- description: Add a computed field for author table url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: add_computed_field args: table: author name: get_articles definition: function: fetch_articles table_argument: author_row response: message: success - description: Drop computed field of a non existed table url: /v1/query status: 400 query: type: drop_computed_field args: table: random name: get_articles response: path: "$.args.table" error: table "random" does not exist code: not-exists - description: Drop a non existed computed field url: /v1/query status: 400 query: type: drop_computed_field args: table: author name: random response: path: "$.args.name" error: computed field "random" does not exist code: not-exists - description: Drop a valid computed field url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: drop_computed_field args: table: author name: get_articles response: message: success - description: Add a computed field, passing the Hasura session argument url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: add_computed_field args: table: author name: test_session definition: function: test_session session_argument: session response: message: success - description: obtain the session variable via computed fields url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | query { author_by_pk(id: 1) { test_session(args:{key:"x-hasura-role"}) } } response: data: author_by_pk: test_session: admin