{-| This module (along with the various @Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.*@ modules) provides operations to load and modify the Hasura catalog and schema cache. * The /catalog/ refers to the set of PostgreSQL tables and views that store all schema information known by Hasura. This includes any tracked Postgres tables, views, and functions, all remote schemas, and any additionaly Hasura-specific information such as permissions and relationships. Primitive functions for loading and modifying the catalog are defined in "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Catalog", but most uses are wrapped by other functions to synchronize catalog information with the information in the schema cache. * The /schema cache/ is a process-global value of type 'SchemaCache' that stores an in-memory representation of the data stored in the catalog. The in-memory representation is not identical to the data in the catalog, since it has some post-processing applied to it in order to make it easier to consume for other parts of the system, such as GraphQL schema generation. For example, although column information is represented by 'RawColumnInfo', the schema cache contains “processed” 'ColumnInfo' values, instead. Ultimately, the catalog is the source of truth for all information contained in the schema cache, but to avoid rebuilding the entire schema cache on every change to the catalog, various functions incrementally update the cache when they modify the catalog. -} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema ( module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache , module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Catalog , module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function , module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename , module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table , RunSQL(..) , runRunSQL , isSchemaCacheBuildRequiredRunSQL ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as TDFA import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.TH import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Catalog import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table import Hasura.RQL.Instances () import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Server.Utils (quoteRegex) data RunSQL = RunSQL { rSql :: Text , rSource :: !SourceName , rCascade :: !Bool , rCheckMetadataConsistency :: !(Maybe Bool) , rTxAccessMode :: !Q.TxAccess } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON RunSQL where parseJSON = withObject "RunSQL" $ \o -> do rSql <- o .: "sql" rSource <- o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource rCascade <- o .:? "cascade" .!= False rCheckMetadataConsistency <- o .:? "check_metadata_consistency" isReadOnly <- o .:? "read_only" .!= False let rTxAccessMode = if isReadOnly then Q.ReadOnly else Q.ReadWrite pure RunSQL{..} instance ToJSON RunSQL where toJSON RunSQL {..} = object [ "sql" .= rSql , "source" .= rSource , "cascade" .= rCascade , "check_metadata_consistency" .= rCheckMetadataConsistency , "read_only" .= case rTxAccessMode of Q.ReadOnly -> True Q.ReadWrite -> False ] -- | see Note [Checking metadata consistency in run_sql] isSchemaCacheBuildRequiredRunSQL :: RunSQL -> Bool isSchemaCacheBuildRequiredRunSQL RunSQL {..} = case rTxAccessMode of Q.ReadOnly -> False Q.ReadWrite -> fromMaybe (containsDDLKeyword rSql) rCheckMetadataConsistency where containsDDLKeyword :: Text -> Bool containsDDLKeyword = TDFA.match $$(quoteRegex TDFA.defaultCompOpt { TDFA.caseSensitive = False , TDFA.multiline = True , TDFA.lastStarGreedy = True } TDFA.defaultExecOpt { TDFA.captureGroups = False } "\\balter\\b|\\bdrop\\b|\\breplace\\b|\\bcreate function\\b|\\bcomment on\\b") runRunSQL :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m, CacheRWM m, HasServerConfigCtx m, MetadataM m) => RunSQL -> m EncJSON runRunSQL q@RunSQL {..} -- see Note [Checking metadata consistency in run_sql] | isSchemaCacheBuildRequiredRunSQL q = withMetadataCheck rSource rCascade rTxAccessMode $ execRawSQL rSql | otherwise = askSourceConfig rSource >>= \sourceConfig -> liftEitherM $ runExceptT $ runLazyTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) rTxAccessMode $ execRawSQL rSql where execRawSQL :: (MonadTx m) => Text -> m EncJSON execRawSQL = fmap (encJFromJValue @RunSQLRes) . liftTx . Q.multiQE rawSqlErrHandler . Q.fromText where rawSqlErrHandler txe = (err400 PostgresError "query execution failed") { qeInternal = Just $ toJSON txe } {- Note [Checking metadata consistency in run_sql] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL queries executed by run_sql may change the Postgres schema in arbitrary ways. We attempt to automatically update the metadata to reflect those changes as much as possible---for example, if a table is renamed, we want to update the metadata to track the table under its new name instead of its old one. This schema diffing (plus some integrity checking) is handled by withMetadataCheck. But this process has overhead---it involves reloading the metadata, diffing it, and rebuilding the schema cache---so we don’t want to do it if it isn’t necessary. The user can explicitly disable the check via the check_metadata_consistency option, and we also skip it if the current transaction is in READ ONLY mode, since the schema can’t be modified in that case, anyway. However, even if neither read_only or check_metadata_consistency is passed, lots of queries may not modify the schema at all. As a (fairly stupid) heuristic, we check if the query contains any keywords for DDL operations, and if not, we skip the metadata check as well. -} data RunSQLRes = RunSQLRes { rrResultType :: !Text , rrResult :: !Value } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''RunSQLRes) instance Q.FromRes RunSQLRes where fromRes (Q.ResultOkEmpty _) = return $ RunSQLRes "CommandOk" Null fromRes (Q.ResultOkData res) = do csvRows <- resToCSV res return $ RunSQLRes "TuplesOk" $ toJSON csvRows where resToCSV :: PQ.Result -> ExceptT Text IO [[Text]] resToCSV r = do nr <- liftIO $ PQ.ntuples r nc <- liftIO $ PQ.nfields r hdr <- forM [0..pred nc] $ \ic -> do colNameBS <- liftIO $ PQ.fname r ic maybe (return "unknown") decodeBS colNameBS rows <- forM [0..pred nr] $ \ir -> forM [0..pred nc] $ \ic -> do cellValBS <- liftIO $ PQ.getvalue r ir ic maybe (return "NULL") decodeBS cellValBS return $ hdr:rows decodeBS = either (throwError . tshow) return . TE.decodeUtf8'