## Description
### I want to speak to the `Manager`
Oh boy. This PR is both fairly straightforward and overreaching, so let's break it down.
For most network access, we need a [`HTTP.Manager`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-client- It is created only once, at the top level, when starting the engine, and is then threaded through the application to wherever we need to make a network call. As of main, the way we do this is not standardized: most of the GraphQL execution code passes it "manually" as a function argument throughout the code. We also have a custom monad constraint, `HasHttpManagerM`, that describes a monad's ability to provide a manager. And, finally, several parts of the code store the manager in some kind of argument structure, such as `RunT`'s `RunCtx`.
This PR's first goal is to harmonize all of this: we always create the manager at the root, and we already have it when we do our very first `runReaderT`. Wouldn't it make sense for the rest of the code to not manually pass it anywhere, to not store it anywhere, but to always rely on the current monad providing it? This is, in short, what this PR does: it implements a constraint on the base monads, so that they provide the manager, and removes most explicit passing from the code.
### First come, first served
One way this PR goes a tiny bit further than "just" doing the aforementioned harmonization is that it starts the process of implementing the "Services oriented architecture" roughly outlined in this [draft document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FAigqrST0juU1WcT4HIxJxe1iEBwTuBZodTaeUvsKqQ/edit?usp=sharing). Instead of using the existing `HasHTTPManagerM`, this PR revamps it into the `ProvidesNetwork` service.
The idea is, again, that we should make all "external" dependencies of the engine, all things that the core of the engine doesn't care about, a "service". This allows us to define clear APIs for features, to choose different implementations based on which version of the engine we're running, harmonizes our many scattered monadic constraints... Which is why this service is called "Network": we can refine it, moving forward, to be the constraint that defines how all network communication is to operate, instead of relying on disparate classes constraint or hardcoded decisions. A comment in the code clarifies this intent.
### Side-effects? In my Haskell?
This PR also unavoidably touches some other aspects of the codebase. One such example: it introduces `Hasura.App.AppContext`, named after `HasuraPro.Context.AppContext`: a name for the reader structure at the base level. It also transforms `Handler` from a type alias to a newtype, as `Handler` is where we actually enforce HTTP limits; but without `Handler` being a distinct type, any code path could simply do a `runExceptT $ runReader` and forget to enforce them.
(As a rule of thumb, i am starting to consider any straggling `runReaderT` or `runExceptT` as a code smell: we should not stack / unstack monads haphazardly, and every layer should be an opaque `newtype` with a corresponding run function.)
## Further work
In several places, i have left TODOs when i have encountered things that suggest that we should do further unrelated cleanups. I'll write down the follow-up steps, either in the aforementioned document or on slack. But, in short, at a glance, in approximate order, we could:
- delete `ExecutionCtx` as it is only a subset of `ServerCtx`, and remove one more `runReaderT` call
- delete `ServerConfigCtx` as it is only a subset of `ServerCtx`, and remove it from `RunCtx`
- remove `ServerCtx` from `HandlerCtx`, and make it part of `AppContext`, or even make it the `AppContext` altogether (since, at least for the OSS version, `AppContext` is there again only a subset)
- remove `CacheBuildParams` and `CacheBuild` altogether, as they're just a distinct stack that is a `ReaderT` on top of `IO` that contains, you guessed it, the same thing as `ServerCtx`
- move `RunT` out of `RQL.Types` and rename it, since after the previous cleanups **it only contains `UserInfo`**; it could be bundled with the authentication service, made a small implementation detail in `Hasura.Server.Auth`
- rename `PGMetadaStorageT` to something a bit more accurate, such as `App`, and enforce its IO base
This would significantly simply our complex stack. From there, or in parallel, we can start moving existing dependencies as Services. For the purpose of supporting read replicas entitlement, we could move `MonadResolveSource` to a `SourceResolver` service, as attempted in #7653, and transform `UserAuthenticationM` into a `Authentication` service.
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7736
GitOrigin-RevId: 68cce710eb9e7d752bda1ba0c49541d24df8209f
## Description
This PR removes `MetadataStorageT`, and cleans up all top-level error handling. In short: this PR changes `MonadMetadataStorage` to explicitly return a bunch of `Either QErr a`, instead of relying on the stack providing a `MonadError QErr`. Since we implement that class on the base monad *below any ExceptT*, this removes a lot of very complicated instances that make assumptions about the shape of the stack.
On the back of this, we can remove several layers of ExceptT from the core of the code, including the one in `RunT`, which allows us to remove several instances of `liftEitherM . runExceptT`.
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7689
GitOrigin-RevId: 97d600154d690f58c0b93fb4cc2d30fd383fd8b8
## Description
There is a bug in the metadata defaults code, see [the original PR](https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6286).
Steps to reproduce this issue:
* Start a new HGE project
* Start HGE with a defaults argument: `HASURA_GRAPHQL_LOG_LEVEL=debug cabal run exe:graphql-engine -- serve --enable-console --console-assets-dir=./console/static/dist --metadata-defaults='{"backend_configs": {"dataconnector": {"mongo": {"display_name": "BONGOBB", "uri": "http://localhost:8123"}}}}'`
* Add a source (doesn't need to be related to the defaults)
* Export metadata
* See that the defaults are present in the exported metadata
## Related Issues
* Github Issue: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/9237
* Jira: https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/GDC-647
* Original PR: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6286
## Solution
* The test for if defaults should be included for metadata api operations has been extended to check for updates
* Metadata inconsistencies have been hidden for `/capabilities` calls on startup
* [x] Fix bug
* [x] Write tests
* [x] OSS Metadata Migration to correct persisted data - `server/src-rsr/migrations/47_to_48.sql`
* [x] Cloud Metadata Migration - `pro/server/res/cloud/migrations/6_to_7.sql`
* [x] Bump Catalog Version - `server/src-rsr/catalog_version.txt`
* [x] Update Catalog Versions - `server/src-rsr/catalog_versions.txt` (This will be done by Infra when creating a release)
* [x] Log connection error as it occurs *(Already being logged. Requires `--enabled-log-types startup,webhook-log,websocket-log,http-log,data-connector-log`)
* [x] Don't mark metadata inconsistencies for this call.
## Questions
* [ ] Does the `pro/server/res/cloud/migrations/6_to_7.sql` cover the cloud scenarios?
* [ ] Should we have `SET search_path` in migrations?
* [x] What should be in `server/src-rsr/catalog_versions.txt`?
## Testing
To test the solution locally run:
> docker compose up -d
> cabal run -- exe:api-tests --skip BigQuery --skip SQLServer --skip '/Test.API.Explain/Postgres/'
## Solution
In `runMetadataQuery` in `server/src-lib/Hasura/Server/API/Metadata.hs`:
- if (exportsMetadata _rqlMetadata)
+ if (exportsMetadata _rqlMetadata || queryModifiesMetadata _rqlMetadata)
This ensures that defaults aren't present in operations that serialise metadata.
Note: You might think that `X_add_source` would need the defaults to be present to add a source that references the defaults, but since the resolution occurs in the schema-cache building phase, the defaults can be excluded for the metadata modifications required for `X_add_source`.
In addition to the code-change, a metadata migration has been introduced in order to clean up serialised defaults.
The following scenarios need to be considered for both OSS and Cloud:
* The user has not had defaults serialised
* The user has had the defaults serialised and no other backends configured
* The user has had the defaults serialised and has also configured other backends
We want to remove as much of the metadata as possible without any user-specified data and this should be reflected in migration `server/src-rsr/migrations/47_to_48.sql`.
## Server checklist
### Catalog upgrade
Does this PR change Hasura Catalog version?
- ✅ Yes
### Metadata
Does this PR add a new Metadata feature?
- ✅ No
### GraphQL
- ✅ No new GraphQL schema is generated
### Breaking changes
- ✅ No Breaking changes
## Changelog
__Component__ : server
__Type__: bugfix
__Product__: community-edition
### Short Changelog
Fixes a metadata defaults serialization bug and introduces a metadata migration to correct data that has been persisted due to the bug.
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7034
GitOrigin-RevId: ad7d4f748397a1a607f2c0c886bf0fbbc3f873f2
The main aim of the PR is:
1. To set up a module structure for 'remote-schemas' package.
2. Move parts by the remote schema codebase into the new module structure to validate it.
## Notes to the reviewer
Why a PR with large-ish diff?
1. We've been making progress on the MM project but we don't yet know long it is going to take us to get to the first milestone. To understand this better, we need to figure out the unknowns as soon as possible. Hence I've taken a stab at the first two items in the [end-state](https://gist.github.com/0x777/ca2bdc4284d21c3eec153b51dea255c9) document to figure out the unknowns. Unsurprisingly, there are a bunch of issues that we haven't discussed earlier. These are documented in the 'open questions' section.
1. The diff is large but that is only code moved around and I've added a section that documents how things are moved. In addition, there are fair number of PR comments to help with the review process.
## Changes in the PR
### Module structure
Sets up the module structure as follows:
### 1. Types representing metadata are moved
Types that capture metadata information (currently scattered across several RQL modules) are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types`.
- This new module only depends on very 'core' modules such as
`Hasura.Session` for the notion of roles and `Hasura.Incremental` for `Cacheable` typeclass.
- The requirement on database modules is avoided by generalizing the remote schemas metadata to accept an arbitrary 'r' for a remote relationship
### 2. SchemaCache related types and build logic have been moved
Types that represent remote schemas information in SchemaCache are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Types`.
Similar to `H.RS.Metadata.Types`, this module depends on 'core' modules except for `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable`. It has something to do with remote relationships but I haven't spent time looking into it. The validation of 'remote relationships to remote schema' is also something that needs to be looked at.
Rips out the logic that builds remote schema's SchemaCache information from the monolithic `buildSchemaCacheRule` and moves it into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Build`. Further, the `.SchemaCache.Permission` and `.SchemaCache.RemoteRelationship` have been created from existing modules that capture schema cache building logic for those two components.
This was a fair amount of work. On main, currently remote schema's SchemaCache information is built in two phases - in the first phase, 'permissions' and 'remote relationships' are ignored and in the second phase they are filled in.
While remote relationships can only be resolved after partially resolving sources and other remote schemas, the same isn't true for permissions. Further, most of the work that is done to resolve remote relationships can be moved to the first phase so that the second phase can be a very simple traversal.
This is the approach that was taken - resolve permissions and as much as remote relationships information in the first phase.
### 3. Metadata APIs related types and build logic have been moved
The types that represent remote schema related metadata APIs and the execution logic have been moved to `Hasura.RemoteSchema.MetadataAPI.Types` and `.Execute` modules respectively.
## Open questions:
1. `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types` is so called because I was hoping that all of the metadata related APIs of remote schema can be brought in at `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.API`. However, as metadata APIs depended on functions from `SchemaCache` module (see [1](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L55)) and [2](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L91)), it made more sense to create a separate top-level module for `MetadataAPI`s.
Maybe we can just have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata` and get rid of the extra nesting or have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.{Core,Permission,RemoteRelationship}` if we want to break them down further.
1. `buildRemoteSchemas` in `H.RS.SchemaCache.Build` has the following type:
buildRemoteSchemas ::
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
MonadIO m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
Inc.Cacheable remoteRelationshipDefinition,
ToJSON remoteRelationshipDefinition,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
( (Inc.Dependency (HashMap RemoteSchemaName Inc.InvalidationKey), OrderedRoles),
[RemoteSchemaMetadataG remoteRelationshipDefinition]
`arr` HashMap RemoteSchemaName (PartiallyResolvedRemoteSchemaCtxG remoteRelationshipDefinition, MetadataObject)
Note the dependence on `CollectedInfo` which is defined as
data CollectedInfo
= CIInconsistency InconsistentMetadata
| CIDependency
-- ^ for error reporting on missing dependencies
deriving (Eq)
this pretty much means that remote schemas is dependent on types from databases, actions, ....
How do we fix this? Maybe introduce a typeclass such as `ArrowCollectRemoteSchemaDependencies` which is defined in `Hasura.RemoteSchema` and then implemented in graphql-engine?
1. The dependency on `buildSchemaCacheFor` in `.MetadataAPI.Execute` which has the following signature:
buildSchemaCacheFor ::
(QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) =>
MetadataObjId ->
MetadataModifier ->
This can be easily resolved if we restrict what the metadata APIs are allowed to do. Currently, they operate in an unfettered access to modify SchemaCache (the `CacheRWM` constraint):
runAddRemoteSchema ::
( QErrM m,
CacheRWM m,
MonadIO m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
MetadataM m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
AddRemoteSchemaQuery ->
This should instead be changed to restrict remote schema APIs to only modify remote schema metadata (but has access to the remote schemas part of the schema cache), this dependency is completely removed.
runAddRemoteSchema ::
( QErrM m,
MonadIO m,
HasHttpManagerM m,
MonadReader RemoteSchemasSchemaCache m,
MonadState RemoteSchemaMetadata m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
AddRemoteSchemaQuery ->
m RemoteSchemeMetadataObjId
The idea is that the core graphql-engine would call these functions and then call
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6291
GitOrigin-RevId: 51357148c6404afe70219afa71bd1d59bdf4ffc6
## Description
This PR removes `RQL.Types`, which was now only re-exporting a bunch of unrelated modules.
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4363
GitOrigin-RevId: 894f29a19bff70b3dad8abc5d9858434d5065417
### Description
Small PR that moves code out of `RQL.Types.hs`. Specifically, it moves `HasServerConfigCtx` to where `ServerConfigCtx` is defined. This removes code from `RQL.Types`, makes the dependency on `Server.Types` more explicit, and will make some further cleanups easier.
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4336
GitOrigin-RevId: 95bb3467d741763892c4e68a38760497157ba1aa