module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Collect ( getRemoteJoins, getRemoteJoinsSelect, getRemoteJoinsMutationDB, getRemoteJoinsActionQuery, getRemoteJoinsActionMutation, ) where import Control.Lens (Traversal', preview, _2) import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Text qualified as T import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Column (UnpreparedValue (..)) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.IR import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB {- Note: [Remote Joins Architecture] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unparsed Incoming GraphQL +------------------------------+ --------------------------> | Parsing of the GraphQL query |-----+ +------------------------------+ | | DB Query and remote joins (if any) | V +----------------------------------+ SQL query response +----------------------------+ | Traverse the DB response to | <------------------- | Execution of the DB query | | get the values of the arguments | +----------------------------+ | of the remote field | +----------------------------------+ | | Remote field arguments V +--------------------------+ Remote schema response +----------------------------------------+ | Query the remote schema | ------------------------> | Replace the remote join fields in | | with the remote field | | the SQL query response (JSON) with | | arguments to the remote | | the response obtained from the remote | | field configured in the | | schema at appropriate places. | | remote join. | +----------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+ -} -- | A writer monad used to collect together all remote joins -- appearing in some data structure. -- -- In the functions below, the 'withField' function is used to track the -- context of the path from the root of the current selection set. -- -- It is important that we work bottom-up, and do not 'collect' duplicate -- field names at any level, because the 'Semigroup' instance for 'RemoteJoins' -- does not allow for these duplicates. newtype Collector a = Collector {runCollector :: (a, Maybe RemoteJoins)} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadWriter (Maybe RemoteJoins)) via Writer (Maybe RemoteJoins) -- | Collect some remote joins appearing at the given field names in the current -- context. collect :: NonEmpty (FieldName, RemoteJoin) -> Collector () collect = tell . Just . JoinTree . fmap (second Leaf) -- | Keep track of the given field name in the current path from the root of the -- selection set. withField :: FieldName -> Collector a -> Collector a withField name = censor (fmap wrap) where wrap rjs = JoinTree ((name, Tree rjs) :| []) -- | Collects remote joins from the AST and also adds the necessary join fields getRemoteJoins :: Backend b => QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoins = \case QDBMultipleRows s -> first QDBMultipleRows $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s QDBSingleRow s -> first QDBSingleRow $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s QDBAggregation s -> first QDBAggregation $ getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect s QDBConnection s -> first QDBConnection $ getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect s -- | Traverse through 'AnnSimpleSel' and collect remote join fields (if any). getRemoteJoinsSelect :: Backend b => AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (AnnSimpleSelectG b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsSelect = runCollector . transformSelect -- | Traverse through @'AnnAggregateSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any). getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect :: Backend b => AnnAggregateSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (AnnAggregateSelectG b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect = runCollector . transformAggregateSelect -- | Traverse through @'ConnectionSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any). getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect :: Backend b => ConnectionSelect b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (ConnectionSelect b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect = runCollector . transformConnectionSelect -- | Traverse through 'MutationOutput' and collect remote join fields (if any) getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput :: Backend b => MutationOutputG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (MutationOutputG b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput = runCollector . transformMutationOutput where transformMutationOutput = \case MOutMultirowFields mutationFields -> MOutMultirowFields <$> transfromMutationFields mutationFields MOutSinglerowObject annFields -> MOutSinglerowObject <$> transformAnnFields annFields where transfromMutationFields fields = for fields $ \(fieldName, field') -> withField fieldName do (fieldName,) <$> case field' of MCount -> pure MCount MExp t -> pure $ MExp t MRet annFields -> MRet <$> transformAnnFields annFields -- local helpers getRemoteJoinsAnnFields :: Backend b => AnnFieldsG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (AnnFieldsG b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsAnnFields = runCollector . transformAnnFields getRemoteJoinsMutationDB :: Backend b => MutationDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (MutationDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsMutationDB = \case MDBInsert insert -> first MDBInsert $ getRemoteJoinsInsert insert MDBUpdate update -> first MDBUpdate $ getRemoteJoinsUpdate update MDBDelete delete -> first MDBDelete $ getRemoteJoinsDelete delete MDBFunction aggSelect select -> first (MDBFunction aggSelect) $ getRemoteJoinsSelect select where getRemoteJoinsInsert insert = let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ _aiOutput insert in (insert {_aiOutput = output'}, remoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsUpdate update = let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ _auOutput update in (update {_auOutput = output'}, remoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsDelete delete = let (output', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput $ dqp1Output delete in (delete {dqp1Output = output'}, remoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsSyncAction :: (Backend b) => AnnActionExecution b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (AnnActionExecution b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsSyncAction actionExecution = let (fields', remoteJoins) = getRemoteJoinsAnnFields $ _aaeFields actionExecution in (actionExecution {_aaeFields = fields'}, remoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsActionQuery :: (Backend b) => ActionQuery b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (ActionQuery b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsActionQuery = \case AQQuery sync -> first AQQuery $ getRemoteJoinsSyncAction sync AQAsync async -> first AQAsync $ getRemoteJoinsAsyncQuery async where getRemoteJoinsAsyncQuery async = let (fields', remoteJoins) = runCollector . transformAsyncFields $ _aaaqFields async in (async {_aaaqFields = fields'}, remoteJoins) transformAsyncFields fields = for fields $ \(fieldName, field) -> withField fieldName do (fieldName,) <$> case field of AsyncTypename t -> pure $ AsyncTypename t AsyncOutput outputFields -> AsyncOutput <$> transformAnnFields outputFields AsyncId -> pure AsyncId AsyncCreatedAt -> pure AsyncCreatedAt AsyncErrors -> pure AsyncErrors getRemoteJoinsActionMutation :: (Backend b) => ActionMutation b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> (ActionMutation b Void (UnpreparedValue b), Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsActionMutation = \case AMAsync async -> (AMAsync async, Nothing) AMSync sync -> first AMSync $ getRemoteJoinsSyncAction sync transformSelect :: Backend b => AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> Collector (AnnSimpleSelectG b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) transformSelect select@AnnSelectG {_asnFields = fields} = do -- Transform selects in array, object and computed fields transformedFields <- transformAnnFields fields pure select {_asnFields = transformedFields} transformAggregateSelect :: Backend b => AnnAggregateSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> Collector (AnnAggregateSelectG b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) transformAggregateSelect select@AnnSelectG {_asnFields = aggFields} = do transformedFields <- for aggFields \(fieldName, aggField) -> withField fieldName $ case aggField of TAFAgg agg -> pure (fieldName, TAFAgg agg) TAFExp t -> pure (fieldName, TAFExp t) TAFNodes nodesAgg annFields -> do transformed <- transformAnnFields annFields pure (fieldName, TAFNodes nodesAgg transformed) pure select {_asnFields = transformedFields} transformConnectionSelect :: forall b. Backend b => ConnectionSelect b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> Collector (ConnectionSelect b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) transformConnectionSelect connSelect@ConnectionSelect {..} = do transformedFields <- for (_asnFields _csSelect) \(fieldName, connField) -> withField fieldName $ case connField of ConnectionTypename t -> pure (fieldName, ConnectionTypename t) ConnectionPageInfo p -> pure (fieldName, ConnectionPageInfo p) ConnectionEdges edges -> do transformed <- transformEdges edges pure (fieldName, ConnectionEdges transformed) let select = _csSelect {_asnFields = transformedFields} pure connSelect {_csSelect = select} where transformEdges :: [(FieldName, EdgeField b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] -> Collector [(FieldName, EdgeField b Void (UnpreparedValue b))] transformEdges edgeFields = for edgeFields \(fieldName, edgeField) -> withField fieldName $ case edgeField of EdgeTypename t -> pure (fieldName, EdgeTypename t) EdgeCursor -> pure (fieldName, EdgeCursor) EdgeNode annFields -> do transformed <- transformAnnFields annFields pure (fieldName, EdgeNode transformed) transformObjectSelect :: Backend b => AnnObjectSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b) -> Collector (AnnObjectSelectG b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) transformObjectSelect select@AnnObjectSelectG {_aosFields = fields} = do transformedFields <- transformAnnFields fields pure select {_aosFields = transformedFields} -- | Converts a remote relationship field into a 'RemoteJoin' that -- the execution engine understands createRemoteJoin :: -- We need information about 'how' the lhs join fields appear in the lhs -- response to construct a 'RemoteJoin' node Map.HashMap FieldName JoinColumnAlias -> -- The remote relationship field as captured in the IR RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue -> RemoteJoin createRemoteJoin joinColumnAliases remoteRelationship = case remoteRelationship of RemoteSchemaField RemoteSchemaSelect {..} -> let inputArgsToMap = Map.fromList . map (_rfaArgument &&& _rfaValue) remoteJoin = RemoteJoinRemoteSchema $ RemoteSchemaJoin (inputArgsToMap _rselArgs) _rselResultCustomizer _rselSelection joinColumnAliases _rselFieldCall _rselRemoteSchema in remoteJoin RemoteSourceField anySourceSelect -> AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend anySourceSelect \RemoteSourceSelect {..} -> let (transformedSourceRelationship, sourceRelationshipJoins) = getRemoteJoinsSourceRelation _rssSelection -- the invariant here is that the the keys in joinColumnAliases and -- _rssJoinMapping are the same. We could've opted for a more type -- safe representation Map k (a, b) instead of (Map k a, Map k b) -- but that would make the type of lhs join columns creep into -- RemoteRelationshipField which would make the type a little -- unweildy joinColumns = _rssJoinMapping & Map.mapMaybeWithKey \joinFieldName (rhsColumn, rhsColumnType) -> (,rhsColumn,rhsColumnType) <$> Map.lookup joinFieldName joinColumnAliases anySourceJoin = AB.mkAnyBackend $ RemoteSourceJoin _rssName _rssConfig transformedSourceRelationship joinColumns in RemoteJoinSource anySourceJoin sourceRelationshipJoins transformAnnFields :: forall src. Backend src => AnnFieldsG src (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue src) -> Collector (AnnFieldsG src Void (UnpreparedValue src)) transformAnnFields fields = do -- Produces a list of transformed fields that may or may not have an -- associated remote join. annotatedFields <- for fields \(fieldName, field') -> withField fieldName do (fieldName,) <$> case field' of -- AnnFields which do not need to be transformed. AFNodeId x qt pkeys -> pure (AFNodeId x qt pkeys, Nothing) AFColumn c -> pure (AFColumn c, Nothing) AFExpression t -> pure (AFExpression t, Nothing) -- AnnFields with no associated remote joins and whose transformations are -- relatively straightforward. AFObjectRelation annRel -> do transformed <- transformAnnRelation transformObjectSelect annRel pure (AFObjectRelation transformed, Nothing) AFArrayRelation (ASSimple annRel) -> do transformed <- transformAnnRelation transformSelect annRel pure (AFArrayRelation . ASSimple $ transformed, Nothing) AFArrayRelation (ASAggregate aggRel) -> do transformed <- transformAnnRelation transformAggregateSelect aggRel pure (AFArrayRelation . ASAggregate $ transformed, Nothing) AFArrayRelation (ASConnection annRel) -> do transformed <- transformAnnRelation transformConnectionSelect annRel pure (AFArrayRelation . ASConnection $ transformed, Nothing) AFComputedField computedField computedFieldName computedFieldSelect -> do transformed <- case computedFieldSelect of CFSScalar cfss cbe -> pure $ CFSScalar cfss cbe CFSTable jsonAggSel annSel -> do transformed <- transformSelect annSel pure $ CFSTable jsonAggSel transformed pure (AFComputedField computedField computedFieldName transformed, Nothing) -- Remote AnnFields, whose elements require annotation so that they can be -- used to construct a remote join. AFRemote RemoteRelationshipSelect {..} -> pure ( -- We generate this so that the response has a key with the relationship, -- without which preserving the order of fields in the final response -- would require a lot of bookkeeping. remoteAnnPlaceholder, Just $ createRemoteJoin joinColumnAliases _rrsRelationship ) let transformedFields = (fmap . fmap) fst annotatedFields remoteJoins = annotatedFields & mapMaybe \(fieldName, (_, mRemoteJoin)) -> (fieldName,) <$> mRemoteJoin case NE.nonEmpty remoteJoins of Nothing -> pure transformedFields Just neRemoteJoins -> do collect neRemoteJoins pure $ transformedFields <> phantomFields where -- Placeholder text to annotate a remote relationship field. remoteAnnPlaceholder :: AnnFieldG src Void (UnpreparedValue src) remoteAnnPlaceholder = AFExpression "remote relationship placeholder" -- Get the fields targeted by some 'Traversal' for an arbitrary list of -- tuples, discarding any elements whose fields cannot be focused upon. getFields :: Traversal' super sub -> [(any, super)] -> [(any, sub)] getFields focus = mapMaybe (traverse $ preview focus) -- This is a map of column name to its alias of all columns in the -- selection set. columnFields :: HashMap (Column src) FieldName columnFields = Map.fromList $ [ (_acfColumn annColumn, alias) | (alias, annColumn) <- getFields _AFColumn fields ] -- This is a map of computed field name to its alias of all computed fields -- in the selection set. computedFields :: Map.HashMap ComputedFieldName FieldName computedFields = Map.fromList $ [ (fieldName, alias) | -- Note that we do not currently care about input arguments to a computed -- field because only computed fields which do not accept input arguments -- are currently allowed. (alias, fieldName) <- getFields (_AFComputedField . _2) fields ] -- Annotate a 'DBJoinField' with its field name and an alias so that it may -- be used to construct a remote join. annotateDBJoinField :: FieldName -> DBJoinField src -> (DBJoinField src, JoinColumnAlias) annotateDBJoinField fieldName = \case jc@(JoinColumn column _) -> let alias = getJoinColumnAlias fieldName column columnFields allAliases in (jc, alias) jcf@(JoinComputedField ScalarComputedField {..}) -> let alias = getJoinColumnAlias fieldName _scfName computedFields allAliases in (jcf, alias) where allAliases = map fst fields -- goes through all the remote relationships in the selection set and emits -- 1. a map of join field names to their aliases in the lhs response -- 2. a list of extra fields that need to be included in the lhs query -- that are required for the join (joinColumnAliases, phantomFields) = let lhsJoinFields = Map.unions $ map (_rrsLHSJoinFields . snd) $ getFields _AFRemote fields annotatedJoinColumns = Map.mapWithKey annotateDBJoinField $ lhsJoinFields phantomFields_ = toList annotatedJoinColumns & mapMaybe \(joinField, alias) -> case alias of JCSelected _ -> Nothing JCPhantom a -> case joinField of JoinColumn column columnType -> let annotatedColumn = AFColumn $ AnnColumnField column columnType False Nothing Nothing in Just (a, annotatedColumn) JoinComputedField computedFieldInfo -> Just (a, mkScalarComputedFieldSelect computedFieldInfo) in (fmap snd annotatedJoinColumns, phantomFields_) transformAnnRelation :: (a -> Collector b) -> AnnRelationSelectG src a -> Collector (AnnRelationSelectG src b) transformAnnRelation transform relation@(AnnRelationSelectG _ _ select) = do transformedSelect <- transform select pure $ relation {aarAnnSelect = transformedSelect} mkScalarComputedFieldSelect :: ScalarComputedField b -> AnnFieldG b Void (UnpreparedValue b) mkScalarComputedFieldSelect ScalarComputedField {..} = let functionArgs = flip FunctionArgsExp mempty $ functionArgsWithTableRowAndSession UVSession _scfTableArgument _scfSessionArgument fieldSelect = flip CFSScalar Nothing $ ComputedFieldScalarSelect _scfFunction functionArgs _scfType Nothing in AFComputedField _scfXField _scfName fieldSelect getJoinColumnAlias :: (Eq field, Hashable field) => FieldName -> field -> HashMap field FieldName -> [FieldName] -> JoinColumnAlias getJoinColumnAlias fieldName field selectedFields allAliases = case Map.lookup field selectedFields of Nothing -> JCPhantom uniqueAlias Just fieldAlias -> JCSelected fieldAlias where -- This generates an alias for a phantom field that does not conflict with -- any of the existing aliases in the seleciton set -- -- If we generate a unique name for each field name which is longer than -- the longest alias in the selection set, the generated name would be -- unique uniqueAlias :: FieldName uniqueAlias = let suffix = "_join_column" <> -- 12 is the length of "_join_column" T.replicate ((longestAliasLength - (T.length (coerce fieldName) + 12)) + 1) "_" in fieldName <> FieldName suffix where longestAliasLength = maximum $ map (T.length . coerce) allAliases getRemoteJoinsSourceRelation :: Backend b => SourceRelationshipSelection b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) UnpreparedValue -> (SourceRelationshipSelection b Void UnpreparedValue, Maybe RemoteJoins) getRemoteJoinsSourceRelation = runCollector . transformSourceRelation where transformSourceRelation = \case SourceRelationshipObject objectSelect -> SourceRelationshipObject <$> transformObjectSelect objectSelect SourceRelationshipArray simpleSelect -> SourceRelationshipArray <$> transformSelect simpleSelect SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate aggregateSelect -> SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate <$> transformAggregateSelect aggregateSelect