{ description = "DDN Engine"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs; flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils; crane = { url = "github:ipetkov/crane"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; rust-overlay = { url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay"; inputs = { nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils"; }; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, crane, rust-overlay }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (localSystem: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = localSystem; overlays = [ rust-overlay.overlays.default ]; }; rust = import ./nix/rust.nix { inherit nixpkgs rust-overlay crane localSystem; }; rust-x86_64-linux = (import ./nix/rust.nix { inherit nixpkgs rust-overlay crane localSystem; crossSystem = "x86_64-linux"; }); rust-aarch64-linux = (import ./nix/rust.nix { inherit nixpkgs rust-overlay crane localSystem; crossSystem = "aarch64-linux"; }); in { formatter = pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt; packages = { ###### CUSTOM_CONNECTOR # custom-connector binary for whichever is the local machine custom-connector = rust.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "custom-connector"; }; # custom-connector binary for x86_64-linux custom-connector-x86_64-linux = rust-x86_64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "custom-connector"; }; # custom-connector binary for x86_64-linux custom-connector-aarch64-linux = rust-aarch64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "custom-connector"; }; # custom-connector docker files for whichever is the local machine custom-connector-docker = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.custom-connector; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-custom-connector"; tag = "dev"; port = "8181"; }; # custom-connector docker for x86_64-linux custom-connector-docker-x86_64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.custom-connector-x86_64-linux; architecture = "amd64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-custom-connector"; port = "8181"; }; # custom-connector docker for aarch64-linux custom-connector-docker-aarch64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.custom-connector-aarch64-linux; architecture = "arm64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-custom-connector"; port = "8181"; }; ###### DEV-AUTH-WEBHOOK # dev-auth-webhook binary for whichever is the local machine dev-auth-webhook = rust.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "dev-auth-webhook"; }; # dev-auth-webhook binary for x86_64-linux dev-auth-webhook-x86_64-linux = rust-x86_64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "dev-auth-webhook"; }; # dev-auth-webhook binary for x86_64-linux dev-auth-webhook-aarch64-linux = rust-aarch64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "dev-auth-webhook"; }; # dev-auth-webhook docker files for whichever is the local machine dev-auth-webhook-docker = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.dev-auth-webhook; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-dev-auth-webhook"; tag = "dev"; port = "3050"; }; # dev-auth-webhook docker for x86_64-linux dev-auth-webhook-docker-x86_64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.dev-auth-webhook-x86_64-linux; architecture = "amd64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-dev-auth-webhook"; port = "3050"; }; # dev-auth-webhook docker for aarch64-linux dev-auth-webhook-docker-aarch64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.dev-auth-webhook-aarch64-linux; architecture = "arm64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-dev-auth-webhook"; port = "3050"; }; ###### ENGINE # engine binary for whichever is the local machine engine = rust.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "engine"; }; # engine binary for x86_64-linux engine-x86_64-linux = rust-x86_64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "engine"; }; # engine binary for x86_64-linux engine-aarch64-linux = rust-aarch64-linux.callPackage ./nix/app.nix { version = if self ? "dirtyRev" then self.dirtyShortRev else self.shortRev; pname = "engine"; }; # engine docker files for whichever is the local machine engine-docker = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.engine; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-engine"; tag = "dev"; port = "3000"; }; # engine docker for x86_64-linux engine-docker-x86_64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.engine-x86_64-linux; architecture = "amd64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-engine"; port = "3000"; }; # engine docker for aarch64-linux engine-docker-aarch64-linux = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/docker.nix { package = self.packages.${localSystem}.engine-aarch64-linux; architecture = "arm64"; image-name = "ghcr.io/hasura/v3-engine"; port = "3000"; }; default = self.packages.${localSystem}.engine; }; apps = { default = self.apps.${localSystem}.engine; engine = flake-utils.lib.mkApp { drv = self.packages.${localSystem}.engine; name = "engine"; }; dev-auth-webhook = flake-utils.lib.mkApp { drv = self.packages.${localSystem}.dev-auth-webhook; name = "dev-auth-webhook"; }; custom-connector = flake-utils.lib.mkApp { drv = self.packages.${localSystem}.custom-connector; name = "custom-connector"; }; }; devShells = { default = pkgs.mkShell { # include dependencies of the default package inputsFrom = [ self.packages.${localSystem}.default ]; # build-time inputs nativeBuildInputs = [ # Development pkgs.just pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt pkgs.nodePackages.prettier # Rust pkgs.cargo-edit pkgs.cargo-expand pkgs.cargo-flamegraph pkgs.cargo-insta pkgs.cargo-machete pkgs.cargo-nextest pkgs.cargo-watch rust.rustToolchain ]; }; }; }); }