server: fix the nullability of object relationships (fix hasura/graphql-engine#7201)

When adding object relationships, we set the nullability of the generated GraphQL field based on whether the database backend enforces that the referenced data always exists. For manual relationships (corresponding to `manual_configuration`), the database backend is unaware of any relationship between data, and hence such fields are always set to be nullable.

For relationships generated from foreign key constraints (corresponding to `foreign_key_constraint_on`), we distinguish between two cases:

1. The "forward" object relationship from a referencing table (i.e. which has the foreign key constraint) to a referenced table. This should be set to be non-nullable when all referencing columns are non-nullable. But in fact, it used to set it to be non-nullable if *any* referencing column is non-nullable, which is only correct in Postgres when `MATCH FULL` is set (a flag we don't consider). This fixes that by changing a boolean conjunction to a disjunction.
2. The "reverse" object relationship from a referenced table to a referencing table which has the foreign key constraint. This should always be set to be nullable. But in fact, it used to always be set to non-nullable, as was reported in hasura/graphql-engine#7201. This fixes that.

Moreover, we have moved the computation of the nullability from `Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship` to `Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select`: this nullability used to be passed through the `riIsNullable` field of `RelInfo`, but for array relationships this information is not actually used, and moreover the remaining fields of `RelInfo` are already enough to deduce the nullability.

This also adds regression tests for both (1) and (2) above.

GitOrigin-RevId: 617f12765614f49746d18d3368f41dfae2f3e6ca
This commit is contained in:
Auke Booij 2021-08-26 17:26:43 +02:00 committed by hasura-bot
parent 31fd4a3df2
commit fe8eabff19
14 changed files with 213 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(Add entries below in the order of server, console, cli, docs, others)
- server: fix nullability of object relationships (close #7201)
- server: optimize SQL query generation with LIMITs (close #5745)
- server: update non-existent event trigger, action and query collection error msgs (close #7396)
- server: fix broken `untrack_function` for non-default source

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ convColRhs tableQual = \case
bExps = map (mkFieldCompExp tableQual $ LColumn colFld) opExps
return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) bExps
AVRelationship (RelInfo _ _ colMapping relTN _ _ _) nesAnn -> do
AVRelationship (RelInfo _ _ colMapping relTN _ _) nesAnn -> do
-- Convert the where clause on the relationship
curVarNum <- get
put $ curVarNum + 1

View File

@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ processOrderByItems sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' similarArrayFields distOnCols = \c
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) $ toIdentifier $ pgiColumn pgColInfo
AOCObjectRelation relInfo relFilter rest -> withWriteObjectRelation $ do
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ _ = relInfo
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ = relInfo
relSourcePrefix = mkObjectRelationTableAlias sourcePrefix relName
fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName
(relOrderByAlias, relOrdByExp) <-
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ processOrderByItems sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' similarArrayFields distOnCols = \c
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo relFilter aggOrderBy -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ _ = relInfo
let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ = relInfo
fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName
relSourcePrefix = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix sourcePrefix fieldAlias
similarArrayFields fieldName

View File

@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ fieldSelection sourceName table maybePkeyColumns fieldInfo selectPermissions = d
<&> IR.mkAnnColumnField columnInfo caseBoolExpUnpreparedValue
FIRelationship relationshipInfo ->
concat . maybeToList <$> relationshipField sourceName relationshipInfo
concat . maybeToList <$> relationshipField sourceName table relationshipInfo
FIComputedField computedFieldInfo ->
maybeToList <$> computedField sourceName computedFieldInfo table selectPermissions
@ -1006,30 +1006,73 @@ relationshipField
:: forall b r m n
. MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableName b
-> RelInfo b
-> m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)])
relationshipField sourceName relationshipInfo = runMaybeT do
let otherTableName = riRTable relationshipInfo
colMapping = riMapping relationshipInfo
relName = riName relationshipInfo
nullable = riIsNullable relationshipInfo
otherTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName otherTableName
relationshipField sourceName table RelInfo{..} = runMaybeT do
otherTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName riRTable
remotePerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions otherTableInfo
relFieldName <- lift $ textToName $ relNameToTxt relName
case riType relationshipInfo of
relFieldName <- lift $ textToName $ relNameToTxt riName
case riType of
ObjRel -> do
let desc = Just $ G.Description "An object relationship"
selectionSetParser <- lift $ tableSelectionSet sourceName otherTableInfo remotePerms
-- We need to set the correct nullability of our GraphQL field. Manual
-- relationships are always nullable, and so are "reverse" object
-- relationships, i.e. Hasura relationships that are generated from a
-- referenced table to a referencing table. For automatic forward object
-- relationships, i.e. the generated relationship from table1 to table2,
-- where table1 has a foreign key constraint, we have to do some work.
-- Specifically, we would like to mark the relationship generated from a
-- foreign key constraint from table1 to table2 to be non-nullable if
-- Postgres enforces that for each row in table1, a corresponding row in
-- table2 exists. From the Postgres manual:
-- "Normally, a referencing row need not satisfy the foreign key
-- constraint if any of its referencing columns are null. If MATCH FULL
-- is added to the foreign key declaration, a referencing row escapes
-- satisfying the constraint only if all its referencing columns are null
-- (so a mix of null and non-null values is guaranteed to fail a MATCH
-- FULL constraint)."
-- Since we don't store MATCH FULL in the RQL representation of the
-- database, the closest we can get is to only set the field to be
-- non-nullable if _all_ of the columns that reference the foreign table
-- are non-nullable. Strictly speaking, we could do slightly better by
-- setting the field to be non-nullable also if the foreign key has MATCH
-- FULL set, and _any_ of the columns is non-nullable. But we skip doing
-- this since, as of writing this, the old code used to make the wrong
-- decision about nullability of joint foreign keys entirely, so this is
-- probably not a very widely used mode of use. The impact of this
-- suboptimality is merely that in introspection some fields might get
-- marked nullable which are in fact known to always be non-null.
nullable <- case (riIsManual, riInsertOrder) of
-- Automatically generated forward relationship
(False, BeforeParent) -> do
tableInfo <- askTableInfo @b sourceName table
let columns = Map.keys riMapping
fieldInfoMap = _tciFieldInfoMap $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
findColumn col = Map.lookup (fromCol @b col) fieldInfoMap ^? _Just._FIColumn
-- Fetch information about the referencing columns of the foreign key
-- constraint
colInfo <- traverse findColumn columns
`onNothing` throw500 "could not find column info in schema cache"
pure $ boolToNullable $ any pgiIsNullable colInfo
-- Manual or reverse relationships are always nullable
_ -> pure Nullable
pure $ pure $ case nullable of { Nullable -> id; NotNullable -> P.nonNullableField} $
P.subselection_ relFieldName desc selectionSetParser
<&> \fields -> IR.AFObjectRelation $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG relName colMapping $
IR.AnnObjectSelectG fields otherTableName $
<&> \fields -> IR.AFObjectRelation $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping $
IR.AnnObjectSelectG fields riRTable $
IR._tpFilter $ tablePermissionsInfo remotePerms
ArrRel -> do
let arrayRelDesc = Just $ G.Description "An array relationship"
otherTableParser <- lift $ selectTable sourceName otherTableInfo relFieldName arrayRelDesc remotePerms
let arrayRelField = otherTableParser <&> \selectExp -> IR.AFArrayRelation $
IR.ASSimple $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG relName colMapping selectExp
IR.ASSimple $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping selectExp
relAggFieldName = relFieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
relAggDesc = Just $ G.Description "An aggregate relationship"
remoteAggField <- lift $ selectTableAggregate sourceName otherTableInfo relAggFieldName relAggDesc remotePerms
@ -1044,8 +1087,8 @@ relationshipField sourceName relationshipInfo = runMaybeT do
relConnectionDesc = Just $ G.Description "An array relationship connection"
MaybeT $ lift $ selectTableConnection sourceName otherTableInfo relConnectionName relConnectionDesc pkeyColumns remotePerms
pure $ catMaybes [ Just arrayRelField
, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASAggregate . IR.AnnRelationSelectG relName colMapping) <$> remoteAggField
, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASConnection . IR.AnnRelationSelectG relName colMapping) <$> remoteConnectionField
, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASAggregate . IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping) <$> remoteAggField
, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASConnection . IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping) <$> remoteConnectionField
-- | Computed field parser

View File

@ -95,9 +95,8 @@ objRelP2Setup
-> TableName b
-> HashMap (TableName b) (HashSet (ForeignKey b))
-> RelDef (ObjRelUsing b)
-> FieldInfoMap (ColumnInfo b)
-> m (RelInfo b, [SchemaDependency])
objRelP2Setup source qt foreignKeys (RelDef rn ru _) fieldInfoMap = case ru of
objRelP2Setup source qt foreignKeys (RelDef rn ru _) = case ru of
RUManual rm -> do
let refqt = rmTable rm
(lCols, rCols) = unzip $ HM.toList $ rmColumns rm
@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ objRelP2Setup source qt foreignKeys (RelDef rn ru _) fieldInfoMap = case ru of
dependencies = map (mkDependency qt DRLeftColumn) lCols
<> map (mkDependency refqt DRRightColumn) rCols
pure (RelInfo rn ObjRel (rmColumns rm) refqt True Nullable io, dependencies)
pure (RelInfo rn ObjRel (rmColumns rm) refqt True io, dependencies)
RUFKeyOn (SameTable columns) -> do
foreignTableForeignKeys <- findTable @b qt foreignKeys
ForeignKey constraint foreignTable colMap <- getRequiredFkey columns (HS.toList foreignTableForeignKeys)
@ -129,10 +128,7 @@ objRelP2Setup source qt foreignKeys (RelDef rn ru _) fieldInfoMap = case ru of
$ SOITable @b foreignTable)
] <> fmap (drUsingColumnDep @b source qt) (toList columns)
colInfo <- traverse ((`HM.lookup` fieldInfoMap) . fromCol @b) columns
`onNothing` throw500 "could not find column info in schema cache"
let nullable = boolToNullable $ all pgiIsNullable colInfo
pure (RelInfo rn ObjRel colMap foreignTable False nullable BeforeParent, dependencies)
pure (RelInfo rn ObjRel colMap foreignTable False BeforeParent, dependencies)
RUFKeyOn (RemoteTable remoteTable remoteCols) ->
mkFkeyRel ObjRel AfterParent source rn qt remoteTable remoteCols foreignKeys
@ -161,7 +157,7 @@ arrRelP2Setup foreignKeys source qt (RelDef rn ru _) = case ru of
$ TOCol @b c)
pure (RelInfo rn ArrRel (rmColumns rm) refqt True Nullable AfterParent, deps)
pure (RelInfo rn ArrRel (rmColumns rm) refqt True AfterParent, deps)
RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn refqt refCols) ->
mkFkeyRel ArrRel AfterParent source rn qt refqt refCols foreignKeys
@ -195,11 +191,12 @@ mkFkeyRel relType io source rn sourceTable remoteTable remoteColumns foreignKeys
$ SOITable @b remoteTable)
] <> fmap (drUsingColumnDep @b source remoteTable) (toList remoteColumns)
pure (RelInfo rn relType (reverseHM colMap) remoteTable False NotNullable io, dependencies)
pure (RelInfo rn relType (reverseHM colMap) remoteTable False io, dependencies)
reverseHM :: Eq y => Hashable y => HashMap x y -> HashMap y x
reverseHM = HM.fromList . fmap swap . HM.toList
-- | Try to find a foreign key constraint, identifying a constraint by its set of columns
:: (QErrM m, Backend b)
=> NonEmpty (Column b)
@ -208,8 +205,8 @@ getRequiredFkey
getRequiredFkey cols fkeys =
case filteredFkeys of
[k] -> return k
[] -> throw400 ConstraintError "no foreign constraint exists on the given column"
_ -> throw400 ConstraintError "more than one foreign key constraint exists on the given column"
[] -> throw400 ConstraintError "no foreign constraint exists on the given column(s)"
_ -> throw400 ConstraintError "more than one foreign key constraint exists on the given column(s)"
filteredFkeys = filter ((== HS.fromList (toList cols)) . HM.keysSet . _fkColumnMapping) fkeys

View File

@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ addNonColumnFields = proc ( allSources
) -> do
<- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata
(_rdName . (^. _4))
(\(s, _, t, c) -> mkRelationshipMetadataObject @b ObjRel (s,t,c))
(_rdName . (^. _3))
(\(s, t, c) -> mkRelationshipMetadataObject @b ObjRel (s,t,c))
-< (_tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo, map (source, columns, _nctiTable,) _nctiObjectRelationships)
-< (_tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo, map (source, _nctiTable,) _nctiObjectRelationships)
<- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata
@ -159,13 +159,12 @@ buildObjectRelationship
=> ( HashMap (TableName b) (HashSet (ForeignKey b))
, ( SourceName
, FieldInfoMap (ColumnInfo b)
, TableName b
, ObjRelDef b
) `arr` Maybe (RelInfo b)
buildObjectRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, columns, table, relDef)) -> do
let buildRelInfo def = objRelP2Setup source table fkeysMap def columns
buildObjectRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, table, relDef)) -> do
let buildRelInfo def = objRelP2Setup source table fkeysMap def
buildRelationship -< (source, table, buildRelInfo, ObjRel, relDef)

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ convSelCol fieldInfoMap _ (SCExtRel rn malias selQ) = do
let pgWhenRelErr = "only relationships can be expanded"
relInfo <- withPathK "name" $
askRelType fieldInfoMap rn pgWhenRelErr
let (RelInfo _ _ _ relTab _ _ _) = relInfo
let (RelInfo _ _ _ relTab _ _) = relInfo
(rfim, rspi) <- fetchRelDet rn relTab
resolvedSelQ <- resolveStar rfim rspi selQ
pure [ECRel rn malias resolvedSelQ]
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
-- Point to the name key
relInfo <- withPathK "name" $
askRelType fieldInfoMap relName pgWhenRelErr
let (RelInfo _ relTy colMapping relTab _ _ _) = relInfo
let (RelInfo _ relTy colMapping relTab _ _) = relInfo
(relCIM, relSPI) <- fetchRelDet relName relTab
annSel <- convSelectQ relTab relCIM relSPI selQ sessVarBldr prepValBldr
case relTy of

View File

@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ data RelInfo (b :: BackendType)
, riMapping :: !(HashMap (Column b) (Column b))
, riRTable :: !(TableName b)
, riIsManual :: !Bool
, riIsNullable :: !Nullable
, riInsertOrder :: !InsertOrder
} deriving (Generic)
deriving instance Backend b => Show (RelInfo b)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
description: Test that object relationships have the correct nullability
url: /v1/graphql
status: 200
query: |
query {
table1 : __type(name: "table1") {
fields {
type {
table2 : __type(name: "table2") {
fields {
type {
joint_foreign_key : __type(name: "joint_foreign_key") {
fields {
type {
- name: id
kind: NON_NULL
- name: name
kind: SCALAR
- name: via_table2
kind: OBJECT # this is what we're testing
- name: via_table2_not_null
kind: OBJECT # this is what we're testing
- name: id
kind: NON_NULL
- name: name
kind: SCALAR
- name: table1_id
kind: SCALAR
- name: table1_id_not_null
kind: NON_NULL
- name: via_table1
kind: OBJECT # this is what we're testing
- name: via_table1_not_null
kind: NON_NULL # this is what we're testing
- name: id
kind: NON_NULL
- name: table2
kind: OBJECT # This is what we're testing
- name: table2_name
kind: NON_NULL
- name: table2_table1_id
kind: SCALAR

View File

@ -10,7 +10,15 @@ args:
id serial primary key,
name text,
table1_id INTEGER REFERENCES table1(id)
table1_id INTEGER UNIQUE REFERENCES table1(id),
table1_id_not_null INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES table1(id),
unique (name, table1_id)
CREATE TABLE joint_foreign_key (
id serial primary key,
table2_name text not null,
table2_table1_id integer null,
foreign key (table2_name, table2_table1_id) references table2 (name, table1_id)
- type: track_table
@ -21,6 +29,10 @@ args:
version: 2
table: table2
- type: track_table
version: 2
table: joint_foreign_key
- type: create_object_relationship
@ -28,3 +40,39 @@ args:
table: table2
foreign_key_constraint_on: table1_id
- type: create_object_relationship
name: via_table1_not_null
table: table2
foreign_key_constraint_on: table1_id_not_null
- type: create_object_relationship
name: via_table2
table: table1
table: table2
- table1_id
- type: create_object_relationship
name: via_table2_not_null
table: table1
table: table2
- table1_id_not_null
- type: create_object_relationship
name: table2
table: joint_foreign_key
- table2_name
- table2_table1_id

View File

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ args:
sql: |
DROP TABLE table1 cascade;
DROP TABLE table2 cascade;
DROP TABLE joint_foreign_key cascade;

View File

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ response:
name: author
'Inconsistent object: in table "author": in relationship "articles": no
foreign constraint exists on the given column'
foreign constraint exists on the given column(s)'
name: array_relation articles in table author in source default
type: array_relation
path: $.args
'Inconsistent object: in table "author": in relationship "articles": no foreign
constraint exists on the given column'
constraint exists on the given column(s)'
code: invalid-configuration
type: create_array_relationship

View File

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ response:
name: article
'Inconsistent object: in table "article": in relationship "author": no
foreign constraint exists on the given column'
foreign constraint exists on the given column(s)'
name: object_relation author in table article in source default
type: object_relation
path: $.args
'Inconsistent object: in table "article": in relationship "author": no foreign
constraint exists on the given column'
constraint exists on the given column(s)'
code: invalid-configuration
type: create_object_relationship

View File

@ -40,21 +40,8 @@ class TestNullableObjectRelationshipInSchema:
def dir(cls):
return "queries/graphql_introspection/nullable_object_relationship"
def test_introspection(self, hge_ctx):
with open(self.dir() + "/../introspection.yaml") as c:
conf = yaml.safe_load(c)
resp, _ = check_query(hge_ctx, conf)
for t in resp['data']['__schema']['types']:
if t['name'] == 'table2':
for fld in t['fields']:
if fld['name'] == 'via_table1':
# graphql schema introspection doesn't explictly mark
# the fields to be nullable (it does in the non-null
# case). So checking this should be sufficient to detect
# if its nullable. If this is not nullable, the
# top-level kind would be `NON_NULL` and its `ofType`
# would have the actual type
assert fld['type']['kind'] == 'OBJECT'
def test_introspection_both_directions_both_nullabilities(self, hge_ctx):
check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + "/nullability.yaml")
def getTypeNameFromType(typeObject):
if typeObject['name'] != None: