{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.RemoteRelationship ( ToSchemaRelationshipDef (..), trrdRemoteField, trrdLhsFields, trrdRemoteSchema, FieldCall (..), RemoteArguments (..), RemoteFields (..), SchemaRemoteRelationships, RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships (..), rstrsName, rstrsRelationships, ) where import Autodocodec import Autodocodec.Extended (graphQLValueCodec, hashSetCodec) import Control.Lens (makeLenses) import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Types (prependFailure) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended qualified as OM import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger) import Data.Text qualified as T import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Base import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G -- | Metadata representation of a relationship to a remote schema. data ToSchemaRelationshipDef = ToSchemaRelationshipDef { -- | Identifier for this mapping. _trrdRemoteSchema :: RemoteSchemaName, -- | The lhs fields that must be forwarded to the remote schema. _trrdLhsFields :: HashSet FieldName, _trrdRemoteField :: RemoteFields } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) instance NFData ToSchemaRelationshipDef instance Cacheable ToSchemaRelationshipDef instance HasCodec ToSchemaRelationshipDef where codec = object "ToSchemaRelationshipDef" $ ToSchemaRelationshipDef <$> requiredField' "remote_schema" .= _trrdRemoteSchema <*> requiredFieldWith' "lhs_fields" hashSetCodec .= _trrdLhsFields <*> requiredField' "remote_field" .= _trrdRemoteField -- | Targeted field in a remote schema relationship. -- TODO: explain about subfields and why this is a container newtype RemoteFields = RemoteFields {unRemoteFields :: NonEmpty FieldCall} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance NFData RemoteFields instance Cacheable RemoteFields instance HasCodec RemoteFields where codec = named "RemoteFields" $ bimapCodec dec enc $ hashMapCodec argumentsCodec "Remote fields are represented by an object that maps each field name to its arguments." where argumentsCodec :: JSONCodec (RemoteArguments, Maybe RemoteFields) argumentsCodec = object "FieldCall" $ (,) <$> requiredField' "arguments" .= fst <*> optionalField' "field" .= snd dec :: HashMap G.Name (RemoteArguments, Maybe RemoteFields) -> Either String RemoteFields dec hashmap = case HM.toList hashmap of [(fieldName, (arguments, maybeSubField))] -> let subfields = maybe [] (toList . unRemoteFields) maybeSubField in Right $ RemoteFields $ FieldCall {fcName = fieldName, fcArguments = arguments} :| subfields [] -> Left "Expecting one single mapping, received none." _ -> Left "Expecting one single mapping, received too many." enc :: RemoteFields -> HashMap G.Name (RemoteArguments, Maybe RemoteFields) enc (RemoteFields (field :| subfields)) = HM.singleton (fcName field) (fcArguments field, RemoteFields <$> nonEmpty subfields) instance J.FromJSON RemoteFields where parseJSON = prependFailure details . fmap RemoteFields . parseRemoteFields where details = "Remote fields are represented by an object that maps each field name to its arguments." parseRemoteFields = J.withObject "RemoteFields" \hashmap -> case KM.toList hashmap of [(fieldNameKey, callValue)] -> do fieldName <- J.parseJSON $ J.String $ K.toText fieldNameKey callObject <- J.parseJSON callValue arguments <- callObject J..: "arguments" maybeSubField <- callObject J..:? "field" subFields <- fromMaybe [] <$> for maybeSubField \fieldValue -> do remoteFields <- parseRemoteFields fieldValue pure (toList remoteFields) pure $ FieldCall {fcName = fieldName, fcArguments = arguments} :| subFields [] -> fail "Expecting one single mapping, received none." _ -> fail "Expecting one single mapping, received too many." instance J.ToJSON RemoteFields where toJSON (RemoteFields fields) = remoteFieldsJson fields where remoteFieldsJson (field :| subfields) = J.object [ K.fromText (G.unName (fcName field)) J..= J.object ( catMaybes [ Just $ "arguments" J..= fcArguments field, nonEmpty subfields <&> \sf -> "field" J..= remoteFieldsJson sf ] ) ] -- | Associates a field name with the arguments it will be passed in the query. -- -- https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Language.Arguments data FieldCall = FieldCall { fcName :: G.Name, fcArguments :: RemoteArguments } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance NFData FieldCall instance Cacheable FieldCall instance Hashable FieldCall -- | Arguments to a remote GraphQL fields, represented as a mapping from name to -- GraphQL Value. Said values can be variable names, in which case they'll be -- referring to values we're closed over. -- TODO: expand on this newtype RemoteArguments = RemoteArguments { getRemoteArguments :: HashMap G.Name (G.Value G.Name) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Cacheable, NFData) instance Hashable RemoteArguments instance HasCodec RemoteArguments where codec = named "RemoteArguments" $ CommentCodec "Remote arguments are represented by an object that maps each argument name to its value." $ dimapCodec RemoteArguments getRemoteArguments $ hashMapCodec (graphQLValueCodec varCodec) where varCodec = bimapCodec decodeVariable encodeVariable textCodec decodeVariable text = case T.uncons text of Just ('$', rest) | T.null rest -> Left $ "Empty variable name" | otherwise -> onNothing (G.mkName rest) (Left $ "Invalid variable name '" <> T.unpack rest <> "'") _ -> Left $ "Variable name must start with $" encodeVariable name = "$" <> G.unName name instance J.FromJSON RemoteArguments where parseJSON = prependFailure details . fmap RemoteArguments . J.withObject "RemoteArguments" parseObjectFieldsToGValue where details = "Remote arguments are represented by an object that maps each argument name to its value." parseObjectFieldsToGValue keyMap = HM.fromList <$> for (KM.toList keyMap) \(K.toText -> key, value) -> do name <- G.mkName key `onNothing` fail (T.unpack key <> " is an invalid key name") parsedValue <- parseValueAsGValue value pure (name, parsedValue) parseValueAsGValue = \case J.Object obj -> G.VObject <$> parseObjectFieldsToGValue obj J.Array array -> G.VList . toList <$> traverse parseValueAsGValue array J.String text -> case T.uncons text of Just ('$', rest) | T.null rest -> fail $ "Empty variable name" | otherwise -> case G.mkName rest of Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid variable name '" <> T.unpack rest <> "'" Just name' -> pure $ G.VVariable name' _ -> pure (G.VString text) J.Number !scientificNum -> pure $ case floatingOrInteger scientificNum of -- this number couldn't be interpreted as an integer Left (_ :: Float) -> G.VFloat scientificNum -- this number was successfully interpreted as an integer Right n -> G.VInt n J.Bool !boolean -> pure $ G.VBoolean boolean J.Null -> pure G.VNull instance J.ToJSON RemoteArguments where toJSON (RemoteArguments fields) = fieldsToObject fields where fieldsToObject = J.Object . KM.fromList . map (bimap (K.fromText . G.unName) gValueToValue) . HM.toList gValueToValue = \case G.VVariable v -> J.toJSON ("$" <> G.unName v) G.VInt i -> J.toJSON i G.VFloat f -> J.toJSON f G.VString s -> J.toJSON s G.VBoolean b -> J.toJSON b G.VNull -> J.Null G.VEnum s -> J.toJSON s G.VList list -> J.toJSON (map gValueToValue list) G.VObject obj -> fieldsToObject obj type RemoteRelationships r = InsOrdHashMap RelName (RemoteRelationshipG r) data RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r = RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships { _rstrsName :: G.Name, _rstrsRelationships :: RemoteRelationships r } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance J.FromJSON (RemoteRelationshipG r) => J.FromJSON (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) where parseJSON = J.withObject "RemoteSchemaMetadata" \obj -> RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships <$> obj J..: "type_name" <*> (oMapFromL _rrName <$> obj J..:? "relationships" J..!= []) instance J.ToJSON (RemoteRelationshipG r) => J.ToJSON (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) where toJSON RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships {..} = J.object [ "type_name" J..= _rstrsName, "relationships" J..= OM.elems _rstrsRelationships ] instance Cacheable r => Cacheable (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) type SchemaRemoteRelationships r = InsOrdHashMap G.Name (RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships r) $(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''ToSchemaRelationshipDef) $(makeLenses ''RemoteSchemaTypeRelationships) $(makeLenses ''ToSchemaRelationshipDef)