Run Hasura GraphQL Engine on Heroku =================================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :local: This guide will help you get Hasura GraphQL engine running as a "git push to deploy" app on `Heroku `_ and connecting it to a `Heroku Postgres `_ instance. If you want a simple, quick deployment on Heroku, follow this :doc:`Heroku quickstart guide <../../getting-started/heroku-simple>`. Clone the Hasura GraphQL engine Heroku app ------------------------------------------ The Hasura app with Heroku buildpack/configuration is available at: Configure database URL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Edit the command in the ``Dockerfile`` to change which database Hasura GraphQL engine connects to. By default, it connects to the primary database in your app which is available at ``DATABASE_URL``. .. code-block:: dockerfile :emphasize-lines: 6 FROM hasura/graphql-engine:latest # Change $DATABASE_URL to your Heroku Postgres URL if you're not using # the primary Postgres instance in your app CMD graphql-engine \ --database-url $DATABASE_URL \ serve \ --server-port $PORT \ --enable-console Read about more configuration options :doc:`here <../graphql-engine-flags/reference>`. .. note:: Hasura GraphQL engine needs access permissions to your Postgres database as described in :doc:`Postgres permissions <../postgres-permissions>` Deploying --------- These are some sample deployment instructions while creating a new app. Step 1: Create app with **--stack=container** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use the `Heroku CLI `_ to create a new Heroku app. Let's call the app ``graphql-on-postgres``. .. code-block:: bash # Replace graphql-on-postgres with whatever you'd like your app to be called $ heroku create graphql-on-postgres --stack=container Creating ⬢ graphql-on-postgres... done, stack is container | **Note**: - ``HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE``: `` - ``HEROKU_APP_URL``: `` Step 2: Create the Heroku Postgres add-on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create the Postgres add-on in your Heroku app. .. code-block:: bash $ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a graphql-on-postgres Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on ⬢ graphql-on-postgres... free Database has been created and is available ! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer ! data from another database with pg:copy Created postgresql-angular-20334 as DATABASE_URL Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation Step 3: git push to deploy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remember to change ``HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE`` to your git remote below. In our case: ```` .. code-block:: bash $ git init && git add . $ git commit -m "first commit" $ git remote add heroku HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE $ git push heroku master Visit ```` (replace ``graphql-on-postgres`` with your app name) and you should see the Hasura console. Advanced -------- - :doc:`Securing your GraphQL endpoint ` - :doc:`using-existing-heroku-database` - :doc:`GraphQL engine server logs ` - :doc:`Updating GraphQL engine ` - :doc:`Setting up migrations <../../migrations/index>` .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :hidden: Securing your GraphQL endpoint using-existing-heroku-database GraphQL engine server logs Updating GraphQL engine