{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- A module for postgres execution related types and operations module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection ( MonadTx(..) , LazyTxT , LazyTx , PGExecCtx(..) , mkPGExecCtx , runLazyTx , runQueryTx , withUserInfo , withTraceContext , sessionInfoJsonExp , RespTx , LazyRespTx , defaultTxErrorHandler , mkTxErrorHandler , lazyTxToQTx , doesSchemaExist , doesTableExist , isExtensionAvailable ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Database.PG.Query.Connection as Q import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..)) import Control.Monad.Unique import Control.Monad.Validate import Data.Either (isRight) import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Error import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error import Hasura.SQL.Types import Hasura.Session type RunTx = forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Q.TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a data PGExecCtx = PGExecCtx { _pecRunReadOnly :: RunTx -- ^ Run a Q.ReadOnly transaction , _pecRunReadNoTx :: RunTx -- ^ Run a read only statement without an explicit transaction block , _pecRunReadWrite :: RunTx -- ^ Run a Q.ReadWrite transaction , _pecCheckHealth :: (IO Bool) -- ^ Checks the health of this execution context } -- | Creates a Postgres execution context for a single Postgres master pool mkPGExecCtx :: Q.TxIsolation -> Q.PGPool -> PGExecCtx mkPGExecCtx isoLevel pool = PGExecCtx { _pecRunReadOnly = (Q.runTx pool (isoLevel, Just Q.ReadOnly)) , _pecRunReadNoTx = (Q.runTx' pool) , _pecRunReadWrite = (Q.runTx pool (isoLevel, Just Q.ReadWrite)) , _pecCheckHealth = checkDbConnection } where checkDbConnection = do e <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx' pool select1Query pure $ isRight e where select1Query :: Q.TxE QErr Int select1Query = runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT 1 |] () False class (MonadError QErr m) => MonadTx m where liftTx :: Q.TxE QErr a -> m a instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (StateT s m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ReaderT s m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (Monoid w, MonadTx m) => MonadTx (WriterT w m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ValidateT e m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (Tracing.TraceT m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx -- | Like 'Q.TxE', but defers acquiring a Postgres connection until the first -- execution of 'liftTx'. If no call to 'liftTx' is ever reached (i.e. a -- successful result is returned or an error is raised before ever executing a -- query), no connection is ever acquired. -- -- This is useful for certain code paths that only conditionally need database -- access. For example, although most queries will eventually hit Postgres, -- introspection queries or queries that exclusively use remote schemas never -- will; using 'LazyTxT e m' keeps those branches from unnecessarily allocating a -- connection. data LazyTxT e m a = LTErr !e | LTNoTx !a | LTTx !(Q.TxET e m a) deriving (Show, Functor) -- orphan: instance Show (Q.TxET e m a) where show = const "(error \"TxE\")" lazyTxToQTx :: (Monad m) => LazyTxT e m a -> Q.TxET e m a lazyTxToQTx = \case LTErr e -> throwError e LTNoTx r -> return r LTTx tx -> tx runLazyTx :: ( MonadIO m , MonadBaseControl IO m ) => PGExecCtx -> Q.TxAccess -> LazyTxT QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a runLazyTx pgExecCtx txAccess = \case LTErr e -> throwError e LTNoTx a -> return a LTTx tx -> case txAccess of Q.ReadOnly -> _pecRunReadOnly pgExecCtx tx Q.ReadWrite -> _pecRunReadWrite pgExecCtx tx -- | This runs the given set of statements (Tx) without wrapping them in BEGIN -- and COMMIT. This should only be used for running a single statement query! runQueryTx :: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => PGExecCtx -> LazyTx QErr a -> m a runQueryTx pgExecCtx = \case LTErr e -> throwError e LTNoTx a -> return a LTTx tx -> liftEither =<< liftIO (runExceptT $ _pecRunReadNoTx pgExecCtx tx) type RespTx = Q.TxE QErr EncJSON type LazyTx e a = LazyTxT e IO a type LazyRespTx = LazyTx QErr EncJSON setHeadersTx :: (MonadIO m) => SessionVariables -> Q.TxET QErr m () setHeadersTx session = do Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler setSess () False where setSess = Q.fromText $ "SET LOCAL \"hasura.user\" = " <> toSQLTxt (sessionInfoJsonExp session) sessionInfoJsonExp :: SessionVariables -> S.SQLExp sessionInfoJsonExp = S.SELit . J.encodeToStrictText defaultTxErrorHandler :: Q.PGTxErr -> QErr defaultTxErrorHandler = mkTxErrorHandler (const False) -- | Constructs a transaction error handler given a predicate that determines which errors are -- expected and should be reported to the user. All other errors are considered internal errors. mkTxErrorHandler :: (PGErrorType -> Bool) -> Q.PGTxErr -> QErr mkTxErrorHandler isExpectedError txe = fromMaybe unexpectedError expectedError where unexpectedError = (internalError "database query error") { qeInternal = Just $ J.toJSON txe } expectedError = uncurry err400 <$> do errorDetail <- Q.getPGStmtErr txe message <- Q.edMessage errorDetail errorType <- pgErrorType errorDetail guard $ isExpectedError errorType pure $ case errorType of PGIntegrityConstraintViolation code -> let cv = (ConstraintViolation,) customMessage = (code ^? _Just._PGErrorSpecific) <&> \case PGRestrictViolation -> cv "Can not delete or update due to data being referred. " PGNotNullViolation -> cv "Not-NULL violation. " PGForeignKeyViolation -> cv "Foreign key violation. " PGUniqueViolation -> cv "Uniqueness violation. " PGCheckViolation -> (PermissionError, "Check constraint violation. ") PGExclusionViolation -> cv "Exclusion violation. " in maybe (ConstraintViolation, message) (fmap (<> message)) customMessage PGDataException code -> case code of Just (PGErrorSpecific PGInvalidEscapeSequence) -> (BadRequest, message) _ -> (DataException, message) PGSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation code -> (ConstraintError,) $ case code of Just (PGErrorSpecific PGInvalidColumnReference) -> "there is no unique or exclusion constraint on target column(s)" _ -> message withUserInfo :: (MonadIO m) => UserInfo -> LazyTxT QErr m a -> LazyTxT QErr m a withUserInfo uInfo = \case LTErr e -> LTErr e LTNoTx a -> LTNoTx a LTTx tx -> let vars = _uiSession uInfo in LTTx $ setHeadersTx vars >> tx -- | Inject the trace context as a transaction-local variable, -- so that it can be picked up by any triggers (including event triggers). withTraceContext :: (MonadIO m) => Tracing.TraceContext -> LazyTxT QErr m a -> LazyTxT QErr m a withTraceContext ctx = \case LTErr e -> LTErr e LTNoTx a -> LTNoTx a LTTx tx -> let sql = Q.fromText $ "SET LOCAL \"hasura.tracecontext\" = " <> toSQLTxt (S.SELit . J.encodeToStrictText . Tracing.injectEventContext $ ctx) setTraceContext = Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler sql () False in LTTx $ setTraceContext >> tx instance (Monad m) => Applicative (LazyTxT e m) where pure = LTNoTx LTErr e <*> _ = LTErr e LTNoTx f <*> r = fmap f r LTTx _ <*> LTErr e = LTErr e LTTx txf <*> LTNoTx a = LTTx $ txf <*> pure a LTTx txf <*> LTTx tx = LTTx $ txf <*> tx instance (Monad m) => Monad (LazyTxT e m) where LTErr e >>= _ = LTErr e LTNoTx a >>= f = f a LTTx txa >>= f = LTTx $ txa >>= lazyTxToQTx . f instance (Monad m) => MonadError e (LazyTxT e m) where throwError = LTErr LTErr e `catchError` f = f e LTNoTx a `catchError` _ = LTNoTx a LTTx txe `catchError` f = LTTx $ txe `catchError` (lazyTxToQTx . f) instance MonadTrans (LazyTxT e) where lift = LTTx . lift instance (Tracing.MonadTrace m) => Tracing.MonadTrace (LazyTxT e m) where trace t = \case LTTx (Q.TxET tx) -> LTTx $ Q.TxET $ Tracing.trace t tx v -> v currentContext = lift Tracing.currentContext currentReporter = lift Tracing.currentReporter attachMetadata = lift . Tracing.attachMetadata instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTx (LazyTxT QErr m) where liftTx = LTTx . (hoist liftIO) instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTx (Q.TxET QErr m) where liftTx = hoist liftIO instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (LazyTxT e m) where liftIO = LTTx . liftIO instance (MonadIO m) => MonadBase IO (LazyTxT e m) where liftBase = liftIO instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (LazyTxT e m) where type StM (LazyTxT e m) a = StM (Q.TxET e m) a liftBaseWith f = LTTx $ liftBaseWith \run -> f (run . lazyTxToQTx) restoreM = LTTx . restoreM instance (MonadIO m) => MonadUnique (LazyTxT e m) where newUnique = liftIO newUnique doesSchemaExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> m Bool doesSchemaExist schemaName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = $1 ) |] (Identity schemaName) False doesTableExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> TableName -> m Bool doesTableExist schemaName tableName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename = $2 ) |] (schemaName, tableName) False isExtensionAvailable :: MonadTx m => Text -> m Bool isExtensionAvailable extensionName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions WHERE name = $1 ) |] (Identity extensionName) False