{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Permission ( buildTablePermissions , mkPermissionMetadataObject , mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as M import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Control.Arrow.Extended import Data.Aeson import Data.Proxy import Data.Text.Extended import qualified Hasura.Incremental as Inc import qualified Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend as AB import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Dependency () import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Server.Types import Hasura.Session {- Note: [Inherited roles architecture for postgres read queries] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Schema generation -------------------- Schema generation for inherited roles is similar to the schema generation of non-inherited roles. In the case of inherited roles, we combine the `SelectPermInfo`s (see `combineSelectPermInfos`) of the inherited role's role set and a new `SelectPermInfo` will be generated which will be the select permission of the inherited role. 2. SQL generation ----------------- See note [SQL generation for inherited roles] 3. Introspection ---------------- The columns accessible to an inherited role are explicitly set to nullable irrespective of the nullability of the DB column to accomodate cell value nullification. -} -- | This type is only used in the `combineSelectPermInfos` for -- combining select permissions efficiently data CombinedSelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = CombinedSelPermInfo { cspiCols :: ![(M.HashMap (Column b) (Maybe (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpPartialSQL b)))] , cspiScalarComputedFields :: ![(M.HashMap ComputedFieldName (Maybe (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpPartialSQL b)))] , cspiFilter :: ![(AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b)] , cspiLimit :: !(Maybe Int) , cspiAllowAgg :: !Bool , cspiRequiredHeaders :: !(Set.HashSet Text) } -- | combineSelectPermInfos combines multiple `SelPermInfo`s -- into one `SelPermInfo`. Two `SelPermInfo` will -- be combined in the following manner: -- -- 1. Columns - The `SelPermInfo` contains a hashset of the columns that are -- accessible to the role. To combine two `SelPermInfo`s, every column of the -- hashset is coupled with the boolean expression (filter) of the `SelPermInfo` -- and a hash map of all the columns is created out of it, this hashmap is -- generated for the `SelPermInfo`s that are going to be combined. These hashmaps -- are then unioned and the values of these hashmaps are `OR`ed. When a column -- is accessible to all the select permissions then the nullability of the column -- is inferred from the DB column otherwise the column is explicitly marked as -- nullable to accomodate cell-value nullification. -- 2. Scalar computed fields - Scalar computed fields work the same as Columns (#1) -- 3. Filter / Boolean expression - The filters are combined using a `BoolOr` -- 4. Limit - Limits are combined by taking the maximum of the two limits -- 5. Allow Aggregation - Aggregation is allowed, if any of the permissions allow it. -- 6. Request Headers - Request headers are concatenated -- -- To maintain backwards compatibility, we handle the case of single select permission -- differently i.e. we don't want the case statements that always evaluate to true with -- the columns -- combineSelectPermInfos :: forall b . (Backend b) => NE.NonEmpty (SelPermInfo b) -> SelPermInfo b combineSelectPermInfos (headSelPermInfo NE.:| []) = headSelPermInfo combineSelectPermInfos selPermInfos@(headSelPermInfo NE.:| restSelPermInfos) = let CombinedSelPermInfo {..} = foldr combine (modifySingleSelectPerm headSelPermInfo) restSelPermInfos mergeColumnsWithBoolExp xs | length selPermInfos == length xs = Nothing | otherwise = foldr combineCaseBoolExps Nothing xs in SelPermInfo (mergeColumnsWithBoolExp <$> M.unionsAll cspiCols) (mergeColumnsWithBoolExp <$> M.unionsAll cspiScalarComputedFields) (BoolOr cspiFilter) cspiLimit cspiAllowAgg (toList cspiRequiredHeaders) where modifySingleSelectPerm :: SelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b modifySingleSelectPerm SelPermInfo {..} = let columnCaseBoolExp = fmap AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField spiFilter colsWithColCaseBoolExp = spiCols $> Just columnCaseBoolExp scalarCompFieldsWithColCaseBoolExp = spiScalarComputedFields $> Just columnCaseBoolExp in CombinedSelPermInfo [colsWithColCaseBoolExp] [scalarCompFieldsWithColCaseBoolExp] [spiFilter] spiLimit spiAllowAgg (Set.fromList spiRequiredHeaders) combine :: SelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b combine (modifySingleSelectPerm -> lSelPermInfo) accSelPermInfo = CombinedSelPermInfo { cspiCols = (cspiCols lSelPermInfo) <> (cspiCols accSelPermInfo) , cspiScalarComputedFields = (cspiScalarComputedFields lSelPermInfo) <> (cspiScalarComputedFields accSelPermInfo) , cspiFilter = (cspiFilter lSelPermInfo) <> (cspiFilter accSelPermInfo) , cspiLimit = case (cspiLimit lSelPermInfo, cspiLimit accSelPermInfo) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (Just l, Nothing) -> Just l (Nothing, Just r) -> Just r (Just l , Just r) -> Just $ max l r , cspiAllowAgg = cspiAllowAgg lSelPermInfo || cspiAllowAgg accSelPermInfo , cspiRequiredHeaders = (cspiRequiredHeaders lSelPermInfo) <> (cspiRequiredHeaders accSelPermInfo) } combineCaseBoolExps l r = case (l, r) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (Just caseBoolExp, Nothing) -> Just caseBoolExp (Nothing, Just caseBoolExp) -> Just caseBoolExp (Just caseBoolExpL, Just caseBoolExpR) -> Just $ BoolOr [caseBoolExpL, caseBoolExpR] buildTablePermissions :: forall b arr m . ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr , MonadError QErr m, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr , HasServerConfigCtx m , BackendMetadata b , Inc.Cacheable (Proxy b) ) => ( Proxy b , SourceName , Inc.Dependency (TableCoreCache b) , FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) , TablePermissionInputs b , InheritedRoles ) `arr` (RolePermInfoMap b) buildTablePermissions = Inc.cache proc (proxy, source, tableCache, tableFields, tablePermissions, inheritedRoles) -> do let alignedPermissions = alignPermissions tablePermissions table = _tpiTable tablePermissions experimentalFeatures <- bindA -< _sccExperimentalFeatures <$> askServerConfigCtx nonInheritedRolePermissions <- (| Inc.keyed (\_ (insertPermission, selectPermission, updatePermission, deletePermission) -> do insert <- buildPermission -< (proxy, tableCache, source, table, tableFields, listToMaybe insertPermission) select <- buildPermission -< (proxy, tableCache, source, table, tableFields, listToMaybe selectPermission) update <- buildPermission -< (proxy, tableCache, source, table, tableFields, listToMaybe updatePermission) delete <- buildPermission -< (proxy, tableCache, source, table, tableFields, listToMaybe deletePermission) returnA -< RolePermInfo insert select update delete) |) alignedPermissions -- build permissions for inherited roles only when inherited roles is enabled let inheritedRolesMap = bool mempty (OMap.toHashMap inheritedRoles) $ EFInheritedRoles `elem` experimentalFeatures -- see [Inherited roles architecture for postgres read queries] inheritedRolePermissions <- (| Inc.keyed (\_ (AddInheritedRole _ roleSet) -> do let singleRoleSelectPerms = map ((_permSel =<<) . (`M.lookup` nonInheritedRolePermissions)) $ toList roleSet nonEmptySelPerms = NE.nonEmpty $ catMaybes singleRoleSelectPerms combinedSelPermInfo = combineSelectPermInfos <$> nonEmptySelPerms returnA -< RolePermInfo Nothing combinedSelPermInfo Nothing Nothing) |) inheritedRolesMap returnA -< nonInheritedRolePermissions <> inheritedRolePermissions where mkMap :: [PermDef a] -> HashMap RoleName (PermDef a) mkMap = mapFromL _pdRole alignPermissions TablePermissionInputs{..} = let insertsMap = M.map (\a -> ([a], [], [], [])) (mkMap _tpiInsert) selectsMap = M.map (\a -> ([], [a], [], [])) (mkMap _tpiSelect) updatesMap = M.map (\a -> ([], [], [a], [])) (mkMap _tpiUpdate) deletesMap = M.map (\a -> ([], [], [], [a])) (mkMap _tpiDelete) unionMap = M.unionWith (<>) in insertsMap `unionMap` selectsMap `unionMap` updatesMap `unionMap` deletesMap mkPermissionMetadataObject :: forall b a. (Backend b, IsPerm b a) => SourceName -> TableName b -> PermDef a -> MetadataObject mkPermissionMetadataObject source table permDef = let permType = permAccToType (permAccessor :: PermAccessor b (PermInfo b a)) objectId = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b table $ MTOPerm (_pdRole permDef) permType definition = toJSON $ WithTable @b source table permDef in MetadataObject objectId definition mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject :: AddRemoteSchemaPermissions -> MetadataObject mkRemoteSchemaPermissionMetadataObject (AddRemoteSchemaPermissions rsName roleName defn _) = let objectId = MORemoteSchemaPermissions rsName roleName in MetadataObject objectId $ toJSON defn withPermission :: forall bknd a b c s arr. (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, IsPerm bknd c, Backend bknd) => WriterA (Seq SchemaDependency) (ErrorA QErr arr) (a, s) b -> ( a , ((SourceName, TableName bknd, PermDef c, Proxy bknd), s) ) `arr` (Maybe b) withPermission f = proc (e, ((source, table, permission, _proxy), s)) -> do let metadataObject = mkPermissionMetadataObject @bknd source table permission permType = permAccToType (permAccessor :: PermAccessor bknd (PermInfo bknd c)) roleName = _pdRole permission schemaObject = SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITableObj @bknd table $ TOPerm roleName permType addPermContext err = "in permission for role " <> roleName <<> ": " <> err (| withRecordInconsistency ( (| withRecordDependencies ( (| modifyErrA (f -< (e, s)) |) (addTableContext @bknd table . addPermContext)) |) metadataObject schemaObject) |) metadataObject buildPermission :: forall b a arr m . ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr , ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr , MonadError QErr m, IsPerm b a , Inc.Cacheable a , Inc.Cacheable (Proxy b) , BackendMetadata b ) => ( Proxy b , Inc.Dependency (TableCoreCache b) , SourceName , TableName b , FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) , Maybe (PermDef a) ) `arr` Maybe (PermInfo b a) buildPermission = Inc.cache proc (proxy, tableCache, source, table, tableFields, maybePermission) -> do (| traverseA ( \permission -> (| withPermission (do bindErrorA -< when (_pdRole permission == adminRoleName) $ throw400 ConstraintViolation "cannot define permission for admin role" (info, dependencies) <- liftEitherA <<< Inc.bindDepend -< runExceptT $ runTableCoreCacheRT (buildPermInfo @b source table tableFields permission) (source, tableCache) tellA -< Seq.fromList dependencies returnA -< info) |) (source, table, permission, proxy)) |) maybePermission >-> (\info -> join info >- returnA)