#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' CLI_ROOT="${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/../cli" wait_for_port() { local PORT=$1 echo "waiting for $PORT" for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost $PORT && echo "port $PORT is ready" && return echo -n . sleep 1 done echo "Failed waiting for $PORT" && exit 1 } # get latest cli wget -O /bin/graphql-engine https://graphql-engine-cdn.hasura.io/server/latest/linux-amd64 chmod +x /bin/graphql-engine cd "$CLI_ROOT" mkdir -p /build/_cli_output touch /build/_cli_output/server-last-release.log touch /build/_cli_output/server-last-release-secret.log # start graphql-engine without admin secret /bin/graphql-engine \ --database-url postgres://gql_test@localhost:5432/gql_test serve > /build/_cli_output/server-last-release.log 2>&1 & PID=$! wait_for_port 8080 # test cli HASURA_GRAPHQL_TEST_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8080" make test # kill the running server kill -s INT $PID # start graphql-engine with admin secret psql -U gql_test -h localhost -c 'CREATE DATABASE "gql_test_with_admin_secret";' /bin/graphql-engine \ --database-url postgres://gql_test@localhost:5432/gql_test_with_admin_secret serve --access-key "abcd" > /build/_cli_output/server-last-release-secret.log 2>&1 & PID=$! wait_for_port 8080 # test cli HASURA_GRAPHQL_TEST_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8080" HASURA_GRAPHQL_TEST_ADMIN_SECRET="abcd" make test kill -s INT $PID