelay ->
buildRelayRoleContext queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos
nonObjectCustomTypes mutationRemotes roleName
unauthenticated <- bindA -< unauthenticatedContext queryRemotes mutationRemotes
returnA -< (roleContexts, unauthenticated)
-- | Generate all the field parsers for query-type GraphQL requests. We don't
-- actually collect these into a @Parser@ using @selectionSet@ so that we can
-- insert the introspection before doing so.
:: (Monad m)
=> RoleName
-> QueryContext
-> Map.HashMap QualifiedTable (TableInfo 'Postgres)
-> P.SchemaT (P.ParseT Identity) (ReaderT (RoleName, Map.HashMap QualifiedTable (TableInfo 'Postgres), QueryContext) m) a -> m a
runMonadSchema roleName queryContext tableCache m =
flip runReaderT (roleName, tableCache, queryContext) $ P.runSchemaT m
-- TODO: Integrate relay schema
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m)
=> QueryContext -> TableCache -> FunctionCache -> [ActionInfo 'Postgres] -> NonObjectTypeMap
-> [P.FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) RemoteField]
-> [P.FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) RemoteField]
-> RoleName
-> m (RoleContext GQLContext)
buildRoleContext queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos
nonObjectCustomTypes queryRemotes mutationRemotes roleName =
runMonadSchema roleName queryContext validTables $ do
mutationParserFrontend <-
buildPGMutationFields Frontend validTableNames >>=
buildMutationParser mutationRemotes allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
mutationParserBackend <-
buildPGMutationFields Backend validTableNames >>=
buildMutationParser mutationRemotes allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
queryPGFields <- buildPostgresQueryFields validTableNames validFunctions
subscriptionParser <- buildSubscriptionParser queryPGFields allActionInfos
queryParserFrontend <- buildQueryParser queryPGFields queryRemotes
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes mutationParserFrontend subscriptionParser
queryParserBackend <- buildQueryParser queryPGFields queryRemotes
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes mutationParserBackend subscriptionParser
let frontendContext = GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserFrontend)
(finalizeParser <$> mutationParserFrontend)
let backendContext = GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserBackend)
(finalizeParser <$> mutationParserBackend)
pure $ RoleContext frontendContext $ Just backendContext
tableFilter = not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined
functionFilter = not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined
validTables = Map.filter (tableFilter . _tiCoreInfo) allTables
validTableNames = Map.keysSet validTables
validFunctions = Map.elems $ Map.filter functionFilter allFunctions
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m)
=> QueryContext -> TableCache -> FunctionCache -> [ActionInfo 'Postgres] -> NonObjectTypeMap
-> m ( Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))
, Maybe (Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)))
buildFullestDBSchema queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos
nonObjectCustomTypes = do
runMonadSchema adminRoleName queryContext validTables $ do
mutationParserFrontend <-
buildPGMutationFields Frontend validTableNames >>=
buildMutationParser mempty allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
queryPGFields <- buildPostgresQueryFields validTableNames validFunctions
subscriptionParser <- buildSubscriptionParser queryPGFields allActionInfos
queryParserFrontend <- buildQueryParser queryPGFields mempty
allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes mutationParserFrontend subscriptionParser
pure (queryParserFrontend, mutationParserFrontend)
tableFilter = not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined
functionFilter = not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined
validTables = Map.filter (tableFilter . _tiCoreInfo) allTables
validTableNames = Map.keysSet validTables
validFunctions = Map.elems $ Map.filter functionFilter allFunctions
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m)
=> QueryContext -> TableCache -> FunctionCache -> [ActionInfo 'Postgres] -> NonObjectTypeMap
-> [P.FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) RemoteField]
-> RoleName
-> m (RoleContext GQLContext)
buildRelayRoleContext queryContext allTables allFunctions allActionInfos
nonObjectCustomTypes mutationRemotes roleName =
runMonadSchema roleName queryContext validTables $ do
mutationParserFrontend <-
buildPGMutationFields Frontend validTableNames >>=
buildMutationParser mutationRemotes allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
mutationParserBackend <-
buildPGMutationFields Backend validTableNames >>=
buildMutationParser mutationRemotes allActionInfos nonObjectCustomTypes
queryPGFields <- buildRelayPostgresQueryFields validTableNames validFunctions
subscriptionParser <- P.safeSelectionSet subscriptionRoot Nothing queryPGFields
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String. G.unName)))
queryParserFrontend <- queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryPGFields
mutationParserFrontend subscriptionParser
queryParserBackend <- queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryPGFields
mutationParserBackend subscriptionParser
let frontendContext = GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserFrontend)
(finalizeParser <$> mutationParserFrontend)
let backendContext = GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParserBackend)
(finalizeParser <$> mutationParserBackend)
pure $ RoleContext frontendContext $ Just backendContext
tableFilter = not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined
functionFilter = not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined
validTables = Map.filter (tableFilter . _tiCoreInfo) allTables
validTableNames = Map.keysSet validTables
validFunctions = Map.elems $ Map.filter functionFilter allFunctions
:: forall m
. ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnique m
=> [P.FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) RemoteField]
-> [P.FieldParser (P.ParseT Identity) RemoteField]
-> m GQLContext
unauthenticatedContext queryRemotes mutationRemotes = P.runSchemaT $ do
let queryFields = fmap (fmap RFRemote) queryRemotes
mutationParser <-
if null mutationRemotes
then pure Nothing
else P.safeSelectionSet mutationRoot Nothing (fmap (fmap RFRemote) mutationRemotes)
<&> Just . fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
subscriptionParser <-
P.safeSelectionSet subscriptionRoot Nothing []
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
queryParser <- queryWithIntrospectionHelper queryFields mutationParser subscriptionParser
pure $ GQLContext (finalizeParser queryParser) (finalizeParser <$> mutationParser)
finalizeParser :: Parser 'Output (P.ParseT Identity) a -> ParserFn a
finalizeParser parser = runIdentity . P.runParseT . P.runParser parser
-- checks that there are no conflicting root field names between remotes and
-- hasura fields
:: forall arr m
. ( ArrowChoice arr
, ArrowWriter (Seq InconsistentMetadata) arr
, ArrowKleisli m arr
, MonadError QErr m
=> ([G.Name], [G.Name], HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject))
[( RemoteSchemaName , ParsedIntrospection)]
remoteSchemaFields = proc (queryFieldNames, mutationFieldNames, allRemoteSchemas) -> do
(| foldlA' (\okSchemas (newSchemaName, (newSchemaContext, newMetadataObject)) -> do
checkedDuplicates <- (| withRecordInconsistency (do
let (queryOld, mutationOld) =
unzip $ fmap ((\case ParsedIntrospection q m _ -> (q,m)) . snd) okSchemas
let ParsedIntrospection queryNew mutationNew _subscriptionNew
= rscParsed newSchemaContext
-- Check for conflicts between remotes
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) (queryNew ++ concat queryOld))) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- Check for conflicts between this remote and the tables
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) queryNew ++ queryFieldNames)) $
\name -> throw400 RemoteSchemaConflicts $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- Ditto, but for mutations
case mutationNew of
Nothing -> returnA -< ()
Just ms -> do
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) (ms ++ concat (catMaybes mutationOld)))) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Duplicate remote field " <> squote name
-- Ditto, but for mutations
bindErrorA -<
for_ (duplicates (fmap (P.getName . fDefinition) ms ++ mutationFieldNames)) $
\name -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Field cannot be overwritten by remote field " <> squote name
-- No need to check subscriptions as these are not supported
returnA -< ()
) |) newMetadataObject
case checkedDuplicates of
Nothing -> returnA -< okSchemas
Just _ -> returnA -< (newSchemaName, rscParsed newSchemaContext):okSchemas
) |) [] (Map.toList allRemoteSchemas)
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
@ -217,11 +317,8 @@ query'
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
query' allTables allFunctions allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
buildPostgresQueryFields allTables allFunctions = do
tableSelectExpParsers <- for (toList allTables) \table -> do
selectPerms <- tableSelectPermissions table
customRootFields <- _tcCustomRootFields . _tciCustomConfig . _tiCoreInfo <$> askTableInfo table
@ -234,31 +331,23 @@ query' allTables allFunctions allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
pkDesc = G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <> table <<> " using primary key columns"
catMaybes <$> sequenceA
[ requiredFieldParser (RFDB . QDBSimple) $ selectTable table (fromMaybe tableGQLName $ _tcrfSelect customRootFields) (Just fieldsDesc) perms
, mapMaybeFieldParser (RFDB . QDBPrimaryKey) $ selectTableByPk table (fromMaybe pkName $ _tcrfSelectByPk customRootFields) (Just pkDesc) perms
, mapMaybeFieldParser (RFDB . QDBAggregation) $ selectTableAggregate table (fromMaybe aggName $ _tcrfSelectAggregate customRootFields) (Just aggDesc) perms
, mapMaybeFieldParser (RFDB . QDBPrimaryKey) $ selectTableByPk table (fromMaybe pkName $ _tcrfSelectByPk customRootFields) (Just pkDesc) perms
, mapMaybeFieldParser (RFDB . QDBAggregation) $ selectTableAggregate table (fromMaybe aggName $ _tcrfSelectAggregate customRootFields) (Just aggDesc) perms
functionSelectExpParsers <- for allFunctions \function -> do
let targetTable = fiReturnType function
functionName = fiName function
selectPerms <- tableSelectPermissions targetTable
for selectPerms \perms -> do
tableGQLName <- qualifiedObjectToName functionName
displayName <- qualifiedObjectToName functionName
let functionDesc = G.Description $ "execute function " <> functionName <<> " which returns " <>> targetTable
aggName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
aggName = displayName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
aggDesc = G.Description $ "execute function " <> functionName <<> " and query aggregates on result of table type " <>> targetTable
catMaybes <$> sequenceA
[ requiredFieldParser (RFDB . QDBSimple) $ selectFunction function tableGQLName (Just functionDesc) perms
[ requiredFieldParser (RFDB . QDBSimple) $ selectFunction function displayName (Just functionDesc) perms
, mapMaybeFieldParser (RFDB . QDBAggregation) $ selectFunctionAggregate function aggName (Just aggDesc) perms
actionParsers <- for allActions $ \actionInfo ->
case _adType (_aiDefinition actionInfo) of
ActionMutation ActionSynchronous -> pure Nothing
ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AQAsync)) <$> actionAsyncQuery actionInfo
ActionQuery ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AQQuery)) <$> actionExecute nonObjectCustomTypes actionInfo
pure $ (concat . catMaybes) (tableSelectExpParsers <> functionSelectExpParsers <> toRemoteFieldParser allRemotes)
<> catMaybes actionParsers
pure $ (concat . catMaybes) (tableSelectExpParsers <> functionSelectExpParsers)
requiredFieldParser :: (a -> b) -> m (P.FieldParser n a) -> m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n b))
requiredFieldParser f = fmap $ Just . fmap f
@ -266,10 +355,46 @@ query' allTables allFunctions allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
mapMaybeFieldParser :: (a -> b) -> m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n a)) -> m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n b))
mapMaybeFieldParser f = fmap $ fmap $ fmap f
toRemoteFieldParser p = [Just $ fmap (fmap RFRemote) p]
-- | Includes remote schema fields and actions
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
=> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildActionQueryFields allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
actionParsers <- for allActions $ \actionInfo ->
case _adType (_aiDefinition actionInfo) of
ActionMutation ActionSynchronous -> pure Nothing
ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AQAsync)) <$> actionAsyncQuery actionInfo
ActionQuery ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AQQuery)) <$> actionExecute nonObjectCustomTypes actionInfo
pure $ catMaybes actionParsers
-- | Similar to @query'@ but for Relay.
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
=> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildActionSubscriptionFields allActions = do
actionParsers <- for allActions $ \actionInfo ->
case _adType (_aiDefinition actionInfo) of
ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AQAsync)) <$> actionAsyncQuery actionInfo
ActionMutation ActionSynchronous -> pure Nothing
ActionQuery -> pure Nothing
pure $ catMaybes actionParsers
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
@ -279,58 +404,31 @@ relayQuery'
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> m [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
relayQuery' allTables allFunctions = do
tableConnectionSelectParsers <-
for (toList allTables) $ \table -> runMaybeT do
pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo.tciPrimaryKey._Just.pkColumns)
<$> askTableInfo table
selectPerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions table
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName table
let fieldName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_connection")
fieldDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <>> table
lift $ selectTableConnection table fieldName fieldDesc pkeyColumns selectPerms
buildRelayPostgresQueryFields allTables allFunctions = do
tableConnectionFields <- for (toList allTables) $ \table -> runMaybeT do
pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo.tciPrimaryKey._Just.pkColumns)
<$> askTableInfo table
selectPerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions table
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName table
let fieldName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_connection")
fieldDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <>> table
lift $ selectTableConnection table fieldName fieldDesc pkeyColumns selectPerms
functionConnectionSelectParsers <-
for allFunctions $ \function -> runMaybeT do
let returnTable = fiReturnType function
functionName = fiName function
pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo.tciPrimaryKey._Just.pkColumns)
<$> askTableInfo returnTable
selectPerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions returnTable
tableGQLName <- qualifiedObjectToName functionName
let fieldName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_connection")
fieldDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "execute function " <> functionName
<<> " which returns " <>> returnTable
lift $ selectFunctionConnection function fieldName fieldDesc pkeyColumns selectPerms
functionConnectionFields <- for allFunctions $ \function -> runMaybeT do
let returnTable = fiReturnType function
functionName = fiName function
pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo.tciPrimaryKey._Just.pkColumns)
<$> askTableInfo returnTable
selectPerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions returnTable
displayName <- qualifiedObjectToName functionName
let fieldName = displayName <> $$(G.litName "_connection")
fieldDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "execute function " <> functionName
<<> " which returns " <>> returnTable
lift $ selectFunctionConnection function fieldName fieldDesc pkeyColumns selectPerms
pure $ map ((RFDB . QDBConnection) <$>) $ catMaybes $
tableConnectionSelectParsers <> functionConnectionSelectParsers
-- | Parse query-type GraphQL requests without introspection
:: forall m n r
. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> G.Name
-> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
query name allTables allFunctions allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
queryFieldsParser <- query' allTables allFunctions allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes
P.safeSelectionSet name Nothing queryFieldsParser
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
:: forall m n r
. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
subscription allTables allFunctions asyncActions =
query $$(G.litName "subscription_root") allTables allFunctions [] asyncActions mempty
nodeField_ <- fmap (RFDB . QDBPrimaryKey) <$> nodeField
pure $ (:) nodeField_ $ map (fmap (RFDB . QDBConnection)) $ catMaybes $
tableConnectionFields <> functionConnectionFields
:: forall n m
@ -338,7 +436,7 @@ queryRootFromFields
=> [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
queryRootFromFields fps =
P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "query_root") Nothing fps
P.safeSelectionSet queryRoot Nothing fps
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
@ -386,7 +484,7 @@ queryWithIntrospectionHelper basicQueryFP mutationP subscriptionP = do
allIntrospectionTypes <- collectTypes . P.parserType =<< queryRootFromFields emptyIntro
let allTypes = Map.unions
[ allBasicTypes
, Map.filterWithKey (\name _info -> name /= $$(G.litName "query_root")) allIntrospectionTypes
, Map.filterWithKey (\name _info -> name /= queryRoot) allIntrospectionTypes
partialSchema = Schema
{ sDescription = Nothing
@ -398,158 +496,141 @@ queryWithIntrospectionHelper basicQueryFP mutationP subscriptionP = do
let partialQueryFields =
basicQueryFP ++ (fmap RFRaw <$> [schema partialSchema, typeIntrospection partialSchema])
P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "query_root") Nothing partialQueryFields
P.safeSelectionSet queryRoot Nothing partialQueryFields
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
-- | Prepare the parser for query-type GraphQL requests, but with introspection
-- for queries, mutations and subscriptions built in.
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
, Has Scenario r
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
=> [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> Maybe (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)))
-> Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue))
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
queryWithIntrospection allTables allFunctions queryRemotes mutationRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
basicQueryFP <- query' allTables allFunctions queryRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes
mutationP <- mutation allTables mutationRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes
subscriptionP <- subscription allTables allFunctions $
filter (has (aiDefinition.adType._ActionMutation._ActionAsynchronous)) allActions
queryWithIntrospectionHelper basicQueryFP mutationP subscriptionP
buildQueryParser pgQueryFields remoteFields allActions nonObjectCustomTypes mutationParser subscriptionParser = do
actionQueryFields <- buildActionQueryFields allActions nonObjectCustomTypes
let allQueryFields = pgQueryFields <> actionQueryFields <> map (fmap RFRemote) remoteFields
queryWithIntrospectionHelper allQueryFields mutationParser subscriptionParser
-- | Prepare the parser for subscriptions. Every postgres query field is
-- exposed as a subscription along with fields to get the status of
-- asynchronous actions.
:: forall m n r
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
, Has Scenario r
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
relayWithIntrospection allTables allFunctions = do
nodeFP <- fmap (RFDB . QDBPrimaryKey) <$> nodeField
basicQueryFP <- relayQuery' allTables allFunctions
mutationP <- mutation allTables [] [] mempty
emptyIntro <- emptyIntrospection
let relayQueryFP = nodeFP:basicQueryFP
basicQueryP <- queryRootFromFields relayQueryFP
subscriptionP <- P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "subscription_root") Nothing relayQueryFP
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String. G.unName)))
allBasicTypes <- collectTypes $
[ P.parserType basicQueryP
, P.parserType subscriptionP
++ maybeToList (P.parserType <$> mutationP)
allIntrospectionTypes <- collectTypes . P.parserType =<< queryRootFromFields emptyIntro
let allTypes = Map.unions
[ allBasicTypes
, Map.filterWithKey (\name _info -> name /= $$(G.litName "query_root")) allIntrospectionTypes
partialSchema = Schema
{ sDescription = Nothing
, sTypes = allTypes
, sQueryType = P.parserType basicQueryP
, sMutationType = P.parserType <$> mutationP
, sSubscriptionType = Just $ P.parserType subscriptionP
, sDirectives = defaultDirectives
let partialQueryFields =
nodeFP : basicQueryFP ++ (fmap RFRaw <$> [schema partialSchema, typeIntrospection partialSchema])
P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "query_root") Nothing partialQueryFields
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
-- | Prepare the parser for query-type GraphQL requests, but with introspection
-- for queries, mutations and subscriptions built in.
:: forall m n
. ( MonadSchema n m
, MonadError QErr m
=> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
unauthenticatedQueryWithIntrospection queryRemotes mutationRemotes = do
let basicQueryFP = fmap (fmap RFRemote) queryRemotes
mutationP <- unauthenticatedMutation mutationRemotes
subscriptionP <- unauthenticatedSubscription @n
queryWithIntrospectionHelper basicQueryFP mutationP subscriptionP
:: forall m n r
. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r, Has Scenario r)
=> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
=> [P.FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))))
mutation allTables allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
mutationParsers <- for (toList allTables) \table -> do
-> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
buildSubscriptionParser pgQueryFields allActions = do
actionSubscriptionFields <- buildActionSubscriptionFields allActions
let subscriptionFields = pgQueryFields <> actionSubscriptionFields
P.safeSelectionSet subscriptionRoot Nothing subscriptionFields
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
:: forall m n r
. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> Scenario -> HashSet QualifiedTable
-> m [P.FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
buildPGMutationFields scenario allTables = do
concat . catMaybes <$> for (toList allTables) \table -> do
tableCoreInfo <- _tiCoreInfo <$> askTableInfo table
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName table
tablePerms <- tablePermissions table
for tablePerms \permissions -> do
for tablePerms \RolePermInfo{..} -> do
let customRootFields = _tcCustomRootFields $ _tciCustomConfig tableCoreInfo
viewInfo = _tciViewInfo tableCoreInfo
selectPerms = _permSel permissions
-- If we're in a frontend scenario, we should not include backend_only inserts
scenario <- asks getter
let scenarioInsertPermissionM = do
insertPermission <- _permIns permissions
insertPermission <- _permIns
if scenario == Frontend && ipiBackendOnly insertPermission
then Nothing
else return insertPermission
inserts <- fmap join $ whenMaybe (isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfo) $ for scenarioInsertPermissionM \insertPerms -> do
let insertName = $$(G.litName "insert_") <> tableGQLName
insertDesc = G.Description $ "insert data into the table: " <>> table
insertOneName = $$(G.litName "insert_") <> tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_one")
insertOneDesc = G.Description $ "insert a single row into the table: " <>> table
insert <- insertIntoTable table (fromMaybe insertName $ _tcrfInsert customRootFields) (Just insertDesc) insertPerms selectPerms (_permUpd permissions)
insert <- insertIntoTable table (fromMaybe insertName $ _tcrfInsert customRootFields) (Just insertDesc) insertPerms _permSel _permUpd
-- select permissions are required for InsertOne: the
-- selection set is the same as a select on that table, and it
-- therefore can't be populated if the user doesn't have
-- select permissions
insertOne <- for selectPerms \selPerms ->
insertOneIntoTable table (fromMaybe insertOneName $ _tcrfInsertOne customRootFields) (Just insertOneDesc) insertPerms selPerms (_permUpd permissions)
pure $ fmap (RFDB . MDBInsert) insert : maybe [] (pure . fmap (RFDB . MDBInsert)) insertOne
insertOne <- for _permSel \selPerms ->
insertOneIntoTable table (fromMaybe insertOneName $ _tcrfInsertOne customRootFields) (Just insertOneDesc) insertPerms selPerms _permUpd
pure $ fmap (RFDB . MDBInsert) <$> insert : maybeToList insertOne
updates <- fmap join $ whenMaybe (isMutable viIsUpdatable viewInfo) $ for (_permUpd permissions) \updatePerms -> do
updates <- fmap join $ whenMaybe (isMutable viIsUpdatable viewInfo) $ for _permUpd \updatePerms -> do
let updateName = $$(G.litName "update_") <> tableGQLName
updateDesc = G.Description $ "update data of the table: " <>> table
updateByPkName = $$(G.litName "update_") <> tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_by_pk")
updateByPkDesc = G.Description $ "update single row of the table: " <>> table
update <- updateTable table (fromMaybe updateName $ _tcrfUpdate customRootFields) (Just updateDesc) updatePerms selectPerms
update <- updateTable table (fromMaybe updateName $ _tcrfUpdate customRootFields) (Just updateDesc) updatePerms _permSel
-- likewise; furthermore, primary keys can only be tested in
-- the `where` clause if the user has select permissions for
-- them, which at the very least requires select permissions
updateByPk <- join <$> for selectPerms
updateByPk <- join <$> for _permSel
(updateTableByPk table (fromMaybe updateByPkName $ _tcrfUpdateByPk customRootFields) (Just updateByPkDesc) updatePerms)
pure $ fmap (RFDB . MDBUpdate) <$> catMaybes [update, updateByPk]
deletes <- fmap join $ whenMaybe (isMutable viIsDeletable viewInfo) $ for (_permDel permissions) \deletePerms -> do
let deleteName = $$(G.litName "delete_") <> tableGQLName
deleteDesc = G.Description $ "delete data from the table: " <>> table
deleteByPkName = $$(G.litName "delete_") <> tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_by_pk")
deleteByPkDesc = G.Description $ "delete single row from the table: " <>> table
delete <- deleteFromTable table (fromMaybe deleteName $ _tcrfDelete customRootFields) (Just deleteDesc) deletePerms selectPerms
-- when the table/view is mutable and there exists a delete permission
deletes <- fmap join $ whenMaybe (isMutable viIsDeletable viewInfo) $
for _permDel $ \deletePermission -> do
delete <- buildDeleteField table tableGQLName (_tcrfDelete customRootFields)
deletePermission _permSel
-- select permission is needed for deleteByPk field so that a return type
-- for the field can be generated
deleteByPk <- fmap join $ for _permSel $
buildDeleteByPkField table tableGQLName (_tcrfDeleteByPk customRootFields) deletePermission
-- ditto
deleteByPk <- join <$> for selectPerms
(deleteFromTableByPk table (fromMaybe deleteByPkName $ _tcrfDeleteByPk customRootFields) (Just deleteByPkDesc) deletePerms)
pure $ fmap (RFDB . MDBDelete) delete : maybe [] (pure . fmap (RFDB . MDBDelete)) deleteByPk
pure $ fmap (RFDB . MDBDelete) <$> delete : maybeToList deleteByPk
pure $ concat $ catMaybes [inserts, updates, deletes]
buildDeleteField table tableGQLName customName deletePermission selectPermission = do
let deleteName = $$(G.litName "delete_") <> tableGQLName
deleteDesc = G.Description $ "delete data from the table: " <>> table
deleteFromTable table (fromMaybe deleteName customName) (Just deleteDesc)
deletePermission selectPermission
buildDeleteByPkField table tableGQLName customName deletePermission = do
let fieldName = $$(G.litName "delete_") <> tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_by_pk")
fieldDescription = G.Description $ "delete single row from the table: " <>> table
deleteFromTableByPk table (fromMaybe fieldName customName) (Just fieldDescription) deletePermission
subscriptionRoot :: G.Name
subscriptionRoot = $$(G.litName "subscription_root")
mutationRoot :: G.Name
mutationRoot = $$(G.litName "mutation_root")
queryRoot :: G.Name
queryRoot = $$(G.litName "query_root")
:: forall m n r
. (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> [ActionInfo 'Postgres]
-> NonObjectTypeMap
-> [P.FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
-> m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))))
buildMutationParser allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes pgMutationFields = do
actionParsers <- for allActions $ \actionInfo ->
case _adType (_aiDefinition actionInfo) of
ActionMutation ActionSynchronous ->
@ -557,28 +638,8 @@ mutation allTables allRemotes allActions nonObjectCustomTypes = do
ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous ->
fmap (fmap (RFAction . AMAsync)) <$> actionAsyncMutation nonObjectCustomTypes actionInfo
ActionQuery -> pure Nothing
let mutationFieldsParser = concat (catMaybes mutationParsers) <> catMaybes actionParsers <> fmap (fmap RFRemote) allRemotes
let mutationFieldsParser = pgMutationFields <> catMaybes actionParsers <> fmap (fmap RFRemote) allRemotes
if null mutationFieldsParser
then pure Nothing
else fmap Just $ P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "mutation_root") (Just $ G.Description "mutation root") mutationFieldsParser
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
:: forall n m
. (MonadError QErr m, MonadParse n)
=> [P.FieldParser n RemoteField]
-> m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue))))
unauthenticatedMutation allRemotes =
let mutationFieldsParser = fmap (fmap RFRemote) allRemotes
in if null mutationFieldsParser
then pure Nothing
else fmap Just $ P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "mutation_root") Nothing mutationFieldsParser
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
:: forall n m. (MonadParse n, MonadError QErr m)
=> m (Parser 'Output n (OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)))
unauthenticatedSubscription =
P.safeSelectionSet $$(G.litName "subscription_root") Nothing []
<&> fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))
else P.safeSelectionSet mutationRoot (Just $ G.Description "mutation root") mutationFieldsParser
<&> Just . fmap (fmap (P.handleTypename (RFRaw . J.String . G.unName)))