{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# HLINT ignore "Use sleep" #-} module Interrupt (specInterrupt) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Concurrent ( MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, threadDelay, tryReadMVar, ) import Control.Concurrent.Interrupt (interruptOnAsyncException) import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception, onException, throwIO, uninterruptibleMask_) import Control.Monad (liftM2, unless) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import System.Timeout (timeout) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldThrow) import Prelude hiding (log) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- specInterrupt :: Spec specInterrupt = do describe "without interrupt" $ do it "logging etc works" $ do events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "sleep" $ sleep (1000 * ms) res <- timeout (500 * ms) action log "done" res `shouldBe` Nothing roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "sleep start"), (500 * ms, "sleep exception"), (500 * ms, "done") ] it "cancellable sleep is like sleep without cancelling" $ do events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "sleep" $ cancellableSleep (1000 * ms) (pure False) res <- timeout (500 * ms) action log "done" res `shouldBe` Nothing roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "sleep start"), (500 * ms, "sleep exception"), (500 * ms, "done") ] it "uninterruptible sleep doesn't time out" $ do events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "outer" $ do uninterruptibleMask_ $ trace log "sleep" $ cancellableSleep (1000 * ms) (pure False) -- add an extra action so the timeout is delivered reliably sleep (500 * ms) res <- timeout (500 * ms) action log "done" res `shouldBe` Nothing roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "outer start"), (0, "sleep start"), (1000 * ms, "sleep end"), (1000 * ms, "outer exception"), (1000 * ms, "done") ] describe "interruptOnAsyncException" $ do it "behaves like baseline without cancelling" $ do events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = interruptOnAsyncException (pure ()) $ trace log "sleep" $ sleep (1000 * ms) res <- timeout (500 * ms) action log "done" res `shouldBe` Nothing roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "sleep start"), (500 * ms, "sleep exception"), (500 * ms, "done") ] it "allows interrupting a blocking action" $ do (cancel, cancelled) <- getCancel events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "outer" $ do interruptOnAsyncException cancel $ uninterruptibleMask_ $ trace log "sleep" $ cancellableSleep (1000 * ms) cancelled res <- timeout (500 * ms) action log "done" res `shouldBe` Nothing roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "outer start"), (0, "sleep start"), (500 * ms, "sleep end"), (500 * ms, "outer exception"), (500 * ms, "done") ] it "waits for the thread and bubbles the exception if cancel only throws" $ do (_cancel, cancelled) <- getCancel let cancel = throwIO CancelException events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "outer" $ do interruptOnAsyncException cancel $ uninterruptibleMask_ $ trace log "sleep" $ cancellableSleep (1000 * ms) cancelled timeout (500 * ms) action `shouldThrow` (== CancelException) log "done" -- the important property is that we always get "sleep"'s end/exception before "outer"'s end/exception roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "outer start"), (0, "sleep start"), (1000 * ms, "sleep end"), (1000 * ms, "outer exception"), (1000 * ms, "done") ] it "bubbles an exception that occurs before cancelling" $ do (cancel, cancelled) <- getCancel events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "outer" $ do interruptOnAsyncException cancel $ uninterruptibleMask_ $ trace log "sleep" $ do sleep (200 * ms) throwIO ActionException :: IO () cancellableSleep (800 * ms) cancelled timeout (500 * ms) action `shouldThrow` (== ActionException) log "done" roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "outer start"), (0, "sleep start"), (200 * ms, "sleep exception"), (200 * ms, "outer exception"), (200 * ms, "done") ] it "bubbles an exception that occurs after cancelling" $ do (cancel, cancelled) <- getCancel events <- withLogger $ \log -> do let action = trace log "outer" $ do interruptOnAsyncException cancel $ uninterruptibleMask_ $ trace log "sleep" $ do cancellableSleep (1000 * ms) cancelled throwIO ActionException timeout (500 * ms) action `shouldThrow` (== ActionException) log "done" roundLog (100 * ms) events `shouldBe` [ (0, "outer start"), (0, "sleep start"), (500 * ms, "sleep exception"), (500 * ms, "outer exception"), (500 * ms, "done") ] -- millisecond in microseconds ms :: Int ms = 1000 -- second in microseconds s :: Int s = 1000000 sleep :: Int -> IO () sleep = threadDelay cancellableSleep :: Int -> IO Bool -> IO () cancellableSleep t cancelled = do t0 <- getCurrentTime let done = do t1 <- getCurrentTime return $ diffUTCTime t1 t0 * fromIntegral s >= fromIntegral t spinUntil (liftM2 (||) done cancelled) where spinUntil cond = do stop <- cond unless stop $ do threadDelay (1 * ms) spinUntil cond getCancel :: IO (IO (), IO Bool) getCancel = do c :: MVar () <- newEmptyMVar let cancel = putMVar c () cancelled = isJust <$> tryReadMVar c return (cancel, cancelled) type CancelException :: Type data CancelException = CancelException deriving stock (Eq, Show) deriving anyclass (Exception) type ActionException :: Type data ActionException = ActionException deriving stock (Eq, Show) deriving anyclass (Exception) type Log :: Type type Log = [(NominalDiffTime, String)] roundTo :: Int -> NominalDiffTime -> Int roundTo interval t = round (t * fromIntegral s / fromIntegral interval) * interval roundLog :: Int -> Log -> [(Int, String)] roundLog interval = map (first (roundTo interval)) withLogger :: ((String -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO Log withLogger f = do ref :: IORef Log <- newIORef [] t0 <- getCurrentTime let log event = do t <- getCurrentTime atomicModifyIORef' ref (\events -> ((diffUTCTime t t0, event) : events, ())) f log reverse <$> readIORef ref trace :: (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO () -> IO () trace log label action = do log $ label <> " start" action `onException` log (label <> " exception") log $ label <> " end"