type: bulk args: - type: citus_run_sql args: source: citus sql: | CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ltree; CREATE TYPE complex AS ( r double precision, i double precision ); CREATE TYPE inventory_item AS ( name text, supplier_id integer, price numeric ); SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'; SET lc_monetary TO "en_US.utf-8"; CREATE TABLE test_types ( c1_smallint smallint, c2_integer integer, c3_bigint bigint, c4_decimal decimal(5, 2), c5_numeric numeric(4, 3), c6_real real, c7_double_precision double precision, c8_smallserial smallserial, c9_serial serial, c10_bigserial bigserial, c11_varchar_3 varchar(3), c12_char_4 char(4), c13_text text, c14_timestamp timestamp, c15_timestamptz timestamptz, c16_date date, c17_time time, c18_time_with_zone time with time zone, c19_interval interval, c20_boolean boolean, c21_point point, c22_line line, c23_lseg lseg, c24_box box, c25_closed_path path, c26_open_path path, c27_polygon polygon, c28_circle circle, c29_cidr cidr, c30_inet inet, c31_macaddr macaddr, c32_json json, c33_jsonb jsonb, c34_text_array text[], c35_integer_2d_array integer[][], c36_uuid uuid, c37_composite_type_complex complex, c38_composite_type_inventory inventory_item, c39_range_integer int4range, c40_range_bigint int8range, c41_range_numeric numrange, c42_range_timestamp tsrange, c43_range_timestamptz tstzrange, c44_xml xml, c45_money money, c46_ltree ltree ); CREATE TABLE author ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name text UNIQUE, "createdAt" timestamp ); CREATE TABLE article ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, title text, content text, author_id integer REFERENCES author (id), is_published boolean, published_on timestamp ); CREATE TABLE author_multi( id1 serial, id2 serial, name text unique, "createdAt" timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id1, id2) ); CREATE TABLE article_multi ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, content TEXT, author_id1 INTEGER, author_id2 INTEGER, is_published BOOLEAN, published_on TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (author_id1, author_id2) REFERENCES author_multi(id1, id2) ); INSERT INTO test_types (c1_smallint, c2_integer, c3_bigint, c4_decimal, c5_numeric, c6_real, c7_double_precision, c11_varchar_3, c12_char_4, c13_text, c14_timestamp, c15_timestamptz, c16_date, c17_time, c18_time_with_zone, c19_interval, c20_boolean, c21_point, c22_line, c23_lseg, c24_box, c25_closed_path, c26_open_path, c27_polygon, c28_circle, c29_cidr, c30_inet, c31_macaddr, c32_json, c33_jsonb, c34_text_array, c35_integer_2d_array, c36_uuid, c37_composite_type_complex, c38_composite_type_inventory, c39_range_integer, c40_range_bigint, c41_range_numeric, c42_range_timestamp, c43_range_timestamptz, c44_xml, c45_money, c46_ltree) VALUES (32767, -- c1_smallint 2147483647, -- c2_integer 9223372036854775807, -- c3_bigint 123.45, -- c4_decimal 1.234, -- c5_numeric 0.00390625, -- c6_real 16.0001220703125, -- c7_double_precision 'abc', -- c11_varchar_3 'baaz', -- c12_char_4 'foo bar baz', -- c13_text '2004-10-19T10:23:54', -- c14_timestamp '2015-10-17T14:42:43+00:00', -- c15_timestamptz '2014-09-14', -- c16_date '11:09:23', -- c17_time '15:22:23+00', -- c18_time_with_zone '01:03:02', -- c19_interval TRUE, -- c20_boolean '(1,2)', -- c21_point '{2,3,-1}', -- c22_line '[(4,2),(3,1)]', -- c23_line '((31,12),(14,11))', -- c24_box '((0,0),(0,3),(1,0))', -- c25_closed_path '[(0,0),(0,-1),(-3,0)]', -- c26_open_path '((0,0),(0,6),(2,0))', -- c27_polygon '<(-2,-3),3>', -- c28_circle '', -- c29_cidr '', -- c30_inet '08:00:2b:01:02:03', -- c31_macaddr '{ "a" : "b", "obj": { "c1": "c2" }, "arr": [1, 2, 3], "_underscore": 0, "!@#$%^": "special", "translations": { "hello world!": "hi" }, "objs": [{ "你好": "Hello!" }] }', -- c32_json '{ "c" : "d", "obj": { "e1": "e2" }, "arr": [4, 5, 6], "_underscore": 0, "!@#$%^": "special", "translations": { "hello world!": "hi" }, "objs": [{ "你好": "Hello!" }] }', -- c33_jsonb '{"a","b","c"}', -- c34_text_array '{{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}', -- c35_integer_2d_array 'a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11', -- c36_uuid '(1.23,-3.456)', -- c37_composite_type_complexa '("fuzzy dice",42,1.99)', -- c38_composite_type_inventory '[123,456)', -- c39_range_integer '[1147483647, 2147483647)', -- c40_range_bigint '[1.23, 4.56]', -- c41_range_numeric '[2010-01-01 14:30:00, 2010-01-01 15:30:02)', -- c42_range_timestamp '(2011-02-05T12:03:00+00:00, 2012-03-04T16:40:04+00:00]', -- c43_range_timestamptz 'bar', -- c44_xml 123.45, -- c45_money 'A.B.C' -- c46_ltree ); INSERT INTO author (name, "createdAt") VALUES ('Author 1', '2017-09-21T09:39:44'), ('Author 2', '2017-09-21T09:50:44'); INSERT INTO article (title, content, author_id, is_published) VALUES ('Article 1', 'Sample article content 1', 1, FALSE), ('Article 2', 'Sample article content 2', 1, TRUE), ('Article 3', 'Sample article content 3', 2, TRUE); insert into author_multi (name, "createdAt") values ('Author 1', '2017-09-21T09:39:44'), ('Author 2', '2017-09-21T09:50:44'); insert into article_multi (title,content,author_id1, author_id2,is_published) values ( 'Article 1', 'Sample article content 1', 1, 1, false ), ( 'Article 2', 'Sample article content 2', 1, 1, true ), ( 'Article 3', 'Sample article content 3', 2, 2, true ); CREATE TABLE "user" ( id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, number bigint ); INSERT INTO "user" (name, number) VALUES ('User 1', 123456789), ('User 2', 123456780); CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext; CREATE TABLE person ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name citext ); INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ('John\'), (' Clarke '), (' clarke ');