{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Hasura.Server.Init.ArgSpec ( spec, ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Lens (preview, _Just) import Data.HashSet qualified as Set import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime) import Data.URL.Template qualified as Template import Database.PG.Query qualified as PG import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Options qualified as ES import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.NamingCase qualified as NC import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options qualified as Options import Hasura.Logging qualified as Logging import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.Server.Auth qualified as Auth import Hasura.Server.Cors qualified as Cors import Hasura.Server.Init qualified as UUT import Hasura.Server.Logging qualified as Logging import Hasura.Server.Types qualified as Types import Hasura.Session qualified as Session import Options.Applicative qualified as Opt import Refined (NonNegative, Positive, refineTH) import Test.Hspec qualified as Hspec {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant ==" :: String) #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spec :: Hspec.Spec spec = Hspec.describe "Arg Parsing Tests" $ do mainParserSpec downgradeParserSpec serveParserSpec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mainParserSpec :: Hspec.Spec mainParserSpec = Hspec.describe "Main Command" $ do Hspec.it "Accepts '--database-url'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--database-url", "postgres://user:password@localhost/hasura", "serve", "--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" Hspec.it "Rejects '--database-url' requires an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--database-url", "serve", "--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "Accepts '--database-url' with a valid URLTemplate argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--database-url", "https://hasura.io/{{foo}}", "serve", "--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap (preview (UUT.horDatabaseUrl . UUT.pciDatabaseConn . _Just . UUT._PGConnDatabaseUrl)) result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success template -> template == eitherToMaybe (Template.parseURLTemplate "https://hasura.io/{{foo}}") Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "Accepts PostgressConnDetailsRaw flags" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = [ "--host", "localhost", "--port", "22", "--user", "user", "--password", "pass", "--dbname", "hasura", "serve", "--server-port", "420" ] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap (preview (UUT.horDatabaseUrl . UUT.pciDatabaseConn . _Just . UUT._PGConnDetails)) result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success template -> template == Just ( UUT.PostgresConnDetailsRaw { connHost = "localhost", connPort = 22, connUser = "user", connPassword = "pass", connDatabase = "hasura", connOptions = Nothing } ) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "Accepts '--metadata-database-url'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--metadata-database-url", "postgres://user:password@localhost/hasura", "serve", "--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT._horMetadataDbUrl result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success metadataUrl -> metadataUrl == Just "postgres://user:password@localhost/hasura" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "Accepts the serve command" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["serve", "--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" Hspec.it "Accepts the export command" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["export"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" Hspec.it "Accepts the clean command" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["clean"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" Hspec.it "Accepts the downgrade command" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["downgrade", "--to-v1.0.0-beta.1", "--dryRun"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" Hspec.it "Accepts the version command" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.parseHgeOpts @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["version"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _do -> pure () Opt.Failure pf -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show pf Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Completion Invoked" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- downgradeParserSpec :: Hspec.Spec downgradeParserSpec = Hspec.describe "Downgrade Command" $ do Hspec.it "It accepts '--to-catalog-version'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-catalog-version", "v2.8.2"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success do' -> do' == UUT.DowngradeOptions "v2.8.2" False Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--to-catalog-version' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-catalog-version"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--dry-run' with '--to-catalog-version'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-catalog-version", "v2.8.2", "--dryRun"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success do' -> do' == UUT.DowngradeOptions "v2.8.2" True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It accepts '--dry-run' with a downgrade shortcut" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-v1.0.0-beta.1", "--dryRun"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success do' -> do' == UUT.DowngradeOptions "16" True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--dry-run' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-catalog-version", "v2.8.2", "--dryRun", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--dry-run' must be run with '--to-catalog-version' or a downgrade shortcut" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--dryRun"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts a downgrade shortcut" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-v1.0.0-beta.1"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success do' -> do' == UUT.DowngradeOptions "16" False Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails downgrade shortcuts dont expect arguments" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.downgradeCommandParser Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--to-v1.0.0-beta.1", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serveParserSpec :: Hspec.Spec serveParserSpec = Hspec.describe "Serve Command" $ do Hspec.it "It accepts '--server-port'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port", "420"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoPort result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success port -> port == Just (UUT.unsafePort 420) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It accepts '--server-port' 0" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port", "0"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoPort result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success port -> port == Just (UUT.unsafePort 0) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--server-port' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--server-port' expects an integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port", "four"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--server-port' fails on a negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port", "-1"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--server-port' fails on > 65535" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-port", "65536"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--server-host'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-host", "*"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoHost result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success host -> host == Just "*" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--server-host' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--server-host"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts the flags for a 'ConnParamsRaw'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "3", "--connections", "2", "--timeout", "40", "--conn-lifetime", "400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoConnParams result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success rawConnParams -> rawConnParams == UUT.ConnParamsRaw { rcpStripes = Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Int 3), rcpConns = Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Int 2), rcpIdleTime = Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Int 40), rcpConnLifetime = Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @NominalDiffTime 400), rcpAllowPrepare = Just True, rcpPoolTimeout = Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @NominalDiffTime 45) } Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--stripes' must be a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "-3", "--connections", "2", "--timeout", "40", "--conn-lifetime", "400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--connections' must be a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "3", "--connections", "-2", "--timeout", "40", "--conn-lifetime", "400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--timeout' must be a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "3", "--connections", "2", "--timeout", "-40", "--conn-lifetime", "400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--conn-lifetime' must be a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "3", "--connections", "2", "--timeout", "40", "--conn-lifetime", "-400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--pool-timeout' must be a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stripes", "3", "--connections", "2", "--timeout", "40", "--conn-lifetime", "400", "--use-prepared-statements", "true", "--pool-timeout", "-45"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--tx-iso'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--tx-iso", "read-committed"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoTxIso result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success txIso -> txIso == Just PG.ReadCommitted Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--tx-iso' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--tx-iso"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--tx-iso' expects valid TX isolation levels" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--tx-iso", "foo"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--admin-secret'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-secret", "A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoAdminSecret result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success adminSecret -> adminSecret == Just (Auth.hashAdminSecret "A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors") Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--admin-secret' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-secret"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--access-key'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--access-key", "A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoAdminSecret result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success adminSecret -> adminSecret == Just (Auth.hashAdminSecret "A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors") Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--access-key' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--access-key"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--admin-secret' and '--access-key' cannot be used in conjunction" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-secret", "A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors", "--access-key", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--auth-hook'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--auth-hook", "http://www.auth.com"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap (UUT.ahrUrl . UUT.rsoAuthHook) result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success ahUrl -> ahUrl == Just "http://www.auth.com" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--auth-hook' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--auth-hook"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--auth-hook-mode'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--auth-hook-mode", "POST"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap (UUT.ahrType . UUT.rsoAuthHook) result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success ahType -> ahType == Just Auth.AHTPost Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--auth-hook-mode' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--auth-hook-mode"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--auth-hook-mode' only expects GET or POST" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--auth-hook-mode", "PUT"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--jwt-secret'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--jwt-secret", "{ \"jwk_url\": \"https://www.hasura.io\", \"issuer\": \"myapp\" }"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoJwtSecret result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success jwtSecret -> jwtSecret == either (const Nothing) Just (readJson "{ \"jwk_url\": \"https://www.hasura.io\", \"issuer\": \"myapp\" }") Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--jwt-secret' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--jwt-secret"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--jwt-secret' expects a JSON serialized 'JWTConfig' object" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--jwt-secret", "{ \"name\": \"Simon\", \"issuer\": \"myapp\" }"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--unauthorized-role'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--unauthorized-role", "guest"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoUnAuthRole result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success unAuthRole -> fmap Session.roleNameToTxt unAuthRole == Just "guest" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--unauthorized-role' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--unauthorized-role"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--cors-domain'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--cors-domain", "https://*.foo.bar.com:8080, http://*.localhost, http://localhost:3000, http://example.com"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoCorsConfig result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success corsConfig -> corsConfig == eitherToMaybe (Cors.readCorsDomains "https://*.foo.bar.com:8080, http://*.localhost, http://localhost:3000, http://example.com") Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--cors-domain' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--cors-domain"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--cors-domain' rejects an invalid CORS domains" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--cors-domain", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--disable-cors'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--disable-cors"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoCorsConfig result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success corsConfig -> corsConfig == Just (Cors.CCDisabled False) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It accepts '--disable-cors' supercedes '--cors-domain'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--cors-domain", "https://*.foo.bar.com:8080, http://*.localhost, http://localhost:3000, http://example.com", "--disable-cors"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoCorsConfig result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success corsConfig -> corsConfig == Just (Cors.CCDisabled False) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--disable-cors' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--disable-cors", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-console'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-console"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableConsole result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableConsole -> enableConsole == True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-console' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-console", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--console-assets-dir'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--console-assets-dir", "/assets"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoConsoleAssetsDir result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success consoleAssetsDir -> consoleAssetsDir == Just "/assets" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--console-assets-dir' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--console-assets-dir"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--console-sentry-dsn'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--console-sentry-dsn", "123123"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoConsoleSentryDsn result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success consoleSentryDsn -> consoleSentryDsn == Just "123123" Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--console-sentry-dsn' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--console-sentry-dsn"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-telemetry'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-telemetry", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableTelemetry result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableTelemetry -> enableTelemetry == Just True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-telemetry' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-telemetry"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-telemetry' expects a boolean argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-telemetry", "one"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--ws-read-cookie'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--ws-read-cookie"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoWsReadCookie result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success wsReadCookie -> wsReadCookie == True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--ws-read-cookie' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--ws-read-cookie", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--stringify-numeric-types'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stringify-numeric-types"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoStringifyNum result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success stringifyNum -> stringifyNum == Options.StringifyNumbers Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--stringify-numeric-types' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--stringify-numeric-types", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--v1-boolean-null-collapse'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--v1-boolean-null-collapse", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success dangerousBooleanCollapse -> dangerousBooleanCollapse == Just Options.DangerouslyCollapseBooleans Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--v1-boolean-null-collapse' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--v1-boolean-null-collapse"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--v1-boolean-null-collapse' expects a boolean argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--v1-boolean-null-collapse", "123"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enabled-apis'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-apis", "graphql,pgdump"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnabledAPIs result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enabledAPIs -> enabledAPIs == Just (Set.fromList [UUT.GRAPHQL, UUT.PGDUMP]) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enabled-apis' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-apis"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--enabled-apis' expects a valid API arguments" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-apis", "PIZZA"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval", "54000"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoMxRefetchInt result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success mxRefetchInt -> mxRefetchInt == ES.mkRefetchInterval 54 Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size", "102"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoMxBatchSize result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success mxBatchSize -> mxBatchSize == ES.mkBatchSize 102 Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--live-queries-multiplexed-batch-size", "false"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval", "57000"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoStreamingMxRefetchInt result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success streamingMxRefetchInt -> streamingMxRefetchInt == ES.mkRefetchInterval 57 Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-refetch-interval", "foo"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size", "102"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoStreamingMxBatchSize result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success streamingMxBatchSize -> streamingMxBatchSize == ES.mkBatchSize 102 Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--streaming-queries-multiplexed-batch-size", "102.5"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-allowlist'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-allowlist"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableAllowlist result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableAllowList -> enableAllowList == True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-allowlist' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-allowlist", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enabled-log-types'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-log-types", "startup, webhook-log"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnabledLogTypes result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enabledLogTypes -> enabledLogTypes == Just (Set.fromList [Logging.ELTStartup, Logging.ELTWebhookLog]) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enabled-log-types' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-log-types"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--enabled-log-types' expects a valid log types as arguments" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enabled-log-types", "not-valid-log-type, startup"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--log-level'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--log-level", "warn"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoLogLevel result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success logLevel -> logLevel == Just Logging.LevelWarn Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--log-level' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--log-level"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--log-level' expects a valid log level argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--log-level", "shout"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--query-plan-cache-size'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--query-plan-cache-size", "65535"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of -- NOTE: This is deprecated flag whose value is dropped Opt.Success _logLevel -> True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--query-plan-cache-size' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--query-plan-cache-size"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--query-plan-cache-size' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--query-plan-cache-size", "false"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--dev-mode'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--dev-mode"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoDevMode result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success devMode -> devMode == True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--dev-mode' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--dev-mode", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--admin-internal-errors'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-internal-errors", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoAdminInternalErrors result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success adminInternalErrors -> adminInternalErrors == Just True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--admin-internal-errors' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-internal-errors"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--admin-internal-errors' expects a boolean argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--admin-internal-errors", "five"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--events-http-pool-size'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-http-pool-size", "50"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEventsHttpPoolSize result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success eventsHttpPoolSize -> eventsHttpPoolSize == Just $$(refineTH @Positive @Int 50) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--events-http-pool-size' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-http-pool-size"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--events-http-pool-size' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-http-pool-size", "10.5"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--events-fetch-interval'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-interval", "634"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEventsFetchInterval result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success eventsFetchInterval -> eventsFetchInterval == Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Milliseconds 634) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--events-fetch-interval' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-interval"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--events-fetch-interval' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-interval", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--events-fetch-interval' expects an non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-interval", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--async-actions-fetch-interval'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--async-actions-fetch-interval", "123"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success asyncActionsFetchInterval -> asyncActionsFetchInterval == Just (UUT.Interval $$(refineTH 123)) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--async-actions-fetch-interval' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--async-actions-fetch-interval"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--async-actions-fetch-interval' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--async-actions-fetch-interval", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--async-actions-fetch-interval' expects a non-negative integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--async-actions-fetch-interval", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-remote-schema-permissions'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-remote-schema-permissions"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableRemoteSchemaPermissions -> enableRemoteSchemaPermissions == Options.EnableRemoteSchemaPermissions Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-remote-schema-permissions' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-remote-schema-permissions", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--websocket-compression'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-compression"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoWebSocketCompression result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success webSocketCompression -> webSocketCompression == True Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-compression' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-compression", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--websocket-keepalive'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-keepalive", "8"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoWebSocketKeepAlive result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success webSocketKeepAlive -> webSocketKeepAlive == Just (UUT.KeepAliveDelay $$(refineTH 8)) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-keepalive' expects a non-negative integer" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-keepalive", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-keepalive' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-keepalive"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-keepalive' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-keepalive", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--infer-function-permissions'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--infer-function-permissions", "false"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoInferFunctionPermissions result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success inferFunctionPermissions -> inferFunctionPermissions == Just Options.Don'tInferFunctionPermissions Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--infer-function-permissions' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--infer-function-permissions"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--infer-function-permissions' expects a boolean argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--infer-function-permissions", "five"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-maintenance-mode'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-maintenance-mode"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableMaintenanceMode result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableMaintenanceMode -> enableMaintenanceMode == Types.MaintenanceModeEnabled () Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-maintenance-mode' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-maintenance-mode", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--schema-sync-poll-interval'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--schema-sync-poll-interval", "5432"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoSchemaPollInterval result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success schemaPollInterval -> schemaPollInterval == Just (UUT.Interval $$(refineTH 5432)) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--schema-sync-poll-interval' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--schema-sync-poll-interval"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--schema-sync-poll-interval' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--schema-sync-poll-interval", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--schema-sync-poll-interval' expects a non-negative integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--schema-sync-poll-interval", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--experimental-features'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--experimental-features", "inherited_roles,optimize_permission_filters"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoExperimentalFeatures result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success schemaPollInterval -> schemaPollInterval == Just (Set.fromList [Types.EFInheritedRoles, Types.EFOptimizePermissionFilters]) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--experimental-features' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--experimental-features"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--experimental-features' expects a valid experimental feature options in the argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--experimental-features", "inherited_roles,pretend_feature"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--events-fetch-batch-size'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-batch-size", "40"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEventsFetchBatchSize result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success eventsFetchBatchSize -> eventsFetchBatchSize == Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Int 40) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--events-fetch-batch-size' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-batch-size"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--events-fetch-batch-size' expects a non-negative integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--events-fetch-batch-size", "-40"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--graceful-shutdown-timeout'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--graceful-shutdown-timeout", "52"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success gracefulShutdownTimeout -> gracefulShutdownTimeout == Just $$(refineTH @NonNegative @Seconds 52) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--graceful-shutdown-timeout' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--graceful-shutdown-timeout"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--graceful-shutdown-timeout' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--graceful-shutdown-timeout", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--graceful-shutdown-timeout' expects a non-negative integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--graceful-shutdown-timeout", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--websocket-connection-init-timeout'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-connection-init-timeout", "34"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success webSocketConnectionInitTimeout -> webSocketConnectionInitTimeout == Just (UUT.WSConnectionInitTimeout $$(refineTH 34)) Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-connection-init-timeout' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-connection-init-timeout"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-connection-init-timeout' expects an integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-connection-init-timeout", "true"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--websocket-connection-init-timeout' expects a non-negative integer argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--websocket-connection-init-timeout", "-10"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--enable-metadata-query-logging'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-metadata-query-logging"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoEnableMetadataQueryLoggingEnv result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableMetadataQueryLogging -> enableMetadataQueryLogging == Logging.MetadataQueryLoggingEnabled Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--enable-metadata-query-logging' does not expect an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--enable-metadata-query-logging", "x"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It accepts '--default-naming-convention'" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--default-naming-convention", "graphql-default"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput fmap UUT.rsoDefaultNamingConvention result `Hspec.shouldSatisfy` \case Opt.Success enableMetadataQueryLogging -> enableMetadataQueryLogging == Just NC.GraphqlCase Opt.Failure _pf -> False Opt.CompletionInvoked _cr -> False Hspec.it "It fails '--default-naming-convention' expects an argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--default-naming-convention"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr Hspec.it "It fails '--default-naming-convention' expects a valid naming convention argument" $ do let -- Given parserInfo = Opt.info (UUT.serveCommandParser @Logging.Hasura Opt.<**> Opt.helper) Opt.fullDesc -- When argInput = ["--default-naming-convention", "mysterious-default"] -- Then result = Opt.execParserPure Opt.defaultPrefs parserInfo argInput case result of Opt.Success _result -> Hspec.expectationFailure "Should not parse successfully" Opt.Failure _pf -> pure () Opt.CompletionInvoked cr -> Hspec.expectationFailure $ show cr