#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail shopt -s globstar # Allow killing background process by pgid without killing self set -m ## This is a rough script that helps us quantify the resources required for ## hasura depending on the schema and the expected load. We expect only to need ## to run this quarterly or so. ## ## see: https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/PR-56 echo_pretty() { echo ">>> $(tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr0)" } echo_error() { echo ">>> $(tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)" } echo_warn() { echo ">>> $(tput setaf 3)$1$(tput sgr0)" } REPO_TOPLEVEL=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) MEM_CPU_OUTFILE=$(mktemp) ENGINE_OUT_FILE=$(mktemp) POSTGRES_OUT_FILE=$(mktemp) # Test between 1 and 3: NUM_SERVER_CORES=2 echo_warn "Please make sure your computer has at least 8 cores and that you've disabled lower processor sleep states! " echo_warn " $ sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance && sudo cpupower idle-set -D10 # PERFORMANCE " sleep 5 if ! command -v gblreg &> /dev/null then echo_error "Install gbutils for regression tool 'gblreg'" exit 1 fi function start_engine { # use gnu time to get the memory high watermark # Run with -Fd for faster memory reclamation back to baseline command time -f "%M %P" -o "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" \ "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/scripts/dev.sh" graphql-engine --optimized -- +RTS -N"$NUM_SERVER_CORES" -Fd0.01 -RTS \ &> "$ENGINE_OUT_FILE" & GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID=$! if [ "${1-}" != "no_wait" ]; then echo -n "Waiting for graphql-engine (for logs see: $ENGINE_OUT_FILE)" until curl -s "" &>/dev/null; do echo -n '.' && sleep 0.2 # If the server stopped abort immediately if ! kill -0 $GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID ; then echo_error "The server crashed or failed to start!!" exit 42 fi done echo " Ok" fi } function stop_engine { PGID=$(ps -o '%r' "$GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID" | tail -n1 | xargs) # echo "PID/PGID: $$ $GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID $PGID" # Send INT to get output from GNU time!: kill -INT "-$PGID" # kill -- "-$PGID" # ...not this wait "$GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID" || true if [ -f "$ENGINE_OUT_FILE" ]; then echo_pretty "Productivity of engine just stopped, FYI:" until grep '^ Productivity' "$ENGINE_OUT_FILE" ; do sleep 1 done fi rm -f "$ENGINE_OUT_FILE" } function start_postgres { echo "Launching postgres (see logs at $POSTGRES_OUT_FILE)" "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/scripts/dev.sh" postgres \ &> "$POSTGRES_OUT_FILE" & POSTGRES_PID=$! } function stop_postgres { PGID=$(ps -o '%r' "$POSTGRES_PID" | tail -n1 | xargs) kill -- "-$PGID" wait "$POSTGRES_PID" || true rm -f "$POSTGRES_OUT_FILE" } function cleanup { set +e echo_pretty "Cleaning up" stop_engine stop_postgres rm -f "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" echo "Done" } trap cleanup EXIT # Get a memory high water mark for replace_metadata # Must be executed from a benchmark set directory function init_and_replace_metadata { echo_pretty "Initializing and doing some replace_metadata" gunzip -c dump.sql.gz | PGPASSWORD=postgres psql -h -p 25432 postgres -U postgres &>/dev/null # run replace_metadata a few times (once to initialize schema, a few more to get good high water mark) curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @replace_metadata.json curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @replace_metadata.json curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @replace_metadata.json echo } ### Metadata operations and Baseline + peak memory #################### if true; then ## huge_schema: ######## start_postgres start_engine cd "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/server/benchmarks/benchmark_sets/huge_schema" init_and_replace_metadata echo_pretty "Sleeping for 30 seconds and then checking for baseline memory usage" sleep 30 MEM_BASELINE_HUGE_SCHEMA=$(ps -e -o pid,ppid,pgid,rss,comm | awk '$3 == '"$GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID" | grep graphql-engine | awk '{print $4}') stop_engine stop_postgres echo "sleeping..." && sleep 30 # TODO wait for all in process group MEM_HIGHWATER_HUGE_SCHEMA=$(tail -n1 "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" | awk '{print $1}') ## chinook: ######## start_postgres start_engine cd "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/server/benchmarks/benchmark_sets/chinook" init_and_replace_metadata echo_pretty "Sleeping for 30 seconds and then checking for baseline memory usage" sleep 30 MEM_BASELINE_CHINOOK=$(ps -e -o pid,ppid,pgid,rss,comm | awk '$3 == '"$GRAPHQL_ENGINE_PID" | grep graphql-engine | awk '{print $4}') stop_engine stop_postgres echo "sleeping..." && sleep 30 # TODO wait for all in process group MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK=$(tail -n1 "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" | awk '{print $1}') fi ### Throughput limit and Peak memory under load #################### if true; then cd "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/server/benchmarks" start_engine no_wait ./bench.sh chinook_throughput stop_engine echo "sleeping..." && sleep 30 # TODO wait for all in process group MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD=$(tail -n1 "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" | awk '{print $1}') CPU_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD=$(tail -n1 "$MEM_CPU_OUTFILE" | awk '{print $2}') fi set +e echo_pretty "####################### RAW MEASUREMENTS ###########################" echo_pretty "" echo_pretty "Memory usage in KB:" (echo "| SCHEMA_BASELINE REPLACE_METADATA_PEAK UNDER_LOAD_PEAK" ;\ echo "huge_schema $MEM_BASELINE_HUGE_SCHEMA $MEM_HIGHWATER_HUGE_SCHEMA N/A" ;\ echo "chinook $MEM_BASELINE_CHINOOK $MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK $MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD") |\ column --table -R1,2,3,4 echo_pretty "" echo_pretty "Avg CPU During Chinook throughput tests: $CPU_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD " echo "NOTE: The utility of the script relies on the assumption that the throughput " echo " tests here are mostly CPU bound. we want the value above to be between 150% and " echo " ${NUM_SERVER_CORES}00% (using all $NUM_SERVER_CORES cores allotted to server)" echo " FYI: complex_query_high_load_large_result appears to be IO bound, " echo " with the server at only 100% CPU (on two cores)" echo_pretty "" # TODO add uncompressed response body sizes here: echo_pretty "Peak sustained throughput for our Chinook queries having different uncompressed response body sizes (server given $NUM_SERVER_CORES cores)" paste -d ' ' <(echo -e "simple_query_high_load(600B): \n complex_query_high_load_small_result(650B): \n complex_query_high_load_large_result(33KB): \n full_introspection(190KB):") \ <(jq '.[] .requests.average |floor' "$REPO_TOPLEVEL/server/benchmarks/benchmark_sets/chinook_throughput/report.json" ) \ <(echo -e "RPS\nRPS\nRPS\nRPS") |\ column --table echo_pretty "" echo_pretty "####################### INTERPRETATION ###########################" CHINOOK_PEAK_MEM=$(( MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD > MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK ? MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK_UNDER_LOAD : MEM_HIGHWATER_CHINOOK )) CHINOOK_MEM_SCALE=$(bc -l <<< "scale=1; $CHINOOK_PEAK_MEM/$MEM_BASELINE_CHINOOK") HUGE_SCHEMA_MEM_SCALE=$(bc -l <<< "scale=1; $MEM_HIGHWATER_HUGE_SCHEMA/$MEM_BASELINE_HUGE_SCHEMA") echo_pretty "Under peak sustained throughput and with some replace_metadata, peak memory usage is typically between..." echo_pretty " ${CHINOOK_MEM_SCALE}x and ${HUGE_SCHEMA_MEM_SCALE}x " echo_pretty "...above the idle baseline (i.e. the schema overhead)" # TODO automate this echo_warn "" echo_warn "ABOVE WAS RUN WITH SERVER ALLOCATED < $NUM_SERVER_CORES > CORES." echo_warn "" echo_warn "Rerun this with one, two and three cores ( this is about the limit you can do on an" echo_warn "8 core laptopĀ  and still get meaningful numbers). Run a linear regression for each:" echo_warn ' $ echo "1 2266\\n2 3587\\n 3 5270" | gblreg' echo_warn ' 7.036667e+02 1.502000e+03' echo_warn ' A^ B^ in: PEAK_THROUGHPUT=A+B*SERVER_CORES' echo_pretty "Done. Shutting down"