module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend ( BackendExecute (..), DBStepInfo (..), ExecutionPlan, ExecutionStep (..), ExplainPlan (..), MonadQueryTags (..), convertRemoteSourceRelationship, ) where import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Casing qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as JO import Data.Environment as Env import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Tagged import Data.Text.Extended import Data.Text.NonEmpty (mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe) import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action.Types (ActionExecutionPlan) import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Plan import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace (RootFieldAlias, RootFieldMap) import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options qualified as Options import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol qualified as GH import Hasura.Metadata.Class import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.QueryTags import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache (CacheRWT) import Hasura.RQL.IR import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column (ColumnType, fromCol) import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryTags (QueryTagsConfig) import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run (RunT (..)) import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build (MetadataT (..)) import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Hasura.SQL.Backend import Hasura.Session import Hasura.Tracing (TraceT) import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP -- | This typeclass enacapsulates how a given backend translates a root field into an execution -- plan. For now, each root field maps to one execution step, but in the future, when we have -- a client-side dataloader, each root field might translate into a multi-step plan. class ( Backend b, ToTxt (MultiplexedQuery b), Monad (ExecutionMonad b) ) => BackendExecute (b :: BackendType) where -- generated query information type PreparedQuery b :: Type type MultiplexedQuery b :: Type type ExecutionMonad b :: Type -> Type -- execution plan generation mkDBQueryPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadQueryTags m, MonadReader QueryTagsComment m ) => UserInfo -> Env.Environment -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b) -> m (DBStepInfo b) mkDBMutationPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadQueryTags m, MonadReader QueryTagsComment m ) => UserInfo -> Options.StringifyNumbers -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> MutationDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b) -> m (DBStepInfo b) mkLiveQuerySubscriptionPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadReader QueryTagsComment m ) => UserInfo -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> Maybe G.Name -> RootFieldMap (QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) -> m (SubscriptionQueryPlan b (MultiplexedQuery b)) mkDBStreamingSubscriptionPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadReader QueryTagsComment m ) => UserInfo -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> (RootFieldAlias, (QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b))) -> m (SubscriptionQueryPlan b (MultiplexedQuery b)) mkDBQueryExplain :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m ) => RootFieldAlias -> UserInfo -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b) -> m (AB.AnyBackend DBStepInfo) mkSubscriptionExplain :: ( MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m ) => SubscriptionQueryPlan b (MultiplexedQuery b) -> m SubscriptionQueryPlanExplanation mkDBRemoteRelationshipPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadQueryTags m ) => UserInfo -> SourceName -> SourceConfig b -> -- | List of json objects, each of which becomes a row of the table. NonEmpty J.Object -> -- | The above objects have this schema. HashMap FieldName (Column b, ScalarType b) -> -- | This is a field name from the lhs that *has* to be selected in the -- response along with the relationship. It is populated in -- `Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Join.processRemoteJoins_` and -- the function `convertRemoteSourceRelationship` below assumes it -- to be returned as either a number or a string with a number in it FieldName -> (FieldName, SourceRelationshipSelection b Void UnpreparedValue) -> m (DBStepInfo b) -- | This is a helper function to convert a remote source's relationship to a -- normal relationship to a temporary table. This function can be used to -- implement executeRemoteRelationship function in databases which support -- constructing a temporary table for a list of json objects. convertRemoteSourceRelationship :: forall b. (Backend b) => -- | Join columns for the relationship HashMap (Column b) (Column b) -> -- | The LHS of the join, this is the expression which selects from json -- objects SelectFromG b (UnpreparedValue b) -> -- | This is the __argument__ id column, that needs to be added to the response -- This is used by by the remote joins processing logic to convert the -- response from upstream to join indices Column b -> -- | This is the type of the __argument__ id column ColumnType b -> -- | The relationship column and its name (how it should be selected in the -- response) (FieldName, SourceRelationshipSelection b Void UnpreparedValue) -> QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b) convertRemoteSourceRelationship columnMapping selectFrom argumentIdColumn argumentIdColumnType (relationshipName, relationship) = QDBMultipleRows simpleSelect where -- TODO: FieldName should have also been a wrapper around NonEmptyText relName = RelName $ mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe $ getFieldNameTxt relationshipName relationshipField = case relationship of SourceRelationshipObject s -> AFObjectRelation $ AnnRelationSelectG relName columnMapping s SourceRelationshipArray s -> AFArrayRelation $ ASSimple $ AnnRelationSelectG relName columnMapping s SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate s -> AFArrayRelation $ ASAggregate $ AnnRelationSelectG relName columnMapping s argumentIdField = ( fromCol @b argumentIdColumn, AFColumn $ AnnColumnField { _acfColumn = argumentIdColumn, _acfType = argumentIdColumnType, _acfAsText = False, _acfArguments = Nothing, _acfCaseBoolExpression = Nothing } ) simpleSelect = AnnSelectG { _asnFields = [argumentIdField, (relationshipName, relationshipField)], _asnFrom = selectFrom, _asnPerm = TablePerm annBoolExpTrue Nothing, _asnArgs = noSelectArgs, _asnStrfyNum = Options.Don'tStringifyNumbers } data DBStepInfo b = DBStepInfo { dbsiSourceName :: SourceName, dbsiSourceConfig :: SourceConfig b, dbsiPreparedQuery :: Maybe (PreparedQuery b), dbsiAction :: ExecutionMonad b EncJSON } -- | The result of an explain query: for a given root field (denoted by its name): the generated SQL -- query, and the detailed explanation obtained from the database (if any). We mostly use this type -- as an intermediary step, and immediately tranform any value we obtain into an equivalent JSON -- representation. data ExplainPlan = ExplainPlan { _fpField :: !RootFieldAlias, _fpSql :: !(Maybe Text), _fpPlan :: !(Maybe [Text]) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance J.ToJSON ExplainPlan where toJSON = J.genericToJSON $ J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase -- | One execution step to processing a GraphQL query (e.g. one root field). data ExecutionStep where -- | A query to execute against the database ExecStepDB :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders -> AB.AnyBackend DBStepInfo -> Maybe RemoteJoins -> ExecutionStep -- | Execute an action ExecStepAction :: ActionExecutionPlan -> ActionsInfo -> Maybe RemoteJoins -> ExecutionStep -- | A graphql query to execute against a remote schema ExecStepRemote :: !RemoteSchemaInfo -> !ResultCustomizer -> !GH.GQLReqOutgoing -> Maybe RemoteJoins -> ExecutionStep -- | Output a plain JSON object ExecStepRaw :: JO.Value -> ExecutionStep -- | The series of steps that need to be executed for a given query. For now, those steps are all -- independent. In the future, when we implement a client-side dataloader and generalized joins, -- this will need to be changed into an annotated tree. type ExecutionPlan = RootFieldMap ExecutionStep class (Monad m) => MonadQueryTags m where -- | Creates Query Tags. These are appended to the Generated SQL. -- Helps users to use native database monitoring tools to get some 'application-context'. createQueryTags :: QueryTagsAttributes -> Maybe QueryTagsConfig -> Tagged m QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (ReaderT r m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (ReaderT r m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (ExceptT e m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (ExceptT e m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (TraceT m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (TraceT m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (MetadataStorageT m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (MetadataStorageT m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (Q.TxET QErr m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (Q.TxET QErr m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (MetadataT m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (MetadataT m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (CacheRWT m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (CacheRWT m) QueryTagsComment instance (MonadQueryTags m) => MonadQueryTags (RunT m) where createQueryTags qtSourceConfig attr = retag (createQueryTags @m qtSourceConfig attr) :: Tagged (RunT m) QueryTagsComment