name: hge-postgres-replicas services: # The primary server, which supports reads and writes. postgres-primary: extends: service: postgres file: ../../../docker-compose/databases.yaml command: # for some reason this is necessary, even if we don't actually use an archive - "--archive_mode=on" volumes: - primary-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data # this script enables replication for all users - ./ - type: bind source: certificates/ target: /certificates # Initializes the replica by creating a backup of the primary into the # replica's data directory, then marking it as "standby" by creating the # "standby.signal" file. init-replica: extends: service: postgres file: ../../../docker-compose/databases.yaml command: - su - postgres - -c - | set -ex PGPASSWORD=password pg_basebackup --host=postgres-primary --username=postgres --no-password --pgdata=/var/lib/postgresql/data touch /var/lib/postgresql/data/standby.signal volumes: - replica-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data depends_on: postgres-primary: condition: service_healthy # The replica server, which streams writes from the primary, and supports reads. postgres-replica: extends: service: postgres file: ../../../docker-compose/databases.yaml command: - "--primary_conninfo=host=postgres-primary port=5432 user=postgres password=password options='-c wal_sender_timeout=5000'" - "--hot_standby=on" volumes: - replica-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data depends_on: postgres-primary: condition: service_started init-replica: condition: service_completed_successfully volumes: primary-data: replica-data: