.. meta:: :description: Update Hasura GraphQL engine version :keywords: hasura, docs, deployment, update, version .. _update_hge: Updating Hasura GraphQL engine ============================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :local: Update guides ------------- The Hasura GraphQL engine runs off a Docker image and updates are as simple as changing the image tag. Based on your deployment method, follow the appropriate guide to update the GraphQL engine version you're running: - :ref:`Updating on Heroku <heroku_update>` - :ref:`Updating on Docker <docker_update>` - :ref:`Updating on Kubernetes <kubernetes_update>` - :ref:`Updating on Digital Ocean <do_updating>` .. admonition:: No-touch Engine Update in Hasura Cloud :class: dhc Hasura Cloud offers no-touch update paths in a managed environment. For more information, read more about :ref:`Hasura Cloud <cloud_docs>`. Latest available versions ------------------------- Stable version ************** The current latest stable version is: .. raw:: html <code>hasura/graphql-engine:<span class="latest-release-tag">latest</span></code> Pre-release version ******************* The current latest pre-release version is: .. raw:: html <code>hasura/graphql-engine:<span class="latest-prerelease-tag">prerelease</span></code> .. note:: Full stability with pre-release builds is not guaranteed. They are not recommended for production use.