This is breaking change where bigint and bigserial Postgres types will be encoded as GraphQL String types, as opposed to Int as present in earlier releases.
Input types were already encoded as String.
This is achieved by selecting `bigint` and `bigserial` columns as `text`s in the SQL query: `select "big_id"::text ..` instead of `select "big_id" .. `.
Reason for that change is outlined in #633 where JavaScript cannot decode 64 bit Integers.
Insert trigger function: If query affects no rows then return `null`
Insert trigger function is modified to have
`IF r IS NULL THEN RETURN null; ELSE RETURN r; END IF;` in return statement.
* fix primary key changing on upsert, fix#342
* add 'update_columns' in 'on_conflict' object, consider 'allowUpsert'
* 'ConflictCtx' type should respect upsert cases
* validation for not null fields in an object
* add 'on_conflict' condition to allow upsert mutation, closes#105
* check for empty unique or primary key constraints
* add 'on_conflict' condition test cases and introspection test case
* update 'conflict_action' enum values' description