module Hasura.HTTP ( wreqOptions, HttpException (..), hdrsToText, textToHdrs, addDefaultHeaders, defaultHeaders, HttpResponse (..), addHttpResponseHeaders, getHTTPExceptionStatus, serializeHTTPExceptionMessage, ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo (..), serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage, serializeHTTPExceptionMessageForDebugging, encodeHTTPRequestJSON, ShowErrorInfo (..), getHttpExceptionJson, serializeServantClientErrorMessage, serializeServantClientErrorMessageForDebugging, ) where import Control.Exception (Exception (..), fromException) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk, original) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Conversions (UTF8 (..), convertText) import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE import Data.Text.Encoding.Error qualified as TE import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.Server.Utils (redactSensitiveHeader) import Hasura.Server.Version (currentVersion) import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Client.Restricted qualified as Restricted import Network.HTTP.Media qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP import Network.Wreq qualified as Wreq import Servant.Client qualified as Servant hdrsToText :: [HTTP.Header] -> [(Text, Text)] hdrsToText hdrs = [ (bsToTxt $ original hdrName, bsToTxt hdrVal) | (hdrName, hdrVal) <- hdrs ] textToHdrs :: [(Text, Text)] -> [HTTP.Header] textToHdrs hdrs = [ (mk (txtToBs hdrName), TE.encodeUtf8 hdrVal) | (hdrName, hdrVal) <- hdrs ] wreqOptions :: HTTP.Manager -> [HTTP.Header] -> Wreq.Options wreqOptions manager hdrs = Wreq.defaults & Wreq.headers .~ addDefaultHeaders hdrs & Wreq.checkResponse ?~ (\_ _ -> return ()) & Wreq.manager .~ Right manager -- Adds defaults headers overwriting any existing ones addDefaultHeaders :: [HTTP.Header] -> [HTTP.Header] addDefaultHeaders hdrs = defaultHeaders <> rmDefaultHeaders hdrs where rmDefaultHeaders = filter (not . isDefaultHeader) isDefaultHeader :: HTTP.Header -> Bool isDefaultHeader (hdrName, _) = hdrName `elem` map fst defaultHeaders defaultHeaders :: [HTTP.Header] defaultHeaders = [contentType, userAgent] where contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json") userAgent = ( "User-Agent", "hasura-graphql-engine/" <> unUTF8 (convertText currentVersion) ) newtype HttpException = HttpException {unHttpException :: HTTP.HttpException} deriving (Show) getHTTPExceptionStatus :: HttpException -> Maybe Int getHTTPExceptionStatus = \case (HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ httpExceptionContent)) -> case httpExceptionContent of HTTP.StatusCodeException response _ -> Just $ HTTP.statusCode $ HTTP.responseStatus response HTTP.ProxyConnectException _ _ status -> Just $ HTTP.statusCode status _ -> Nothing (HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ _)) -> Nothing serializeHTTPExceptionMessage :: HttpException -> Text serializeHTTPExceptionMessage (HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ httpExceptionContent)) = case httpExceptionContent of HTTP.StatusCodeException _ _ -> "unexpected" HTTP.TooManyRedirects _ -> "Too many redirects" HTTP.OverlongHeaders -> "Overlong headers" HTTP.ResponseTimeout -> "Response timeout" HTTP.ConnectionTimeout -> "Connection timeout" HTTP.ConnectionFailure _ -> "Connection failure" HTTP.InvalidStatusLine _ -> "Invalid HTTP Status Line" HTTP.InternalException err -> case fromException err of Just (Restricted.ConnectionRestricted _ _) -> "Blocked connection to private IP address" Nothing -> "Internal Exception" HTTP.ProxyConnectException {} -> "Proxy connection exception" HTTP.NoResponseDataReceived -> "No response data received" HTTP.TlsNotSupported -> "TLS not supported" HTTP.InvalidDestinationHost _ -> "Invalid destination host" HTTP.InvalidHeader _ -> "Invalid Header" HTTP.InvalidRequestHeader _ -> "Invalid Request Header" HTTP.WrongRequestBodyStreamSize _ _ -> "Wrong request body stream size" HTTP.ResponseBodyTooShort _ _ -> "Response body too short" HTTP.InvalidChunkHeaders -> "Invalid chunk headers" HTTP.IncompleteHeaders -> "Incomplete headers" _ -> "unexpected" serializeHTTPExceptionMessage (HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException url reason)) = T.pack $ "URL: " <> url <> " is invalid because " <> reason newtype ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo = ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo {unShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo :: Bool} deriving (Show, Eq) serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage :: ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo -> HTTP.HttpException -> Text serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage (ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo isShowHeaderAndEnvVarInfo) = \case HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ err -> case err of HTTP.StatusCodeException response _ -> "Response status code indicated failure" <> (tshow . HTTP.statusCode $ HTTP.responseStatus response) HTTP.TooManyRedirects redirects -> "Too many redirects: " <> tshow (length redirects) <> " redirects" HTTP.OverlongHeaders -> "Overlong headers" HTTP.ResponseTimeout -> "Response timeout" HTTP.ConnectionTimeout -> "Connection timeout" HTTP.ConnectionFailure exn -> "Connection failure: " <> serializeExceptionForDebugging exn HTTP.InvalidStatusLine statusLine -> "Invalid HTTP status line: " <> fromUtf8 statusLine HTTP.InvalidHeader header -> if isShowHeaderAndEnvVarInfo then "Invalid header: " <> fromUtf8 header else "Invalid Header" HTTP.InvalidRequestHeader requestHeader -> if isShowHeaderAndEnvVarInfo then "Invalid request header: " <> fromUtf8 requestHeader else "Invalid request header" HTTP.InternalException exn -> case fromException exn of Just (Restricted.ConnectionRestricted _ _) -> "Blocked connection to private IP address: " <> serializeExceptionForDebugging exn Nothing -> "Internal error: " <> serializeExceptionForDebugging exn HTTP.ProxyConnectException proxyHost port status -> "Proxy connection to " <> fromUtf8 proxyHost <> ":" <> tshow port <> " returned response with status code that indicated failure: " <> tshow (HTTP.statusCode status) HTTP.NoResponseDataReceived -> "No response data received" HTTP.TlsNotSupported -> "TLS not supported" HTTP.WrongRequestBodyStreamSize expected actual -> "Wrong request body stream size. expected: " <> tshow expected <> ", actual: " <> tshow actual HTTP.ResponseBodyTooShort expected actual -> "Response body too short. expected: " <> tshow expected <> ", actual: " <> tshow actual HTTP.InvalidChunkHeaders -> "Invalid chunk headers" HTTP.IncompleteHeaders -> "Incomplete headers" HTTP.InvalidDestinationHost host -> "Invalid destination host: " <> fromUtf8 host HTTP.HttpZlibException exn -> "HTTP zlib error: " <> serializeExceptionForDebugging exn HTTP.InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable name value -> if isShowHeaderAndEnvVarInfo then "Invalid proxy environment variable: " <> name <> "=" <> value else "Invalid proxy environment variable: " <> name HTTP.ConnectionClosed -> "Connection closed" HTTP.InvalidProxySettings err' -> "Invalid proxy settings: " <> err' HTTP.InvalidUrlException url' reason -> "Invalid url: " <> T.pack url' <> "; reason: " <> T.pack reason where fromUtf8 = TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode serializeHTTPExceptionMessageForDebugging :: HTTP.HttpException -> Text serializeHTTPExceptionMessageForDebugging = serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage (ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo True) encodeHTTPRequestJSON :: HTTP.Request -> J.Value encodeHTTPRequestJSON request = J.Object $ KM.fromList [ ("host", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ request), ("port", J.toJSON $ HTTP.port request), ("secure", J.toJSON $ request), ("requestHeaders", J.toJSON $ HashMap.fromList $ hdrsToText $ map redactSensitiveHeader $ HTTP.requestHeaders request), ("path", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.path request), ("queryString", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.queryString request), ("method", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.method request), ("responseTimeout", J.String $ tshow $ HTTP.responseTimeout request) ] newtype ShowErrorInfo = ShowErrorInfo {unShowErrorInfo :: Bool} deriving (Show, Eq) -- this function excepts a boolean value (`ShowErrorInfo`) when True, exposes the errors associated with the HTTP -- Exceptions using `serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage` function. -- This function is used in event triggers, scheduled triggers and cron triggers where `ShowErrorInfo` is True getHttpExceptionJson :: ShowErrorInfo -> HttpException -> J.Value getHttpExceptionJson (ShowErrorInfo isShowHTTPErrorInfo) httpException = case httpException of (HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ e)) -> J.object [ "type" J..= ("invalid_url" :: Text), "message" J..= e ] (HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest req _)) -> do let statusMaybe = getHTTPExceptionStatus httpException exceptionContent = if isShowHTTPErrorInfo then serializeHTTPExceptionWithErrorMessage (ShowHeadersAndEnvVarInfo False) (unHttpException httpException) else serializeHTTPExceptionMessage httpException reqJSON = encodeHTTPRequestJSON req J.object $ [ "type" J..= ("http_exception" :: Text), "message" J..= exceptionContent, "request" J..= reqJSON ] <> maybe mempty (\status -> ["status" J..= status]) statusMaybe -- it will not show HTTP Exception error message info instance J.ToJSON HttpException where toJSON httpException = getHttpExceptionJson (ShowErrorInfo False) httpException data HttpResponse a = HttpResponse { _hrBody :: !a, _hrHeaders :: !HTTP.ResponseHeaders } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) addHttpResponseHeaders :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders -> HttpResponse a -> HttpResponse a addHttpResponseHeaders newHeaders (HttpResponse b h) = HttpResponse b (newHeaders <> h) serializeServantClientErrorMessage :: Servant.ClientError -> Text serializeServantClientErrorMessage = \case Servant.FailureResponse _ response -> "response status code indicated failure: " <> (tshow . HTTP.statusCode $ Servant.responseStatusCode response) Servant.DecodeFailure decodeErrorText _ -> "unable to decode the response, " <> decodeErrorText Servant.UnsupportedContentType mediaType _ -> "unsupported content type in response: " <> TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode (HTTP.renderHeader mediaType) Servant.InvalidContentTypeHeader _ -> "invalid content type in response" Servant.ConnectionError _ -> "connection error" serializeServantClientErrorMessageForDebugging :: Servant.ClientError -> Text serializeServantClientErrorMessageForDebugging = \case Servant.ConnectionError exn -> case fromException exn of Just httpException -> serializeHTTPExceptionMessageForDebugging httpException Nothing -> "error in the connection: " <> serializeExceptionForDebugging exn other -> serializeServantClientErrorMessage other serializeExceptionForDebugging :: (Exception e) => e -> Text serializeExceptionForDebugging = T.pack . displayException