Modelling one-to-one table relationships ======================================== A one-to-one relationship between two tables can be established via a **unique foreign-key constraint**. Say we have the following two tables in our database schema: .. code-block:: sql author ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT ) passport_info ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, owner_id INT passport_number TEXT ... ) These two tables are related via a ``one-to-one`` relationship. i.e: - an ``author`` can have one ``passport_info`` - a ``passport_info`` has one ``owner`` This ``one-to-one`` relationship can be established in the database by: 1. Adding a foreign-key constraint from the ``passport_info`` table to the ``author`` table using the ``owner_id`` and ``id`` columns of the tables respectively 2. Adding a unique constraint to the ``owner_id`` column for the ``passport_info`` table This will ensure that the value of ``owner_id`` column in ``passport_info`` table is present in the ``id`` column of the ``author`` table and there will be only one row with a particular ``owner_id``. To access the nested objects via the GraphQL API, :doc:`create the following relationships <../create>`: - Object relationship, ``passport_info`` from ``author`` table using ``id -> passport_info :: owner_id`` - Object relationship, ``owner`` from ``passport_info`` table using ``owner_id -> author :: id`` .. note:: Currently the console suggests an array relationship from ``author`` to ``passport_info`` table as it doesn't detect the unique constraint on ``owner_id``. You will have to create the object relationship without using the foreign-key as of now. We can now: - fetch a list of authors with their ``passport_info``: .. graphiql:: :view_only: :query: query { author { id name passport_info { id passport_number } } } :response: { "data": { "author": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Justin", "passport_info": { "id": 1, "passport_number": "987456234" } }, { "id": 2, "name": "Beltran", "passport_info": { "id": 2, "passport_number": "F0004586" } } ] } } - fetch a list of passport_info with their ``owner``: .. graphiql:: :view_only: :query: query { passport_info { id passport_number owner { id name } } } :response: { "data": { "passport_info": [ { "id": 1, "passport_number": "987456234", "owner": { "id": 1, "name": "Justin" } }, { "id": 2, "passport_number": "F0004586", "owner": { "id": 2, "name": "Beltran" } } ] } }