.. meta:: :description: Hasura GraphQL API mutations API reference :keywords: hasura, docs, GraphQL API, API reference, mutation .. _graphql_api_mutation: API Reference - Mutation ======================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :local: .. _insert_upsert_syntax: **insert** (upsert) syntax -------------------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( [!] [conflict-clause] ) [mutation-response!] } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated mutation field, e.g. *insert_author* * - input-object - true - InputObjects_ - Name of the auto-generated mutation field * - mutation-response - true - MutationResponse_ - Object to be returned after mutation succeeds * - on-conflict - false - ConflictClause_ - Converts *insert* to *upsert* by handling conflict **Example: Insert** .. code-block:: graphql mutation insert_article { insert_article( objects: [ { title: "Software is gluttonous", content: "Something happened in HP", author_id: 3 } ] ) { returning { id title } } } **Example: Upsert** .. code-block:: graphql mutation upsert_author { insert_author ( objects: [ { name: "John", id:12 } ], on_conflict: { constraint: author_name_key, update_columns: [name, id] } ) { affected_rows } } .. _insert_upsert_one_syntax: **insert_one** syntax --------------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( [!] [conflict-clause] ) [mutation-response!] } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated mutation field, e.g. *insert_author_one* * - input-object - true - InputObject_ - Name of the auto-generated mutation field * - mutation-response - true - :ref:`SimpleObject` - Object to be returned after mutation succeeds * - on-conflict - false - ConflictClause_ - Converts *insert* to *upsert* by handling conflict **Example: Insert One** .. code-block:: graphql mutation insert_article_one { insert_article_one( object: { title: "Software is gluttonous", content: "Something happened in HP", author_id: 3 } ) { id title } } .. _update_by_pk_syntax: **update_by_pk** syntax ----------------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( [pk-columns-argument!], [set-argument!] ) } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated update mutation field, e.g. *update_author_by_pk* * - pk-columns-argument - true - pkColumnsArgExp_ - Primary key(s) for row(s) to be updated * - set-argument - false - setArgExp_ - Data to be updated in the table * - inc-argument - false - incArgExp_ - Integer value to be incremented to Int columns in the table * - append-argument - false - appendArgExp_ - JSON value to be appended to JSONB columns in the table * - prepend-argument - false - prependArgExp_ - JSON value to be prepended to JSONB columns in the table * - delete-key-argument - false - deleteKeyArgExp_ - Key to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table * - delete-elem-argument - false - deleteElemArgExp_ - Array element to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table * - delete-at-path-argument - false - deleteAtPathArgExp_ - Element at path to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table **Example: Update by PK** .. code-block:: graphql mutation update_articles { update_article_by_pk ( pk_columns: { id: 1 } _set: { is_published: true } ) { id title } } .. _update_syntax: **update** syntax ----------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( [where-argument!], [set-argument!] ) [mutation-response!] } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated update mutation field, e.g. *update_author* * - where-argument - true - whereArgExp_ - Selection criteria for rows to be updated * - set-argument - false - setArgExp_ - Data to be updated in the table * - inc-argument - false - incArgExp_ - Integer value to be incremented to Int columns in the table * - append-argument - false - appendArgExp_ - JSON value to be appended to JSONB columns in the table * - prepend-argument - false - prependArgExp_ - JSON value to be prepended to JSONB columns in the table * - delete-key-argument - false - deleteKeyArgExp_ - Key to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table * - delete-elem-argument - false - deleteElemArgExp_ - Array element to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table * - delete-at-path-argument - false - deleteAtPathArgExp_ - Element at path to be deleted in the value of JSONB columns in the table * - mutation-response - true - MutationResponse_ - Object to be returned after mutation succeeds **Example: Update** .. code-block:: graphql mutation update_author{ update_author( where: {id: {_eq: 3}}, _set: {name: "Jane"} ) { affected_rows } } .. _delete_by_pk_syntax: **delete_by_pk** syntax ----------------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( column1: value1 column2: value2 ) } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated delete mutation field, e.g. *delete_author_by_pk* **Example: Delete by PK** .. code-block:: graphql mutation delete_articles { delete_article_by_pk ( id: 1 ) { id title } } .. _delete_syntax: **delete** syntax ----------------- .. code-block:: none mutation [] { ( [where-argument!] ) [mutation-response!] } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - mutation-name - false - Value - Name of mutation for observability * - mutation-field-name - true - Value - Name of the auto-generated delete mutation field, e.g. *delete_author* * - where-argument - true - whereArgExp_ - Selection criteria for rows to delete * - mutation-response - true - MutationResponse_ - Object to be returned after mutation succeeds **Example: Delete** .. code-block:: graphql mutation delete_articles { delete_article( where: {author: {id: {_eq: 7}}} ) { affected_rows returning { id } } } .. note:: For more examples and details of usage, please see :ref:`this `. Syntax definitions ------------------ .. _MutationResponse: Mutation response ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none { affected_rows returning { response-field1 response-field2 .. } } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql { affected_rows returning { id author_id } } .. _InputObjects: **objects** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none objects: [ { field1: value, field2: value, : { data: !, on_conflict: }, : { data: [!]!, on_conflict: } .. }, .. ] # no nested objects **Example** .. code-block:: graphql objects: [ { title: "Software is eating the world", content: "This week, Hewlett-Packard...", author: { data: { id: 1, name: "Sydney" } } } ] .. _InputObject: **object** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none object: { field1: value, field2: value, : { data: !, on_conflict: }, : { data: [!]!, on_conflict: } .. } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql object: { title: "Software is eating the world", content: "This week, Hewlett-Packard...", author: { data: { id: 1, name: "Sydney" } } } .. _ConflictClause: **on_conflict** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The conflict clause is used to convert an *insert* mutation to an *upsert* mutation. *Upsert* respects the table's *update* permissions before editing an existing row in case of a conflict. Hence the conflict clause is permitted only if a table has *update* permissions defined. .. code-block:: none on_conflict: { constraint: table_constraint! update_columns: [table_update_column!]! where: table_bool_exp } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql on_conflict: { constraint: author_name_key update_columns: [name] where: {id: {_lt: 1}} } .. _pkColumnsArgExp: **pk_columns** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``pk_columns`` argument is used to identify an object by its primary key columns in *update* mutations. .. code-block:: none pk_columns: { column-1: value-1 column-2: value-2 } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql pk_columns: { id: 1 name: "Harry" } .. _whereArgExp: **where** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: where: BoolExp_ **Example** .. code-block:: graphql where: { rating: {_eq: 5} } BoolExp ******* .. parsed-literal:: AndExp_ | OrExp_ | NotExp_ | TrueExp_ | ColumnExp_ AndExp ###### .. parsed-literal:: { _and: [BoolExp_] } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql _and: [ {rating: {_gt: 5}}, {updated_at: {_gt: "2019-01-01"}} ] OrExp ##### .. parsed-literal:: { _or: [BoolExp_] } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql _or: [ {rating: {_is_null: true}}, {rating: {_lt: 4}} ] NotExp ###### .. parsed-literal:: { _not: BoolExp_ } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql _not: { title: {_eq: ""} } TrueExp ####### .. parsed-literal:: {} **Example** .. code-block:: graphql author(where: {articles: {}}) .. note:: ``{}`` evaluates to true whenever an object exists (even if it's ``null``). ColumnExp ######### .. parsed-literal:: { field-name: {Operator_: Value } } **Example** .. code-block:: graphql {rating: {_eq: 5}} Operator ######## **Generic operators (all column types except json, jsonb):** - ``_eq`` - ``_ne`` - ``_in`` - ``_nin`` - ``_gt`` - ``_lt`` - ``_gte`` - ``_lte`` **Text related operators:** - ``_like`` - ``_nlike`` - ``_ilike`` - ``_nilike`` - ``_similar`` - ``_nsimilar`` - ``_iregex`` - ``_niregex`` - ``_regex`` - ``_nregex`` **Checking for NULL values:** - ``_is_null`` (takes true/false as values) .. _setArgExp: **_set** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _set: { field-name-1 : value, field-name-2 : value, .. } .. _incArgExp: **_inc** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _inc: { field-name-1 : int-value, field-name-2 : int-value, .. } .. _appendArgExp: **_append** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _append: { field-name-1 : $json-variable-1, field-name-2 : $json-variable-1, .. } **Example** .. code-block:: json { "json-variable-1": "value", "json-variable-2": "value" } .. _prependArgExp: **_prepend** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _prepend: { field-name-1 : $json-variable-1, field-name-2 : $json-variable-1, .. } **Example** .. code-block:: json { "json-variable-1": "value", "json-variable-2": "value" } .. _deleteKeyArgExp: **_delete_key** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _delete_key: { field-name-1 : "key", field-name-2 : "key", .. } .. _deleteElemArgExp: **_delete_elem** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _delete_elem: { field-name-1 : int-index, field-name-2 : int-index, .. } .. _deleteAtPathArgExp: **_delete_at_path** argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none _delete_at_path: { field-name-1 : ["path-array"], field-name-2 : ["path-array"], .. }