module Command ( Command (..), TestConfig (..), NameCasing (..), TestOptions (..), ExportDataConfig (..), ExportFormat (..), parseCommandLine, ) where import Control.Arrow (left) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), eitherDecodeStrict') import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text import Data.Version (showVersion) import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API import Options.Applicative import Paths_dc_api qualified as PackageInfo import Servant.Client (BaseUrl, parseBaseUrl) import Prelude data Command = Test TestOptions | ExportOpenAPISpec | ExportData ExportDataConfig data TestConfig = TestConfig { _tcTableNamePrefix :: [Text], _tcTableNameCasing :: NameCasing, _tcColumnNameCasing :: NameCasing } data NameCasing = PascalCase | Lowercase deriving (Eq, Show, Read) data TestOptions = TestOptions { _toAgentBaseUrl :: BaseUrl, _toAgentConfig :: API.Config, _toTestConfig :: TestConfig, _toParallelDegree :: Maybe Int, _toMatch :: Maybe String, _toSkip :: [String], _toDryRun :: Bool, _toExportMatchStrings :: Bool } data ExportDataConfig = ExportDataConfig { _edcDirectory :: FilePath, _edcFormat :: ExportFormat, _edcDateTimeFormat :: Maybe String } data ExportFormat = JSON | JSONLines deriving (Eq, Show, Read) parseCommandLine :: IO Command parseCommandLine = execParser $ info (helper <*> version <*> commandParser) ( fullDesc <> header "Hasura Data Connector Agent Test Utility" ) version :: Parser (a -> a) version = infoOption displayText ( long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Prints the version of the application and quits" <> hidden ) where displayText = "Version " <> showVersion PackageInfo.version commandParser :: Parser Command commandParser = subparser (testCommand <> exportOpenApiSpecCommand <> exportData) where testCommand = command "test" ( info (helper <*> testCommandParser) (progDesc "Executes a suite of tests against an agent to ensure its correct function") ) exportOpenApiSpecCommand = command "export-openapi-spec" ( info (helper <*> pure ExportOpenAPISpec) (progDesc "Exports the OpenAPI specification of the Data Connector API that agents must implement") ) exportData = command "export-data" ( info (helper <*> (ExportData <$> exportDataConfigParser)) (progDesc "Exports the Chinook dataset to files in the specified directory") ) testConfigParser :: Parser TestConfig testConfigParser = TestConfig <$> option jsonValue ( long "table-name-prefix" <> short 't' <> metavar "PREFIX" <> help "The prefix to use for all table names, as a JSON array of strings" <> value [] ) <*> option auto ( long "table-name-casing" <> metavar "CASING" <> help "The casing style to use for table names (PascalCase or Lowercase). Default: PascalCase" <> value PascalCase ) <*> option auto ( long "column-name-casing" <> metavar "CASING" <> help "The casing style to use for column names (PascalCase or Lowercase). Default: PascalCase" <> value PascalCase ) testOptionsParser :: Parser TestOptions testOptionsParser = TestOptions <$> option baseUrl ( long "agent-base-url" <> short 'u' <> metavar "URL" <> help "The base URL of the Data Connector agent to be tested" ) <*> option configValue ( long "agent-config" <> short 's' <> metavar "JSON" <> help "The configuration JSON to be sent to the agent via the X-Hasura-DataConnector-Config header" ) <*> testConfigParser <*> optional ( option positiveNonZeroInt ( long "jobs" <> short 'j' <> metavar "INT" <> help "Run at most N parallelizable tests simultaneously (default: number of available processors)" ) ) <*> optional ( strOption ( long "match" <> short 'm' <> metavar "PATTERN" <> help "Only run tests that match given PATTERN" ) ) <*> many ( strOption ( long "skip" <> short 's' <> metavar "PATTERN" <> help "Skip tests that match given PATTERN" ) ) <*> switch ( long "dry-run" <> help "Skip execution of test bodies" ) <*> switch ( long "export-match-strings" <> help "Exports the hspec match strings without running the tests" ) testCommandParser :: Parser Command testCommandParser = Test <$> testOptionsParser exportDataConfigParser :: Parser ExportDataConfig exportDataConfigParser = ExportDataConfig <$> strOption ( long "directory" <> short 'd' <> metavar "DIR" <> help "The directory to export the data files into" ) <*> option auto ( long "format" <> short 'f' <> metavar "FORMAT" <> help "The format to export (JSON or JSONLines)" ) <*> optional ( strOption ( long "datetime-format" <> metavar "FORMAT" <> help "Format string to use when formatting DateTime columns (use format syntax from" ) ) baseUrl :: ReadM BaseUrl baseUrl = eitherReader $ left show . parseBaseUrl positiveNonZeroInt :: ReadM Int positiveNonZeroInt = auto >>= \int -> if int <= 0 then readerError "Must be a positive, non-zero integer" else pure int configValue :: ReadM API.Config configValue = fmap API.Config jsonValue jsonValue :: FromJSON v => ReadM v jsonValue = eitherReader (eitherDecodeStrict' . Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.pack)