# This file starts up the necessary database services to test # graphql-engine. # # Run the following to get started: # # docker-compose up -d # # That will start up services in the background. To take them down, # you have to run # # docker-compose down # # If you changed DB init scripts, then you should also run: # # docker-compose down --volumes # # That'll delete the volumes. Otherwise e.g. PostgreSQL will skip # initializing if a DB already exists. # # If you omit -d, it'll run them all in the foreground, then you can # stop them with your usual control-C terminal command. # # Facts: # # * The SERVICE PORTS numbering start at 65001, 65002, etc. to avoid # bother existing instances of databases. # # * The login credentials are, where possible, all "hasura" to avoid # unnecessary mental overhead. version: "3.3" services: mariadb: image: mariadb:10.6.4-focal@sha256:c014ba1efc5dbd711d0520c7762d57807f35549de3414eb31e942a420c8a2ed2 ports: - "65001:3306" environment: MARIADB_USER: "hasura" MARIADB_PASSWORD: "hasura" MARIADB_DATABASE: "hasura" MARIADB_ALLOW_EMPTY_ROOT_PASSWORD: "true" postgres: image: postgres:14-alpine@sha256:1cf551de75fd602ebc94ccda93305a4e411f941bf9465f59d850bdcfd474ca52 ports: - "65002:5432" environment: POSTGRES_USER: "hasura" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "hasura" POSTGRES_DB: "hasura" volumes: - ${PWD}/docker-compose/postgres:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d sqlserver: build: ./docker-compose/sqlserver/ ports: - "65003:1433" environment: ACCEPT_EULA: "Y" SA_PASSWORD: "DockerComposePassword!" MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD: "DockerComposePassword!" citus: image: citusdata/citus:10.1@sha256:7e497e5ca18d7f2ae2a66c1d5d676b548e9221b7e6294adfb03006adad85502c ports: - "65004:5432" environment: POSTGRES_USER: "hasura" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "hasura" POSTGRES_DB: "hasura" volumes: - ${PWD}/docker-compose/postgres/init.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-hasura.sh dc-reference-agent: build: ./dc-agents/reference/ ports: - "65005:8100"